Trinity United Methodist Church, Sarasota, FL December,...

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Transcript of Trinity United Methodist Church, Sarasota, FL December,...

Vol. 12 Trinity United Methodist Church, Sarasota, FL December, 2017

Thank you for setting aside time this Holy Season, to seek the One we celebrate. As you read each passage, consider how this description of Jesus the Messiah reveals his character, motivation, and purpose. How does this description inspire you to trust Jesus and his promises? How will you apply and share what you have discovered? May God’s richest blessings be yours. Happy Advent & Merry Christmas - Lisa <><

December 1 Genesis 3:1-20 – “Seed of Eve” December 2 Genesis 22:1-18– “Only Beloved Son and Sacrifice” December 3 Genesis 48:15-16; 49:8-10– “Lion of Judah” December 4 Numbers 23:18-24; 24:3-9, 15-19– “Star of Jacob” December 5 Deuteronomy 18:14-22– “Prophet Like Moses” December 6 2 Samuel 7:1-17– “Son of David” December 7 Psalm 2 – “Messiah: Son of God and King” December 8 Job 19:23-27; Psalm 16 “Holy One and Resurrected Redeemer” December 9 Psalm 22 – “The One Forsaken by God” December 10 Psalm 72 – “Royal Son and Deliverer of the Afflicted” December 11 Psalm 110 – “Priest and Lord at God’s Right Hand” December 12 Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-7– “Immanuel, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace” December 13 Isaiah 11:1-10– “Branch from Jesse’s Roots”

December 14 Isaiah 42:1-10– “Covenant and Light of the Nations” December 15 Isaiah 49:1-7; 50:4-11– “Servant of Kings, Sustainer of the Weary” December 16 Isaiah 52:13-53:12– “Suffering Servant and Lamb of God” December 17 Jeremiah 23:1-6; 33:14-18– “Righteous Branch” December 18 Ezekiel 34:1-31– “The Good Shepherd” December 19 Daniel 7:9-14; Micah 5:2-5a “The Son of Man and Ruler from Bethlehem” December 20 Zechariah 9:9-10; 12:10-13:1 “King on a Donkey and Pierced Firstborn” December 21 Malachi 3:1-4; 4:1-6 “Covenant Messenger and Righteous Sun” December 22 Luke 1:5-38– “Son of the Most High” December 23 Luke 1:39-80– “The Tender Mercy of God” December 24 Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1-14 “Savior from Sin and Word Made Flesh” December 25 Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-20– “The Birth of Jesus”

O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.


Matthew 1-2 gives us Joseph’s experience of the birth of Jesus. Luke 1-2 gives us Mary’s experi-ence. John 1 gives the mystery and magnificence of the incarnation itself- what it means for God to come in Jesus the Christ for the salvation of the world. Sunday, December 3 Holy Communion at all services Jesus, the Word of God (John 1:1-3) Sunday, December 10 Reception thanking and recognizing the church staff Jesus, the Life and Light (John 1:3b-9) Sunday, December 17 Jesus, Seeing God’s Glory (John 1:10-14) Thursday, December 21 Blue Christmas Service at 5:30pm Sunday, December 24 Communion, Candles, and Carols at all services Services at 9am, 10:30am, and 5pm Monday, December 25 Simple Christmas Day Service at 10 am. Sunday, December 31 1 service at 10am Jack Hundley, preaching

December Sermon Series

2017 Christmas Offering

Day of Hope August 4, 2018

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the

one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we realize that the whole world was changed in that moment in

time. Since that day 2017 years ago, Christians have shared the love of Christ and his message of

redemption. Today we are challenged to find meaningful ways to draw others to Jesus. That is

why we’ve partnered with Hope Kids Community to host a Day of Hope for 100 students of our

neighborhood school Phillippi Shores Elementary.

What is Day of Hope? It is a special Saturday when prescreened families come to our campus to

receive everything needed to prepare them for the new school year. We work with the school coun-

selors to invite homeless students and students from struggling families to our “invitation only”

event. Over 200 volunteers from our community come together to provide Day of Hope.

