TpDAY’a NEWS . BMdW'-'UUI* alunf*. la tonfcni* TODAY...

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Transcript of TpDAY’a NEWS . BMdW'-'UUI* alunf*. la tonfcni* TODAY...

< 3 m m ^ O n i t U s i |b t u d W c« . . BMdW'-'UUI* alunf*. la tonfcni* ' *m n. m W r te y M . low -U .

U w ( k b i m a t a f » .

A R eg io n a l N c w sra p e r S e rv in g N in e I r r ig a te d Id ah o C o u n t ie s '

T p D A Y ’aNEWS


V O L . x x m . NO. 263— 6 C E N T S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , TU J5SD A Y , O C T O B E R 22 , 1940. O F F IC IA L CITY N E W S P A P E R


Heard by 50,000 At Rockford, 111.


O ct. 22 (U.R)— R epub lican P re s ic lc n tia l N om inee W endell .L. W illk ie to ld a bo i.stcrous c ro w d o f 40,000 to 50,000 a t R o ck ­fo rd , III., to d ay th a t hi-s o p p o s itio n is “ develop ing a d eep sen se o f f e a r ” an d 'is " g e t t in g d e s p e ra te .”

“ I know 'how Ih c o p p o s itio n fe e ls ,’’ he said . “ T h e y h a v e b o u g h t th is g o v e rn m e n t w ithth e p eo p le 's m oney a n d - th e y see I t g o in g aw ny fro m th em

. a n d d o n 't w a n t to lose.”W lllWe's Hides snl3 th e crowd

a round th e rea r pintform a t Rock­ford wa» Uie largest crowd he h a d d ra v n In h is weeks of cnm palgnlng.

W illkie urged his llBieiiers no l lo p*j- a tten tio n lo h is ,opposltlon 's •'desperfllioii.”

W ant* Open Elccllonftium p te U\ey m ay

m «ke lo stop public dlBciu-.'sion. or b ring pre-tture on certain groups of o u r population. I don’t w an t a n y - body associated with me lo ado p t ■Imllar tactics," he said. "I w an l a free and open ejection. 1 don’t w a:it people on relief subjcclcd lo prc.'i- •nurc concerning how they vote. I d o n 't w an t governm ent employes solicited for com palgn funds as E d - w »rd J . F lynn. Dem ocrstlc natlonBl ch a irm a n of th e opposition. Is doing.

"I- call upon each of you to be a m lsslo iu ry In th is cause,” he Im ­plored. "1 feel certain th a t Uiere &re enough free A mericans, uncon­tro lled . to win th is election.''

H e aald reports to h im from every

s la te showed "there Is a p ru lr l t 'f l r e on ." a n d th a t Uie "g reat upsurge of public opinion" m eans a O .O P . vic­tory on Nov. 5.

A ttacks .Muchine A sking voicK for I lilna ls senn to rla l

nom inee W ayland Brooks a n d guber­n a to ria l nominee DwlglU O rcen, W illkie said he and G reen toge ther If clccicd would th e pow er of th e s ta le a n d federa l governm ent • 'to b reak up th is m ach inc In C h i­cago, and some people will be ta k ­ing tr ip s a ll over Uie w orld—some of th e m confining trlps^"

W illkie began a new a tta c k on p o llilca l m ach ines-las t n ig h t In add ress to young Reputillca'ns a t M ilwaukee. Wls.

W illkie told tlie- young Republi­c ans th a t "w ith your help, I p red ic t v ictory on Nov. S."

T w o tom atoes were th ro w n -n t th e Wlllftle p a rty during th e lour of W isconsin, O ne s tn ick th is corres' pon d en t who was s tand ing on Uii r e a r p la tfo rm of th e tra in a t F ond D u Lnc and tlie o the r struck 8 te . p h cn Buckley. New Yorlt de tw U ve a u lg n c il to gua rd Willkie,

Germans Spread Death, Destruction in Britain

B7 WALLACE CARItOLLLOUDON, O ct. M W f l - 6 e n n a n

raiders; AsrAd back frou) the Lon- BHlI*h-.dtfendet:ii.

apfeftd ae«th and' desUvcUon p rovicdal p ^ n ls today and German long-range artillery at Cape Orla K it . T n x ttt , shelled the port ol Dover.

A G erm an D om ier bom ber d ro p ­ped U bombs and m achine gunned th e i tr e e ts of » working cIbm d is ­t r ic t Jn a sou th coast tow n.'R eport« RAld one person was killed ond sev* erAl In jured , I t wa.'t feared, how ­ever. th a t some victims w ere t r a p ­ped In w reckage. Six hoiisM were drrncli»hed arid e thers were d a m ­aged.

An Air ra id alarm sounded In Ix>n> don In early alternooti hu l th e G cr- m in atUickera were driven off by reenforced British f lg h tr r plane Hfjuadrons w hich IncUidcrt newly de- Hvcred Ametlcfcrv vlai\r&.

T he O erm on guna oh C ape O ris Hex d a ra ag td some houses in D over a n d cau ted m ln « cftsualUe* b u t t l i tv we?*-jller>C»jLv'yhen B ritish guns re tu m ed 'th e fr -f ire .

I t wo« feared in £<ondon th a t heavy casualties resu lted from tlie iTomblng of an a ir ra id she lte r n ig h t. In w hich 35 persons h a d sough t refuge. Already, five bodies have been recovered.

H eavy damage' during th e n igh t rev io tltd Jvom LWervoo\ Tfhcte

R was se t a fire. O ba and w ater m nlns were broken in the 200th rnid on LiVfrpool.

T h e CJeinmn.' iignln uspd som th e ir g rciit fom -motor plnne.s In ih e n ig h t a ttn fk s.

A t one lima Lontioner.'j could fol low, by (iin biazf- of trac e r bullet: above them , « flKht In wiUch D rll Ish piQiiM forpfd a ,G c rJn im tlect

to U « eoMllv

D T O f f l M S E W m i E II


W ASHINGTON. Oct. 22 (UP) _ D ra f t D irector CInrencc A. DykMra today planned an olnbornir cere­m ony on Oct. 29 w hrn th e num bers o f 17,000.000 rrdMrnnl.<; for iiillltnry service will be draw n Ui n imilonol lottery.

A guard of honor l.s bclnK arr;iticed to escort th e fnmou’; W orld wnr cold, f ish bowl from P lillnddphla tc W ashington. The bowl finm w hich th e num bers of tliree W orld wn; d ra f ts were draw n is In iTidepcn- dence hall.

M ayor Robert E. Lam berlon o P hlladelphln l.s phinniiiR to Imve thi bowl brought here by autom obile w ith on c.scort of Peiin.svlvnnlii s la te police accom panylns II lo ihe j.tnte line. S im ilar Riiards of honor will be provided by Dclawnro, Mnry land and the Di.strict of Columbia,

r u n sP lans for Pre.Mdrnl Hoo^^v^lt to

draw Uie firM of tlie 10 ,0 0 0 bi» capsulcs—each con'iiinlnir a rcsl; tra t io n se rin l-num ber—w rre called off la te yesttrdiiy by tlie W hite H ow e. T liere was no rxp litnn ilon bu t It was understood th a t th e Pre.'!- Iden t w an lfd to follow the precedent s e t du ring th e W orld w ar and allow Secre tary oJ W ar H enry L. s tlm ' son to draw Ihe f l n t num ber. Sec ­re to ry of W ar Newton D. Dnker had th o t honor In 1017,

M r. noosevell will open the m onies, bcfflnnlng a t noon next T uesday, w ith a radio address. He a lso la expected to moke nnoU ier rad io addres.^ Sunday In w hich he will explain to the m en affec tw l th e de tails of the lottery and c o iw rip - Uon,

O ther Precedents . Severa l other W orld w ar prcce-

den ta wUl be followed by conscrip­tion officials Iti the lo ttery . T h e m a jo r one will be the plan to havi Col. C. R . Morrl.*!, retired , of Eliza be th . N. J .. blindfold Stlm.'jon for th e dm w lng of the ( irs t ii\TOhcr. H e perform ed tlm i duly In 1817.

M orris will report to ^ n s c r lp t i o a headquarter* here Sunday .ind b ring w ith him the blindfold h e used 23 years ago. I t Is a piece of linen Irfttn a th a lr uxed a t th e sign ing o l th e declara tion of independence. H e also will s ti r the raii-Milcs wKii ladle which was carved from nn « Iglnol beam o f Iiiriopendcnce holl.

Bombs Destroy Old London Show Places

n r H- L. P E R cvLONDOK. Oct. 32 (UP) — T he

. . nd gardens and meitriw buildings of liOiuion'fl liiinoun tem ple, from w hirh th e knlKht.-* of th e tem plr w ent to th e Criihudei, in to a scene ol spectnciilar dn- • iru r tio n , It wns diix^losert today.

l l i e effec t of boinbn over u ]>e- rlod o t week*, which had jKKk- ruarked Imlldlngn in Uie old q u a rte r betw een Fleet s tre e t and ih* ,T ltames emtK)nkiiirnl. hn<l been cUninxed by u iiuge ex- pioMve bomb whicti shu ttered th e

lUwvii o t half a dow n buHri-i IMRA and b lasted the end from llin h a ll In which ah■lle.^prllrr nix-e played In his piny, "Tw elfth N l^ it,"

'n t e p lane ti id elm liern which once shaded th e sirolls ol Oliver c io ld tm lth . Asm Jnlinxun. Dhu'K- Slone a n d TJmckeray. orn r.m ied w ith p lnk lih d u i t — piilvetlrrtl brick* w hich in some oases imd been cem ented Into place c en tiii les ago.

R ich s ta ined giasa h as dln- •ppearM t and the flag ilone wnlka h ave I w n tu n te d to g r ll .

Du*t haa covered everyuiing. even th e ahatte red cornlcen a n d

rubi>te nnd sp lintered wood aiicw n along th e imies and In th e c o u rt­yards.

O ne end of ciown ulflco row, w liero C lm iles U m h wan iKirn, tt>ok th e hill force of th e Inst heavy bouiU. 'IV o (loarn ot h av e CBBcaded out over th e rond- wuy.

T h em l» linrdly a building, ovil of hundreds, in the whble aicik w hich is wlUiftiil mrurs of one so rt OT anoU iri, Nnl oiie pane of gliiss In 10 In liiloi-l.

M E m INcRomw

HOAl* l.A K K. Wash , Oct, 33 III -Hlute itiid cminty nuthorllies today

liiveMlguie<t n rallrtwd crossing accl- detil which roftl Ihe llvei of three persons here yesterday,

llin dead were Mia. Guy HoTy ot Nnhly, Mfint.; Mrs, Day IJerry of /^oiip Ijike, and Jan ies liorry of Elsi­nore, Calif,

Cluy «ml nil) Herry, himbnnda of the iwn women, wero irrlously hr jured.

Mule Kick, Then Rescue by Plane Couldn’t Stop This Draft Signer

t II U kM moro than a mule kick tind a n airplniifl "m ercy" f lig h t to keep Jo a tp h Jo h n tioyla fiont regU terlng fur th e d raft,

Amoved otriclais of the 'I 'w in p<kI1s d r a f t board diacovered th a t tA ilay w h m young Doyle, who llve i at, th e Buyla ranch near S tan ley m O uster oounly. wan brought lo th e cou rthuu ie here to rea la lfr for M lteU v t w rvice. HI* i*lf was In sp lin t* a n d ha d id n 't ge t ou t o f the m o la r t a r th a t brought him so Cnpl, Jixieph H. Boaver. Jr. d ra f t »^oard ch ief clerk, did ih e reg is tering r ig h t In ihe au to , y

l« f W04 broken by a kick froin a pack muin iiv/fiio uilm illva plane ” • l» t"« ll lv /reg io h by a lr-

'roday . a fte r e«m ln i to 'I’win Falla by a u to lo have th e le g 'ie i . he reg lM frtq ( w t ^ i d ra f t and then s lu r te d hom e w ith two oomtM iiluiu

O n t o f nU oompanioiu, abou i so yvara of age, told O a n u in Beaver h* w U hid h ro o ttW t t iU U r . MO. T \» V m an , toW m u K t w

fee r^ .W orld w ar. . . bu t was rrjec led becaule o t flat

M u e n u i o i s ijfffit

Chuck K null, 23. driver of one Ihe two miichlncs Involved In Jerom e coiuitv nulo crii;.h Sunday

nhui, which rcM illrd In deall) (If Mn., M iu ino Luca?T\vln F'nll.v early lodav a t th e IV In Falls couiily nenerai ho.spitnl, thli a fi.rn o o n wa.s o tilrrcd lirld on ai 0 ()cii clinrge by sta le police.

A inioim rcnirnt iim i ihn chiirKi hiid ben i pliicni K niili w»; mndo Ifxiiiy liy Kai l .Siimli. n tutc po Her o fdcrr of Jerom e county. Hmiili Hddpti ilini ns soon ii.i lie conferred wllh IliR pioaccutliiK a t t o r n e y cimiKCh nt uivniuntiiiy m an,ilniii;iitn would hr Jlird aKuliv.l. llie youth.

I’oor Cnnilltlon Knull Is III "jmoi " coiidlllim n

t lir lui.>intAl. He hiis a |Ki.si1b|c ^kull (im -tutc M\d uImi r litHkrn hip HmiUI .'nlil th o t "if anil w hen Kiiiil is iiliU- (o inive the ho.spitnl lie will be liikn i to Jcioiiic niiil pli

the dentil (il Mm, l.ii


ed in

n till:

10 linfllc liiliilKlen . ».1 one diiy of strntchliiH

p nlrtl (j| Ti inonlhs came Id nil end.

Art a trsult Hinitli nnnounccd Ihi the lai);i' iilgii Which arched over li noith iiul of the rlm -to-rlin biiiiHc will he (iilicii down, 'm o sign wiis errcleil hy Jei'omn Junior Chamber of Comiiiei( e mid poliiled out the nafe- ty rei-cKi. Hinali said that after the coiiclliion of Ihe other accident

rc'.i.ii....4 •« ............ .... I

Inaugurating 1940 Community Chest Campaign

W ith a n a •ptofesslona? m en and women \o la n te e r in g theW atrvU es, th e Twin F a n s Com munU y Chest cam paign fo r 1940 w aiInauguraled tliU n io rn in r a t th e “hun t" breakfast. In th is photo th e volunteeni w ith faces v iable to th e cam era are; a t le ft, L em A. C hapin a n d Lloyd Collier; behind these two a re W. H. Barnard, Rny J . lio lm es a n d C. E. A llen; in center fo regronnd. reading toward eam cra . a re Capt. C. If. Thom as. S.ilvatlon A rm y leader: J . A. Cederqulsl. Rev. M ark C. C roncnberger and F. C. Sheneberger; a t rear are I). T . (B erll Itollng- b roke and E, G. f lyer; s tand ing a t r ich t, Harold R. H ar\ey . executive d irec tor of the cam palrn ; sea led a t h i t rich t are C. R. Sherwood. E. E. Jc lllson, Loyal I. Terry, chief speaker a t the h u n t breakfast, and i>ehlnd M r. Perry i i Edward It. Rogel.

(Times Photo a n d E ngraving)

M K FIffiS A' MCUi

BUHL. Oct. 22 iSpeclaD —Ohaoe C lark. Dem ocmtic cand ida te fo r governor, th is aflcn iooo to ld a la rg e crow d of local and nearby residen ts th a t h e was "n.sionl.shcd" a t hU op ­p o n e n t’s recen t s ta te m en ts lo th e e ffec t th o t Idaho Ls being opera ted , as f a r as ndm ln lstration Is eon - ccrned . w ithout an ad valorem ta x levy.

T h e candidate for governor Ls tou ring Tw hi F a lls covmty a t th e presen t tim e. He will speak ton igh t ftt th e Amcriean. Legion h a ll In Tw in FnlU. the rally th e re scheduled to get undenvay a t 7:10 p . in. E d ­w ard Bobcock, who presided a t Uie m eeting here th is a fternoon , will prc.slde a t th e T w in F a lls rally. CftiulUlBtcs will be in troduced there .

In hl.s addre .u here th ia a fie r ->0 1 1 , coiKcrnlng th e U x situation ,

C larh fftUl’."M isrepresen ta tion"

"I am n.stOnialied th a t th e chief e.M'<tiilvc of our M ate wniiUI llilnX II polltlnilly expedien t to ninko sue a n^lM•epre^cnla^lon ol (ac t to tli l>eoi>l(‘ who once piaccd the ir con Ifdi'iire In him.

"On yiiui- lax nollcl•^ i»n e/Jort wii mnile to dl-'Credll our iw'hool pri. Kiniii Kiid our henlti) onii relief prr Kvnii\ Uy niRkhiR I t npi>eiVT the> ti 1 lll ;^ were responsible for Hi h i’iivy lax. Now, th e tru th Is lh a l

KNOX SEES NEEB O F P H C IF M S E SNi;\V YORK, Oct. 32 lUPi-.'i.

taiN i.r ttie Navy r ,» n k Knox hxlai at Hie H cr.ild T r llm iio

iiilrol Hie (lenlliliC'. c

Keynoter Terms Chest as ‘Greatest Social Project” at Hunt Breakfast

P o in tin g o u t th a t C o m m u n ­i ty C h e s t fu n d s, fo r th e m o s t p a r t , g o to w ard “ m a k in g c h il­d re n h e a lth y ," and to “ g iv in g th e m so m e th in g to do w ith th e i r n iinda ati,d th e i r l i t t l e a c tiv e b od i« !,” Loyal I. P e r ry , ca.shier n t th e F id e l­i ty N a tio n a l bank , to d a y k e y ­n o te d th e “ h u n t” b re a k fa s t o f C o m m u n ity CVicsl w orlte r» , th e b reak fa .s t m a rk in g s t a r t o f th e ^ n i i a l c iuap a ig n f o r fim ds!-

A pproxim ately M workers,— a lt te rm ed ."genera ls" and '‘captains", fo r thB cam paign, a ttended Uie b eo k fa st which was held a t the P a rk ho te l and a t which R alph Car-, p e n ter, p residen t o t th e board of direc tors, served a.s toa.stmasier. Ducks, provided by a commitiee headed by P a t Daly, form ed Ihc " m ain" of the niorniiig n

G reatest ProjectPe rry , In a sho rt, bu t to-lhe-iw liit

address, declared th a t Uie Chci

th e "grefttest social project In Tw in Palla,"

•It Is a tiem pting lo do w h at o the r orRanlzailons do not," h e Bold. “M ost of th e funds go tow ard m ak­ing th e ch ild ren (pnrU clpatlng In th e various organisations beneflt- U d) hcaim y. I t provides Uiem wlUi som ething lo do w ith th e ir m inds a n d th e ir active little bodies.

