travelling allowance of supplementary rule

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of travelling allowance of supplementary rule

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule




    DAILY ALLOWANCE RULESFor the purpose of these rules, the

    ocers and employees of NationalAgricultural Cooperative MarketingFederation of India Ltd. shall e classi!edinto the follo"ing categories#

    1. Classifcation*

    $i% &hose dra"ing monthly pay of's. ()(*+- and aove.

    $ii% &hose dra"ing monthly pay of's. ((+*+- and aove ut lessthan 's. ()(*+-

    $iii% &hose dra"ing monthly pay of's. +++- and aove ut lessthan 's. ((+*+-

    $iv% &hose dra"ing monthly pay of's. )/*+- and aove ut lessthan 's. +++-

    $v% &hose dra"ing monthly pay less

    than 's.)/*+- (T! "a# $an%! as &!!n'oif! as "!$ $!)is! "a#scal!s )i! OO No.1 at!7.1.++,-

    . il!a%! Allo/anc!

    $a% A mileage allo"ance is anallo"ance calculated on thedistance travelled and given tomeet the cost of a particular


    $% For the purpose of calculatingmileage allo"ance, the 0ourneyet"een the t"o places shoulde performed y the shortestand the cheapest of the t"o ormore practicale routes.

    0. o! o 2o3$n!#

    $a% &he employees of theFederation in di1erent

    categories are entitled to travely various modes according tothe follo"ing scale#

    2ustituted vide 3.3. No. (, dated (4.+5.(66).

    S.No. Category Pay range(Rs.) Entitlement for mode

    of travel

    1. I Addl.MD By air.

    . I E!e"#tive Dire"tor By Air $it% &rior

    a&&roval of MD.

    '. II. Manager and aove

    Dra$ing 1*++

    and aove

    (AC,II tier in"l#ding

    Ra-d%ani)AC B#s

    y road.

    . II Dy. Manager to

    AM,II dra$ing

    1/00, to 11'*,

    (AC,III tier


    Ra-d%ani)AC B#s

    y road.

    . II ( AM,II to Sr.

    Asstt.) dra$ing

    11'*, to /++,

    (AC,III tier ot%er

    t%an Ra-d%ani AC

    B#s y road)

    /. II All em&loyees

    dra$ing &ay less

    t%an /++,

    2rdinary III 3ier

    slee&er) (Del#!e or

    non,AC B#s yRoad)

    'ef.33 No.+) dt./+.*./++*.

    /. Further mileage allo"ance for road0ourney y o"n car "hile on tourL&Cadmissile to AM7, 87 and 9M has eenincreased from 's. /.)* per kilometer to's. ).++ per kilometer.

    :. &he aove modi!cations shall edeemed to have come into force ".e.f.


    $'ef. 3.3. No. +), dated /).+./++/%

    $% If employees of the I; and ;categories are re

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    are normally entitled, they maye allo"ed to travel y the ne=thigher class $other than air-conditioned% provided thecompetent authority certi!esthat it "as necessary for such

    employees to undertake0ourney y that train.

    $c% Not"ithstanding anythingcontained in any of the rulesherein incorporated, theManaging 7irector shall havepo"er to allo" any employee totravel y a class higher thanthe one to "hich the saidemployee is entitled, underspecial circumstances.

    $d% In all cases, an employee shalle eligile for a single fare only.

    $e% 'eturn 0ourney tickets shouldinvarialy e purchased "hereavailale.

    $f% &he &A ill should e sumittedin the form >A? anne=ed hereto.

    ,. 2o3$n!# S!a

    3cers and employees in

    $a% Category I @ II pper Class$% Category III, I; @ ; Lo"er Class

    4. il!a%! Allo/anc! 5 2o3$n!# Roa

    $A% Mileage allo"ance for the employeesof the Federation is to e calculatedon the asis of the mode of transportused for performing a 0ourney yroad.

    $a% In one?s o"n car# 's.

    /.)**or y hiring full per km.ta=i "ith the priorapproval of theManaging 7irector

    $% By 2cooter# 's. +.4+*

    *$c% &he mileage allo"ance admissile tothe employees for performing

    0ourneys y 2tate &ransport Buses

    etc., shall e paid according to theactual fare, in addition to anincidental allo"ance of /*6 "ais!per km. o"ever, during the 0ourneyperiod no daily allo"ance "ould eadmissile. 2imilarly, for 0ourneys

    undertaken on tour y rail, anemployee "ill e entitled toreimursement of fare on actualasis as per his entitlement, inaddition to an incidental allo"ance of/*6 paise per km. If the 0ourneyundertaken is y 'a0dhani2hatadi 8=press, the incidentalcharges admissile "ould e reducedto *+D of the aove rates.

    * Modi!ed ".e.f. /5.+:.(66(, vide 3.3. No. (:,dated /*.+).(66(.

    6 Modi!ed vide 3.3. No. +:, dated (4.+*.(66* @applicale ".e.f. (5.+).(66*.

    ** Added ".e.f. +6.+(.(64) vide 3FA/+-*/4:-4)dated +5.+:.(64).

    89 'ef. 3FA/+-*/46-6+ dated ((.+*.(66+.

    Added vide 3.3. No. +*, dated (/.+.6* ande1ective from same date.

    **&hose ocers and sta1 "ho areentitled to travel y (st class andaove y rail may travel y air-conditioned delu=e coach y roadand claim actual fare su0ect to the

    conditions that#

    $i% the 0ourney is undertaken y2tate 'oad &ransport Buses orcoaches of Eulic nder-takings

    $ii% evidence in the form the usticket is produced.

    &he aove is applicale in case ofLeave &ravel Concession and transfercases also.

    $d% Ghile on tour, from residence toairportrail"ay stationus stand toplace of stayBranch or 'egional3ce.

    8Actual fare y ta=i or scooter as perentitlement under the rules is admissilesu0ect to a ceiling of 's. /*+-6in case oflocal 0ourney undertaken in metropolitancities and 's. (++- in all other cities


  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    to"ns. If local conveyance in such casese=ceeds the prescried amount, it "ill eentertained for reimursement in casesame is supported y cash receipt.9

    At place "here auto-ricksho" $three

    "heelers% or cycle-ricksha"s, are notavailale employees "ho are not entitled,to travel y ta=i may e allo"edreimursement of the ta=i charges su0ectto the follo"ing conditions#

    $i% Local train services, "hereavailale, should e utilised tothe ma=imum possile e=tentand distance "hich remains toe covered to the "orking pointfrom residence may e coveredy auto-ricksha" or ta=i"hichever is availale.

    $ii% Ghere such 0ourneys are madey ta=i y the employees "hoare not entitled to use suchmode of transport under thenormal rules, the localconveyance claims should ecerti!ed y the concernedBranch'egional Managers.

    Ghere a ta=i is engaged y a touringocial in Branchsu-oces3 thefollo"ing procedure may e follo"ed #

    $i% Ghere a vehicle made availaley the 2tate Mktg. Fedn. orsome other agency is utilised,the cost of petrol etc.consumed for the 0ourney per-formed may e asored y thesu-oceBranch'egionalead 3ce.

    $ii% Ghere a full ta=i is engaged toperform the 0ourney, the ta=icharges should e orne y the

    touring ocial. &he touringocial shall claim ta=i chargesin the &A ill at the rateprescried at para * of therules.

    $iii% 3cers of the rank of AssistantManagers and aove areentitled to travel on tour yroad y taking a single seat in ata=i on payment of prescried

    fare to places like 2hilong,No"gong, Hharupe-tia,Managal, &e0pur etc. In this casethey "ill not e entitled to claimmileage allo"ance at the ratementioned under 'ule *.

    Not!5 3n return 0ourney from theplace of visit the mileage shalle admissile from the place ofstay to the rail"aystationairport.

    $B% Ghen an employee "ho is suppliedmeans of conveyance "ithoutcharge, returns to his on thesame day or thereafter, dailyallo"ance "ill e calculated asfollo"s#

    *$(% If the asence from is Nilless than hours

    But in the case ofemploy-

    ees eligile to get 3&Aas per 3&A 'ules,heshe shall e entitledto over-time allo"ancesu0ect to a ceiling of J7A provided theemployee concerned"as on duty for morethan prescried "orkinghours on a particularday.

    $/% If the asence from alf 7ailye=ceeds si= hours, ut doesAllo"ancenot e=ceed t"elve hours.

    $:% If the asence from

    Full 7ailye=ceed t"elve hour Allo"ance

    * Modi!ed ".e.f. (6.(+.(64: vide 3.3. No. //, dated().((.(64:.

    KK Inserted vide 3.3. No. /+, dated //.+/.(646.

    $C% Ghen an employee is provided "ithfree conveyance for part of the

    0ourney only, the 7A may ecalculated as follo"s#

    $i% If the asence from doesnot e=ceed t"elve hour alf7A.

    $ii% If the asence from e=ceedst"elve hours Full 7A.

    :. 2o3$n!# Ai$ (/.!..:.1.1;

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    $a% For the purpose of this rule>travel y air? means 0ourneyperformed y the plane of thepulic air transport companiesregularly ying ut does not

    include 0ourneys performed yprivate aeroplanes.

    $% 3cers in the rank of AM7 andaove "ill only e permitted totravel y Air and

    $c% 3cers in the rank of 9Ms andelo" shall undertake 0ourneysy Air only "ith priorpermission of M7, that too as aspecial case.

    $d% BMs'Ms and ocers upto thelevel of 87s shall not travel yAirFirst Class AC 'ail "ithoutthe e=press prior approval ofM7.

    Competent Authority has desiredthat only in e=ceptional cases re

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule



    /. Bet$een *0*, 9 118'*, (Category,III)

    a) 11+.++

    ) 1++.++

    *. Bet$een /++, 9 *0*,(Category,III) a)1++.++ ) 0+.++

    7. Bet$een '++, 9 /+0,(Category,I:) a) 0+.++


    0. ;ess 3%an '++, (Category,I:) a) *.++ ) /+.++

    ef.OO No.$" dt.!$.1.!$$1.2 OO No.## dated !..!$$1.

    6 Modi!ed vide 3.3. No. +:, dated (4.+*.(66* andapplicale ".e.f. (5.+*.(66*.

    66;ide 3.3. No. +6, dated (*.+(.(666.

    ;ide 3.3. No. +/, dated (4.+*.(66*.

    &he lodging charge for variouscategories of employees indicated aovehave een raised y + D over and aovethe e=isting rates as noti!ed vide 3ce

    3rder No. (/, dated /).+).(66(.

    $a% - means those station "hich haveeen classi!ed >A? as per 9overnment ofIndia Classi!cation.$% - means all other stations.O

    **&he classi!cation of >A? Class cities ascontained in 9overnment of India, Ministryof Finance 3ce Memorandum No. /$/%6:-8. II$B% dated ().+*.(66: is hereynoti!ed for the purpose of dra"al of dailyallo"ance y the employees on tour asunder# -

    (. yderaad $Andhra Eradesh%%

    /. 7elhi $7elhi%

    :. Ahmedaad $9u0arat%

    ). Bangalore $Harnataka%

    *. Navi Mumai $Maharashtra%

    . Eune $Maharashtra%

    5. Chennai $&amil Nadu%

    4. Hanpur $ttar Eradesh%





    Pay Range


    DA Rates (if



















































    1. AMDsEDs a) 1+.++


  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    6. Holkata $Gest Bengal%

    (+. Nagpur $Maharashtra%

    ((. Luckno" $ttar Eradesh%


    (/. Paipur $'a0asthan%

    Not!5 An employee "hile on tourshall have the follo"ing options inregard to admissiility of dailyallo"ance# -

    $i% Claim lodging e=penses as perentitlement and 5*D of theadmissile daily allo"ance, asper rates mentioned aove.


    *$ii% Claim full daily allo"ance asper rates given elo" in "hichcase no charges for lodging "ille admissile#

    S.No. Pay Range(Rs.) Rate of Daily Allo$an"e(Rs.)A Class 2t%er

    Cities Cities

    1. AMDsEDs + '*

    . 1+, 9 aove

    (e!"l#ding AMDs 9

    EDs) (Category,I)

    '* '++

    '. Bet$een 1'++, 9

    10, (Category,II)

    '* 7+

    . Bet$een 1/++, 9

    1'00, (Category,II)

    7+ '

    . Bet$een 1+, 9100,(Category,III)

    7+ '+

    /. Bet$een *, 9


    + ++

    *. Bet$een '+, 9


    + 10+

    7. Bet$een '0*+, 9'0,(Category,I:)

    10+ 1+

    0. ;ess 3%an '0/0,


    10+ 1+

    'ef 33 No.+) dated /+.*.+*.

    * ;ide 3.3. No. +5, dated +5.+4.(66 and 3.3. No.+), dated +/.+*.(665.

    **Modi!ed vide 3.3. No. )+, dated //.(/.(66:.

    In this regard, it is clari!ed that therevised rates of 7A as at $ii% aove areapplicale only "here lodgingre7aily Allo"ance? is

    admissile to an employee "hodoes not travel on any daymore than a redius of eightkilometers or eyond municipallimits of the eadoliday? occurringduring a tour.

    $vii% An employee is not entitled toany daily allo"ance duringleave on tour.

    *$viii% An employee "ill normally egiven )4 hours time to proceedon tour. &his "ill e su0ect toe=igencies of "ork. &hedecision of the Branch Managerin this regard "ill e !nal.

    *$i=% Full 7A "ill e admissile to theemployees during the period oftour. o"ever, tourcontinuously for more than :+days should e avoided,

    "herever possile.

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    paid y him and that he did not use thecar or vehicle of any institution for suchtrips $Form >B?%. Ghere an employeetravels in a mode to "hich he is notordinarily entitled the &A claim relating tolocal conveyance of each day should e

    veri!ed y the supervisory ocerregularly on the follo"ing day.

    ;. TA on T$ans!$

    &he terms and conditions regardinggrant of &A on transfer of the Federation?semployees shall e the same as areapplicale to the employees of the Central9overnment. &he Board of 7irectors intheir meeting held on /4.+4.(66/ haveapproved the payment of lump-sumtransfer grant to the employees of theFederation, in lieu of disturanceallo"ance, at the follo"ing rates# -

    .No. Pay range (Rs.) ;#m&,s#m transfer g.

    . III Bet$een /8++, 9


    '+++ >g.

    '. I: Bet$een 8'++, 9


    100 >g.

    . : ;ess t%an 8'++,. 1+++ >g.

    R!.OO No.+, t.+.4?.++4

    $iii% Carriage of personal e1ects ymodes of conveyance other thangoods train as also from residence torail"ay stationsus stand at the oldhead

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    "ithin si= months of the date of issue oftransfer orders.

    &his order shall e e1ective fortransfers ordered on or after :+.+5.(64.

    $'ef. 3.3. No. +4, dated /*.+4.(64%

    C. =acin% Allo/anc!

    'ules (+ of the travelling allo"ancerules of NAF87 provide that the terms andconditions regarding payment of &A ontransfer to the employees of theFederation shall e the same as applicaleto the employees of the Central9overnment e=cept the disturanceAllo"ance.In terms of the 'ule (+ of the &A 'ules ofthe Federation, the 8=ecutive Committeein their meeting held on /*th Novemer,(64 has decided to grant packingallo"ance to the employees on transfer inaccordance "ith the provision of 3ceMemo. No. (6+(4(48; dated+:.+(.(64 of the 7epartment of8=penditure, Ministry of Finance,9overnment of India, as under# -


    Pay Range(Rs.) Rate of Pa"?ingAllo$an"e.

    1. 1+, 9 aove 1++,

    . 1+, 9 aove #t less t%an



    '. *0*, 9 aove #t less t%an



    . '+, 9 aove #t less t%an *0*, /++,

    . 8'++, 9 aove #t less t%an



    /. Belo$ 8'++,. '++,

    'ef 33 No.+) dated /+.*.+*

    $'ef. 3.3. No. :(, dated (.+(.(645, 3.3.No. (:, dated /+.+.(66+ and 3.3. No.dated (4.+5.(66).%

    In furtherance to oce order No. :(,dated (.+(.(645, it is therey noti!ed forinformation that packing allo"anceadmissile to the employees on transfer ispayale only at the time of transportationof household goods from old station tone" head

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    611. TADA Allo/anc!s to sta>!"lo#! in a$!tin% oB!$tiliF!$ A%$ic3lt3$al In"3ts.

    &he 8=ecutive Committee in itsmeeting held on /(.(/./+++ have

    approved &A7A and rental allo"ances tosta1 deputed to reside and "ork fromplaces other than Branch eadControlling3cer? in respect of otheremployees of the Federation.

    10. As regards matters not covered ythese rules, the 9overnment of India rulesand instructions issued from time to timeon the su0ect shall apply.

    1,. In case of dout regardinginterpretation of these rules the decisionof the Managing 7irector shall e !nal.

    14. 3n receipt of 0ourney particulars inForm >A? from the touring ocer, &A Billshall e prepared in the Accounts Branchin the proforma prescried.

    6 'ef. 3.3. No. (+, dated /4.+./++(.


  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule



    A. A""$o)al o To3$ =$o%$a''!

    In continuation of this oce order ofeven numer dated +*.+*.(65*, the

    follo"ing guidelines are laid do"n "ithregards to regularising the &A Bills inrespect of ocials "hose claim re&our programme?.

    $'ef. 3A7**55-54 dated +(.((.(655%

    @. T$a)!l i%!$ Class

    (i- ;ide Circular No. 3FA(/4+-4(dated /*.((.(64+, it "as advised to theBranches7ivisional eads in the 3 thatall cases "here an ocial proposes toperform or have performed 0ourneys yclass higher than the one to "hich he isentitled to, "ill e dealt "ith y theFinance @ Accounts 7ivision andaccordingly such cases should e referredto this 7ivision in the 3 "ith full

    0usti!cation to process the same timely. Ithas een rought to notice that the aoveprocedure is not eing follo"ed y fe" of

    the ocers and they are getting the tourprogramme approved directly from theCompetent Authority "ithout givingproper 0usti!cation and getting the samee=amined from this 7ivision. Adoption ofsuch a practice in most of the casesdelays settlement of &A claims.

    It is, therefore, advised that "hen anocer proposes to perform or hasperformed 0ourneys y class higher than

    the one to "hich he is entitled, !nal tourprogramme may not e sumitted to theCompetent Authority directly ut the sameshould e for"arded to Finance @

    Accounts 7ivision along"ith the complete0usti!cation "ho "ill process the case andput up the same for approval of theCompetent Authority. In case the aoveprocedure is not follo"ed. &A claims of theconcerned ocers "ill e settledaccording to &A rules of the Federation.

    $'ef. 3FA(/4(-4/% dated +).((.(64(%

    (ii- 'eference is invited to oce orderNo. /( dated ((.(+.(666 indicating thatapproval of the Competent Authority isre

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    e=penditure on local 0ourneys undertakenat the station of tour y an ocer, "ill eadmissile in the follo"ing manner.

    $i% Conveyance charges for0ourney et"een 'ail"ay

    2tation Airport to the place ofstay !rst point of usiness andvice versa.

    $ii% &he touring ocers should plantheir movement in such amanner that the distancecovered is reduced to theminimum.

    $iii% &he ocers should proceedfrom one point of usiness to asecond point from "here theycan proceed to a third one andso on, "ithout returning to theplace of stay, on a particularday.

    $iv% &he 0ourney et"een $i% placeof stay and the !rst point ofusiness and $ii% the last pointof usiness and place of stay onany day "ill not e paid for asdaily allo"ance is supposed totake care of this part of the


    $v% A touring ocer may undertakelocal 0ourneys in the interest ofthe Federation at the station ofhis tour accord-ing to hisentitlement in the localconveyance rules of theFederation. In case he travelsy a mode of transport lo"erthan his entitlement, he shouldclaim accordingly.

    $vi% 8=penditure incurred y atouring ocer on conveyance

    on ocial local 0ourneys fromone place of usiness to theother only may e claimed yhim in the anne=ed revisedproforma $From B% prescriedunder 'ule >6? of the &A rules ofthe Federation, giving rief ofthe discussions held or usinesstransacted at each point.

    $'ef. 3A7**5:-5) dated /*.+).(65*%

    $% Instances have come to notice "heretouring ocers have een chargingamounts in their &A ills for makingfre

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    other places engaging ta=is though theplaces of visit are connected "ith localtrains.

    :. In future, "hen an employee isdeputed to attend to any urgent important

    "ork "here he is to claim y a mode ofconveyance "hich he is not entitled, the&A claim relating to local conveyance ofeach day should e veri!ed y thesupervisory ocer concerned on thefollo"ing day. For this purpose a recordshould e kept y each supervisory ocerof the local 0ourneys made y theemployee and also the mode of transportallo"ed to e used. In the asence of suchveri!cation certi!cates, the localconveyance ills "ill not e entertained.

    ). Further, under rule * of the &A rules,actual fare y ta=i or scooter, as entitledunder the rules is admissile for road

    0ourneys performed from residence toairportstation and ack, oth at thehead

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    $'ef. 3A79-:6$/%56-4+ dated/:.+*.(64+%

    G. Econo'# in T$a)!llin%

    It has een oserved that some ofthe ocers of the Federation areproceeding on tour "ithout priorapproval of the Competent Authority.

    &his causes dislocation of "ork of theFederation. It has, therefore, eendecided that in future BranchManagers "ill proceed on tour onlyafter their tour programme isapproved y the 'egional Managers.

    &he 'egional Managers canundertake tour "ith the priorapproval of the Managing 7irector. Inregard to ocers posted in 3 theyshould proceed on tour after havingtheir tour programmes approved ythe Competent Authority. &he po"ersregarding approval of tourprogrammes and passing of &A illshave already een laid do"n in 3order no. 3A74/5*56-4+ dated(stmay, (64+. &he 0ourney should eundertaken strictly in accordance"ith the entitlement of the ocerconcerned. If 0ourneys are to eundertaken y a higher class thanthe entitlement in the e=igencies ofoce "ork, it has to e approved ythe Managing 7irector. &heseinstructions should e noted for strictcompliance.

    It has also een oserved thattendency amongst ocers to go on toury ocial car or hired ta=i is on theincrease. &he cost of petrol, luricants andmaintenance of vehicle has consideralygone up in the recent past. In addition,drivers of ocial vehicles accompanyingthe ocers are to e paid &A7A.

    &herefore, the total cost of tour y car, incertain cases, e=ceeds even cost of air

    0ourney. In vie" of the aove, it has eendecided that ocers should avoidtravelling y carta=i. &A Bills shall not epassed until and unless proper andsucient 0usti!cation for so undertakingthe 0ourney is given.

    $'ef. 3A74/4+56-4+ dated/5.+.(64+%

    (Text of orders issued by MD on 29.09.2004)In re"ent mont%s8 I %ave fo#nd a lot of 2ffi"ers are

    moving y Air $it%o#t &rior &ermission. In t%is

    "onne"tion &lease refer to "la#se ' of 2ffi"e 2rder

    No. @2AD1++,+' dated /t% an#ary ++'8

    $%i"% "learly states t%at admissiility of air -o#rney

    stands $it%dra$n for all 2ffi"ers. As s#"%8 all

    2ffi"ers are re#ested to resort to air travel only

    $%en no alternative is &ossile. 5#rt%er8 lo$ fare

    s"%emes are no$ availale $it% most of t%e Airlines

    and $%enever air travel %as to e resorted to t%ese

    lo$ fare s"%emes s%o#ld e ta?en advantage of.

    . S3&'ission o TA @ills H Ti'!Li'it t!$!o

    (. Instance have come to notice "herethe advance taken y the employees arenot got ad0ustedsettled "ithin areasonale period of the date of taking ofsuch advances. In a numer of cases &Aills are eing sumitted afterconsiderale lapse of time of thecompletion of 0ourneys y the employees.

    It has een decided that, in future, if

    a &A ill is not sumitted "ithin one monthof the completion of the tour, the same"ill not e entertained. Advance, if any,taken for the tour "ill e recovered in themanner stipulated in the oce order No.3AC(/$(6%5-55 dated +).+).(655.

    $'ef. 3AC(/$(6%5-55 dated+).+).(655%

    $ii% S3&'ission o TA @ills H Ti'!Li'it an A3st'!ntR!co)!$#o TA A)anc!

    (. It has een rought to the noticethat ocersemployees are not sumitting

    &A ills for the tour eing undertaken"ithin the stipulated period of one monthfor settlement of &A ill and recovery ofthe advances. In this conte=t, thefollo"ing ocer orders had een issued#

    $i% 3A7**5:-5) dated +*.+.(65).

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    $ii% 3AC(/6(6%5-55 dated/4.+4.(65

    $iii% 3AC(/6(6+5-55 dated+).+).(655.

    /. In spite of the aove orders andsuse

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    to head oce and may e decided y theconcerned ranches if the claims comeunder their purvie".

    $'ef. 3.3. No. :(, dated (/.+/.(64*%

    L. A'issi&ilit# o t$ans!$T$a)!llin% Allo/anc! to Ba'il#'!'&!$ $o' "lac!s ot!$ tanol !a3a$t!$s.

    nder e=isting rules of theFederation, &A7A is not admissile to aperson for initially 0oining a post in theFederation. A case has come to notice"here an employee "ho initially 0oinedthe Federation at a particular station had

    * 'eference 3.3. No. :4, dated +).+/.(645.

    not taken his family along"ith him to thatstation. Later on "hen he "as transferredto another place, he re

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    3ce 3rder No. )5,dated //.+(.(64 isapplica-le only totravel y 2tate&ransport Buses orother modes like&a=i, 3rdinaryBuses other than

    2tate &ran-sport.

    Mileage allo"ancefor the 0ourneysperform-ed y &a=ior 2cooters as laiddo"n in 'ule *$A%$a% $% of &A7A'ules have noteen revised.

    &herefore, the ratesof Mileage Allo"-ance modi!ed vide3ce 3rder No. )5iid are applicaleonly to such0ourneys performedy 2tate 'oad&ransport or otherBuses.

    ii. 2ince thereare di1erentcategories of 2tateBuses viQ. 8=pr-ess,7elu=e, 3rdinary,"hat "ill e the

    class of entitlementin case of employees underCategory III and I;.

    3rdinarily,employees shouldtra-vel y 3rdinary2tate BusesErivateBuses. But, incasesuch Bus-es are not

    availale, anemployee may tra-vel "ith thepermission of theBranch Manag-er'egionalManager 7ivisionalead y 8=-press7elu=e Buses.

    iii. GhetherIncidentalAllo"ance ispayale in case the0ourneys areperform-ed y

    oce vehicle or anyother free vehicle.

    &his may eregulated in termsof oce order No.54, dated+/.+.(66.

    All 'egionalBranch Managers arere

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    Branch "as asked to !nd out a suitaleaccommodation on actual occupancyasis. Mumai Branch has no" madearrangements "ith some speci!edotels9uest ouses, at Mumai.

    &he ocials "ho visit on tour toMumai may give their re

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    8=ceeding hours 5+DBut not e=ceeding(/ hours

    8=ceeding (/ hours Full

    &he children elo" (/ years areallo"ed daily allo"ance at half of the ratesfor adults.

    &herefore, the aove instructionsmay kindly e kept in vie" "hile settling

    &A ills of the employees for 0ourneys ontransfer. o"ever, past cases "ill not ereopened.

    $'ef. 3.3. No. (, dated //.((.(66*%

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    (Annexure Form A)




  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule




    (. Actual fare i.e. y Air'ail'oad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Certi!ed that I have

    un-/. Mileage Allo"ance for RRRRR.. kms. ndertaken travel ontour the rate of RRR.. per km. RRRR... $name of the class% or

    theclass to "hich I am

    en-:. Incidental e=penses for RRRRRR.. km, titled and haveincurred

    the e=penditure

    stated inat the rate of RRR. per km. RRRRR the &A ill.

    ). 7aily Allo"ance for RRRRRR. 7ays.

    At the rate of RR per day for R. days R..


    D!3ctAdvance'eceived vide voucher No, RR. 7ated R..3ther items as per details#


    RRRRRRRRRRRRR&otal deduction

    Net Claim

    'upees RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..7eitale to &A RRRRRRRRRRRRR 2ignature of the &ravelling 3cerCr. &A Advance RRRRRRRRRRRRREassed for payment of 's. RRRR ERRR. 7esignation


    Accounts Asstt. A.3. M$F@A% Controlling 3cer

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule


    Anne=ure $Form B%




    City 7ate From &o Eurpose of local Mode of Conveyance FarePourney i.e. &a=i, 'icksha", Eaid

    &onga, Bus, etc.

    Certi!ed that the amounts mentioned in the aove schedule "ere actually paidy me and that I did not use any conveyance of any institution for these trips.

    2ignature RRRRRRR

  • 8/12/2019 travelling allowance of supplementary rule
