TRIALS 2019 - University of Birmingham

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Transcript of TRIALS 2019 - University of Birmingham


TRIALS 2019TRIALS 2019 February is trials month, and this year we have arranged trials for 49 resources. Please find be-

low details of all of the resources that we are trialling. There are limited funds for new resources

and so your feedback is essential to ensure that we spend the money wisely. Please take a look

at resources in your area of interest and complete the feedback form at:

We will not trial these resources again for another 2 years so if you want them please feedback!

All of the resources mentioned below can be accessed via the ‘Database’ part of FindIt@Bham Links to either the resource or information about it can be found by click-

ing on the titles below.

Magazine Archives

Women’s Magazine Archive 1

Provides access to fully scanned, colour cop-

ies of the following titles:

Better Homes & Gardens (1922 to 2005)

Chatelaine (1928 to 2005)

Good Housekeeping (1885 to 2005)

Ladies’ Home Journal (1883 to 2005)

Parents (1926 to 2005)

Women’s Magazine Archive 2

Provides access to fully scanned, colour cop-

ies of the following titles:

Cosmopolitan (1886 to 2005)

Essence (1970 to 2005)

Seventeen (1944 to 2005)

Town and Country (1846 to 2005)

Woman’s Day (1937 to 2005)

LGBT Magazine Archive

Provides access to fully scanned, colour copies

of a number of leading LGBT+ magazines from

the United States and the United Kingdom.

Titles included are:

AIDS Weekly (1988-2013)

The Advocate (1989-2008)

Albatross (1974-1978)

Erie Gay News (1993-2015)

Gay News and Gay Times (1972-2014)

Homosexual Counselling Journal (1974-


Just For Us (2002-2010)

The Pink Paper (1987-2008)

Rainbow Network Wedding Magazine


Transgender Tapestry (1983-2005)

Eighteenth Century Journals

Provides fully digitised versions of a broad

range of print journalism from the 18th Century.

The titles covered are both high and low-brow

and cover a range of topics from women’s

magazines, theatre, literature and politics.


Early American Newspaper Resources

The Following newspaper collections are all provided via Readex, collections can be purchased

individually and we would like feedback on each individual collection. When you enter the da-

tabase you will be taken to a screen that will search across all 10 collections that we are trial-

ling. To search just one collection, click on the ‘Searching 10 of 10 databases’ drop down and

select the collection you wish to try. Please fill in a separate feedback form for each collection

that you are interested in.

Early American Newspapers, Series

1, 1690-1876: From Colonies to


Series 1 allows you to search across 340,000

issues of 730 newspapers from 23 states with-

in the US and the District of Columbia.

Early American Newspapers, Series

2, 1758-1900: The New Republic

Series 2 covers a time period of mass ex-

pansion in new newspaper titles in America,

with new technologies allowing for smaller

local newspapers. This collection includes

290 newspapers from every part of the US.

Early American Newspapers, Series

4, 1756-1922: The Rise of Industry

Series 4 includes more than 150 newspapers

from across the US. This includes William

Lloyd Garrison’s anti-slavery newspaper The

Liberator and the first African-American daily

newspaper the New Orleans Daily Creole.

Early American Newspapers, Series

5, 1777-1922: An Emerging World


Series 5 includes more than 150 newspapers

from across the US. This includes Frederick

Douglass’ Paper which is a well known anti-

slavery newspaper.

Early American Newspapers, Series

11, 1803-1899: From Agrarian Re-

public to World Power

Series 11 includes more than 130 of the

most influential newspapers from across the

US, including the New York Herald.

Early American Newspapers, Series

13, 1803-1916: The American West

Series 13 covers 2,300 titles published in the

24 US states that are west of the Mississippi

River. Offering insight into early thinking on

the US-Mexico boarder and on the immigra-

tion that followed the railroad.

Early American Newspapers, Series

15, 1822-1879: Immigrant


Series 15 contains 160 newspapers of gen-

eral interest, as well as those written for and

by the immigrant population in America.


