Trials and tribulations of language translation

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Trials and Tribulations of Language Translation

• I have done a lot of work as an online translator, and I can assure you that my job is far from simply transferring words from one language to another. In fact, I wish it were that simple, but in actuality language translation is incredibly detailed and complicated. Every word has to be changed for every sentence and it all has to flow correctly.

• In your chosen language that may seem like a simple task, but when transferring things over from one language to another, the task becomes many times more complicated. It doesn’t just require knowing two languages, but actually understanding them in detail.

What Do Online Translators Do

• An online translator takes a work in one language and transfer for it over. There are countless reasons why you may need us to do a translation for you, whether it is trying to translate a document for an international meeting or getting a book or other published work to a different audience, whatever the cause may be an online translator has the skills to do it.

• Simply put though, a translator’s job is to take the material, interpret it, and make sure that it comes off the same way in the other language. The work that needs to be done requires a great bit of language understanding to make sure that everything comes out properly, otherwise the translation can be complete nonsense.

The Things That Make Translation Difficult

•What makes online translation difficult is the fact that languages have different rules. Some languages start off with a different set of words than others. Sometimes the subject and the verb switch places in languages. The inflection or use of a question may mean using a completely different word than if you were to say a statement, but the two words mean exactly the same thing.

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•Another difficult thing for us translators is that we also have to know which type of language to use for translations. Depending on the paper, we may have to translate it into a more formal style of the language, but it may also need to be transferred over into a casual format. There are also certain things that don’t translate very well from one language to another.

• As a translator, it is our job to find the best way to interpret the original work and put into a new language. It doesn’t just require switching words out, but actually understanding the work to a degree that allows the reader to reach that new audience.

• There is a reason why not just anyone can be a language translator. It takes a lot more than simply using an online dictionary or an automated translation service to do the work. It requires a real professional who can make sure that your work is not only legible in another language, but correct in all forms such as grammar and readability.

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