Transliteracy the latest stage of the literacy continuum.

Post on 11-May-2015

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Workshop presented at the conference Creating Knowledge VI

Transcript of Transliteracy the latest stage of the literacy continuum.

Transliteracy the latest stage of the literacy continuum

Susie Andretta, London Metropolitan UniversityEditor of the Journal of Information Literacy

Transliteracy is..

Transliteracy the latest stage of the literacy continuum

Consumers of information…………………………………….….Producers of information

Impact on information Professionals?

Ternary information relationship from Provider to Educator

Information Literacy + Web 2.0 = Transliteracy

TRANSLITERACY communicating across media Everyday Transliteracy..

Using literacy in an innovative waySix word stories: “For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn” (Hemingway)What would a six word story about your library look like?Summer reading programme

and beyond literacyFlickPoet (eg research life library information digital world) Wallwisher

Transliteracy in Bergen..

Discussion about transliteracy practices

• Do you practice Transliteracy in your professional capacity?

• Can you give an example?• How do you evaluate the impact of your transliteracy


Discussion about some of the challenges associated with Transliteracy• Consider the following problems. Do they all apply to your

Transliteracy practice? a) Technological barriers presented by IT departments and wider

organisational cultureb) Apathy of library staff / lack of engagementc) Lack of time to devote to content creation d) Feeling that social networking has no relevance to what a library

should be doing/ belief that other methods of communication are considered more appropriate.

e) Users/Learners do not engage

• How would you rank these in terms of difficulties?

What would you do in this case?"No messages, images or any other type of information should be posted on any Internet message board or other similar Web based service, social network site or any other web site that would bring the [institution] into disrepute [..]or which a reasonable person would consider to be offensive or abusive. The list of prohibited sites and services includes but is not limited to: Facebook, bebo, faceparty, friends reunited etc."

If you were asked to create a mobile phone app for your learners/users what features would it have?

Follow up or


Andretta, S. Transliteracy: take a walk on the wild side. World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly "Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage", 23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy. Available at:

Thomas, S. et al. Transliteracy: crossing the divides. First Monday, Volume 12 Number 12 - 3 December 2007. Available at:

& related linksAll videos shown in this presentation are available at:

Daly Swanson, B.

Jennings, S.

Stephens, M.