TRAINING AIDES AND METHODS - Always Web viewhuman resource develeopment group vpersonnel management...

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05 Daksh Agrawal

14 Sneha

27 Navya Jain

37 Anand Shankar

51 Priyanka Srivastava

65 Pooja Rani




The matter before you is a culmination of consistent guidance by our respected Prof. Sajeet Lakra and hard work of the team involved in the project.

We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our faculty Prof. Sajeet Lakra, for providing us with the guidance to take up a project like this and make a presentation on Training Aides and Methods. The study has not only given us an insight into the nuances of Human Resource Development but also proved to be a great learning.

The hard work of the team members has helped us to make this endeavor a success. We take this opportunity also to thank all our team members for their contribution, our friends and family for their unending support.

Thank You




S.No. Topics Pg. No.1. Baldwin & Ford’s (1988) – Transfer of

Training Model1

2. On-the-job Training 33. Training and development programmes at

Siemen’s Ltd.14

4. Outbound Training 205. E-Learning 226. Conclusion 247. Bibliography 25





The main goal of HRD is to ensure that employees perform their jobs effectively for which training is a tool. Hence, this model of Baldwin & Ford suggests that transfer of training to the job situation is critically important.

Types of Transfer :

A. Positive transfer occurs when job performance improves as a result of training.B. Zero transfer occurs when there is no change in job performance as a result of

training.C. Negative transfer occurs when job performance worsens as a result of training.

Negative transfer may seem unlikely but it occurs when there is detrimental effect interference on learning and performance. Tennis players for example, may find that their tennis shots become less accurate after learning how to play racquetball.

Now, Training aides & methods are important training inputs which affect the training output namely, learning and retention.



The training techniques can be classified into various categories based on various methods of training like On-the-job training, classroom training etc as shown below :


On-the-job Training

Job Instruction TrainingJob RotationCoaching Mentoring


LectureConference/DiscussionAudiovisual• Static Media (e.g. Handouts,books)• Dynamic Media (e.g. DVD, Video, Film)• Telecommunication (e.g. Satellite Transmission,

Internet)Computer-Based Training (Classroom Based)• Networked Computer labs/ Classrooms

Experiential Techniques• Case Study• Business Games• Role Play• Behavioral Modelling

Self - Paced

Paper-Based Training• Workbooks (e.g. Programmed Instruction)

Computer-Based Training (non-classroom-based)• Computer-aided instruction (e.g. CD-ROM)• Internet/Intranet• Intelligent Computer-aided instruction





Job Instruction Training includes a sequence of instructional procedures used by the trainer to train the employees while they work in their assigned job. Hence, it is a form of On-the-job training. Job Instruction Technique (JIT) uses a strategy with focus on knowledge (factual and procedural), skills and attitudes development.


JIT consists of four steps:

Plan – This step includes a written breakdown of the work to be done because the trainer and the trainee must understand that documentation is must and important for the familiarity of work. A trainer who is aware of the work well is likely to do many things and in the process might miss few things. Therefore, a structured analysis and proper documentation ensures that all the points are covered in the training program. The second step is to find out what the trainee knows and what training should focus on.

Then, the next step is to create a comfortable atmosphere for the trainees’ i.e. proper orientation program, availing the resources, familiarizing trainee with the training program, etc.

Present – In this step, trainer provides the synopsis of the job while presenting the participants the different aspects of the work. When the trainer finished, the trainee demonstrates how to do the job and why is that done in that specific manner. Trainee actually demonstrates the procedure while emphasizing the key points and safety instructions.




Trial – This step actually a kind of rehearsal step, in which trainee tries to perform the work and the trainer is able to provide instant feedback. In this step, the focus is on improving the method of instruction because a trainer considers that any error if occurring may be a function of training not the trainee. This step allows the trainee to see the after effects of using an incorrect method. The trainer then helps the trainee by questioning and guiding to identify the correct procedure.

Follow-up – In this step, the trainer checks the trainee’s job frequently after the training program is over to prevent bad work habits from developing.




Rotation involves a series of assignments to different positions or departments for a specified period. At the end of the cycle the accumulated evaluations will be used to determine the preparedness of the trainee and if & where the person will be permanently assigned. For the executive, job rotation takes on different perspectives. The executive is usually not simply going to another department. In some vertically integrated organizations, for example, where the supplier is actually part of same organization or subsidiary, job rotation might be to the supplier to see how the business operates from the supplier point of view. Learning how the organization is perceived from the outside broadens the executive’s outlook on the process of the organization. The rotation might be to a foreign office to provide a global perspective. This approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand the different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they must have this type of training. A recent study indicated that the single most significant factor that leads to leader’s achievement was the variety of experiences in different departments, business units, cities, and countries. 

