Trade and Environment at the WTO

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Trade and Environment at the WTO. Table of Concents. Brief History of the Trade and Environment Debate Trade and Environment During The GATT 1. The Emergence of theTrade and Environment Debate 2. Developments in Trade and Environmental Fora (1971-1991) 3. Developments within the GATT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Trade and Environment at the WTO

Trade and Environment at the WTO

Table of Concents

Brief History of the Trade and Environment Debate• Trade and Environment During The GATT 1.The Emergence of theTrade and Environment Debate 2.Developments in Trade and Environmental Fora (1971-1991) 3.Developments within the GATT 4.Developments in Environmental Fora 5.The Activation of the EMIT Group• Trade and Environment At The WTO• Parameters of The Discussion In The WTO 1.The WTO is not an Environmental Protection Agency 2.GATT/WTO Rules Provide Significant Scope for Environmenta

l Protection 3.Increased Market Access for Developing Countries 4.Trade and Environment Coordination Should be Enhanced

The Doha Mandate on Trade and Environment•Trade and Environment Negotiations•The Work Programme Of The CTE Regular 1.Three Items of Focus 2.Technical Assistance and Environmental Reviews 3.Reporting

Trade and Environment During The GATT

The trade and environment debate is not new. The link between trade and environmental protection,consisting of both the impact of environmental policies on trade, as well as the impact of trade on the environment, was recognized as early as 1970. In the early 1970s, there was growing international concern regarding the impact of economic growth on social development and the environment. This led to the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.关于贸易和环境的讨论由来已久。早在1970年就已认识到贸易和环境的关系,包括环境政策对贸易的影响,以及贸易对环境的影响。在20世纪 70年代早期,国际社会越来越重视经济增长带给社会发展和环境的影响。这促使了 1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议的召开。

The Emergence of theTrade and Environment Debate

During the preparatory phase to the Stockholm Conference, the Secretariat of the GATT was requested to make a contribution. On the Secretariat's own responsibility, a study entitled "Industrial Pollution Control and International Trade" was prepared. It focused on the implications of environmental protection policies on international trade, reflecting the concern of trade officials that such policies could become obstacles to trade, as well as constitute a new form of protectionism.在斯德哥尔摩会议的筹备阶段,关贸总协定的秘书处被要求贡献自己的一份力量。秘书处自行负责,进行了一项名为“工业污染控制和国际贸易”的研究。该研究主要关注与贸易有关的环境保护政策的涵义(这反映了贸易官员的担心:这些政策可能阻碍贸易发展)以及对新的形式的贸易保护主义的授权。

In 1971, the Director-General of the GATT presented the study to GATT Contracting Parties, urging them to examine the potential implications of environmental policies on international trade. A discussion of the issues which emerged from the study took place, and a number of Contracting Parties suggested that amechanism be created in the GATT for their more thorough examination. 1971 年,关贸总协定的总干事把该项研究交给GATT的所有缔约方,督促缔约方对与国际贸易有关的环境政策可能具有的涵义进行审查。针对该研究中所发现问题的讨论已经开始,并且许多缔约方建议为了进行更为彻底的审查,应在GATT内建立一种机制。

A precedent in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) had already been set in this regard with the establishment of an Environment Committee which had, in addition to other matters, also taken on board trade and environment issues.在世界经济合作与发展组织中已经存在这方面的先例,即成立了环境委员会,该环境委员会除处理其他问题外,还将贸易和环境问题纳入考虑范围。

注: take on board :将……纳入考虑范围

Developments in Trade and Environmental Fora (1971-1991)

At the November 1971 meeting of the GATT Council of Representatives, it was agreed that a Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade (also known as the "EMIT Group") be established. This group would only convene at the request of Contracting Parties, with participation being open to all. 在 1971年 11月的GATT的代表理事会上,决定成立环境措施和国际贸易小组。该小组仅在缔约方要求时才被召集,并且向所有人开放。

Up until 1991, no request had been put forward for its activation. Between 1971 and 1991,environmental policies began to have an increasing impact on trade, and with increasing trade flows, the effect of trade on the environment had also become more evident.直到 1991年,缔约方一直没有提出要求以激活环境措施和国际贸易小组。在1971年到 1991年期间,环境政策对贸易的影响逐渐增加,随着贸易的不断发展,贸易对环境的影响也变得更为明显。

Developments within the GATT

During the Tokyo Round of trade negotiations (1973-1979), the question of the degree to which environmental measures (in the form of technical regulations and standards) could form obstacles to trade was taken up. The Tokyo Round Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, known as the"Standards Code", was negotiated. Amongst other things, it called for non-discrimination in the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations and standards, and for their transparency.在贸易谈判的东京回合期间,提出了环境措施(表现为技术性规定和标准)能够在多大程度上阻碍贸易这一问题。在东京谈判中,签署了关于技术性贸易壁垒的东京回合协定,即“标准化法典”。关于其他事项,该协定呼吁在准备、接受和适用技术规范和标准方面的无差别以及技术性规定和标准的透明度。


《技术性贸易壁垒协定》英文名 Agreementon Technical Barriersto Tradeof The World Trade Organization ,英文简称 WTO/TBT ,简称TBT 协议。生效时间 1980 年 1 月 1 日,修改历史:1979 年正式签署了《关贸总协定 - 贸易技术壁垒协定》( GATT-TBT ),在乌拉圭回合中又于 1991 年重新修订, 1994 年于马拉咯什正式签署生效。是世界贸易组织管辖的一项多边贸易协议,是在关贸总协定东京回合同名协议的基础上修改和补充的。

In 1982, a number of developing countries expressed their concern at the fact that products prohibited in developed countries on the grounds of environmental hazards, or for health or safety reasons, continued to be exported to them. With limited information on these products, they were unable to make informed decisions regarding their import.1982 年,许多发展中国家表示了对由于环境危险,或是健康或安全的缘故而被发达国家禁止的产品,却继续向其出口这一事实的担忧。由于对这类产品了解甚微,发展中国家无法做出进口方面的明智的决定。

At the 1982 Ministerial Meeting of GATT Contracting Parties, it was decided that the GATT examine the measures needed to bring under control the export of products prohibited domestically (on the grounds of harm to human, animal, plant life or health, or the environment). In 1989, this resulted in the establishment of a Working Group on the Export of Domestically Prohibited Goods and Other Hazardous Substances.在 1982 年的GATT缔约方部长级会议上,决定由GATT审查为控制本国内部禁止产品的出口而需要采取的措施(由于其对人类、动植物生命或健康,或者对环境具有损害)。这导致了关于国内禁止物品及其他危险物质出口的工作小组于 1989 年成立。

During the Uruguay Round of negotiations (1986-1993), trade-related environmental issues were once again taken up. Modifications were made to the Standards Code, and certain environmental issues were addressed in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS),the Agreements on Agriculture, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM), and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (see page 56).在乌拉圭回合谈判期间,与贸易有关的环境问题再次被提出。乌拉圭回合谈判中修订了关于技术性贸易壁垒的东京回合协定,并且某些环境问题在《服务贸易总协定》、《农业协定》、《卫生与植物检疫措施协定》、《补贴与反补贴措施协定》以及《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》中得以解决。

In 1991, a dispute between Mexico and the United States regarding a US embargo on the import of tuna from Mexico caught using nets which resulted in the incidental killing of dolphins, heightened attention on the linkages between environmental protection policies and trade. Mexico claimed that the embargo was inconsistent with GATT rules. The panel ruled in favour of Mexico based on a number of different arguments (see page 61 for a description of this case). Although the report of the panel was not adopted, its ruling was heavily criticised by environmental groups who felt that trade rules were an obstacle to environmental protection.1991年,美国和墨西哥之间关于美禁止进口墨用渔网捕捞的金枪鱼(原因是用渔网捕捞金枪鱼时常造成海豚的意外死亡)的争端提升了人们对环境保护政策和贸易之间关系的注意。墨宣称该禁运没有遵守 GATT规则。基于一些不同的论据,专家组做出了有利于墨的裁决。尽管专家组的报告没有被采用,但是专家组的裁决被环境组织严重批判,他们认为贸易规则是阻碍了环境保护。

美国限制金枪鱼进口案(简称“美国金枪鱼案”)。用渔网捕捞金枪鱼时,时常造成海豚的意外伤亡。美国《海洋哺乳动物保护法案》为美国国内渔船以及其他国家的渔船制定了海豚保护标准。如果某个向美国出口金枪鱼的国家不能向美国权威机构证明其符合法案所规定的标准,美国必须停止所有来自该国的金枪鱼进口。美国的一个地区法院应环保组织的请求发布禁令,禁止从墨西哥进口金枪鱼,同时也禁止将墨西哥金枪鱼进行中间处理的“中间国”进口金枪鱼至美国。 1991年墨西哥向GATT提起申诉,请求裁决上述进口禁令违反了GATT 第 11 条、第 13 条和第 3 条。专家组认为,被诉的直接禁令和“中间国”禁令,并不构成GATT 第 3 条意义上的国内法规,其违反了GATT 第 11 条,并且不能依据 GATT 第 20 条( d)项、( g)项获得正当性。环保组织对该专家组报告发出了“GATT 谋杀海豚”的呐喊,该报告于 1991年 9月 3日公布但最后没有被通过。美国与墨西哥随后进行了双边谈判。

Developments in Environmental Fora

During this time period, important developments were also taking place in environmental fora.Although the relationship between economic growth, social development and environment was addressed at the Stockholm Conference, it continued to be examined throughout the 1970s and 80s.在这一时期,环境论坛方面取得了重要进展。尽管斯德哥尔摩会议上处理了经济增长、社会发展和环境三者之间的关系,但是整个 70 、 80 年代该该三者之间的关系继续受到审视。

In July 1970, an international research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology initiated a study of the effects and limits of continued world-wide growth. It argued that even under the mostoptimistic assumptions about advances in technology, the world could not support present rates of economic and population growth for more than a few decades. However, with more evidence of the contribution of technological advancement to resource savings, and of the role of prices in registering the relative scarcity of resources and consumer preferences and in allocating resources efficiently, the "limits to growth" paradigm was quickly overturned.在 1970年 7月,马萨诸塞州技术协会的国际研究小组发起了一项关于世界范围内的持续增长的效应和极限的研究。该项研究认为,即使对技术进步作出最乐观的假设,全世界对以当前速度发展的经济和人口增长的支撑也仅是几十年。然而,由于技术进步对于资源节约的贡献方面、价格在表明资源的相对稀缺和消费者的喜好以及有效分配资源方面的作用的证据越来越多,“增长的极限”这一范例很快被推翻。

In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development produced a report entitled Our Common Future (also known as the Brundtland Report), in which the term "sustainable development" was created. The report identified poverty as one of the most important causes of environmental degradation, and argued that greater economic growth, fuelled in part by increased international trade, could generate the necessary resources to combat what had become known as the "pollution of poverty".1987 年,世界环境与发展委员会发表了一篇名为“我们共同的未来”的报告,提出了“可持续发展”这一概念。报告指出贫穷是造成环境恶化的最为重要的原因之一,经济增长越快(其部分原因是不断增加的国际贸易),越可能导致对必要资源的争夺,即众所周知的“贫穷的污染”。

The Activation of the EMIT GroupIn 1991, members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (at the time, Austria, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland) requested the Director-General of GATT to convene the EMIT group as soon as possible. Its activation was necessary, they stated, in order to create a forum within which trade-related environmental issues could be addressed. Reference was made to the upcoming 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), and to the need for GATT to contribute in this regard.1991 年,欧洲自由贸易联盟(在当时,奥地利、芬兰、冰岛、列支敦士登、挪威、瑞典和瑞士)要求GATT总干事尽快召集环境措施和国际贸易小组。他们认为,为了创建一个能够处理与贸易有关的环境问题的论坛,激活该小组是必要的。并且还提到即将召开的 1992年联合国环境与发展大会以及需要GATT在这方面作出贡献。

Given the recent developments within the GATT and within environmental fora, the reactivation of the EMIT group met with a positive response. Despite the initial reluctance of developing countries to have environmental issues discussed in the GATT, they agreed to have a structured debate on thesubject. In accordance with its mandate of examining the possible effects of environmental protection policies on the operation of the GATT, the EMIT group focused on the effects of environmental measures (such as eco-labelling schemes) on:鉴于GATT和环境论坛的最新发展,重新激活 EMIT小组得到了积极响应。尽管发展中国家起初并不情愿在GATT内讨论环境问题,但是他们同意针对这一主题进行有组织性的讨论。依照审查环保政策对GATT运行可能造成的影响这一职权, EMIT小组主要关注环境措施对一下内容的影响:

international trade,the relationship between the rules of the multilateral trading system and the trade provisions contained in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) (such as the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal), andthe transparency of national environmental regulations with an impact on trade.国际贸易多边贸易体系的规则和包含在多边环境协议(比如巴塞尔条 约)内的贸易条款之间的关系,和影响贸易的国家环境法规的透明度

The activation of the EMIT group was followed by further developments in environmental fora. In 1992, the UNCED, also known as the "Earth Summit", drew attention to the role of international trade in poverty alleviation and in combating environmental degradation. Agenda 21, the programme of action adopted at the conference, addressed the importance of promoting sustainable development through, amongst other means, international trade. The concept of "sustainable development" had established a link between environmental protection and development at large.EMIT小组激活后,环境论坛得到进一步发展。 1992年,有“地球峰会”之称的联合国环境与发展大会,使人们的注意力集中于国际贸易在扶贫和遏制环境恶化方面的作用。此次大会上通过的行动计划—— 21 世纪议程,阐述了通过多种方式(包括国际贸易)促进可持续发展的重要性。“可持续发展”的概念建立了环境保护和发展在整体上的联系。

Trade and Environment At The WTO

Towards the end of the Uruguay Round (after the establishment of the EMIT group), attention was once again drawn to trade-related environmental issues, and the role of the newly emerging World Trade Organization (WTO) in the field of trade and environment. In the Preamble to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO, reference was made to the importance of working towards sustainable development. 乌拉圭回合谈判( EMIT小组成立之后),注意力再次集中到与贸易有关的环境问题,以及新成立的WTO在贸易、环境领域的作用。在建立WTO的马拉喀什协定的序言中,提到了致力于可持续发展的重要性。

WTO Members recognized that "their relations in the field of trade and economic endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living ... while allowing for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concerns at different levels of economic development".WTO的成员方认识到“他们在贸易和经济活动领域的关系应该被提高生活水平这一思想所指导…然而考虑到依照可持续发展目标而最充分地的利用世界资源,寻求保护和保育环境以及提升。

In April 1994, a Ministerial Decision on Trade and Environment was adopted, calling for the establishment of a Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) (See Annex I, page 67). A broad-based mandate was agreed upon for the CTE, consisting of identifying the relationship between trade measures and environmental measures in order to promote sustainable development,and making appropriate recommendations on whether any modifications of the provisions of the multilateral trading system are required. The work programme of the CTE is contained in the Decision and covers a broader range of issues than those previously addressed by the EMIT group.