•'The groundwork of th is cam pa ign Is now com pleted. Now, by en tering in to th e cam paign in ..the a i ^ i t In w hich we should e n te r into I t, w t 'c a n h e lp ' th a t m ass of boyi' ■And-ofirln w ho a re uD derprlv lleg^. I f we keep th% m'busy and acUve it w lll'k ee p tm t th « seedA of dUcon- te n t w hich m a j •om tday attensjjV to overthrow th is , democracy.

Do Y our Share "T ills dem ocracy la safe Just

long OS 130,000,000 people will toy I ’ll do m y p a r t,’ " Perry spid,

T lie speaker p o ln u d o u t lh a l while Uie average con tribu to r will be asked fo r only one day 's pay for purposes, th e w orkers a t this m orning 's b rea k fa s t will have double du ty . T licy will give "one day of th e ir tim e" in addition to Uie •one day s pay .”

A bo speaking Uiis m orn ing H arold R . H arvey, d r iv a ch airm a n , v h o pointed o u t th a t la rge r envel­opes, ho ld ins a ll th a t w as n e c r a a ry fo r eaeh worker to have, were ready. T hey were handed each of th e w ork­e rs a t conclusion of th e b reak fast th is m orning.

He added th a t th e ivorkers w ould m oke sasS<!^Uons as to w h a t each Ilrm should con tribu te to th e caffl' p a lgn ,,the goal being se t a t >10,S00. H e explained in IteeToechBiilca of Uie d»mpalgn.'

n r s i B tp o H T on igh tT he generala A ; i h a '

c ity hQtl th l i ereiving, i l r in g th e re> su its of the f irs t d a r actlvU y.

D uring h is r^m w ks. Mr. C g rpen - te r called on th e w orkers to “g e t tho csmpfllgQ com pleted by F r i d a y nigh t."

Five new generals wero announced a t a p re*cam palgh luncheon held yesterday a t th e hotel. T liey were E, H, O yer, R, j . Schw endim an. Homer M. Davis, P. C ,'S heneberge r and H . 0 . Jeppcion . A t th is lu n c h ­eon Harvey explained delalls of Ihe cam paign lo th e generals and execU' Uve com m itteem en. ,

M 111m m i«

i U i O R Sny JO E ALEX M O R B U

United Press F o r e i^ New* E ditorA xis d ip lom atic m a n e u v e rs

involv ing Spa in , F r a n c e - a n d th e f a r ea s t w e re r e p o r te d today i\s B r itis h b o m b in g p lanes ag a in h a m m e re d h e a v ­ily a t N azi w a rsh ip s in th e H am b u rg y a rd s , a t D u sse l- do)-/ and th e g r e a t R u h r in ­d u s tr ia l cen to rs.

D i.spatchc.s f ro m B e rlin a n d n e u tra l po in ts r e p o r te d i m - ' p o r la n t dev e lo p m en ts w e re expec ted in r e g a rd to S p a in , in d ica tin g tho G e rm a n , I ta l ia n and S p an ish fo re ig n m in is te r s m ig h t m ee t t h e r e so o n to • b r in g Spain in to c lo se r co l­la b o ra tio n w ith ' th e a x is .

ISefeated France a lso w as be llered , to be lnvolved In th e d ip lom atic o f­fensive. Ind irec t reports h in te d th a t French Vlce-Prem ler P le rr* L a n l m ight be negoUatlng fo r p e rm a n en t peace term s th a t some sourcee h a fo believed would be a p re lim ina ry to Nazi efforts to b ring unoccupied France Into th e w ar a g a in s t B rtU a ln . T he fac t th a t B r i t i s h - M s * - - .Minister W inston Churchill on ly yes­terday appealed to F r«oc« by rad io ag ain st such a move seem ed to l a d support to th e reported m a n e u v m .

P rtw n re ExertedIn th e near east th e T u ritlsh o f - ’

flclal radio reported th a t th e 'ax te powers conUnued to exert p r e a n t* on th e Balkans and a t L ondon th e au thoritative Time* urged a ln take over stra teg ic O re ek lands-J to protec t the navy's position in th e eastern M editerranean be fo re th a axis powers moved In to th e aotitb'* -. e*.it.

The newspaper p u t em phasis o n , th e Im portance of th e e as te rn M td * ' Iterranean—th e S ue t cana l, th e M o-

ivyitMOVER 5 K E L S

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3 2 (UW - T lie U nited S ta le s navy moved to iKilster Its aux ilia ry flee t todny by tak ing over tho sn llre I'nnaiuii PacUlc linn flee t o t live a .m -to ii com bination freiglil-pn-''»'-iiKi'r ven- scln.

1 1 was iindeistooti liie imvv mnild use th e|s as tiaiisixirUi <>i .( in ­v e rt Ihein I titoa lrjilnno te n d eix 'llic bhovlttse o l navy tyonsi>i)HN inmli- iv iieceh.nary for th e n lic rafl in ir le i HiirntoRa to carry fOOO imvs' re ­cruit.', (o llonnluiii from Ijiiii Dlr^o tills week.,

'I1ic p rice to be |iiiid will Im' fini'il by iieKOllatlon a fte r Itie ^)ll|l.^ lins<- breii ira iis le rred (o the imvv, II priibably will be a round l»,nrx).(iou. shipp ing tiiMi Mild. Wlieii Ijiilli u in.lli iind 1019, ih r ve.sAelri n.M »U,. D00,CMW.

ADVIKKI) T(J I,1:AVH I/ONIION, Oi l. Ti lUP.) Ilillh li

siibJiTls III Jap iin itiid .Ibpiiiipm '. occupied a reas of C hina have l)ceii nUvlwrt l«v Irttve th e \ hnvtiirKeiit reiisoii.i lo reiiinlii, II an n in in red offlrla ily lieie tmlny.

Life Begins at 80 for This Woman in Hollywood Movies

lly H irn K U IC K ( '. O TIlniA NIIOM.VWOOl), O rl, n (URI . -

Adeline Itryniilds, ll ic 'B a n PVuij- cImi. wicl.iw who sen t h e r four c lilld in i. liii'ough college tM(or« Sim wi.h KiMduated herse lf a t Uie aKe of 70, celebrated h e r 80th lilrlliilnY today by signing ■ ro n - iriifl iiK n IflOO a week niovie n tar.

'I\iuiciiinw M etro - Q oldw yn - Muvet t.iaknm uvUnU will m r a r lirr fiii'i' w llh yellow p u ln l a n d she will M<> liiio one of im o 'i big movlea

|ns an actress, en-a turrlng w llh Hedy arr and Jam es U lewnrt. Mrs. lleviinlils never has done ony movie wink Vietote. b u t h e r slud lo Is nut worried alw ut th a t, Hiia lennied about acting In a |hmI< giitduiile <irNiiialli's course she be­gan a t the University of U aliforn- la, her a lm s inaU r, w hen she was

'R iq w hite-haired M rs. ney> nvlils said in an interview betw een i:uatumc icflU and h a lr 'd re s s en-

r llKiUght' Wiiiiien luni nn Ut eduenllon; v,ev«

II Klmi of accessory iineriil loi iilucilon Ilf th e siwclcs, " aIic

I'lilUl Vifli-r Mrs. Iteynoids' foiiilli .n l>«n), h e r husband died.

<|ieiied a piililln btvnuHi njiliv n lll ie III H uii.F ranclw o. A muiiili hilM (lie rarlhq iinkn nnd fire ol lUim leveled Uial,

"I boriowed money from ovnv filviid I had and 1 eiUilillshed an- o ihe r stenography o ffice " siie sail!, "A fter a few yeara I did fine. T hen I Inherited a IIMie niMirv Itom my fatlier 's estiilo and 1 pill H Into some collages a l

H erkfle^ . I r in tc d ilirain and wiih one th ing and ano lher 1 iiukIp enough money to pu t all my chil- d r r n th rough college.

"W hen m y 'la s t dftughter *»-. s Junior. I finally felt ih a t I hml thn tim e to gel llie eiiiiniilDii I a lw ays hart w anted. 1 entereii ihn un iveraity as a freshm an and foi two years I w ent lo srhool wiili niy r ianghter. In 1B30 I w ai grad- u u trd .”

Bhn t iu n was 7 0 -a iid siie added F re n ch leach ing lo her other

" IV o years ago 1 finally talked myaelf in to the unlveraity 's d ra- ina llca couran," «he said.

"W hen 1 finished th e course I asked th e pruTMuior if h r could tell m e how to get in to th e movies.'' Mrs, Reynolds a itd . " lla laughed. So I cam # to Hollywood,"

A nybody w ho sa y i any th ing to h e r ab o u t life bcglnidng a t 40 m akes h e r a little thed .

Japan Counts U. S., Britain as Enemies

LONItON, O ct. n (UP>—Ih n air m ln k ln r repo rted to iiish i llia l a n r itlsh bom ber , scored a dlrerl h it today an a 2,00fl-lor> (irrm »ii m e re h an i vessel off llie hnnk of H nlland.

T he bom ber located tb r <ier. m an vessel th ree iidUit n it Ih r iionk, th e m in istry ia id . II do ir ( liro iiih clouds and dn>|i|irit a s tick n t h igh explnilves finm jii a ltlludfl v l nctp feet.

IIATAVIA, N ctlierlaiids V;a--1 In- llr.r O rl. 32 (U.n—Jnpane:,r i|rilii>hih h ill N etherlands east oil m n iu x is >e a nnulled in h e r Iiivor Imvi- been e jec ted. I t w as miiierslowt loday,

w llh th e cesuK. ohe la uiiUkelv ta kcI ciiMiilileriibln ( |uan lily ol NeDi-

Iiuis (III iinleMi the bnsin ol ncM<i- lons In chairged drnsllriiliv, h e only m nlerliil piogre.<i> the

.liiimiiene have m ade in Uielr nrmi- thillonn h e re Is l« ge l an nm n'iiw iil o r siicli oil p roiliicls as a re nvnll»|jln fle r fu lfllln ien l of o IsIIuk <'on-

i rac ls , i t w ai underntnod.lO rca t B rita in h as ro n iin r icd fur

>11 ovallable h igh octane Ki>’'ollnr. ised fo r alrplana*.)

N O riA , n u lfa r ia , Oct. Tj Ull'>- n ep o rla c lre u la trd today (b a t h lili O erm an, tia l la n and tjpa iilih gor- e rnm tin t offlelaU would meet a<»n.|»os«lbl)> In Npaln.

Missing Body of Butte Man Found

nU T T E. M ont., O ct, JJ (l(R>-n»n aherlff'a o ffice here said today It had a rep o r t th e boily of ( leo ige C K liiner, inti(«lni lU ilte filling sla U(iii a \t« ir t» » t, h a d been loiind near Malena,

U nderaheH tf U eorge MrKnnsie, Co, A tty. W, ■. ooyle and K llinor's broUier le ft he r* a t once lo oheok on Uie idenU flcaU on of liis body.

O ffioen h e r t sa id they believed K ilm er h a d beqii kidnaped from the filling e tallon w here lie worked, end perhap* wa* m urdered .

By li, O. TIIO M rHO NTOKVO, Oct. 33 (U.R)— A m erican

and Euro]>ean "lm periall»tlc power^' ^h support G eneralissim o C hlang

Kal-H liek's Chines? g overnn irn l a t ChuiiRking are Ja p an 's rea l eiicinlei Chiilchl O hasltl. vice m ini.iter for (urelKn affairs, siiid in a radio ■ lieecli today.

D lviissing Ihe " p resen t , world illiiiKlon iind Jiiim ii" O hasiil said hill cvcni.i linen Jupa ii Aigiicd her

iiillllury alliancft w llh G erm any ai liiily iiave delllu1 l^ tla Irli to (tic J) Diilii'.se )>cople Die ilM Ilu tio ii b (WITH ih o ir .frle ii .h and rn rm le .r

nle^o event.i hu luile exieiinlon of new AilierU'nn c rn ll l to Chliin iiik IllllM l iicllon In tro |)elllng th e lliir- ■111 ' nii|i|i|y route lo CliuiiijkinK.

O hashl said Ihe ( Ic iiiia ii-ltn lla ii .lii|>iiiie.%e alliancc nimn merely a iioii-cxpiiiisUm o t pirM 'iit wiira am Ihe con ilructlon of> new orders Ihroiigli O cnnnii, I ta l ian hikI JS ' :1(ll1e^e cooihtbH oii for estftbli,<li' ineiii of a perm anniii. Jii,il work lienee, lift said, lum rver, li ia l snm" KuciKii cQunlrles had lieen grea tly 'hocked and con re in rd by Iho Uei ilii aliianre.

' ro in rnat, h e nald, nl) W qillel In Ju|mii.

'"I1ils la no l an indication of (i if InreIgn |K)wits inii a n liidicullon

(if .Iniinn'a course-doinekdcully, d ip- lallcaily and n illlla illy ." O hanhl

,Miid, "Thi.> couise has been ael by alllunre and our people no long'

need lA w ander 111 Ihn iliirk. They grimly dnterm lned lo push oui

policies." ' ^I t was rejw rled lh a l Ja i« in . O er

many And Italy have nearly com- pleied plana lo form i>einianenl Joint commissions, m ilita ry a n d ecn- numic, to pu t le e lh in to th e ir alll-

B ottSaysH e Will Not Ask 3rd Term

WAIXAOB, Ida,, O ct. » (lovernor 0 . A. llu lto lfsen la s t week appealed for a no lher (arm a s gov> e rn o r bu t declarod h* «ouW n o t »e«J( n U ,W U rin,

&o^to)f»«n ftddTMMd » R«v>\vb»- c an m lly i t W tllaM a n d u w “If I am slealad th a t* will n o t Im aome> bo<iy i ia n d in i beiUnrt m y d ta l r t«IU in« m t w bat lo do.**

ruinous to B rita in .•

a r ea s .a s .« _____ ___ ______reported tb k t i t was eUn ...... .... -in « necoU atlons-» lt} ( I k o s ie c ts .fo r - some success—for a . sh> w o f on from th e Z>utch feast Indies. O ne report w as th a t Jap an h a d assiued th e D utch colonies th a t they m m r ^ a rd e d as ouUlda th e Japanese sphere.

DIplomatle ](fe*csAltliough O crm an planes co n tin ­

ued to strike a t m any V ar an d in- du.itrial objectives In B rita in , g rcot- est Im mediate cen te red on th e possibility of axis moves In F rance and Spain. 8ome n eu tra l sources reported belief t h a t .N ad- Foreign M inister Joach jm von R lb- hcn trop and I ta l ia n rocc lgn Mtnle- tc r Count O aleaizo C lano vmilrt m eet In Spain w llh Foreign M ln- Jsler Ramon Serrono Btmer, pro- Nazt Falangist leader w ho only r e ­cently aiuiumed tlia t post.

T lie ousllng of BrU aln from O ib- n illa r presum ably wmild bo one of th e chief objectives of closer S p a n ­ish w ar collaboration w ith th e axis, but Germ any also would probably g e t , subm arine bases on th e Span ish A t­lan tic coast and F ra n c s would be surrounded by belligerents. T h u s th e foreign minLiters of th e axbi powers niifiht thke advantage of Spaln 'a po­sition to tu rn tlie presen t F rench regime definitely against th e ir tt)T-

ally, n re a t Britain,

SIGNEDnENVER, Colo., Oct. 23 (U.Bi—

Alnte neleelive service headijuar* tern sent one of Us men a round to Mrs. M sttle Iler'a house today lo tell her tha t she had registered for the arm y 10 tlinei. M rs. Her, who WH" a registrar la s t W ednes­day, siitued leu reg is tra tion cards In ihn n|)Hce provided tor Ihe alg- na tu re of registrants.


FIrn of unknown o rig in c u tte d the Hyrnnmn I.. D, 8, w ard a n d recr**- tlonal hall early today, desplta of- fo ils of 70 volunteer firem en who battled nearly seven tioura tn a vain a ttem p t to stem th e blase.

Page Two IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO T u e td iy , O c to W Z J , 1940


mmlAKlS C I A I B

By SIDNEY J . W ILLIAMSLONDON. Oct. 22 (UP> - Bvlllsh

planes tnnrie heavy Bttncks du ring till- nlBlit on the nnvnl ilockyards n t Honibtirit oiul iitAitrd nia :iy tire s

• n n i MploMnns, th e air m ln latrj' m - todny n.< B rltlsli nnvtil Kuns

bln.itwi, for the th ird s tx a lsh l day. ni acnu iiii br>'M on ih<- FYfneh const.

O th fr sqiindroiis of b o m b i n s phine*. f l B h t l n g b*d w rn lher. bombed a svn tbrdc oil p la n t n t R fU - holr. freight yard.^ n i D uM seldorf. various Industrial obJrcUvw gnd an airdrome a l SUde with th s la-is of onlv 0 11^ of tliflr num ber, It was .'sld.

Bomb French T orti In daylight •lU clm yesU'iday. tlie

a ir m lnisiry plane* bombed the pori.' of Boulogne and O rsvelines on th e French eo«<f. RtrlkinK « m e r­chantm an In Boulogne ha rb o r »nd damafinfr whnt^es and w arehouses

O ther squadrons. AttAcklnK a Oer< m an convoy off th e P rcnch coa,<t. disabled one ship. It was eftld.

British bl{[ suns a t t) a . m. began firing tiioir projectiles across th e minty English channel.

A brief air m inistry com m unique aald royal a ir force planes during tJie niRht a ttacked O erm any d e ­spite bad weather.

Heavy explosions from th e F rench side were heard a long th e Dover coast late last n igh t. In token (h a t British planes were bom bing guti emplacements, troop and barge con ­centrations. a ir fields and o the r t a r ­get* In Oerman occupied territo ry .

Ship Concentration*British piane observen had r e ­

ported th a t the Invasion porta wer* atill crowded with sm all m src h an t sh ips and barges, and an a ir m ln - Utxy spokesman said th a t so long a s the concentraU on w as m a in - tAlned. British planes would con­tinue their attacks,

DesplU «U O arm aa denU ls, a ir B ln litr? sources Insisted th a t th e perslstea t British raids on O erm any, Including Berlin^ were do ing serious daraa«e to O erm any’s w ar Indus­tries. and w peclally to ita oil d e ­pots and refin ing and p ro d u cln f

In Boi«eC. H. Uciwpilrr niid E dw aid Lowe

« r e among *'’all» resldenuih o lrnUMH:tc(l bu.sUiess In Boise •esterday.

