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Transcript of -True Intentions- - Amazon Web Servicesdesire22.s3.amazonaws.com/drama/true-intentions.pdf ·...


-True Intentions-

The 25 Answers To The Most Alarming

Questions You Will Ever Have To Ask Yourself

About Your Man’s True Intentions When It

Comes To You And Your Relationship!


All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © Aaron Fox and DramaMethod.com

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including

photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or

retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.


This book is written for informational purposes only. The author

has made every effort to make sure the information is complete

and accurate. All attempts have been made to verify

information at the time of this publication and the authors do

not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or other

interpretations of the subject matter. The publisher and author

shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or

entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to

be caused directly or indirectly by this book.



Introduction _____________________________________ #5

Q&A #1: Is he leading me on? ________________________ #16

Q&A #2: Is he just using me? _________________________ #18

Q&A #3: Is he lying to me? ___________________________ #20

Q&A #4: Does he just want to use me for sex? _____________ #23

Q&A #5: Is he going to change? _______________________ #26

Q&A #6: Does he even care about my needs? _____________ #28

Q&A #7: Why is he so stubborn and frustrating? ____________ #30

Q&A #8: Why do I always have to push him to do the right things? #31

Q&A #9: Why does he say one thing, but do another? ________ #33

Q&A #10: Why does he twist everything I say around? _______ #34

Q&A #11: Will he ever prioritize me? ____________________ #37

Q&A #12: Why does he always get so defensive, or argue? ____ #38


Q&A #13: Is he going to take responsibility in the relationship? __ #40

Q&A #14: What does it mean when he ignores me? __________ #43

Q&A #15: Am I just a fling to him? _____________________ #46

Q&A #16: Does he really love me? _____________________ #48

Q&A #17: Is he playing mind games? ___________________ #50

Q&A #18: Is he keeping his options open? ________________ #52

Q&A #19: Is he going to marry me? ____________________ #55

Q&A #20: Does he want to break up with me? _____________ #58

Q&A #21: Am I just a friend to him? ___________________ #61

Q&A #22: Is he going to commit to me? _________________ #64

Q&A #23: Is this it? Is this all I am going to get from him? ____ #66

Q&A #24: Why is he just avoiding me or ignoring me? ________ #68

Q&A #25: Why can’t he just be honest and open with me? _____ #71

The Conclusion __________________________________ #74



First of all, let me just say that ALARM BELLS should be ringing in your

head, if you EVER have to ask yourself any of the 25 Alarming Questions,

you’ll find here today, in the first place. You see, within every woman, is an

intuitive nature, that many women IGNORE.

This intuitive nature, is a sense inside of you, that nudges you, to look

deeper into something, because it doesn’t feel right in the first place. Keep

in mind that your intuitive nature, ONLY ever nudges you, when it feels

that something is really not right about whatever is going on around you,

and it pushes you to therefore doubt something, because everything is not

adding up.

But, when things fail to ‘add up’, that’s EXACTLY when you should be

looking into whatever your intuition is having doubts about, because it

means that something is either:

A) About to go horribly wrong

B) Is not as it seems, or

C) Is about to cause you an intense amount of pain and grief.

You might not realize this, but your intuition should be listened to, and

should never be ignored, because of this fact. Why is that?

Well it’s almost ALWAYS right!

It’s your most basic gut instinct, that has taken away all of the fluff, lies,

and filler ideas, and has stripped everything down to the most raw reality.

That’s why your intuition can sense something is wrong… is because it’s


not overcomplicating the reality with how you feel about it, or with what

you want.

It’s simply coming in and saying hey, this isn’t what it should be, look into


But the problem is again, that many women DON’T look into things, when

their gut instinct starts telling them to.

Do you know what most women do?

They ignore it, and avoid it, until the nudge has to completely punch them

in the face, just to get their attention.

Have you ever, for example, gotten into a problem, that you felt like you

KNEW better, but still got involved in that problem anyway?

That’s the EXACT moment when you should realize, that it was your

intuition talking to you, that you were ignoring. That’s how you “KNEW”

better to begin with. Your intuition is the most pure, and raw form of

powerful ‘break through the bull crap’ kind of knowledge that you can

EVER have, as a woman.

This is why it’s extremely important NOT to ignore your gut instinct, or

intuition, and to actually pay attention to those moments when you find

that something just doesn’t ‘feel right’. It’s that FEELING, that is actually a

nudge to tell you to look deeper into the ‘why’. The ‘why’, of course relates

to WHY something might not feel right in the first place.

It’s when you dig, to answer that ‘why’, that you get the REAL answers you

were looking for.

A lot of women, therefore, also end up asking all of the WRONG questions

when it comes to their relationships, because they are busy ignoring the


right questions, because they keep on brushing off their intuition and gut


Now I know you don’t want to seem mistrusting of your man, and you

don’t want to come across as this extremely doubtful woman. But you

KNOW you have doubts floating around, and some of them are

EXTREMELY justified, if you are reading this right now.

There’s a huge difference, therefore, between appearing to be insecure,

untrusting, or doubtful in your man for the wrong reasons- and erring on

the side of caution. That difference of course, has you either ignoring

the reality, or facing it.

Erring on the side of caution, at least has you facing your worst realities,

before they actually become living nightmares. That’s the purpose of

listening to your intuition and gut instinct.

Remember that your ability to have intuition, and to sense that something

is not right, is there to PROTECT you. It’s not there to make your life

miserable, although facing the REAL truth can be hard, you must never

avoid even remotely looking into the truth.

The longer you avoid doing that, the worse your situation becomes,

because it means you leave everything up to the HOPE that your man will

finally say, and do the right things in your relationship, without EVER

finding out if he actually will.

So intuition is one of the biggest and most useful tools you will ever come

across to use, in your relationship, because it can give you insight on

something LONG before anything even becomes a problem. Intuition is

also responsible for any clarity you get AFTER the fact too.


You know how they say hindsight is 20/20, meaning that you can see

things clearly, AFTER the fact? Well that doesn’t just happen for no reason.

If ever there was a reason that you could see, or understand something

clearly after the fact, it’s because you are FINALLY listening to your

intuition, and gut instinct. You are finally trusting it, with its truths and

intense level of honesty about your reality.

That’s why things become clear, after the fact. But you need them to

become CLEAR before everything has turned into an intense storm in your

relationship life, right? Right.

So before I head into the answers to 25 of the most alarming questions

you will ever have to ask yourself about your man and your relationship,

I’d like to offer you some insight on how you can listen to your intuition

from here on out, and how you can tell when it’s actually trying to

communicate a message to you.

Learning how to do this, means that you can answer all 25 of the most

alarming questions in this report, in your future without having to wait,

guess, or feel confused. It also means that you can equally answer any

OTHER pressing question that you might ever have to ask yourself about

your man or your relationship, with ease, and rather quickly.

To help you learn HOW to listen to, and use your own intuition, I’d like to

share a very personal story with you, which will help you greatly.


Now a while ago, I had the honor of listening to Oprah Winfrey speak in

person about the most powerful lessons she had learned throughout her

life, which spoke the hardest to her. It was basically like getting into

Oprah’s head, to find out the most intimate goodies she had picked up

about life, along the way.

When she was speaking, she detailed how although she has had great

success in her life, she has often stood in her own way. She explained how

many times, she wouldn’t deal with a problem, until it had become

disastrous, because she wasn’t listening to her own intuition.

Over the years, she started to notice a very common pattern in all of this,

which was that life gives you whispers, every step of the way, before

something even becomes problematic to begin with.

In fact, she detailed the experience, by explaining it as such:

"I say the universe speaks to us, always, first in whispers. And a whisper in your life usually feels like

'hmm, that's odd.' Or, 'hmm, that doesn't make any sense.' Or, 'hmm, is that right?' It's that subtle. And if

you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head. If you don't pay attention to that, it's like

getting a brick upside your head. You don't pay attention to that—the brick wall falls down. That is the pattern

that I see in my life and so many other people's lives. And so, I ask people, 'What are the whispers? What's whispering to you now?'" — Oprah

What really made it hit home for me, was the fact that Oprah admitted that


in her life, that whisper would come, as a soft whisper. Then it would come

as a brick. But she’d ignore that, until more bricks came, and then formed

into a brick wall. Then she’d hit the wall, but STILL not get the message,

and still not listen to her inner intuition.

She explained how she wouldn’t take the time to listen to her own gut

instinct or intuition, until she was dealing with a catastrophe level of a

problem, and only THEN would she sit down and look into something

finally, because it was MORE than forcing her to by that point.

So there are two points to this story now. The first point, is that even

somebody as successful as Oprah Winfrey, struggled, until she started

listening to her intuition. She was humble enough to admit this, and share

this with a group of strangers, like me, in person.

Why would she do something like that?

Well, because she learned how much easier life became for her, especially

in her relationships with others, once she started listening to the whispers,

BEFORE they became bricks, or catastrophes. Naturally when you find a

solution to something that was holding you back, you feel soo good that

you want to share it with the world, and thankfully, for your sake and

mine, Oprah did just that.

Now I know that you too, are probably struggling, and in fact most women

do, when it comes to listening to their intuition, or “Whispers” as Oprah

aptly named them.


So the second thing you must learn from Oprah’s story, is that those

whispers always come softly at first, and they come exactly as she

described. They come when you find yourself feeling, or stating “Huh…

that’s odd”, or when you find yourself thinking “huh…something’s not right

about that”.

It’s basically in the moments where you find yourself thinking, or feeling

any of the following:

Wow…that’s weird.

Something doesn’t feel right about this.

Something seems strange, but I can’t quite put my finger on it

Is that right?

Is this it?

That’s strange…

I wonder why I am feeling this way…

What’s going on here?


It’s basically the moment where you find yourself curiously WONDERING

what it is that is going on, but not even in an intensely doubtful way. It’s

just a whisper, as noted. It’s a very soft thought, at first. So it is just an

‘idea’… but it’s’ that idea, that is the true whisper, because what it’s really

doing, is it’s trying to ask you to look DEEPER into something.