We serve breakfast and lunch, provide medical, vision and dental screenings, haircuts, gift cards

for clothing and shoes, family portraits, backpacks with school supplies, child ID kits, groceries,

books and more. Our goal is to make each one who comes feel special and to reflect God’s love

for everyone. When the children arrive on the first day of school, our hope is they will feel proud

and confident, ready to succeed in school because someone cared enough to help their family pre-

pare for the big day.

This year’s Christmas Offering will help fund the 2018 Day for Hope. Thank you for your generous

gift so our neighbors may know the One who is The Greatest Gift.


Trinity in December

Poinsettias can be purchased to be placed in

our sanctuary for Sunday, Christmas Eve.

They are $9.00 each and can be bought in

memory, or in honor, of individuals.

The deadline to order is Sunday, December

10th. Make checks payable to Trinity, and

note on check “Poinsettias”. Place orders in

offering plate or mail/bring them to the church



Phone # or email:


No. of Plants ordered at $9.00


Total amount enclosed :_______________

In memory of / In honor of (Please Circle One):






I will pick up my plant: __________ or I wish

mine to be taken to a homebound member:___

You can pick up your poinsettias after Christ-

mas Eve Service or Dec. 25th after service.

Trinity Sanctuary Decorating for Advent

Come by on Saturday, December 2nd after

Christmas Choir Rehearsal and help the Trus-

tees decorate the Sanctuary with Chrismon-

Trees, Wreaths and Garland. We especially

need someone who can climb a ladder.

December 3-9 7 Essentials Week 3

December 10-16 7 Essentials Week 4

December 17-23 Favor Week 5

December 24-30 Wisdom Week 6

December 31-January 6 Love Week 7

January 7-13 Faith Week 8

January 14-20 Purity Week 9

January 21-27 Speech Week 10

January 28-February 3 Conduct Week 11

Children and Youth Ministry

Sunday, December 17


Family Movie Night

+ Christmas Cookies

& Prayer Walk

Meet in Heritage Hall at 6:00pm.

Bring 2 dozen homemade cookies to

pass out to our neighbors.

Prayer Champions have finished the first round of the Pray for Me devotional prayer guide.

Our commitment is to pray for our children and youth for one school year, allowing us to read through

the guide three times before school's out. As we begin the second round, we hope you'll expand your prayers to not only include your child or youth, but also the other Prayer Champions on your team! Include their names as you pray to God knowing someone else is also praying for you!

Pray for Me Continues


Grieving? Know someone who is?

the holiday season can be especially painful

when you are grieving a loved one’s death, Our

Surviving the Holidays seminar helps partici-

pants discover:

How to deal with emotions

What to do about traditions

Helpful tips for surviving social events

How to find hope for the future

Please join us for this encouraging seminar

Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 9 to 11 am

Breakfast served from 8:30 to 9 am.

The cost is $5 per person which includes a

workbook for daily help through the holiday sea-


Child care is available - please let us know when

you register

Congregational Care

Thank you from Claire Zimmerman, Recrea-tion Director, ManorCare.

Mr. LaTerry, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know how much we appreciate you and your choir for coming in and doing a sing-a-long with the residents here. From what staff and residents have told me, they absolutely loved the performance and I wanted to thank you.

If you and the choir ever want to come back to do it again, please contact me as we would love to have you back. Again, thank you so much and have a wonderful and blessed rest of your day.

Music Ministry


Anyone who paid even the least amount of at-tention in a high school English class could not have escaped hearing about the above titled poem by Robert Frost.

It has come to be interpreted in a number of ways that even the author had no intention of meaning, not least of which is the representa-tion of the notion of “American rugged individu-alism”!

Nonetheless, it certainly is not my intention to weave a scholarly, academic treatise on Robert Frost, but to point out the fact that there can be gloriously unexpected outcomes when following “the road not taken”.

This writer was inspired to take another ap-proach to the Christmas music ministry this sea-son by asking for Christmas Testimonies based on the theme: “When did the Christ in Christmas come to be real for You?”

The results have been tremendously and mar-velously delightful! The testimonies range from everyday ordinary situations that we tend to take for granted, but become a little different under particular circumstances, through an ad-venturous, risk taking mission trip, to heart-rendering stories of poignancy and dignity, all from right here in this congregation.

The Chancel Choir has taken on the task of un-derscoring these stories with seasonal choral arrangements.

