TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · 2012-01-17 · with agonizing homework assignments, several...

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Students hear stories every year as nurses warn and survivors tell the tale of the epic battle that they fought against Mono. Mononucleosis is the after effect of EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus), another common virus, which is transferred through saliva. Symptoms of Mono include extreme fatigue, sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. Severe cases can result in liver inflammation (Hepatitis) or spleen enlargement, which may cause death if not treated. The good news is that Mono is only as common as teenagers make it. Mono is notorious as being the dreaded “kissing disease.” Because Mono is transferred by direct contact with contaminated spit (for lack of a better phrase), any signs of intimacy can attract it, fueling the teenage gossip chain. The simple act of kissing could end teens at home for a month or, in some cases, overnight in the hospital. Lesson learned: when looking for a prince, kiss frogs, not toads. Kissing and telling in this case may not be such a bad idea. Being around healthy people is always helpful toward staying well. Now for the bad news. Sorry, but there are unfortunately other ways to contract Mono. Let us say for instance that John (who has the beginning stages of Mono, but still has no symptoms) gets a snack from the vending machine (Strawberry Poptarts, to be exact), and after licking every savory crumb from his fingers, he puts his hands to the water fountain to wash it down. Jane then comes up and drinks after him and -BAM!- she now has his Mono germs on her fingers, and its only a matter of time until she is infected by the seemingly harmless act of scratching her nose, or placing bands on her braces. Second lesson learned: hand washing is still important even in high school. Even the healthiest students can contract Mono. No matter how healthy the immune system is, it is no match for Mono. The recovery period for Mono can be 4-10 weeks… think about all that make-up work.

-Andrea Mayes

New planet can sustain human lifeRachel Lampi


Scientists working on NASA’s Kepler Mission have confirmed for the first time the existence of another life-sustaining planet in our universe. The Kepler observatory was launched in March 2009 with an expected lifespan of over three years. Its intention is to discover planets similar to Earth orbiting other large stars. This new planet, termed Kepler-22b, is said to have many similarities to our own planet. Like Earth, the temperature on the surface of Kepler-22b is said to have the ideal amount of reflected light off its present atmosphere. Because we know that our own planet can only survive due to its atmosphere and precise distance from our sun, this discovery is an important one. However, other factors such as foreign greenhouse gas emissions and possible internal heat sources remain unknown, as well as what the surface actually consists of – whether it is rock, or plains, or even liquid. Even before discovering this new planet, the Kepler observatory has made tremendous contributions to the science of studying space. It has already discovered nearly 1300 new

planets, many of which are divided into complex solar systems of their own. Unfortunately, the planet is 600 light years away. Technology is not currently available to deliver humans that far away, despite the fact that this planet could potentially have the means to support them. Researchers estimate that it would take 1200 years to reach Kepler-22b with current technological abilities. Nevertheless, this discovery has caused a lot of excitement within much of the scientific community, and further research on it is already underway.


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Planet Kepler-22b has life-sustaining quali-ties similar to Earth’s.

USPS ends overnight mailCam Thomas

Copy Editor

Beginning sometime in 2012, the Unit-ed States Postal Service will end overnight mail delivery. This service, which has long been a staple of the company, comes as a result of several deficit and debt funded fiscal years. The Postal Service’s overnight delivery is a service that has provided employment for several postal workers. Business analysts estimate that the cut will save the United States Postal Service billions of dollars. However, they also esti-mate that the cut will result in hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs. The cut comes as a result of the United States Postal Service being in a debt crisis. The service is losing money hand over fist. Due to the spread of electronic mail and United Postal Service (UPS) and Federal Express, the United States Postal Service is slowly expiring.

The Postal Service has been an Ameri-can tradition since Benjamin Franklin in-vented the service in the late 1700s. Since that time the United States Postal Service has had a monopoly, that is until the spread of the personal or home computer. Some prominent politicians and busi-nessman have called for the prvatization of the United States Postal Service. In fact, some analysts estimate that the United States Postal Service could switch to bil-lions of dollars in profit in five years. For now however the United States Postal Service will remain a public compa-ny that will continually alter their business plan in a hope to improve profits. The Postal Service has constantly had layoffs and the shutting down of post of-fices. This has hurt the economy of small towns where post offices are the staple of community and business.