You see when your internal dialogue starts pointing out how strange,

weird, or peculiar something is, it means that your intuition and gut instinct

are asking you to look DEEPER into that thing.

It’s in those moments that you really do need to stop, and look at

whatever your gut instinct is whispering to you about. When you do this,

what will happen, is you will be able to see the truth, and the reality of

something, before you are too heavily emotionally involved, or before you

are too emotionally attached to see things as they TRULY are.


The thing about this, as well, is that if you ignore that initial thought, or

that initial curiosity… what will happen, is your intuition will continue to

push the subject, harder and harder, until you finally listen to it.

So what will happen, is if you ignore that initial ‘whisper’, where you are

asking yourself why something is making you feel weird out of the blue,

your gut instinct will come back later, and will throw a brick at you, to get

you to listen.

That brick usually comes with a harder lesson, or a bigger problem, related

back to your initial instinct. So now it might be that something is going

wrong in your relationship, or life now, in a strong way. That’s the ‘brick’

upside your head, because you ignored the initial whisper.

What will happen after this, is a ton of other things will continue to go

wrong, if you ignore that brick as well, until finally your problem becomes

so huge, that you have no choice but to stop and ask then, why it’s going

wrong, and what is causing it.

But that’s what intuition is for. It’s there to make you stop and ask these

two questions:

1. Why is this happening?


2. What is going on?


Until or unless you ask these questions, and until or unless you listen to the

ACTUAL answers that come, you will continue to be pressed to look at it,

by your gut instinct, as it tries to get you to listen to reason.

It means that you will experience a ton of pain and anguish, until or unless

you actually stop, and take the time to look into something deeper.

Remember that your intuition is only there to protect you, so if it is being

triggered, that’s because something is compromising your core values, and

needs as an individual.

It ultimately means that something is compromising your ability to actually

be happy. This is why the longer you put off listening to your gut instincts

and intuition, the more miserable you become, ESPECIALLY when you are

in a relationship, and ESPECIALLY when your gut instinct is pointing to

something ‘strange’ or ‘weird’ that it wants you to look into, about your


So now that you know how to recognize when your gut instinct is trying to

tell you to look into something deeper, before it even becomes a huge

problem for you, I want you to consider that, and apply that to your life, as

you head into the 25 answers to the most alarming questions you will ever

have to ask yourself.

Keep in mind, for your own future that any time you are having to ask

yourself an ‘alarming’ question to begin with, it means that your intuition is

asking you to look into the deeper reality, and is asking you to take your

emotions out of the mix, so that you can see what is going on.


Sometimes you actually have to suspend how you feel about a guy, and

how badly you want to be with him, to actually clearly look at your

situation in a logical manner. The 25 answers you are about to learn, will

actually help get you started on logically approaching your situation, with

an intense level of honesty and reality, so that you can finally start listening

to your intuition to solve your own relationship dilemmas.

Remember, therefore, that these answers are not designed to make you

depressed, or feel bad about your situation. If your man is guilty in a

negative way, of some of the things which are about to be revealed to you,

then I want you to know that there is only one way to go, from here, once

you learn that.

What way is that?

It’s upwards.

You see, you can’t actually solve a problem or dilemma in your relationship

life, if you don’t actually want to admit or SEE that there is a problem in

the first place. So the first step is to get brutally honest with yourself, and

to listen to your intuition, to actually see the TRUE reality of your

relationship, and your man, in relation to yourself.

The next step then, is to take a course of action once you actually know

what is TRULY going on. So this information is designed to help you break

through the garbage, to finally get what you are looking for. But you can

only do that, if you first welcome in a certain level of brutal, but necessary

honesty, about your situation and circumstance.


Now I know some of the things you are about to learn, are hurtful, so I

want you to remember that it’s better to learn these things NOW, than to

ignore that fact, and to pretend that some of these things aren’t going on

in your relationship. Ignoring over and over again, what is actually

happening, means that you set yourself up for a calamity, that you can’t

escape from.

Don’t wait until everything becomes so intensely bad, before you finally sit

down to look at it, or before you finally accept things as they are in your

relationship. The sooner you directly deal with the truth, the better,

because then you know where you stand, and then you know where you

want to be after that.

So then you can decide if your man is going to be the guy to do that for

you or you can decide if he isn’t, very clearly, without a ton of guesswork,

doubts, or confusion anymore.

Remember to trust your instinct, because it has YOUR best interest in

mind, and nobody on this planet will EVER have your best interest in mind,

as much as YOU will. That’s why you must listen to yourself first, before

you ever listen to anything else.

So without further ado, here are the 25 Answers to the “Most Alarming

Questions” you will ever have to ask yourself, about your man’s true

intentions when it comes to you and your relationship…


Alarming Question #1: Is he leading me on?

If a man is telling you what you want to hear, every step of the way, to

such an extent, that you find he’s all talk, but no game, then yes… yes he


You see, a man can be caught in the act, if his words are all sweet talk,

and seem a lot like everything you want to hear, but conveniently when it

comes to action time, he’s a now show to his own party!

What this means, is that you can tell if a guy is leading you on in ANY way,

with his words, if he doesn’t back them up, with a matching or proper


This reality also involves a man conveniently saying EXACTLY what you

wanted to hear, and making all kinds of fanciful statements and verbal

promises, exactly when you are trying to point out something that he is

doing wrong.

It’s basically his way of trying to get you off his back, and again, means he

is leading you on, because he has NO intentions of following through with

those words, in a time where they are being spoken during a heated

moment with you.

Telling you what you want to hear, but not matching that with any actions,

means that a guy NEVER intended to EVER follow through on his words,

but he only said them to get YOU to do something for him.

He might be doing that, to get you to stop pressuring him into something.


He might be doing that to get you to stick around longer, so he can use


Either way, a guy’s intentions are NOT good, and are selfish, if he fails to

match his words up to his actions, and if he especially is filled with a lot of

sweet talk, but a lot of disappointment when it comes to actually delivering

that sweet talk.

Never, therefore, just listen to what a guy is saying, ESPECIALLY if it

sounds like a lot of sweet talk, fantasy/wishful thinking, or consists of a lot

of things that sound like EXACTLY what you want to hear.

Real men, who have honest and good intentions, do not have to go around

always saying what you want to hear, and in fact they DON’T do that,

because they would prefer to actually be REAL and honest with you.

You are not dealing with a real guy, if he always seems to have the right

thing to say, at any given moment, but never follows through with those

words when it comes to his actions.

Remember that genuine men, who mean well for you and the relationship,

don’t need to do that, because they know that by being open, real, and

honest with you, they’d accomplish a lot more, than by sitting around

telling you what you want to hear. They also take action MORE than they

talk. It means they are ALL action, instead of words.

That’s how you tell, therefore, if your guy is just leading you on.


Alarming Question #2: Is he just using me?

Now this does NOT just refer to intimately. You see there are 3 ways that a

guy can use you:

He can use you financially, sexually, and emotionally.

This means that a guy might use you for emotional support, when it’s

convenient for him. He might use you financially, because that’s easy for

him. He might even use you as his own personal ‘friend with intimate


Either way, though, you can tell that he’s just using you, if any of the

following criteria is met:

He takes something from you, but does not give back to you even

remotely. So he borrows money, but never returns it?

He takes up a lot of your time, but conveniently has NO time for you

in return?

He wants to receive intimacy from you, but won’t give it in return?

He can call you whenever he pleases, but you can’t call him when

you want?

Do you see the point here yet?


He always has excuses as to why he can’t do something for you in

return, but magically has 10,000 reasons as to why you should do

things for him?

He gets mad at you, if you ask him for something, like a

commitment, or a promise, or to help you. How dare you even ask

him to do something for you!

He avoids having to be held accountable or responsible for his side of

the relationship, and his role in the relationship. If you point out

something he is doing wrong, or isn’t doing enough of, magically he

twists your words so that he’s no longer at fault, or has to be held

responsible for those things?

Responsibility dodging is another hint that he is just using you,

because it means he’s trying to avoid having to take anything


He fails to keep his commitments, and even dodges the entire

subject of commitment with all kinds of excuses, reasons, or road

blocks as to why he just can’t right now?

Again, if this is what your guy sounds like, or acts like, it DOES mean that

he is just using you.

Men who DON’T use you, have NO problems stepping up to the plate to

take responsibility for their side, and their half of the relationship. They

don’t avoid taking action, and they especially don’t avoid returning favors

to you, or allowing you to get your needs met, on an equal and FAIR

playing field in the relationship.


Men who aren’t using you, do a lot of GIVING, a lot of LISTENING, and a

lot of ACTING for you, and on your behalf in the relationship. They don’t

have to be nagged or coaxed every step of the way, or asked 20 billion

times, to do something.

They want to do it, because again they aren’t just using you. They are

there for the long haul, so they make sure that you are taken care of.

Men who use you, ONLY ever make sure that THEY are taken care of.

That’s why we call them selfish, because they truly are. It’s all about what

they need, when they need it… but conveniently when you need

something, they are nowhere to be found.

That’s how you know if a man is using it, and if he is, you need to cut off

his SUPPLY pronto. What does ‘cutting off his supply’ mean?

It means that you cut off his access to you, your time, and anything else

you normally have to offer. Make him earn it. Don’t just hand it out

because he demanded it, or asked for it. Make your man earn what you

have to offer, with not just his words or demands. Make him earn that

from you with his ACTIONS.

Alarming Question #3: Is he lying to me?

If you have to ask this… honestly, he is!

If you EVER even remotely have a doubt about this, it means that he is.

You see, there’s a powerful reason why I mentioned intuition before, and

it’s because of this EXACT question. You see, by the time you find yourself

wondering if your man is being honest with you, or if he is telling you the


truth… it means that your gut instinct has come in and said “hey wait a

minute here, something isn’t adding up!”.

Why is your gut instinct saying that?

Well you see, the truth NEVER contradicts itself, and your gut instinct

ONLY ever comes out to play, when something is contradicting itself.

The truth cannot be argued, or contradicted. It simply just is.

