Trot to Blog Resume

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Transcript of Trot to Blog Resume

8/8/2019 Trot to Blog Resume 1/1

David C. Trottodavid.t

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a marketing associate and graphics design posit ion at Manhattan GMAT.


Saint Joseph's University, Phi ladelphia, PABachelor of Science in Business Administration, May 2011

Marketing Major (Communications Track), Communications Minor


The Trotto Law Firm, Rochester, New York Fal l 2009 to Present

Marketing Consultant

  Write & edit var ious letters, media, and profi les for law f i rm

  Photograph and document off ice for advertising purposes

  Faci l i tate f i rm website design in partnership with FindLaw web designing company: 

  Consult with f i rm leadership on advertising campaigns and design/ implement var ious pr int ads for

local/web advertising

  Apply current marketing trends to target market

Cutting Edge Laser Technologies, Fairport, New York May 2010 to August 2010

Marketing Intern

  Performed market research

  Developed advertisements/marketing tools individual ly & with CELT leadership

  Analyzed and evaluated competit ive companies’ advertisements and marketing techniques

  Extensively used CRM database

  Updated company website and bui l t socia l media sites

  Wrote, edited, and assisted with PR artic les and letters to customers/perspective customers

Residence Life, Saint Joseph's University, Phi ladelphia, PA

Head Resident Assistant August 2010 to Present

  Oversee staff of 13 Resident Assistants in col laboration with Area Coordinator

  Implement staff development and tra in ing sessions for Resident Assistants

  Oversee budgeting in it iatives and duty schedul ing

  Serve as a mentor to Resident AssistantsResidence Learning Community Resident Assistant, Business Floor August 2009 to May 2010

  Fostered a “Living Learning” community among 49 business major residents

  Integrated classroom based learning into the residentia l exper ience

  Planned and implemented monthly business re lated programs

Resident Assistant August 2008 to May 2009

  Developed and fostered a community among 35 residents whi le upholding university pol ic ies

  Planned, marketed, and implemented four (4) programs per month focused on the four categor ies of

Community Development, Self Suff ic iency & Purpose, Global and Jesuit Identity, and Academic

Growth and Integration

  Collaborated seamlessly with other Resident Assistants, Professional Staff members and Publ ic


David’s Car Detai l ing Service, Pittsford, NY Summer 2006 to Present

Propr ietor and Founder

  Clean and wax exter iors

  Detai l vehic le inter iors (vacuum & shampoo carpets, c lean al l surfaces)

  Provided service specif ical ly focused to individual customer needs: onsite or pick-up del ivery

  Manage f inances and implement marketing strategies to bui ld c l ientele

Sustainabi l i ty Club, Saint Joseph's University, Phi ladelphia, PA

Vice President August 2010 to Present

  Assist president

  Help direct treasurer, marketing manager, & publ ic re lations manager

  Plan events and coordinate on-campus activi t ies with appropr iate SJU administration

  Direct socia l media activi t ies with president

  Co-faci l i tate campus in it iatives for c lub.