Traditional chinese medicine and eft

Post on 16-May-2015

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description Simulation of key points along these meridians via tapping, which is the case in EFT, stimulates the flow of positive energy. The flow of positive energy overrides the negative energy associated with negative emotions and reduces the intensity of the distress felt.

Transcript of Traditional chinese medicine and eft



Traditional Chinese Medicine and EFT

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are 12 meridians in the body relating to physical systems and eight “extraordinary” meridians

that are more related to spiritual/emotional/mental systems.

EFT involves a very specialised application of acupuncture. You may have heard the term Chi or Qi being

used in another field, that of feng shui, and in that field, you will find mention

of “bad Chi” or “negative energy”.

EFT also knows about the principle of negative energy, and considers that

negative emotions are manifestations of bad energy in the system.

Of course, one could argue about which is cause and which is the effect: do the negative emotions produce the

bad energy or does the bad energy produce the negative emotions?

In some ways, it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is to fix the problem

and get everything working as it should be.

The areas tapped during EFT have been chosen because it is believed that

they help to stimulate the Qi – the positive Qi – and thus displace or dispel the negative energy, thus

soothing and calming the negative emotions.

EFT is used in conjunction with a scale of emotional intensity that is used to

gauge how negative or positive a person feels about a certain situation, and the combination of affirmations

and tapping on the key pressure points is designed to move the emotions along the scale into the neutral or

positive parts of the emotional spectrum.

However, it is important to state here that not all emotions perceived as negative are actually bad. Some of these feelings are supposed to be


Take grief, for example. Grief might not feel very pleasant but it is

necessary during a time of loss or trauma, and we need to give ourselves

permission to grieve (a number of people come for hypnotherapy because they have had trouble expressing or releasing grief).

Similarly, guilt or remorse may be a negative emotion or feeling, but this is your conscience – your innate sense of right and wrong – telling you that you

have hurt another person or done something that you shouldn’t.

The uncomfortable feelings of guilt and remorse are designed to make you apologise, improve your behaviour and

make amends.

Even fear and anger have their place at the right time – healthy fear is what

keeps you from facing unnecessary danger and healthy anger is provoked when you or someone you care about

is subjected to injustice or unfair treatment, and can drive you to face


Bearing this in mind, it would be a mistake to try to use EFT to stimulate positive Qi in attempt to block grief, silence your conscience when you really ought to be apologising the

person you have wronged, or to soothe your fears if you are about to swim in

a tank full of hungry great white sharks.

But you can use it to ground yourself during times of distress, unhealthy fear, stress and anxiety. That’s what

it’s designed to do.