So if you find yourself having arguments or contradictions to anything that

your man is saying or doing, it means one thing, and one thing only: he’s

not telling you the whole story.

Now he could be omitting details, but this is what I like to call “lying by

omission”. It means that your man refuses to tell you what you actually

need to know, and therefore is completely comfortable with you believing

anything BUT what you actually need to know.

What is that so?

Well if he doesn’t tell you the whole story, or if he omits details, it means

that you have to come in and make assumptions from your end to fill the

gaps. Your man of course, knows that your assumptions are not entirely

correct, but is COMPLETELY ok with you assuming that.

That’s obviously not good, if your man is OK with you believing or thinking

the wrong things. Why would a man need you to believe or think the

wrong things?


Well, a man only needs to do that if he is trying to avoid having to lie in

the first place.

This is why it’s called lying by omission… because if he was to tell you

details about something, he’d ultimately be lying to you. So he lies instead,

in another way, by failing to reveal certain details.

So there are two kinds of lying. Direct lying, where he outright tells you

something false, and then lying by omission, where he avoids telling you

the truth and allows you to believe whatever you want to believe even if

that’s not correct.

Now again, any time you have to ask yourself “is my man lying to me”? It

means that SOMETHING he is saying or doing, is contradicting the

ORIGINAL message he sent you.

So again, it means that somewhere, he hasn’t told you EVERYTHING, and

hasn’t been completely honest. Trust your gut instinct on this one, because

it’s 100% accurate in this case.

Now it’s up to you to figure out what you want to do after this, once you

have realized the fact that any time you find a contradiction, or any time

you can argue something your man is saying, it means that he is lying to


That’s up to you if you want to confront him, or if you want to dig deeper

for information, or if you just want to drop it. But I would recommend here

and now, that you actually don’ t try to press your man directly for


information, because it’s very clear that the more direct you try to be, the

more he tries to hide whatever it is from you.

So the key here is to go in another route, indirectly, and to work your way

around it. That, or just don’t put up with that and withdraw, because

honestly if this is what is going on in your relationship, you DO deserve


Now the main Drama Method program, which you received alongside this

report, has a section discussing how to get a guy to vomit out all of his

lies. You can find that information in Chapter 27 of the main Drama

Method program.

Alarming Question #4: Does he just want to use me for sex?

If you find that the ONLY thing your man ever prioritizes, puts emphasis

one, makes time for, or wants to talk about is simply SEX, then YES, he is

just using you for sex.

If the only thing he can ever concentrate on, is the physical aspect of the

relationship, your body, your looks, and more, it means that he ONLY

wants to use you for sex.

If he completely dodges the topic of committing further to you, such as in

becoming more exclusive to you, marrying you, or basically any heavy

commitment related subject, then it also means that he is just using you

for sex.


If he sexualizes almost everything, such as turning everything ‘dirty’ no

matter what topic of subject you are on, or turning everything into

something sexual, no matter what you are doing, then yes, he is all about

the sex… and is just using you for that.

If he only cares about HIMSELF during intimacy, and only seems to want to

satisfy and please himself, then again, he is just using you for sex.

If he only conveniently appears in your life, when he wants to get some

intimacy, then again, he is JUST using you for sex.

A man who is NOT using you for sex, would be MORE THAN comfortable

with non-sexual subjects, and activities with you. This means that he

wouldn’t mind just cuddling, or watching a movie, without turning it into

something sexual.

This means that a man who is NOT using you for sex would spend a

GREAT DEAL of time with you outside of the bedroom. He takes you out,

he hangs out with you, and he spends time with you in a genuine way.

A guy who is just using you for sex, however, turns all of your dates

together, into a ‘let’s stay at home’ reality, and barely ever takes you out.

He doesn’t waste time trying to take you anywhere, because again, his

only concern is what happens in or around the bedroom, sexually.

A man who doesn’t just want you for sex, however, will court you properly,

and will have no issues taking you out to have fun, and spend genuine


time together.

A guy who is just using you for sex will also find convenient excuses or

ways to get out of any topic that does not immediately relate back to his

need for sexual validation from you.

This means that even when you want to have a normal or serious

conversation with such a man, he will quickly dodge the topic, and will

twist your words so that everything is back in HIS control again.

He will also clearly tell you that he only just wants to take things slow, or

that he doesn’t want to ruin what you have by getting into a deeper

relationship with you.

He will basically tell you all kinds of things, that pertain back to how being

together beyond a level of just intimacy, is somehow bad, or the wrong

thing for you and this man.

That’s a bunch of crap, honestly. It’s not the wrong thing, and you know it.

Your gut instinct is telling you that he’s trying to feed you some bull crap.

Your job then is to throw that garbage out, to the curb, because you are

not a doormat, and you especially are not a temporary solution for some

guys’ idea of a fling.

You are a real woman, who has a lot of value to offer. Make him see that,

by cutting off his supply to you, in the first place. This means that you only

give in to a man, when he has earned it fist. This is true EVEN if you have


slept with a man. Remember that there is ALWAYS more for him to get and

receive from you.

Just because a guy slept with you, this doesn’t mean that he’s gotten all

that there is to receive from you. Therefore, if you want guys to see you as

more than just a sex object, you need to put your foot down, and need to

draw clear boundaries, and you do this by making a man work to earn

intimacy from you, instead of handing it to him prematurely.

Alarming Question #5: Is he going to change?

Well, yes and no. What kind of change are you looking for?

If you are looking for him to change any of the things that have just been

listed so far, then he will ONLY change if you put your foot down for once,

where it counts.

If a man is really driving you up the wall, and is doing things like lying to

you, using you, or leading you on, then it’s not HIM who needs to change,

but it’s YOU!

Now either you need to change your standards, or your boundaries, or you

need to change your guy.

If he is really bent on being the worst possible human being he possibly

can around you, as he proceeds to take you for granted, and as he

proceeds to treat you like a piece of garbage… using you, and then

throwing you away, then you need to re-evaluate why it is that you are

even bothering with such a man.


Love can only go so far. Forget the whole “but I love him” argument. Do

you really love him?

He’s a nasty guy. He’s treating you like garbage. Do you love that?

Heck no! What you love then, is the idea of what could be… but that’s only

an idea.

NEVER love an idea. Love things that actually exist, and work with that is

actually happening.

Ideas are nice, but if you hang onto them heavily, you will find yourself

constantly feeling crushed over and over again around your man. There

has to therefore, be a mix of reality.

If you are wondering if your man will ever change, and if he will ever do

the right things for once, this means that you are sitting around, waiting

and HOPING that he will get the point and will do it.

But if you have reached a level where you have to wait and HOPE that

your man will, it means that he won’t.

You see a guy either does something, or he doesn’t. There is no ‘maybe’.

Forget MAYBE. IT doesn’t exist. Either he’s doing what he’s supposed to, or

he is misbehaving like a little brat in the relationship.

You cannot work off of ‘maybe’s or ‘what ifs’ anymore. You need to work

with what is going on. If your man is not changing, it means he doesn’t

want to. Forget what he is TELLING you. Look at his actions.


If he says he wants to be with you, yet every step of the way he is actually

resisting strongly, it means that he WON’T change, because if he truly

wanted to be with you, he’d be matching that intention with actions.

Thus, you can tell if a man truly wants to change by looking at whether or

not his actions are matching his intentions. If he tells you that he INTENDS

to do something, but magically never does it, it means he’s not going to


So your option then is to either accept that, or to simply move on. But you

can’t fight it. You can’t fight it, again, because your man never intended on

changing to begin with, so no amount of arguing, fighting, or attempts to

‘convince’ him into changing will work then.

A man who actually wants to change, will do what he said. There are no

if’s, and’s or butt’s about it. He will just DO it. Remember that.

Alarming Question #6: Does he even care about my feelings or wants?

Another way of asking this same question, is to ask if he is always going to

be THIS selfish.

Well a man can ONLY be extremely selfish and can ONLY disregard your

feelings, and your desires, if you let him walk all over you to do that in the

first place.

A man can only ever use you as well, if you give him permission to do that.


This might sound strange, but if a guy is acting extremely selfishly, it’s

because he feels like you have ALLOWED him to do that. Part of a man

acting selfishly, appears in the behaviour of usury.

Usury, means that your man is using you for something, but doesn’t give

back to you. So it’s all about him, him, and more him…

He will disregard what you want, as he prioritizes his needs, wants, and

feelings first every single time.

But a man only EVER acts this way, if you have given him the power, and

therefore permission to do this in the first place.

Giving a man permission to misbehave like this, means that you actually

rewarded him for his poor behaviour. This means that when a man puts

himself first all of the time, that you actually LET him do it, because you

still stick around and entertain his needs, wants, and desires, even if that

means that yours get pushed aside.

The solution here, therefore is to not actually reward your man when he

starts to act extremely selfishly. Just back away emotionally, and don’t give

him too much attention during these moments, so that he doesn’t feel like

you are PERMITTING him to be extremely selfish.

That’s how you remind him that there are TWO people in the relationship,

and not just one.


Alarming Question #7: Why is he so stubborn and frustrating?

Men resist you the most, when they feel like you are trying to force them

to do something, in the first place.

Basically, any time your man feels like you are trying to push him to do

something, or as though you are not even giving him a CHOICE, he will

become stubborn, and frustrating beyond belief.

It doesn’t even matter if a guy is in the wrong, because if you are trying to

push him to do the right thing, he will EVEN resist that.


Again, men hate being told what to do. They like to feel like they are in

control. They don’t like being given ultimatums, or being bossed around,

especially in a relationship.

So if you find that your man is acting as stubborn as a mule, and is

becoming heavily frustrating and resistant to you, or the relationship, it’s

because you are putting too much pressure on him in the wrong way.

The best way to reach a man, is not to tell him what to do, not to demand

it, and not to give ultimatums.

You must instead nudge him and encourage him to do the right thing, by

letting him, know that you appreciate it when he does it, and by letting him

know that you’d LIKE for him to do something, but that you don’t NEED

him to do it.


