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TRANSITION OF HEARING SERVICES PROGRAM CLIENTS TO THE NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME (NDIS) Tracey Duffy National Manager Office of Hearing Services Department of Health 6 March 2016

Aussie Deaf Kids Parents’ Conference 2016

The Hearing Services Program - overview

The Hearing Services Program aims to:-

•  Reduce the incidence and consequences of avoidable hearing loss in the Australian community

•  Provide access to high quality hearing services and devices for eligible clients

•  Supports hearing services to eligible clients and research in the hearing field

•  Is administered by the Office of Hearing Services in Department of Health

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Hearing Services Program $443 million administered costs (2014-15)

Research •  The National Acoustic

Laboratories under an Agreement with Australian Hearing is funded approx $4.2 m annually for hearing research to support the Program objectives.

Community Service Obligations (CSO) •  Capped funding

•  58,034 clients in 2014-15

•  ~40,000 clients less than 65 years

•  Single service provider - Australian Hearing

•  Includes Australian Hearing Outreach Services which are delivered in a culturally sensitive way in localities that encourage Indigenous Australians to use hearing services.

Voucher Scheme •  Demand driven services

provided at an administered cost of $376.72 million

•  2,079,667 registered clients since Nov 1997

•  669,793 financially active clients in 2014-15 (average age 80 years)

•  ~61,000 clients less than 65 years

•  1,253,718 fee for service claims for hearing services for subsidised clients

•  18 Device Manufacturers

•  ~270 Contracted service providers

Aussie Deaf Kids clients seen under this part of the program

Hearing Services across Australia

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•  Babies seen through newborn screening programs

•  Infants, children and adults seen through Community Health Services, Hospitals, school screenings, private practice

•  If a hearing loss is confirmed, baby or child will be referred to Australian Hearing for services funded through the CSO

•  Eligible for services until age 26 through the CSO

•  If adult with hearing loss can be seen under the Voucher Scheme (mainly pension holders) or privately

•  Under current interim arrangements all NDIS participants requiring hearing services are referred to the Program

Hearing Services Program – now

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•  Current CSO clients receive flexible services and supports through Australian Hearing (AH) under capped budget

•  Voucher clients receive set number of services and supports through ~270 providers across Australia

•  Providers reimbursed through Office on fee for service basis – generally demand driven

•  One of 17 Commonwealth programs to move eligible clients to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

•  As an interim arrangement all NDIS participants with hearing needs in their funded plan are being referred to the Program.

•  Once a young adult reaches 26 years and are an NDIS participant they can be referred to the Voucher Scheme and may continue with AH if they choose to do so

Hearing Services – future (2019-20)

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•  The NDIS will be the mainstream program for eligible people < 65 years with permanent hearing loss

•  Eligible program clients (including younger CSO clients) will transfer to the NDIS.

•  Clients eligible for the NDIS may receive additional services and supports as part of their individual funded plan.

•  Clients can choose a provider registered with the NDIA to deliver those services

•  The program will continue to be the mainstream program for people >65 years with hearing loss, including adults with more complex communication requirements

Paediatric referral pathways and early intervention under NDIS

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•  Parent and industry concern over potential changes to referral pathway once hearing loss is identified under NDIS

•  Acknowledge the current process of referral to a single provider works well

•  Introduction of NDIS is not intended to introduce barriers or time delays in this process

•  NDIA is considering the role Australian Hearing may play in the early phase of full NDIS roll out to best support infants/young children with diagnosed hearing loss

Australian Hearing changes under NDIS

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•  From 2019-20 children/young adults receiving services

from Australian Hearing are expected to be able to choose to stay with that provider or move to another NDIS registered provider.

•  Greater competition with the private sector to provide a broader range of services to NDIS participants.

•  Australian Hearing will need to adjust to a changing market with the introduction of the NDIS

Australian Hearing changes under NDIS - cont’d

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•  No decision has yet been made about the future

ownership of Australian Hearing

•  NDIS roll out will continue regardless of future ownership of Australian Hearing

•  Recent media release regarding RIDBC consortium for ownership

What NDIS transition work is currently underway?

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•  11 work packages identified to support smooth transition of clients to the NDIS, as well as support those clients who are not eligible

•  Plan for transition now available on the program website (

•  Priority work package - development of proposed Service Delivery Framework to align with NDIS National Framework

•  Working with sector: –  National Practice Standards for audiologists/audiometrists –  industry professional bodies to promote single Code of Conduct,

scope of practice for individual clinicians and clinical guidelines (including paediatric guidelines)

Opportunities for further consultation

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Work Package Indicative consultation timeframes 1. NDIS access (eligibility) First half 2016 2. Paediatric referral pathway and data collection First half 2016 3. NDIS Quality, Safeguards and client outcomes, as

underpinned by sector driven improvements and standards for hearing services

Ongoing to 2019-20 Industry endorsed certification scheme in place by 2019-20

4. Engagement and communication Ongoing 5. Pricing of services and funding transfer Review of hearing services and items 2016

6. Hearing related supports (supply of hearing devices)

Consultation in 2016-2017

7. Rural and Remote Access 2017-2019 8. Roles and boundaries 2017-2018 9. New Arrangements for the Program, including IT

and processes 2016 - 2017

10. Legislation changes 2017-2018 11. Governance and monitoring emerging risks Ongoing

What will the NDIS provide for the hearing sector?

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•  Increased government funding – funding for NDIS participants 26 to 65 years that is not means tested who were not previously eligible

•  More flexible / holistic approach to meeting hearing and communication goals of NDIS participants

•  More individualised approach to service delivery - greater flexibility in service design and delivery

•  A greater focus on client outcomes under a quality assurance approach

•  Competition to provide services to CSO client groups, where standards and workforce requirements are met

•  Nationally consistent safety and quality standards for services provided to all clients

Contact information

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Contact Details Office of Hearing ServicesMedical Benefits DivisionDepartment of Health

Customer Service: 1800 500 726 (voice)1800 500 496 (TTY)


Questions ?

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