Campalin*J. 13. Biirnlii\rt. Ucm ociatlc cun-

(ildiit* lor ijouniv a.K. -cssor. si>cni j r s - tc rday in Kimberly In the in le its isol hl.s cninpiilKn.

rum A1.ivI<4M r-. Cliarlc- l.-.xiit Is licrc fjoiii

Alxskii 1 0 vi.'.ii luT sl.ilerb. Mrs.^ W. S. H urrlion iuul Mr.s. Emmii Kukii. and her mutlici-lu-luw , Mrs. Mtiry O arthall.

C a » la Ju r l i t ilereJudge T. Ballcy Lee. senior Jurist

of the n th Judicial district, was in Twin Falls today presiding in d is­tric t court a t trial of • C a u ia county civil action,

F a rkcrs I'Ined Seven overtime parkers today were

listed us having paid fines of I I each a fte r appearing a t Uie police stoiloii. Those listed on the blo tter

'e re Alice Mulky, C, E. W llllanu.L. Oentxj'. A lbert Oederburg,

Lowell Kinney, Ed Wilson and H ar­old Downing.

eave HospitalPa tien ts dlsmlwed Irom th e T ^ ln

Palls county ho sp lu l Include. C. A, Bickford, Mrs. Virgil Collins. Mrs. W alter Wells and koi^, Mrs, Oeorge Craw ford and ton and Mrs. R alph H arris and son. Tw in P^lls: Tom O alley, H ansen; Mrs. Mollle Wilson, Buhl; Ml&s Mabel Buker. M u ru u g h , and M rs. Irvln Ellers and son, K im ­berly.

G irl U ninjured A small girl, whose nam e was no t

learned , escaped in jury yesterday a fternoon when bum ped by a car which' was being backed from a park ing r.pacc by I. A. H auel, 120 Second avenue no rth , he Inform ed police. He said th a t a l te r Uie m is­hap he examined th e Rlrl b u t th a t

was no t Injured. Tlie m ishap occurred on W ashington street.

BOISE. I d a . O ct. U (U J»-K lopfer a n d Cahoon. Boise con tractora . to ­day were aw arded the c en trsM for c o n s tm U q p of a bqys d jm l to ^ th e Idaho schoehfbr d s T i in d I a t Ooodln*. T hey bid >0S,382 for th e job.

O ther bidders were J . 'O . Jo rd an , Boise, 198,590; A. R itchie Co.. f i tk e r , Ore.. M9,«74; McNeil Lum ber. Co.. CaJdweU, MB.400; V ernon Brother*. Boise, tl094>80; T tl-8 t« te C onstruc ­tion Co.. P o rtland , 1106,473; E noch Chytraus, S a lt L ake City, <128JI99.

A 1100.000 bond issue was le t by th e staU to provide funds for th e construction program , T h e Ooodlng projec t was one of four approved by th e sU t« legUlature, b u t o the rs will no t be built unlees federa l a id U obUlned.

HUNTERG erald PalnU r, 11- y e a r - o ld

Junior high school stu d en t, i t getUng to be quite th e big gam e hunter.

RecenUy he b a n « l *n a n u - lope aod had membera of h la

to h ts pa renU hom e

Today h e had retu rned from a lO-dajr hui>t, thU Ume bring ing home a m o u n u in goat w hloh h* ahot a t th e head o l r a lU creek In th e Palislm erol m ounta ins.

H is fa the r. Roy Paln t«r. bagged a deer In addition to a goat.

O erald's goat will be m sde Into a n ig fti- h is bedroom.

I N ew s o f R e c o rd II Manriig. Llcenueii I

OCT. SIDon P. Young. M, a n d O ieela

T oun i, t) , both of Patrfleld.

I Births•------------------- -To Mr. and M rs. Leslie M cOtaln.

Tw in f t t l s , a girl, yesterday a t th r Tw in Palls county general honplta l raa tem lty home.

T o Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Rot)erl*on. Tw in M i l . a girl, today a t 4:06 a . m . a t the Twin Pulls county gen ­eral hnnpltal m sien ilty home,

To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M urlrr. Erten, a boy. Uoiuy a t 2:30 ii. in n t th e I ’wln Palls county general h<«- plta l mRtemlty home.

T o Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Leiion, I V in rs*ll». • boy. a t 4:33 a. m. toduv a t th e IVin ji^ iu county general im s- p ita l niklernlly homo.

J Temperaturca |

News in Briefbister III

Mr. and M rs. G . W. T o rr have been called to Logan, U tah , by the r.crlnus illiier.s o f Mr.s. TarT 's sister, Mr^. H attie M ontrose.

G ran fr lo M eetTwin Fftlls O range will m eet W rd- ;;.ilay u i 8:30 p. m. a t the Odd

Fellow* hall. A program Is beingni;c(l.

I)au{ltler Horn Mr. and M rs. Pay Jo lm son , Me-

Call, are th e parentfi of a daughter bom .Sunday, accord ing to word re­ceived by M r. a n d Mrs, W. I. Sack- e tt. paren ts of M rs. Johnson , who

form erly Miss A e r a Sackett.

Cars Damaged Police records today show th a t

.VO niBchines w ere sligh tly dam ­aged in a n acc id en t Recorded here

10:20 p. m . yesterday . T h e mis- „ .p , the rep o r t show s, occurred when O eorge E ..M lllw ard was la c k ­ing from th e cu rb on Shoehone stree t n o r th a n d collided w ith a n ­other car being opera ted by Alfred Zahn. M tllw ard repo rted th e m a tte r O' th e police staU on.

E lders lU unltedJe u e W. R lcliliu a n d Jo h n K ll-

pack, botli elders li th e L. D. B. chu rch , were reunited Sunday for th e f irs t time in 42 years. BoUi were In mission service for th e L. D. S . church in N orth O troU na In 1691. T hey had n o t m e t again u n til Sunday evening w hen Mr. K ilpack heard B d e c R ich ln i speak a t church services. Mr. K ilpack is tho fa th e r of M rs. W. W. Thom as, a past p re ­siden t of th e T w entieth Century dub .

A t th e H ospitalM rs. P. P . Ahlqulst. B uhl; M rs.

Shelia B ohm . M rs. Em m a Balsch, B aby l^ e Johnson, C harles B ur- golne a&d Jam es ' M cK enile, Tw in J^ lta ; Miss S.'lEQurTOla. H aielton : W ln i f r^ O un te r, Kimberly; R a lph ThompeoQ, H ansen; Mrs. A lbert C a rr. PU er: H om er O '^ l n . L eba­non . Mo.; E dw ard Rydner, O m aha, N eb.; M rs. E ugene Bpaeck, Filer, and M rs. R u th Rork, Gooding, h tv e t>een adm itted to th e T w in Palls county genera l hoepltSL].

I R O E R SEARCHr a i l s m W E S

Equipped w ith ru b b er wading boots, several T w in F a lls county sheriff 's offlce'hi se t o u t th is m orn­ing In th e genera l d irec tion of H an ­sen to begin a new phase of the search for th e body of Al O . H yder. 48.year-old m issing fo rm hand be­lieved to have been m urdered.

D estination o f th e searchers . not announced , pend ing resu lts of the ir findings. S h e riff L. W. Haw- kin* and D eputies C laude W llev and noy P uller o ffered no comment as lo any new " tip s" th a t m ight lead to <IL<icovery of H yder’.i body.

F a c t th a t th e search Is definitelym urder h u n t becam e certa in yes­

terday w ith announcem en t th a t blood on a p ltohfork and n e a r • haystack on th e P ra n k Trunkey ranch la bupi&n blood.

Hyder w as em ployed by Mr. T ru n ­key p rio r t o . h is m ysterious disap­pearance l u t W ednesday.

A possible " tip ” offered today by a Tw in F a lls to u r is t cam p operator, although possibly fan ta stic , will probably be Investigated as p a rt of th e H yder p rebe . N a tu re o f th e in ­form ation w as tem porarily w ith ­held.


< r n a r i f t Om )nelU ier th e relief nor Uie school p roRram oost any more In ISSO th a n In fB3S.

''T h e governor did not m ention In h is speech tlie Income tax. th e beer tax , th e kilow att U x. the gaso­line U x a n d the o the r special Uixrs, and h e d id n o t menUon w hut ho h a d dons w ith th e funds thus ob­ta ined .

D umped In O euersl Fund "H ere U w h at they did. They took

a ll th e tax money from every source a n d dum ped it in to the general fund . Remember, the revenue was heav ier th a n ever before, too. They had incieased th r assessed va lu ­a tion of properly and then tn - crensed tlie lax on tlir p roperty Just exactly 180 per cent,

"A fte r they got the uionoy all toMed Into the general fund, Uiey took It ou t to suit theuiselVH. w ith no accounting lo tlie taxpayers be­ing n«ceasar>-,

•T lie) chiseled off the needy, bu t your tax sta tem en t would Indicate (liftt relief and our ichoals were responsible for tlie ex tra laxee Tn be frank abou t It, lh a t was Just a b it of cheap political trickery d e ­signed lo prejudice Ihe people ■gainst lh a t hum an ita rian program and again st education,

"T rem endotu E slrav a n " I t was done to cover up the tre -

niendons ex travagance of the ir poli­tical m achine. T lte guveinor re ­m arked th a t (hey did it ‘to m ake the iMjopIe U x ronm lou*.' 'I 'h a t 150 per cen t Increase came inoro nearly U) n u k in g them Inx umioiisclous. U lnte iidcnlnlstrutlnn lias cost more and given less during the past two yearn th a n ever l>efiirr In mir his- to o '." C lark deoloved.

C lark also mentlouprt certain "re- fln -tlons whloh have been made on my c harac ter.’'

"I canno t see Uiut ll la neces­sary to try to defeiHt nivtieU against ir llr r tlo n x certain purilrn are c a s t­ing iiiHin my character. I( one'n c h a rac te r in w hat It rhoiild be. It will w ithntund any ungnullA made BKBlnst It In a (viliiical rsm palg ii and the people will know th a t such iinnuiillA slni|ily iiirim limt the o the r ^1lle Is drnperain for IsAUen , i doCMi't watil to aiM'UM llin lasune.

"I have lived In Idaho BO yeai and I iMi puttii.g niyrelf before Uie iMuple Ml juat how well I have lived and coiiducled niysetf durliig (h a t tlm s," Olaik concluded,

D K CO RRK V A N I^riim x i:vA N eiX )N , III., Oct. a t m > -

O oaeh Lynn W aldorf of N orthweat- announced today th a t

BUI D tO orrevant, baokfleld lUr, wUl 'b e on ihe sldellnee n e i i week M *ln* t Ind ian* . because •mUudukl*.


MiiK'c Valley enjoyed a death - free period of 31 days between traf- Ilc fatalities un til a T u ln FnlU v&uiiK woman died early today a t the iio^pltnl' here, sun 'ey of records -Vince Inauguration of the “white flAR" snfrly ciiinpalgn showed th is nflrrnoon.

Mrs. Maxine Lucas, 20. succumbed till.' niornlnK from Injnrlrs sur,- talne<t early Sunday in u liead-oa au to crash In Jerom e county.

First Since Sept. 21 Her death was the first traffic

fata lity In th e e ight-county Magic Valley sector since K enneth Adams, fl. was killed a t 10 a. m. Sept. 21 th ree miles from Sub le tt In Cassis countv. Young Adam.s died under the wheels of a gravel truck . He was throw n off a horse as h e sought to ride p s s t the truck.

T h a t acc ident m arked th e 13th traffic fata lity in Cassia county for th e year.

D eath of M rs. Lucas, however, ranked more slgnlflcantlv In safety sU tlstlcs because It ended a J e r ­ome county no -death record w hich extended Just one day sh o r t o f 23 m onths. The record was th e best In any m ajor Id ah o county, a lthough some less-populated counties also have achieved an Impressive period w ithout traffic deaths.

L incoln Has None Lincoln county shows no deaths

for 1940 in th e official sum m ary by th e s u u dep artm e n t of law en ­forcem ent. Cam as county c laim s a record of two years o r b e tter b u t the form al sta te com pilation lis ts the death of a 18-year-old boy la s t July a as a traffic fa ta lity . Com as a u th ­orities. however, a ssert th e d e a th oc­curred on a form and n o t In traffic, either on a m a jo r or m inor road or street.

Inauguration of th e areaw lde "white flag" c am p a lm by Tw in Palls

and the Tlmcs-New '


T h e f i r s t f a t a l t r a f t i c a c ­c id en t s in c e Se-pt. 21 o c ­curred S u n t ia y in J e r o m e cou n ty .

Check Suit Hits Twin Falls Man

JEROME, O ct. 23 (Specia l) — J . Edward W arner. T w in Falls , ap­peared M onday before Probate Judge Heber N. P o lk m an on charges of Issuing a check w ith o u t funds.

Com plainant In th e ease was M. Churchm an.

W arner asserted ly w rot« ou t a check In the a m o u n t of 1 1 0 and Issued It a t th e C h u rch m an business establishment. A fter hearin g W ar­ner was released w hen h e paid the omuuiU of Uie chcck a n d paid court cost. 1 of $5.40.

termed by law enforcem ent agcncle* today as a "m ajo r fac tor" In the 31-day re-splte from fativlllles. Span between fa ta l aocldents was slightly shorter—29 tlw »—since, th e n o rth - side crash fa ta l to M rs. L ucas oc- currcrt two days before h e r death .

Last traffic fa ta lity In Jerom e county occurred Dec. 23. 1938 w hen

l>edestrian w as killed by a m otor car.

Chairman Names Hallowe’en Aides

J o h n O ardner, ch a lrm « a of the

com m ittee.A ppointed by G ardner w ere Voy

H udson a n d Jo h n Adams.T h e c hairm an and m em bers of the

com m ittee will m eet a t 7:10 p. m . to ­d a y to discuss plans fo r the evenl, w hich proved extremely popular last year.

T h e downtown contests will be staged T hursday n igh t, O ct.-31,

Time Given for Rooseyelt Talk

P residen t Rooi^velt will bn heard over tw o m ajor radio network* f ro m 7 to 8 p. m. (M 8T) W ednesday. I t was announced th is a ftem o n a t D em ocratic lieatltiuarlcrs here.

T lie P residen t is speaklns In be­h a lf o f N ational Y outh day and th e ta lk will be heard over th e red n e t­w ork of Uie NliC tiiiil also the . tu a l B roadcasting system.

Complaint Cites Desertion in ’.SI

C harg ing th a t her husbund de- 8ertc»l h e r nine years u n o - ih e year a f te r they w crr wed—Mrs Louise Moflher filed rtlvorcp suit In diatrtct c o u rt today against Leon Mneher.

T h e couple m arried Nov. 19. IB30 a t Elko. Nev. O o, Hall i« attorney for th e wife.

John Olson Dies At Boise Hospital

Jo h n 01-.<iii. Tw in Palls, diert Mon- (liiy a t the VrirrAii%' l|l>.^plln: Boise, according to word rece here.

T lie body will be rei'clvr<l nt W hite niorttiary tornnrrnw nn>rn- Ing.

P unera l arrH iiuriiK nis have been se t for T liiirsdsy at 2 p. m. a t Uie W hile m ortuary cliupel. de tails to be announced.

Jensenius Estate To Step-DaughterA Btep^daugnter Is sole devisee of

the e state of th e la te M rs. Fanny Jensenius. widow of a p ioneer Tw in Falls builder a n d carpen ter. -

T he he ir Is M rs. A nna Emery, Tw in Polls, w ho presen ted th e will o f Mrs. Jensen iu s fo r probate . E state * chides a *2,b00 T w in F a lls home.

Mrs. Je iu en lu s ^ O cL 19 In Tw in Falls. A tto m iy s fo r t i e , pe ti­tioner a re W ilson and Sheneberger.


K iddles l o t Anytime (ConUnuous from 1:00 P. M.)

-U N C L E JO E -K 'S -

1 3 3 3 3TODAY and TOMORROW!

2 - F E A T U R E S - 2NEW. F1HHT-RUN H IT S’

Tk.'OODBLE-BICB"■iM rtnllakiKui'VnUiJlidi''

iTtAioHt louiiON wifiSKir,« rioo» • t c

P au l C o -ed W o rk s O n H o m e e o ra in g

UNIVERSITY O F IDA H O . Oct, 23 (S p c cla i)-F ran c es H nrd in . P wa:i appointed on th e publlelty < nilttce tor H om ecom ing day, Nov. 2


WlUi hU condition te rm ed “c rit­ical." H omer O’Q uinn , 50, route th ree . Buhl, w as In th e county gen­e ra l hospital today a s a resu lt of In juries susta ined in a car-tru ck crash on th e Old O regon Trail e igh t miles no rthw est o l B u h l yes­terday a fternoon . *

O 'Q ulnn underw ent a .m a jo r op- eraUon for rup tu red liver w hich he susta ined In th e m ishap , hospital official* r e p u te d . T h is afternoon. a lUiough hU condition w as still c ritica l, he w as said to be "holding h is own."

H e w u in ju red , along w ith his nephew . P a t U e O ’Q u lnn . 23, when th e c ar th e youth w as driv ing ws.s Involved in a crash w ith a Hoops C onstruction com pany tru ck which was driven by T ed ‘Leflno, 28. T » in Falls. T h e truck was loaded with gravel a t th e tim e a n d th e total w eight of th e vehicle w as estim ated a t 2 0 .0 0 0 pouads b r *t*t< police who Investigated.

The m ishap occurred on a "bltiid" curve n e a r th e L ucerne school. The sedan was p rac tically demolished and dam age to the truck was estl-. m ated a f t600.. Young O’Q ulnn was trea te d a t tlie office of a p rivate physic ian Ui Twin

'F alls fo r a frac tu red ank le . .Lieut. A. e . Perk ins, who Jncestl-

gated, said th a t th e f ro n t of tlie truck collided w ith th e le ft side of th s passenger car. B oth m achines were overturned as a re su l t of the im pact. T he truck d river w as slight­ly injured.

PL.AN PERBIIING C tA MTwin Kalis E lks lodge. J o ln l iT th e

Elks nationw ide p rogram , will Inltl* ((te a Gen. Jo h n J . P e rsh in g class of candidates Dec, 6. All m em bers were recnilted today to secure a t least

new candidate.

BADGEI t's so old I f s new, especlallv with

political badges of a ll descriptions now flourishing.

T lia t was .the reaction of several surprised specta to re a round the downtown d is tr ic t today as they glimpsed a badge u tte rly unlike any of the c u rren t W lllkie or RoosC' velt buttons.

T he badge, worn on th e lapel ot Al W estergren. showa p ic tures of W illiam M cKinley and Tlieodore Roosevelt. Background Is of gold, since W illiam . Jenn ings B ryan was cam paigning on a D em ocratic sil­ver p latform In 1896,

J . A, Bradley, rancher, dug up the oldtlme badge from am ong his souvenln.