An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or executive level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. It is generally done for the designations that are crucial for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization.

Benefits of Job Rotation 

Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:

It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business units, functions, and countries Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required It determines the areas where improvement is required

Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for filling the position

For managers being developed for executive roles, rotation to different functions in the company is regular carried out.

– Train on different tasks/positions

– Often used to train entry-level managers

– Also used to provide back-up in production positions






Coaching is a corrective measure for inadequate performance. Survey by International Coach Federation shows that more than 4,000 companies use coach for their executives.

This method best suits for the people at the top because if we see on emotional front, when a person reaches the top, he gets lonely and it becomes difficult to find someone to talk to. It helps in finding out the executive’s specific developmental needs. The needs can be identified through 60 degree performance reviews. 

Procedure of the Coaching

The procedure of the coaching is mutually determined by the executive and coach. The procedure is followed by successive counseling and meetings at the executive’s convenience by the coach.

1. Understand the participant’s job, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and resources required to meet the desired expectation2. Meet the participant and mutually agree on the objective that has to be achieved3. Mutually arrive at a plan and schedule4. At the job, show the participant how to achieve the objectives, observe the performance and then provide feedback5. Repeat step 4 until performance improves

For the people at middle level management, coaching is more likely done by the supervisor; however experts from outside the organization are at times used for up and coming managers. Again, the personalized approach assists the manger focus on definite needs and improvement.




Mentoring is a ongoing relation between senior manager and junior manager for the purpose of

support and guidance. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of how the organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior employee.

The meetings are not as structured and regular than in coaching. Executive mentoring is generally done by someone inside the company. The executive can learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing with diverse mentee’s, the executive is given the chance to grow professionally by developing management skills and learning how to work with people with diverse background, culture, and language and personality types. 

Executives also have mentors. In cases where the executive is new to the organization, a senior executive could be assigned as a mentor to assist the new executive settled into his role. Mentoring is one of the important methods for preparing them to be future executives. This method allows the mentor to determine what is required to improve mentee’s performance. Once the mentor identifies the problem, weakness, and the area that needs to be worked upon, the mentor can advise relevant training. The mentor can also provide opportunities to work on special processes and projects that require use of proficiency.

Some key points on Mentoring

Mentoring focus on attitude development Conducted for management-level employees Mentoring is done by someone inside the company It is one-to-one interaction It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement




This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is supported, elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both among the trainees and between the trainer and the trainees. The interaction and the communication between these two make it much more effective and powerful than the lecture method. If the Discussion method is used with proper sequence i.e. lectures, followed by discussion and questioning, can achieve higher level knowledge objectives, such as problem solving and principle learning. 

The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e. knowledge in the form of lecture is communicated to trainees, and then understanding is conveyed back by trainees to trainer. 

Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback that enables the trainer to determine whether the material is understood. If yes, then definitely it would help out the trainees to implement it at their workplaces and if not, the trainer may need to spend more time on that particular area by presenting the information again in a different manner. 

Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When the trainees ask questions, they explain their thinking about the content of the lecture. A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking about the content of the lecture. Asking and responding questions are beneficial to trainees because it enhance understanding and keep the trainees focused on the content. Besides that, discussions, and interactions allow the trainee to be actively engaged in the material of the trainer. This activity helps in improving recall.




It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about something. Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation here means that some forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.

Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information, which the trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a group about a topic. However, it does not involve any kind of interaction between the trainer and the trainees. A lecture may also take the form of printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The difference between the straight lecture and the printed material is the trainer’s intonation, control of speed, body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in case of straight lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the signals from the trainees, whereas same material in print is restricted to what is printed.

A good lecture consists of introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture, and priorities and preferences of the order in which the topic will be covered. 

Main Features of Lecture Method

some of the main features of lecture method are:

Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings Less expensive Can be reached large number of people at once Knowledge building exercise Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity




It occurs off the job on equipment or methods that are highly similar to the ones used on the job. It enables the trainees to concentrate on learning new skills rather than on performing on actual job. This type of training is efficient to train semi-skilled personnel, particularly when many employees have to be trained for the same kind of work at the same time.



CASE STUDYCase Studies try to simulate decision making situation that trainees may find at their work place. It reflects the situations and complex problems faced by managers, staff, HR, CEO, etc. The objective of the case study method is to get trainees to apply known concepts and ideologies and ascertain new ones. The case study method emphasize on approach to see a particular problem rather than a solution.

Procedure of the Case Study Method

The trainee is given with some written material, and the some complex situations of a real or imaginary organization. A case study may range from 50 to 200 pages depending upon the problem of the organization.