1994年 4月,通过了关于贸易和环境的部长级决议,呼吁成立一个贸易和环境委员会。协议同意授予CTE广泛的职权,包括为了促进可持续发展而对贸易措施和环境措施之间的关系进行鉴定,以及对多边贸易体系所要求的规定是否修改作出适当建议。协议中对 CTE的工作计划作出了规定,其问题覆盖面比先前 EMIT小组所处理的还要广。

The CTE is composed of all WTO Members and a number of observersfrom inter-governmental organizations. It reports to the WTO's General Council. The CTE first convened in early 1995 to examine the different items of its mandate. In preparation for the Singapore Ministerial Conference, in December 1996, the CTE summarized the discussions which it held since its establishment, as well as the conclusions reached in a report presented at the Conference.Since then, it has met approximately three times a year. It has held a number of information sessions with MEA secretariats to deepen Members' understanding of the relationship between MEAs and WTO rules, and organized a numberof public symposia for non-governmental organizations (NGOs).CET由所有的WTO成员方和一些来自政府间组织的观察员组成。它对WTO负有报告义务。 1995年前期,第一次召集 CTE以审查关于其职权的不同条款。在筹备 1996年 12月的新加坡部长级会议时, CTE对其成立以来由其主持的讨论以及呈递给大会的报告中所得出的结论进行了总结。从那时起,CTE每年大约召开三次会议。 CTE和多边环境协议秘书处举办了一些信息会议,以加深成员方对MEAs和WTO准则之间关系的理解,并且为 NGOs组织了大量的公开研讨会。

In November 2001, at the Doha Ministerial Conference, it was agreed to launch negotiations on certain issues related to trade and environment. These negotiations are conducted in a Committee established for this purpose, the Committee on Trade and Environment Special Session (CTESS). The CTE was also requested to give particular attention to three items of its work programme. In addition, the CTE and the Committee on Trade and Development were asked to act as a forum in which the environmental and developmental aspects of the negotiations launched at Doha could be debated (see page 9 for more detail on the Doha Development Agenda and page 71 for the text of its relevantprovisions).在 2001年 11月的多哈部长级会议上,同意对与贸易和环境有关的某些固定问题进行谈判。在专为此项目的而成立的贸易和环境特别会议委员会的指导下,进行了这些谈判。同时也要求 CTE对其自身工作计划的三个部分给予特别注意。另外,还要求 CTE与贸易和发展委员会充当一个论坛,在此论坛内可以讨论多哈会议发起的谈判中的环境和发展问题。

Parameters of The Discussion In The WTO


As previously stated, environmental issues were taken up in the GATT/WTO as a result of numerous developments at the international level in trade and environmental fora. Whilst developed countries were subjected to increased pressure from environmental interest groups to reconcile what they perceived as "incompatibilities" between trade and environmental policies, developing countries feared that environmental concerns would be addressed at the expense of international trade.In particular, they feared that a new "green" conditionality would be attached to market access opportunities. Within this context, certain parameters have guided trade and environment discussions in the WTO, including the following:正如前述,由于环境和贸易论坛内国际层面上的巨大发展,在GATT/WTO内环境问题再次被提出。同时,环境利益集团所施加给发达国家的压力越来越大,要求发达国家协调贸易和环境政策之间其认为不能相容的事项;而发展中国家则担心环境问题的解决将会以国际贸易为代价。尤其是,他们害怕在市场准入条件中将会增加一个新的“绿色”条件。在这一背景下,存在一些限定性因素用来指导WTO内贸易和环境方面的讨论,包括一下方面:

The WTO is not an Environmental Protection Agency

In the Preamble to the Marrakesh Agreement, WTO Members affirm the importance of working towards sustainable development. In addition, the Ministerial Decision on Trade and Environment states that the aim of the work of the CTE is to make "international trade and environmental policies mutuallysupportive". WTO Members recognize, however, that the WTO is not an environmental protection agency and that it does not aspire to become one. Its competence in the field of trade and environment is limited to trade policies and to the trade-related aspects of environmental policies which have a significant effect on trade.在马拉喀什协定序言中,WTO成员方肯定了致力于可持续发展的重要性。另外,关于贸易和环境的部长级会议决议阐述了 CTE的工作目标:促使国际贸易和环境政策相互支持。然而,WTO成员方认为WTO并非一个环保机构,并且它本身也不希望成为环保机构。WTO在贸易和环境领域的权限被限制在贸易政策以及对贸易有重要影响的环境政策中与贸易相关的方面。

In addressing the link between trade and environment, WTO Members do not operate on the assumption that the WTO itself has the answer to environmental problems. However, they believe that trade and environmental policies can complement each other. Environmental protection preserves the natural resource base on which economic growth is premised, and trade liberalization leads to the economic growth needed for adequate environmental protection. To address this, the WTO's role is to continue to liberalize trade, as well as to ensure that environmental policies do not act as obstacles to trade, and that trade rules do not stand in the way of adequate domestic environmental protection.在处理贸易和环境之间的关系时,WTO成员方并没有在“WTO本身能够处理环境问题”这一假设下进行实践。然而,这些成员方相信贸易和环境政策可以互补。环境保护为经济增长所依赖的自然资源提供了保护,而贸易自由化则为进行充分的环境保护提供了经济支持。为了阐明这一观点,WTO的任务是继续促进贸易自由化,同时确保环境政策不对贸易发展构成阻碍,且贸易规则也不能阻碍本国进行充分的环境保护。

GATT/WTO Rules Provide Significant Scope for Environmental Protection

WTO Members believe that GATT/WTO rules already provide significant scope for Members to adopt national environmental protection policies.GATT rules impose only one requirement in this respect, which is that of non-discrimination. WTO Members are free to adopt national environmentalprotection policies provided that they do not discriminate between imported and domestically-produced like products (national treatment principle), or between like products imported from different trading partners (most-favoured-nation clause). Non-discrimination is one of the main principles on which the multilateral trading system is founded. It secures predictable access to markets, protects the economically weak from the more powerful, and guarantees consumer choice.WTO成员方认为GATT/WTO规则已经为成员方国采取国家环保政策规定了足够的范围。在这方面,GATT规则仅仅规定了一个强制性要求,即非歧视原则。WTO成员方国可以自由地采取国家环境保护政策,如果他们平等对待进口产品和国内同类产品(国民待遇原则),或者从不同贸易伙伴处进口的同类产品(最惠国条款)。非歧视原则是支撑多边贸易体制建立的主要原则之一,它保障了市场准入的可预见性,保护经济上的弱者,确保消费者的选择。

Increased Market Access for Developing Countries

The special situation of developing countries and the need to assist them in their process of economic growth is widely recognized and accepted in the WTO. From the point of view of developing countries,where poverty is the number one policy preoccupation and the most important obstacleto environmental protection, the opening up of world markets to their exports is essential. 发展中国家的特殊情况以及在其经济发展过程中对其进行援助的必要性,在WTO内被广泛地承认和接受。从发展中国家的角度看,贫穷问题是其政策的第一要务,也是环保最重要的障碍,世界市场对其出口的开放是必要的。

WTO Members recognize that trade liberalization for developing country exports, along with financial and technology transfers, is necessary in helping developing countries generate the resources they need to protect the environment and work towards sustainable development. As many developing and least-developed countries are heavily dependent on the export of natural resources for foreign exchange earnings, trade liberalization is expected to improve allocation and more efficient use of their resources, as well as enhance export opportunities for their manufactured goods.WTO成员方国认为对于发展中国家的出口,贸易自由化、资金和技术的转移,对于帮助发展中国家形成保护环境和致力于可持续发展所必须的资源来说是必需的。由于许多发展中国家和最不发达国家严重依赖出口自然资源换取外汇收入,贸易自由化被期望用来改善资源的分配和更有效的利用,同时增加出口产品的机会。

Trade and Environment Coordination Should be Enhanced

It is widely believed by WTO Members that improved coordination at the national level between trade and environmental officials can contribute to eliminating policy conflicts between trade and environment at the international level. Lack of coordination has, in the past, contributed to the negotiation of potentially conflicting agreements in trade and environmental fora.WTO成员方普遍认为贸易和环境官员在国家层面上的良好的协调性有助于解决国际层面上的贸易和环境之间的政策冲突。在过去,缺乏协调导致了贸易和环境论坛内因谈判而达成了潜在的冲突协议这一现象的出现。

In addition, it is widely recognized that multilateral cooperation through the negotiation of MEAs constitutes the best approach for resolving transboundary (regional and global) environmental concerns. MEAs provide a safeguard against unilateral attempts to address environmental problems. Unilateral solutions are often discriminatory, and frequently involve the extraterritorial application of environmental standards. UNCED clearly endorsed consensual and cooperative multilateral environmental solutions to global environmental problems. Such solutions reduce the risks of arbitrary discrimination and disguised protectionism, and reflect the international community's common concern and responsibility for global resources.另外,普遍认为通过 MEAs的协商而达成的多变合作是解决跨境(区域的和全球的)环境问题的最佳途径。MEAs 防止了单方面解决环境问题的试图。单方面解决环境问题通常具有歧视性,并且涉及环境标准方面治外法权的适用。 UNCED明确赞同使用双方同意的、合作性的多边环境解决方案来处理全球环境问题。这样的解决方案减少了主观歧视和变相的贸易保护主义,同时也反映了国际社会对全球资源的普遍关注和责任。

The Doha Mandate on Trade and Environment

At the Doha Ministerial Conference, WTO Members reaffirmed their commitment to health and environmental protection and agreed to embark on a new round of tradenegotiations, including negotiations on certain aspects of the linkage between trade and environment.在多哈部长级会议上,WTO成员方方重申了他们对健康和环境保护的承诺,并且同意开始新一轮贸易谈判 ,包括对贸易和环境之间联系的某些方面进行谈判。

In addition to launching new negotiations, the Doha Ministerial Declaration requested the CTE, in pursuing work on all items in its terms of reference, to focus on three of those items, and, together with the Commitee on Trade and Development, to act as a forum in which the environmental and developmental aspects of the negotiations can be debated.除了开始新的谈判,多哈部长宣言还要求 CTE在致力于其所提及的所有事项的同时要将焦点集中于三个事项,并且和贸易和发展委员会一道充当一个论坛,在这个论坛内这些谈判涉及到的环境和发展方面的内容能够得以讨论。

The Doha mandate has placed trade and environment work at the WTO on two tracks:多哈指令已经使贸易和环境工作以两种方式在WTO内进行:•The CTE Special Session (CTESS) has been established to deal with the negotiations.已经成立 CTE特别会议,以处理相关谈判。•The CTE Regular deals with the non-negotiating issues of the Doha Ministerial Declaration.CTE定期会议,以处理多哈部长宣言的非谈判性事项。

Moreover, paragraph 28 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration instructs Members "to clarify andimprove WTO disciplines on fisheries subsidies, taking into account the importance of this sector to developing countries". These negotiations are taking place in the Negotiating Group on Rules.此外,多哈部长宣言第 28段要求成员方方“澄清和改进WTO有关渔业补贴的纪律,同时考虑这一部门对发展中国家的重要性”。这些谈判由规则谈判工作组主持进行。

Trade and Environment Negotiations

Paragraph 31 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration launched negotiations, "with a view to enhancingthe mutual supportiveness of trade and environment" and "without prejudging their outcome", on thefollowing issues:“为加强贸易和环境的相互支持”和“不损害其结果”,多哈部长宣言的第 31段开启了对下列问题的谈判:

1. Paragraph 31(i) mandates Members to negotiate on the relationship between WTO rules and specific trade obligations set out in MEAs. Negotiations are limited in scope to the applicability of such existing WTO rules as among parties to the MEA in question. Moreover, the negotiations are not to prejudice the WTO rights of any Member that is not a party to the MEA in question.第 31 段第一条授权成员方对现行WTO 规则和MEAs中所列具体贸易义务之间的关系进行谈判。谈判应仅限于此类现行WTO规则在所涉多边环境协议参加方之间的适用性问题。而且,谈判不得损害不属于所涉多边贸易环境协议参加方的WTO 成员的权利。

2. Negotiations were also mandated in paragraph 31(ii) on procedures for information exchange between MEAs and the relevant WTO committees, and on the criteria for the granting of observer status in WTO bodies.宣言第 31 段第 2条授权成员方就多边贸易环境协议秘书处和相关WTO委员会之间定期交流信息的程序以及给予观察员地位的标准进行谈判。

3. Finally, negotiations were launched in paragraph 31(iii) on the reduction or, as appropriate, the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services.最后,宣言第 31 段第 3条开启了关于“酌情削减或取消环境货物和服务的关税和非关税壁垒”的谈判。

The end of paragraph 32 is also relevant to these negotiations. It adds that :宣言第 32 段的最后部分也是和这些谈判相关的。它补充道:The outcome… of the negotiations carried out under paragraph 31(i) and (ii) shall be compatible with the open and non-discriminatory nature of the multilateral trading system, shall not add to or diminish the rights and obligations of Members under existing WTO agreements, in particular the Agreement on the Application of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, nor alter the balance of these rights and obligations, and will take into account the needs of developing andleast-developed countries.这项工作的结果以及在第 31 段 (i) 项和 (ii) 项下进行的谈判应与多边贸易体制的开放和非歧视性质相符,而不得增加或减少各成员在现行 WTO协定下,特别是《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》下的权利和义务,也不得改变这些权利和义务的平衡,并将考虑到发展中和最不发达国家的需要。

This qualification is designed to caution against altering through these negotiations the balance of rights and obligations of WTO Members under existing agreements.这一限制旨在预防通过谈判而改变WTO成员在现行协定下的权利与义务的平衡。

The Work Programme Of The CTE Regular

Three Items of Focus

In addition to launching negotiations in the areas discussed above, the Doha Ministerial Declarationprovides the CTE with a special mandate. Paragraph 32 instructs the CTE, in pursuing work on all agenda items within its current terms of reference, to give particular attention to three items:除了在上述领域内开启谈判,多哈部长宣言还授予CTE以特别职权。宣言第 32 段指示贸易与环境委员会,在其就目前职权范围内的所有事项开展工作时,对下列事项给予特别关注:

1. The effect of environmental measures on market access and the win-win-win situations 环境措施对市场准入的影响以及三赢(贸易、环境 和发展)局面2. The relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement 《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的相关规定3. Labelling requirements for environmental purposes 有关环境目的的标签要求

In addition to the three items of special focus, Members are also discussing, pursuant to paragraph 33, technical assistance, capacity building and environmental reviews.除了需要特别注意的三个事项外,依照宣言第 33段,成员方还应讨论技术援助、能力建设和环境审查。