American History Resources

African American Newspapers, Series

1, 1827-1998

This includes more than 280 newspapers from

35 US States. The newspapers are written for

and by African Americans, and includes Free-

dom’s Journal which was the first African Ameri-

can newspaper in the US.

The Following newspaper collections are all pro-

vided via Readex, collections can be purchased

individually and we would like feedback on each

individual collection. When you enter the data-

base you will be taken to a screen that will

search across all 10 collections that we are trial-

ling. To search just one collection, click on the

‘Searching 10 of 10 databases’ drop down and

select the collection you wish to try. Please fill in

a separate feedback form for each collection that

you are interested in. https://

African American Newspapers, Series

2, 1835-1956

Series 2 includes additional newspaper titles

from 22 US States and the District of Columbia.

Ethnic American Newspapers from the

Balch Collection, 1799-1971

This resource allows you to search 130 US news-

papers that are in 10 different languages. It has a

focus on Americans of Czech, French, German,

Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Jewish, Lithu-

anian, Polish, Slovak and Welsh descent.

American Periodicals Series

This resource provides full text access to

150 years of American journals and maga-

zines, mainly from the 19th Century. The

titles are from a range of subject areas, in-

cluding: history of American medicine, liter-

ature, art and museums, theatre, engineer-

ing, fashion, politics and housekeeping.

J. Walter Thompson: Advertising


Providing access to primary materials, from

1900-2000, of one of leading advertising

agencies in America, who led the advertis-

ing campaigns for world brands such as

Kellogg's and Kraft. Materials in the collec-

tion range from minutes of staff meetings,

market research reports, client briefs and

the final advertisements. The materials al-

low an insight into how a creative team

works and makes decisions and how ad-

vertising influences the development of tel-



Theatre, Film, Art and Literature ResourcesTheatre, Film, Art and Literature ResourcesTheatre, Film, Art and Literature Resources

Digital Theatre PlusDigital Theatre PlusDigital Theatre Plus

Includes videos from a range of performance

styles including: modern drama, Shakespeare,

opera, jazz and the London Symphony Orches-

tra. Also provides access to the RSC Live per-

formances. The resource includes videos of re-

hearsals and interviews with cast and crew as

well as sources of theory and criticism.

Routledge Performance ArchiveRoutledge Performance ArchiveRoutledge Performance Archive

Brings together a collection of audio-visual mate-

rials including: excerpts and full length perfor-

mances, interviews with and footage from practi-

tioners. It provides unique access to materials

from the Victoria and Albert Museum's National

Video Archive of Performance recordings.

Screen Studies

Provides access to film scrips in industry studio

format, as well as secondary research books

from Faber and Faber and Bloomsbury, includ-

ing leading series such as Projections. Allow-

ing a user to easily bring together these materi-

als via either individual film title, genre, topic or


Romanticism: Life, Literature and


This digitised collection of the Wordsworth

Trust provides users with access to primary

materials from William Wordsworth as well

as his contemporaries such as: Coleridge, De

Quincey, Southey, Arnold and Lamb. It also

provides digital images for over 2000 pieces of

art works, including works by Haydon, Turner,

Constable, Ruskin and Gainsborough.


Provides access to over 65 titles that are aimed

at helping museum and gallery professionals to

share best practice.

Shakespeare's Globe Archive

This databases does not go live until mid-

March so we are unable to provide access, but

please do use the online feedback form to tell

us if and how this would support your re-

search, teaching or learning.

Provides access to the archive, from 1997-

2016, of the reconstructed Globe Theatre. It

includes prompt books, architectural plans,

wardrobe notes and music scores.


This databases does not go live until August so

we are unable to provide access, but please do

use the online feedback form to tell us if and

how this would support your research, teaching

or learning.

Provides access to field recordings and note-

books, film footage and other materials from 60

field studies from around the world. Ranging

from rare religious music to rap and hip-hop.


