Tranqui lateral (ie express yourself)

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Tranqui lateral (ie express yourself)



Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Shuvojit Sengupta

Every individual needs to carry out an activity or a set of activities to keep themselves engaged in this world of targets, deadlines and obligations. But unlike the day to day

chores, these should symbolize delight, tranquility, productivity and personal satisfaction. It is unquestionably, a pre-requisite for every aspiring and ambitious individual to dedicate a

minuscule slice of time to themselves.


I enjoy reading Comics and Conceptualizing. These two go hand in hand. The world of comics is a parallel universe altogether where creativity is timeless and conceptualizing helps me stretch my mind to boundless imagination. I have a knack towards attaching intellectual meaning to random objects and even thoughts. If I see an abstract image, then I would associate it with a print ad concept for a company or give it a different meaning altogether by pinpointing its specific feature. I have named it ‘Tranqui-lateral’ as this activity defines serenity and involves a lot of lateral thinking.

• I believe that any activity which fulfills the duties of making someone happy, calm and vibrant should be carried out on a daily basis. Having stated that, I can proudly say that reading comics, conceptualizing and sketching helps me in every sphere of life. It contributes significantly to the growth of my personal and professional life.

• My brain is incapable of remaining idle for too long. It must remain engaged in something pleasing and fruitful. When I am at home, I read and sketch. Or google random images and attach a meaning to them. The following slides contains a few examples of conceptualizing on abstract pictures and converting them into print advertisements. Few of them have received critical acclaim from several corporate heads in the field of marketing and media.






Comic collection and sketches

Contribution to personal & professional development

Creativity: I believe that every form of work requires creativity and innovation in some form or another. Otherwise monotony creeps in and everything seems dull. Conceptualization, reading comics and sketching infuses creativity in my personal and professional life. I am able to contribute new ideas frequently at work and that keeps me going.

Positivity: We all need vibrancy and brightness in our lives. A successful person must possess the quality of being optimistic in life. There are several instances where we encounter hindrances in our professional careers and personal lives but that should never let us down. We should be oozing with positivity to tackle every problem with a smile. I am an optimistic person and I have dealt every hindrance with a positive attitude and an ever smiling face. I hope to continue doing so, in the future.

Inspirational and Competitive: The world of comics is bursting with infinite opportunities. The stories, plots, knowledge and teachings inspire me to achieve my goals, live my dreams and leave footprints in the sands of time. Inspiration is a significant factor in fostering competitiveness.

• The hunger to achieve more and more drives me to push and test myself to the maximum potential. Same goes for conceptualization. When I feel that I am unable to attach any substantial meaning to an abstract picture, I do not give up. I continue to push myself until I have reached a stage where the outcome is exceptional or brilliant.

Compatibility and Networking: Everyone has a certain wavelength which may or may not match with the rest. It becomes easier for me to adjust to my surrounding and the people involved. I am able to connect with people from all walks of life. This further, augments networking and communication. I gel well with a lot of people with different and striking ideologies and in turn, I meet several individuals with varied interests and diverse knowledge. As a result , I am friends with an awesome bunch of people who have influenced my personal and professional life.

Leadership: In order to lead others, one must learn to govern and inspire himself through his principles. Once that is achieved, then leading others to the right and successful path does not seem a challenge anymore.

• The world of comics has several leaders like superman, batman, captain America, Professor Charles Xavier etc. who have inspired people to take a stand in life, to do something worthy and meaningful. This quality is essential in the corporate domain as well.

Team-work: This is another crucial aspect for an overall development. I have seen and read the biographies of several creative heads, marketing leaders in the world who have time and again mentioned the importance of team work.

• No matter how talented you are, without team-work, one cannot succeed or even grow. People like David Ogilvy, Charles Saatchi, Philip Kotler and several such greats from the creative field have highlighted the significance of team-work through their professional life.

• Similar theory is followed in the world of comics wherein team-work becomes a quintessential factor to win against opponents.

I believe in striking the perfect balance of harmony between personal and professional life. So far, it has worked out for me in the best possible way. Activities varies from one individual to another. Few may share the same activity to grow in their personal and professional lives, while for others, it may be an altogether different thought and task to make themselves cheerful and develop in every sphere.

“Life is nothing without a little bit of creativity and concepts.” Yes, I coined that line and even if I am not a celebrated individual, I am well aware of the potential inside me to be a part of an elite group one day.