Mixed martial arts pins interestEmery Skelton


Mixed martial arts, simply known as MMA, an encompassing full-contact and competitive sport, consequently is not the popular se-lection for a hobby or sport amongst many people due to the tribulations one may encounter with the sport. Mixed martial arts consists of a considerable amount of offensive and defensive fighting techniques such as boxing, wrestling, kickbox-ing, Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, karate, judo, and many other desolate fighting styles that require many devoted hours of training. Some states within the United States have laws that prevent mixed marital arts because of the serious-ness of the grievances that have been reported from the outcome of such a sport.

A local Jiu-jitsu prodigy, Car-men Mata, currently enrolled at Jenks, has been involved in fighting only since the summer of 2011 and has already held first place positions in her fighting class. On Dec.10 Mata visited Dallas for a Jiu-jitsu match and placed first in the fight with the gi, which is the most common white two piece ap-parel worn during the fights. She also placed second in a fight without the gi. Mata spends eight hours a week practicing her jiu-jitsu. Mixed martial arts, or simply any form of martial arts, can be a great way to stay in shape and to stay strong. “We fight the boys so that we are able to handle all of the girls,” junior Carmen Mata said.

Carmen Mata in her Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu gi using her skilled moves against junior, Tanner Corns.

Video series continues to bring laughs

Bethany MannAdvertising Director

In the infinite world of the Internet, it’s likely that some series get lost over the course of time. YouTube series How It Should Have Ended is not one of them.In 2005, Daniel Baxter and Tommy Watson decided to put their creative ideas of

funny alternate endings of movies to action. The web-site was created in July 2005 and showcases their com-puter animated short films, among other things. Since its creation the crew has been given the 2010 Streamy Award and the “Best Internet

Parody Award” in the 2006 Scream Awards. They were featured in Wired and Fade In magazines, as well as on Yahoo! and MTV twice. Their work, although underrated, is planning on continuing their videos for a long time.

JHS grad: honorable heroSarah Richey

Reporter The War on Terror has created a new class of heroes. Soldiers fight for our freedom every day and should be remembered and respected by us. Lance Corporal Christopher Fling, of the U. S. Marines, is a 2008 Jenks graduate. Chris enlisted with the Marines upon his graduation. He is stationed in Afghanistan and is fulfilling his second tour of duty. He will return to the United States in the summer of 2012. Chris is determined to fulfill promises made to his country, his family, and his fellow Marines. When his job is completed, Chris will be ready to come home, satisfied that he has served his country with dignity and honor. “The weather can be harsh and cruel

some days, and other days almost paradise. Lately it’s been around 85-90 degrees during the day and 30-40 degrees at night,” graduate Chris Fling said. “Food is provided for us, whether it is in a pretty box sent from home from a loved one, or it’s in a plastic bag issued from the Marine Corps.” Chris loves to receive letters from home. Anyone who wishes to send a letter of appreciation to Chris may write to him at the following address:

Lcpl Christopher Fling3/7 India, Unit 41570FPO AP 96427-1570

Sending a letter only requires one stamp and is a friendly way to let Chris know he has a unit of Trojans standing behind him.

Chris Fling, 22, plans to return home to his friends and family in the summer of 2012 .


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Joy in the Morning is a comedic joyRachel Lampi


P.G. Wodehouse’s Joy in the Morning is a laugh-out-loud book that contains something for readers of all interests and types.

After being bombarded with Shakespeare and Hemingway in Eng-lish class, sometimes it is necessary to relax with a book that does not come with agonizing homework assignments, several choice words and phrases, and possibly a good cry. There is no better series to ease the mind and spirits than P.G. Wodehouse’s Berties and Jeeves book, and, in particular, the installment Joy in the Morning. The books regale the adventures of Bertram “Bertie” Wooster, a slightly idiotic but lovable London upperclass-man in the 1920’s, and his manservant, Jeeves. In Joy in the Morning, Bertie is surrounded by various and humorous members of his family and inner circle of friends, who always manage to get him into the stickiest of all sticky situ-ations. On an innocent trip to stay in a house in the country for a weekend or two, Bertie suddenly finds himself quite

unable to handle the various obstacles thrown his way - everything from crashing a masquerade ball, to acciden-tally exploding a cottage, to necessitat-ing giving a certain Boy Scout a literal kick in the pants. Entangled in this plot line is a series of accidental marriage engagements and break-ups that involve just about every eligible character in the novel, of course not forgetting Bertie himself. And just when things look as though there is no way out of such a dreadfully hilarious weekend predicament, Jeeves, as always, swoops in to save the day with his swift mental faculties. Joy in the Morning, like all Wode-house books, is extremely funny, but is also just generally well-written. The author has a gift for both plot and slap-stick comedy and wild scenarios that are guaranteed to sate any reader’s ap-petite for months to come.