These stories will be presented, one-by-one, during the first 3 Advent Sunday mornings of the Traditional Worship Services and during the Christmas Eve Worship Service Celebration!

In Need of a Resource to Help You Through

a Difficult Time?

Are you or someone you know going through a

difficult circumstance such as divorce, depres-

sion, financial stress, anxiety, or death of a

loved one? Care Notes are topic related book-

lets which say the right words at the right time

and make a healing difference in people’s lives.

These booklets communicate that God cares

and is near no matter what situations you or

your loved ones are facing. This Care note dis-

play can be found in the back of the Sanctuary.


Gift Giving Opportunities

Christmas gifts for Philippi Shores students

Don’t forget! If you are shopping for a Phillippi Shores student, gift-wrapped presents must be brought to Haley Hall by Sunday, December 3rd. Please mark each gift with the child’s number. Questions? Contact Carol Har-ris 941-928-4828 Thank you for expressing Christ’s love for these families.

Wish Lists for The Pines Residents

The wrapped gifts must be returned by De-

cember 6th.

Also, please donate items for The

Pines Christmas Gift Shop. This

event provides a “mini mall” for the

residents to select a gift or two for

family or friends at no cost.

UMCOR GIFT CARDS Tired of buying stuff for Christmas folks on your gift list really don't need? Looking for more meaningful gifts which speak to the true blessings of this holy season? We're here to help! Consider mak- ing a donation to the United Methodist Committee on Relief in their honor. Come by the office during the week or to the table in Haley Hall on Sunday mornings.. Make the donation. We'll supply you beautiful cards to present as your gift.



Many, many thanks to all who participated in filling shoe boxes for the Operation Christmas Child mission!! Thanks also to those who helped distribute the boxes to the sanctuary for dedication and for helping to load the van after Bible Study. Because of all your participation, Trinity was able to deliver 155 gift boxes which will be sent to needy children somewhere in the world through Samaritan's Purse. In many instances, your gift will be the only present re-ceived. Bless you for your giving!

UMCOR UPDATE - Your giving makes a difference!

The Florida Conference received a $1 million grant for hurricane relief from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This will help establish 5 locations in the most devastated areas to receive work teams beginning the first of the year.

The Florida Conference is also applying for an UMCOR grant to help with the Puerto Rican fami-lies relocating to the Central Florida area due to hurricane damage. They are expecting 100,000-150,000 new people to the area. That’s enough new students to build 5 new schools. Schools are already overcrowded and there is already not enough housing. The area around Orlando is 10th largest school district in the country.


Finance Team Report

TUMC DOLLARS AND CENTS (does not include designated funds)

Jan-Oct income $370,415

Jan-Oct income $358,720 (with prepaid pledges prorated)

Jan-Oct spending $374,491

80% of apportionments ($34,090) paid through October. Trinity Fiscal Year ends December 29th

Any giving received after that date, includ-ing Sunday, December 31st, will be includ-ed in 2018 Financial statements.

2018 Pledge update: Thank you to every-one who’s pledged! 102 households have pledged so far. This is $22,405 more than last year. For those yet to pledge, your pledge is still welcome and needed!

Suncoast Blood Mobile

A man in Pahokee with no legs and in a wheel chair lives in a mobile home. Statistics are that it takes 7 minutes for a trailer to become fully involved in a fire that starts. He would have no way out. SO, a wheel chair ramp is being built that meets ADA standards. There is still anoth-er man in the same situation. Think about a mission trip; to Pahokee in January. No skills needed, just HELP!!! January 18 thru Jan 20. Come for a day or the 3 days. Sleep in the church (I have extra sleeping bags and air mat-tresses) and eat in the fellowship hall at church. Hank 809-7188

January Pahokee Mission Trip

Suncoast Blood Mobile

Sunday, December 3, 9 am – noon,

Trinity Parking Lot

Every donor receives a coupon good for a free pint of Culver’s ice cream! Donors also receive a wellness check which includes Blood Pres-sure, Pulse, Iron count, and Cholesterol screen-ing.