Technical Assistance and Environmental Reviews

Paragraph 33 reads:We recognize the importance of technical assistance and capacity building in the field of trade and environment to developing countries, in particular the least-developed among them.We also encourage that expertise and experience be shared with Members wishing to performenvironmental reviews at the national level. A report shall be prepared on these activities for the Fifth Session.第 33段写到:我们认识到在贸易与环境领域中技术援助对发展中国家,特别是其中的最不发达国家的重要性。我们也鼓励与希望在国家一级进行环境审议的成员分享专业知识和经验。应为第五届会议准备一份有关这些活动的报告。

Technical assistance activities in the field of trade and environment are delivered mainly in the formof regional workshops for government representatives from trade and environment ministries, and organized in cooperation with the secretariats of UNEP, UNCTAD and MEAs.环境和贸易领域的技术援助行动以区域研讨会的形式进行,这种研讨会由来自贸易和环境部门的政府代表组成,并且在 UNEP、联合国贸易和发展会议和MEAs的秘书处的协同下进行组织。

In the discussions held on technical assistance, Members have recognized that activities, which bring together trade and environment officials, were essential to enhance coordination and policy coherence at the national level. Members have also encouraged further cooperation and coordination between the WTO, UNEP, UNCTAD and MEAs in the delivery of technical assistance.在关于技术援助的讨论中,成员方已经意识到了技术援助行动(技术援助行动使得贸易和环境官员团结起来)对于提高国家层面的协调性和政策的一致性是必不可少的。成员方也鼓励WTO、 UNEP、 UNCTAD和MEAs 之间在进行技术援助时进一步地合作和协调。


Paragraph 32 also requests the CTE to report to the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancún on theprogress made in discussing the above-mentioned items (i.e. paragraphs 32 and 33), and to makerecommendations, where appropriate, with respect to future action, including the desirability ofnegotiations.宣言第 32 段也要求 CTE就上述讨论事项的进展情况向第五届坎昆部长级会议进行报告,向第五届部长级会议进行报告,并酌情就未来行动,包括谈判的可取性提出建议。

The relevant part of paragraph 32 states that:Work on these issues should include the identification of any need to clarify relevant WTO rules. The Committee shall report to the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference, and make recommendations, where appropriate, with respect to future action, including thedesirability of negotiations.宣言第 32 段的相关部分写到:关于这些问题的工作应明确澄清 WTO 相关规定的任何需要。委员会应向第五届部长级会议进行报告,并酌情就未来行动,包括谈判的可取性提出建议。

At its meeting of 7 July 2003, the CTE adopted its report to the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancún.This report covered the work undertaken by the regular session of the CTE between the Fourth (Doha) and the the Fifth (Cancún) Ministerial Conference of the WTO. It contains a factualsummary of those issues that have been discussed and that are covered by the reporting requirement in paragraphs 32 and 33 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration.在 2003年 7月 7日的 CTE会议上, CTE接受了它向在坎昆的第五届部长级会议提交报告的要求。报告涵盖了第四届(多哈)和第五届(坎昆)部长级会议期间由 CTE定期会议承担的工作。它包括对已经讨论过的、并且在多哈部长宣言第 32 、33段报告要求所涵盖的问题进行事实性总结。


一、环境和贸易讨论的历史(一)GATT期间的贸易与环境1.贸易和环境讨论的出现•关于贸易和环境的讨论由来已久,早在 1970年就已认识到贸易和环境的关系,国际社会越来越重视经济增长带给社会发展和环境的影响,促使了 1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议的召开。•世界经济合作与发展组织成立了环境委员会,处理环境和贸易问题。2.贸易和环境论坛内的发展( 1971-1991)•在 1971年 11月 GATT的代表理事会上,决定成立环境措施和国际贸易小组。该小组仅在缔约方要求时才被召集,并直到 1991年才被激活 GATT内的发展:东京回合谈判和乌拉圭回合谈判 环境论坛内的发展:“增长的极限”理论被推翻;《我们共同的未来》 -可持续发展、贫穷是环境恶化的主要原因之一。 EMIT小组的激活: 1991年,欧洲自由贸易联盟要求激活 EMIT小组, 得到积极响应。其被激活后,环境论坛得到进一 步发展。

(二)WTO内的贸易和环境马拉喀什协定的序言中提到了致力于可持续发展的重要性。 1994 年4 月,关于贸易和环境的部长级决议呼吁成立一个贸易和环境委员会,并对其职权和工作计划作出规定。 CET 由所有的 WTO 成员方和一些来自政府间组织的观察员组成。它对 WTO 负有报告义务, CTE 和多边环境协议秘书处举办了一些信息会议。 CTE处理问题的覆盖面比 EMIT小组要广。(三)WTO内讨论中的限定因素•WTO并非环保机构:-WTO在贸易和环境领域的权限被限制在贸易政策以及对贸易有重要影 响的环境政策中与贸易相关的方面。•GATT/WTO规则为环保规定了足够的空间:-GATT/WTO规则已经为成员方采取国家环保政策规定了足够的范围。 在这方面,GATT规则仅仅规定了一个强制性要求,即非歧视原则。•增加发展中国家的市场准入-贫穷问题是其发展中国家政策所要解决的首要问题,也是环保最重要的障碍,世界市场对其出口的开放是必要的。•应提高贸易和环境的协调性

二、关于贸易和环境的多哈指令在多哈部长级会议上,WTO成员方方重申了他们对健康和环境保护的承诺,并且同意开始新一轮贸易谈判 ,包括对贸易和环境之间联系的某些方面进行谈判。多哈指令已经使贸易和环境工作以两种方式在WTO内进行:成立 CTE特别会议(处理相关谈判)和 CTE定期会议(处理多哈部长宣言的非谈判性事项)。(一)贸易和环境谈判——多哈部长宣言第 31段•授权成员方对现行WTO 规则和MEAs中所列具体贸易义务之间的关系进行谈判。•授权成员方就多边贸易环境协议秘书处和相关WTO委员会之间定期交流信息的程序以及给予观察员地位的标准进行谈判。•开启了关于“酌情削减或取消环境货物和服务的关税和非关税壁垒”的谈判。(二)贸易和环境委员会定期会议的工作计划1.三个特别注意事项:•环境措施对市场准入的影响以及三赢(贸易、环境和发展)局面•《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的相关规定•有关环境目的的标签要求

2.技术援助和环境审查第 33段写到:我们认识到在贸易与环境领域中技术援助对发展中国家,特别是其中的最不发达国家的重要性。我们也鼓励与希望在国家一级进行环境审议的成员分享专业知识和经验。应为第五届会议准备一份有关这些活动的报告。3.报告•宣言第 32段也要求 CTE就上述讨论事项的进展情况向第五届坎昆部长级会议进行报告,向第五届部长级会议进行报告,并酌情就未来行动,包括谈判的可取性提出建议。



1 . TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT NEGOTIATIONS 环境与贸易谈判 2 . THE WORK PROGRAMME OF THE CTE REGULAR 环境与贸易委员会日常工作计划 2.1 Three Items of Focus 特别关注的三个问题 2.2 Technical Assistance and Environmental Reviews 技术援助和环境评审 2.3 Reporting 报告 2.4 Sustainable Development 可持续发展

Sustainable Development

Finally, paragraph 51 explicitly calls on the CTE, together with the Committee on Trade and Development, to act as a forum within which the environmental and developmental aspects of the negotiations can be debated, in order to help achieve the objective of sustainable development.

《多哈部长宣言》第 51 段明确要求贸易与环境委员会和贸易与发展委员会应作为环境与贸易问题谈判的讨论场所,以有助于实现可持续发展目标。

Sustainable Development

The CTE has an important role to play in addressing the environmental dimension of trade liberalization as that liberalization proceeds. The CTE Regular decided to pursue a sectoral approach and received briefings by the Secretariat on relevant developments in the following negotiating areas: Agriculture, Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products, Rules, and Services.

贸易与发展委员会随着自由化进程,在解决贸易自由化的环境问题发挥着重要作用。 CTE 常会决定在以下领域采取部门方法和接受秘书处对相关进展的简报,这些领域是,农业、非农产品的市场准入、规则、服务。


Since the Doha Ministerial Conference, the CTE Regular has organized its work in the following manner:



Paragraph 32: Issues of focus 第 32 段:应特别关注的问题 -Para. 32(i): the effect of environmental measures on market

access, especially in relation to developing countries, in particular the least-developed among them, and those situations in which the elimination or reduction of trade restrictions and distortions would benefit trade, the environment and development ("win-win-win situations");

—(i) 环境措施对市场准入的影响,特别是与发展中国家,尤其是其中的最不发达国家有关的市场准入,以及取消或削减贸易限制和扭曲将使贸易、环境和发展受益的情况;


- Para. 32(ii): the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement; and,

—(ii) 《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的相关规定;

- Para. 32(iii): labelling requirements for environmental purposes.

—(iii) 有关环境目的的标签要求。


(ii) Paragraph 32: Other Items 第 32 段:其他条款-Items 1 and 5: The relationship between the provisions of the

multilateral trading system and trade measures for environmental purposes, including those pursuant to MEAs; and the relationship between dispute settlement mechanisms in the multilateral trading system and those found in MEAs;

— 第 1 和第 5 项:多边贸易体制规定与包括多边环境协议中以环境保护为目的的贸易措施之间的关系; 多边贸易体制争端解决机制与多边环境协议争端解决机制之间的关系。


-Item 2: The relationship between environmental policies relevant to trade and environmental measures with significant trade effects and the provisions of the multilateral trading system;

— 第 2 项:与贸易有关的环境政策和有贸易影响的环境政策与多边贸易体制规定之间的关系

-Item 3a: The relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and charges and taxes for environmental purposes;

— 第 3 a 项:多边贸易体制规定与以环境为目的的税和费之间的关系。


-Item 4: The provisions of the multilateral trading system with respect to the transparency of trade measures used for environmental purposes and environmental measures and requirements which have significant trade effects;

— 第 4 项:有关以环境为目的的贸易措施透明度的多边贸易体制规定与有重大贸易影响的环境措施和要求的关系。

- Item 7: The issue of the export of domestically prohibited goods;

— 第 7 项:国内受禁货物的出口问题。


- Item 9: The Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment; and,

— 第 9 项:有关环境与服务贸易的决定。

- Item 10: Appropriate arrangements for relations with inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations.

— 第 10 项:适当安排与政府和非政府组织的关系。


(iii) Paragraph 33 第 33 段

- Technical assistance and capacity building activities; and,

— 技术援助与能力建设问题

- Environmental reviews.— (国家级)环境评审


(iv) Paragraph 51: Sustainable Development Forum.第 51 段:可持续发展的讨论场所

Ⅲ. Market Access and Environmental Requirements

1. THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES ON MARKET ACCESS @ 环境措施对市场准入的影响2. LABELLING REQUIREMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES@ 为环境目的的标识要求2.1 The Increasing Complexity of Eco-Labels 2.2 Are Eco-Labels Effective Trade Instruments?2.3 The PPMs Issue 2.4 The TBT Agreement2.5 What is the Appropriate Forum to Discuss this Issue? 2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee2.7 Handling Requirements3. TAXES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES 为环境目的的税 @


Marrakesh Declaration - Item 6 - (First Part) The effect of environmental measures on market a

ccess, especially in relation to developing countries, in particular to the least developed among them.

《马拉喀什宣言》 ( 《关于贸易与环境的马拉喀什部长决定》 ) 第 6 条第 1 部分:环境措施对市场准入的影响,特别是对于发展中国家,尤其是其中的最不发达国家而言的此种影响。


Doha Declaration - Paragraph 32(i) (First Part) The effect of environmental measures on market

access, especially in relation to developing countries, in particular the least developed among them.

《多哈部长宣言》第 32 段 (i) 的第 1 部分:环境措施对市场准入的影响,特别是与发展中国家,尤其是其中的最不发达国家有关的市场准入。


This item is particularly important to the work of theCTE in that it holds the key to thecomplementarities that exist between sound tradeand environmental policy-making. Improved marketaccess for developing countries' products is key tothe goal of achieving sustainable development.



According to Principle 11 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, environmental standards, objectives and priorities need to reflect the particular environmental and developmental context to which they apply. This means that environmental standards applied by some countries could be inappropriate and of unwarranted economic and social cost to others, particularly developing countries. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are especially vulnerable in this regard.

根据《里约环境与发展宣言》的原则 11 ,环境标准、管理目标和优先次序应该反映它们适用的特定的环境与发展范畴。一些国家所实施的标准对别的国家待别是发展中国家可能是不适当的,也许会使它们承担不必要的经济和社会代价。(发展中国家的)中小企业在这方面尤其易受冲击。


Members generally consider that the protection of the environment and health are legitimate policy objectives. However, it is also acknowledged that environmental requirements set to address such objectives could affect exports adversely. The answer to concerns about reduced market access is not to weaken environmental standards, but rather to enable exporters to meet them.



In this context, it is argued that there is sufficient scope in existing WTO Agreements to ensure that environmental measures do not unduly restrict exports (e.g. the rules of the SPS and the TBT Agreements).

在这方面,有成员认为现存的 WTO 协定有足够空间来确保环境措施不会过度地限制出口(比如, SPS 协定和 TBT 协定)。

实施卫生和植物卫生措施协定 (Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures , SPS协定 )

贸易技术壁垒协定 (Agreement On Technical Barriers to Trade , TBT协定 )


In striking the appropriate balance between safeguarding market access and protecting the environment, Members consider that there is a need to examine how environmental measures could be designed in a manner that (i) is consistent with WTO rules; (ii) inclusive; (iii) takes into account capabilities of developing countries; and, (iv) meets the legitimate objectives of the importing country.

为实现保护市场准入与保护环境之间的平衡,成员认为有必要仔细分析(进口国)设计环境措施的方式: (i) 符合WTO 协定; (ii) 包容性; (iii) 要考虑发展中国家的能力; (iv) 要满足进口国的合法目标。


It is recognized that it is essential to involve developing countries in the design and development of environmental measures as a way of mitigating negative trade effects. Similarly, the facilitation of effective participation of developing countries in the early stages of the international standard-setting process is important. Once developed, flexibility in the application of environmental measures is seen as key.



In discussing ways forward on market access issues, several Members have felt that more weight has to be given to the identification of trade opportunities for sustainable growth. The CTE could look at incentives and means to assist developing countries to identify products, and develop export markets for environmentally friendly products in areas where these countries enjoy a comparative advantage.

在讨论解决市场准入问题的方法时,一些成员认为应更多考虑确定有利于可持续增长的贸易机会。 CTE 要着眼于通过激励和措施帮助发展中国家确定产品,在这些国家具有比较优势的领域拓展环境友好产品的出口市场。


This would reinforce the message contained in the CTE's 1996 Singapore Report that trade liberalization has the potential to generate resources that could be applied to implement sound environmental policies.