Asian dining with flair

If you are looking for a fun place to dine to cure the winter blues, try Keo Asian restaurant on Brookside. With good service, fun music and excellent food, Keo is sure to please everyone in your group. The spring rolls are filled with oriental vegetables and served with sweet and sour sauce. KEO cakes are an updated version of the traditional crab cake. They are made with chicken and lemongrass and fried to a crisp perfection. The Street Vendor Skewers are another excellent choice. The skewers have bite sized pieces of coconut chicken and are served with peanut sauce. There is an appetizer sampler platter for just ten dollars that features all of these items and more. Keo offers many different specialties, along with more traditional Asian entrées. The Thai Sweet Basil specialty dish is a favorite. It is ground chicken, fresh basil, garlic, onion, and bell pepper in a sweet chili sauce, served with a side of white or brown rice. For those who prefer classic dishes, the Malaysian Style Fried Rice is a delicious choice. Prepared with a choice of beef or chicken, the fried rice is made with eggs, sprouts, peas, carrots, onion, and broccoli. -Sarah Richey

New Year’s Eve delightsAndrea Mayes

Reporter New Year’s Eve hit theaters Dec. 9, and was a refreshing relapse to its sister movie Valentine’s Day. Star-packed and dazzling, New Year’s Eve brings a cast of modern favorites combined with legends and up-and-comers to create perfectly blended and intermingled plot line. Josh Duhamel never changes out of a tux, Katherine Heigl argues with Bon Jovi (and throws tomatoes at him), Jessica Biel goes into labor and tries to get money for it, Hilary Swank fixes a light bulb, Abigail Breslin hangs up on Sarah Jessica Parker, Zac Efron takes Micelle Pfeiffer around the world, Halle Berry serves Robert DeNiro dinner, and Ashton Kutcher counts down with Lea Michele. Each story brings a bit of humor and heartache into the movie as each character struggles through tough

choices, big changes, and new beginnings. There is the typical mother daughter quarrel as Breslin hopes to have her first kiss, despite her mother’s alternative plans. There is also the occurance of several stressful jobs, as Heigl and Swank work to pull off their fabulous New Year’s Eve, battling many hassles and temptations along the way. Efron is also stressed with having to help a woman complete an entire list of resolutions within only a few hours. The movie takes many twist and turns as each story affects and intertwines with the others. The outcome is a hilarious and entertaining string of events that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Overall, tears may be shed, probably from laughing a little too hard, when sitting in on New Year’s Eve.


Tulsa Hills gives me the chills

Annie RoachLifestyle Director

While the Riverwalk and other locations that used to be hot spots in Tulsa and Jenks are beginning to decline, Tulsa Hills still seems to be thriving, with two new restaurants now opening right next door to each other on Olympia Dr. Panera Bread, a classic that has been around for many years now, opened November 18 to the general public and has all of its signature dishes that are loved across America. Many students are especially excited for this development because it creates another place to study, relax, get delicious food and enjoy some free wi-fi. The other new restaurant, Free Birds, opened right next door offering fresh and healthy ingredients to make any lunch a little better. What separates Free Birds (world burritos) from the other burrito joints in town (being Chipotle

and Qdoba) is their infinitely larger amount of variety. A customer can not only pick from various burrito size and bowl options, but has a choice of different types of tortillas as well as multiple veggie and meat options and delicious salsas. Free Birds opened their campaign with two days of charity-- donate $5 and anyone can get a free burrito, drink and optional side of chips and an exceptionally delicious and creamy queso. These two delicious new options in Tulsa Hills are sure to bring in lots of revenue. The benefits of Tulsa Hills are boundless. Its plethora of delicious restaurants and great shopping locations for both men and women keep the local customers happy and returning to the large strip mall. Two other new locations include Dick’s Sporting Goods and Cracker Barrel. The new sporting goods store has drawn many new

Freebird’s cool and funky interior help add tothe overall effect of eating at the fun and yummy restaurant, new to Tulsa Hills

Netflix pleases customers

Bailey Fischer-ColumboReporter

Movies of your choice anytime, televe-sion shows anywhere-the beauty of Netflix. An American provider of on-demand stream-ing media, Netflix is perfect for those gloomy rainy days trapping you inside and the perfect cure for the often-caught and dreadful case of ‘nothing good is on television’-always the quick fix. Available for a mere $7.99 per month, Netflix provides an endless source of enter-tainment for all ages. Accessible most any-where: via wii, computer, i-pad, phones and i-pods, the boundless vault of motion pictures is always with you. Netflix is entertainment tailored for all; endless options and countless decisions. Mo-tion pictures varying from horror films, to comedies, romances, and thrillers. Hit televi-sion shows are also available, such as Law and Order, House. As a very affordable means of -entertain-ment on the go to fit every busy life style, or who ever wants to catch up on a favorite show, and few technical difficulties with easy navi-gation just adds to the pros of Netflix and the only question left is which show should you watch next?