Sarasota Lions Club

On Sunday, November 12, 2017, the Sara-sota Lions Club offered three free screenings. 26 individuals were glucose screened for dia-betes, 12 were referred for medical follow-up (just under a 40% referral rate). 13 were pro-vided a Digital Retinal Photograph, and 7 chil-dren were screened with the kids’ version of the camera with one referral.

It was of special note that 1 man was referred by the Northport office of the Sarasota County Health Department. The Sarasota Health Department sent a couple for the DRS be-cause of the diabetes and not having access to the DRS photo. A grandmother brought her 2 grandchildren because she heard about the screening the Sarasota County Health De-partment.

Sarasota Lions are a part of LIONS INTER-NATONA, the world’s largest service organi-zation, with 1.5 million members in 204 coun-tries. Always known to provide services for blind and visually handicapped, diabetes de-tection and education have also become an international goal.

You may reach the Lions Club at (941) 284-3241. If you wish to have the Lions Club come to your group, church, or public func-tion, you may also contact the Diabetes and Vision Screening Coordinator, Hank Lunsford, at 941-809-7188.

AARP Smart Driver Classes

Save the Date - AARP Smart Driving Classes

Arrangements have been made to hold three-six hour classes here at Trinity this coming year.

The dates are Feb. 19 & 20, Mar. 8 & 9, Apr. 16 & 17 (9 AM to noon each day)

Instructor and member Lee Moyer will be providing greater detail in the future.



United Methodist Women will gather for their annual Christmas Luncheon and party on Tuesday Dec. 5th at Glenridge at 11:30 am. JoAnn Rall is our hostess and it will be a very special day. Tickets are $10. See Sherrill Carr on Sundays to buy yours, or call or email her to reserve your ticket ASAP. All three UMW circles prepared 120 Christmas favors to be given the first week of December to the staff at Phillippi Shores Elementary School. UMW will also host a light supper reception in Haley Hall on Sunday Dec. 24th following the 5 pm Christmas Eve Service. If you have no other com-mitment after church that evening, come enjoy some good food and fellow-ship with your church family! If you know for sure you will be joining us at the reception, please sign up on the sheet by the church kitchen or call the church office. Everyone welcome members, guests, extended families!

UMWomen coordinating the new Pictorial Directory:

A special thanks to many UMW ladies who helped as sign-up hostesses on Sundays, or as hostesses during the pictorial directory photo days in November! We had three full days of photos done on Nov. 9,10, 11. Thank you to those of you who came a participated!! But many, many of you still have to be photographed. PLEASE give us one hour to come and be in our photo directo-ry. It is such a wonderful way to put names with faces.

The next photos will be taken on Friday Jan. 26th...evening hours even offered that day and Sat-urday January 27th all day. Go online now and reserve your spot! Go to web site and click on Pictorial directory and scroll through the times offered. Very easy to sign up. We will do on-site sign ups on Sundays January 14 & 21. But don't wait....sign up online today!

Tri-M’s (Mr., Mrs., Ms.)

Mark your calendar for DECEMBER 16 6:00 pm for our annual trek to Diane Freestone-Tom Sur-prise condo community building at Siesta Harbor. Diane will be fixing her fabulous pulled pork and asking those who brought a vegetable-salad in November to bring a dessert and those who brought a dessert, it’s veggie-salad time for you.

It was suggested and all agreed that we would dispense with our annual gift exchange, since there are so many, many needs in the USA from hurricanes, floods, etc that we would all make a donation to UMCOR and send it together as a group. You can either bring cash or check and we will have a basket to help those less fortunate than we.

However, we cannot have a Christmas gathering without gifts.soooooooooo please wrap anything in your house you do not want, never wanted and want to get rid of......this is not counting spouses, of This should be a lot of fun and no expense out of your pocket.

