Treatment of piles – your help for hemorrhoids

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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description Presents Treatment of Piles - Your Help For Hemorrhoids. This presentation will help you find tips on treating hemorrhoids. To learn more on the treatment of piles head over to to find the relief that many of found.

Transcript of Treatment of piles – your help for hemorrhoids

Treatment Of Piles – Your Help For Hemorrhoids

Presented by

The purpose of this article is to give you an introduction to

the treatment of Piles.

The other common name for Piles is Hemorrhoids and it is an unfortunate fact that most

people in adulthood will suffer from them at some

point - whether it be a mild case or far more serious.

Women and men of any age can fall victim to Piles, all

though it is more frequent in older people and during


Treatment for Piles can come in many forms and a lot of

people are looking to natural remedies to ease this painful


In more serious cases when the Piles are externally

present, it is usually necessary to have surgery to

see any positive outcome.

When Piles are only internal, the symptoms are often mild and might only be present by

a few spots of blood whilst passing waste.

When the Piles become visible, the symptoms will be far more recognizable too -

itchiness, aching pains, tender inflammation and a general discomfort in the


One of the easiest methods for the treatment of Piles is to

take regular warm baths throughout the day.

This is not so much for washing the area, but more to ease the pain and swelling.

Take a book with you if you must and just relax for a good fifteen or twenty minutes, two

or three times in your day.

Another helpful method for utilizing at home is to switch

from using dry and rough toilet paper and take a few

cotton pads, moistened slightly with warm water and

a drop of witch hazel.

If you are unsure about making your own, then take a visit to your nearest health or

beauty store which has started to sell specially

formulated wipes/cotton pads for use on Piles sufferers.

If you are led to believe that your Piles are more serious then don't hesitate to see

your doctor who can make further recommendations for the treatment and recovery of

your Hemorrhoids.

If you have noticed abnormal amounts of blood when you make a bowel movement -

seek medical help immediately, for this is one

symptom which should not be tolerated or tried to resolve by


Sometimes a change in diet is one of the best ways to help

with treatment and to prevent the reoccurrence of Piles.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are vital for a healthy diet and a slight increase in your fiber intake will also be of huge


The power of water is something you should not

overlook when dealing with Hemorrhoids and you should make sure you drink at least eight glasses a day to keep stools from being dry and painful or difficult to pass.

Another tip is to never hold in your bowel movement for a so called 'more appropriate' time - when you have to go,

you have to go!

As you can see, you can start with alleviating the problem in

your own home and follow these useful tips for the

treatment of Piles.

Want to learn more about the best treatment of piles that

will give you relief?

Go to

now to learn more!!