War and Politics Resources

First World War Portal

Allows access to primary materials created be-

tween 1914-1920. These include artwork, car-

toons, film clips, diaries, official papers and

personal documents. The resource is split into

four modules. Please feedback on which

modules you found most useful:

Module I: Personal Experiences

Module II: Propaganda and Recruitment

Module III: Visual Perspectives and Nar-


Module IV: A Global Conflict

Political Extremism and Radicalism

in the Twentieth Century: Far-Right

and Left Political Groups in the US,

Europe and Australia

Provides access to campaign materials, prop-

aganda, government reports and other primary

materials from a range of political groups in-

cluding: Klu Klux Klan, the Black Panthers,

National Socialist Party of Australia, and the

British Union of Fascists as well as leading fig-

ures including Oswald Mosley, Arnold Leese,

Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.

The Making of the Modern World: Part

III, 1890-1945

Provides access to digitised monographs and

serials from the Senate House and Goldsmith’s

Libraries. Topics covered by the collection in-


Expansion of Communism and Capitalism

Production and trade as it relates to the

role of the state

History of immigration and its impact on our


The emergence of the middle class

Temperance movements

Human Rights Studies Online

Providing access to a range of primary sources

related to the impact of Human Rights atrocities.

Items include: diaries, arrest warrants, documen-

tation of forcible detentions, court transcripts and

testimonies from victims and witnesses. It also

highlights how the media and NGOs tried to

raise awareness of human rights abuses.

Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels

Contains more than 6,000 diary entries by Jo-

seph Goebbels (approx. 16,800 pages) across

the years 1923 to 1945 .

Nationalsozialismus, Holocaust,

Widerstand und Exil 1933-1945

A database with fundamental primary sources

on the National Socialist state and the NSDAP,

Nazi ideology and propaganda, National So-

cialist justice and legislation, on resistance and

persecution, and annihilation and expulsion in

the "Third Reich" have been compiled and dig-



The East meets Europe, plus German Resources

East India Company (India Office Rec-

ords from the British Library, 1599-


The East India Company was one of the most

powerful organisations in the World. This re-

source allows users to search across a range

of materials including : correspondence,

minutes of council meetings and texts of legis-

lation. The resource is split into modules.

Please feedback on which modules you found

the most useful:

Module I: Trade, Governance and Empire,


Module II: Factory Records for South Asia

and South East Asia

Module III: Factory Records for China, Ja-

pan and the Middle East

Europe and the Ottoman World: Di-

plomacy and International Relations

Contains documents that explores the complex

and evolving interactions between the Ottoman

Empire and Europe over the course of six hun-

dred years’ of history. Comprising correspond-

ence, treaties, travel accounts and printed

books .

Der literarische Expressionismus


German Literary Expressionism Online pro-

vides full text access to 151 journals, year-

books, collections and anthologies from the

early 20th century, covering topics from litera-

ture, art and politics.

Deutsche Literatur des 18. Jahrhun-

derts Online

This resource provides access to first editions

and first published complete editions by 642

German-speaking authors of the 18th century

are now available online. The 2,675 works with

4,494 volumes reflect the broad spectrum of

German literature from the early stages of the

age of Enlightenment to the later part of the pe-


Vossische Zeitung 1918-1934 Online

This database contains approximately 10,500

issues of the oldest and most renowned Berlin

daily newspaper, with a total of some 127,000

full text pages. It was one of the most im-

portant sources of public opinion in Prussia, de-

picting and commenting upon daily events in a

period of frequent change: the end of World

War One, the revolution and the workers' and

soldiers' councils, the political discussions and

disturbances of the Weimar Republic's early

days, the world economic crisis beginning in

1929 and the rise of National Socialism.


Business. Economics and Religion Resources

Studies on the Texts of the Desert of

Judah Online

We are currently unable to provide full-trial ac-

cess to this resource but would still like feed-

back on if you would find it useful for your

teaching, research and learning.

Since 1957 this series publishes monographs

and collections of articles dealing primarily with

the Dead Sea Scrolls. The series contains

scholarly translation and evaluation of Biblical

texts from the papyri and manuscripts of Wadi

Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and related

bibliographic, linguistic, cultural and historical

aspects of ancient Judaism and early Christian-

ity .