Once upon a time is enchantingCam Thomas

Copy Editor

Once Upon a Time is a new show on ABC that is taking the fall season by storm. The show chronicles the ad-ventures of Snow White and Prince Charming’s daughter Emma. The Evil Queen has cast an evil spell that has killed Snow White and Prince Charming and transported the infant Emma to the present day United States. Emma is now 28 and living in Boston working as a bounty hunter. She has no clue about her past due to her infantile state at the time of her transport. However, part of the show’s humor comes from the fact that Emma is slowly putting together the clues that lead to her fairytale past. As she slowly puts together the puzzle pieces that illustrate her fictional past, she becomes more and more alienated from the pres-ent day. The show combines a fascinat-ing combination of bringing alive the fairytales we all grew up with

and the modern world in which we all currently reside. However, the show provides the details of Emma’s fictious fairytale past wonderfully. The show airs Sunday nights at 7 p.m. cen-tral time on ABC. This is the first season of the show and it is scheduled to have 22 episodes. So far the ratings are fairly strong for a Sunday night show. However, with the end of Sunday Night Football on NBC many expet the show’s ratings to skyrocket. Fans find the show’s effective use of the fairytale past and the realistic interpertation of modern day Boston and the juxtaposition of those two to be fascinating. Also, the show’s dry humor provides an escape from the trou-bling life of Emma; alienated from her home world. The enchanting idea of the show is the idea that we could all be fairytale characters.

customers, offering a much wider and more “sports designer” options than that offered by Academy or Midwest Sports. The continuous expansion of this popular shopping area continues to make it a new and interesting place for any customer to explore for awhile.

Varsity Pom plans a comeback

After Varsity pom placed second at the state competition in December, the squad has had an incredible amount of determination for the national competition that is held in Orlando, Florida the first weekend in February. “I think our experience at state was necessary for our growth as a squad. It really brought us together and the seniors realized we only have one chance left so it needs to count at nationals.” senior Maddie Likins said. It is important to the team to make history somehow this year, therefore they are striving to rank higher at nationals than they ever have before. In order to accomplish this, the girls will need to make finals in both the pom and jazz divisions. This is much easier said than

done. The squad will compete against at least sixty other teams from all over the nation in a difficult fight for the top ten spots that mark the squads that get to move on to finals.Varsity has only made finals a couple of times in the past and so the squad definitely has their work cut out for them. “We have worked so hard to get to the place where we are at, and we are definitely ready to prove ourselves. Once we perform, it’s all up to the judges!” senior Katie Carter said. Filled with an extreme amount of motivation, they will eat, sleep and breath pom for the entire month of January. With an understanding that finals is a huge goal to reach for, the team understands that even if it does not happen, they will walk away

The varsity pom squad waits for their music to start at the state competition in Oklahoma City that took place this last December.knowing they did everything they could. The hard work and hours of practice that the squad has put into this year’s routine has only made them closer despite the fear that hard work does not always guarante success. Placing second at state was a crossroads for the team. Everyone came together and decided to improve from the experience. Nationals is their chance to fight back. The squad knows that whatever happens in the end, the journey they took to get there is the legacy they will leave behind.

Natalie MillerReporter

Fists fight to finale

Two competitors face off, rhythmically pumping their fists to “rock, paper, scissors, shoot,” and with the flash of a clenched fist and smashed scissors, one of the players walks away in angry disgust. Rock paper scissors, the debate ending contest of our younger years, has taken up a new position as an irrelevant sport and kept its old role as an argument ender. The game is simple and easy to understand, but the reasoning behind opponent’s plays and the nuances of rock vs. paper fill days of competition. The game centers around three basic moves: rock, paper, and scissors. After the measured chant of rock paper scissor shoot, players make one of theree shapes with their hands, a clenched fist for rock, a flat hand for paper, and two open fingers for scissors. If the opponents play the same sign, it’s a tie, but different signs declare a winner. Rock smashes scissor, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock. Contests usually occur over the course of thirty seconds on the

playgrounds of the schoolyard, but recently, competitions have arisen to crown a rock-paper-scissors world champion. The World Rock Paper Scissors society sanctions tournaments throughout the country, and the champion can come away with as much as 50,000 dollars in prize money. The randomness of the game, however, allows for fair decisions between two equal parties. For example, famous art collector Takashi Hashiyama used the game to decide which international art dealer, Christies Internation or Sotheby’s Holdings, to use when he decided to sell his multimillion-dollar art collection. Christies came away with the victory, the winning play being scissors over paper. The seemingly trivial game is also used to settle trivial matters. “I compete against my siblings for chores duty, like washing the dishes,” said junior Courtney Kayiza. The games childhood simplicity has made it a favorite for settling arguments big and large in a complicated world.