A series of questions usually appears at the end of the case study. The longer case studies provide enough of the information to be examined while the

shorter ones require the trainee to explore and conduct research to gather appropriate amount of information.

The trainee then makes certain judgment and opines about the case by identifying and giving possible solutions to the problem.

In between trainees are given time to digest the information. If there is enough time left, they are also allowed to collect relevant information that supports their solution.

Once the individuals reach the solution of a problem, they meet in small groups to discuss the options, solutions generated.

Then, the trainee meets with the trainer, who further discusses the case.

Case Study method focuses on: 

Building decision making skills Assessing and developing Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSAs) Developing communication and interpersonal skills Developing management skills Developing procedural and strategic knowledge

ADVANTAGEAdvantages Develops analytic and problem solving skills Allows for exploration of solutions for complex issues Allows student to apply new knowledge and skills .

DISADVANTAGES It may not see relevance to high in ecological validity as rarely are extraneous variables controlled in case.However, they tend to take a long length of time. There is no universally accepted definition for a case study, and the case method means different things to different people. Consequently, all case studies are not structured similarly, case study is



not a qualitative study - it is a research strategy which use qualitative and quantative data


Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play. Trainees are given with some information related to description of the role, concerns, objectives, responsibilities, emotions, etc. Then, a general description of the situation, and the problem that each one of them faces, is given. For instance, situation could be strike in factory, managing conflict, two parties in conflict, scheduling vacation days, etc. Once the participants read their role descriptions, they act out their roles by interacting with one another. 

Role Plays helps in

• Developing interpersonal skills and communication skills• Conflict resolution• Group decision making• Developing insight into one’s own behavior and its impact on others.




There are various types of role plays, such as:

Multiple Role Play – In this type of role play, all trainees are in groups, with each group acting out the role play simultaneously. After the role play, each group analyzes the interactions and identifies the learning points.

Single Role Play – One group of participants plays the role for the rest, providing demonstrations of situation. Other participants observe the role play, analyze their interactions with one another and learn from the play.

Role Rotation – It starts as a single role play. After the interaction of participants, the trainer will stop the role play and discuss what happened so far. Then the participants are asked to exchange characters. This method allows a variety of ways to approach the roles.

Spontaneous Role Play – In this kind of role play, one of the trainees plays herself while the other trainees play people with whom the first participant interacted before.



TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES AT SIEMENS LTD.Siemens is a leading technology business and one of the largest electrical and electronics

engineering companies in the world. To keep its world-leading position and grow in a

competitive environment, Siemens aims to deliver quality products and services. To do

this, it needs people with first class levels of skill, knowledge and capability in engineering,

IT and business. The size and varied nature of its business means that Siemens requires

many different types of people to fill a wide range of roles across the company. These

include skilled factory workers, trade apprenticeships, designers and managers.


For a business to be competitive, it is important that it has the right number of people with

the right skills in the right jobs. Workforce planning enables Siemens to audit its current

staff numbers and the skills it has in place as well as identify where it has skills gaps

needed to meet its business objectives. A plan has been constructed to analyse which

skills the company has and what training will be needed for staff to use the new technology

in the new location.

Siemens needs new skills for many reasons:

• maintain competitive advantage, in ensuring Siemens has people with the right skills to

develop new technologies and innovations

• ensure Siemens has a pipeline of talent and minimal knowledge gaps, for example, due to


• fill a gap following the promotion of existing employees.

Siemens is a business focused on innovation. This means it needs to anticipate and respond

to rapid changes in the external business environment. For example, climate change and



the growing emphasis on its carbon footprint has massively increased Siemens focus on

wind turbines and renewable energy sources to address this. Siemens needs to attract

employees with the appropriate skills, either by recruiting people into the organization or

by training existing employees to develop more skills.


Training involves teaching new skills or extending the skills employees already have. There

are two forms of training.

As well as induction training, where new employees learn the basic information they need

to begin working.

Shadowing: involves the employee working alongside a colleague or manager, watching

them to learn what to do.

Mentoring: the trainee discusses problems and how to solve them with a more

experienced mentor or tutor.

Coaching: where the trainee does the job with encouragement and guidance from a more

experienced member of staff or ‘coach’ .

Job rotation: where employees have the opportunity to move into different departments

for a short time and acquire new skills in each. This broadens their skills across different

business activities.



Siemens has three main development programmes designed for ‘Entry Level Talent’ i.e.

those beginning their career with Siemens after education.

1. Apprenticeships: Siemens offer a variety of technical apprenticeships, aimed at

school leavers who want to 'earn as they learn'.

