Treatment. Free association Patient reports any and all conscious thoughts Hypnosis –...

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Transcript of Treatment. Free association Patient reports any and all conscious thoughts Hypnosis –...

Chapter 15


Free association

Patient reports any and all conscious thoughts Hypnosis – unconsious

Manifest Content – subject of dream Latent Content – symbols Transference – patient shifts thoughts/feelings

about people/events onto therapist Countertransference – therapist transfers their

feelings onto their patient


Client-Centered Therapy

Carl Rogers (invented) Understand client through their own reality Nondirectional approach – focus on clients perception

and how that effects them Goal of therapy: self-actualization (full potential)

Genuineness – active listener and relate to client Unconditional Positive Regard – show complete

acceptance of client no matter what Accurate empathic understanding – therapist ability

to view world from clients eyes (empathy)


Fritz Perls

Combines both physical/mental therapies Client maybe asked to act out conflict in order

to make them aware of their interactions between body and mind

Gestalt Therapy

Behavioral Therapy – short-term process, no

deep underlying cause of problem, abnormal behavior is the problem and symptom

Insight Insight into the cause is the processes of

getting better Psychoanalysis

Behavioral Therapy v. Insight Therapy

Conterconditioning – response to a given

stimulus is replaced by a different response Alcoholic – replace good feelings while drinking,

with feelings concerning alcohol Aversion Therapy – Administer punishment

while stimulus Drink alcohol get slapped!

Systematic Desensitization – replace anxiety with relaxation

Behavioral TherapyCounterconditioning

Extinction Procedures – weaken maladaptive

responses Flooding – expose client to stimulus that

causes undesirable response Fear spiders, here’s a Camel spider have fun!

Implosion – client imagines stimulus rather than confront it

Behavioral Psychology

Operant Conditioning

Behavior-control technique Behavioral contracting

Patient and client draw up a contract both agree to follow. Follow behavior, rewarded if do the right thing

Modeling Bandura’s social learning theory Vicarious learning – watch and learn

Behavioral Psychology

Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) also called

Rational-emotive therapy (RET) Albert Ellis – when confronted with situations, people recite

statements to themselves that express maladaptive thoughts

Change thoughts by facing it Aaron Beck – focus on maladaptive schemas

Negative triad – negative view of self, world, future Maladaptive inference – person draws conclusions without

evidence Dichotomous thinking – all-or-none conceptions of situations

“If I don’t get this job, I’ll be a complete failure.”

Cognitive Therapy

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

High voltage electricity pass through head Causes temp amnesia, possible seizures Success with depression (last option) Possible memory loss

Psychosurgery Prefrontal lobotomy – patient left catatonic state

Biological Therapies

Psychopharmacology - treatment of psychological

and behavioral maladaptations with drugs Psychotropic (psychologically active drugs)

4 classes of psychotropic/psychologically active drugs: Antipsychotics Antidepressants Anxiolytics Lithium salts

Antipsychotics – Clozapine, Thorazine, Haldol Reduce schizophrenia symptoms blocking neural

receptors for dopamine Tardive dyskinesia – shaking (side effect)

Biological Therapies

Antidepressants – Monoamine oxidase (MAO)

inhibitors, tricyclics, selective reuptake inhibitors MAO – like Eutron increase amount of serotonin,

norepinephrine in synaptic cleft Tricyclics – like Norpramin, amitriptyline, impiramine

Increase amount of serotonin/norepinephrine Selective reuptake inhibitors (selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs) – block reuptake mechanism of cell that released the neurotranmitters. Prozac (fluoxetine) Fewer side effects

Biological Therapies

Anxiolytics – depress CNS and reduce anxiety,

increase feelings of well-being, and reduce insomnia Common anti-anxiety is Xanax, also include

barbiturates (rarely used) Benzodiazepines – Valium (diazepam) and Librium

(chlordiazepoxide) cause muscle relaxation Lithium Carbonate

A salt effective in treatment of bipolar disorder

Biological Therapies

Group therapy

12 Step programs Couples therapy Family therapy

Modes of Therapy