The swim team waves to competition

The swim team is a consistently successful sport with many years of achieving school wide recognitions with statewide supremacy. The beginning of this 2011-2012 swim season looked a bit upsetting because of the outcome of the All-State Preview swim meet held at the Aquatic Center. The Preview is meant to mirror the outcome of the entire swim season across the state. Jenks followed Edmond high school, by taking second place. “It was extremely intense because it was televised. Although we got second, I was satis-fied with the final scores. However, There is always room for improvement.” junior Hailey Jensen said. The high school boys swim team had a 9 year state championship streak from 1996-2004, and have guarded their lead again since 2007. The high school girls also held first place from 1990-1992, 2002-2005. “We’re digging into practice deeper and harder than ever before, going longer every day to achieve our goal of dominance at state.” senior and swim team captain Jake Burris said. The team is aiming to meet the standards that the past years’ swim teams have set for them and hope to continue to pose an enormous threat to other 6A swim teams across the state. While the preview was close, the team has high hopes to take state and be the winners for 2012 competition.

Emery SkeltonReporter


by Dallas Elmore


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Lights, camera, Trojans!Bailey Fischer-Columbo

Reporter Think those Silver Screen hits are just for glamorous Hollywood stars? Think again! The latest frenzy in football films brought an exciting opportunity to a fellow fortunate and excited student. Having always been interested in acting, senior Austin Ross jumped at the chance to be in his first motion picture via connections with a family friend-the Presley’s. Directed and written by Don Handfield, Touchback is a touching film about a star athlete whose career takes a sudden turn with a traumatic injury. The starring actor is given a second chance a decade later going back in time right before the big game. Ross does not take the lead role as a quarter back, but steps into the film

playing a back-up freshman quarter back on the winning team. Sharing the spotlight, Ross worked along the great actors featured in the film, such as Brian Presley, Kurt Russell and Melanie Lynskey. “The experience was awesome! It was so fun working with Kurt Russell and some of the other stars,” senior Austin Ross said. Scheduled to be released in February, shortly before the Superbowl, this feature is sure to be a big hit amongst all ages. Even though this is one of Handfield’s first times to direct a film, he is nothing new to the film world stealing main roles in many other films such as Deep Impact and Inside Out. Austin Ross on the set of the of Touchback alongside

director Don Handfield and co-star Kurt Russell.


Put a pin on itNatalie Miller


Social networking is nothing new to this generation. Everyone has Facebook to keep them updated with per-sonal pictures and updates, and Twitter allows everyone to be constantly aware of their friends day to day lives. Today’s society has a love of sharing pictures, events, and exciting moments over the web. Because of this, it is no suprise that a new form of communicatoin is beginning to steal the spotlight. Pinterest is the newest form of sharing that people are starting to get excited about. It includes pinning up pictures that have to do with anything and everything. Items like arts and crafts, creative hairstyles, and inspiring quotes are all things that people share and claim a love for. This lets people communicate in a new way that expresses a little more of a creative side. “I really love all the different recipes on there. It brings out my inner Food Network Star,” senior Nicole Mcguire said. It seems to be all about finding different ways to ex-press yourself when it comes to social networking. Each site offers variety and some aspect that is different from the competitor sites. For those who are growing tired of Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest will provide a creative alternative. If it will rise above these other major forms of networking, only time will tell. But until then, everyone can bask in the simplicity that is Pinterest!