So mark it down.......Siesta Harbor December 16. Bring dish of food, gift for UMCOR and that un-wanted item from your house. Also, would be a great time to invite that new couple in church, as the clubhouse has plenty of room...just let me know so tables and chairs can be arranged. Phyllis Pritchett 941/356-6943


Trinity Preschool

Trinity Preschool would like to extend a very gracious THANK YOU to the church for the support and donations to our 20 year celebration of the school. It was a wonderful to mingle and share great music with friends, church families, and past and present families. The support you give will help us to continue to reach children in our community. We were able to raise over $3100 to aid us in our efforts and for purchase of equipment, supplies, and educational toys. Again, I and the staff am grateful for your support and donations which enables us to provide the high quality pro-gram with low student to teacher ratios that make us unique. - Pam Rader

Below is the welcome speech given by Terri Teigland at the Anniversary celebration:

So much has changed over the past 20 years! With all that has changed there are still some things that remain the same. Parents still seek the absolute best possible situation for their children to learn and grow. It was this pursuit and desire that led to the creation of Trinity Preschool. It all started with three very good friends; myself, Karen Thewes and Stephanie Lee. All three of us were teach-ers in our former lives (you know before kids), and all three were first time mothers. We began the search for the perfect preschool for our children and quickly fell into the Goldilocks syndrome. Some were too big, some were too small, and none were just right! When the search to find a good old fashioned, part-time preschool failed we decided to create our own. We began to imagine what a perfect preschool would look like. The task at hand was turning the dream into a reality. Where would this Preschool Be? This became the obvious first question. The three of us, along with our hus-bands, were taking a parenting class taught by Sherryl Carr. Right upstairs from where we are now. It became obvious, Trinity would be the perfect home for our preschool! We came up with a business plan and presented it to the Board of Trustees. We waited anxiously, just outside those doors, as the board debated and came to a decision. It was unanimous Trinity Preschool was a go. Once the church was on board we thought "wow, the hard part is over" boy were we wrong! There were deeds, permits, county restrictions and other legal hoops to jump through to start a business on the church property. One person stepped up on day one to lend his hand, Mr. Tom Welsh. It was May of 1996 and I was 8 ½ months pregnant with child #2, Karen was 6 months pregnant with child #2 and Steph wasn’t preg-nant “yet” but was plenty busy with child #1. So, let’s just say the three of us were in no position to sit in county offices for hours waiting for permits. Tom was there for the three of us every step of the way. Some people called him Saint Tom for his ability to work with a group of emotional, pregnant and hormonal Mama Bears! He became the first chairman of the preschool board. He believed in our vision and worked tirelessly to bring it to life. With Tom managing the heavy lifting, the three of us were busy with the hundreds of little decisions that needed to be made. Decisions like what level of education will be required of our teachers and what will be the maxi-mum and minimum number of kids per class? Decisions that once made had to be written into policy. It was tedious work. There were lots of late nights, lots of chips and salsa, and lots of laughter! Once we were ready to start hiring there was one person at the very top of our list. We had to have her! Her name was Kathy Maronet. Miss Kathy was special! There was something magical about the way she commu-nicated with children. She could calm a frightened child experiencing separation anxiety while simultaneously assuring the child's mother that everything was going to be alright. Kathy's philosophy was clear, children learn best through play. We were over joyed when she agreed to be the Preschool Director and teacher of the 4 year old class. Our initial dream team was complete with Mary Vanik, Lisa Bohn and Glenna Shrock. So many won-derful teachers have blessed the young lives entrusted to Trinity. Hundreds of toddlers have come through our preschool doors. The first group of graduates are now in their mid twenties, some are pursuing careers, or higher levels of education, some are serving in the military or perhaps backpacking across Europe! Whereever the road takes the Trinity Preschool grad you can be sure they were given a strong foundation. Our original mission statement still rings true 20 years later, “Where every child feels special because of the loving care provided by professionals” All we ever wanted was the perfect preschool for our children and those of the community. We never dreamed we’d be standing here 20 years later. We are so proud of everything Trinity preschool has been and will continue to be. We dedicate this special day to our dear friend Steph.