Seen TodayV ery o ften a hum m ing noise In

the gears of th e transm ission, o r in th e d ifferen tial, ind icates a lack of Sreas*.

Several w ell-know n btis lness- m en looking tr if le on th e sleepy side as they a tte n d C om m unity Cheat b reakfast. . . Iow a m otor car w ith window s tick e r p rocla im ­ing only “Vole No”. . . S h o t«un In leather case, w aiting beside m e r­c h an t’s desk fo r f i r s t m om e n t he can sneak aw ay b i se arch o f ducks . . . T h e G roves s is te rs proceeding down s tre e t In th e ir u sua l knan- ner—Helen abou t th re e s tep s be­h ind ta lle r Josephine . . . S ide ­board c h a lm . a p re tty su b stan tia l traffic h aaa rd . sw inging loosely from rear o f un loaded b e e t truck . . . W om an In e as te rn p a r t of town tlirow lng stick a t dog digging In h e r liw n , w h erea t dog dodges, picks up th e s tick a n d ru n s o ff with I t . . . Ladles p rep a rin g a b a n ­doned store on S hoshone s tre e t h i offices for W lllkle club. . . A nd b ig . codk ph e asa n t In bushes a longside S ta te ap artm e n ts , fina lly ru n n in g off a long Second avenue n o r th .

MISSING e O M E i L I 5 , H U N r a

JEROME. Oct. 23 (Specia l) — Sheriff Lee S . Jo h n sp n s e n t o u t a n alarm M onday ask ing for cfUsens In th is section ®f Ihe c o u n try to w atch for A fton D raper, 15-year-old Jerom e girl, who Is supposed to have run aw ay from h e r hom e he re ‘ S u n ­day.

The girl, reported by h e r g ran d ­m other to be "hom esick." w as w ear­ing when la s t seen, a b row n sk irt, checkered b ro*n , ta n a n d black blouse. She has red h a ir a n d weighs approxim ately 125 pounds. S h e was last seen going to S u n d a y « h o o l a t about 9:30 a . m . S u n d a y m orn ing .

O fficers s ta t e d . th a t h e r m other. Mrs. R. S. D raper, Je rom e, sa id th a t the girl m ight have gone to Nyssa, w here fa th e r. Roy T . I le rb e e , lives.

LAVAL TO PA R IS ZURICH. S w it ie r la n d . O ct. J3 CUJa

—Reliable sources repo rted today th a t Pierre Laval, vice p rem ier In the F rench cab inet, h a d gone to P a r i, to discuss arm istice conditions w ith G erm an occupation au th o r­ities.

T h e U nion M otor Com pany's Used Cara are safe to drive and safe lo bay. They have decU red W AR ag a in s t high prices, and ron'U get m o n mliea for yonr n onay w ith a n R A G used car.

SO Ford Deluxe Pordor Sedan 182539 Ford Deluxe T udor .......M»540 Ford Bu. Coupe, Aux,leaU ............................................ 1876«0 Chevrolet Spec. Deluxe Coupe, radio, h e aU r. low m lieag i 1895 39 Plym outh Dlx Coupe __ |STS38 Plym outh Dlx Coupe ..... I47S37 C hevrolet Town S edan _,.|45039 H udson D lx Coupe ......... »3 8

31 Ford Dlx Pordor Sedan *55037 Ford Coupe .................._...»39536 Chevrolet Coupe ....... ......»2053« Plym outh Coupe ........ _..»29536 Ford Coupe ..................... « S 538 Ford T udor S e d a n ______ »34838 Pord P ickup __________ (395

38 Dodge Pickup ............... ...»23537 Mack Pickup. J r ........... .... $325

C ash or te rm s. It always pays te see year Ford dealer flral, tor economical tran spo rta tion .


your m oney—for no man is truly free who is w ithout money enough to buy tlie nece§sitics o f life.

And wlierq can a man /cam about what-is going on?

In the new spaper, of course! O ut of the

Ax Over your Shoulder



F.T your chin up! Sure there arc bears in the woods and

bugbewr.s over the hill.B ut you arc a fnnu. You

can walk where you choose, pick o u t your own favorite pastime.

You cun be trxistcd with a pay chcck-- rrusrcd to buy wisely enough to m ake it last til! next payday.

Did you ever think what makes you free? O ur form o f government? Democracy* where every niun has a right to shoulder his ax and a ttack tlic wilderness to make it give up its rewards?

C orrect. B ut when men set o u t to govern t/icmsc/vfs — instcn6 of leaving the jo b to a king o r a d ic tator or a m a s te i^ th e y must know /low.

K nowihg /low to govern yourself means th a t you m ust know what is going on in your town, in your state, in the nation* A nd, also.

n e w s-th c good> the bad, the cruel and the ju s t news—jow and every free American get the facts by which you decide on tlie men and the laws and the customs th a t safeguard yoUr freedom.

And don’t forget th a t you also get \u u r sense of values, your ability to pick o u t the necessities and satisfactions of life from the newspapers. T h e “ ads” are signposts in the .forest. T hey tell you exactly w hat you can get for your money and where you can get it.

Every s lp p p e r knows tha t his newspaper, which costs A few cents, often saucs him dol­lars, saves tim e, saves disappointment.

it means th a t you must know how to safe­guard w h a t you earn, get good v t lu w for

Your new spaper guards you against con­trolled and misleading new.s, against false advertising. P erhaps it does this only be­cause it is good business to do so.

B ut w hatever the reason, so long as it con­tinues to be an "A m erican-style” paper, free from d ic tato rial control, you’re safe.

., A modern m an with his newspaper in his' hands is arm ed with w hat it t;ikes to make his way in th is modern world. He is today’s pioneer, w ith tod ay ’s keen-bladed ax on his shoulder.

NOlJli The purpM* itwM roAulaf Tuseday insiiniitonal ad m .Is 1 0 m ake AoMtlcMi Ula and A oM rkaa butiniM Imkw.

Ya'Br iiH is iH nne. crttM esM m nacllM M «UI be apprw isied by ih t N em papw f i ik U A M O o n m lltw m i , i t a « b a lm an . A 44re« if tt . MMslilM ia «M« •! Hh IlMlMM OttM «( (hi* M9er.


Tuesday, Octolwr 22 .1940 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P a g e T to r t



bo r’s N on-P artlM n league announc* ed today P resident Jo h n L. licwla o t th e Conm-CM of in d u stria l o rgan - Izatlon-s would deliver an na tional b roadcast Friday n igh t, Oct. 25, to exprcs-s h is views on th e presiden tia l election.

I t wait reported on apparen tly good au th o rity th a t Lewla w ould endorse W endell L. W lllkle. R epublican

' presiden tia l candidate. N either Lew- Is, th e IcBBue no r CIO h e i^ q u a rt^ rs w ould com m ent on th a t report.

Lewis will Bpeak from 7 to 7:S0 p. m.. MST.. over th e Columbia B roadcasting systflm a n d th e Red netw ork of tho N ational Broadcast­in g company. T he leaituc's an -

, noiinecm ent said m rrely th a t Lewis ' w ould "express h is views as affec ting

th e 'n a tlo n a l poU llcarelectlon.Fallinc A part

Lewis a n d Prc^W cnt Roosevelt, to whose 1030 campnlRn h e advanced alm ost 5500.000. have been fnlllnR o p a rt for a couple of yoars bu t none expocted u n til recently th a t the un ion leader w as walking far o r fa s t

. enough to cntch W lllkle before elec­tion day.

Lewis said publicly th is year th a t M r. Roosevelt would be Ignomlnl- oMily defeated If h e sought reelee- tlo n . Lewis has n o t criticized Wlllkle In th is cam paign. In 1928. he sup ­po rted H erbert C. H oover again st A lfred E . Sm ith.

E ndorsem ent of the R epublican presiden tia l candidate m ight Jar Lew is' pollllcnl organlzntlon. Some of h is m ost Im portan t lieu tenan ts a n d subsidiary unions a lready have endorsed Mr. Roosevelt fo r a th ird te rm . T he political Judgm ent h e re U th u t Lewis will no t be ab le to carry arm y w ith him althouRh some will follow his election advice and they

j . m ig h t be enough to determ ine the i resu lt In auch s ta te s as Pennsy lva­

n ia , Ohio and We.^t Virginia w here th e labor vote Is big a n d the te s t appea rs to be close.

Bl«p up CatnpiUcn D em ocrati. m e a n l l ^ , a re s tep ­

p ing up th e ir cam paign on th e con- RTcsslonal fro n t In cndence w ith Mr. Roosevelt's declslon^to h i t th e road In R M rles of -vote 6««ktns a d - d rcS i^ .

Republicans . feel th a t • W illkle's stro n g cam paign finish Is affec ting D em ocratic cam paign s tra tegy ; DemocratB explain th a t th e ir p lans alw ays Included rapidly expanding cam palgn-end activity.

W hatever m ay be th e reason . Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson . D „ Tex., is ope ra ting today ax leader of a n In- Inrm a) com m ittee to focus New D eal effo rts lo 75 or so congrcsslonAl d ls- ir lc ts w here th e 1038 e lection was close. T lic Unlted.Pres.1 wn.s in fo rm ­ed th a t th e Johnson group wft.-i p r i­m arily intere.sted In 2 1 d is tric ts w hich w ent Dem ocratic In 1938 by a m arg in of 1.000 votes o r few er. In a n o th e r 25 d istric ts w hiclj were

( D em ocratic two years ago by a m a r­g in o t 5,000' votes and In 20 d is­tr ic ts w hich In 1038 w ent Repub­lican by 6 .0 0 0 .

From Dakota hidiaii Reservation to Idaho—T hat’s Scope of YW CA HelpIndian Girl Secures Twin Falls Y.W.C.A. Cooperation

A "h e lp ln f han d to g lrli w ho do n o t have th e help they need." m lth l « e l l be th e ilogan of the Tw in > » ll i Y .W .C .A . I n th e pholo abovo a n In d ian g irl, w ho came to Tw in Full* to fin d w ork and lU r t a e * m t , is being a ided by H elen n ta d e rso n , seerclary , w ho Is a t the right. The Y .W .C .A . la one of acencle i a h ^ r ia r In fonda of th e Twin FalU C om m unity .Chest. T he an n u al Chest i l r l« lo r fund* began today. T he g o ^ haabeen aet a t 9 1 O.M0 .

I t 's a long way f rm M h e Pine R idge In d ian reservation o r South D ako ta to Tw in Falls b u t th a t d idn 't s top a young Ind ian girl from com ­in g here to em bark on a carcer.

And t i l t "helping hand" she found In Tw in F a lh a l te r the long tr ip was tlie Y.W.C.A.. It was rcv«alcd here th is a lte rtioon as the young gtrl con tinues work In order th a t she m ay raise the funds neccssary to com plete a nlglit-school bu.'ilness course a ft« r ' w hich she will try for a vacancy a t the Pine Ridge reserva­tion.

One of H undredsT he sto ry of th is young girl, who

w ent Im m ediately to th e Y.W.C.A. o d lc a tn I 'w ln P a lls upon twr a r­rival, Is Just one of hundreds wlilch could be prin ted conccrnltii; tlie w ork of th is o rganltatlon , which sha res in' th e funds of the Com ­m unity C hest, Tlie C hest drive th is y c a t began th is morning.

W ith th e aid of H elen Henderson, Y.W.C.A. secretary. Uie girl was able to secure housework and o ther odd ; li\ order th tit her dlminl3hll^g funds m ig h t be increased. I f it h a d n 't been for U»e Y. W. office posslblllly Is th a t this girl would have been gtrajided here, ra tl ie r th a n earn ing h e r own way

» she Is now.She Ju st heard about Twin Falls

a n d cam e here on a bus. sh e walked In to th e headquarters office on the

' (T Im rt P hoto and E nrnurlng>

D P m O E lO P E P B E i i l H

Tlie K im berly high school band w ill' p a rade the downtow n Aertlon of Tw in F hUh ton igh t a.s n p relude lo th e Deniocrollc rally a t the A m erican Ix'glon luill a t 7:30 p. m. w hich will feature an addre.s-i by C hase Clark, candidate for Kover- nor. It was nniioiniced th is a f lr r - noon by Kdwnrrt Habcock, county rlm lriiiiiti.

liiilH'ock Mild th a t a f lf r the bund toiu'h the (Umiilown a in i . It will

A "wind up" In Iron t of th e hnll Just * p rior to Hme.

flharint,' Uiri Kpetiklng pliitform With Cliuk will 1)0 C, i:. Ilobeit.i, D eniw riitlr c iindlilalr for siiiicrln- te n d en t .if |)iilillc lin lruc tlon . JJal). cock will jiiTsUtv. iiinl rm uU -dntea will lx> Introduced.

Clark'n ta lk will be broadcast ove: Uie local stntlmi rtn rth ig lit H p, m.

T ills morning a sound tn ick , equipped w ith miiuopclftte Im uners, m ade Its Inltliil n|i|x-urance on Ixi- h a lt of IliB IJeniDcnilli; t lrk r t. Tho truck will be In operntlon from now u n til election day. Nov. S,

T lia tru rk accom panied a five- c a r caravan w hirh left T w in Tails a t in a. m. todny to tour the e n tire ro iu ily , getting to Buhl In tim e to liear an addrcn.i by Clurk In the w ra t end roinm unlty a t 3:30 p. m. fleveral cnm lldates pa rllrlpa tert In th « to u r today.

th ird floor of Uie O rphcum theater building and said "here I am ." Her m o th e r had told h e r th a t If ever she w as In a c ity alone, the Y, W. C. A. w ould a id her.

T oday th is girl Is one of th e o r­ga n iza tio n ’s m ost loval supporters.

O ther Activities A side 'from such aid to girls com­

ing in to T 'i ln Falls, and those liv­in g h e re a t th e prM cnt tim e, the ac­tivities of th e ■■'i" a re many.

I t Is the- largest orf;anlz.itlon Of w omen In the world and women and girls o f any race or creed may be­long.

Il3 purpose is to build a "fellow­sh ip of women and girls, devoted in th e ta sk of realtziiiii in our common life Uiosc Ideals of personal and social living lo which we are com­m itted by our la llh as C lirliU ani."

I n Idaho , th c ic Is a city orgnnl- r a tlo n in Pocatello and ano ther In BoUe. Boise hius In Uie la st year, b u ilt a new home to house th e o r­gan iza tion there. In Tw in F.ills the office 1.S locntcd on the th ird floor of Uie O rpheuin building.

O ut-ot-School OlrlT For m aiii' years ihe G irl Reserves,

who a rc Junior members of the Y . W. c . A. were th e only pp rt of th e organization hero.and they were as;.oclalcd w ith the MnRic Valley d is tric t. Two years n to Twin Falls .w ithdrew from the d istric t and form ed a city Y. W. C. A, T h e work w ith older girls ou t of school be-

Hardlv a Stir Looming Here As Law Sets 40 Hour Week

AlthouRh the 40-liour work week ROCS Into effect Oct, 24 under the provL"ilons o( th e waRcs am i hours law. the move will c iea te hard ly a s t i r In Tw in Falls and Magic Valley, In form al j,urvev by th e Evening T im es Indicated tlil.i a fternoon.

Jalttce th e liiw njipUes only to w orkers coji^trued as bcinu In In te i- s ta te rom nierce, and exenipis a g ri­cu ltu ra l labor, th e g reu t bulk of M unir Valley employes will no t be atfectert. In th e tu^Ul^ltlon^ w hleh miihl comply, (lie change will no t bn dra.sllc since (he work has Ixtii Hi hourn vn iler Ihe Mldltig walo pro- vjded In llm federal lenlflliitlon.

Abov« Here .T lie inlntm uni hourly wage under

th e law In merely a nnnilnal of th e Ktntule for a lte rle tl workers III Ihls iiieii, ‘i lie nilnliimm Ih ho rciUft an hou r anti m ost ol thiwe "covered" by the law In Magic Valley n re above th a t. 'Hie minimum rises to 40 cen ta per hour In Oi;tober ot I04S.

Q wployera w h t» r lyuslnesiies are construed as comijig under Ihe wniies and huiirn law m ust puy n t least tim e and one-half for over- tlm # beyond 40 hours effective Oct, 3«. T lia employer* muni keep tteo rrts of hours worke<l and wages paid. V iolators are subjeci to a fine of * 1 0 .0 0 0 for the first olfenso and In iprlsonm eiit for (he second.

W orker! Can HuaEmploye* may sue for double the

am oun t of any t>a<!k wagea due them .

WcdncHclsy Leadership Sale

Item SponBored by PI^RCK KOANAuto AcceMory Dept.

$1.49 Metal Defroating Fan6-In, with Guard

*1.19ints forFA LK ’S Selllnff A gents for

arcoK linn lo word received todny by th e Clmtiilier of Com mcrre.

O rn e ia l ruling as to w hat busl- ne . c■.■, iire affec ted Is th is : T liose e n ­gaged In ln lrrs(a te com m crre or In any work nere.ssary (o Ihe p roduc­tion o l kixkIh lo r lnler^(atc n iruT . llcnvever, the re Is auch ina^'. cif M Piirale rulliiK.i iipiillcable to Imllvldiial liuslnc.'''' lines th a t maiiv ’I 'u ln Falls etn|il<iyers are U.siiiillv ini’ie o r le.sfi In a s ta te of loK iis jrHSoib th e l«w.

Uc'iall iiikI M 'rviir (".tiihlhhniejilA

o t pniilui lton.

l ,17f) (londintr Drafles(K)f)l)lN <l. Oct, as (Hpeclal) —

KIrviii hiiiiilrcd aiiil Vf> h tv u 'il tu f.ti«KltiiK ccuiuty W edues- fliiy, '['lie tira lt board m et TIiurB' day anil Mirled (he cards of non- reslclent.v rinding a (olal of 121 wich ciiidh All ra n is were num bered by

! o l ev iden t need a n d I t ‘prtH grcssed rapidly in Tw in FallSj.y

T h e Tw in F a lls o rg an lia tlp n >U m ade up of groups form ed---Into clubs, according (o -age a n d ) o te r - es(s. T he program a n d sOclat a c ­tivities m eet th e ir I n d iv ld iia l-^ t^ s . Tlie he lp o f th e secretary ania the use o f th e rooms of any fa^'lUUei

re fre e to a ll women and g irb .T h e following clubs are a fffllated

here : -‘W om en's executive l» a rd : jo lu n -

tcer w orkers and eIec(otal men)B e ta G am m a club; a b tik n e u

girls club. . ^T ri "Y " c lub: composed of. n in th ,

grade G irl' Reserves.Serilor G irl Reserves: th e spiihQ-

m ore. Junior a n d senior girl i ^ u p .S everal o tlier groups a re lr\ th e

proccM of organU ftilon. \ Executive Head <'

T h e Y. W. C. A. secretory I t’ e m ­ployed to supervise a ll club ac tlv l- •tle.'!. a ss is t hi em ploym ent o f girls and women, as.sist tra n s ie n t glcls In ge tting loca(cd a n d .f in d w ork for (hem If ncces.sary. S a la ry 'o£ Uie executive, th e ofOce a n d office ex ­pense a re financed th ro u g h ' th e Com muhKy Chest. 'A l l ac tiv itie s In th e work are I lnanced by th e 'g lr ls themselves through’ dues a n d assess- menus ol m em bers a n d no t by the C om m unity Chest.

