
Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Tracheea



aka windpipe 11 cm long, 2-2.5 cm in diameter Mobile cartilaginous & membranous



Commences at the lower border of cricoid cartilage of larynx

Extends downward in the midline of neck In thorax, ends by dividing into 2 main

bronchi at level of disc between 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae

Relations in the neck

Anteriorly Skin, fascia, isthmus of thyroid gland,

inferior thyroid veins, jugular arch, thyroidea ima artery & left brachiocephalic vein

Posteriorly Right and Left recurrent laryngeal nerves,

esophagus & vertebral column

Laterally Lobes of thyroid gland, carotid sheath


main conduit of air to and from the lungs

Connects larynx to bronchi

Blood Supply

The blood supply of trachea is derived mainly from the inferior thyroid arteries

Lymph Drainage

The lymph vessels drain into the pretracheal & paratracheal lymph nodes

Nerve Supply

The nerve supply is from the vagi, the recurrent laryngeal nerves, & sympathetic trunks.


is a condition characterized by flaccidity of the tracheal support cartilage which leads to tracheal collapse especially when increased airflow is demanded.


A collapsed trachea, resulting from defects in the cartilage which makes the cartilage unable to support the trachea, results in a dry hacking cough.


Aka bacterial tracheitis Bacterial infection of trachea Producing airway obstruction

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