Trempealeau County 4 H Newsletter AUGUST 2017 CLOVER … · AUGUST 2017 CLOVER disPATCH inside this...

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Transcript of Trempealeau County 4 H Newsletter AUGUST 2017 CLOVER … · AUGUST 2017 CLOVER disPATCH inside this...


Trempealeau County 4-H Newsletter


inside this issue:

Calendar 2 Fair Feedback 3-4 Record Books 5 Ambassadors 6-7 Arts Camp 8 Award Applications 9-10 Trip Applications 11-15 Leaders Board 16-18 Forms 19-20

Trempealeau County UW-Extension Office

36245 Main St. Po Box 67 Whitehall, WI 54773

Phone: (715) 538-2311 Ext. 210

Fax: (715) 538-1974

Website: http://trem Facebook:

THANK YOU NOTES Remember to write thank-you notes to those who sponsored trophies you won at the Fair and also to auction buyers. The addresses of the trophy sponsors are on the bottom of the trophies.

All Trempealeau County Fair Results

will be posted in the September edi-

tion of the Clover Dispatch newsletter


I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer so far. Now that

the fair is over I hope everything has returned to normal and that you

have some time to enjoy the great weather.

Another important thing to do after the fair is to take some time

to really reflect on the fair as a whole. One of the key parts of 4-H is

taking some time to look back on your progress and accomplishments and

learn from your experiences. A record book is a great way to save your

memories about all your projects and your past year in 4-H as well as giving

you a good direction for future projects. Take some time over the next

few months to record some of the things you have done in the last year

and think about what you did well, what you could have done better, and

what you will change next time.

August begins the period of time in 4-H where we reflect, re-

charge, and prepare for the year ahead. We were able to get out the

state trips in this newsletter as well as opportunities to take a larger role

in 4-H through service with the County Leaders’ Association or the Ambas-

sadors, and to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in their

service to 4-H.

Have a great August!

Adam Trunzo

4-H Youth Development Educator


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Please Visit: for up to date event info.


August 3 - 13 Wisconsin State Fair - West Allis

August 3 National Watermelon Day

August 10 National S’mores Day

August 18-20 WI 4H State Dog Show—Tomah Recreation Park

August 24 National Waffle Day

August 28 Leaders’ Board Meeting


September 4 Labor Day—OFFICE CLOSED

September 7-10 Midwest Sheep & Wool Festival - Jefferson County Fair

September 9-10 State 4H Gymkhana - WI State Fair Park

September 9-13 National Barrow Show - Austin, MN

September 14-17 State 4H Horse Expo - WI State Fair Park

September 15-16 Shooting Sports Certification Workshop—Marshfield, WI

September 22-24 World Beef Expo

September 25 Leaders’ Board Meeting

September 30 National Chewing Gum Day


October 3-7 World Dairy Expo—Madison

October 7 Space Camp Registration begins

October 9 Columbus Day

October 20 All Record Books Due to the UW Extension Office

October 23 Leaders’ Board Meeting

October 31 Halloween


November Re-enrollment deadline

November 11 Veteran’s Day

November 23 Thanksgiving—Office Closed

November 24 Office Closed

November 24-28 National 4H Congress - Atlanta GA

November 27 Leaders’ Board Meeting



December 22 Office Closed

December 24 Christmas Eve

December 25 Christmas


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH


Despite our best efforts no one could be everywhere at all times during the fair (even though most of

us tried!)

We would like to hear some of the highlights, great stories, and areas for improvement concerning this

years Trempealeau County Fair while it is still fresh in our minds. Therefore it would be really great to

share some of the stories that came about during the fair or while preparing for the fair.

We encourage all clubs to have a positive discussion about the fair with each other or you can in-

dividually send your feedback to Adam Trunzo at or 715-538-2311

ext. 210

To give feedback about the fair to the UW-Extension Office please use the basic format below. This

will ensure that we can look at all the feedback we receive in an organized and meaningful way.

1. If you worked in the food stand or as a building monitor how was your overall experience?

What would you do to make these volunteer positions more effective? Do you have any good sto-

ries from working these positions this year?