30 Rock is back

The Emmy Award winning show, 30 Rock, is jumping back into action with its sixth season premiering Jan. 12. 30 Rock has been a show stopping experience since the beginning in 2006. The show would not have been as successful without the creator, Tina Fey. 30 Rock is about a busi-ness, called TGS, and the conflicts that arise between the co-writers, writers, and the bosses of a sketch comedy show. Tina wrote the story line of 30 Rock in comparison to her old job as a writer at SNL. Tina Fey is not only the creator and writer of the show, but she is the main character as well. Many 30 Rock lovers are ques-tioning how the new season will be compared to the others. The other seasons are similar with the same witty and spontaneous humor, but

will season 6 keep up the same reputation? Alec Baldwin is one of the main characters of the show as well. Baldwin stated that he will be resigning from 30 Rock after this season. He is retiring when the contracts for the actors expire, toward the end of 2012. Some crit-ics do not think the show will be as successful when he leaves. Now the producers are debating whether to continue the show after season 6 without Baldwin, or to contemplate on ending the show for good. The last year with Alec Bald-win or not, the new season is sup-posed to hold more surprises and humor than the other seasons. Af-ter the premiere episode of season 6, 30 Rock will play new episodes every Thursday at their new time slot at 8 p.m.

Amy PrittReporter



for 2012 It is finally here. The year, 2012, with the sponta-neous predictions conclud-ing the end of the world. More than ever, people are dedicated to make their 2012 resolutions of this year. The beginnings of a new year always bring hope and en-thusiasm. This is the time for improvement, dedication,

and growth. This is the mo-ment to forget about the past and to look forward to new strengths and opportunities that will arise throughout the year. Also, this is the chance for people to be at war with themselves and to strive to win the battle against each goal that is set on Jan. 1. On average, 40% of

people fail to adhere with their resolution after only one month. Only 20% of people successfully commit to their new year’s resolu-tions. The main reasons for the fail-ures to keep resolutions are simple, but easier said. Some goals for the year are set too vaguely. With broad promises comes forth impossibili-ties to specifically want to change and grow. Weak self control and motivation is also one of the main causes of incomplete resolutions. It is best to write down the resolution, be specific about the goal, and pro-vide examples and steps to reach toward a successful resolution for the new beginning in 2012. Most people set their goals for their personal benefit to change bad habits and their lifestyle in gen-eral, but some resolutions are not as complex. Some people set goals such as: doing the laundry for the week, walk the dog for the day, or not to stress as much. People make commitments to change from their

past mistakes from the previous year. Other resolutions are very specific such as: to lose weight, to eat healthier, and not to watch as much television. The most com-mon resolution that people make is to lose weight. About 80% of people make this their resolution, but fail to follow through with it. A new year’s resolution can be set as a huge challenge or a simple task that can help someone or something. Most goals are set to change the internal conflict within their own selves and to grow as a person. Completing a resolution is not as difficult as people portray it. Writing down the resolution means the task is already half way done. The other half is physically taking control, keeping motivation, and completing it. Setting a resolution is the start of the journey. There are still 12 more months to be one of the 20% of the people that follow through with their complex goals and resolutions for 2012.

Mayan malice makes for a messy New Year



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A seemingly innocuous date has the world battening the hatches and watching the heavens for fireballs. Dec. 21, 2011, is the Mayan calendars last day, and by extension, earths. The cyclical calendar the ancient Mayans used gives credence to predictions of doomsday. But debate rages on if the Maya

were simply finishing their calendars or planning for an apocalyptic event. Different theories abound, of course. But one only has to look at the other claims of apocalypse in history to understand the rather fuzzy nature of any claims to a doomsday event. In American history, Millerites, the Christian followers of William Miller, a Baptist preacher, claimed in 1833 that the world would end in 1843. The year came and went, and the Millerites either continued to watch for world ending events or simply ended their connection wih the church. More recently was the Y2K scenario, in which computer crashes would shut down global communications and throw the world into chaos in the year 2000. However, as with the Millerites, the day

came and went, and the only purpose served by the hysteria were massive software updates to existing computers. The Mayan claim to an end time has work to do if it wants to pull of the big one in light of the previous favorites of predicted apocalypse. Placing faith in a culture that lives on only in musuems seems to most faintly ridiculous, and even dangerously unfounded, as several groups plan on retreating to the hills to survive the impending date. Even local students find the idea of the Mayan calendar signaling the apocalypse is faintly ridiculous. "I plan to go to work and hang out with my friends while the apocalypse passes by” says senior Amy Mueller. If the end times do come, however, she plans to spend her time doing something productive.

"I'll spend a summer in Alaska having extravagant adventures involving grizzly bears and lumberjacks.” Wild theories abound about Dec 21. Some say divine retribution, others sun flares, and a quirkier contingent is hoping for the zombie apocalypse of Romero lore. What is certain, is that none of us know whats coming. Armageddon may come as predicted, or like a thief in the night, but we only get to enjoy the show.