Global Market Model

If you are interested in reviewing this resource

please contact Catherine Robertson

( who will arrange

access for you .

The resource provides access to 5 years of his-

toric and forecast data, industry indicators,

macro-economic indicators, production volume

and value, sales values and export and import


World Financial Information

We are currently unable to provide full-trial ac-

cess to this resource but would still like feed-

back on if you would find it useful for your

teaching, research and learning. The service

provides data of the Chinese financial market,

covering stocks, bonds, funds, indices, war-

rants, commodity futures, foreign exchanges,

macro industry, etc. and would likely have to be

installed on a fixed terminal.

Business, Management and Econom-

ics Journal Archive

We are unable to trial this resource but if it is of

interest do feedback using the trial feedback


The services provide access to over 95 journal


The Business, Management & Economics Ar-

chive is split into the Classic Archive and the

Modern Archive.

The Classic Archive features content from 1996

back to the journal’s very first volume, where


The Modern Archive looks at more recent histo-

ry and features content from 1997-2006.

Business and Economics De Gruyter

Ebook Collection

We are unable to trial this resource but if it is of

interest do feedback using the trial feedback


Providing full text access to a selection of over

2000 ebooks from the following publishers: De

Gruyter, Harvard University Press, Sciendo,

Bohlau, Birkhauser, De Gruter Olderbourg, De

Gruyter Akademie Forschung, transcript Ver-

lag, University of Toronto Press and Cornell

University Press.

New Testament Tools, Studies and Do


We are currently unable to provide full-trial ac-

cess to this resource but would still like feed-

back on if you would find it useful for your

teaching, research and learning.

Provides online access to this ebook series

which promote the publication of primary

sources, reference tools, and critical studies

that advance the understanding of the New

Testament and other early Christian writings

and writers into the fourth century.


BMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best Practice

A tool to help with real time decision

making for patients care, it includes:

expert opinion and guidelines to aid

diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and

prevention, international guidelines

and is updated daily.

Medicine Resources

BMJ Case ReportsBMJ Case ReportsBMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports is an educational

resource offering a high volume of

cases in all disciplines so that

healthcare professionals, researchers

and others can easily find clinically

important information on common

and rare conditions.

Complete Anatomy (App)Complete Anatomy (App)Complete Anatomy (App)

Download the free version of Complete Anatomy 2019

from the appropriate App Store for your device. To down-

load the app you need to be on the university network to

connect to a registered University IP address. Download

the app and this then Launches Complete Anatomy on

the device. From app’s main screen, select GET START-

ED and complete the in-app registration process by cre-

ating and verifying a 3D4Medical account .

This resource allows you to study human anatomy in 3D

with high levels of accuracy. It contains 13,000 structures

(including the body systems: endocrine, digestive, mus-

cular, nervous, respiratory and skeletal) that can be ex-

plored in detail and are complemented by a rich library of

reference material.

Bates’ Visual Guide to



Providing more than 8 hours of video

content on head-to-toe and systems-

based examination techniques to aid

medical students to mater this im-

portant skill.

Visible Body

Providing a comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body

(including a dental section).

Visible Body has over 24,000 items in its visual data-

base. These include: 3D models of anatomical structures

and systems, physiology animations, pathology visualiza-

tions, illustrations, cadaver images paired with CTI or

MRI scans, definitions, pronunciations, learning presen-

tations that use this visual content, and more.

ClinicalKey Medical


We have a trial of this resource until

the end of September.

It provides access to over 200 medi-

cal textbooks, over 850 learning vide-

os and 85,000 images. Plus quick

access summaries to aid student un-

derstanding of medical topics.


Science Resources

Wiley Digital Archive—Royal Anthro-

pological Institute

Provides access to primary sources from the

collections of The Royal Anthropological Insti-

tute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI) which is

the world's longest-established scholarly asso-

ciation dedicated to the furtherance of anthro-

pology (the study of humankind) in its broadest

and most inclusive sense.