2. Was the overall layout/schedule of the fair effective? (exhibit presentation, location of ven-

dors, show venues) What could be done to improve the layout or schedule?

3. What were your overall impressions with how the livestock and animal projects were organized?

Could you share any stories from the fair or ideas for improving the programs?

4. Share with us a highlight from your fair experience or tell us about an observation you had of

a 4-H member behaving with excellent character.

Reflection can be a great tool for sharing amazing stories about things you may have missed as well as

looking at how to improve the overall experience next year. Any information you share with the Exten-

sion office can be shared anonymously.

Share your Trempealeau County Fair Experience!


Reminder that the Ettrick Rod & Gun Club Clean–Up will be on August

20th from 7-8am. Please bring gloves.

This is a great way to show your appreciation to them for letting us

use their facilities for our Shooting Sports Program.


State 4-H Dog Obedience and

Showmanship Show

State 4-H Dog Obedience and Showmanship Show in Monroe County

August 18-20, 2017 at Tomah Recreation Park

For more info:

Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

State Fair Exhibitors

These talented young men and women were se-

lected to represent Trempealeau County at

the State Fair this year

Drawing & Painting: Jescey Thompson, Cami

Subra, Rachel Knudsen, Devon Baier

Home Environment: Alexi Hunter, Angela Os-

born, Sid Dailey

Clothing: Hilde Everson, Emily Herness

Electricity: Bjorn Mortenson

Cultural Arts: Kelly Herness, Emily Osborn,

Brianna Bishop, Allison Hunter, Hilde Everson,

Brandt Robinson, Thomas Zeigler, Laretta Sue


Woodworking: Emily Osbon, Angela Osborn,

Lars Everson


The following items were left at the Fair

Pink lace shrug

Kids blue tank top

Black lace tank top

South Dakota Sweatshirt

Kids rain jacket

Dairy show halter

sunglasses (2)


Please contact Cindy George with a descrip-

tion of your lost item at or

Fair phone of 608-582-4508


To the Fair Board and everyone who worked so

hard to ensure another successful Fair

To our Fair award sponsors—we appreciate your


To Superintendents and the assistants—we extend

a hearty “thanks” for all your help


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Record Books


You did all kinds of cool things as a 4-H member this year. Now is the time to think about what

you learned during the year. In 4-H terms they call it reflecting. After you have completed a

project or activity think about what you learned and how would change things in the future. By

going through the process of completing a 4-H record book, you are evaluating what went well

or did not go well during the year. Once we have reviewed our accomplishments for the year,

it helps us lay a plan for the new 4-H year to improve upon a skill or trying something totally


The record books are now much more user friendly. There are separate record book forms for

Cloverbuds (Kindergarten & 1st Graders), Explorers (2nd Graders & older 1st time members),

and Regular Member Forms (3rd grade and older)

Record book forms and guidelines can be found on the Trempealeau County Extension website:

The extension office can also provide you with the forms.

Record books will be collected and judged on the club level. Check with your club leader when

they will be due.


$25.00 Drawing – All 4-H members that complete a record book will be entered in this drawing

$10.00 Drawing- All 4-H members that submit a record book for the first time will be entered

in this Drawing

Club Incentives:

Most Improved Club-The Club that shows the most improvement on completed record books

will receive a PIZZA PARTY.

50% or More- Clubs that have at least 50% or more of their members hand in a record book

will receive ICE CREAM TREATS.

Information on the record books will be due to the extension office, October 2nd.


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Become A Member of the 4-H Ambassador! What is a 4-H Ambassador?

A 4-H Ambassador is in grades 7th -12th who has a sincere desire to promote

the Trempealeau County 4-H Program!

What do 4-H Ambassadors do?

The 4-H Ambassadors plan many events throughout the year. Here are some examples of

Ambassador Sponsored events: the 4-H Halloween Party, Easter Coloring Contest, and the

Countywide Picnic.

The 4-H Ambassadors also sponsor friendly club competitions like the 4-H Week Display

Contest, Food from the Heart Food Drive, and the School Supply Drive.

Ambassadors also help out at the County Performing Arts Festival, Little Miss/Little Mis-

ter Clover Contest, and Clover College. New ideas for County Events are always welcomed.

