Training on Transforming MDGs to Sustainable Development ... · ¦Overview of Millennium...

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Transcript of Training on Transforming MDGs to Sustainable Development ... · ¦Overview of Millennium...

In September 2015, the global community agreed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), setting out new development priorities for all countries, post-2015.

Seventeen new goals have been identified that integrate global ambitions on tackling poverty, reducing inequality, combating climate change, and protecting ecosystems including oceans, forests and biodiversity. It is an ambitious and universal agenda.

Training on Transforming MDGs to

Sustainable Development Goals – 2030

The training on Transforming MDGs to SDGs aims to help stakeholders, including communities to governments with participative approach at all levels (national, regional, and local), to understand the SDG Agenda, to start an inclusive dialogue on SDG implementation, and to prepare SDG-based development strategies (or align existing plans and strategies with the goals). It draws upon lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and proposes guiding principles to help communities navigate the SDG Agenda. This training is the reflection of the universality of the SDG Agenda by recognizing countries' different starting points.

¦ Overview of Millennium Development Goals¦ Transforming MDGs to SDGs¦ Understanding Sustainable Development Goals

r End poverty in all its forms everywhereGoal 1:r End hunger, achieve food security and Goal 2:

improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

r Ensure healthy lives and promote well-Goal 3:being for all at all ages

r Ensure inclusive and equitable quality Goal 4:education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

r Achieve gender equality and empower Goal 5:all women and girls

r Ensure availability and sustainable Goal 6:management of water and sanitation for all

r Ensure access to affordable, reliable, Goal 7:sustainable and modern energy for all

r Promote sustained, inclusive and Goal 8:sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

r Build resilient infrastructure, promote Goal 9:inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

r Reduce inequality within and among Goal 10:countries

r Make cities and human settlements Goal 11:inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

r Ensure sustainable consumption and Goal 12:production patterns

r Take urgent action to combat climate Goal 13:change and its impacts*

r Conserve and sustainably use the Goal 14:oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

r Protect, restore and promote Goal 15: sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

r Promote peaceful and inclusive Goal 16:societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

r Strengthen the means of Goal 17:implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

¦ SDGs and Project Designing¦ Introduction to Paris Agreement about Environmental Sustainability ¦ Role of Community based Institutions¦ How to work on SDGs at community level

It will be an interactive course with mix teaching and practical exercises. Participants will be encouraged to discuss and clarify their concerns on the subject and will get hands on experience to understand SDGs.

PKR 8,000/- (Travelling of Resource Person and Coordinators, Training venue/hall, c e r t i fi c a t e s , t w o t e a s , l u n c h , a n d handouts/resource material)

For Further Information, Please contact us @ IRM Jamshoro near JS Bank Phatak Jamshoro. (Tel: 022-3878099)

Last Date of Registration: 12th August, 2016 : August 15, 2016Start Date

Core Contents

Methodology Training Fee