Springer Materials

A comprehensive database for identifying ma-

terial properties which covers data from materi-

als science, physics, physical and inorganic

chemistry, engineering and other related fields.

Enhanced data visualization features display

interactive crystal structures, data tables, and

phase diagrams with export options for further

analysis .

Global Digimap

Global Digimap is a new service in develop-

ment with you the users. The service will pro-

vide access to global datasets in cartographic

styles and downloadable formats that are use-

ful to you. Please use our feedback form to let

us know how useful you think this product will

be for your teaching, research and learning.

Edina would also like users to provide them

with feedback so that they can develop the ser-

vice further. Please email them on:

GeoScienceWorld eBooks

We are unable to trial this resource but would

like feedback on if this would help to support

your teaching, research or learning.

Provides access to ebooks from 11 publishers

including to name a few: American Association

of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Science

Publishing and NRC Research Press, Clay

Minerals Society, Geological Society of Ameri-

ca, Geological Society of London, Mineralogi-

cal Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

ACM Books Collection

We are unable to trial this resource but would

like feedback o if this would help to support

your teaching, research or learning.

This ebook collection consists of graduate-level

textbooks, research monographs on estab-

lished and emerging fields, practitioner-level

technical books, and books devoted to the his-

tory and social impact of computing.

ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Database

There is restricted access to this trial. If you

would like to trial the resource please contact

Polly Harper on:

This fully searchable online database now con-

tains 40,300 binary and ternary alloy phase di-

agrams, from over 9,000 systems. With associ-

ated crystal and reaction data

Wiley Digital Archive - Royal College

of Physicians

There are many archive records defining the

RCP’s changing role in setting standards in

medical practice. As a result the archives con-

tain an eclectic range of 14th- to 19th-century

manuscripts. Personal papers of past fellows

from the 16th century to the 20th century pro-

vide glimpses into the personal lives and social

concerns of many distinguished physicians.

Wiley Digital Archive - The New York

Academy of Science

For 200 years—since 1817—the Academy has

brought together extraordinary people working

at the frontiers of discovery. Among the oldest

scientific organizations in the US, this resource

provides access to their collection.


Research Skills and Tools

Cochrane Interactive Learning


Once on the homepage of the resource click

on the ‘New users and subscribers’ button and

click on the ‘Create a Cochrane account’ but-


This online course provides over 10 hours of

self-directed learning on the complete sys-

tematic review process for both new and ex-

perienced review authors


To access this trial please contact Natalie

Blanchard: .

A tool to help manage the systematic review


Gale Digital Scholar Lab

The Digital Scholar Lab is designed with a da-

tabase-style interface and user workflow that

is familiar to students and researchers who

are new to data mining. It combines analysis-

ready raw text data with digital tools and algo-

rithms to drive visualizations and discoveries

that are the hallmark of data mining and digi-

tal scholarship. This resource only works with

Gale Primary resources that we already sub-

scribe to.

Proquest Central

We currently have a trial of this resource until

the end of December.

ProQuest Central brings together the most

comprehensive, diverse, and relevant multi-

disciplinary research database available. It

provides access to databases across all ma-

jor subject areas, including business, health

and medical, social sciences, arts and human-

ities, education, science and technology, and

religion. The collection includes thousands of

full-text scholarly journals, newspapers, maga-

zines, dissertations, working papers, and mar-

ket reports all together on a powerful, user-

friendly platform.

Very Short Introductions

We currently have a trial for this resource until

the end of August.

Launched by Oxford University Press in

1995, Very Short Introductions offer con-

cise introductions to a diverse range of sub-

ject areas from Climate to Consciousness,

Game Theory to Ancient Warfare, Privacy to

Islamic History, Economics to Literary Theory.


If you would like to see us purchasing any of the resources included in this booklet then do feed-

back. Without feedback the resource will not go forward as a potential item for purchase. Please

provide as much detail as possible in your feedback. A link to the feedback form can be found

within the ‘Description’ part on FindIt for each resource. Alternatively go directly to it at:

If you have any questions about the trials please contact the Library Engagement Advisor for

your College: