Travel Risk Management 101

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Travel Risk Management 101

Travel Risk Management 101

How to Protect Your Travelers and Your Organization

How are you protecting your travelers?

How are you protecting your organization?

How are you managing current and potential risks?

Let’s take a closer look…

Five Steps To:

Step One:Destination Research

How do I know where to begin?

Start by compiling information about your travelers’ destinations.

Research should include tips for handling a range of situations.

Consider all relevant health and safety information.

Military & Terrorist Activity

History of Natural Disasters

Infectious Diseases & Required


Cultural Etiquette

Political Unrest

Weather Conditions &

Air Quality

CredibleEducational Resources

CDC WHO State Department Your TRM Provider

Where can I find trustworthy information?

I’ve educated myself. Now what?

Step Two:

Educate Your Travelers

Don’t leave your travelers stranded…

Make travelers aware of all resources available.

Provide orientations for all

individuals who live or travel abroad.

Provide comprehensive pre-travel education including destination

guides, emails, webinars, etc.


Build a Crisis Response Plan


• What would you do if a traveler faced a crisis abroad?

• A delay in response or communication missteps can quickly spiral into disaster.

• Crisis preparedness helps your stakeholders understand their roles during a crisis.

What’s Your Crisis Response Plan?

Which allows your organization to understand and test operational procedures before an emergency strikes.

Conduct Crisis Response Exercises

What Now?

Understand Risk Exposure

Step Four:

Financial Risks

Legal Risks

People Risks

Reputational Risks

Travel risk exposure can affect your organization on a strategic level.

You have a legal and moral

obligation to mitigate risks for

your travelers.

Your organization can face legal penalties for neglecting adequate

protection for travelers.

Respect for your organization can

decline if travelers perceive you as unwilling to care

for them in difficult situations.

Duty of Care

External audiences could negatively perceive your organization if you fail to provide support for your travelers.

With today’s intense media coverage, these incidents could result in long-term reputational damage – which is hard to repair once


You’re Prepared! You’re Educated!

But Wait…

There’s OneMore Step!

How will you react in the event of an emergency abroad?

Step Five: Know How To React

Even minor travel problems can become more serious if a

traveler is not familiar with his/her surroundings.

Check your organization’s insurance plan(s) to confirm

details and purchase supplemental coverage if


You may find that your travelers’ health insurance policies are not

comprehensive enough to mitigate all risks associated with

international travel.

If your benefits package includes travel insurance, many plans will not allow members to choose medical evacuation to their home hospitals.

Plans may not provide enough financial coverage if travelers become seriously sick or injured.

It would only take one international medical evacuation (which can cost upwards of $50,000) to make a detrimental impact on your travelers and your organization.

Sound overwhelming?

We can help.

Want to learn more about travel risk management?

Contact us today!

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