Needing a man to do something, makes a man feel like he isn’t even

allowed to have a choice. You must give your man the illusion that he at

least has a choice, even remotely, otherwise he feels trapped. You do this

by telling a man that you would like for him to do something, but without

telling him that you NEED him to do it.

Alarming Question #8: Why am I always having to push him to do the

right things?

If you find yourself always having to push your man to do the right things,

almost to the point where you are having to take him by the hand every

step of the way, just to get him to do it, it means that your man really

doesn’t WANT to do it.

This is true no matter what aspect of your relationship you are dealing

with, from commitment, to honesty, to sharing etc… if your man is NOT

doing it, and you always have to tell him to do it, push him, or try to

‘convince’ him, it simply means that he doesn’t want to do it.

So why don’t men want to do things in the relationship, and why do

women always have to push their men to do the right thing?

Well part of the reason is that men are not POSITIVELY motivated to want

to do the right things in the first place. If a man is hesitating, or if he isn’t

taking action on his own accord without you first having to push him, or

punish him into doing it, it’s because he doesn’t feel motivated positively to

do it.


Why doesn’t a man feel motivated? Well he’s either scared of doing it,

because he feels like it’s going to make things worse for him, or he doesn’t

feel like he needs to.

If a man is scared of doing the right thing, such as being honest for

example, that’s because you would have made it so hard for him to do that

in the first place before, which means that now he fears being honest

means that you will argue with him, fight with him, or will punish him.

If a man, however, feels like he doesn’t need to do something, but isn’t

actually afraid of doing it, that’s because you have given him SO much,

already, that now he doesn’t feel like he even has to do the right thing to

earn more.

What does this truly mean?

Well it means that a man will basically put his feet up, will relax, and will

take you for granted if he feels like you will give him what he wants, even

if he is misbehaving. Why should he work to do the right thing, if you are

still going to give him attention, and the time of day, even if he


Thus the only two reasons why a man has to be PUSHED into doing the

right things, is if you are not motivating him to want that, by either:

A) Rewarding him prematurely, before he even did anything right, or

B) Scaring him away from feeling motivated to do the right thing, by

punishing him, even when he does.


So the key here is to stop standing in your own way then, and instead of

concentrating on trying to force him or push him into doing the right thing,

work now on concentrating on your own behaviour that is PREVENTING

him from feeling motivated in the first place.

If you are standing in your own way, get out of your own way, which

means you must stop making it difficult for your man to do the right thing,

by freaking out, arguing or worse if he does.

You must also not DISREGARD any GOOD progress your man has made in

your relationship so far, by suggesting that any progress is still not enough,

or isn’t good enough for you. Allow small successes, so that your man can

feel rewarded, to want to do more of the right stuff in the future.

Likewise, if you give in to your man, even when he is misbehaving, you

must stop, because the rewards him negatively, and tells him that he will

get MORE from you, if he misbehaves.

Alarming Question #9: Why does he say one thing, but do another?

If a man is saying one thing, but is doing another, it’s because he is

concentrating on what he wants to have happen in the NOW.

What does that mean?

Well, if a guy is saying something, such as in the example of saying what

you want to hear, but then doesn’t follow through with action afterward, it


means that he is ONLY saying that thing, in the moment, to get what he

wants from you in the moment.

This is why a lot of men utilize the ‘say what she wants to hear’ reality,

wherein they basically say anything, and everything, as long as it will work

to get what they want from you, IN the moment.

The solution to this, is therefore simple. Do not accept his words. In fact,

deny them, and do not take them very seriously. If anything, take them

with a grain of salt, and gently remind your man that you need more than

just pretty words for your relationship.

Ultimately what this means, is that you don’t accept whatever your man is

saying, until or unless he backs it up with actions. You know how they say

that actions say a thousand words?

That’s about it. Go for his actions, and completely dodge ever having to

take only his WORDS as his bond ever again. That way you will never have

the problem of a man saying one thing, but doing another ever again, AND

you will get what YOU want in the moment, finally.

Alarming Question #10: Why does he twist everything I say around?

If a man is twisting everything you say around, it means that he has

ulterior motives. Now before you end up feeling bad about this, there are

two circumstances in which a man will twist your words around, based on

his ulterior motives.


The first circumstance, is when he wants to be selfish, and thus twists

everything in HIS favor, to ensure that everything becomes about him. You

can notice that a man is doing this, when he finds ways to turn YOUR

problems into a discussion about HIS problems, by twisting your words

around, to make it about himself.

This circumstance usually ends up being an experience, wherein you

started to try to talk about your feelings, your concerns, or your problems

in the relationship, or even in general, but suddenly you find your man

twisting everything you said, and then suddenly he’s talking about his

problems, and his concerns.

That’s when you know that your man is doing it for selfish reasons, and the

ulterior motive here, is simply attention seeking. Thus, your man turns

everything into a conversation about himself, or is twisting what you say,

so that again, you give him attention, and so that everything becomes

about HIM.

The second circumstance of a man twisting your words, is when he wants

to avoid having to directly take responsibility for something. This means

that he’s looking to avoid having to admit a fault, so he will twist your

words around, to paint him as no longer being wrong.

Men do this when they want to avoid having to follow through with

commitments, or promises, or when they want to get out of having to be

held accountable in their relationship.

The ulterior motive here, is to avoid a problem, and to avoid having to be

blamed as being the cause of that problem as well. So in this case, when


you find your man twisting your words, it will be to actually place the

blame, accountability, and fault, on anything and ANYONE else, but


So you will find him twisting the words, so that he magically is no longer to

blame, or so that he magically has an wonderful excuse or reason as to

why he’s truly not responsible for the problem.

Either way, the theme of BOTH circumstances is this: if your man is

twisting your words around, it means that he’s trying to dodge something.

He might be trying to dodge having to give you any attention, or he might

be trying to dodge having to acknowledge something that you’re trying to

point out.

In this case, what you should do, is you should emotionally calm down in

the circumstance, so that you don’t freak out and argue a ton, only further

validating his point of turning the attention AWAY from the actual topic at


Back away from the subject, if he starts doing this, therefore and tell your

man clearly, in this moment that you will come back to the topic, once he

has calmed down, and once he is ready to listen.

You then pull away emotionally and physically, to let him know that you

will not reward him for that kind of bizarre and cruel behaviour.


Doing this draws a clear boundary that tells him, it’s not fine if he

negatively twists everything you say around, so that he doesn’t have to

deal with certain things, when it’s convenient for him.

Alarming Question #11: Will he ever prioritize me?

If your man prioritizes his family, his job, his dog, and even things like his

dirty laundry needing to be washed, above you, then the first thing you

need to know about this, is that your man clearly does NOT want to

prioritize you.

If you find him giving importance to everyone, and everything, EXCEPT

you, then you are quite literally the least important thing in his mind, and

his life.

But this doesn’t mean that your man will NOT prioritize you. You see, it’s

simple. If a guy is treating everything, but you, as being important in his

life, it means that he is taking you for granted on an EXTREME scale.

That’s what causes a guy to lose appreciation for your value and

importance in a relationship, is when he feels like you will always be there,

no matter what he does.

What happens once a man feels this way, is he starts to relax, and take it

easy, as he begins to pay attention and give priority to everything but you.

Why does he do that?


Again, it’s because he feels like you will always be there for him, to hold his

hand, baby him, and love him through thick and thin.

But this isn’t the kind of ‘thin’ you should be putting up with. This is the

kind of ‘thin’ you should be avoiding, because it means that you ultimately

are giving your man permission to treat you like a human doormat.

The solution in this case, therefore, is to pull away, again. You are not

going to reward a man for all the wrong things. He cannot appreciate you,

if you are always giving in to him, and are always ‘there’ for him, even

when he hasn’t earned that right from you.

Is prioritizing everybody and everything else but you, a good reason to

give in to your man? Just think about that for a while, and let that question

sink in, because until or unless you answer that question with an

astounding “NO”, you need to re-evaluate your own priorities as well.

Remember that your needs and wants are important in a relationship too.

Alarming Question #12: Why does he always get so defensive, or

argue everything?

A man gets defensive, and begins to argue everything, even if it’s the

smallest of things, when he feels like you simply just don’t ‘get’ his side, or

when he feels like you simply don’t get him.


Men will often become rather difficult, and argumentative, when they feel

like they’ve already explained things to you 10,000 times over again, but

you still haven’t gotten the message they are trying to send.

By the time a man is becoming defensive or is arguing, it means that he’s

actually giving up, emotionally, on trying to ‘care’ about whether or not you

understand his side. It means that he will just get nasty, and will argue

now, because he no longer has the patience to be nice about his viewpoint

or his perspective.

Keep in mind that a guy only ever gets this way, after trying, but FAILING

to communicate a need, or a message to you NUMEROUS times over and


A man never gets overly argumentative or defensive, if he hasn’t already

first felt like he’s gone through the communication wringer. A man also

does this, as noted, when he feels like you simply don’t understand him.

That makes a man really feel like you only care about yourself, and thus he

starts to disregard your feelings, your stance, and your opinions, because

he feels like you only care about yourself.

Why does he feel that way? Well, he’s tried to get you to understand his

side, and his needs so many times now, but you keep confusing the

message, or keep disregarding everything he’s said.

The key here, therefore is to listen to your man, without involving your

personal emotions, or without taking it personally in the future.


It’s when you take the things he is saying personally, that you turn it into

something about yourself, and thus cannot hear the message, or cannot

understand what it is that your man is trying to communicate about


Almost always, therefore the solution in this case, is to simply listen better,

and to listen not just with your ears, but with your actions as well, because

men hate having to tell you over and over, and over again, what to do, or

what they mean.

They also hate when you take everything they say personally, which means

that they become defensive, because you again, are taking it far too

personal, and now they have to defend themselves because of that fact.

Alarming Question #13: Is he going to take responsibility in the


Are you dealing with a dodgy guy, the kind of guy who never seems to

want to take responsibility for HIS half of the relationship?

Does he skip out on all of the chores that are involved in the relationship?

Does he avoid having to be held accountable for the things he promised, or

said he would do?

Does he break his promises, or does he always make YOU do all of the

work in the relationship?