Who can apply?

An Ambassador must be a youth in grades 7-12 and has been an active 4-H member for a

minimum of 2 years.

Youth must be responsible, accountable and willing to learn and engage in active youth lead-


How to apply?

Completed Ambassador Applications (next page) must be turned by deadline date of Sep-

tember 29th to be considered.

Attach 1 letter of recommendation from club leader, project or activity leader saying why

you should be a 4-H Ambassador

Complete a record book from 2016-2017.

Participate in an interview

For more information on what exactly the Ambassadors do, Please contact Adam Trunzo at ad- or Brian Stankey at

Applicants: It is your responsibility to make sure your letter of recommendation and applica-

tion reach the Extension Office by September 29th to be considered.

36245 Main St PO Box 67

Whitehall WI 54773

Extension Phone number: 715-538-2311 ext 210

Ambassador Application


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Become A Member of the 4-H Ambassadors!

For more information on what exactly the Ambassadors do or any other questions, please con-

tact Adam Trunzo at

Applicants: It is your responsibility to make sure your letter of recommendation and applica-

tion reach the Extension Office by September 29th to be considered.

35245 Main St PO Box 67

Whitehall WI 54773

Extension Phone number: 715-538-2311 ext 210

Please submit the following information in any format you choose:

1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Email Address:

4. Phone (Day):

5. Name of Parent or Guardian:

6. Grade (for school year starting fall of 2016):

7. Number of years in 4-H:

8. Name of 4-H Club:

9. Current 4-H Projects:

10. School and Community Activities:

11. 4-H Club and County Leadership (example: offices held, junior leader):

12. 4-H Club and County Participation:

13. What would you like to contribute to 4-H as an Ambassador?

14. Why are you interested in becoming a Trempealeau County 4-H Ambassador?


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

4-H Programs and Events

WI 4-H Arts Camp Wants You!!

Do you have a passion for the arts? Are you ready to lead? Do you want to help 4-Hers GROW? We have the opportunity for you. Wisconsin 4-H has a camp that is all about “ART” in its many forms. This is the annual WI 4-H Arts Camp, and the leadership needs you to be a counselor. Arts Camp Counselors lead middle school youth through a weekend of arts exploration. There are two counselor roles, there are Art Track Counselors and Activity Counselors. Both are vital to a successful Arts Camp Experience. Art Track Counselors work together in a group of 3-5 to plan a one hour experience about an art form that interests them most. They then share the experience multiple times with separate groups of middle school campers. This role lets you express your creativity and share your passion of a par-ticular art type and teaching with the campers. It requires planning, facilitation skills and follow through.

Activity Counselors lead separate groups of middle school campers to the many tracks. They keep campers involved in camp and engaged in all the FUN! They are also responsible for cabin time activi-ties, as well, as other less structured times at camp. There are many fun and exciting “activities” that Activity Counselors oversee. The role of Activity Counselor allows you to have tons of fun with middle school 4-Hers as well as experience many kinds of arts activities. It requires patience in working with middle school youth, a willingness to interact and engage with campers and energy and enthusiasm!

This year, the WI 4-H Arts Camp Adult Resource Leader and Camp Counselor Applications and En-rollment, will be through 4H Online. If you are interested in applying, please read all the information and application instructions on the Arts Camp Website at: and then proceed to 4H Online at your family’s member list. On the bottom are two sets of pull down menus, the second set is for enrollment in events. Arts Camp is an event in that menu. Click register and fill out the information requested. This year’s WI 4-H Arts Camp Staff will be notified in Mid-July and the first planning weekend is scheduled for August 25-26 at Upham Woods. WI 4-H Arts Camp will be held the weekend of October 6-8.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joshua Goede, Monroe County 4-H Youth De-velopment Educator and this year’s WI 4-H Arts Camp Director at or 608.269.8722 or Amber Rehberg, WI 4-H Educational Program Specialist at or 608.262.1557.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to further develop your leadership skills and share your interests and enthusiasm for the “ARTS!”