这支持了 1996 年 CTE 向新加坡部长会议提交的报告中贸易自由化有助于获得资源以实施健全环境政策的观点。


Moreover, the Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2001 has reiterated the need to support voluntary, WTO-compatible market-based initiatives for the creation and expansion of domestic and international markets for goods which are environmentally friendly.

而且, 2001 年约翰内斯堡 WSSD 通过的实施计划重申了

支持自愿的、与 WTO 一致的市场化措施对创建和扩展环境友好产品的国内国际市场的必要性。


Marrakesh Declaration - Item 3(b) The relationship between the provisions of the multilateral

trading system and requirements for environmental purposes relating to products, such as standards and technical regulations, and packaging, labelling and recycling requirements

《马拉喀什宣言》(《关于贸易与环境的马拉喀什部长决定》)第 3(b) 项



Doha Declaration - Paragraph 32(iii) Labelling requirements for environmental purposes

《多哈部长宣言》第 32 段 (iii) 为环境目的的标识要求


Discussion of item 3(b) of the Marrakesh Work Programme has focused primarily on the issues of eco-labelling and handling requirements (such as requirements for packaging, recycling, re-use, recovery, and disposal). The issue of labelling requirements for environmental purposes has become, since the Doha Ministerial Conference, an issue of special focus in the work of the CTE Regular.

对《马拉喀什工作计划》 3(b) 条 的讨论主要集中于生态标识和处理要求问题(如包装要求、回收要求、再利用要求、修复要求、处理要求)。为环境目的的标识问题自多哈部长会议以来已成为 CTE 日常工作特别注意的问题。


2.1 The Increasing Complexity of Eco-Labels 日益复杂的生态标签

The use of eco-labels by governments, industry and non-governmental organizations is increasing. Moreover, the growing complexity and diversity of environmental labelling schemes raise difficulties for developing countries, and particularly SMEs in export markets.


2.1 The Increasing Complexity of Eco-Labels 日益复杂的生态标签

While international standards for labelling have a significant potential to facilitate trade by promoting the convergence of labelling requirements, developing countries can be at a disadvantage due to limited or ineffective participation in these processes. There is a need to better involve developing countries in the setting of environmental standards and regulations, whether at national or international level.


2.1 The Increasing Complexity of Eco-Labels 日益复杂的生态标签

Moreover, eco-labelling schemes tend to be based on life-cycle analysis, i.e. the consideration of the environmental effects of a product from its production to its final disposal. In practice, life-cycle analysis is not easy to conduct, and eco-labels are frequently based on criteria that relate to only a few aspects of the process of production or of the product itself.


2.1 The Increasing Complexity of Eco-Labels 日益复杂的生态标签

The proliferation of eco-labelling schemes could confuse consumers (i.e. prevent them from being able to recognize or trust any particular label), and could make it difficult for exporters to meet the many different criteria on which they are based (particularly when they target the same products).




2.2 Are Eco-Labels Effective Trade Instruments? 生态标签是否是有效的贸易手段?

Members generally agree that voluntary, participatory, market-based and transparent environmental labelling schemes are potentially efficient economic instruments to inform consumers about environmentally friendly products. Moreover, they tend to be less trade restrictive than other instruments.


2.2 Are Eco-Labels Effective Trade Instruments? 生态标签是否是有效的贸易手段?

However, environmental labelling schemes could be misused for the protection of domestic markets. Hence, these schemes need to be non-discriminatory and not result in unnecessary barriers or disguised restrictions on international trade.


2.2 Are Eco-Labels Effective Trade Instruments? 生态标签是否是有效的贸易手段?

The assumption that labelling schemes have a positive effect on protecting the environment has been questioned by some. The criteria on which eco-labels are based are frequently determined through consultation with interested parties at the national level.


2.2 Are Eco-Labels Effective Trade Instruments? 生态标签是否是有效的贸易手段?

A common complaint by the users of eco-labels has been that eco-labelling criteria tend to focus on local concerns and do not address the views of foreign suppliers, nor the specific environmental situation in the countries of these suppliers. For instance, an eco-label developed in a country with a serious air pollution problem may put the emphasis on air pollution control measures, whereas the main environmental problem in the foreign country could have to do with water and not air.



2.3 The PPMs Issue

A particularly thorny issue in the eco-labelling debate has been the use of criteria linked to the Processes and Production Methods (PPMs). WTO Members agree that countries are within their rights under WTO rules to set criteria for the way products are produced, if their production method leaves a trace in the final product (e.g. cotton grown using pesticides, with there being pesticide residue in the cotton itself).

在生态标识讨论中一个特别棘手的问题是 PPMs 标准的使用。 WTO 成员同意如果产品生产方法在最终产品中留下痕迹(比如,种植棉花时使用农药,最终棉花本身会有农药残留),那么各国依照 WTO 规则在其权利范围内可以为产品生产方法设定标准。

2.3 The PPMs Issue

However, they disagree over the WTO consistency of measures based on what are known as "unincorporated PPMs" (or "non-product related PPMs") - i.e. PPMs which leave no trace in the final product (e.g. cotton grown using pesticides, with there being no trace of the pesticides in the cotton). Many developing countries argue that measures which discriminate between products based on unincorporated PPMs, such as some eco-labels, should be considered WTO inconsistent.

然而, WTO 成员不同意基于“未包含在内的 PPMs” ( 或称为“与产品无关的 PPMs” )的措施与 WTO 规则一致,即 PPMs 没有在最终产品中留下痕迹(比如,种植棉花时使用农药,最终在棉花中没有残留农业)。许多发展中国家认为区别对待基于未包含在内的 PPMs 的产品的措施(比如一些生态标签)应当被认为与 WTO 不一致。

2.3 The PPMs Issue

The issue of unincorporated PPMs has triggered a legal discussion in the WTO on the extent to which the TBT Agreement covers and allows unincorporated PPM-based measures. Currently, a major challenge to the effectiveness of the TBT Agreement is the increasing use (not only in the area of the environment) of process-based, as opposed to product-based, regulations and standards.

与产品无关的 PPMs 问题引起了 WTO 对 TBT 协定是否涵盖和允许基于与产品无关的 PPMs 的措施的法律讨论。目前, TBT 协定效力面临的一个重大挑战是越来越多地基于生产过程使用(不仅在环境领域),而不是基于产品本身、法规和标准使用。

2.3 The PPMs Issue

This may require added reflection on the rules of the TBT Agreement relating to equivalence and mutual recognition, as a means of addressing the problems posed by differing environmental standards across countries.

这可能需要进一步反思 TBT 协定有关等效和相互承


2.3 The PPMs Issue

On equivalence, the TBT Agreement urges countries to recognize the equivalence of the norms set by their trading partners, even when they differ from their own, provided they achieve the same final objective. For developing countries, the recognition of the equivalency of their own certification systems is an area of particular concern.

对于等效问题, TBT 协定呼吁各国承认其贸易伙伴设定的等效标准,即使两国的标准不同,但只要它们能达到同样的最终目的。对发展中国家来说,他们自己的认证体系的等效承认是一个被特别关注的领域。

2.3 The PPMs Issue

On mutual recognition, the TBT Agreement urges countries to recognize the procedures their trading partners use to assess compliance with norms, if they are convinced of the reliability and competence of their conformity assessment institutions.

对于相互承认问题, TBT 协定呼吁各国承认其贸


2.3 The PPMs Issue

It has been argued that the TBT principles of equivalence and mutual recognition could have useful applications in the labelling area, where Members could come to recognize the labelling schemes of their trading partners, even where they are based on criteria that differ from their own, provided they succeed in achieving the intended objective.

有人认为 TBT 的等效和相互承认原则可以应用于标识领域,成员可以承认其贸易伙伴的标识方案,即使方案的标准在两国间不同,只要它们能实现预期目的。


2.4 The TBT Agreement

Most Members are of the view that existing WTO disciplines are adequate to deal with the issue of environmental labelling, including specific trade concerns that could arise. The issue is one of satisfactory implementation of the SPS and TBT Agreements.

大部分成员认为现有的 WTO 规则能够解决环境标识问题,包括可能出现的具体贸易问题。问题是对 TBT 协定和 SPS 协定的令人满意的执行。

2.4 The TBT Agreement

In their view, no compelling argument has been made in favour of a common understanding or guidance to be negotiated in respect of labelling for environmental purposes. Nor is it clear that further work on this issue needs to include the clarification of existing rules. For these Members, the TBT and SPS Agreements have created the appropriate balance of rights and obligations for both mandatory and voluntary labelling programmes.

他们认为,既没有制定出强制性协议来支持环境标识磋商所达成的共同理解或指导,也不清楚这个问题的进一步工作是否需要对现有规则进行说明。这些成员认为, TBT 协定和 SPS 协定适当地平衡了强制性和自愿性标识方案的权利和义务。

2.4 The TBT Agreement

With respect to voluntary environmental labelling schemes, the TBT Agreement's Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards is important, and acceptance of this Code by the bodies developing labelling requirements is encouraged.

对于自愿性环境标识方案, TBT 协定的关于标准制定、采用和实施的良好行为规范很重要,并且鼓励制定标识要求的机构接受“规范”。

2.4 The TBT Agreement

Moreover, in 2000, the TBT Committee agreed on a set of "Principles for the Development of International Standards", which provide useful guidance. This decision contains the principles for the development of standards, including environmental labelling standards. These are: transparency, openness, impartiality and consensus, effectiveness and relevance, coherence, and, wherever possible, responsiveness to the needs and interests of developing countries.

而且,在 2000 年 TBT 委员会商定了一套“制定国际标准的原则”,以提供有益指导。这一决定中的标准制定原则包括环境标识标准。分别是:透明度、开放性、公平和共识、有效性和相关性、一致性和尽可能回应发展中国家的需要和利益。


2.5 What is the Appropriate Forum to Discuss this Issue?

Views diverge on the appropriate forum to discuss the issue of environmental labelling. Some Members are of the view that, considering the mandate contained in paragraph 32(iii) of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, which instructs the CTE to give particular attention to labelling requirements for environmental purposes, the CTE needs to intensify its work on environmental labelling. The discussion in the CTE could then be used as an input to the debate in the TBT Committee.

对于讨论环境标识问题的适当场所出现了意见分歧。一些成员的观点是,鉴于《多哈部长宣言》第 32(iii) 段的授权,指示 CTE 特别关注为环境目的的标识要求, CTE 需要加强环境标识工作。因此, TBT 委员会的讨论可以放到 CTE进行讨论。

2.5 What is the Appropriate Forum to Discuss this Issue?

Many other Members, however, hold a different view. They argue that the TBT Committee is better suited for the task of examining WTO rules vis-à-vis labelling since it is already discussing labelling in general, including environmental labelling.

然而许多其他成员持不同观点。他们认为 TBT委员会更适合审查有关标识的 WTO 规则,因为它通常都在讨论标识问题,包括环境标识。

2.5 What is the Appropriate Forum to Discuss this Issue?

They maintain that it would be unwise for the CTE either to pre-empt or to duplicate such work and that it is preferable to consider the results of the work carried out in the TBT Committee before taking a decision on the course of action for the CTE.

他们主张, CTE 先行进行或重复此工作是不明智的,在对 CTE 的行动方针做出决定前,考虑 TBT 委员会开展工作的结果会比较好。


2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee During the Second Triennial Review of the TBT Agreement (November 2000), the TBT Committee "reiterated the importance of any such requirements labelling requirements being consistent with the disciplines of the Agreement, and in particular stressed that they should not become disguised restrictions on trade".

在 TBT 协定的第二个三年审议期间( 2000 年11月),对于标识的讨论, TBT 委员会“重申任何此类要求的重要性,标识要求应符合协定的准则,并特别强调它们不能成为变相的贸易限制”。

2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

In 2001, the TBT Committee agreed to start structured discussions on labelling.

TBT discussions cover all sorts of labelling schemes that have proliferated in the market-place (some mandatory, some voluntary, and some based on unincorporated PPMs).

在 2001 年, TBT 委员会同意开始对标识的结构化讨论。 TBT 讨论涵盖了各种标识方案,这些方案在市场上激增,一些是强制性的,一些是自愿性的,一些是基于与产品无关的 PPMs 。

2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

The Committee reverted to the issue of labelling during the Third Triennial Review. As reflected under "other elements" of the report of the Review, it was agreed to continue to consider labelling concerns in its discussions in the context of the implementation and operation of the TBT Agreement.

在第三次三年审议期间,委员会重复了这个问题。通过思考审议报告的“其他因素”,委员会同意在 TBT 协定的执行和操作背景下,在讨论中继续考虑标识问题。

2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

A workshop on labelling took place in October 2003 under the auspices of the TBT Committee. The aim of this event was to provide Members with a better understanding of the preparation, adoption and application of labelling requirements in the context of the implementation of the TBT Agreement, as well as the impact of such requirements on market access.

2003 年 10月 TBT 委员会主办了一个标识研讨会。本次活动的目的是为成员提供 TBT 协定执行背景下对制定、采用和实施标识要求的一个更好理解和此类要求对市场准入的影响。

2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

It also provided Members with an opportunity to draw information from a wide variety of perspectives and concrete experiences (including those of consumers, industries, importers, exporters and regulators).


2.6 Discussions on Labelling in the TBT Committee

This event was based on actual case studies, with a particular focus on developing countries' concerns. It took into account a range of labelling schemes in different sectors and with varying objectives, which could be of interest to WTO Members.


国家问题。它考虑了一系列不同部门、有着不同目标的标识方案,这可能会引起 WTO 成员的兴趣。


2.7 Handling Requirements

A number of countries have set up policies on the kind of packaging that can be used in their markets and on the recovery, re-use, recycling or disposal of packaging materials once they have served their purpose.


2.7 Handling Requirements

These policies can increase costs for exporters, act as potential barriers to trade, and result in discriminatory treatment, even if the same requirements are imposed on both domestic products and imports. Wood, for example, is used for packaging in many Asian countries, but is not regarded as recyclable in Europe.




Marrakesh Declaration - Item 3(a) The relationship between the provisions of the mul

tilateral trading system and charges and taxes for environmental purposes.

《马拉喀什宣言》 3(a) 项 多边贸易体制规则的规定与为环境目的的税和费直接的关系


Environmental charges and taxes are increasingly being used by WTO Member governments for the pursuit of national environmental policy objectives, with a view to "internalizing" domestic environmental costs. WTO rules discipline the way in which governments impose internal taxes and charges on traded goods.

WTO 成员政府为追求国内环境政策目标,着眼于“内化”国内环境成本,越来越多地使用环境费和税。 WTO 规则管制各国政府对贸易商品征收国内税和费的方式。


This is an issue of considerable interest and importance to trade and environment policy-makers in the context of proposals to increase taxes on environmentally sensitive inputs to production, such as energy (i.e. carbon taxes) and transportation.



Under existing GATT rules and jurisprudence, "product" taxes and charges can be adjusted at the border, but "process" taxes and charges by and large cannot. For example, a domestic tax on fuel can be applied perfectly legitimately to imported fuel, but a tax on the energy consumed in producing a ton of steel cannot be applied to imported steel.

根据现行的 GATT 规则和判例,“产品”税和费可以进行边境调整,而“过程”税和费总的来说不可以。例如,可以对进口燃料完全合法地征收国内燃料税,但是不可以因钢铁生产过程中的能源消耗而对进口钢铁征税。


Since environmental taxes and charges are at least as much process-oriented as product-oriented, WTO rules have raised concern over the competitiveness implications of environmental process taxes and charges applied to domestic producers. The CTE has noted the importance of further work on the extent to which WTO rules need to be reviewed to accommodate environmental taxes and charges.

由于环境税和费的过程导向和产品导向同样重要, WTO 规则更加关注适用于国内生产者的环境过程税费对竞争力的影响。 CTE 指出了进一步工作的重要性,哪些 WTO 规则需要被审查以适应环境税和费。


ⅳ The Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Environment


Marrakesh Declaration - Item 6 - (Second Part) The environmental benefits of removing trade restr

ictions and distortions.《马拉喀什宣言》第 6 项第二部分 消除贸易限制和扭曲的环境利益


Doha Declaration - Paragraph 32(i) - (Second Part)

Those situations in which the elimination or reduction of trade restrictions and distortions would benefit trade, the environment and development.

《多哈部长宣言》 32(i) 段第 2 部分 消除或削减贸易限制和扭曲将使贸易、环境和发



In the 1996 Singapore Report of the CTE, Members expressed an interest in undertaking further work to broaden the analysis of the potential environmental benefits of removing trade restrictions and distortions in specific sectors. It is considered that trade liberalization in certain sectors has the potential to yield benefits for both the multilateral trading system and the environment.

1996 年 CTE 向新加坡部长会议提交的报告中,成员表示有兴趣进行进一步工作,在特定部门扩大对消除贸易限制和扭曲的潜在环境利益的分析。有人认为某些部门的贸易自由化取得了多边贸易体系和环境的双赢。


A background note prepared by the Secretariat observes that, to a great extent, trade liberalization is not the primary cause of environmental degradation, nor are trade instruments the first-best policy for addressing environmental problems.



The environmental benefits of removing trade restrictions and distortions are likely to be indirect and not readily identifiable in general terms. This is particularly the case for trade policies as they are but one of several areas of policy-making that have an effect on economic activity.



However, the study prepared by the Secretariat points towards a positive relationship between the removal of trade restrictions and distortions and improved environmental quality, through:



(a) more efficient factor-use and consumption patterns through enhanced competition;

(b) poverty reduction through trade expansion and encouragement of a sustainable rate of natural resource exploitation;

(c) an increase in the availability of environment-related goods and services through market liberalization; and

(d) better conditions for international cooperation through a continuing process of multilateral negotiations.

通过增强竞争力,提高要素使用和消费模式的效率; 通过扩大贸易和可持续地开采自然资源,减少贫困; 通过市场自由化,提高环境相关商品和服务的可用性; 通过多边谈判的持续进程,为国际合作创造更好的条件。


For developing countries, trade is an important means for securing resources needed for environmental protection. The political promises made at UNCED in 1992 of large financial and technology transfers to developing countries, to help them meet their economic development and environmental protection needs, have not been fulfilled.

对于发展中国家,贸易是确保环境保护所需资源的重要手段。 UNCED 在 1992 年作出政治承诺,给予发展中国家大量资金和技术转移,以帮助他们满足其经济发展和环境保护的需要,但是未得到履行。


As a result, trade liberalization in favour of products of export interest to developing countries is fundamental to help them achieve sustainable development, and developing countries have stressed this fact in the CTE.

因此,贸易自由化有利于发展中国家产品的出口利益,根本上帮助他们实现可持续发展,并且发展中国家在 CTE 中强调了这一事实。


南 开 大 学法 学 院



The Effects of Trade Liberalization on the Environment

the elimination or reduction of trade restrictions and distortions would benefit trade, the environment and development.


1 , Agriculture (农业)2 , Energy (能源)3 , Fisheries (渔业)4 , Forestry (林业)

On this issue, there are two distinctarguments. One group of Members considers that agricultural trade reform offers "win-win-win" opportunities for the environment, trade and development.



Trade and production-distorting agricultural subsidies have a negative effect not only in the countries that apply such policies (incentive for intensive farming practices), but also on the environment of other countries, particularly developing countries.


Such subsidies increase the instability of the international price of agricultural commodities, which reduces returns from agriculture in developing countries, thus discouraging production and investment.那种补贴增加了农产品国际价格的不稳定性,这使得发展中国家的农业利润减少从而阻碍了生产和投资。

Lower agriculture returns are linked to poverty - a major cause of environmental degradation. Conversely, increased returns from agriculture would lead to higherincomes for developing country producers, improving their financial capacity to maintain and pursue sustainable farming practices 。


Another group of Members is of the view that a certain level of domestic support is necessary to maintain various environmental benefits arising from agricultural production. These benefits include the maintenance of cultural landscapes, land conservation, management of water resources and the preservation of biodiversity.另外一些成员认为一定程度的国内扶持对维护农业生产所产生的各种环境利益具有必要性,这些利益包括文化景观、土地资源保护、水资源管理和生物多样性保育。

Some Members are of the view that the energy sector presents a potential "win-win-win" situation for environment, trade and development. They argue that existing taxation and subsidy schemes in OECDcountries are generally biased and discriminatory vis-à-vis petroleum products. There are negligible taxes on coal and gas, and, in addition, coal products in many OECD countries are subsidized.


It is suggested by these Members that subsidies be removed and that fuel taxation be restructured to reflect carbon content - this would ensure that polluting sources (with higher carbon content) are penalized, not favoured.


Other Members consider that the CTE is not the appropriate forum to discuss the impact of measures taken to mitigate climate change, as this is being dealt with adequately in the UNFCCC andthe Kyoto Protocol.其他成员认为,环境与贸易委员会不是一个探讨减轻气候变化所采取措施的影响的合适论坛,因为在联合国气候变化框架公约和京都议定书中充分地处理了气候变化问题。

Paragraph 28 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration instructs Members "to clarify and improve WTO disciplines on fisheries subsidies, taking into account the importance of this sector to developing countries".

多哈部长宣言第 28 条指明“考虑到渔业对发展中国家的重要性,成员国应当澄清和改善世贸组织有关渔业的规则”

A few Members maintain that poor fisheries management - taking place under open-access fisheries - coupled with increasing world demand for fishery products are at the root of declining world fisheries resources resulting from over-exploitation and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.


In these Members' view subsidies could be an effective instrument to reducecapacity, for example through vessel buy-back programmes.


Other Members consider that over-capacity, and, consequently, a significant part of over-exploitation of fisheries, is caused by subsidies. Even when apparently sound management regimes are in place,subsidies could destabilize fisheries management and impede the objective of reducing over-capacity.


In this regard, trade liberalization, in concert with sustainable resource management, could stimulate moreefficient production with more long-term environmental benefits.


The WSSD Plan of Implementation gives considerable importance to the concept of sustainable forest management 。 While Members agree on the importance of achieving the objective of sustainable development, some stress that there are different ways of achieving sustainable forest management 。执行可持续发展世界首脑会议计划赋予可持续林业管理观念极大的重要性。虽然成员国赞成实现可持续发展目标的重要性,一些成员国强调实现林业的可持续管理有着不同的方式。

Several Members share the concern that international trade of illegally harvested forest products could undermine conservation efforts in source countries, as well as other environmental, economic, and social goals.一些成员国共同关切的是非法采伐林业产品的国际贸易会破坏产品来源国的保护工作,同样有损环境和经济以及社会目标。

The importance of appropriate domestic regulation, and the capacity to implement,monitor and enforce such regulation, has been emphasized. In addition, more attention needs to begiven to the fact that poverty is at the root of the problem because it fuels the illegal exploitation of forestry resources.成员国已经强调适当的国内管制和实施、监督、强制执行国内管制能力的重要性,此外,应当更加注意到贫穷是问题的根源因为它刺激了林业资源的非法采伐。

Some have emphasized that while domestic measures taken to combat illegal logging are needed, it is also important to examine possible international approaches from a trade perspective, taking into account discussions in other international fora.一些人强调虽然采取国内措施打击非法采伐是必要的,考虑到其他国际论坛的探讨,从贸易视角审查可能的国际方式同样重要。

Others are of the view that the issue is being appropriately dealt with elsewhere and question the usefulness of debating it in the WTO.



Marrakesh Declaration - Item 2The relationship between environmental policies relevant to trade and environmental measures with significant trade effects, and the provisions of the multilateral trading system马拉喀什宣言——第 2 部分 与贸易有关的环境政


Trade-Related EnvironmentalPolicies: Subsidies

Subsidies may contribute positively when they capture positive environmental externalities. On the other hand, they may contribute negatively if they cause environmental stress (by, for instance, encouraging the overuse of certain natural resources).当补贴获得正的环境外在性时它可能引起积极的环境影响,另一方面,假如补贴造成环境压力(例如,通过鼓励某些资源的过度使用)则可能引起消极环境影响。

In the areas of agriculture and energy,subsidies are widely viewed as being trade distorting, and, in some instances, as being the cause of environmental degradation.Environmentalists have suggested that multilateral trade rules should incorporate greater flexibility for providing subsidies to encourage activities or technologies which have a beneficial impact on the environment 。


During the Uruguay Round both the positive and negative contributions which subsidies may make to the environment were considered, and a number of new disciplines, as well as exemptions, were included in the Agreement on Agriculture and the SCM Agreement在乌拉圭回合期间,补贴对环境的消极和积极影响都被考虑了,并且农业协议和补贴与反补贴措施包含了许多新的规则、(补贴)特例。

Under the Agreement on Agriculture, environmental subsidies may be exempt from domestic support reductions when certain conditions are met.


In the CTE, energy subsidies have also been addressed. Attention has focused on the revised rules for export subsidies provided in the SCM Agreement,whereby taxes on energy used to produce exports can be refunded without such refunds being treated as an export subsidy.在贸易与发展委员会,能源补贴已经被解决了。人们已经将注意力集中于补贴与反补贴措施协议规定的有关修改的出口补贴规则即用于生产出口产品的能源税能够被退还而退还金额不视为出口补贴。

Annexes 1 and 2 of the Agreement specify that exemption or remission of taxes on "inputs that are consumed in the production of the exported product" do not amount to a subsidy on exports.

补贴与反补贴措施协定附件 1 、 2 具体规定减免“出口产品在生产过程中消耗投入物”的税务并不相当于出口补贴。

The exemption applies for physicallyincorporated inputs and "energy, fuels and oil used in the production process and catalysts which are consumed in the course of their use to obtain the exported product."Certain Members have argued that this provision encourages the greater use of energy intensive technologies for exports.


No definitive conclusions on subsidies were reached by the CTE 。 It was agreed that further examination and analysis of policies of this nature would be required in future 。 However, there they have been considered in relation to their specific trade distorting and environmentally damaging effect in certain sectors, such as agriculture and fisheries.


The Environmental Review of Trade Agreements

In recent years, several governments have

come under increasing pressure from NGOs

to carry out environmental reviews of trade

agreements 。


Doha Ministerial Declaration encourages Members to share their experience and expertise with others on how national environmental reviews can beperformed。 the Doha Declaration reads: "We take note of the efforts by Membersto conduct national environmental assessments of trade policies on a voluntary basis".多哈部长宣言鼓励成员国在如何实施国家环境审议时分享各自的经验和有关专家意见。多哈宣言规定:“成员国基于自愿基础上实施贸易政策的国家环境评估”。

Members have emphasized the usefulness of an exchange of information on methods of environmental reviews, but also on the constraints facing developing countries in this regard. Some Members have stressed the fact that environmental reviews at the national level, besides being voluntary, need to be consistent with a country's priorities and the task of developing countries should not be made more onerous by imposing harmonized review procedures.成员国不仅仅重视有关环境审议方法的信息交流,同样也重视发展中国家在环境审议方面面临的限制。一些成员国已经强调这一事实即除了自愿性之外,国家层面的环境审议需要与国家优先考虑事项一致,并且不应当强制实施统一审议程序增加发展中国家繁重任务。

Marrakesh Declaration - Item 7The issue of exports of domestically

prohibited goods

This issue covers products which are exported

even though their sale and use are banned or

severely restricted domestically on the grounds

that they present a danger to the environment or to

the life or health of humans, animals or plants.


It is of particular concern to many developing and least-developedcountries, which often lack the capacity or resources to deal with such products.