During Sep tem ber, a n d up to Oct. 19, there were 1,480 co n tac ts in or through the local Y. W. C. A. office.

Named by CustomStraw lierrles owe th e ir nam e to

th e old custom of covering th e p lan ts w ith straw tn th e fall In order to p ro tec t th e roots during the cold season.

L CCC i S l 10, L l i S a O B

PAUL, Oct. 22 (Special) — Lieut. M arker and th e 301 boys Of th e Pau l CCC cam p were hosta Friday noon to the Bwrley L ions' club, a n d the ir club guests. Rodney W ebster, A. H. Nell.^oji. O walne B ingham . L o n L ondon and H. F, B lake, Tw in Falls. Al-iO pre.sent were Jam es McOulre, cainp Mijiwrlutcndcnt. and OcorBC M lnank. Junior officer of th e camp.

Harvey Rogers, presiden t, thanked Lieut. M arker fo r ex tending the Burley Lions' a n Inv ita tion to hold th is m eeting a t th e ir q u a rte rs . T lic usual luncheon fee w as collectcd and will be a'^ed to purchase a suitable •gift to be presen ted for th e CCC ■ boys’ use and en joym ent.

Following a d jou rnm en t of the m eeting they were given a tour of Inspection of th e groiimls. After receip t th a t m orning o 25 new boys, L ieut. M erker s ta ted th a t th e pop­u la tion of Ihe cam p now num bers 201, and th a t It required about 25 of th a t num ber to ru n th e ' camp, th e rem ainder of th e boys being kep t busy o u t In th e field.

Som e of th e boys a t t l i a t tim e were w orking on a new coal bln. th e walla of which were m ade of na tu ra l atone held together by cem ent. Mr. M erker also pointed p u t tl-r ex­perim enta l p lo t w herein Michels g rass was being sown to determ ine th e advisability of pu ttin g it alopg c apa l bank.? to Jccep down .the weeds.

O ther polnta visited w ere tlie cooler, root cellar, k itchen , barracks, laund ry room, b a th house, th e four atorage garages and repa ir garage, blacksm ith shop, ca rp en te r shop, classroom i, library, c a n te e n ' room, I?o$to(rice, ln{lrmar>', officea and swlhim lng ,pool th a t h a s been dug ou t and cem ented along th e canal.

Wljlle In the llbrar>'. Lieut, M erker stressed Uie need of any klni) of books th a t could bo given to (he CCC boys. I n th e opera tion o l m ost of the units of th e cam p, tlie e h - follecs ,are given a n ’ oppdrtim lty to learn a particu lar trade , tho Indlrcct rew ard of which Is a dd itiona l pay.

Board to Sell Albion Bonds

Bale^jl a ha lf-m ilh an dollar bond Issue th a t will m ean dorm itory Im ­provem ents a t Albion s tn te N orm al school will probably be made a t the nex t m eeting of th e Mnte board of education, a t which A riluir L. Swim, Twin I'nlLs, will prrMdc.

T lie mci-dng will be held Nov. 1-2 a t the tJnlvcrsitv of Idaho. Moscow, Bids on th e C500.000 Albion Norm al bond 1S.SU0 will h<- (niourd Nov. I and (he Is.'sur will luobiihly be let before the board iidjouriis.

Procred .1 from the bonc^ will be used to rem odel llniiscn hall, one uf th e Alblun doitm io ilcs, a n d to purcha.'-e for ilic .stale Ihe bonds now ouUtundluK on McMurrny dor- mltor>-.

In terest and pi inciiml on (he new tjonds will bv o il o s fi a.lO-ytftT period from rtonn lton room ren ta ls. The .w u r l t le r i^ n i be In denom ina­tions of »SOO each, will bear the da te Jan . 1. 1041 and will carry In tere st no t to e w c cd lour iM;r tenv.

D eid llne for subml.s.Mon of bids, Mr. Swim said. i.>; 2 p m . Nov. 1. O ffers may be directed lo Mr. Swim In care o f. Presiden t H ajrlson D ale, U. of I .. Mom-ow.


H am er Budge, A da county; A . U . ^ English, Benew ah county;T urnbull, Blaine county; A. H. B ea»4 j ! ■»] le^, Bonneville county; V em E. M orii,’ 1,’J * Gan. Twlrj FalU county. f !®

Women Scribes at Moscow Honored

UNIVERSITY O F ID A yO , O ct, 23 (Special) ~ T lie ta Sigma; w omen's JounuUIsm honorary, en terta ined women studen ts , working on the Idaho A rgonaut, s tuden t new spaper, a t b reakfast.S unday m orning.

.F rances H ard in , Paul, was In charge ol program arrangem ents for the breakfast.


BOISE; Ida,, Oct.. 22 {U.R)-Four sUitc '.enalor.s and five s ta te repre­sen tatives were added to .staU ro>lers lortav by appoin lm enl ol Gov. C, A. Uoltoi(,sen.

Tlie governor nam ed nine persons lo n il viicaiicles In th e legislative posts. He said th e action was "Just for the rt'Tord'- and did not tore-

. shadow a spei lal ses.slon of the legis­la ture.

:iate a iipo ln tm enu w ent lo Glen Howell. Uolse county; W aller C. Nlcholi, 0(-m county; Tliom as A. Feeney, N e/ Perce county; Abe Goff. L ntali rounly,

ApixiliHert a.'i repre.sen(allves were


Vhrec-ncV play by C hannlng Pollock, "T he Fool." ha.i been chosen for th e sen ior class presen ta tion of T w in Falls high school for thU year and will be presented Dec. 12 ftnd 13.

All senior student.s Interrsled- In try ing ou t fo r p a rts In th e .d ra m a o r acting on the production t to m eet today w ith Florence Rees, high fichool d ram atic s in struc ­tor. T ryouU will be held M onday. Tueaday a n d W ednciday of nex t week and rchear.sals will begin th e f irst week of November.

Sccnl! to r th e lU it a c t o t U « play Is an arllstocraU c church a t C h ris t­m as tim e; second, a d ining room of a ntmlUiy m ine r, a n d Uie th ird a c t takes place in th e slum s of the city. W hat would hap p en to a m a n w ho follows th e teach ings of C lirlst Is (he Idea p u t across In th e play.

E xccpt fo r th e m a jo r roles, th e play w lll.b e single cast. The cas t Includes 13 m en and e ight women and a large num ber of extras.

12th A nnual

Fireman’s BallB enefit F irem en 's Relief Fund

Wednesday, Oct 23TWIN FALLS

Mii<iic by (ii.EN BATES and n u N ltehank i

TICK ETS SI (T ax Free) l.a d le i Free •



B ro w n .'tro u t spaw n on ly In th e early spring, brook tro u t In the fall, while rainbow tro u t spawn’ both In spring and l^i f a l l _____

And H ealth R e t u r n s . H oyt’s Compound Is T ru th fu lly a G reat Me- dicine, Says M r. W. R. Tennant, W ell-K now n Twin Falls Resident.

How do you know th tft your suffer­ing Is necessary w hen so many Twin Falls residents say they have lound quick and effecUve relief wlUi the new and m odern H oyt's Compound? Come today to the M ajestic P h a r­macy and learn more about the ac­tion of thU celebrated medicine. I t may be Just w hat you have needed for a long time. One of the U tis t Twin Falls resldenta to offer praise for Uie relief he says Hoyt's Com­pound gave Is Mr. W. R. T ennant of 240 W ashington SUeet, who stat«s:

. “For th e la st th ree years I have suf­fered w ith con.stlpetlon, stomach and bowel trouble. Most any kind of food would cause me to have untold suffering a fte r meals. I would try one th ing a f(er ano ther to get rid o f my trouble. 1 was also extremely nervous and was very excitable and th e least lit tle noise would cause me to have a nervous ipelL


“Slnee taking Hoyt's Compound. 1 am able to e a t any kind of food w ithout suffering the dlsoomfort o f gas. bloating, a n d aoum esa .-1 d o n 't notice even a trace of my /o rm er trouble. My nerves have been (uoth* ed and are very strong again. X am not ner\’ous a t a ll and nothing excites m e now. I t has also proved to be a wonderful laxative. I can tru thfu lly sAy th a t Hoyt’s Compound Is a g rea t medicine."

Sufferers; T ake th e advice of U r. T ennant. Come to th e UajesU o Pharm acy. Let them explain th* action of this celebrated new inedl* cine. H oyt's Com pound U sol(\ b f a il drug stores In this secUoo..

IILBNDFO y m n m c u r m n u n n t 1 90 Cw*"N fu u a l M r iu ...C a iv e n * ‘apw U l‘*i M P r o o ( - 7 M * Cim l«N att»al flpltli*. C oprrl«bt 1940^ C a J m t D ln l l l tn CorportiJoa, N *w V »k

■Pnge Four IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IK FALLS, IDAHO TumiIw. Mtatiw *t. J9W

• n u Lm»»4 Wlr* UnlU<

.' . Publlihirf SU O ut

Eawr*4 u SM«a4 C lm **»tur:ef C antm t Uueh J.

You Don’t Throw Awav EnieraldeWe don't know who ho was.But we hope tha t somehow he will read thin.He was jerk ing a soda for us in a sti'anjje town. He

wasn’t talking to us at all, but to a friend beside us at the counter.

He said: “Aw! I ain’t going to vote a t all. .1 don’t care.”

We're a little slow to talk to strangers, so we said nothing. But.w e hope ha reads what we wanted to say: • , . .

Won’tyou think^thal over a litllc, m ister’.That ballot th a t you don’t care about—you’ve jjol

something there. T hat freedom tha t you a ren ’t gomg to use—^ e re are millionB who would give a g rea t deal to have it. We don’t want to sound sentim ental, but tha t vote is a precious thing, mister. You wouldln’t throw away a g littering diamond or a glowing em­erald. But m any people nave found tha t th e ir freedom is more precious than diamonds or emeralds— afterthey lost it.-

W hat’fi

P o tS h o t s

The Gentleman in the Third Row

t ’s tJiat got to do with voting? I t ’s got a lot to do with it. To be a free man you have to deserve to be a free man.

You like to do as you please, tha t’s plain. Well, to run a country in which people can do more or less as they-please, it takes som e'effort by everybody. You can't expect to live in tha t kind of a country and never give it a thought. You may be called on one of these aays to go into the army and learn to be a soldier to protect tha t country. But tha t's not all the country requires of you. I t needs your thought, your attention, your vote.

I t is im p ortan t The choice of a president a t a time like th is may deeply affect the rest of your life. You must have an opinion, a preference for one candidate or the other. You owe that to yourself— you owe it to all the rest of us. .

You’re only one of the 70,000,000 eligible to vote? Your vote won’t count for anything? Oh, yes, it will— it will count for as much as j . P. M organ’s, or Albert Einstein’s.■ The ballot box is one place where we're still all equal, every man of us. It s one place where you have an equal say as a free man with every other h e e man in the country.

Think vibout it a little. You’ve not a jellyfitih. You have opinions. Step up on Nov. 5 and express them!

Of, we hope you vote the way we see it. But we’d rather have you vote^the othei' way tluui not vote a t all:

Every vote in 19,40 is more than a vote for Candi­date A, or Candidate B. It is a vote for fi’ee govern­ment, an avowal of our faith in the ability of ordinary men—like yourself and myself—to have opinions and

‘ to have a country in which the majority of those opin- • Iona run the show.

You don't throw away omorakls. Don’t throw awa^v your right to vole. It is a precious right. Unused, it dies.

Think it over, nii.ster!

Ill tlie MidHt o f D cutli—While Europe frantically plunges onwai'd to newer

and better means of killing j)eoi)le. Amerioan scicnce hafl succeeded in cutting materially the death rate from pneumoniu, most futul of all germ

Thu8 in the midst of dcalh there la Hfe, and the sajne human mind which has pioved so elcvor al killing has proved tha t jt has not foi-gotten also how to liUVC, Sulfanillniide and its done cliemiciil niliitivus havo made great inroads in the imuumciniu dwdli rule. This has been rejiorted to the Intor-Htatc PoBK:rnd\intc Medical annociation of North America. Scinii' placc the eut lnr-tho pneiimnnia doath-i'ato as high as two thirde.

Ifl it uaoloHH to Buve a younc inan'a life fi-oin [ineU' monia «nd then bomb him In his bed? Tei'liann in so simple an example, yes. But wo m ust have faith that the knowledge of how to flRhl.dlneaBe will still bo serving man lonu after he has learned to net along without war.

Franch governm ent bajis football, hiaviiij: It a country with nbaohitely eheiM- about.

X campaign ia under way in Italy to get men to 'Wear ahorta but i t has been difficult to get Ita lians to fixpsM theihaalvea ever fince the w ar started .

IThl tilrdy and wayward Londoner at least has an ‘ hirthtM days. "Sorry, dear. Another of

» , 3 ' l t n o w . "



Their Kingdom For Sopie WaterThin I t th e »tory of the G rM i

Riehkrd Robb Sm ith , the «inln> rtit m utlck l i n d e rc h t i t r t (cn l. •rm ou t a h u n tin c dueki r a r l ; , Kuntl«y m o rn in t w ith K enneth \V, nidcewB)r. of th e Kimberly ,inU Tw in r a lU Ridcew&yt. and M»l Wood, o r th e Rporliw rillnf Wnodii.

The th re* m lth tjr hu n te rs crept u|> (ofrard th e bankx of a rati.-il on lha northi)lde, th e n stopped n mlfiuw o r two for (he tnnrlM hour to coma. U unriie, a i you know.

(he ttiM a t w hJth th e ad in f Rlartf.

rrom pU y a t (ha m ln u u flie d in (lie isn r iM (abla. our th rc« hetnei swooped DP th e ou(9<d( ef (he eunaj bank . . . ready (o b U it aH.-iy a t (he surp rised ducks on the w ater o f (he canaL

T h e r reached (he (op of (h t eanal bank, f « n i po lled to belch drn th and de i(n ic(lon .

The eana l .w a i Jib io lu le ir dry. There w ain ’( » duck wKhIn miles.


Tlie one, th e only, th e obnoxious— pnrdon, orlBlnnl, p . Shots: a ir:

I ’d like gome en llah tcnm cn t on * -vitjject. H oW nell do you sq about peeling: « bean? P rtd o y ’s edition ol the S unset S lande r S he e t conUllxied an a rtic le waxlh’g’ eToijucntiton the proweAS ol one Joe Stibala. hasl

-.slIncCT for th e cftne worklnB on th« U tile W ood river dam a t Carey, Said article advises, nnd 1 cuote:

"Joe peels nnd cooks M lbs. of Idaho spuds a n d S lb5.. or Idaho beniis everj’ day unquote .

M elhliiks th a t e ith e r M r. S.ibnli or tho'ie • Idnho beans m ust have som ellilng we o th e r m orta ls haven got. And Just atop to consider th poMlblllUes of such « prac tice. Suj: pose, fo r Itu tance , th e arm y adopts th e Idea, Now suppose again th a t you, U r . S hots, a re d ra f te d Into the arm y—heh, heh . absurd , w hat? but lo t's ju a t le t o u r Im agination run wild. T hen upon your being usliered in to the k itchen th e cook says "Hey bud, the re 's a sack o ' beans. Peel

Rc.Milt? O ne buck prlvat« Shots does n fade -ou t never to be duiillcwtcd, RHil dodftluB rwidesertion brrom e n m njor Ind iitry ]

AppnUInK l^iii'i Ic? Ah! T lits m od­em world I

M arvelllngly yoms,—Osli Kosh B'golly

(O rlpes this ron trlb 3 minutei a fte r reeelvcd by P . fihotsl 11 IX Y ill'1 don 't m ind belnK li> the w aste basket, bu t « liy do th ry have to .p lle a ll this oUier Junk on top of m e??? Bloody murderM *l*?:!t.l).

And Now Cometh Another “Last

Man” ClubD ear Tot flhotai

Hte If )>ou ra n find out for one of your C nnatanl Iteailrr* who are t h ( members ef the ''(« • ( M an" elub which » a t o rcan iird tn Tw in F a lli on "R" day.

Seems th a t IZ of ()i<- lo ril boyi lo ( to ie th r r th a t i i l ih l foV a cele­bration. one of thoae "W e're In (ha Army Now" aort of a ffa ln .

As each m sn ge ti called In (he d r a t t , th e o thers wUl T»Hy 'inund and (hrow a ban c-u p for him on (ha eve of h li liepartiire. The la»t m an Ima lo | lv r hliii-rH r purty. They xertn t r r ; ir r la l i i thn t be­fore It's all over, I t i r n k III bfi a la i t man.

W hat I »aMt (ha nam es'fo r. Is a "pnoV" >V*tlt to p)«<e )>eti nn the order In which they get eallril.


Ho Hum Dept.*-Wlfe nf K l l g l h i v llraK ea

Chases lic |latra(l< in Hoard C ha ir­m an"—I’reaa oddity,D ra f t all the Indies like ih» l and

lll lle r wnn'l d a te mnlesi w .

CU IM . U ltf K /tH - A N I ) W IIVll^ver h rliifiil low niii the K vetlm ts uff, we've rem arked hefore, we rlia

today to tell you atx««thiiW swiftly one of Uie E vetlm ri bova ilnalica ou t a t llie a lentorlan

>11 Of D uty With a r ap ttn l f)I t seem s th e re was an aiilo wveck ir th of the rim bridge In th e we*

hours Sunday tn o in in f. Cvim ■itll to (ine Orville AiiRiislus lOvMwft) Ki-^Vrr. aminrtiy hnnrnJni In h is trnnilieiini.

Up leape«l o iv ille a , a lw a y s ____to the call o( n tiiy w(tli a o ip iu l D, (Vole for Kelker for Conm er. D em ocrat In tli ket, no l-ou lte-pald political a d v )

Sw iftly Old O. A unnstus th ri ht« r lo tliln i, Tlvni nioie nwlttly did he grab hU rim iera- end dnsh Into tJie rhIlly .ulR lii.