January Rummage Sale December Birthdays

December Anniversaries

Greydon Wilhelm 12/1

Janet Wyatt 12/1

Dakota Alexander 12/3

Paul Binder 12/3

Turner Means 12/4

Debbie Utter 12/5

Sherman Campbell 12/6

Sam Caudle 12/6

Jared Anthofer 12/9

Scott Hunt 12/9

Linda Lopez 12/9

Jennifer Record 12/9

Joan Utter 12/9

Beatty Shipley 12/10

Jen Biddle 12/12

Tony Cajka 12/12

Evan Demes 12/13

Jerry Marshall 12/15 - 100 years today

Rhonda Puhaly 12/16

Marlane Stidham 12/16

Rick Ramirez 12/16

Carol Harris 12/18

Donalee Hess 12/18

Carole Pearson 12/18

J.D. Ellsworth 12/23

Karen Remfrey 12/23

Carol Swart 12/25

Richard Ladny 12/26

Russell Robbins 12/27

Ken Smith 12/28

George Cook 12/30

Charlotte Bryner 12/31 Brad & Audrey Pritchett 12/11

Troy & Colleen Logan 12/13

James & Solita Tay 12/21

Mark & Margie Aukland 12/25

Owen & Pat Woodyard 12/29

Trinity’s 50th Annual Rummage Sale for Missions is coming soon. As you prepare and perhaps pare down for the holidays, be sure to start that “donate to Trinity” pile. It will once again take everyone working together to make the Wed. Night dinner/early shopping, vintage/collectibles, the bake sale, the bou-tique, the watch batteries, the book hall, the furniture, the “men’s section, the clothing, lamps, kids/toys and housewares a success. For your convenience and quick reading, here are some of the questions that we get asked: When is it ? Wed., Jan.17th, 4 pm - Sat. Jan. 20th, noon When can I bring things in? After Christmas decor is down - the first week of January What can we use? Almost anything - EXCEPT heavy overstuffed furniture and non-flat screen TVs and unusa-ble computers How else can we help? We’ll have a” sign-up” sheet in Jan. for sale days. We need some pre-sale help on Public-ity. We need Presale sorters, pricers, “put-stuff-outers” We need pre-sale help testing appliances, tools etc presale. Questions or (gladly accepted) sugges-tions? Call or see Evelyn Miller

Did we miss your special day?

Send us the date:

email: Karen@iTrinity .org

or call 924/7756 ext 154


Serving in November

P r a y e r P r o m p t o r s

Please contact the Coordinator, Phyllis Pritchett with any special prayer request. Your request will be relayed through 60 prayer partners. Contact her by cell phone at 356-6943 or email

Please lift extra prayers for: Eddie Aguilera, Enos Allen, Jane Becker, Pat Birt, Bobbie Bruce,

Helen Cihlar, Nancy Crase, Barbara Ellsworth, John Ellsworth, Roz Eskew, Ginger Evans, Tom

Evans, Elizabeth Fonda, Dorothy Kendig, Susan Keyser, Helen Krotec, Luis Laborde, Mitch Mitchell,

Nancy Ostuni, Phyllis Pritchett, Maryalice McIntyre, Rob Purser, Stanley Scherer, Barbara Smith,

Joyce Sprenger, Debbie Utter, Joan Utter, Bill Watson, Pat Woodyard

Our Prayers are with the family and friends of Arlaine Bower. A Life Celebration Service was held at Trinity on November 13th.

Our Prayers are with Becki Creighton and Ian Bland on the death of her mother, Ginny Barnes

Our Prayers are with Emily and Ken Beck on the death of her mother, Bernice Reinhardt

Our Prayers are with Craig and Cindy Jorgensen on the death of his mother, Joan Jorgensen

Also please pray for our military family: Justin Chivas, Ed Degrenia, Kevin Gifford, Tanner Holly, Gunnar Kral, Joshua Marsh, Dylan Mitchell, Eric Neumeier, May-Ree Neumeier, Brandon Oberkamp, Audrey Santana, Craig Scott, Greg Sutton, John Turley, Aaron Utter, Dylan Youngblood.

If you know someone you would like to be put on the Acorn prayer list, or if you wish to be removed, call the church office at 924-7756 or email


December 3: 9:00 am: Mark and Margie Aukland 10:30 am: Diane Freestone, Tom Surprise Advent wreath Readers: Sherrill and Bob Carr Welcome Center: Becky Carlin Crucifer: Marguerite Hankins

December 10: 9:00 am: Mark and Julie Calmes 10:30 am: Marilyn Williams, Joy Voyles Advent wreath Readers: Jerry and Joy Voyles Welcome Center: Barbara Hunt Crucifer: Owen Woodyard

December 17: 9:00 am: Bev and Omer Quesnel 10:30 am: Diane Freestone, Tom Surprise Advent wreath Readers: Ellsworth Family Welcome Center: Barbara Hunt Crucifer: Mike Ray

