TRANSLATION FROM: Title: Rios de Bizkaia ( Bizkaia rivers)

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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KEYS OF MACROINVERTEBRATES AT A FAMILY LEVEL Statiri X. & Lazaridou M. Lab. Of Zoology/School of Biology/A.U.Th. TRANSLATION FROM: Title: Rios de Bizkaia ( Bizkaia rivers) Edited by: Instituto de Estudios Territoriales de Bizkaia Authors: Enma Orive, Ana Rallo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of TRANSLATION FROM: Title: Rios de Bizkaia ( Bizkaia rivers)


Statiri X. & Lazaridou M.Lab. Of Zoology/School of Biology/A.U.Th.

TRANSLATION FROM:• Title: Rios de Bizkaia ( Bizkaia rivers)• Edited by: Instituto de Estudios Territoriales de Bizkaia• Authors: Enma Orive, Ana Rallo• Coordinators : Miren Ibargutxi Erostarbe, Pedro Luis

Emparanza Bereciartua• Collaborators in the definition of the keys: Ana Basaguren,

Emilio Martinez• Hortal, Eugenio Rico• Illustrations: Angel Dominguez


3 first pairs of legs ending to a claw

2 first pairs of legs ending to a claw

Body laterally flattened

Body dorsoventrally



Order Order

Eyes are attached to the body through a stalk

Eyes without a stalk


Shell consisting of one piece Shell consisting of two pieces

Shell without coiling

Shell coiled

Apex inclined to the central


Apex hooked to the right

Small size, lower than 1cm

Big size, more than 1cm

Shell flat and disc-like, coiled in one


Shell globe-like, not coiled in one


Aperture of the shell great, occupying at least half of its


Aperture of the shell occupying 1/3 of its size

With operculum

Without operculum

Shell sinistral or left handed. The aperture

to the left

Shell dextral or right

handed. The aperture to

the right

Size more than 6mm that can

be 15mm.

Size lower or equal to 6mm.

Apex rounded

Apex sharp

adults Larval stages

Elongated stomatic

appendages. 1st pair of wings

partially sclerotized.

Stomatic appendages

not elongated. 1st pair of wings

completely sclerotized.

Simple eyes Compound eyes

Animal with jointed legs.

Animal without jointed legs.

Abdomen with lateral segmented gills. A

filamentous prolongation at the

extreme of the abdomen

Neither lateral gills attached to the abdomen nor a

filamentous prolongation at the

extreme of the abdomen

Last abdominal segment with 2


Last abdominal segment without hooks or with 4


Tails or cerci extending from the

last abdominal segment

Last abdominal segment without

cerci or tails

Labium modified, forming a


Stomatic appendages elongated

Gills present on abdominal segments.

Legs ending in one claw

Abdomen without

gills. Legs with 2 claws


Gills feathery consisting of 2 branches.

Gills held on the dorsal surface of

the abdominal segments.

Gills held on the lateral surfaces

No feathery gills. Gills like a plate.

Body dorsoventrally flattened

Body not flattened dorsoventrally

Gills of small size.

Head triangular.

Gills well developed. Head more wide than


Gills attached to the sides of the


Gills on the surface of the


Gills with one or more


Gills without


2nd pair of gills modified

to form covers

All gills are visible


Tarsus segments with increasing size (1<2<3)

The 2nd segment of tarsus has smaller size than the rest

The 1st and 2nd segment of tarsus have the same size and are

smaller than the 3rd


Larval wings extending at the side of the body. 3rd pair of legs long, exceeding the abdomen’ s


Larval wings parallel to the

body. 3rd pair of legs short not exceeding the

abdomen’s length

The tergites and sternites of the 8th and

the 9th somites are united

The tergites and sternites of the 8th and

the 9th somites are separated by a

membranous band

Thorax without

tufted gills

Thorax with tufted gills

Last segment of labial palps reduced and more narrow

than the previous

Last segment of labial palps

slightly narrower than the previous

Head partially sclerotized

Jaws in the same elongated axis of the body

Jaws are in vertical position regarding the axis of the body

6 or more lobes surrounding the

respiratory apertures

5 or less lobes surrounding the

respiratory apertures

Last abdominal segment


Abdomen with various

prolongations or not

Kinetic appendages like pseudopods

Kinetic appendages forming washers

Anal prolongations

smaller in size than the pseudopods

Anal prolongations longer than

the pseudopods

4 curved anal


Respiratory case surrounded by lobes more or

less fragmented


Head completely sclerotized

6 corporal segments behind the head 9 or more corporal segments behind the head

Presence of one and only


Presence of 2 pseudopods

Absence of pseudopods

Pseudopod present on 1st thoracic


One anal pseudopod

One thoracic and one anal pseudopod

2 abdominal pseudopod


Head as long as wide

Head twice longer than


12 corporal segments

More than 15 corporal segments


Thorax more wide than the


Thorax as wide as the abdomen

Only the 1st thoracic segment completely sclerotized. 2nd and 3rd segments are soft 1st and 2nd thoracic segments sclerotized, 3rd