At the 1982 Ministerial Meeting of GATT Contracting Parties, it was agreed that the GATT examine the issue, and that all Parties notify the GATT of any goods produced and exported by them which were banned by their national authorities for sale in their domestic markets for health or environmental reasons. A notification system was set up following this Decision 。 But the notification system was not successful, therefore, and no notifications were received after 1990.1982 年关贸总协定部长会议上缔约方一致认同关贸总协定检查国内禁止货物出口问题,成员国生产或是出口国家机关因环境或卫生原因禁止在国内市场销售任何产品,任何一个缔约方有权通知关贸总协定。通知体系随着这一决定确立。但是通知体系并不成功, 1990 年后关贸总协定再未收到任何通知。

In 1989, a Working Group on the Export of DPGs was established in GATT , but failed to resolve the issue 。 At the1994 Marrakesh Ministerial Conference, it was agreed to incorporate DPGs into the terms of reference of the CTE 。1989 年,关贸总协定设立了国内禁止货物出口工作小组,但是仍然没有解决这一问题。1994 年,马拉克什部长会议,一致赞同将国内禁止货物纳入贸易与发展委员会权力范围。

While numerous international instruments already address the export of DPGs , these instruments principally address chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and hazardous wastes and not the issue of consumer products, which has been identified as a gap by most WTO studies 。 Certain delegations have expressed their wish to see quicker and better progress on the issue in the WTO.虽然大量的国际工具已经在解决国内禁止货物出口问题,但是这些工具大部分解决化学、药物、危险废物、而不是消费品问题,这被大多数世贸组织研究视为漏洞。一些代表表示愿意看到世贸组织在解决有关问题上有更快更好的进展。

the CTE has stated that while there is a need to concentrate on the role which the WTOcan play on this issue, it is important neither to duplicate nor to deflect attention from the work of other specialized inter-governmental fora 。 It stated that WTO Members should be encouraged to provide technical assistance to other Members, especially developing and least-developed countries , This would assist these countries in strengthening their technical capacity to monitor and, where necessary, control the import of DPGs 。贸易与环境委员会声明当有需要集中精力发挥WTO 在这一问题上能发挥的作用时,既不重复也不使其他政府间论坛偏离工作的重点很重要。贸易与环境委员会声明成员国应当给予其他成员国技术援助,特别是给予发展中国家和最不发达国家,这将会帮助这些国家强化监督、控制国内禁止货物进口的技术能力。

Based on a Secretariat note prepared on the information available in the WTO on the export of DPGs, some delegations requested that the DPG notification system be revived 。The system has not yet been revived. In recent years, the issue has not been raised in the CTE 。以根据有关世贸组织关于国内禁止货物出口可得信息准备的秘书处记录为基础,一些代表要求恢复国内禁止货物通知体系。这一体系仍未恢复,近年,这一问题也未出现在贸易与环境委员会。


The work programme in the "Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment" notes that "since measures necessary to protect the environment typically have as their objective the protection of human, animal or plant life or health, it is not clear that there is a need to provide for more than is contained in paragraph (b) of Article XIV"“ 服务贸易与环境决议”工作计划注意到由于保护环境的必要措施主要是以保护人类、动物或植物的生命或健康为目标的,是否需要作出超出服务贸易总协定第14条(b)款内容的规定尚不明确

 第十四条 一般例外    1 .只要这类措施的实施不在情况相同的国家间构成武断的、或不公正的歧视,或构成对服务贸易的变相限制,则本协定的规定不得解释为阻止任何成员采用或实施以下措施:     (a) 为保护公共道德或维护公共秩序而必需的     (b) 为保护人类、动物或植物

的生命或健康而必需的;    (c) 为确保服从与本协定规定不相抵触的包括与下述有关的法律和法规所必需的:    (1)防止欺诈和欺骗做法的或处理服务合同违约情


In order to determine whether any modification of GATS Article XIV is required to take account of such measures, the Decision requested the CTE to examine and report on the relationship between services trade and the environment,including the issue of sustainable development. The Decision also asked the CTE to examine the relevance of inter-governmental agreements on the environment and their relationship to the GATS.为了决定是否对服务贸易总协定第 14 条作出修改需要考虑此类措施,决议要求贸易与发展委员会审查并报告服务贸易与环境的关系,包括可持续发展问题。决议同样要求贸易与环境委员会审查有关环境的政府间协议的关系以及这些政府间协议与服务贸易总协定的关系。

During the negotiation of the GATS, several delegations proposed that exceptions be provided to allow for restrictions on services trade to address problems of "theenvironment", "sustainable development", "the integrity of infrastructure or transportation systems", or "the conservation of exhaustible natural resources".在服务贸易总协定谈判期间,一些代表团提议规定一些允许服务贸易限制的特例以解决“环境”、“可持续发展”、“公共设施和运输系统的完整性”或是“保护不可再生资源”问题

No agreement was reached before the end of the Uruguay Round to make specialreference to these concerns, and the Decision on Trade and Environment reflected the insistence of certain delegations on revisiting the issue.


Discussions in the CTE

In the CTE, one Member has pressed for a broader exceptions clause in the GATS than exists at present, while many other Members feel that since the GATS is still evolving it would be premature to assess the adequacy of Article XIV(b) in dealing with environmental concerns在贸易与环境委员会,一个成员已经敦促在服务贸易总协定中设立比现存更广泛的特例条款,然而,其他成员国觉得因为服务贸易总协定仍然在不断的发展完善,现在就评价第 14 条 b款解决环境问题是否充分恰当还为时过早。

Discussion in the CTE to date on this item has not led to the identification of any measures that Members feel may need to be applied to services trade for environmental purposes, and which would not be covered adequately by GATS provisions, in particular Article XIV(b) 。目前为止贸易与环境委员会对这一项目的探讨并没有引起成员国所认为的用于环境保护可能需要的措施确定,而这些措施将不会是服务贸易总协定条款,尤其是第 14 条 b款所完全涵盖的。

Effects of Services Trade Liberalization on the Environment

In 2002, the WTO Secretariat prepared a study on the effects of services trade liberalization on the environment.This paper looks at three selected areas (tourism, land freight transport (inter-urban) and environmental services) and briefly considers the horizontal issue of how to assess environmental effects of services trade liberalization.2002 年, WTO 秘书处筹备了一个有关贸易自由化对环境的影响研究。这一研究报告观察了三个选定范围(旅游、陆上货运(城际)、环境服务)并且简要地考虑了如何评价服务贸易自由化环境影响的横向问题。

Current Context

Members have agreed, inter alia, that the direction of the on-going negotiations is one of progressive liberalization.These negotiations are taking place within the existing structure of the GATS and with

the existing schedules as the starting point 。成员国一致认为正在进行的谈判领域是逐步自由化之一。这些谈判在服务贸易总协定现有表框架内进行并且以现有的承诺日程表为起点。

Services trade liberalization is totake place with due respect for national policy objectives, the level of development and the size ofeconomies of individual Members 。


Regulatory Adjustment

While liberalization involves the progressive removal of barriers to services supply, this does not necessarily diminish the role of government. On the contrary, liberalization might even sharpen the need for appropriate regulation to achieve certain policy objectives


the environmental impact of liberalization in any individual sector may ultimately depend on whether or not liberalization proceeds under current regulatory conditions or with regulatory adjustments. If appropriate regulation is in place, and prices reflect the full cost of production (including environmental cost), liberalization should benefit the environment because it leads to more efficient resource use 。there is a positive link between freer trade and economic growth which can lead to reduced poverty and higher standards of living, including a better environment.


Attributing Potential Environmental Effects (服务贸易所能导致的潜在环境影响)It is difficult to distinguish between

those environmental effects which may

be attributable to services trade, and

those which may arise due to other



Yet another step in this exercise is estimating the extent to which services trade liberalization can be attributed to liberalization under GATS. The vehicle for liberalization is perhaps not the key issue: it is the environmental effect arising from services trade liberalization, irrespective of its origin, which is of interest.在这方面贸易自由化的另一个步骤是估计根据服务贸易总协定自由化所能够引起的服务贸易自由化程度。自由化手段可能不是关键问题:不管自由化的起因,服务贸易自由化导致的环境影响才是利害所在。

Link to Goods (服务与货物相关)

While a supplied service is generally intangible, its direct environmental impact could be measured by the effect it has on the consumption of associated goods. In considering the environmental effects of services trade liberalization, effects that arise from the supply and consumption of associated goods need to be kept in mind.虽然提供的服务通常是无形的,但它的直接环境影响够通过它对相关货物的消费影响而被衡量。当考虑服务易自由化的环境影响时,有必要关注相关货物供给和消的影响。

What are Environmental Services?In the Services Sectoral Classification List developed during the Uruguay Round, and largely based on the United Nations Provisional Central Product Classification (CPC), the environmental services sector includes:sewage services; refuse disposal services; sanitation and similar services; and other environmental services.Although the "other" category does not refer to any CPC item, it presumably includes the remaining elements of the CPC environmental services category 。在乌拉圭回合期间制定的服务行业分类名录,大部分是以联合国临时中心产品分类为基础,环境服务行业包括:污水处理服务、垃圾处理服务、公共卫生和相似服务、以及其他环境服务。尽管“其他的”种类没有提及联合国临时主要产品分类项目,“其他”大概包含了 CPC 环境服务种类的现有组成部分。

As compared to other sectors, such as tourism, financial services ortelecommunications, liberalization bound under the GATS in environmental services appears rather limited. However, one should remember that Members' policies may be more liberal in practice than is reflected in their schedules与其他行业相比,例如旅游、财政服务或是通信,根据服务贸易总协定的环境服务自由化范围显得相当有限。然而,应当注意到成员国的政策实践可能比计划时间表所反映的更自由。

Environmental services is a sector where most trade takes place through commercial presence (mode3) with the accompanying presence of natural persons (mode 4). Cross-border trade (mode 1) and consumption abroad (mode 2) are of limited relevance; they may offer an avenue for some supporting services, but appear to be technically unfeasible for a number of relevant activities. These patterns are reflected in specific commitments undertaken by Members.环境服务部门的大多数贸易通过商业存在(模式 3 )伴随着自然人流动(模式 4 )进行。跨境交付(模式 1 )和境外消费(模式 2 )相对有限,他们为一些配套型服务提供途径,但对许多相关服务显得技术上不可行。这些模式反映在在成员国的具体承诺中

模式 1 跨境交付:自一成员领土向任何其他成员领土提供服务。如在美国境的环境咨询人员通过电话等为在中国的人员提供环境评价咨询服务。模式 2 境外消费:一消费者离开其领土在任何其他成员国领土内消费服务。如外国消费者到中国旅游。模式 3 商业存在:一成员的服务者通过在任何其他成员领土内的商业存在提供服务。如德国污水处理公司到中国办厂提供污水处理服务。模式 4 自然人流动:一成员的服务提供者通过在其他任何成员领土内自然人存在提供服务。如英国的环境注册认证人员到中国境内未设立机构直接提供环境认证服务

A survey of Members' schedules shows that mode 1 is often unbound, in part because some Members consider it not technically feasible. Commitments under mode 2 are rather liberal, reflecting a general trend across services sectors. Most commitments on environmental services focus on mode 3, while commitments on mode 4 are, as in other services sectors, limited to some particular categories of services providers.通过调查成员国的承诺减让表显示模式一(跨境交付)往往没有限制,因为成员国认为这在技术上不可行。模式 2(境外消费)承诺相当自由,这反映了服务部门的普遍趋势。大多数环境服务承诺集中于模式 3 (商业存在),而模式 4 (自然人流动)仅限于一些特定种类的服务提供者。


Doha Declaration - Paragraph 31(iii)

The reduction or, as appropriate, elimination

of tariff and non-tariff barriers to

environmental goods and services.


Members agreed to conduct the negotiations on environmental goods and services in the Negotiating Group on Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products and the Council for Trade in Services in Special Session 。 In addition, some Members called on the CTESS to clarify the concept of environmental goods 。成员国一致同意在非农产品市场准入谈判小组和服务贸易理事会特会进行环境货物和服务谈判。此外一些成员国呼吁贸易与发展委员会特会定义环境货物概念。

Various criteria for the definition or identification of environmental goods were debated, and concerns were raised on the following issues:1 , How products with multiple end-uses would be classified;2 , whether PPMs and end-use criteria would be needed to define environmental goods;3 , how the harmonized system would capture those goods; and环境货物定义和分类的各种的标准被探讨,且一些关切出现在以下问题当中:1 ,怎样对具有多种最终用途的产品分类;2 ,定义环境货物是否必需生产和加工方法以及产品最终用途标准;3 ,统一的体系将会怎样涵盖那些环境货物

4 , how the relativity of the concept of "environmental friendliness" would be tackled (since some goods considered as environmentally friendly in some countries could be seen as unfriendly in others; also the question of incorporating, in a list of environmental goods, products that wouldbe environmentally preferable, but nonetheless environmentally harmful).4 ,如何解决“环境友好”概念的相对性(因为有些货物在一些国家被认为是环境友好的而在其他一些国家被看做非环境友好,在环境货物清单中环保的产品,但仍然有害环境。)

In discussing the concept of environmental goods ,Some Members argued for the use of the APEC or OECD list as a basis for the discussions on the identification of environmental goods. However, the point has also been made that the APEC and OECD lists were biased to the interests of certain groups of WTO Members and that the interests of developing countries needed to be taken into account 。在探讨环境货物概念时,一些成员国主张以亚太经合组织及经济合作与开发组织目录为基础讨论环境产品的分类,成员也提出一点即亚太经合组织及经济合作与开发组织目录偏向于世贸组织某些成员的利益并且需要考虑发展中国家的利益。

Given the high technological content of such products, the situation of the real benefits going only to the more developed Members needed to be avoided. In this context, it was argued that a WTO list of environmental goods would have to be developed to include products of export interest to developingcountries.鉴于环境货物的高技术含量,需要避免实际利益仅仅由发达国家获得的情形。在这一背景下,成员主张制定环境货物世贸组织清单必需考虑发展中国家出口产品利益。



一 ,减少和消除贸易扭曲对环境的影响及多赢局面(农业、能源、林业、渔业、)二,环境政策1 ,与环境有关的政策 ---- 补贴(各部门适用补贴对环境

的影响情况)2 ,贸易协议的环境审议(多哈部长宣言规定成员国基于自愿实施国家层面的贸易协议环境审议,各国应重视审议方法的信息及专家交流等)

三,国内禁止性货物出口 、服务与环境

1 ,激活关贸总协定的通知体系、各国主要集中于解决化学、药物、危险废物出口,而不是消费品出口问题,这被大多数世贸组织研究视为漏洞

2 ,是否需要作出超出服务贸易总协定第 14 条 (b)款规定的内容、是否允许服务贸易限制的特例存在、服务贸易自由化对环境的影响、服务与货物相联系、以及什么是环境服务等

四,环境货物与服务环境货物定义和分类的各种的标准被探讨,且一些关切出现在以下问题当中:1 ,怎样对具有多种最终用途的产品分类;2 ,定义环境货物是否必需生产和加工方法以及产品最终用途标准;3 ,统一的体系将会怎样涵盖那些环境货物4 ,如何解决“环境友好”概念的相对性(因为有些货物在一些国家被认为是环境友好的而在其他一些国家被看做非环境友好,在环境货物清单中环保的产品,但仍然有害环境。)






• Marrakesh Declaration - Item 1

• The relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and trade measures for environmental purposes, including those pursuant to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

• 多边贸易体系的规定和为环境目的的贸易措施的关系,包括那些按照多边环境协定的贸易措施。

Marrakesh Declaration - Item 5

• The relationship between the dispute settlement mechanisms in the multilateral trading system and those found in MEAs.

• 多边贸易体系和多边环境协定中的争端解决机制的关系。

Doha Declaration - Paragraph 31(i)

• The relationship between existing WTO rules and specific trade obligations set out in MEAs. The negotiations shall be limited in scope to the applicability of such existing WTO rules as among parties to the MEA in question. The negotiations shall not prejudice the WTO rights of any Member that is not a party to the MEA in question.

• 现行 WTO 规则和多边环境协定中所列具体贸易义务之间的关系。谈判应仅限于此类现行 WTO 规则在所涉多边环境协定参加方之间的适用性问题。谈判不得损害不属于所涉多边环境协定参加方的 WTO 成员的权利。

GENERAL DEBATE • It has been widely recognized by both environmental and

trade policy-makers that multilateral solutions to transboundary environmental problems, whether regional or global, are preferable to unilateral solutions. Resort to unilateralism runs the risk of arbitrary discrimination and disguised protectionism which could damage the multilateral trading system.