Do you, for example, find yourself being the only one who budgets, or

takes care of the finances in the relationship, meanwhile he depends on


you to do that for him?

Do you also, for example, find your man expecting you to hold the

relationship together, fix all of the problems, and to care the MOST when it

comes to your future together?

Do you furthermore, as another example, notice that your man will

sometimes hurt you, cause arguments, or worse… but never wants to

apologize, never wants to admit he was wrong, and therefore never wants

to take responsibility for his own actions or role in the problems that occur

in your relationship?

If your man is doing any of the above, it basically appears as though he is

not intent on taking responsibility for HIS side of the relationship.


But what you should know about this, is that it’s not a permanent reality. If

he’s currently avoiding having to be held accountable for his own role in

the relationship, especially when it comes to the actions he does or does

not take to help sustain the relationship, you must do one thing, and one

thing only.

What is that thing?

You must cut off his supply.

If you feel like, again, you are the only one pulling your weight in the

relationship, you are the only one holding it together, and you are the only

one sustaining its future, you need to give LESS, then.


As noted in the previous points, a man becomes extremely arrogant when

a woman starts to do everything for him, and he begins to take her for

granted, as he sits back, relaxes, and lets her take over everything.

That’s not what you want, is it? Heck no. So don’t allow that to be. It’s OK

to be concerned, to care, and to want your future to work out, but you

CANNOT be the ONLY person ever worrying about your future, or ever

working toward it.

If your man is lazing off, and if he is refusing to take responsibility for his

role in the relationship, what you do, is you LOWER the intensity of your

role, so that he finally can get some sense knocked into him.

This means that you don’t care MORE than he does anymore. You don’t

support him financially MORE than he supports you anymore. You don’t

come in and love him MORE than he loves you either.

You withhold that, until he finally starts to take over his side of the role.

It’s that simple.

Failure to do this, means that he will NOT ever take responsibility for his

side of the role in the relationship, because you will be taking over every

role on his behalf, thus you won’t be giving him any room to actually do it



Alarming Question #14: What does it mean when he ignores me?

If a man is ignoring you, it means one of two things:

Reason #1: he is punishing you for bad behaviour.


Reason #2: he is taking you for granted.

Now when a man is punishing you for bad behaviour, as with reason #1,

what this actually means, is this:

He’s tried to communicate to you, a few times over now, that something

you’ve been doing or saying is bothering him. You’ve completely missed

the message, so now he’s pulled away to force you to recognize your

behaviour on your own.

It’s important to note that a man will only try so hard, when it comes to

trying to convince a woman that some of her behaviour is hurting him.

This is why it’s extremely important to listen to a man not just with your

ears, but with intention to actually hear what it is that he actually needs.

This means that you shouldn’t take what he says personally, if he’s

criticizing one of your actions, but should rather consider what it means to

him, to be bringing that up in the first place.

Men don’t criticize for no reason, or out of the blue. They always have a

reason, and almost always if they are bringing up a behaviour of yours for

the first or second time, it means that it is REALLY bothering them, and

they are asking you to look into it, because it is hurting them.


Now when you refuse to listen, or get their point, a man pulls away…

because he’s a human, and he’s got a limited threshold for pain. In this

instance, what you must do, is you must actually look back to the

immediate things he was asking you to change, or consider before he

pulled away.

You might have to look back into previous discussions before, because a

man will never directly explain why he is ignoring you. He will just ignore

you. That’s why you have to dig back further into his requests or

statements, so that you can find what it was that he was actually trying to


You can tell that a man is ignoring you this way, if he starts to grow more

and more irritated, agitated, and short tempered with you, over a period of

time leading up to him ignoring you.

Basically he will be indicating in his temperament that you clearly are

irritating him, or are making him upset. It will be very clear in his mood, his

tone, and his actions leading up to him ignoring or avoiding you.

Now if he is, however, ignoring you for reason #2, wherein he is taking

you for granted, you will NOT notice that he is growing short tempered,

annoyed, or agitated.

Instead, you will just simply notice that your man avoids you, and ignores

you out of nowhere, with no explanation, and with no reason.

There will not even be so much of a hint or inkling either, which means he


will basically just withdraw out of nowhere. In these cases, a man does

that, when he’s had his ‘fill’ of you, and therefore pulls away because he’s

had enough.

Now this doesn’t mean that he’s had his ‘fill’ in a negative way, but quite

the opposite. When a man starts to ignore or avoid you because he’s

taking you for granted, it’s because he’s gotten what he wanted, and now

he’s doing his own thing.

In these cases, what you must do, is you must refuse to give him anything

further, until he first starts to give you a return, from his end. This means

that you don’t give him attention anymore, until he gives you attention

properly first.

It means that you don’t call him a lot, or contact him heavily, and allow

him to step up to the plate to do that himself. Changing your behaviour

this way, helps to remove a man’s ability to ignore you or avoid you in the

future, because it doesn’t reward him for his bad behaviour once again.

So the key here, again, is that if a guy gets moody before he ignores you,

it means that it’s something you are doing. If he doesn’t get moody, but

just randomly pulls away, ESPECIALLY if things seem ok, then it’s because

he’s taking you for granted.

The solution in both cases is to again look at what it is that you are doing,

that is fueling that behaviour, and to stop it.


Alarming Question #15: Am I just a fling to him?

If your guy always avoids, or dodges the subject of commitment, the

answer is yes.

If your guy ONLY concentrates on the NOW, and the temporary, and

refuses to discuss the future, or the long term, then the answer is, again,

an astounding yes!

If you find your guy doing any of the following as well, then the answer is

ALSO yes:

Only concentrating on the physical or sexual relationship, and not

working on fulfilling any of your other relationship needs or wants.

Making excuses as to why he can’t give you more, such as in the fact

that he wants to take it slow, or doesn’t want to ruin what you have


Refuses to allow you to meet anybody serious in his life, such as his

family, friends, or coworkers. He basically hoards you to himself,


Keeps secrets about his personal life, so that you barely know

anything about him as an individual. Such as not really knowing

where he works, or what he does, and more.

He refuses to plan anything in the future, and mostly tries to play

everything by ear, thus reducing any ability for attachment from his



He basically has you at his beck and call, and you do everything on

HIS terms, and HIS time, when HE wants to. You can only talk to

him, when he wants you to. You can only hang out, when HE wants


He always tells you what you want to hear, but his actions don’t

really match his words.

He doesn’t like you using words like ‘us’, or ‘we’, and therefore tries

to also prevent you from talking about your relationship. He hates

you defining him as belonging to you in any way.


Thus, the basic theme here is simple: if the guy is really not doing anything

remotely RELATIONSHIP related, it means that he is treating you like a

fling, and yes, you are a fling to him.

Guys who don’t want a fling, take the time to get to know you. They share

their personal life. They do things on YOUR time, and listen to your needs.

They have NO problems with you talking about the relationship, and your

togetherness seriously. They in fact enjoy that.

They also plan into the future, and even want to KNOW what their future

with you will be like.

So if your guy is not doing that, and avoids doing that, it means that he

only wants to treat you like a fling. What you need to do in that case, is


refer back to the main Drama Method program, wherein I give you a

method to fling-proof your relationship, in Chapter 27.

Alarming Question #16: Does he really love me?

Again, if you have to ask yourself this question, it means that you actually

feel that he does not. If you have to ask yourself this question, it means

that your man is not PROVING with his actions, that he loves you either.

You see, if you find yourself questioning whether or not a man truly loves

you, it’s either because:

A) His actions are not matching his words, and thus he is not proving to

you properly that he does,


B) He has a very selfish kind of love, wherein it’s all about HIM and his


Now if your man’s actions are not matching your words, this doesn’t mean

entirely that he doesn’t love you. It just means that you are either not

motivating him enough to follow through on his intentions, promises, or

words, or that you are making it hard for him to do that.

In this case, it means that even if a man did love you, you’d never really be

able to see that in his actions, because you are standing in your own way.

Now throughout this report, I’ve mentioned the fact that guys have a

tendency to take you for granted if you give in too much to them, without

first making them work for that in the first place.


This is where it’s important to note that love means a completely different

thing to a man. If a man loves you, he might NOT fulfill all of your needs, if

you allow him to take you for granted.

Again you never want your man to be sitting around thinking that you are

always going to be there to love him, no matter what. Yes, it’s nice that

you want to be able to love your man that way, unconditionally, however,

your man doesn’t love like that.

Your man loves you with conditions, because he loves you with logic, not

emotion. This means that if you are allowing him to sit around, and laze off

in the relationship, it means that he will. That’s basically how it works.

That’s basically how a man loves you, if that’s how you ALLOW him to love

you, in the first place.

This is why it’s important to never ONLY accept just a man’s words, but to

only accept his ACTIONS. This way you only reward him when he’s actually

done something, instead of when he’s said he would do something, in the


So in the case of a man’s actions not matching his words, when it comes to

whether or not he loves you, the simple fix again, is to only accept his

actions, and never just his words, so that he can PROVE that he loves you


Now if this is not the case, and you are instead dealing with a selfish man,

who has taken the whole ‘not matching his actions to his words’ thing to a


whole other level, wherein everything is constantly about his wants, needs,

and desires, then it definitely means he does NOT love you.

In this case, he ONLY loves himself. I am not even kidding here either. If a

man constantly prioritizes himself, his needs, wants, and desires above and

beyond yours, every step of the way, in your relationship, it means that he

only loves himself.

If a man truly loved you, he’d have no problems, putting your needs first,

from time to time, or listening to what you have to say, or prioritizing you.

Don’t allow yourself, therefore, to put up with, or end up stuck with a man

who ONLY wants to fulfill ONE kind of love, in your relationship. What love

is that? The love he has for himself.

That’s not a fair deal. If he wanted to just love himself, he shouldn’t have

gotten into a relationship. It’s that simple.

Alarming Question #17: Is he playing mind games?

If you constantly feel like your buttons are being pushed, or find yourself

extremely frustrated and more often confused than not with your man’s

behaviour, then it means that he IS in fact playing mind games.