Joshua Goede 2017 WI 4-H Arts Camp Director

Amber Rehberg WI 4-H Educational Program Specialist


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Volunteer of the Year

Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination

Due to the Extension Office by September 29, 2017

Has an adult volunteer in your club or within the County made a huge differ-

ence? Please nominate him/her for the Volunteer of the year Award.

Name of the Person/Business being nominated: _________________________

Nominated by: _____________________________________________

Please tell us why this person should be named Volunteer of the Year:
















Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Friend of 4-H

Friend of 4-H Nomination

Due to the Extension Office by September 29, 2017

Who in the community has made a difference in the lives of 4-H’ers? This award

traditionally recognizes a business that supports 4-H.

N a m e o f t h e P e r s o n / B u s i n e s s b e i n g n o m i n a t e d :


Nominated by: _____________________________________________

Please tell us why this person/business should be named Friend of 4-H:
















Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Leaders Board

State, National & International Trip Opportunities &

Award Guidelines (UPDATED): To encourage participation in these opportunities, the Trempealeau County

Leader’s Board approved to offer applicants more media options to qualify

for awards and trips.

Application process steps:

Complete the Trempealeau County Award & Trip Application.

Complete two of the following media options to be considered for the trips and or awards

of your choice.

1) Complete a Member’s Evaluation Form available on the state 4-H website:


2) Complete a 4-H Record Book- following the guidelines for your age requirement.

Forms available on the Trempealeau County 4-H website: http://


3) Other media that clearly demonstrates the member's involvement in 4-H

(please contact Extension Office before choosing this option)


Attend the October 23rd Leaders’ Board meeting for trip interviews. You should

come ready to answer questions about how you will be prepared for the trip, why

you wish to attend the trip, what you hope to gain from the experience, and how

you will share what you have learned when you return.

Obtain one letter of reference from Club General Leader

Submit application, media form of choice, and letter of reference postmarked by October

14th, 2017 to the Extension office. No late applications will be accepted after October 16th.

Personal Interviews will be conducted on Monday October 23, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Leader’s

Board Meeting in the Tremplo Room of theTrempealeau County Courthouse.

Please note that additional trips and awards will be added for

the September newsletter. The following is not a complete

list of trips!



Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

International Youth Exchange (More info at: )

What is it? Every summer, more than 70 youth from 7 different countries spend one month with

Wisconsin host families. Some families even host for an entire school year. In addition Wisconsin

youth also have the chance to travel to and live in either Costa Rica, Japan, Finland, or South Korea

in 2018!

Who can participate? Host families must have a youth of the same age and gender as the ex-

change student.

When is it? July-August 2018

Where is it? Your home or around the world

Why should you participate? Hosting a young person from another country is a wonderful oppor-

tunity to expand your horizons, learn about another culture and develop lifelong friendships without

even leaving your home! Travelling to another country and immersing yourself in the local culture is

an experience few traveler are able to experience. You get to actually be a part of a family and a

community instead of just snapping pictures on a tour.

For more information visit:

Key Award (More info at: ) What is it? The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program recognizes a select group of 4-H participants who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community. Who is eligible? Youth in 10th grade or older who have completed three years of club work and one year of youth leadership When/where is it? It is presented at the Trempealeau County Fair 2018 Why apply? In addition to being recognized for your outstanding 4-H career, each Key Award recipient receives a framed certificate and a Key Award pin.


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Trempealeau County Award & Trip Selection Application

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________ Phone Number:________________________________________________________ Name of parent of guardian:_______________________________________________ 4-H Club: ____________________________________________________________ Grade for school year starting fall of 2017: (Circle One)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

What is your best preference on how you would like to receive information? (Circle one)

Email Telephone Mail

Mark below the awards of trips you are applying for:

____ Key Award

____ Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference

____ Citizenship Washington Focus

____ Space Camp

____ National 4-H Conference

____ National 4-H Congress

____ International Youth Exchange

Give a brief explanation on why you are applying for the award or trip you selected:





What type of media forms have you chosen to be considered for the trips or awards?

_____ Complete & Submit Members Evaluation Form

_____ Complete & Submit 4-H Record Book

Who will be submitting your letter of reference? Name of Club General Leader:


Remember that you will need to attend the October 23rd Leader’s Board Meeting to do

your personal interview to be considered for these opportunities.

