Trainee Testimonials

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Trainee Testimonials

George Abbot SchoolAccredited Provider

Trainee Testimonials

Specialist Music College

‘Everyone says it, but start working on the portfolio as soon as you start the course. Any evidence is good evidence unti l you have something better to replace it with.’

‘Network early on for jobs, shake the hand of everyone you meet and remember that in the partnership you are always advertising yourself for a future job so be professional.’

Specialist Music College

‘With many ups and downs throughout the year it has been a fantastic experience, one which I would highly recommend to anyone thinking of joining the teaching profession.’

‘Lessons don’t always go to plan, despite how long you have spent planning them – BUT you WILL survive and you wil l learn so much from the good and the bad! Remember to keep calm – It’s always almost half term!’ 

Specialist Music College

‘The GTP year has been one of the most challenging that I have faced; there are some things that you just cannot prepare for, and this is one of them!

The challenge is wonderful, though. Being a teacher is the most varied, unpredictable job in the world, and I’m lucky enough to enjoy it so much that it st i l l doesn’t feel l ike a huge chore getting up in the morning!’


Specialist Music College

‘Don’t be offended – kids have no concept of age… if you are their teacher you’re old!!!! ’

‘Teaching IS organising – stay organised!!!’


Specialist Music College

‘Thank you to the George Abbot (and Weydon) team for helping to equip me with the right skil ls to find a job, and hopefully to become a future success.’

‘ I have really appreciated the opportunity to build up relationships with other GTPs, with whom I was able to share the best points of my training year, and whose support and advice were so helpful during the lowest points.

Many thanks Helena, Claire, Lyndsay, Alastair and the rest of the AP!’


Specialist Music College

‘ I think the most valuable part of my training has been observing other members of staff at both placement schools as I have been able to work with some outstanding teachers.’

‘The AP pedagogical training sessions were excellent and incredibly helpful, particularly the sessions about creative planning through which my enthusiasm for innovative practice was re-ignited.’


Specialist Music College


Specialist Music College

‘Be prepared to feel really nervous when you start teaching, despite presenting in my previous career, standing up in front of a class of 14 year olds is very daunting and I can tel l you now it is not as easy as the experienced teachers make it look!!’

‘Looking back I can’t think of any better way of doing things other than the old cl iché be organised from the beginning !’


Specialist Music College

‘You wil l have a lot to do. You wil l feel more t ired than you ever have before.

But make sure you have some time off when there is an opportunity – if you keep on top of things from the start, trust me, you wil l make your l ife/work balance a lot easier!! ’


Specialist Music College

‘Be organised, there is a lot of paperwork. Fi le things so you can f ind them – this wil l set you in good stead when you have the chance to teach the same lesson again or when you come to put together your portfolio.’

‘ I really feel l ike the GTP has given me the change to develop my own teaching and learning practice in a way that challenged me, but in the knowledge that I had a fantastic support network behind me (AP Team, both placement schools)’


Specialist Music College

‘The entire AP team have made the whole experience not only mentally stimulating but thoroughly enjoyable to be part of.

This year has been the most challenging year of my l ife but it has also been l ife changing ; it is the first t ime I’ve ever felt wholly passionate about what I ’m doing.’


Specialist Music College

“This experience has been made all the better by the people I’ve been able to share it with; it ’s been amazing to be surrounded by such a wide variety of people, of al l ages and all backgrounds, who have been thrown together through a desire to teach.”


Specialist Music College

‘Completing a GTP is l ike learning to drive. At f irst you make many mistakes, but you have an instructor who is there every step of the way, guiding and supporting you.

Then one day something cl icks. You can't explain it and it 's often hard to describe the process. You just 'get i t ' and it feels r ight.

George Abbot Teaching School is the best place to make those mistakes and get the advice and support that turns you from a learner into an outstanding teacher.’


Specialist Music College

‘The best career move that I have ever made.’

‘Hard work, requiring great commitment but with fantastic returns for al l the effort.’

‘By far the most challenging year I’ve experienced, but also the most rewarding!’