You see, men are creatures of logic, which means that they almost always

like to cut to the chase, and get straight to the point, with things,

especially in a relationship.


If you find him, however NOT doing that, it means that he is in fact playing

mind games. Remember that men almost always approach everything from

a heavily rational and logical standpoint, which means that there really

should be no confusion, or feeling as though nothing is making any sense,

when it comes to your man’s actions or words.

Any time, you therefore find that his words are failing to make sense, or

you are struggling to understand his bizarre behaviour, this is when your

gut instinct is kicking in to tell you that ‘something isn’t right’. It means

that he is in fact playing mind games.

Now men don’t play mind games for the reason that you think. They

actually often play mind games to test you, so any time you find yourself

feeling extremely frustrated, or feeling as though your man is going out of

his way to push your buttons, this is because he’s testing you.

Why do men test women?

Well, they do that, to gauge how they should respond, and react, in the

long term to your behaviour. They don’t react to you based on how they

‘feel’ about the situation, but they instead react to you, based on how they

feel YOU react to situations.

So they push your buttons, and test you, with certain mind games, to see

what kinds of reactions you might have to small, or big situations, so that

they can know if you can handle the real thing.

Basically a guy plays mind games, to figure out if he should give you more,

or less therefore.


Now the key, therefore, in these moments, is that you should NEVER

emotionally explode onto your man, even if you know he’s pushing your

buttons on purpose. Remember that he’s doing that to see what kind of a

reaction you are going to have.

If you flip out, EVEN if you hate the fact that he’s playing a mind game, it

tells him that you are hard to handle, and scares him away. This is true

even if a man has known you for a long time. He will STILL feel inclined to

push your buttons, just to see if you have changed.

So once more, you can tell that a man is doing that, if you notice that your

man, for example, is pushing buttons on sore subjects that you already

TOLD him, bother you, yet he is still persisting, on purpose.

That’s how you tell if he is playing mind games, is when he pushes your

boundaries, crosses them, or disregards them completely, just to see what

you will do.

Alarming Question #18: Is he keeping his options open?

If he clearly has NOT made you #1 in his life, by doing any of the

following, then it means that he is in fact keeping his options open:

He often breaks up with you, takes distance, or tries to peg you into

a ‘friends with benefits, but nothing more’ kind of a reality.

He limits how often he can see you, which clearly means you are not

a priority in his life.


He refuses to limit his access to other women, and you often

catching him either looking at other women, flirting with them,

talking to them, or talking about them to you.

He often talks about how he is uncertain if you make a good couple


He tries to convince you, that he might not be what you want.

(Again, keeping his options open, by trying to help you keep yours

open too, so that you don’t turn too clingy.)

He gets mad if you become clingy, and often pulls away the closer

you try to become to him.

He never gives you a clear answer as to your relationship status. One

moment he says you are together, the next minute he’s not so sure.

He always has reasons or excuses as to why you are not good

enough to commit to further, and uses those excuses, to always hold

you back from getting more from him, by making you feel as if it’s

something you are doing wrong.

He has a lot of female friends, but they aren’t exactly necessary

female friends. You find that he LOVES the idea of having an open

relationship with all kinds of women.

He likes to spend time more with others, than he does with you.



Basically, the main theme here, if a guy is keeping his options open, is that

you can clearly see that he almost refuses to exclusively commit to you.

You will constantly feel as though it’s just something that YOU need to

change, because he also tries to make excuses, by saying that you must

change this or that, before he can even THINK about becoming more

exclusive to him.

You’ll notice that he hasn’t really STOPPED talking about other women, nor

looking at them either. He clearly is not 100% enthralled with the idea of

you, alone, and thus he is looking for other options.

He will also compare you to other women, asking you, why you can’t be

more like them, or he will point out things in other women that you clearly

don’t have going on for yourself.

This is another obvious sign that he is keeping his options open, because

he’s clearly telling you that he considers other women, because he’s

comparing you to them in the first place. If he was not considering other

women, why would he be comparing you to them?

You’ll also notice that he often pushes you away out of nowhere, and takes

‘relationship’ breaks, or tries to put you in the friend zone. A man who is

trying to keep his options open, always wants to LOWER your status and

importance in his life, so that he can limit how clingy and attached you get,

should he find another, better woman, later on.

In these cases, the only thing you can do is to reverse this reality onto

your man, wherein you let him know that YOU are the one keeping your

options open here. You let your man know that you want him, but don’t


need him, so that you establish yourself as a high quality woman in his


Ultimately, if a man is keeping his options open, it’s because he feels as

though you are not the highest quality woman, that he can come across.

Establishing yourself as the BEST woman he could ever come across,

completely removes a man’s ability to keep his options open after that,

because he will feel like he has found the one.

You therefore, turn yourself into a high-quality catch, by reversing the

roles, and by reminding him that you aren’t stuck with him, nor is he your

‘best’ choice either, so that he feels challenged to prove that he is worthy

of you.

Alarming Question #19: Is he going to marry me?

If you find yourself having to ask this, it means that the current answer is

NO. You never, once again, want to base your conclusions off of your

man’s words alone.

If he’s stringing you along the whole “oh I want a life, and a family, and

kids, with you” fantasy, you need to come back down to earth, and need to

ask your man to step up to the plate.

A man who says those things, but who does not CLEARLY draw an action

plan, and who does not CLEARLY take action steps to make that come

true, is not a man who intends on marrying you.

Men who want to marry you, will draw out a clear plan of action, and will


let you know their intentions of that plan as well. They will also make that

plan happen, by following through with actions.

There will be no if’s, and’s or butt’s about it. It doesn’t matter what kind of

relationship problems you have either, because every relationship has

problems. Thus, it doesn’t matter what your relationship problems are,

because if a man is telling you he wants to marry you, he WILL do it, if he

actually wants to, regardless of your relationship dynamics.

A man who doesn’t want to marry you however, will be all sweet talk, but

when you ask him to step up to the plate, suddenly he will have tons of

excuses as to why he cannot, why it’s a bad idea, and even more

magically, why it’s ALL your fault!

So, if a man is just stringing you along, and doesn’t actually intend on

marrying you, again, he will do the following:

He will tell you how he wants to be with you, almost in such a way

that it sounds like what you want to hear. He will especially do this, if

YOU pull away from him, so that he can snag you back, and not feel

like he’s losing you.

He will talk about the future in an open-ended way, instead of a very

clear, concise, planned way. It means that he uses words like ‘if I’, or

‘I want to’, instead saying things like “I am going to”, “I will”, and “I

am about to”. If a guy is saying things like “if” or “I want”, it means

that he’s only dreaming, and isn’t actually going to do it.


He withdraws when you pressure him to offer you a deeper level of

commitment, and avoids you when you try to get clear commitments

from his end, in the relationship.

He gives all kinds of excuses and reasons as to why he can’t

ACTUALLY commit, when you actually ask him to prove that he is

going to.

He fails to get you the ring, tell his family about it, or include any

actual physical reality that would involve evidence of commitment,

including even going as far as to avoid taking pictures together,

because he will claim that he just doesn’t LIKE that.

He keeps on putting off making any final decisions, or taking any

finalizing steps, by saying that he just needs to make more money,

or that he just needs to work more. Yet he never seems to EVER

make enough, have enough, or work enough to finally just commit,

or take the next step.

He often tells you that he doesn’t know, or isn’t sure, and fails to give

you any clear answers.

He acts as if getting married is not his thing, and tries to downplay

the importance of marriage, or downplays the importance of other

heavy commitments as well.

He still ‘fights’ for his freedom, and tries to act like committing further

is somehow going to ruin his life, or prevent him from living his life.

This means that he talks a lot about what he wants to do with his

life, OUTSIDE, of you.



So if your guy is guilty of the above behaviour, it genuinely, 100%, means

that he is not intending on marrying you.

In this case, you must either accept that reality, if that’s how things are

going to be, or you can move on, deciding not to sit on the sidelines in

your own life, waiting for a man to do something, that he clearly doesn’t

want to do.

Now of course, if you really want him to finally marry you, you are going to

have to COMPLETELY change his mind about what it means to marry you

in the first place. If he’s behaving as described above, it means that he

basically feels as though marrying you, would trap him in a dead-end

relationship, where he doesn’t feel fulfilled.

Helping him to feel fulfilled, is therefore the solution to resolving that

problem, and you can learn how to do that, again in the main Drama

Method program.

Alarming Question #20: Does he want to break up with me?

What a whammy of a question, but even with that noted, it’s a question

that you should be aware of BEFORE it even becomes a problem. If you

are feeling as though a guy wants to get rid of you, dump you, or divorce

you etc… in your relationship, then you’ve probably already seen the tell-

tale signs of that reality, in behaviour such as:

Noticing that your man criticizes you a ton, and complains about all

of the things you do wrong, any chance he can get.


Finding that your man distances himself from you, for the pettiest of


You watch as your relationship turns into a heavy battle zone of

endless arguments, insults, low blows and more.

You notice that your man cuts off INTIMATE communication with

you, by no longer letting you into his thoughts, feelings, or personal

matters. He now excludes you, and distances you from any personal


He cuts you off, if you try to reason with him, as to why you can be

together, by telling you exactly why it won’t work out. He leaves you

no room to get clingy, or attached anymore, basically.

You find that he limits physical contact, or activity, pushing you

away, if you try to get close.

He starts to suggest that you should see other people, or that you

would be BETTER OFF with other people, or begins asking you if you

feel that he’s truly the best fit for you. (This is to raise doubt, and to

make it easier for him to break things off.)

He purposefully hurts you and does the things you hate, in hopes

that YOU will break it off with him, so that he doesn’t have to do it.

He fails to care about your feelings, wants, or desires anymore, and

even fails to bother caring to apologize when he gets rude, snarky, or

mean in your presence. He doesn’t feel like he should be sorry, to

somebody he doesn’t even want to be with, basically.


He stops telling you the details about his day, and stops opening up

to you, or sharing his life with you. He now acts cold, dry, and


He has little to NO patience with you, and is often explosive, even

over the littlest of things, which makes you feel like you are

constantly walking on egg shells.