Phone interviews will not be conducted this year so please plan accordingly.


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Annual Meeting

The Annual Leader Meeting will be September 25th at 6:00 p.m. All club leaders are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity to share with other leaders your successes with your club and ask the extension office for resources to help your club. Please save the date on your calendar!

The Leader’s Board is an the main support for the Trempealeau County 4-H Program. The main responsibilities of the Leader’s Board are:

To raise and manage funds generated from the 4-H Food Stand and the Plat Book Sales Plan and organize county wide events such as Clover College, Performing Arts Festival, and the Trem-

pealeau County Fair Establish policies and procedures as needed Listen to funding requests that provide educational experiences to Trempealeau County 4-H Members Provides funding to 4-H members to attend camps, state, national, and international trips Provide financial support to project groups for example the Horse, Dog, Rabbit, Livestock, Foods & Nutri-

tion, and many other project groups. Evaluate current 4-H programs Explore new ideas that can benefit the Trempealeau County 4-H program

Who can be a Board Member? Any adult that has interest in the Trempealeau County 4-H Program. A parent, grandparent, community member, club leader, or project leader. If you are not a certified 4-H Volunteer at this time, arrangements would be made to receive the training. The Leader’s Board also has 2 youth positions. The youth positions are open to high school aged 4-H members. How often does the Leader’s Board meet? The Leader’s Board meets once a month. This past year the group met on the 4th Monday of the Month at 6pm in the Tremplo Room in the Courthouse. The meeting date may change when the new board members are elected. During the year the group can take advantage of the conference call option to accommodate the member’s schedules. How long are the terms? 2 years. May not serve for more than two consecutive terms 1 year for Youth Terms. May not serve for more than two consecutive terms. What do I do if I want to become a Leader’s Board Member? Contact Adam Trunzo at the extension office. Attend the Leader’s Board Meeting in September in the Tremplo Room in the County Courthouse.

We want to thank our current Leader’s Board Members for all their hard work: Brian Stankey, Heather Smock, Jeanette Dooley, Rosa Mooney, Kim Przybylla, Lori Dailey, Isabelle Mooney, and Bob Braun


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Trempealeau County Leaders’ Board Executive Meeting

June 7, 2017, 6:30 p.m.

Leader’s Board Members present: Brian Stankey, Rosa Mooney, Lori Dailey (telephone), Kim

Przybylla, Isabelle Mooney, Adam Trunzo

Quorum not met. Since we are on a tight schedule to have business conducted, Brian made an exec-

utive decision to have the meeting continue with those present.

Guests: none

Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m. by president, Brian

American and 4-H pledges were led by Alicia Schmitt, 4-H member present for meeting.

Secretary’s Report-One amendment needed-future meeting should be listed as TBD. Motion to ap-

prove with change by Rosa, seconded by Lori, all approve, motion carried

Treasurer Report-Read by Brian from emailed report as Jeanette was unable to attend. Motion to ap-

prove report from Kim, seconded by Rosa, all approved, motion carried.

Funding requests

Alicia Schmitt, Horse camp, $50

Olivia Killian, horse camp, $50

Bo Killian, Horse camp, $30 (not present)

Jack Killian, Horse camp, $30 (not present)

Sevannah Hines, Horse camp, $30 (not present)

Macen Hines, Horse camp, $30 (not present)

Sawyer Smock, Camp K, $30 (not present)

Forms were filled out completely and interviews were conducted with those present.

Motion to approve all funding requests as indicated below by Kim, seconded by Rosa, all approved, mo-

tion carried.

Jaydin Guza, Horse Camp, $50 Catherine Kampa- Horse Camp, $50

Rylie Guza, Horse Camp, $50 Alyssa Schank- Horse Camp, $50

Alicia Schmitt, Horse camp, $50 Sophia Kampa- Horse Camp, $50

Olivia Killian, horse camp, $50 Ally Hembd- Horse Camp, $50

Bo Killian, Horse camp, $30 Rylie Dingledien- Horse Camp, $50

Jack Killian, Horse camp, $30 Robert Mooney- Camp K, $60

Sevannah Hines, Horse camp, $30 Morgan Przybylla, Camp K, $60

Macen Hines, Horse camp, $30 Ried Bakeberg, Camp K, $60

Katie Erickson- Camp K, $60 Lydia Bakeberg, Camp K, $60

Robert Mooney- Camp K, $60 Sawyer Smock, Camp K, $30


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Educators Report- Adam

Reviewed upcoming Science Camp, brochures now available, upcoming Camp K, and recent Get Outdoors


Old Business

Plat books, postpone report until next meeting

Pinewood derby track, postpone until next meeting

State Fair Banner-Rosa has dimensions, will continue to finalize this.

Livestock committee check from last year was never cashed, Livestock committee says they never re-

ceived. Motion from Kim, seconded by Rosa to issue another check to the Livestock committee for

2016 fair meal for the same amount as previously written. All approved, motion carried.

Canoe trip-Brian will be in charge of this. August date, looking for a lifeguard which is needed per 4-H


New Business

Tremp. Co Fair sponsorship-Motion from Rosa to sponsor $1300 which is the Platinum level. Seconded

by Isabelle all approve, motion carried.

Next monthly meeting will be held on Friday, July 21, 9 a.m. across from the small animal building


Budget meeting set for July 11, 6 p.m. place TBD. (we are thinking a working dinner meeting located in

the southern part of the county)

Meeting concluded at 7:23 p.m. by president, Brian.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Przybylla, Secretary


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH

Leader’s Board Funding Request Process:

We are publishing the funding request information and form. With new people always coming into the 4

-H program, we want everyone aware of the process to request funds for 4-H camps, trips, and educa-

tional activities. This information can also be found on the Trempealeau County website. Please read

through at your convenience. Instructions-Funding Request Form

The Trempealeau County 4-H Leaders Executive Board includes money in their budget to help defray

some costs of 4-H educational trips or activities in which Trempealeau County 4-H members and lead-

ers participate. The amount the Association is able to contribute in a given year depends on the success

of fund raising efforts, the amounts spent in other budget areas, and the number of applicants and lev-

el of requests.

A “Funding Request Form” has been developed for use when an individual or group is requesting mone-

tary support. Only 4-H Sponsored Events will be considered for reimbursement. Use of the form will

provide a consistent, concise approach for obtaining information. Once the Committee engages in dis-

cussion relative to the request, the requestor may be asked to leave the meeting and will be notified by

phone or mail of the Committee’s decision.

The 4-H Leaders Executive Board will evaluate the request and the applicant is asked to follow the

guidelines listed below. Currently, the Leaders Executive Board meets every month except December.

The form should be completed and turned in to the Extension office prior to the Executive Board

meeting and prior to participation in the trip or activity.

Please answer all questions completely so your request receives full attention. Individuals that receive

over $100.00 for a single event are expected to make a live presentation/action center or visual display

at one or more of the following events: Performing Arts Festival, Clover College, County Fair and/or

Summer Picnic. We would like individuals who receive funding for State Teams or major award trips to

help encourage participation in these activities. Participants may be asked to present information about

their experience following the trip or activity. The cost of events not specifically sponsored or co-

sponsored by 4-H or the Trempealeau County 4-H Leaders Executive Board will not be reimbursed. A

general club leader's signature is required before sending in the request form to the extension office.

If you should have questions about the form or the dates of the Executive Board meetings, please call

the Extension office at 715-538-2311 x210.

For reimbursement of money:

$30.00 and under ~ Completed “Funding Request Form” sent to the UW-Extension office 7 days pri-

or to Executive Board Meeting and optional in person request at the monthly Leaders Executive

Board Meeting.

30.01 and above ~ Completed “Funding Request Form” sent to the UW-Extension office 7 days prior

to Executive Board Meeting and required personal appearance request at the monthly Leaders Exec-

utive Board Meeting.

A maximum of 50% will be considered for reimbursement of expenses incurred for youth.

Trempealeau County Certified Chaperones’ expenses will be reimbursed upon completion of the form

and if all other requirements have been met.

All Reimbursement of expenses are at the discretion of the Executive Board


Trempealeau County CLOVER disPATCH