2. Siemens Commercial Academy: The Siemens Commercial Academy was launched

in 2005 to further enhance the pipeline of financial and commercial capability

within Siemens. The programme lasts four years and is regarded as an alternative to

going directly to university. Aimed at students who have a keen interest in Business

and Finance, the programme enables students to rotate around various finance and

commercial placements including Accounting, HR, Procurement and Corporate

areas. The trainees who join the programme split their time between studying

towards an HND in Business with Finance and working at Siemens. Students study

towards the degree at the European College of Business Management, as well as

take part in personel development training such as communication and

presentation skills. IT courses and German language training are also available.

3. Siemens Graduate Programmes:

Siemens recruits graduates into three core areas of the business:

• Engineering – including electrical/electronic, mechanical/mechatronic systems,

broadcast, process and manufacturing.

• IT – covering research, development, design and consultancy

• Business – including finance, HR, sales, project and operational management.

All Siemens graduate recruits are treated as individuals. They enter the business with

relevant skills, knowledge and experience and the potential to do many different roles.

Each graduate has a discussion with his or her line manager when they start, to decide

on their individual training and development plan.




The costs of recruiting staff are high. It is far more cost effective to keep good staff. Siemens

need well-trained employees with good key skills and capabilities, especially

communication and team working skills. This gives Siemens a competitive advantage as

employees will be more flexible, adaptable to change and be more creative and innovative.

They do their jobs better and are able to develop into other roles in the future.

Siemens implemented the Siemens Graduate Development Programme in 2005, as a means

of developing graduates with the essential skills set they need in their everyday role and to

equip them for a long-term career at Siemens. Every graduate that joins Siemens,

regardless of role or location joins the 2 year programme. This consists of 9 modules

including team working, customer focus, project management, communication skills, and

business writing. The training is hosted at a number of Siemens sites, so graduates get

exposure to different parts of Siemens, learn about the business, and network amongst the

graduate population.




Well-trained employees provide a number of benefits that contribute to a business’s

competitive advantage.

To measure the effectiveness of its training and development, Siemens uses an appraisal system, known as a Performance Management process. Employees and their line managers agree objectives at the beginning of a placement and progress is then monitored formally and informally throughout the placement. This helps to focus everyone on the developing needs of the business. Annually, the results form the basis of a staff dialogue where the employee’s manager reviews the progress towards the objectives that have been set. Feedback is discussed with the employee and any development needs are captured in order to decide appropriate training. Together, new objectives for the following year ahead are set. In some instances, appraisals are linked to pay reviews. In these cases, pay rises depend on employees meeting or exceeding their objectives. There are several benefits for Siemens in using appraisal.

It can :

• ensure that all training is being used well and for the best interests of the company

• keep all staff up-to-date in a fast changing business

• make sure that staff are well motivated

• get feedback from staff on changes

• make sure staff are involved in changes.



Siemens has the following types of training and development programmes:

• International Deputation

• International Training programmes

• General Training programmes

• Needs based Training programmes

• Library Access: also allows subscription to journals, magazines, trade


• Professional Courses Sponsorship

• Workshops and Seminars

Training and development helps the growth of a business. Siemens has a clear focus on having a well-motivated and trained workforce. The company needs to have motivated and confident staff who have up-to-date skills in order to remain competitive. In addition, well-trained staff are an asset to the business and help to retain customers. Well-trained staff who remain with the business mean that customers enjoy continuity. This contributes to customer loyalty and leads to repeat business. Staff who feel valued stay longer in a company. This means that Siemens’ costs of recruitment can be reduced, resulting in cost savings across the organization.




Outbound Training Programs are literally what the name implies, training programs in a locale and environment which is ‘out’ of the place and situation of work.

These programs are conducted outdoors, usually in secluded locations where there is an absence of human activity. In an up, close and informal environment, surrounded by nature and tranquility, people become more reflective and candid, paving the way for a complete and effective learning process. Outbound training programs also involve activities such as outdoor games and adventure sports.

The activities are typically physical and high energy and more often than not use nature as a backdrop. Most of these are carried out in camps set in forests, hills or deserts, in a landscape providing variety and a chance for adventure. Rafting, trekking, rappelling, rock climbing, treasure hunts, construction and other high adrenaline activities are combined to create the mix which is most appropriate to the participant profile and the learning objectives of the training program.

After spending a few days outdoors, team members tend to bond together in a way that is often not impossible in a high voltage, urban office atmosphere with its attendant stress and worries.