And Bn w iu lils )i..Iiitrs niul collrclliiK tlir lufoim utlun lor you consUtueiitii, lie fell chillier than is h li wonl. T ha rh lll winds whlp|>«d arotm d h l i ted* wlUt more vlaor th a n O, A, u iiially ancountera,

,ll«'d ferioK en to pu t an his underw ear.^

. FA M O U i LAST U N *, .n*(eha lhay tfraCI » • ba-

fare (hay do y a n l. .THE OKNTI.RMAN IN


\a:aTK ltDA V i h i.ouraitoalaK. r ia tn n aa la<«rrl«fta ^*lla aiid Mra. f.aaBdva. W kra <hr •A r » r ^ «a»afl» aa I * b«irap pla s u a a a r a a . r a t t*v »a la Ikai Marta b«a wrlHea tajlB K okr «»»«U aaarrr klai. r a t /.prmri lhi> letirr hr >al«(ak*. r i«na>aa atn aatfa lk« Id ler .


C H A P T E R X I IT N D E R Plownfian'a con tinued y q u o s tio n ln j, P a t ad m itte d th a t A dam h a d n o t be en h im self duT ' ins th e d a y . H e h a d refu sed to drive to th e C ou n try C lub w ith the fam ily a n d h o d lockcd taiiRseli In tho J u n i l c . N o t u n til NeUa had gone d o w n stn lrr to plead w ith h im h a d ho changed h is m ind .

"M l»s N tU a L a n r lo n is a n e u ­ro tic .’’ P low m an sa id , a f te r P a t had le ft th e d raw in g room . “She Icwks a lo t like h e r unclc."

“T here is a . n c u ro lic stra in (om cw horc on th * g randm other ' aide,'' S idney ad m itted . "N e lU ’ii fa th e r and A d am L angdon w ere b ro thers , so sh e com es in fo r it, too, H ugh h a d a d iffe ren t grand* m o th e r and escapes."

H ugh L.ingdOn w as called. He c o rrobo ra ted N ella 's accoun t o f A dam 's u n u su a l be h av io r b u t w as u nab le to acc o u n t fo r It.

" I ’ve had n o m o re th a n a five- m in u te ta lk w ith m y cou.^in alone since h is r e tu rn ," h e sa id g ravely . "B u t I fe lt th a t th e ro h a d been a serious ch an g e in h im ."

"W hat d id y o u d f tcu js du r/n g th o t five m in u tes? ” P low m an asked.■ "M y cousin 's m a rr ia g e h a d com e os a su rp rise to th e la io ily ; w e dlscu.sscd i t ," H u g h replieQ briefly .

"W ha t r e a so n d id h e g ive lo r lu rp r is ln g yo u ? "

"H e d is lik ed u s in g w ire le ss lo r In tim a te rav e la t io n s a n d , since he had m a rr ie d ju s t be fo re salUng, th e re h a d b e e n n o tim e lo r le t­te rs .''

^ H E a rr iv a l o l a sherifT, a m e d ' leal e x am in e r , a n d a jA o tO frt-

p h e r de lay e d th e e x am in a tio n s so th a t n e ith e r M a rta n o r C ra ig G u n d ru m w e r e questioned u n til lonR a l te r th e o th e r g u e sts h a d m ude .statem ents.

G uarded by _ « i t a te tro o p er. C ra ig and M a rta h a d w a ije d in the l ib ra ry a n d w h e th e r o r n o t C ra ig h a d p e rsu a d e d M a rt* to slant h e r te stim ony , to w a rd his theory o f th e m u rd e r , Sidftegr could n o t k n o w . H e doub ted it.

F in ally O undri*m w as called."L et's g e t th is o v e r w ith as

qu ick ly a s po ssib le ," h e snapped, " I fiave a n 11 o’c lock c lass in th e m orn ing , a n d m u s t m a k e a n e a r ly train . I t 's 2 o’clock now ."

" S o rry , P ro fesso r. I w ill h av e to ho ld y o u a ll h e re fo r a t iea.'it 24 ho u rs , un leM som eth ing defl

n ite tu rn s u p to re lease you from po jsib le im p lica tio n .’’

“C an h e do th a t, B raitw ood?" Craig d em anded angrily .

I 'm so rry to say th a t h e h a s a u th o ri ty . W e sha ll a ll haV«

to ,m ake th e b e s t o l it, a u n d ru m .”F ire a w a y , M r. Policem an,

G undrtim d irec te d , p im ly .He m ad * ■ good w ltaaa i. H e

adm itted h is fo rm er M gagem an t to P a t, b u t d e n ied th a t h a h a d r*> tu rn ed t o ' t h e Jtm gl* . in stead o t s e a rc h h ii th e a toreroom . ----------

"Y ou wUl,” b e explaioed , “Aod my f in g e rp rin ts in th e ito re ro o m i l you car* t o look. I mov«d Mr- c ra l pleeea o f la rg* tu m l tu re ' look b e h in d th e m ."

B efore le tv ln g , h e m anaged to give h is th e o ry , o f th e c rim e to P lo w m a a A m K stood , aUowing tha t th e m u rd e re r h a d been a fU t a m y th ica l m a p o r on* 9 f th e ra r* old w c a p c u . I t w as no t impoa> sible th a t A d am L angdon h a d been sh o t b y som eone e ith er a l­ready h id d e n In th e Jungle , w ho had le ft a t ta r th e door w as opened, o r by a pe raon w ho had en tered u n d e r covw o f darim eaa. A pparen tly P lo w m an w as lm« pressed.

T T H E N M a rta 's tu rn came, it ” flashed in to Sidney 's m ind

tb s t thU w aa th e s tra n g est "en- tran ce" she w u e v s r to m ake.

"H ow d id y o u find you r w ay ( 0 tho Konesa In p itch darkneM , Miss H cm pfle ld?” Plow m an osked genUy.

" I h a v e p la y e d L ady M acbeth, C apta in n o w m a n ,” M arta to ld him , alm ply.

" In m y a leepw alk ing .......... to re a c h a g iven p lace w ith m y eyes Closed. A t f irs t 1 countcd m y steps, b u t a f te r a w h ile I found I cou ld Jtidge d istance w ith* ou t coun ting . T h is even ing M r. Langdon h a d p o in ted o u t to n te tha t ho h a d p U ee d h is new liooeas d irec tly in f ro n t o f th e do6r, a placo o f h o n o r . 1 kn e w th a t If I tu rn ed a t • r ig h t ang le w h en 1 teucVied h e r I w o u ld b e In d irec t line lo r th e do o r, so I s ta rted w ith o re h a n d h e ld ou t."

Both m e n k n e w w h a t th a t o u t stre tched h a n d h a d tn c o u n ttfcd . T hey lis ten e d , fasc ina ted by th * sheer d ra m a o f th a rec ita l.

“ I c o u ld n 't see. I g roped." Sh* paused a n d c o n tinued , “I touched A dam 's coat. I th o u g h t a t f irst i t was a th ie f , a n d te rro r g ripped ^ e . B u t I d id n o t scream then . I reason« l th a t i f th e m an though t I be lieved I ’d to u c h ed on* o f th e specim ens, h e w ouM rem ain im ­m obile as h e w as, 1 lif te d m y hand slig h tly a n d th e n I felt— ’* Again she p a u sed a n d sw allow ed. "1 fe lt th e sc a r in th e lit tle c le f t on A dam 's ch in . H is Ince w as

llfa lea i—co ld . H e d id n o t speak ‘ I k n e w . T ho t is

th e la a t I r e t n ^ b e r . T hey te ll * I a crea m ed a n d fa in ted ."

'T H iK E w as s ilen c * for a mo­m en t. P lo w m an ros« a n d

.b ro u g h t M a rta a gln«« oC sh e rry fro m a d c c a n ta r o n th e tab le.

H * w a i te d v h i to ah* sipp*d th« w in* , th e n ask*d : "D id you notic* in y o n * r tr a o v ln * th e key Iron* th* do o r, M iss H en p A a ld t”

- th * k ey ? T h* doocw as lo c k ed f ro m (h* ou tside, C ap- U in ."

PtowHMD d id n e t con trad ic t h e r. "Aa a n d d frien d , do you recall th a t H r . L a n fd o n h a d anemlesT”

" N one th a t I k n o w of. H is w aa a k in d ly n a tttr* . H is friends loved h im ."

" D id y o u e v e r h e a r h im h in t th a t h * h a d som e purpoesi o th e r th a n h u n tin g In go ing In to th * A f r le ta Ju n g le !”

*'Ko, I t \e v e r d id . K « a n d H ugh h av e a lw ay s h u n te d b ig | ^ e . "

*T hanks , M i s s Hampfield.'* • a •

'T O O l c o n trib u te d U ttle. H e h a d m a d e h a s ty p rep a ra tio n s fo r

th * houa* p a r ty , h e sa id . A nd h* h a d e n g a g e H en ry B arkes a fte r L an g d o n h a d w ire le ssed him to And a c h au ffe u r a n d m e et him in B oston.

T ogl d is l ik ed B a rk es because, b e aa id , th e ch au ffe u r thought h im se lf to o good to h s ip get th e house In o rd e r fo r th e fam ily 's u n e x p e c te d re tu r n . BarKes spen t h is e v en in g s a t th e v illago a n d a c te d lik e L an g d o n , h im self, unU l th * fa m i ly a rr iv e d .

Y e t B a rk e s , w h e n h e en tered , d id n o t look su r ly . U ndoubtc ".' f rig h ten e d , h e rcpesitcd h is stor:r a n d in s is ted th a t th e village tlo re - k coper w o u ld su p p o r t h is ahbl.

* ^ e r e ' s a n In cid en t I lolled to m en tion , w h e n I ta lk e d w ith you b e fo re th e poU cc cam e , M r. B ra lt- w ood," h a added . "A b o u t 6 o 'clock w h e n I w as filling th e car w ith gas, I ch an ced to look up a t th e w indow s. T h e re 's a s id e wlndovr in th e f ro n t room on th e th ird floor. I . be lieve M iu Hem pfield h a s it. I sa w a m a n 's shadow a g a in s t th a c u r ta in th e re .'’

“S u r« o f th a w indow ?" P lo w , m an a sked .

" P o s i tiv e . T h e shadow stood v e ry atilL T h e m o re I th in k o f I t, th e m o re I be liev e som eone w as h id in g b e h in d th e drapes."

“A s t i l l shadow , now . O ld » look l ik e a n y o n e y o u knew ?"

" I t w asn ’t ta l l enough for M r. H ugh L an g d o n , n 6 r sh o r t enough fb r T og t," B a rk es said, "O ther­w ise I c o u ld n 't say . I t waa like seeing so m e th in g in a p lay , watch* Ing th a t s ilh o u e tte .”

(To Be Continued) .

Bruce Catton in Washington

C o mW ASH tN QTO N , O ct. 23—T h e oU

w hich Che U nited S la te s c a n 't bring in from M exico because ^ e row

M exico's expropria lion of A m erican oU p roperties h a sn ’t been setU ed Is beginn ing to flow In a fa ir ly heavy s tre am tow ard J a jk n .

T h e s tream h a s n 't y e t go t big enough to a la rm Insiders in W ash ­ing ton . b u t th e u e n d U th a t way. “ elvably, i t oould nu llify any

irgo w hich th e u n ite d S ta te s . t p u t on oil axporta to Ja pan .

T h * w U d o 's a rm ies in C hina and h is w arship* on th e seas c an be refueled w ith o il w hloh would be com ing In to th e U nited S ta te s u th e m a jo r oil com panies could se ttle th e ir qua rre l w ith th e M exican gov­e rnm ent,

UntU recenUy, J a p a n bought Ut- Ue oil from M exico less than100.000 ba rrels in 183» a n d only174.000 barrel* in 1839. B u t the to ta l Jum ped to 4S5,000 ba rre ls y e a r and^ h a s gone m uch higher th is year. R ig h t now. i t Is reporled. th re e Ja p an e se ta n k ers w hich fo r­m erly r a n betw een Ja p a n and Oal- U om ia have been d iverted to T ux- pan . T uxpan U on Mexico's east

I coast, w hich m e an s ti^at. I t m ust pass th rough the P an a m a O anaV to rea ch Ja p an .


T hose figures a re sm all, of course, com pared w ith fo rm er American sh ipm ^nla to J a p a n . I n tho first e ig h t m o n th s of th is year, for in- s tance . J a p a n bought 7.4SO.OOO b ar­re ls o f A m erioan crude oil. nearly 3,500.000 of gasoline imd 1,663.000 b a rre ls of residual fuel oil. Y et J a p ­anese purcha.^es of A m erican oil an off sharp ly , ns com pared w ith la st year. A viation h lgh-octano gas has been em bargoed. Purchases of crude oil a re n o t likely to run greatly above h a lf th e figure fo r 1039. and gaso line exports a re do».Ti alm ost in proportion.

M eanw hile, oil m en in W ashing' to n a re w aging a m erry f ijh t. to sh u t off even th e sm all trick le of Mexi­can bll w hich is now ge tting into th o U nited S tates, I t is imported chiefly by S incla ir. whlcJi has se t­Ued Its sc ra p w ith th e M exican gov­e rn m e n t a n d is ta k in g oil in psy - m en t for Its exp ropria ted -proper- ll t s . OU in te r ts ts bare ly failed to ge t a law th ro u g h congress to kacp S incla ir from ImporUng th is oU. bu t a new law Is being drafted and will be o ffered a UtUe la ter . I f passed, it w ould of course Increase pressure

on Mexico to- sell t« Ja p an or any o the r buyer.

B oth th e m ajor oil companies, like S tanda rd . aSsd the m yrtad In­dependent* ar* working together on th is K rap , slXK* S incla ir is under­selling its com petitors w ith the M cxican oil i t b rings tn.


T he British a re due to g e t a flock of t^ e U. S, army'* flying fortress bomber* shortly—a n d th e Ironical p a rt about i t is th a t they don’t w an t 'em nearly a s m uch as trtry- body th inks they do.

- ly models of th e . . . . (which are th e :BrltLsh wUl get) haT en 't im p re u ed th e British experts m uch. T h e claim Is th a t they have a "blind spo t" In Uie rear—in o ther words, U ia t th e re U one angle of approacli w hich Uiesc early models c a n 't cover with th e lr own guns.

Models now In producUon. to - ge tlie r w ith some a lready In serrlce, have corrected th is defect. B u t ’ these, according to th e dope, a r* th e

lies th e British w on 't get.O ne big reason fo r th e intense

B ritish desire to ge t new plane* from th e u. S. Is th a t both, they a n d th e O erm ans have th e ir own figh ting plaiiea on a m ass production basia now. T h a t m eans th a t w hen and If th e BrlUsh can p u t a new f lfh t« r w hich c an outfly and o u tfig h t th* firs t- line G erm an p lanes — a C ur­tiss P-81. fo r instance—th * Q er- m a n s c a n 't bring o \it a new p lan* to m a tch i t w ithou t throw ing th e ir e n tire production schedule o u t ef gear.



MOSCOW, O ct. 32 (S p e c la l) -B n - roUment a t th e U niversity o f Idaho on O ct. la , end of th e second wteVi of classes, was officially repo rted a t c p 3,681 students In resldeno*. or M per cen t below th e to ta l fo r th e cor" roRpondIng d a te la s t year.

T he decrease of 107 stu d e n ts Is a t ­tributed almost e n tire ly .to th e n a - ;lcmal prepareAness program , parU c- ul&rly th e e n listm ent o l u p p e r class m en in aviation and o the r tcohnlcal m ilita ry branches,

M e n itu d e n u th is fall a r* 110 few* th a n they were a year ago. W ctn-

en gained th ree for a n a lU tlm eeam * pus hfgh of wfc. T hey now ar* o n t-

' ' only a lltUe ovar 9 to 1 by

H I . STO RY Of Twin Falls City & County


OlIT , !I,Al>nui an I, \shii

In so rrr r l(»:itl>ii1l III,x»rk Hundiiv iirirriKKgam e. W ill M urmUrvn o lt n r ird ni" CHlltll

' spoctlve Iran11.1 An.Of regu la tion IriiKlIltwo to two •r i i n r 1 'a good team iI'liii hf <th e roiirhliiH r.t T.m a tch Kninn wUl he

1 5 Y K A R S A G O

OCT. 22. 1916n i r c p lientl ol i l t r r 'w e ie brougM

liom e W edne.iday evrn lng by E. D. Bloom, T , P . Wlllm^ and Russell P o tter .

M rs. F ra n k llow snion c iiir tta lncd a t‘ a second bridge supper Wednes> day evening, M rs. P . O. nccbe, Mrs, H arry B arger and Mrs. i l L. Diti- ke lacker jvon prizes.

T w in F a lls Business and Profes slonal W om en’s club en lfv ialnrd T uesday a t luncheon for all thoxi m em bers of th e orfianliatlnti attend Ing ih e sU te R ebeknh nssnnhly. M ai^D ob lnson ; stnle n . P. \V. presl- dtnV, gave th « artrtmN ot w elfom r, a n d M rs. nosalin strlnnfellow . p resi­d e n t of th e Boise rhih. responded. Mrs. R eardon , a t, A nlhony; Mrs, B ushnell and Mrs C unsrd, W al­lace; MI.<IS M cO uffln. nmse, msilo responses.

27 YE A H S AQOi')ia. in r I tu rre slrd i r i a t il.B ball on in a practice

and Iln rry B«- lin of »he re- er two perlo<ls th e ivnrr sIoihI n o 'd o u b t bill

ilrveloiied vinder A, H arrison. A played Sunday

a fte m o n n fomninii-iiiK a t 3 o'clock iK tw een tlia IrMnl ic sm a n d tlm h igh K hoo l fooiimll irnm . U U hop ­ed by those who nre Interested In th e g a m e ' th a t n mitlched gam oan be a rrsn u rd wllli »om« outalde te am for a we«-k (i»ni nex t Sunday.

J . R. I>awren<-r m ilv rd in tiie city th e .f irs t of th e w rrk from W haai- lanrt, W ym nin i, t» vit-w ol m ak ­ing Invesim entn Hr l^ wsll ptnasrd w ith Ilia elly nud tinct

Gooding LodgCH Atlvixl Coiiciavc

O O O D IN O . 0 ,1 . a j (a in o l .lJ . - oood ln g O dd FTlli • -bekaha were well rriMr^anled a l the g rand lodge of Idnlut and th e Re- M kah assem bly held a t Ursngavlllo Oat, IS to 17. 'n iiise a ttend ing were M iss E vadino CNx liiiin, Mrs Magglo nrow fi, M r. am i M is Kil llu g h ls , Mr, a n d M rs. Milton HcberU. A. T. MrClmirt. J iitin llc.lK.n Mi. and Mrs. M im nltig I*atlrir,c.ii, Mr. and Mrs. A rt Noll, Mr. uikI Mit,. V. L Uei>*r,

nave Ihe rei>orl of tlis meeting w hich h e a tten d e d in llunU ngton, W, Va., in aep tem ber. He waa re- ei*ot*d (o Uie sam e office for the luee**dinf two years. Mrs. H ughes gave th * r* p o rt of th * in tarnatio iw l assoola(lgi) o f the ladles' aualllary of th e P a lr la rd i M illtanU wliloli sh* H ltem W In H unting ton . Mr. Me

I Cloud Is b rigad ier general.