9th abdominal segment with one dorsal sclerotized


9th abdominal segment without a sclerotized patch

Strong anal hooks

Small anal hooks. Some

of them have

sclerotized patches on the 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments

Anal legs consisting of

one segment

Anal legs consisting of 2 segments

3rd pair of legs long. Femur divided in two


Femur of the 3rd pair of legs not divided, consisting of one


Lateral protuberances of

1st abdominal segment


Protuberances of 1st

abdominal segment rounded.

Claws of thoracic legs are longer or have the same

size as tarsus

Claws of thoracic legs are short



1st and 2nd thoracic segment completely sclerotized. 3rd thoracic segment with sclerotized patches

All 3 thoracic segments completely sclerotized

Absence of protuberances on 1st abdominal segment

Presence of protuberances on 1st abdominal segment

2 lateral protuberances. Absence of

dorsal protuberance

1st abdominal segment with 3 lateral protuberances (1

dorsal & 2 laterals

2nd thoracic segment

consisting of various

sclerotized patches

2nd thoracic segment consisting of 2

sclerotized patches

Presence of gills on thorax and abdomen

Absence of ventral gills

Abdomen wider than head and

thorax. Anal legs short

consisting of one segment

Abdomen cylindrical. Anal legs


3rd thoracic segment consisting of two big transverse patches

3rd thoracic segment with 2 or more small patches in

different position.



Body wide. Abdomen ending in 5 short fully sclerotized appendages.

Body narrow. Abdomen ending in 3 long branchial laminas

Mask flat without filaments

Mask hollow with


Antennas with 4 articles

Antennas with 7 articles

Back legs shorter than the length of

the abdomen

Back legs longer

than the length of

the abdomen

1st article of the antennas has the

same size or is longer than the rest.

prementon with an elongated aperture

1st article of the antennas smaller

than the rest. prementon without

an elongated aperture

prementon with an

incision in the center

prementon without an

incision in the center

prementon with 4 filaments. Branchial laminas ending in a

threadlike apex

prementon with 6 filaments at least. Branchial laminas without a threadlike apex

Cerci longer than the branchial laminas

Cerci shorter than

the branchial laminas


Legs with 1 claw

9 abdominal segments

8 abdominal segments

Head visible

Head not visible

Last abdominal segment with gills that are retiring to

an operculum

Last segment without gills

Long antennas.

Body compresse


Short antennas. Body not

compressedLegs with 2

claws. Last abdominal

segment with 2 cerci


(larvas)Legs with 5 articles

Legs with 4 articles

Last abdominal segment with 4


Last abdominal segment without


Metacoxas united together. Their hind part exceeds the 1st visible sternite

Metacoxas not united. Their hind part does not exceed the 1st visible sternite

Short and strong antennas. Middle

and back legs forming sculls. Eyes divided in two parts

Long antennas. Normal legs, 3rd pair of legs with long filaments.

Eyes not divided.

Antennas with 10 parts.

Broad metacoxal

plates covering part of the femurs of the 3rd pair

of legs

Antennas with 11 parts.

Metacoxal plates

narrow, do not cover part of the

femurs of the 3rd pair of


Labial palps of the same size or bigger than the antennas

Labial palps shorter than the antennas

Short antennas like a club

Short and thin antennas

Hind part of the pronotum broader than the front one

Hind part of the pronotum not broader

than the front

Elytrons truncated at the hind part of the


Elytrons not


Pronotum with 5 elongated lines

Pronotum without elongated lines

Τάξη COLEOPTERA Ενήλικα υδρόβια


Antennas longer than the head Antennas not longer than the head

Head narrow and long

Head normal

Antennas with 4 articles

Antennas with 5 articles

Femurs of 2nd and 3rd pair of

legs long, longer than

the abdomen

Femurs of 2nd and 3rd pair of legs not longer

than the abdomen

Tibia without hooks. Color brown-black

Tibia with hooks. Color green-


Triangular structure behind of the pronotum


Triangular structure behind of the pronotum

not visible

Abdomen with a long respiratory


Abdomen without a respiratory siphon

Body compressed Body not compressed

Size < 3mm. Hind legs short

Size > 5mm. Hind legs long.