You notice that he fails to take you out, or spend time with you

anymore, together as a couple. Now it’s just him spending time with

himself alone, even if it means that he’s avoiding you, just to do his

laundry or some other mundane task. He basically blows you off now

for the strangest reasons.

He magically has become busy with work, friends, or other things all

of the time now, and has NO time to even talk to you, let alone see

you anymore.


In these cases, it’s very clear that a man wants to break off his relationship

with you, if he’s very clearly acting in the most miserable, distant, and

impatient manner possible.

The most significant and consistent sign of them all, is of course when you

notice that your man will say and do anything to hurt you, WITHOUT

fearing repercussions, or without caring too much if what he says or does

hurts you.


A man who wants to be with you, would be deeply and severely concerned

about upsetting you, but a man who wants to break things off, no longer

cares about your feelings, and thus doesn’t care if they get hurt in the mix.

What you can do in this case, if you feel as though your man might break

up with you, is to back away from him, from your end, emotionally. Almost

all of the situations and behaviours described from your man’s end, will feel

heavily tempting and enticing to want to respond to, but if you respond,

you are more likely to make it worse.

The only thing you can do here, is try and understand where he is coming

from, and to try to listen to him better, so that you can stop the behaviour

that is pushing him to want to leave in the first place.

Alarming Question #21: Am I just a friend to him?

This is possibly worse than a man breaking up with you, because it means

that he wants to keep you around, but that he doesn’t want to be with

you, on a deeper, and more intimate level. This is what is known as the

‘friend zone’, and if you are really unfortunate, you might even be stuck in

the ‘friends with benefits’ zone.

When you are dealing with a guy who just wants to keep you as a friend,

but doesn’t want you as a lover, you will probably notice that he does a lot

of the following:

He may avoid anything intimate, meaning he completely avoids

intimacy with you altogether. He’ll do everything, but become

intimate with you, OR:


He’ll offer you intimacy without attachment, instead. He’ll be intimate

with you, but will refuse to call you his GF, or will cringe when you

suggest that you should be exclusive to one another, as a proper


He fails to ever directly ask you out on a date, or directly verbally

confirm to you any romantic interest. This means that he might be

nice to you, but he never actually verbally tells you that he wants to

be with you beyond the level of simple friendship.

He’s overly nice to you, even to the point of always seeming to get

along with you, always laughing at your jokes, never criticizing you

etc… Those are things that FRIENDS do. They laugh along with your

jokes, even if they are bad. FRIENDS avoid criticizing you, even if

they want to. A BOYFRIEND, however, will be more honest, and

would criticize you, or would tell you if something you said wasn’t

that funny.

He apologizes for any physical contact that you DO end up having.

Let’s say he accidentally touched your arm, or accidentally bumped

into you. Guess what he does? He apologizes for entering your

personal space! That’s what friends do… they respect personal space

and boundaries. Lovers, don’t have to do that.

He does disgusting or weird things around you, almost with comfort

and ease. Guys who want to be your lover, will be so worried about

trying to impress you, that they’d never even DREAM of letting out all

of their weird habits, or flaws in front of you. Guys who just want to

be your friend, however, have no problems doing this, because they

don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed, since they have no personal

motives involved in any of that.


He treats you like a little kid sister. He teases you, gets sarcastic with

you, bugs you etc… just as though you were one of his little sisters.

He even starts to TELL you that he thinks of you like a sister, or like a

close family member. He might even say that you remind him of his

mother! (If that’s not enough of a hint, I don’t know what is!)

He details his intimate encounters with you, and even asks you for

ADVICE when it comes to his interest in other women, or his sexual

experience. Why would a man get into THAT much detail with a

woman he actually wanted to become lovers with? He wouldn’t.

He rarely hangs out with you one-on-one, and when he does, it’s

done in such a way that you can’t really make a move, or can’t really

get too close to him.

When he compliments you, he tells you that you are ‘nice’, but

doesn’t call you ‘sexy’. The compliments basically are as dry as a

desert, and are not passionately fueled.


So if you are around a man who is treating you this way, it’s quite obvious,

that he has friend zoned you, and only sees you as a friend, but doesn’t

see you as anything more.

Now how do you get out of the friend zone in this case, if that’s what is

going on between you and a man you are interested in? Well, there is only

one thing you can do. You must stop worrying about being so NICE.


You never get rewarded for simply being nice. What makes a man ‘go’ for

you, is not the fact that you are just nice, but rather the fact that you

might be intriguing, interesting, challenging, and more.

Being nice all of the time, means that you start to appear boring, and

become rather predictable. It makes you appear bland.

Step a little outside of that need to be a nice girl all the time, so that you

can take yourself out of the friend zone. Prove to this guy that you are

more adventurous, interesting, and alive than he initially thought. Doing

this will help him to become attracted to you in the right way.

Alarming Question #22: Is he going to commit to me?

Now this is not to be confused with the idea of simply trying to get a man

to marry you. There are MANY types of commitments, which include, but

are not limited to:

Having a man commit to being exclusive to you, sexually, and


Having a man commit his time to you, so that he prioritizes you.

Having a man commit to caring about you, listening to you, and

showing concern for you.

Having a man commit to taking care of you, financially.


So, the commitment I am referring to here, with this question, is the kind

where you need your man to agree to give you more, in an area of your

relationship, or in an aspect of the relationship where you need him to

fulfill a need, or a promise.


In this case, if the answer to this question, of whether or not your man will

commit to you, will always be NO, if you don’t put your foot down. Again,

as you’ve been hearing so far in this report, men are extremely susceptible

to becoming rather lax in a relationship, if they feel like they are permitted,

and are allowed to be that way in the first place.

A man mostly listens to your actions, and not your words, which explains

why a lot of guys fail to simply do what you asked, or said, and they even

fail to do what they said they’d do too, if you are only TELLING them that

they should do it, but aren’t enforcing that with your actions either.

So any time you are looking for a commitment from your man, whether

that’s to be more honest with you, to become exclusive to you, to listen to

you more etc… you have to clearly communicate that you want this to

happen not just with your words, but you must follow through with your


That’s the ONLY case in which a man will actually start to commit to you,

in the way that you want him to. The other key, after this, is to make it

easy for him to fulfill his commitment, by not placing heavy or unrealistic

expectations on your man.

If you want him, for example, to open up to you, nudge him to do this, by

offering him appreciation in the moments that he does. But don’t punch

him in the gut, whenever he doesn’t either. Obviously a man won’t feel

enticed to want to open up more to you, if you are going to throw a hissy

fit any time he doesn’t. It only tells him more not to offer such a

commitment up to you.


The same is true for any other kind of commitment as well. Make it easy

for him to do that, by accepting him when he does the right thing, and by

being reasonable, but not pressuring, when he doesn’t.

Alarming Question #23: Is this it? Is this all I am going to get from


Well, no! Things could always get worse, or they could always get better.

No situation ever really stays the same. It either gets better, or it becomes

worse. This is true, because of the fact that the reality of your situation,

actually depends on how you want to handle it.

Let me put it this way: do you want to continue putting up with things that

you clearly cannot handle, don’t want anything to do with, or are sick and

tired of? If you want to continue putting up with the wrong things,

obviously things are going to get worse.

BUT, if you want to only make room and time for the RIGHT things, well,

then the only place to go from here, after this, is UP in your relationship.

You can ONLY get more from your man, once you learn how to handle him

properly, and once you learn how to draw clear boundaries. It’s the failure

to draw those boundaries, that has to asking a question like ‘is this all I am

going to get from my man’, in the first place.

Boundaries, by the way, are not only created simply to PREVENT your man


from doing something. They are also created, to HELP your man become a

better man.

How is that possible?

Well, when you establish clear boundaries in your relationship, you set a

standard that you do not allow yourself, the relationship, or your man to


This standard could be one which sets a precedent for the quality of your

relationship. It could be a standard that determines how much each of you

has to grow as well, in the relationship. Either way, boundaries play one

important role in your relationship, which is to help set up a standard, that

prevents your relationship, from falling into a downward spiral.

Drawing clear boundaries that you maintain, and keep, is an extremely

healthy way to challenge your man into being a better person overall, as

an individual, and in your relationship. Your man equally draws boundaries

that you must respect, and maintain, so don’t feel so bad about the idea of

drawing them from your end either.

Do you think that your man has any problems with drawing boundaries, if

he feels that he needs to? Heck no.

That’s exactly why you should not fear drawing them either. Boundaries,

are therefore, basically a mandatory code of conduct, and higher standard

that you hold your man accountable to.


There’s nothing wrong with that. So start setting the right kinds of

boundaries, if you actually want to end up in a reality beyond the ‘is this it’,

kind of thinking!

So how do you draw a boundary in your relationship? Well, you just simply

let your man know what kind of behaviour you appreciate, love, and

admire, and you tell him that when he exhibits that very same behaviour,

that you feel great, loved, and respected.

It’s that simple. You clearly let him know what you’d like more of, how, and

why, but in a very loving, and gentle way.

Then if he crosses that boundary by being disobedient, you remind him

that he’s disappointed you, because you KNOW that he’s better than this,

and that you appreciate him when he makes an effort to do more of the

good things you mentioned previously.

Alarming Question #24: Why is he just avoiding me or ignoring me?

Men avoid you, or ignore you, when they feel like you are too much of a

burden, emotionally, and physically to handle. Men, therefore withdraw,

when they feel like you are emotionally taxing.

Men have a very low emotional threshold, because they think along very

logical terms, which means that their capacity to understand and deal with

emotions is limited.


This is especially true when negative emotions are added to the mix, either

from your end, or their own, if they start to feel bad around you.

A man, therefore, pulls away when he feels like you are doing any of the


You are being too needy and CLINGLY, and thus are making him feel

claustrophobic, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

You are negatively projecting onto him emotionally, which he cannot

take, and thus he pulls away to feel better.

You are trying to pressure him into something, or are trying to force

him to do something, so he withdraws to avoid having to be forced

into something he didn’t even want to do.

You are fighting or arguing too much, which makes him feel like you

are a difficult person, but also makes him feel extremely drained.