The areas where outbound programs make an effective impact are;·         Teambuilding·         Leadership Development·         Conflict Resolution·         Change Management·         Personal/Professional Effectiveness·         Communication Skills·         Interpersonal Skills·         Partnerships

Outbound programs have been found to be particularly effectual in areas that entail communication of shared vision and goals, interpersonal relationships, trust and bonding, motivation, behavior change and personal efficiency. Outbound programs demonstrate that people can become more cohesive, shedding their inhibitions, losing their mask and becoming more receptive to learning. Outbound training also proves that in spite of differences in cultures and ethnic backgrounds, people can live and work together and that it is inherent in human nature to be helpful.



What must be kept in mind is that outbound programs are not picnics or tours or excursions, they always have an object attached to them just as any of the other training programs, and that they are carefully evaluated as well. The activities in the program are meticulously designed so as to demonstrate the current levels of attributes in individuals when they act together and face difficult and demanding situations as a team. They are bound to be challenging and quite stressful at times. In such environment, it becomes possible for an experienced executive coach or facilitator to identify weaknesses, strengths and suggest new coping behavior for trouble areas.




E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. “e” in e-learning stands for the word ‘electronic’.

E-learning incorporates all educational activities that are carried out by individuals or groups working online or offline, and synchronously or asynchronously via networked or standalone computers and other electronic devices.

Various types or modalities of e-learning activity are;

1. Individualized self-paced e-learning Online

Individualized self-paced e-learning Online refers to situations where an individual learner is accessing learning resources such as a database or course content online via an Intranet or the Internet.

A typical example of this is a learner studying alone or conducting some research on the Internet or a local network.

2. Individualized self-paced e-learning Offline

Individualized self-paced e-learning Offline refers to situations where an individual learner is using learning resources such as a database or a computer-assisted learning package offline (i.e., while not connected to an Intranet or the Internet).

An example of this is a learner working alone off a hard drive, a CD or DVD.

3. Group-based e-learning synchronously

Group-based e-learning synchronously refers to situations where groups of learners are working together in real time via an Intranet or the Internet.



It may include text-based conferencing, and one or two-way audio and videoconferencing.

Examples of this include learners engaged in a real-time chat or an audio-video conference.

4. Group-based e-learning asynchronously

Group-based e-learning asynchronously refers to situations where groups of learners are working over an Intranet or the Internet where exchanges among participants occur with a time delay (i.e., not in real time).

Typical examples of this kind of activity include on-line discussions via electronic mailing lists and text-based conferencing within learning managements systems.

Advantages of e-Learning

Serve as valuable extensions of distance education programs provided by certain organizations.

For the corporate, e-learning is a way of rationalizing the costs of the in-house staff training activities.

For campus-based educational organizations, e-learning is a way of improving access to the programs and also as a way of tapping into growing niche markets.

Aid for teachers to support their teaching. The contemporary student population (often called the “Net Generation”, or

“Millennials”) who have grown up using information and communications technology also expect to see it being used to enhance educational experiences and better learning.

Disadvantages of e-learning

The fundamental obstacle to the growth of e-learning is lack of access to the necessary technology infrastructure, for without it there can be no e-learning.

Involves costs of infrastructure support and its maintenance, and appropriate training of staff to enable them to make the most of the technology.



CONCLUSION Significance of training for increased effectiveness and quality is not new to this world. Aristotle once quoted;

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

The current focus now remains to be the attaining effectiveness within the training programs themselves and maximizing the returns on investment. This is where newer techniques and aides are now being developed and implemented. There is still quite a concern regarding success of these relatively new programs and techniques, but it is amply clear that Training management in organizations can no longer be restricted to the cut and dry training methods, there has to be an appropriate mix of training methodologies. With the advent of technology, the latest concept is that of Blended Learning, which is a combination of traditional classroom based and technology enhanced training.

Irrespective of the type of aid used, the individual trainer continues to bear the primary responsibility for the implementation of the program. The steps the trainer requires to keep in his mind in order to make the program a success are;

Trainer should be able to get the program to a good start, and then maintain the momentum.

He must establish good rapport with trainees. He must establish clear expectations from trainees. He must assess motivational needs of the trainees and reinforce motivation into

them through the program. He must build a climate of mutual respect and openness.

Physical environment also plays a significant role in making the program a success, and hence requires to be aligned perfectly. The following should be maintained;

Comfort level - trainee must feel comfortable in the physical setting of the training venue in order to concentrate and learn well.

All the support equipments must be ready and operational at the time of the program to avoid any interruptions.

Physical distractions such as noise, glare, dust, extreme ambient temperatures etc. must be minimized.



BIBLIOGRAPHY • Human Resource Development, Jon M. Werner & Randy L. Desimone, Pg. 151-201,Eighth Edition,

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