N inety-five d raftees registered in th e new village office W ednesday lo r conscription. 'Hiey were reg is­te red by 3. E a t l I^w ets , M rs. M nry N ym an.. Mrs. Ida Snodgrass, M rs. Zella C h a tb u m and Mrs. F u ller E. W oody.

M r. and M^^. C. E. Simenson e n ­te rta in e d S a turday n ig h t a t a b ir th ­day d in n er in honor of Mr, a n d Mrs, Alvin K fm p ton , whose b irthdays w cro Oct. 11 niui 13 respecUvely. M rs, G eorge Cronklte, wnose blrU i- <ltiy cam e on tlia 18Ui, end T horu Andrew.s, Albion, wlioae b irth da le w as O ct. 10. Twelve guests a t te n d ­ed, T hey were as follows: Mr. and M rs. Oeoi-Bo O ronklU . Mr, a n d Mrs, J . L'arl row ers, Mr. and Mrs. H arry D ucklra. Mr. and Mrs, Orville Hiiltj;, Mr, and M rs. M. Alvin K em pton

.and 'nuH n Andrews, T lie table was lutlM lcnlly a rranged w ith a "horn of plen ty" constUuUng the c rn tr r - ploce. Bridge was played following U\o d inne r,

Mrs. H e h e r D nnner retim ied l^ iu rad ay from ilie Soda Springs hospUnl.

Mrs. H a n y W llllsms, Livingston, W yo., Is visiting a t Uie home of

IS, WlUtuni re lm an .M rs..Che.M or Sayrter and family

le lu r n rd Iroin Du Hols w here Uiey have been visiting.

C hester flnyder, Jr., who was In ­ju red Ih nn ac^'ldeni a t Ihe Im a M ine III M«y, hnn recovered and re- tu rn ed home fYlday a fte r visiting a t Uia lio(iie of liU paronti.

M rs Oorotliv KIrsz rn lerta in ed a l b ridge foursome Tuesday n igh t.

Q iiesta were Mri. I,. O, Parsons, Mrs H . .1 n n rk lrs and Mrs. W il­liam Felninii.



tiv* decorntlnns ni orange and b lark carried out the Hnllnwe'en them e fo r th * avenliig. 'H ilriy-flve giinats played vlnt>-\ile and bridge « l \h p r ln a won l>v Mrs. r im e r F U th a rs In p lno rh l* nnd F. O, RequU t In bridge. A rraniieinrntA for lha pa ftv wer* m ade hv Mrs, Bob B ryan w ith M rs, n t r l H rhreibar and M rs. D an X iilg h t ajislstlng, Jtefreshm enU were aerred by M rs Ray Alban, Mrs. R o b e rt M rs F 0. Osborfl and M n , Jo h n nurbaeh .

Ju n io r h igh mIkmiI teacher* were gueel* a t an inform al pa rty Hnirs> day •**nlng w ith th e room m others as hoat*SM-s. Hallowe'en them e was used WlU) ornnHe marlKolds. dw arf Slnnla*. ta lly aarcta anil nu t ciipa nil r a r n r l n i nu t Ihe color seh*ma of biaok and oi'anxr. D essert w u served at e ig h t oc lo rk w ith pinncht* and O hlnae* checkers the en tarla lm nen t f o r ' i h * avenlnf. Prises were won by .M ri. l ie s l a r l and I), L. K ellar

iu**ta wei ............hawlrtoh, b n tly Poust and lugane Olbbona. lloatesses w<r* U n , Vern OargUI, Mrs. Ray Alban, Ura. rr*d

n*rrM r« , O ab* »*y*r and Mrs. Ah*r-m a n S tum p. T iie party was |1v*n a t tlie Craig home.

TliLs Is a Rood tim e to read "The W hite H ouse” by C harles H urd iH nrper’s: 13.80) bu t you finish the book wlUi th e fee lin g . th a t It will be read and reread long a fte r th e ID40 cam palen. Pew stories could be m ore genuinely ab&orblng th a n th is "blograpity" of th e 'Executive m ansion. As i W hite H ouse reporter, Mr. H urd seems to have opened every door tn Ihe p ast of tills hislorlo bu ild ­ing from 1 8 0 0 (o Ulc present. N eceuiorlly, tt\e book la also revealing p o rtra it of a lM he W hite House In liab ltan ts from Jo h n nnd Abliiall Adam s to Franklin Roosevelt. Tuka th e following bll rtrsrrlblnR th e W hile House d in ­ner n t w hich Jackson dellverr< a h istoric fo s s fJsrk so n rose stiffly in his place,

s1«ndlnB e re c t ns only an old sol- dl<-r of ilic line cult stan d , h is ilps

'n ligh tly logeiher, and with his m iucies tensed.

I raised his r ig h t hand , hold- a frr.^hlv charged glasf, and

l(Wked stra ig h t a l Calhoun. H ts voire rra rk led . li, did no t drawl

w ith th e usual tones o f .h i s T ennessee sj>eerh.- and li did not aip lnde in th e m anner of an ex­cited ninti: It crncklrd.

"Our U nlonl I t m ust b« pre- ■rvcdl"Ja rk son sa id no more; ha made

0 speech. B u t h e paused, held Ills suspended. In signal th a l

xiM-cird Ihe whole company to drink his toast s tand ing — every-

Hie men a tten d in g roae, and a ll lonktd m C.alhmm. OalhoMn

and ilrlit)frale ly rai drink, b u t "h is gluos so

bled In nis hand llm t a little of Riiiher fluid trick led down the

slda."W ith .laekson, C alhoun drank

Uie toasi,T lia com pany sa t down, bu t C a l­

houn rem ained sU ndlng . to of*»r, as v lci p resident a n d second gii*at in rank only lo th e President, hU own toast:

’T lia UnlonI N est to our liberty

Jam es M cDonald and R obert M c­D onald,X os Angeles, le ft Friday w ith L. EL O utxs fo r a week's hun ting tr ip In to th e Sain ton rw e i country,

Mrs. R ichard S trlngham , Bounti­ful. U tah . U Tlsltlng for tw o or th ree weeks a t th e hom e of he r son and daugh tcr-ln -lnw . M r. a n d Mrs. S ta n ­ley S trlngham .

W ord has been received from Moa- )w th a t J im W erry, son of Mr. and

Mr.s. Fred W crry, is an ou tstanding prospect for guard on th e freshm an football team , J im played four years of football fo r the Holley high school.

Miss Elllecn -Hebert and Bill Brooks, bo th of H ailey, were mai r ifd Oct. I. a t Elko, Nev. by Justice of the Peace A. W. M cFarland. They were accom panied to Elko by M ri John -Walker. Jr.. and M rs. T " W alker, who w ere and Mrs, Brooks w en t on to Boise for a few days and will be a t home to friends in H ailey.

into lha 0 |>*n,

men. T h e ra tio has been n e u e r S to in recen t y e an .T h e colleges of engineering, ag­

ricu ltu re and le tte rs a n d tc iences gained slightly in e n ro llm ent ever la s t year.

Rotarians Hear . District Officer

HAILEY. Oct. » {Bp«Clftl)-«R)o- Shone and Hailey R o tarian s and R otary Annes m e t &t a b a n q u e t in the Bun Valley lodge O ct. Ifl wim ' David S. Rom ney a n d Mr*. R om - ney, O gden. Mr, Bom ney 1* gover­nor of th e 110th dl.strlot a n d was m aking an official visit.

Q uests were en terta ined w ith * program under d treetoln of Benny Q tiinn, Sun Valley, and M lu X elen Ca.scy as organis t. Several dances and vocal solos war* offered by the Sun Valley entertjalners.

Mr. Rom ncy, Introduced by L . F.o f th e H ailey club.

0 Its m onetary unit,

13 Scanty. M L u m ln o u t itu i

circ le .IQ S h a rp ., n P o s iess ln f

flavor.10 Jeste r. a i Sum s up.22 L y ric poem.23 L et it stand .24 T ransposed

(B b tjr ). 3QAUIC,30 A part.34 G enus of

- 'slugs.89 To h ip p e s

again, s a Butted .38 P a r t o ( a

d rom a,SO M usical not*

(ab b r .) .40 E f i 'ih a p e d .44 P t rsp irtU o n .

a U a ita n e d .4 Flogs.3 Railroad

(abbr,).0 To malntsla TTo Jufnp. asour>

tempered.O P alr (abb r.)

lO U nelea.II Least whoU

numbir. llAppeUitloti.19 Poem . y ,WComrooirieBp. MMothw.


B'ulil Junior Hip;h Honor List Told

nU H i, r tf i . 33 ta iH -c la h - P rlncl-r l or Ihe lluh l Junior iilgh eoltoo).

0 . Nawmaii, has announced the honor roll for lha f irs t six weeks or this ysars larm , a s folluws:

High h .m nr. E linor Mullln*. Je*n noyl«, N.Miua W eaver. ,

Honors, tlnlny Jriise ii, Je an OV*r* linuKh, llr iiv HIrouil, lie tiy U)U HxMUiinoii, lle liy W est, Ileed Ball. F rank D snardU , Ja ck UttlC , Ji>n« ^ l l s r . Joyce O am ar , O h ir ll* Ab- shire, Dal M olasworthi O e o r f t U k*« nsM, B arbara O lbb, D*ivft O urtli. Amy D unlap, M argt* O rsh am . Im o­gens Love. Ju a n ita Ownbey, M ar- Jnrla V enter. Jan loa W ebber, teo ira M oirison a ixi Jim m y B a iie l t .

TurailBy, O ctober 22, 1940 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Page Fiv«

S o c i a l — ( ^ iu L

Records Introduced In Fine Arts Address

R e fre s h in g in v ie w p o in t w a s th e p ro g ra m on "M u sic in th e ho m e," p r e s e n te d by M rs . T . C. B row n, v ic e -c h a irm a n of th e F in e A r ts d e p a r tm e n t o f th e 'I \v e n tie th C e n tu ry c lu b th i s

i i f te rn o o n a t t h e A m e ric a n L eg io n M em orial ha ll. A t t r ib u t - inK th e re v iv a l o f v ic tro la r e c o rd b u y in g to th e fa c t t h a t good m usic e n a b le s o n e t6 a c q u ire a sen se o f s e c u r ity , M rs. B ro w n p layed f o u r re c o rd s in i l lu s tra t io n o f h e r U lk .

" I t ia c h a r a c te r i s t ic o f th e b e s t m usic t h a t i t is l i t t le a ffe c tc d b y t im e ," M rs. B ro w n said . " H a v in g th e rad io -co m ­b in a tio n is l ik e b e in g n e a r a good l ib r a ry a n d book s to re .You can b o rro w b o o k s o r e lse you & n b u y th o s e y o u love an d w a n t to e n jo y a t a n y tim e ."

Slie played Uie f i r s t m ovem ent of Beethoven 's "F if th S ym phony In C - M lnor” : •'P aglUccl.” by LcoiicavaUo. sung by L aw rence T lb b e tt; th e selec­tion. •'Someday • H e W ill Come," from P uccin i's ‘'M adftine B utterfly ," su n s by L ucre tla B orl, a n d "Caprice Vlcnnola.” composed a n d played by K rclsler.

Mrs. M. E. SHotwell, d ep artm e n t chairm an , w ho presided , p resen ted a short record review on rccords now popular, and will te ll o l th e new a lbum s avallAb}^.

T ea w as served la te r , w ith Mrs.D. n . C hurch ill as c h a irm a n o l tlie hostess conim lttce.

O the r com m ittee m em bers were M rs. P . H . A dam s. Mr&. Jo h n Q .

, Adams. M rs, M ctta Balsch, M rs.Robert B enson. M rs. R. E. Bobler.Mrs. A. A. Boston.

P ink rosebuds In a silver ta lner, flnnlced by m a tch ing p ink tapers In silver holders, form ed an a ttrac tive cen terp iece for th e lace- covered tea table- N apkins were also In pink.

Sigma Delta Psi Holds Initiation

For 17 PledgesSerious in itiation of pledges

conducted a t a ta p erllg h t cerem ony by Sigm a IJelta Psi club la s t eve­ning a t th e home of Dick H am m ond. T h e Illum inated shield occupied a place of honor In th e background.

Pledges of th e club, toge ther wlUi neophytes of th e Zu Zlm a n d Red K nights clubs, will be honorees a t a dance T liursday evening, O ct. 34. a t Radioland ballroom.

A ■'Llllle A bner" them e will be fea tured, elie guests w eanng ap p ro ­p ria te costumcs. Jim Pow ell o f th e Zu Zlm club will be in chargc of th e programs.

Slgqia D elta Psi In itia te s were M art:^H oaB , DSck Conunoivs, B ill Reynolds, .J\m r>eKlotz. P reston H cnm on. Milo Pesrson , T ed Lake, Jo h n Brown. W allace Cress, H om er Hays. Eugene DavL-;. Nell H u le tt, K enneth R udolph, F ra n k P ru n ty . R ichard M ataen. W ayne B a tes and Dick McKLsslck.

. Voy Hudson, club sponsor, was presen t la s t evening.

Mrs. Luka, M rs. Q o o rie Hanrthaits, Mri.. Z. D. Dobler. Mr^, H arold Lackey. M n . O corae liu lite r, M ri. A. A. D ostn i, M rs. II. A. Oali, M Us O lara n illln r, M rs. Olmrloa B. Bey- m er i n d M rs, O. 0 . H all.

M rs. B klnner iinvo n iw iw r on * laUer w rltlrn hy M caa iilry , giving h li ideas cm iireinliig Jefferson and the detnocratlo g oven iin rtil b ring form ed In A m erica. M rs. Hull duot«d ft w ont d rill. *

♦ * ¥_ R neoiA L n iN c iiiT N T tiese a re nloe to r a fterno tm tea.

Ml* your reg u la r b iscu it itnijio. Roll th e biscu it rfouvh lightly to about M ii-quartflr Inch U ilckneu, C ut in ro tinda a n d sp rea d w ith

- butt«r. m t e d chM M « n d rhoppod leaded i!at« t. Fo ld over, p rv ta ^ f e i

agthar, brush topa wltM m ilk and B In hot ovan.

‘K.J10W School’ Theme For P.^T. A. Meeting

F i r s t b u s in e s s s e s s io n a n d an t\u a l re c e p tio n in h o n o r o f th e T w in F a lls h ig h schoo l a n d ju n io r h ig h school fa c u ltie s took p lace e v e n in g a t th e h ig h school a u d ito r iu m , M rs. Jo h n E . H a y e s , n a tio n a l p u b lic ity c h a irm a n ; E d w a rd R ogel an d M rs. V e ra C. O ’L e a ry , h ig h Bchool and ju n io r h ig h school p rin c ip a ls , g iv in g a d d re s s e s o n th e th e m e , "K now Y o u r S chool." , r . m *

M rs. H a y e s o u tlin e d th e th r e e o b jec tiv e s o f P .-T . A. “ P .-T . A . sh o u ld becom e a s ta b iliz e r o f pub lic op in io n in a c o m m u n ity : P .-T . A . sh o u ld develop a fe llo w sh ip b e tw e e n p a re n ts a n d t e a c h e r s by in ­t e r p r e t in g e d u c a tio n to a co m m u n ity , a n d P .-T . A . shou ld be a n in f lu e n c e in s e t ­t in g R tan d n rd s o f c o m m u n ity tre n d s o f t h o u g h t , ” M rs.H a y e s sa id .

N on*L'o)!e|e Courses"Despit« th e f a c t th a t 38 per ccn t

of Tw in F a lls h igh school g radua tes have gone to college in th e p ast four years, g rea te r e ffo rt U being m ade to a id seniors w ho will n o t go on to college." sa id M r. Rogel. ’’T o th is end,' th e re a rc tw o divisions of Engllslt classes fo r sen iors, Uic co l­lege p repa ra to ry cou rse ' and Uie non-college p rep u ra to ry course. T he sam e Is tru e of chem is try and b i­ology courses,” he added.

Mrs. O 'L eary told of Uie new sys­tem of re iw rt ca rd s and th e new a rouplng oJ Ej^RlL%h. c re ­a tive w riting, c u rre n t problem s and a r t clusscs in to social living clashc.i, a s carrlMl ou t in Jun io r hltih school,

Mrs. M aud M obley, accom panied by Mtvi M arjorie Albcrt.ion, led the com m unity sing ing . T h e prhieliials Introduced Uie ra o il tlc s of Uiclr two acliools. M rs. S co tt EllbworUi gave tiiB addreas o f welcome aa president.

M rs. F ra n k K loffnc r, treiisurcr. told of th e Rharo of th e P .-T . A. In ilia com m unity c h e s t p rogram . Mrs. n . T.-RollnBbrokfi ou llined th e work plannM for th e year, swylng U iat the proRram com nilttcd Iio |K‘,i to ar(|iiu lnl p iirrn ts lo a g w iitr r I'x tetii with nil pluism of Mtiool work.

r .-T . A. HrhoolMi«. Roy Kviin.n to ld of Um w hool

nl inBlj'uolioii lo bo hold Friday a t tJie tilKh school lUKlrr Uic dlvrrtlon of Mrs. D. 1. Fo irm tin , slJite P .-T . A. ofJIdal.

Tlio girln' ftrxtot, d irec ted by Mls.i «MVH H lrlnas” n»rt

'T o Hltig Awhile," M finber» are MIm Nornirt Aitdrown, MIm Verla P c t- rx)ldt. Miss n e rn lre Hill, MIaa lOilna ronlei'. MlM I'hvlllA llurdick Mlm iu n n McNrely.

Men. \V. U , Clmsn, h(»(iltalUy rh iiln im n, wiui In rhu rgn o l th e rn- frr.ihiiienl.n served duiliiK ihn re< rep llon . M rs. l£»rl Johiinon, Mrn.Hugh liooA and M rs. n . L. l.nw rm t: assisted, A H allow e'en m olll wn feAturnd.

