Trade, Towns, & Financial Revolution

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Trade, Towns, & Financial Revolution. Chapter 14 Section 2. I Growing Food Supply. Euroipes great revival would be impossible without farming Warmer climates farming on lands once too cold to farmnew farming methods. A. Using horsepower. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Trade, Towns, & Financial Revolution

Trade, Towns, & Financial Revolution

Chapter 14 Section 2

I Growing Food Supply• Euroipes great revival would be impossible without

farming•Warmer climatesfarming on lands once too cold to

farmnew farming methods

A. Using horsepower• Ppl depended on Oxen to plow

fields because they were easy to take care of• Began to use horses because

they could plow 2x as much as oxen• Needed to develop new harness

for horse to use for plowing• Developed harness that went

around the chest horses replace oxen

B. Three Field System• Villagers begin to organize farms diff.

Two Field System Three Field System

II Trade & Finance Expand• As agriculture expanded so did trade and finance

A. Fairs & Trade• Most trade took plasce in towns in the form of fairs• Fairs brought peasants from nearby manors to buy goods needed for daily life

• No longer were all goods produced ibn a self-sufficient manor

B. The Guilds• Fairs were controlled bu guilds for each craft and trade• Guild= an association of ppl who worked in the same occupation

• Guilds Controlled wages and price ogf their craft• Enforced standards of quality

• Only masters could be guild members• Child apprentice(5-9 yrs.)journeyman(worked for wages) until the could

make a Master Piece that met the guilds standardMaster

II Urban Splendor RebornA. Trade and Towns Grow Together

• Growing tradegrowing cities• Ppl began to challenge feudal

system by leaving the manor• Illegal for serfs

• Cities grew butunsanitary conditions• Towns under rule of feudal lords

until burghers organized themselves• Burghers= town dwellers

IV the Revival of Learning• Growth of trades & citiesrenewal in interest of learning• New European institution arose: the UINIVERSITY

A. Scholars & Writers• University= anywhere a group of schalars met

and discussed ideas• PEOPLE not building made up medieval universities

• While most scholars studies latin some poets began to use vernacular• Vernacular= everyday language of their ghomeland

• Dante Alighieri writes The Divine Comedy (Italian)• Geoffrey Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales

(English)• These writers brought lit. to the masses

because many could not read or write latin

B. The Muslim Connection•Crusades brought

Europeans into contact with Muslims who had preserved Greek writings • Alexandrian Library

•Crusaders learned and brought back superior Muslim technology, ships, navigation methods, & medicine

C. Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy• Could Christian schalars use Aristolt’es

logical approach to truth and still keep faith in the Bible?• Thomas Aquinas argues that most basin

religious truths could be proved by logical argument• Summa Theologica= combines Greek thought

w/ Christian thought• Scholastics= Aquinas and his followers• Their teachings on law and gov’t influenced the

thinking of Europeans