Amy PrittReporter

Dallas ElmoreReporter

by lifestyle director Annie Roach


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As the new year roles in, everyone has set their goals and resolutions. There are the common lifestyle chang-es and other cliché hopes, but these are not a bad thing. The start of a new year is a hopeful thing, and it’s not always bad to want change. However, there is one phrase that bothers me. “New year, new me.” While, yes, some may be exercising more and eating differently, thus changing around some aspects of their life, this should not change who you are as a person.

The phrase makes it sound as if people are chang-ing the very core of who they are. Which is not something that’s easy to do. It’s un-derstandable that there may be some unhappiness with things that have happened in the past year or decisions that have been made, but that is no reason to attempt to completely redesign who you are as a person. My new year’s resolutions this year range everything from work-ing out to dental hygiene. Sure, if I actually follow these goals some parts of my

life will change, but I won’t. “New year, new me” may be an attempt to shed old mistakes or memories, but I have to remember that this is part of who I am. Every decision and event in the past year has helped to shape me more as a person and I don’t want to let go of those in an effort to recreate myself, even if I don’t hold them in the fondest regard. While I fully support making goals and having hopes for this year, you don’t have to change who you are to do it.

Jewelry looks to rock it in 2012






Aldene and Bryan come to OKCMadison Reichert


That’s right folks! Your favorite country singers are on tour together. Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan are joining forces to entertian

country music fans across across America. They will be

leaving Tattoos on the Towns and making memorable impressions

in many cities including the follow-ing: Green Bay Wisconson, Orlando Florida, Jonesboro Arkansas, Saint Paul Minnesota, Huntsville Alabama, Cedar Falls Iowa, Charlottesville Vir-ginia, and last but not least, Oklahoma City on Feb. 2nd at the Chesapeake Energy Arena. The concert, starting

at 7:30, is said to be he most highly anticipated event in the world

of coutry music. This concert will definitely be Your Kinda Party. Jason Aldean has recently made quite the positive impact on all country fans with many hits and countless moments of recog-nition. At the annual CMT awards, Lionel Richie presented Jason

with his Artist of the Year award and points out that, “Selling two million records re-quires skill, talent, and swagger.” Richie could not be more accurate in describing this dreamy southern star. With his most popular songs, ‘Don’t You Wanna Stay,’ “Dirt Road Anthem,’ and ‘My Kinda Party,’ this concert will be difficult to stay away from. Luke Bryan, along with Al-dean, has dramatically af-fected the world of coutry music. Bryan has been awarded ‘Top New Solo Vocalist,’ and ‘Top New Artist’ and has been nomi-nated for ‘Male Artist of the Year’ as well as ‘Single of the Year.’ His Latest album, ‘Tailgates and Tanlines’ debuted at number one on the Top Country Albums and number two on the Billboard 200. Time to start planning your trip to Oklahoma City to watch this dynamic duo live in concert. You Won’t Want the Night to End!

Red hot chili peppers are at it again

Rachel Campbell and Annie RoachEditor-and-chief and Lifestyle director

The Red Hot Chili Peppers, who released their first debut and self titled album in 1984, are still going strong. Their recent release of I’m with You in 2011 was the tenth album recorded by the band. While the album retains the classic pepper sound, a new twist has been added with the addition of a new guitarist. While fans were sad to see John Frusciante leave in 2009, Josh Klinghoffer has refreshed the RHCP sound and brought the band back to life. While some fans and critics are skeptical of the new feature guitarist, many are happy to see some new tal-ent bring what he has to offer to the sound and band as a whole. “It makes me feel all giddy in-side. It makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy as the pepper’s melodious tones and beats penetrate my core,”

senior Dillon Conwell commented upon hearing the new album. Many local fans are especially excited for the tour, planned to hit Tulsa on March 13. “I already have my ticket and am really excited to see them live. Their music has always been really good and seeing them in person will be amazing,” senior Jake Burris said.


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Lady Antebellum:T-town prepares to own the night

Andrea MayesReporter

On January 27, 2011 Lady Antebellum will be performing live at the BOK Center downtown. The tour is promoting the band’s newly released album, Own the Night. They will be performing their latest track, “Own the Night”, and their most recent chart-climber, “Just a Kiss.” The band is also expected to play a few of their all time greatest hits, including “Need You Now,” and “I Run to You.” Lady Antebellum is a country-pop senatation that includes members Dave Haywood, Charles Kelly, and Hillary Scott, originating from Nashville. They are known for their easy-going tunes with passionate lyrics and clever music videos. The band has had a trend of taurning a song with a simple message into an overnight sensation. Lady Antebellum has celebrated extreme success over the last year, and countinues with their tour. Along on the tour is Darius Rucker, former vocalist and guitarist for rock band Hootie and the Blowfish. He is expected to sing his hits “Don’t Think I Don’t Think About It”, “Come Back Song”, “This”, and “Alright.” Tickets are on sale now at the BOK Box Office, prices vary. Sales are going fast, so do not miss a chance to see the latest up-and-coming country music stars live in Tulsa this January.