• 环境和贸易的政策制定者都广泛承认对于解决越境环境问题,不论是区域性的还是全球的,多边解决方法都比单边解决方法更好。借助单边主义会冒武断的歧视和变相的保护主义的风险,这会损害多边贸易体系。


• UNCED has strongly endorsed the negotiation of MEAs to address global environmental problems. Agenda 21 of the Rio Conference states that measures should be taken to "avoid unilateral action to deal with environmental challenges outside the jurisdiction of the importing country. Environmental measures addressing transborder or global environmental problems should, as far as possible, be based on international consensus"

• 联合国环境与发展会议特别赞成利用多边环境协议的谈判来解决全球环境问题。里约大会 21世纪议程声明,采取这些措施应该“避免在进口国管辖权之外的单方行动来解决环境问题。解决越境或全球的环境问题的环境措施应当尽可能地以国际一致性为基础。”


• Whilst MEAs are to be encouraged, the CTE has wrestled with the issue of how to address the trade provisions which several of these agreements contain. These include trade measures agreed to amongst parties to MEAs, as well as measures adopted by parties to MEAs against non-parties.

• 多边环境协定受到鼓励的同时,环境贸易委员会全力应对如何解决几个环境协定都含有的贸易条款问题。包括多边环境协定的成员方之间适用的贸易措施,也包括多边环境协定的成员方用来对抗非成员方的贸易措施。



• A possible source of conflict between the trade measures contained in MEAs and WTO rules could be the violation by MEAs of the WTO's non-discrimination principle. Such a violation could take place when an MEA authorizes trade between its parties in a specific product, but bans trade in that very same product with non-parties (hence, a violation of the WTO's MFN clause, which requires countries to grant equivalent treatment to "like" imported products (see below page 50)).

• 多边环境协定中包含的贸易措施与WTO规则之间的一个可能的冲突来源是多边环境协定违反WTO的非歧视原则。这样的违反会发生在一个多边环境协定在它的成员方之间同意一种特殊产品的贸易,但却禁止和非成员方进行同种产品的贸易。(因此,违反WTO 最惠国待遇条款,要求国家对“同种”进口产品给予同等待遇。)

GENERAL DEBATE• Some WTO Members have expressed the fear that MEA-

related disputes could be brought to the WTO dispute settlement system. Whereas disputes between two parties to an MEA, who are both WTO Members, would most likely be settled in the MEA, disputes between an MEA party and a non-party (both of whom are WTO Members) would most probably come to the WTO since the non-party would not have access to the dispute settlement provisions of the MEA.

• 一些WTO成员表示他们害怕与多边环境协定有关的争端被引入WTO 争端解决体系。然而,两个多边环境协定成员,他们都是 WTO成员,他们之间的争端最有可能在多边环境协定中解决,一个多边环境协定成员和一个非成员方(他们都是 WTO成员)间的争端最有可能通过 WTO解决,因为非成员方无法适用多边环境协定的争端解决规定。


• In discussing the compatibility between the trade provisions contained in MEAs and WTO rules, the CTE has observed that of the approximately 200 MEAs currently in force, only about 20 contain trade provisions. It has been argued, therefore, that the dimension of the problem should not be exaggerated.

• 在讨论多边环境协定中的贸易规定和WTO规则的兼容性时,贸易与环境委员会观察了现在生效的约 200 个多边环境协定,只有大约 20 个含有贸易规定。因此有人提出该问题不应该被夸大。



• In addition, no disputes have thus far come to the WTO regarding the trade provisions contained in an MEA. Some WTO Members have argued in the CTE that the existing principles of public international law suffice in governing the relationship between WTO rules and MEAs.

• 此外,迄今为止没有关于多边环境协议定中的贸易规定的争端诉诸 WTO。一些WTO成员在贸易与环境委员会中争辩现存的国际公法原则足以处理WTO规则和多边环境协定的关系。

GENERAL DEBATE• The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties as

well as the principles of customary law could themselves define how WTO rules interact with MEAs. The legal principles of "lex specialis" (the more specialized agreement prevails over the more general) and of " lex posterior" (the agreement signed later in date prevails over the earlier one) emanate from public international law, and some have argued that these principles could help the WTO in defining its relationship with MEAs. Others have argued that there is a need for greater legal clarity.

• 1969年维也纳公约和习惯法原则,可以自己决定WTO规则和多边环境协定如何相互作用。 “特别法优先”(比一般协议更具专门性),和“后法优先于前法”(在时间上比早期的协定签订得晚)法律原则来源于国际公法,一些人称这些原则能帮助WTO界定它与多边环境协定的关系。另外一些人称需要进一步明确。

GENERAL DEBATE• Although there has never been a formal dispute

between the WTO and an MEA, theChile – Swordfish case, which was suspended before the composition of the Panel, has illustrated the risk of conflicting judgments. In this case, it is likely that both adjudicating bodies would have examined whether Chile's measures were in compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The WTO dispute settlement system and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) could have reached different conclusions on factual aspects or on the interpretation of the provisions of the Convention.

• 尽管在WTO和多边环境协定间还没有正式的争端,智利——箭鱼案,该案在专家组组建之前被中止,表明冲突判决的危险。在该案中,可能所有的判决机构都会检查智利的做法是否遵守了联合国海洋法公约。WTO 争端解决体系和国际海洋法法庭在事实部分或对公约条款的解释方面得出了不同的结论。

The Chile - Swordfish Case

• Facts• Swordfish migrate through the waters of the Pacific

Ocean. Along their extensive journeys swordfish cross jurisdictional boundaries.

• For ten years, the European Communities and Chile have been engaged in a controversy over swordfish fisheries in the South Pacific, resorting to different international law regimes to support their positions. However, the European Communities decided in April 2000 to bring the case before the WTO, and Chile before the ITLOS in December 2000.

• 箭鱼在太平洋中随季节迁徙。它们的广阔的行程穿越了管辖权边界。• 十年来,欧盟和智利在南太平洋箭鱼问题上争论不休,各自诉诸不同的国家法律机制来支持自己的观点。然而,欧盟在 2000年 4月决定将该案提交WTO,而智利在 2000年 12月提交国际海洋法法庭。

The Chile - Swordfish Case• Proceedings at the WTO• On 19 April 2000, the European Communities requested consultations

with Chile regarding the prohibition on unloading of swordfish in Chilean ports established on the basis of the Chilean Fishery Law.

• The European Communities asserted that its fishing vessels operating in the South East Pacific were not allowed, under Chilean legislation, to unload their swordfish in Chilean ports. The European Communities considered that, as a result, Chile made transit through its ports impossible for swordfish. The European Communities claimed that the above-mentioned measures were inconsistent with GATT 1994, and in particular Articles V and XI.

• On 12 December 2000, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) established a panel further to the request of the European Communities. In March 2001, the European Communities and Chile agreed to suspend the process for the constitution of the panel (this agreement was further reiterated in November 2003).

• 2000年 4月 19 日,欧盟要求与智利就基于智利渔业法禁止在智利港口卸载箭鱼问题进行谈判。欧盟声称,根据智利法律,它在西南太平洋的捕鱼船不能将箭鱼卸载在智利港口。欧盟认为,智利使箭鱼不可能通过他的港口。欧盟声称,上述做法与GATT1994矛盾,特别是第 5 条和第 11 条。 2000年 12月 12 日,WTO 争端解决机制应欧盟的要求建立了专家小组。 2001年 3月,欧盟和智利达成协议同意中止专家组组成程序(这一协议在 2003年 11月重申)。

The Chile - Swordfish Case

• Proceedings at the ITLOS• Proceedings in the Case Concerning the Conservation

and Sustainable Exploitation of Swordfish Stocks in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean were instituted on 19 December 2000 at the ITLOS by Chile and the European Communities.

• 智利和欧盟就东南太平洋箭鱼储备的保护和可持续开发案于 2000年 12月 19 日向国际海洋法法庭提起诉讼。

The Chile - Swordfish Case

• Chile requested, inter alia, the ITLOS to declare whether the European Communities had fulfilled its obligations under UNCLOS Articles 64 (calling for cooperation in ensuring conservation of highly migratory species), 116-119 (relating to conservation of the living resources of the high seas), 297 (concerning dispute settlement) and 300 (calling for good faith and no abuse of right). The European Communities requested, inter alia, the Tribunal to declare whether Chile had violated Articles 64, 116-119 and 300 of UNCLOS, mentioned above, as well as Articles 87 (on freedom of the high seas including freedom of fishing, subject to conservation obligations) and 89 (prohibiting any State from subjecting any part of the high seas to its sovereignty).

• 智利要求国际海洋法法庭裁断欧盟是否履行了海洋法公约第 64 条(要求在高度回游鱼类资源保护上合作),第 116——119 条(关于公海生物资源保护),第297 条(关于争端解决),第 300 条(要求诚实信用,不滥用权利)的义务。欧盟要求法庭裁断智利是否违反了上述海洋法公约的第 64 条,第 116——119 条,第 300 条,以及第 87 条(关于公海自由,包括基于资源保护的捕鱼自由)和第89 条(禁止任何国家将公海的任何部分置于主权管辖之下)。

The Chile - Swordfish Case

• On 9 March 2001, the parties informed the ITLOS that they had reached a provisional arrangement concerning the dispute and requested that the proceedings before the ITLOS be suspended. This suspension was recently confirmed for a further period of two years in January 2004. Therefore, the case remains on the docket of the Tribunal.

• 2001年 3月 9 日,双方通知国际海洋法法庭他们就该争端达成了一项临时性安排并要求中止在国际海洋法法庭的诉讼程序。 2004年 1月当事方确认中止继续延期两年。因此,该案保留在了海洋法庭的诉讼事件表上。







• In the conclusions reached in 1996 at the Singapore Ministerial Conference, the CTE stated that it fully supported multilateral solutions to global and transboundary pollution problems, and urged Members to avoid unilateral actions in this regard.

• 在 1996年新加坡部长级会议达成的结论中,贸易与环境委员会表明完全支持对全球和越境污染问题的多边解决方案,敦促成员国避免在这点上采取单方行动。


• It stated that whilst trade restrictions are not the only nor necessarily the most effective policy instrument to fulfil the objectives of MEAs, in certain cases they can play an important role. The CTE agreed that WTO rules already provide broad and valuable scope for trade measures to be applied pursuant to MEAs in a WTO-consistent manner. It argued that there is no need to change WTO provisions to provide increased accommodation in this regard.

• 它同时指出,贸易限制不是唯一的也不是必要的实现多边环境协定目标的最有效的政策工具,虽然在某些情况下贸易限制可能会起到重要作用。贸易与环境委员会认为WTO规则已经为按照多边环境协定并以与WTO一致的方式实施贸易措施提供了广阔且有价值的范围。认为没必须在这一点上改变WTO规则以增强适应性。


• With respect to dispute settlement, the CTE agreed that better policy coordination at the national level between trade and environmental policy-makers can help prevent WTO disputes from arising over the use of trade measures contained in MEAs.

• 至于争端解决机制,贸易与环境委员会认为贸易与环境政策制定者在国家层面更好的政策协调有助于防止 WTO的争端利用多边环境协议中的贸易措施解决。


• In the event of a conflict in the WTO over the trade measures of an MEA (in particular against a WTO non-party to the MEA), the CTE expressed its belief that WTO dispute settlement provisions are satisfactory to tackle any such problems, including in cases where resort to environmental expertise may be needed.

• 一旦WTO对于MEA中的贸易措施出现冲突(特别针对MEA的非成员方),贸易与环境委员会表达了它相信WTO 争端解决机制足以解决任何这样的问题,包括那些需要求助于环境专家意见的案例。







MEAS • At the Doha Ministerial Conference, however, agreement

was reached to commence negotiations on certain aspects of the WTO/MEA relationship. Members have agreed to clarify the relationship between WTO rules and MEAs, with respect to those MEAs which contain "specific trade obligations" (STOs). However, the outcome of those negotiations must be limited to the applicability of WTO rules to conflicts between WTO Members who are parties to an MEA.

• 多哈部长级会议中达成协议,开始着手对WTO与MEA关系的某些方面进行谈判。对于那些包含“特殊贸易责任”的多边环境条约,成员方同意澄清WTO规则和MEAs的关系。然而,这些谈判的结果必须仅限于将WTO规则适用于WTO成员国同时也是 MEA成员方之间的冲突。


• The reason for this limitation is that while WTO Members were willing to let the negotiations define the relationship between WTO rules and MEAs they have joined, they were not ready to let them alter their WTO rights and obligations vis-à-vis MEAs they were not part of. Moreover, paragraph 32 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration carefully circumscribed the negotiations under paragraph 31(i) and (ii):

• 作出这种限制的原因是当 WTO成员国愿意利用谈判来确定WTO规则和他们参加的MEAs的关系,他们没有准备好针对他们没有参加的MEAs 而改变他们的WTO权利义务。而且,多哈部长级会议第 32段根据第 31段 (i) 和 (ii)具体地限定了这种谈判。


• The outcome of the negotiations carried out under paragraph 31(i) and (ii) shall be compatible with the open and non-discriminatory nature of the multilateral trading system, shall not add to or diminish the rights and obligations of Members under existing WTO agreements, in particular the SPS Agreement, nor alter the balance of these rights and obligations, and will take into account the needs of developing and least-developed countries.

• 在第 31段 (i)和 (ii) 下进行的谈判应该与多边贸易体制的开放和非歧视特点相符,不得增加或减少成员国在现行WTO协定下,特别是《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》下的权利和义务,特别是 SPS协议,也不得改变这些权利和义务的平衡,并将考虑发展中国家和最不发达国家的需求。


• Since the launching of the negotiations, delegations have actively engaged in developing a common understanding of the mandate . That understanding has evolved on the basis of two complementary approaches: the identification of STOs in MEAs; and a more conceptual discussion on the WTO-MEA relationship.

• 自从开始谈判,代表团积极致力于达成授权的共识。该共识逐步形成了两项基本的补充措施:识别 MEAs中的特别贸易责任;WTO与MEA关系的一个更加概念上的讨论。


• Delegations have examined the different components of the mandate, such as the terms "existing WTO rules," "STOs," "set out in MEAs," "MEAs," and "among parties to the MEA in question". A few Members have also begun to look ahead at the possible outcomes that the mandate could deliver.

• 代表团已经审查了授权的不同组成部分,如“现有的WTO规则”“特别贸易责任”“在MEAs中设置”“多边环境协定”和“MEA成员方之间”。一些成员已经开始预测该授权可能出现的结果。



• Some suggestions were made on the potential outcomes of the negotiations , such as the need to develop certain "principles and parameters" to govern the WTO-MEA relationship, and to establish the conformity of certain kinds of trade measures in MEAs with WTO rules. However, there seems to be a general sense in the CTESS that it is premature to discuss potential results.