December 24: 9:00 am: Dave and Susan Francisco 10:30 am: Pat Shive, Ethel Paki Advent readers: Marguerite & Tom Hankins Welcome Center: Ethel Paki Crucifer: Owen Woodyard

Communion Preparation:

9 am Service: Bev & Omer Quesnel

10:30 am: Ethel Paki, Joy Voyles

December Liturgist: John Ellsworth

On All Saints Sunday, October 30, 2016, we

remembered these Trinity Members who

have joined the church triumphant between

November, 2015 and October, 2016:

Arlaine Bower, Lois Hays, Richard Hicks,

Ruby Welsh, John Willette



Every Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am


9:00 am & 10:30 am Adult Small Groups

Nursery Hours 9 -11:30 a.m.

Promise Kids 9 - 10:30 a.m.

Youth Group 10:30 am

ESOL 9 am

Every Monday:

6:00 am

Breakfast Group

at Dennys

Every Tuesday

9 am TVB


10:30 am

Program Staff

TGIWednesday: 8 am: 40 minutes of hymns, a devotion and communion

8:45 am GlorYoga 11 am: Pastor’s Bible Study

4:45 pm Bible Buddies 5 pm Youth Group

5:15 pm Kidz Chorus 6 pm TGIW Dinner 6:30 pm Tutoring

7 pm X-Claim Rehearsal 7 pm Wascally Wesleyans 7 pm Owen’s video group

Every Thursday:

9:00 am

Sanctuary Team

10:00 am Al Anon,

Mary Hill Room

2pm Daniel Plan

4 pm GlorYoga

6:30 pm Chancel

Choir Rehearsals

Every Friday:

8:00 am


Group at Tasty

Home Cookin’

11am Book

Study at

Der Dutchman

Sun Porch

Church Office


(Other weekly

small groups

available -

for more


3 Blood Mobile here

9:00 am XClaim!

Contemporary Worship

10:30 am

Traditional Worship

4 5 6 am- 8 pm Special Election, Haley Hall Combined Circles Christmas Party 6 pm Trustees

6 TGIWednesday schedule (see above)

7 4 pm Yoga

1 8

2 Surviving the Holidays 9 -11 am 9:30 Christmas Musical Re-hearsal 9

10 9:00 am XClaim!

Contemporary Worship

10:30 am

Traditional Worship

11 6pm Leadership Council


13 TGIWednesday schedule (see above)



Preschool Lunch

w/ Santa, Haley

4 pm Yoga


16 6 pm Tri-M’s at Siesta Harbor


9:00 am XClaim!

Contemporary Worship

10:30 am

Traditional Worship

6 pm Family Movie Night



20 No TGIWednesday Dinner

21 5:30 pm Longest Night Service



24 9:00 am XClaim!

Contemporary Worship

10:30 am Acoustic

Christmas Worship

5 pm Christmas Eve

Candlelight Service

25 10 am Christmas Day Service

26 9:30 Arts & Crafts Group

27 No TGIWednesday Dinner




31 10 am One combined New Year Worship Service

January 1, 2018

2 9:30 am UMW Board 6 pm Trustees

3 TGIWednesday Schedule (see above)

4 5 6

December 2017



United Methodist Church

4150 S. Shade Avenue

Sarasota, FL 34231

Tel: 941-924-7756

Fax: 941-922-4986



Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed Friday

Pastor: Rev. Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia Traditional Worship Director: LaTerry Butler Director of X-Claim!: Jan Potter Director Congregational Care: Tammy Barnett Director of Children/Youth Ministry: Russell Towery Nursery Coordinator: Gennie Gyurica

Sound Board Operator: Sean Hamilton Preschool Director: Pam Rader Preschool Teachers: Glenna Schrock, Wanda Butler, Brooke Brayton Business Administration: Jack Hundley Secretary: Karen Remfrey

The Mission of Trinity United Methodist Church: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Stay Connected – Our Facebook page is the best place for reminders, updates and the latest pictures.

Check out the new Facebook page for Trinity Preschool, too.

Head to the church website,, for recordings of the Sunday messages and other great info.