X & YX Side- Snow Angels

Y Side- Snowmen

Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming

Live.Laugh.Love. Music is great because it not only defines who you are but to some it is even more valuable than diamonds and

gold. Not even Donald Trump can beat the worth of a good beat. If you are feeling a little under the weather, music can turn your attitude around. For me, music can turn any day into the best day ever. If I am tired one night turning on some simple tunes will easily help me wake up and stay up all night so I can get my studying done. The best thing about music is that so many artists are one of a kind and there are many styles that can be heard all

around the world. The right kind of music can put you in a great mood and make you want to get up and dance. Whether it is a contemporay pop mix or a R&B style that has a musical of-the-soul vibe, music can always inspire. Personally, I love blasting Mac Miller on my way to school because his music always starts my day on a good note. My favorite time to listen to music is when my friends and I ride around town. We love sharing our new interests, whether we are going shopping at Utica Square or heading out to a party on Fifth Ave. One last thing, after all this I hope people realize that music is always there for you no matter what it is that you are going through.

-Erica Engelby

Editors-in-Chief: Rachel Campbell Erica EngelbyLifestyle Director: Annie Roach

Copy Editor: Cam Thomas

Ad Director: Bethany Mann

Advisor: Daniel Manley

Staff: Dallas ElmoreBailey Fischer-Columbo

Rachel LampiBethany MannAndrea MayesNatalie Miller

Amy PrittMadison Reichert

Sarah RicheyEmery Skelton

At times when stress surrounds me and I feel as if I’m buried beneath unmov-able mountains, I always turn to music, trusting that it will carry me away on swift wings. To lose yourself in its subtle melodies is to escape from some of the tedious realities that litter life. When anger wells like a geyser within me, I lay back, play Eminem, and let the frustration flow from me like lava viscously pour-ing from a volcano. Some make the mistake of assuming that listening to the “angry” beats of Emi-nem can pump me full of

vicious wrath and violence. However, his lyrics save me from such a fate, and instead allow me to escape from the rage that ensnares so many others. I listen to his music with a smile on my face and a brightness in my eyes. When I’m dread-ing a daunting workout, his tempos push me through the fear and spark my enthusi-asm and perseverance. When the music stops, gravity tugs me back down to earth like a weight tied around my leg, pulling me back into a tossing ocean of eerie noiselessness. I move about through they day waiting for a taste

of the tunes that tantalized my tangled mind and brighten the typically dull landscape of perfunctory daily events. Music can carry me to heights that would be near impossible if only silence were available. It makes me feel invincible, unconquerable, and as if I could do anything. -Rachel Campbell

We all know what’s truly the superior wintertime drink - what could be more festive than a cup of eggnog during the holidays? It is only available in stores during the winter months, starting in early November and leading sometimes until the middle of January. After that, you have to wait a whole year before getting the chance to taste it again. You can buy hot chocolate at any time of the year, and what’s so special about that? Hot chocolate is safe and boring, a drink that most people have probably tried at least once in their lives. Adding in cinnamon or whipped cream doesn’t make it different anymore, either - everyone does it. Eggnog stands out in a refrigerator’s crowd of juice bottles and milk cartons. You can add ice cream to it for a dessert both unique and delicious, or just drink it plain. So make a toast to the holidays - just make sure it’s with eggnog!

X & Y

It’s that time of year again and the bitter winds are blowing the holidays in. While chilled from the nippy tempera-tures and stingy wind, what better way to warm up from the inside out but with a decadent mug-full of hot chocolate? Hot cocoa is obviously the favored seasonal drink by all for an infinite amount of reasons. Unlike egg-nog, hot chocolate is enjoyed throughout the winter and holiday season - not just one day out of the year. When you order hot chocolate, not only do you get the heavenly gift of the hot chocolate itself, you also get fluffy marshmallows plopped on top all topped off with a creamy mountain of whipped creamand delicious chocolate syrup, yum! So when you’re shopping for the holidays or in and out of town visiting family, don’t forget to pick up a cheerful mug of hot chocolate!

Madison Reichert

Staff Box

Bethany Mann




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7116 S. Mingo Road • Tulsa, OK 74133