• 对于谈判可能出现的结果作出了一些建议,比如制定管理WTO和MEA关系的“原则和参数”的需要,建立MEA中的某些种类的贸易措施与WTO规则的一致性的需要。然而,贸易与环境特别委员会普遍认为讨论可能出现的结果还太早。







• The Relationship between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement

• Transfer of Technology


• Marrakesh Declaration - Item 8 • Doha Declaration - Paragraph 32(ii)• The relevant provisions of the Agreement on the Trade-

Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)• TRIPS 协议的有关规定


• The objective of the TRIPS Agreement is to promote effective and adequate protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs). IPRs serve various functions, such as the encouragement of innovation and the disclosure of information on inventions, including environmentally sound technology. In the context of trade and environment, the TRIPS Agreement has assumed increasing significance.

• TRIPS协议的目标是促进对知识产权的有效和充分保护。知识产权有多种功能,比如鼓励创新,披露发明信息,包括对环境无害的技术。在贸易和环境背景下, TRIPS协议呈现出越来越大的重要性。


• The Doha Ministerial Declaration has mandated the CTE to focus its work on the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement. The Council for TRIPS has also been instructed, in pursuing its work programme including under the review of Article 27.3(b), to examine, inter alia, the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore.

• 多哈宣言授权贸易与环境委员会将其工作集中在 TRIPS协议的相关规定上。 TRIPS委员会也被指示将其包括根据对第 27.3(b) 条的审查的工作计划致力于检查 TRIPS协议和生物多样性公约的关系和保护传统知识民间文学艺术。



• The links between the TRIPS Agreement and the environment are complex and many of the issues involved are contentious. CTE discussions on this matter mainly revolve around two issues: the transfer of environmentally friendly technology, and the TRIPS consistency of certain provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

• TRIPS协议和环境的关系很复杂并且很多事项都涉及诉讼。贸易与环境委员会对该问题的讨论主要围绕两个事项:环境友好型技术的转让,生物多样性公约某些规定与TRIPS一致性。

The Relationship between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement

• On the TRIPS consistency of certain provisions of the CBD, three main views have been expressed.

• 在 TRIPS 与生物多样性公约某些规定的一致性问题上,表达了三个主要观点:

The Relationship between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement

• For one group of Members, it is necessary to amend the TRIPS Agreement to accommodate some essential elements of the CBD. Such an amendment could require that an applicant for a patent relating to biological materials or to traditional knowledge (i) disclose the source and country of origin of the biological resource and/or of the traditional knowledge used in the invention; (ii) give evidence of prior informed consent through approval of authorities; and, (iii) give evidence of fair and equitable benefit sharing.

• 一部分成员认为,有必要修订 TRIPS协议以适应生物多样性公约的一些基本要素。这样的修订要求一项有关生物材料或传统知识的专利的申请人 (i) 公开发明中用到的生物资源和 / 或传统知识的来源和原产地; (ii)给出通过当局批准的事先知情同意的证据; (iii)给出公平和平等的惠益分享的证据。

The Relationship between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement

• Another group of Members is of the view that there is no conflict between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement and that the two agreements are mutually supportive. For these Members, the two agreements have different objectives and purposes and deal with different subject-matter. In addition, no specific examples of conflict have been cited.

• 另外一部分成员持以下观点,生物多样性公约和 TRIPS协议之间没有冲突,两项协议是相互支持的。这些成员认为,这两项协议有不同的目标和目的并解决不同的事项。此外,没有冲突的具体例子被引证。

The Relationship between the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement

• A last group of Members considers that, although the CBD and the TRIPS Agreement are mutually supportive, their implementation could create conflicts. Hence, both bodies of law need to be implemented in a mutually supportive way in order not to undermine their respective objectives.

• 最后一部分成员认为,尽管生物多样性公约和 TRIPS协议相互支持,但它们的实施可能会引发冲突。因此,两个法律的主体部分需要以相互支持的方式实施,为了不破坏它们各自的目标。

Transfer of Technology

• With respect to technology transfer, patents are perceived by some Members as increasing the difficulty and cost of obtaining new technologies which are required either due to changes agreed under certain MEAs (such as the Montreal Protocol) or in order to meet environmental requirements, both generally and in certain export markets.

• 至于技术转让,一些成员认为专利增加了获得新技术的困难和成本,这些新技术被要求或者是由于根据特定的MEAs(比如蒙特利尔议定书)达成的改变,或者是为了达到环境的要求,都通常是在特定的出口市场。

Transfer of Technology

• Also, there has been an increasing concern over the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The rapid progress in the area of biotechnology has meant that greater importance is attached to easy access to genetic resources.

• 另外,对于生物多样性的保护和可持续利用的关注度在增加。在生物技术领域的这种快速的进步意味着易于获取遗传资源更加被重视。

Transfer of Technology

• Developing countries (many of which are the main suppliers of such genetic resources and biological diversity) have emphasized a quid pro quo in this context, involving easier transfer of technologies in return for them providing access to their genetic resources, and for undertaking policies aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

• 发展中国家(其中许多是遗传资源和生物多样性的主要提供者)强调一种交换条件,涉及更容易的技术转让作为他们提供遗传资源获取途径的回报,也为了采取旨在保护和可持续利用生物多样性的政策。

Transfer of Technology

• This has proven to be a particularly sensitive element of the CTE's work programme, with certain Members proposing that exceptions be made in the TRIPS Agreement on environmental grounds for the transfer of technology mandated for use in an MEA and others defending IPRs as a necessary precondition for the transfer of technology.

• 这是贸易与环境委员会工作计划的一个特别敏感的因素,因为一些成员国提议对 TRIPS协议环境领域的被授权用于MEA和其他防御性知识产权的技术转让规定例外条款,以此作为技术转让的必要前提。





• Marrakesh Declaration - Item 4• The provisions of the multilateral trading system

with respect to the transparency of trade measures used for environmental purposes.

• 关于用于环境目的的贸易措施的透明度问题的多边贸易体制规定

• Marrakesh Declaration - Item 10• Input to the relevant bodies in respect of appropriate

arrangements for relations with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

• 就与政府间和非政府组织的关系的适当安排而对相关机构的投入

• Doha Declaration - Paragraph 31(ii)• Procedures for regular information exchange between

MEA Secretariats and the relevant WTO committees, and the criteria for the granting of observer status.

• 多边环境条约秘书处和相关WTO委员会之间定期交流信息的程序,以及给予观察员地位的标准。


• Transparency is an important aspect of WTO work on trade and environment. Numerous notification systems in the WTO increase the transparency of trade-related environmental measures (TREMs). GATT Article X on the Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations, the 1979 Understanding Regarding Notifications, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance, and the transparency provisions of the TBT and SPS Agreements, create a broad basis for ensuring the transparency of TREMs at the multilateral level.

• 透明度是 WTO关于贸易和环境工作的一个重要方面。WTO的许多告知体系增加了与贸易相关的环境措施的透明度。 GATT 第 10 条关于公开和管理贸易规定, 1979年就告知,磋商,争端解决和监督以及 TBT和 SPS协议规定的透明度问题的理解,为确保多层面上的与贸易有关的环境措施创造了广泛的基础。






• As part of the Decision of the General Council of 18 July 1996 to adopt "Guidelines for arrangements on relations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs)", WTO Members have agreed to improve public access to WTO documentation and communication with NGOs. Following this decision, the following broad conclusions emerged in the CTE:

• 1996年 6月 18 日总理事会决议的一部分通过了“安排与非政府组织关系的指南”,WTO成员国同意提高WTO文件的公共访问和与非政府组织的交流。根据这个决议,贸易与环境委员会得出下列广泛的结论:


• It would be inappropriate to allow NGOs to participate directly as observers in the proceedings of the CTE. The main consideration for many delegations was that primary responsibility for informing the public and establishing relations with NGOs lies at the national level.

• 允许非政府组织以观察员的身份直接加入贸易与环境委员会的程序是不适当的。许多代表团考虑的主要是告知公众和与非政府组织建立联系的基本责任在于国家层面。


• Nevertheless, delegations felt that the transparency of the WTO's work on trade and environment should be improved and that there was a need to respond to public interest in this area in order to avoid misunderstanding of the role of the WTO.

• 然而,代表团觉得WTO在贸易和环境方面的工作的透明度应该提高,有必要对公共利益作出回应以避免对WTO角色的误解。


• Finally, the WTO Secretariat has been given a mandate to act as an intermediary between NGOs and WTO Members and to provide channels for an exchange of information and views.

• 最后,WTO秘书处被授权作为非政府组织和WTO成员国的中间人,为信息和意见交换提供渠道。






• The mandate of paragraph 31(ii) of the Doha Ministerial Declaration provides for negotiations on procedures for regular information exchange between MEA Secretariats and the relevant WTO committees.

• 多哈宣言第 31段 (ii)防规定了MEA秘书处和有关的WTO委员会定期信息交流程序的谈判。


• Members agree that existing forms of cooperation and information exchange between the WTO, MEAs and UNEP have proven to be valuable and should be enhanced. Reference has been made to UNEP's efforts to organize meetings back-to-back with those of the CTESS. Such meetings have provided a valuable forum for information exchange, and have allowed numerous capital-based environment officials to attend meetings of the CTE and CTESS.

• 成员国认为现行的WTO,MEA和UNEP间的合作与信息交流的形式是有价值的,并应该提高。已经提到UNEP努力组织与贸易与环境委员会特别会议紧密相连的会议。这些会议为信息交流提供了一个有价值的平台,允许一些以资金为基础的环境机构参加 CTE和 CTESS会议。


• In the CTESS, some concrete suggestions have been put forward by Members with regard to cooperation and information exchange between the WTO and MEA secretariats:

• 在贸易与环境特别会议中成员国提出了一些关于WTO与MEA秘书处间合作与信息交流的具体建议:


• · Formalizing MEA Information Sessions in the CTE, and organizing them on a regular basis;

• 正式化MEA信息会议,并定期组织;• · holding MEA Information Sessions on specific themes

by grouping the MEAs that share a common interest;• 通过将有共同利益的MEAs 分组,以确定信息会议的具体主题;• organizing meetings with MEAs in other WTO bodies,

either together with the CTE or separately;• 组织在其他WTO机构中组织与MEAs的会议,或与贸易与环境委员会一起,或者分别进行;


• ·organizing WTO parallel events at the COPs of MEAs on a more systematic basis;

• 在更系统的基础上组织MEAs成员方会议中与WTO 相关的事项• organizing joint WTO, UNEP and MEA technical

assistance and capacity building projects;• 组织联合WTO,UNEP,MEA的技术援助和能力建设项目;• promoting the exchange of documents, while respecting

confidential information;促进文件交流,同时考虑机密信息;


• creating avenues for information exchange between government representatives from the trade and environment sides; and

• 为贸易与环境方面的政府代表间的信息交换开辟道路;• establishing an electronic database on trade and

environment. • 建立贸易与环境电子数据库






• Observers to the CTE Regular and CTESS • 贸易与环境委员会定期和特别会议观察员• Criteria for the Granting of Observer Status• 取得观察员地位的标准

Observers to the CTE Regular and CTESS • Following the Decision of the General Council of 18 July

1996 on “Guidelines for observer status for international inter-governmental organizations in the WTO”, the CTE agreed to extend observer status on a permanent basis to those intergovernmental organizations which previously participated as observers on an ad hoc basis at CTE meetings and to those that had so requested. The possibility exists on the basis of the General Council‘s Decision to consider future requests from other relevant intergovernmental organizations.

• 根据 1996年 6月 18 日总理事会的决议“WTO国际政府间组织观察员地位的指南”, CTE在永久基础上扩大观察员的地位至那些以前以专责性质观察员的身份参加 CTE会议的政府间组织,和那些有此要求的组织。这一可能性存在于总理事会决议考虑其他相关的政府间组织的将来的要求的基础上。

Observers to the CTE Regular and CTESS

• Some 25 intergovernmental organizations were therefore granted observer status in the CTE Regular. However, since a political deadlock arose in the General Council over the issue of observer status, the CTE has not considered any new requests. For this reason, some requests for observer status from international organizations, including certain MEAs, are still pending.

• 因此 25 个政府间组织获得了 CTE定期会议观察员的地位。然而,自从总理事会在观察员地位问题上产生的政治僵局, CTE没有考虑任何新的要求。为此,国际组织的要求,包括MEAs,仍然未决。

Observers to the CTE Regular and CTESS

• The observership situation in the General Council also had repercussions in the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), as well as in the various negotiating groups under its authority, including the CTESS.

• 总理事会的观察员现状对贸易谈判委员会以及在其权力之下的各种谈判组,包括 CTESS,都产生了影响。

Observers to the CTE Regular and CTESS• However, since the negotiating mandate in paragraphs

31(i) and (ii) relate to MEAs, Members in the CTESS have tried to find a solution in order to be able to benefit from the expertise of MEAs. This solution was to invite a number of MEAs to attend its meetings, on an ad hoc, meeting-by-meeting basis. This decision was taken without prejudice to a solution being found to the issue of observer status at the General Council or TNC level.

• 然而,自从进行第 31(i) 和 (ii)段授权的与MEAs有关的谈判, CTESS的成员国试着去寻找能从 MEAs 专家意见中获益的解决方法。这一解决方法是邀请一些MEAs参加它的会议,在特别的,一个会议接着一个会议的基础上。这一决定是在不损害在总理事会或贸易谈判委员会层面上的观察员地位问题的解决方案的原则下采取的。

Criteria for the Granting of Observer

Status • It is important to stress that the CTESS has a specific

mandate of negotiation, in paragraph 31(ii) of the Doha Declaration, on criteria for the granting of observer status to MEA secretariats in relevant WTO Committees. The mandate in paragraph 31(ii) is intended to guarantee the participation of MEAs in the work of the WTO, and to strengthen the complementarities between their work and that of the WTO.

• 有必要强调,根据多哈宣言的第 31段 (ii), CTESS有谈判的特别授权,关于取得相关的WTO委员会的MEA秘书处的观察员地位的标准。第 31段 (ii)的授权旨在保证 MEAs参加WTO的工作,并加强WTO中他们工作的互补性。

Criteria for the Granting of Observer Status

• It has been argued that this mandate could have positive spillover effects on the negotiations in paragraph 31(i) (see above, page 39), in terms of helping to reduce the risk of conflict in the implementation of WTO and MEA rules.

• 该授权应该对 31段 (i)的谈判产生积极的外溢效果,以减少执行WTO和MEA规则的冲突风险。

Criteria for the Granting of Observer Status

• At present, four MEAs have observer status in the CTE (the CBD, the CITES, the ICCAT and the UNFCCC), but requests are still pending in the CTE, as well as in various WTO Committees.

• 目前,四个多边环境协定在贸易与环境委员会中获得了观察员地位(生物多样性公约,濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约,大西洋金枪鱼国际保护协会,联合国气候变化框架公约),但是在贸易环境委员会以及各种WTO委员会中的要求还没确定。