You misunderstand him far too often, which makes him feel like it’s a

lot of work just to get you to understand, so he avoids you, to avoid



The main theme here, therefore of all of the above is simple. Any time a

man feels like something is going to be a problem, and is going to be

emotionally TAXING, he ignores you, avoids you, and withdraws.


A man, if given the choice of dealing with something extremely difficult and

emotionally draining, or the choice of avoiding that altogether, will ALWAYS

choose the option to avoid it.

That’s easier for a man to do, because again, his level of emotional

capacity is not as strong as yours is. He can only handle so many negative

emotions piling up on one another at a time.

What you need to do, therefore, when you feel like a man is avoiding you

or is deliberating ignoring you, is to back off emotionally. If a guy is pulling

away very strongly from you, to such an extent that he literally goes out of

his way to stay away from you, it means that you are hurting him


Removing your emotions, and dealing with them privately, is therefore the

immediate and most important step which you must take in that very

moment. Failure to stop and get your emotions in check, means that your

man will continue to avoid and ignore you.

Remember that he’s just trying to avoid the negative emotional projection.

This doesn’t mean that he hates YOU. It just means that he is hurt by what

you are doing. So stop projecting negatively onto him, and be careful not

to make everything so intensely emotional all of the time, because that

kind of a reality is draining to many men.


Alarming Question #25: Why can’t he just be honest and open with


This is another question that applies to quite a few different realities, such

as wanting a man to be honest and open:

About his feelings.

About his intimate details.

About his life.

About his past.

About his problems or insecurities.


It doesn’t really matter what it’s about, actually, when it comes to wanting

your man to be honest and open about something.

If you find your man failing and struggling to be open and honest with you,

alarm bells should be ringing in your head.

Those alarm bells, should however be ringing to a tune of a little song

called ‘stop trying to force your guy to open up to you’.

Do you know that song?


Well you should, because any time you find difficulty in trying to get your

man to open up to you, it’s probably because you’re pressuring him to do it

in the first place, by asking tons and tons of repetitive questions, by

bringing up the subject directly and indirectly, and so forth.


Obviously if your man is not being honest and open with you, about things

that go deeper than simply honesty itself, there is a problem.

But that problem is NOT with your man, as much as it is, with you. You

see, guys who fail to open up to their women, fail to find the ABILITY to do

it in the first place.

I know that this might sound absurd, but a man who fails to open up to

you properly, feels like he’s not in a position to do that.

How so?

Well, if a guy struggles to open up to you about an aspect of his life, it’s

because he feels like:

A) You will punish him if he is honest with you about it.

B) You will fail to understand him properly, which feels like another

punishment in itself.

C) You may use that against him negatively in the future, especially if it’s

insecurity related.

D) You cannot emotionally handle the information, and might freak out.


Men are extremely weary of sharing intimate and private details, especially

the more emotionally attached to those details, they are. So, if you often

fight with your man, nag him, argue things, twist his words, misunderstand

him, or freak out when he IS honest, he obviously won’t feel too inclined to

tell you much else, or to reveal a whole lot in the future.


The solution therefore, in this case, is to be very GENTLE, patient,

understanding, attentive, and encouraging toward your man, if you want

him to be more open and honest with you.

Until or unless you can do this, a man will always hide things from you,

and will keep things secret, to help protect his own emotional well-being.

Basically, until he feels like you can maturely handle his secrets, and

realities, he will hide them from you.

That’s why you cannot come in trying to force him, or ‘convince’ him to tell

you everything. He has to again, feel like there is a choice. That choice

must be given to him, by simply encouraging him, and making it

comfortable for him to want to share with you, in the first place.

That is the MOST that you can do, and beyond that, you must step back

and must allow him to then come to you, himself, to reveal whatever it is

that you want to know about him. He will be extremely likely after that, to

actually feel compelled to give in to your desire to know more about him,

because you would have then made it easier for him.


The Conclusion:

The common theme with all of the 25 ‘alarming’ questions above, is this:

something is not happening the way you want it to be happening in your

relationship, so now suspicion or doubts have been raised as to whether or

not you are going to get what you want.

In those cases, there are 8 steps that you need to follow, when you find

your intuition pointing out a contradiction in what you want, versus what

you are getting, in your relationship.

Those 8 steps are as follows:

Step #1: Ask yourself: “What is it that I want?”. This is the

evaluating stage, wherein you evaluate core needs, and desires. This is

where you look to identify the things which you cannot compromise on, in

your relationship.

Here you must identify what it is, EXACTLY that you are truly looking for,

because, as an example, you might want your man to marry you, but your

TRUE desires might actually be rather different. Maybe you just want him

to prove that he is more committed to you, so that you can feel wanted,

desired, and loved.

So evaluate to see what your true core needs and wants are, in the

immediate situation when your intuition and gut instinct are whispering to

you, telling you to ask questions that press deeper into the truth.


Step #2: Ask yourself: “What is actually happening?”. This is not

the same thing as looking into how you feel about it, but rather simply

equates to looking at the actual facts, when you take your feelings out of

the mix. It only lists the direct series of events that are taking place in your

relationship, and with your man, as they are happening.

Don’t be afraid to actually be brutally honest here, about what it is that is

actually going on, in your relationship, from your man’s end, and from your

own end. You must be able to come to terms with the actual circumstance,

even if it hurts, because that is what helps you with the next step.

Step #3: Ask yourself: “How do I feel about that?”. Once you have

evaluated what it is that you truly want, and have clearly come to terms

with what it is that is actually happening, you can now ask yourself, how it

is that you feel about the facts, in relation to what it is that you actually

want to have happen.

Can you accept what is actually happening? Are you able to allow that to

continue to happen? Do you want a change to occur? Do you need

something else to be happening?

Figure out how you feel about the situation, so that you can begin to get a

clear resolve, from your end, as to what you want, how you feel about it,

and then what you should do about it, which leads me to the next step.

Step #4: Look for remedies to the following question: “What can

be done to immediately rectify the situation, from my end?”. Now

that you know how you feel about the situation, you first have to remove


any fault, or cause from your end, to fueling the problem to begin with, so

that the only thing left that can happen, is what you actually want to have


Assess whether your actions, behaviours, words, or intentions are helping

to fuel your actual desire, and make sure that they are not getting in the

way of what you actually want.

Consider how your actions, words, and behaviours may be affecting your

man, to see if perhaps he is being blocked from doing what you actually

want, because your behaviour is off putting, or is problematic to your man.

Likewise if your man has directly told you about some things that he’d like

you to change or do differently, for him to feel better about fulfilling his

role in the relationship, consider what he said and try to work on that,

because that’s his way of giving you the blueprint to fixing the situation as


Look for ways to improve upon the things that you excel best at in your

relationship, and work on resolving any open or heavy flaws or insecurities

that you may be injecting into the relationship.

Once you have done this, you can then move on to step #5.

Step #5: Asses the following question: “Have I acted reasonably,

and done what I could?” If the answer is ‘yes’, move on to step 6. If the

answer is ‘no’, head back to step #1, and start over, until you are finally


acting within reason, on your end, so that you cannot be blamed for being

in your man’s way of actually giving you what you want.

Step #6: Gently nudge him in the right direction, by stating the facts

clearly, then stating how you feel about that, then telling your man what

you’d like for him to do about it. This gentle nudge means that you no

longer demand that your man does what you want. You don’t nag him, or

try to pressure him into doing the right thing.

You simply lay the facts down, on the table, tell him how that is affecting

you, the relationship, and him and then ask him to make a change. You do

not get into an hour long discussion about it either, because your job in

this step is NOT to try and convince him into doing the right thing, or into

simply listening to you FINALLY. Your job is instead, to nudge him, and to

then follow the directions of step #7.

Step #7: Leave the rest up to your man. You don’t NEED him to do

the right things, and you don’t EXPECT him to do the right thing either. At

least, that’s how it should feel to your man. It doesn’t matter if you secretly

need, want, wish, or hope that he will do the right thing. You must, at this

stage, keep that deep desire to yourself, and must only let him know that

you simply WANT him to do what you asked.

This is a ‘testing phase’ where you watch to see if he will do the right

thing. You haven’t forced him to do anything, but you’ve made it clear in

step 6, that you’d like for him to do it, and have even told him why.


You must step back to allow your man to consider what you said, so that

he feels like he has the room to make a choice. Stepping back also means

that your man will consider more clearly what you said, because now you

aren’t breathing down his neck, and aren’t trying to ‘convince’ him to do it,

but are rather allowing him the space to think about it.

He needs some time to think about HOW he could follow through with your

request as well, so give him the time to do that. It’s not your job to tell him

what to do, or to answer the question for him. That’s his job. Let him do

his job.

Step #8: Back away from the situation completely if he doesn’t do

it, but REWARD him with praise and appreciation, if he does do

what you asked. It’s important, again, not to reward your man for bad

behaviour, or to reward him for the things he didn’t do right.

If he fails to follow through with your request, you have been more than

reasonable, accommodating, patient, and beyond. He does NOT deserve

anything MORE at that stage, if he cannot even remotely try to reasonably

follow through with your request.

That’s why it’s important to back away from a man if you reach step #8,

but he simply refuses to even remotely comply. That kind of man needs to

be avoided, and contact with him must be shut down, so that he learns

that he will not be rewarded for the wrong reasons.

If, however, your man does finally listen to you, after step #7, you should

reward him, by praising him, and showing a genuine level of appreciation,


for the progress that he has made in the relationship, and toward you. In

these instances you should more than accommodate the fact that he is

trying, and that he is changing, so that he feels welcome to do more of

that in the future as well.

Remember, once more, to listen to your intuition, and to allow it to guide

you, in the future, even in these circumstances. If something doesn’t ‘feel

right’, remember to come back to these 8 steps, and to assess your

situation, so that you can look to see what it is that you are actually after,

and can clearly point out what is happening instead of that.

Trust yourself, and your gut instinct, because it’s there to help you, and

protect you. Remember, that nobody but YOU will have your best interest

in mind, at ALL times!