Tracking system

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tracking system



A tool which will track and show which PPC ads are making money and which ads are loosing money. In other words it will create all needed PPC tracking statistics to be able to quickly and easily know your ROI.A tracking system collects statistical data about your visitor traffic and aggregates the data into meaningful reports. The goal is to help make website management decisions on a daily basis.The information you can learn from a tracking system starts with basic stats, such as how many unique visitors you have had in a 24 hour period, and what countries they are coming from.

PPC Tracking system refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain a website. It measure a visitor's journey on the website. This includes its drivers and conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase.

PPC Conversion tracking:

PPC Conversion Tracking is the process of monitoring components of your PPC Campaign such as keywords, ads, ad groups, and landing pages for the purpose of discovering which contribute to making your campaigns profitable.

Conversion Tracking is a form of website traffic analytics that measures the effectiveness of a source directing visitors to a web site and persuading them to take a desired action. The source could be a referrer, a search engine, a search phrase used etc. It could also be a characteristic of the visitor for instance the country, age, income etc. The desired action could be the completion of an order page, the sign-up of a newsletter etc.

PPC Conversion Tracking is an essential part of your Pay Per Click Campaign. To save on your PPC costs and to increase profits, you need to know which keywords are bringing in sales and which are not, focus on those that bring the sales, and delete those don't.

Conversion tracking answers the question of how many views or clicks result in an actual purchase, sign-up/registration, lead, viewing of a key page, or some other valuable actions.

Analytics is not a single activity; its a series of activities that when done in sequence can show whats happening, why its happening, and where improvements are needed.

Three main components,

Tracking: Compiling large amounts of unanalyzed data, the foundation for analysis.

Analysis: Looking at the data and making hypotheses about why it is the way it is.

Testing: Controlled tests of analysis hypotheses to determine if a guess was correct.


Term Definition

Page ViewNumber of times a page is viewed

Visit/SessionAll activity of an individual visitor within time allotted for a sessionoften 30 minutes

VisitorsTotal Sessions

Unique VisitorsTotal Visits from Individualsmultiple sessions not counted

DurationTime spent by an individual during a session

ReferrerFrom original to last, the string of pages a visitor visited to get to a final page


Visitors: Who is coming to the site?

Traffic: Where are they coming from?

Content: What are they doing on the site?

Goals : Are site visitors doing what you want them to do to further your business goals?

TESTING: What to test depends on where your marketing needs work. For example, if conversion rates are low, test the website content, and if click rates are low, test the advertising.

A tracking service will allow you to:Check how effective clicks are and adjust campaigns accordingly:

See which keywords and search terms bring more visitors

Learn which advertising copy is most effective

Know which source/ search engine brings the best results:

At the right price per click (cost acquisition per customer)

Determine conversion rate and set goals

Accountability: make sure you are getting what you pay for

Source of traffic: country, etc

How long do they stay, how many pages viewed? Average number of page views from one search engine might be lower than another.

What can a tracking system tell you about the quality of your traffic?Low quality traffic may overload your server(s), spike your traffic & frustrate you. More importantly it is a waste of time, money, and resources. It will create false expectations. A tracking system will tell you if / why your traffic is low quality.Does it come from a country which is not your market? For example a place where most people do not have credit cards or are not interested in buying real estate in Canada, because they live in China.

Do the visitors land on your homepage and leave without clicking any further? Visit duration is an important statistic which tells you if people are interested in your site. How many pages do the visitors look at?

Are the visitors presented with a link to your site when they search for a related keyword or search term? This is called phrase matching. The worst-case scenario is when your link is presented randomly, or as a pop-up.

BENEFITS:Save time, save money: reports generated automatically - no log file headaches Increase revenue: identify Best Practices, and focus your efforts

Reduce technical costs and hassles we host your stats on our servers

Stop wasting resources: identify dead-end strategies and drop them

Share information with managers, colleagues, and clients

Target audience: know exactly who your traffic and markets are

Eliminate guesswork: access exact information

Manage site content on a daily basis & measure the effect of change

Success: follow up on strategies that work repeat them

Addictive insight: enjoy your statistics, watch live click streams via web-based interface.