¥ ¥ ¥Thomas McCauley

, Topic of ProgramMrs. Allyn Dliigel wus In charKo

of Uie prouraiit on ' “D ionian M c­Cauley,'' p re ie n trd n t a m eeting of 7;elA PI c h a p te r o f Urn Uelplilnn siK'lety M onday a fte rn o o n in Uie Y,W.o.A. rooms.

T aking p a r t In Uie dlf<

CalendarM ountain View club will m eet

a t the home of M rs. S . O . K lod t W ednesday a t 3 p . m.

¥ y ¥Moroa W omen’s club will m eet

T hursday a t th e school house. Mrs. M ay Ramseyer and M rs. O ra Creed will be Uic hostesses.

¥ ¥ ¥Blue Lakes b o u levard club will

m eet Wedne.sday a t th e hom e of Mrs. J . D. E arh a rt, N in th avenue no rth . A ,good a tten d an ce Is d e ­sired. .

¥ ¥ ¥H ansen Royal N eighbors have

changed the "holw p a rty " from the Woodman ha ll to th e Hani^en □ range hall, i t was announced today.

¥ ¥ ¥, VctccimR ot Foreign W ats aux i­liary will meet a t 7:30 p, m, W ed­nesday a t Uie home of M rs. R a lph Q uint. 1IJ m xtli avenue norUi. A Hallowe en party w ith meml>ers of th e V. V. W , will be com bined w ith Uiu mcetins.

Con uilly church L adles' Aidsoclcly will meet Wedncsjiay for an all-day nrulon at the church parlors. A [wt-luck lunrheein Will be served m noon with Mrs. Joflle OrltnU) as hoAteu.

¥ ¥ ¥Veterans of Foreign Wars will

meet Wcdnt-Miay n l 7:30 p. in. a t the linndbliell in the city park. Later Uiry will Join Uie auxiliary at the home Mrn. Ualpli Q iilnl, 4 i:i Uixth aveiiue norUi, for a joint Hallowe'en party. '

¥ ¥ ¥Clicle No. 10, W.H.C.8. of the

MrtlKKllst church will mee* for a 1:00 ii iu, liu»cl\e<m fct U\e homo ot;Mrn. <1, W. Wilcox, I£ll>u»bcU» iHiulPvard, Thinsday. 'lljose w ish­ing lransiM)rlatlon are asked be at the rliurch by 1;1B p. m.

¥ ¥ ¥The vestry of Ascension Episco­

pal church Li sponsoring a bene­fit curd parly 'lliursday evening, Ort. 3«, a t 8 o'clo<;k at Um imrlnh hall. Tlie publlo Is invited to a t­tend. '1‘ablrs will be arranged for iNiili pinochle and bridge, and re- Irrshinrnts will be served.

l,oiirks ..........__w in IvB H "liRtd llin ta" p a rty a n d members are asked (o coma ap - propilalely roatuined. Roll ra il reniKMinrn will be p rises for the best Hallowe’en verse.

¥ ¥ ¥HaiiMu WonieiVa com m unity

council w)ll m eet T hursday In the church parlors. M rs. j . M, Pierce. Berger, will tell of h e r rec en t tr ip s to Uio New York and B an F r a n ­cisco World's f a in , and a ipeo lal m usical i>rufram will atao be p re ­sented. Olfta will b« reoeived for the second m issionary box to he sen t to Mins DIngel In th e P h ilip ­pine Islands.

w » wMagiei-Y club m em bers will e n ­

te rta in a t a H allow e'en p a rty th is evening In honor o f l h H r group of Camp Pirn Otrls, O iip k a h k l- oongl. OIrU a re jisked to m e et a t UiD home of Mias K a th ry n cinff. loao n iue Lakea boulevard, a i 7 : 1 0 p. m , a nd to d f t sa n w rn ly .

Soak OOIOTMI hand k aro tile n tr. oold M il w ater fo r ft sh o r t U n i be* fora' w u h ln i Uiem.

Girls’ League To Sponsor Barn

Dance Oct. 29thC arry ing ou t the trad itional i_

tom of holding an old-tim e bnrn dance a t Hallowe'en tim e, the ex­ecutive council of the O lrh ' Ioheuc of T w in P a lls hl«h school decldcd a t a meeU ng yesterday lo have ns th e them e for the pa rty Fponsorcd by th e league, which will be held O ct, » . In the hiKh school Kymna- slum , "O ld T im e Darn Dnnce.”

C ostum es of old - tim ers »1U be w orn by those a ttcnd lug th e event a n d prizes will be aw arded lo r the b est costumcs. I t Is th e coar of the league to have every girl in high school a tten d th e pa rty . BlgRer.t tendance a t th e a nnual n ftalr ' 'm ade la s t year w ith over 300 p res­e n t. and- w ith 416 girls In high school th is year th e girls hope to break th a t record.

Sophom ores Decorate D ecora tions are in chnrRC of the

so i^om ores. w ith M ldse Rrpbert.Msn as c h a irm a n : refreshm ents will be h and led by th e jun io rs w ith D oro­th y V an EnRclen a.'« chalnnnn , and publicity will be in chnrge of the seniors, w ith V erna Slncm a as chair-

E ach u n it will have a generftl ch a irm a n for publicity. The G irls' A th le tic as.vKlatlon will take charge of th e gam es and dnncinR. u l th C harlo tte M iller acting as chairm an.

G rand m hrch will s ta r t a t 7:15 and th e en terta inm en t will la s t u n ­til 1 0 o'clock.

E ach u n it of the league will pre­se n t a s tu n t durlnc th e evening, and Uie home a rts class, under d l- recUon of M iss Agnes Schubert. . . In structor, will also p resen t a s tun t.

M tss Hilmsi Sw eet will be in chnTS® of th e m usic for th e social dancing, w hich will be held during th e last h o u r of th e party .

Holiday Assembly P lan s were also dlscas.scd a t the

m eeting yesterday for the T lianks- glvlng assem bly a t th e high school, w hich will be given by the league Nov. 20. P rogram for this event will be p lanned by th e vice-prest- den ta, w ho are Ju n e Daniels. M ar- Ra.r*t. V aiquez. O llv t W e\ls - and Pau line Moyes.

A nnouncem ent was m ade th a t th e sen ior u n it will p resent the league assem bly Nov. ID.

A re p o r t was m ade by th e < m ittee working on th e league stltuU on revision. Com plete report wllf be given a t th e nex t m eeting o f th e council.

P re se n t besides th e council th e sponsors and th e program anil social chairm an of each un it.

0. E. S. School Precedes Dinner

For S tate Heado p e n in g with a school of in struc ­

tion th is afternoon a t th e M asonic temple, events In con jim ctlon w ith Uie a n n u a l official visit of the worUiy graiKl m atron . Mrs. N orah Blake. Caldwell, will c o n t i n ' th roughou t th e evening.

M rs. Bloke and oU ier d is t in ­guished guest-s will be honored a t largely a ttended d in n e r IhU evening a t 6;30 o'clock a t th e P re*byterian c hurch , wlUi M rs. A. D . Bobler as chalrin iin of arraiiBeinenta a n d Mr.s. C laude G orden In charge of decor- atiniiK.

Among oUier notables pre.sent will bo Mrs. L illian B arton, W endell, a s- so ria te u ran d coiwlMcttes-’i.

L ater Mrs. Blalte will address the chap te r ses-ilon a t Uie Ma.ionlo temple, and a .social hou r will fnl-

w ltli»nal refreshm ents being served in Uie d in in g room.

;•>. r . U. Thomi>Mtu Is cU alrm an of Uie refie.shm ent com m ittee, a.''- sl.ited l)V Mr. a n d Mrs. C. O. Diimiis. Mr. and Mrs. n. A. Ihirdlck. Mrs. Jo h n m r d . Mrs. A. L, B churem an, M rs K. Robert*. Mr.v M. B. Dol- lliiK and Miss Be.v^ie Carlson.

Buhl Pair Weds At Burley Rites

im i l i , . Oct. 32 (ai>e«-lal)—M r. and Mr.s It. 1). Nevtnmi announce the inniiliiKe of Uielr dau g h ter, M lu Kllii N rym an, to Piiul U esch. sou i)t Mr iinil Mrn. Alfred Ileacli. H avens- villi', Klin, ' l l ie couple w as niarrlc il 0 <'l n a t the Hurley C h ris tian par- M)MMKr l>V Ihe Hev, A- L. K le lnfe ld t.

I^it her we<1dlnK th e bride cho.' a suit u 'llh a black checked sk li t and rc<l Jacket. H er accessories w rir bhic'k.

A llrr II brief wedding tr ip the to n p 'r w '" re tu rn to D nhl. .

'i'he iMldo is a graduate of tha Hiihl hlKli school with |JiO cla.nn ot 1DJ8 and Mr. Reach was Braduulrd fioni Ihe Havensvllln high acIiooI In 1 0 :1 .1 . Me also attended tt\a stale col l«-«r ui Mnnhatlau, Kan.

¥ ¥ ¥HANDW KJI I 't l .I .IN n

M lui'ril ham a n d c linp im l iw eet g iren pei)|iers mixed wlUi m ayoii- nalAS npiead Iwlween g rah a m bread sll<'e. nixkn a fine sandw ich—add a e rlsp letluco leaf, of course.

Phi Delta C lu b Plans Rainbow M otif fo r E lab orate Occasion

M iss Barbara Branniw, president e f P h i D ella club. Bnhl, pU yed tb e piano actompantnienta fo r other officers of the elub. M lu Lm ian Zucal, treasurer; MIsa Panlloe Kelly, secretary and Miss Wilma Hot- chlnaon .vlce-preildent. who recently rehearsed club songs and nu de final plans for the formal dance at w hich they will entertain tbls coming Friday evening at BohL

Ixira D ow . Mrs. laia UciiiKc, M iM f Dessln Carlson nnd Mls .1 Nrwlon.

¥ ¥ ¥

Bee Hive Sports Buzz A ttracts ‘‘

'IV ln r a i l s Ntake Dee lilv r h|x>rt l>ii.-r WHS held ^Jaturdiiy a ltr i iimxi n' lliutiiiiu pa rk w ith Bee Itlve (ilil: lu im 'Vviln Pftlls l lr s t and Ulll(l.^ iind Mulil w ard nl(i'iiillii);.

■riic luog ram included wiliKti, kcI ni-i|uiiliile(t Kaniea a n d folk dunrr 1 11 cImiKe of Mrs. Jo h n O arre tl ixm Ml;.. I'liiicHt E xeter, beekeeiK'is, an

liv M rs. M artin Ciiiiidrll mu Mir, Holicrt H olfrecht, llist wtml Miri. Ilyi'on H arris , Mrs. Oe.irKc Mil- ho luid Mrn. D ert Alexiunln, mul Wind, a n d Mrs. Geomo Md- ihlKe niul Miss U tielett, Hulil.

Urvi-vly m ock played planu dliiii niiinbern fo r th e soii» diniir-i. O lhe r beekfcperi, pre'.eiit w n r M il. L. Heap.i. seconil wind mill Mrs. O. T . Luke, sinks l>ee- k rep ri.

ftrtir .itune iita of ch ill and \m w \\ were served following th e gsmrs,

from roman ticlands

C hotceit cbJIIUf aad i p i c , blended In Sdiim ng ChlU Powder. It f iv e s dcJIcious, acsiful a « v « - ensblM to prtpare iwM ual dishes <)ulchl7 tad «uUy. C e m p m in i,asl. Ixjr tad R ftagtlit 7-0^ caa.0017 l U .

• r ix T R A c ri

Schilling:/ . / W / f a . /

Three'in One Party For BPW and Guests

N o v e l em p lo y m e n t o f th e p ro jfre sa iv e p a r ty idea m ark ed fo r su c c e ss t h e H allo w e’en H i-J in x f o r m e m b e rs o f th e B usi- noM3 a n d P ro fe s s io n a l W om en’s c lu b a n d th e i r g u es la laa t even in g . _ .

F o u r h o m es w e re opened to th e m em ber.s nnd K uests fo r th e o p e n in g fe .s tiv itie s , w here p in o c h le , C h in e se checker.^ and biiiK'o w e re lau n ch ed ea rly in th e oveninpr; 'F in n l roiind.s w e re p la y e d n t tw o o th e r hom es, n n d th e KiieHt.H o(i th e e v e n in g a t th e Idaho P o w er co n i|)nny a u d ito riu m .

A.ssmibinig first at llie home. n(Mr.s. Ell?i»both Smltlv. Ml.vs iiny t^mlth. Mm. Marian Dunn and MKi Merle Neivlon, the four grouiis then lir(i«M'.‘,.se<l to the homes ol Mrs.IJelle Orn'il and He.«le CniUon fur ihr "Wind uii" of Bume.s.

lifvi^iunes were ftevvtd Ihr iu>t ciindle.s a Ihe senmil, nnd

(Inu^hiiiilS' and elder* At the iiiull- >1 liini.Ml . Myrtle Anderson inlnmin of nrrunKemeiits. A.vst.inig

Antiques to Be Exhibited at Tea

BU H L, Oct. 22 (S|iecli<l>--nnirs- day f tf len ioon , O ct. 24 the W<«i\rn't, U nion of Ihe B uhl Presbylerinn c h u rc h will . I)0 lu 0 r an nntkiue nll- ver te n in llic social rooiii.i oC the c h u rc h , l l i e puhllc Is Invited If tend a n d to contj-lbulc any jintlques to Ihe dbiploy.

T h e re will be a ll (ype:. of IihikI- w ork Includ inu neverui |ilrce> of em ­b ro idery belonging lo Mrs. M. lloiiil- Ing, w l)o will ta lk on tier native c oun try of E .itlionlu. Mrs, Al Klix her will alug ••The O ld WIin-1"and M rs. C. K. Rudy will have i'lmrne of Uie devotionals.

M rs. I lay W eaver Is fiicMilrnt nf the W om en 's U nion and M is Hlmi ley W ebber Is chaln im n ol ilu a n tiq u e len.

B U ilL , O ct. 22 (S pec ia l) — A u tu m ii a n d th e aw ak en in g o f a g iiy djuiciiiK season 'v ill c re ji te a Iovi‘ly iitnio.sphere in th e R u h l A m vricim L eg io n ha ll F r id a y fveiiin^;, O ct. 25,- w h en th e Phi D olta c lub o f th e B u h l hiKh .school g ir ls w ill be ho.sts to KHi inv ited g u e s ts f ro m B u h t a n d iu‘ig h b o rin g to w n s Htid severa l s tu d e n ts fro m th e so u tlii 'rn b ra n c h o f th e U n iv rr.s ity of Id ah o , a t P oca te llo . A lso p re se n t w ill be S u p t. a n d Mr.s, G eorge L ik e ­n ess , th e hiRli school teach -

. .sponsor.-^ o f th e Pep and .special honor g u es ts .

T h e ra in b o w and th e po t-o- gold th e m e will be c a r r i ^ o u t in e la b o ra te deco ra tio n s fo r th e , h a ll. T h e coiling w ill be d ra p e d w ith c rcpe p a p e r a n d 50 h a n d m a d e rainbow u m ­b re lla s w ill be suspended f ro m th e p a p e r ceiVini’ and h u n g to look like h u g e b ask e ts o f th e -rainbow co lo rs, above th e y o u th fu l d an ce rs .

A n a rc h e d rainbow w ill h a lf-c irc le th e o rc h e s tra p i t on th e r i g h t co rn e r o f th e h a ll a n d th e re f r e s h m e n t tab le in th e le f t c o rn e r opposite th e o r c h e s t r a w ill be covered w ith a n e la b o ra te lace cu tw o rk c lo th a n d to th e flo o r on a ll s id e s w ill be an a rra n g e m e n t o f ra in b o w colors fa llin g in to th e p o ta -o -go ld . T h e ta b le w ill b e il lu m in a te d by s o f t ta p e r - lig h t.

T h e fre shm an members of th e P h i D elta club will serve punch th ro u g h o u t th e evening. Tliey will w ear d a in ty co.'stumes carry ing o u t th e rainbow color scheme. TlicSe girls will also a » ls t In Uie cloak room and a t ih e door. Com fortable chairs will be arranged In th e ba l- cony for th e s))ectatorB.

T lie them e song. "Over the Raljj- bow,” will be played for tlie gm nd m a rc h a t 9 o'clock. P resident of th e club. M iss ' B arbara B rannon, and he r e ico rt. Lyle Virgin, will lead th e m a rc h find will be followed by th e o the r m em bers a n d the club a lum n i and Ih e lr guests.

T lie a iip rop rla te song, "A lter the B all Is O ver." will be played as Uie grand finale, T lie Will W right o r­c h estra will fu rn ish th e music.

P reced ing th e ba ll a t 1 o'clock & ba n q u e t v i l t tw aerved In th e M er­cer p riv a te h a ll w hich will be dec­o ra te d w ith th e rainbow color schem e. T h e room will be illum i­na ted w ith varl-co lored candles in c an d e lab ra ; C overs will be marked for th e c lu b sponsors a n d escorU and th e fo llow ing membere and Uielr guests. M iss B a rb ara B rannon, p residen t, w ho will preside; Wilma H uU ihinson, P a u lin e Kelly, Lllllnn zuca l. C a rm en H artw ell. Bettv DCUy G iles, B e tty J a n e Hyde, OIrh Kodesh, D oro thy - W right, f l u t h H oward a n d Ruby Prlluclk are the,

Men Wanted—to Assume Roles in

Barrie’s DramaI t 's men .IheyTe w anting — the

"LltUe T 1 ie .-» [e r lo t n ’Oiit for p.irLs In the play. " W h a t Every W oman Knows," to be presen ted sometime in No'enitHT.

T n o u tv u til be he ld again th is veniiii; a i 7;30 o'c lock a t Radlolnnd.

a c tu n lln s to .Mis. "Chic" Crabtree, w ho will d lr tx t U ils y ear 's opening production of Uie T w in F a lls Com­m unity T lieo tcr association.

Som e oxceUent ta len t a ttended yoiil.-. la^t evening, b u t In view of 1 0 t.ic: tlm t th e cas t Is prcdom -

inan ily m asculine. Uie a.s.-.oclaUnn U enRcr 1 0 ]iave m 6re m en tryout UiLs evrninc.

¥ ¥ ¥St. Antliony Girl

"F ra t” SweetheartU N IV ERSITY O F IDAHO, O ct. 23

(S|>eclal)—Florence O rm e, Junior from St. A nthony.


MEADOW LARK .P la n s fo r the ir Hallowe’en p«rtT

were dlscassed w hen th e M eadow L ark Kroup of th e Blue B irds m e t last T liursday a t th e hom e of Louise Hall. T lie girls m ade favors and d l*- ' cussed Uielr trip to th e E lectric bakery. T lie hostess served re fre sh ­m ents.

O rm e, . ftos voted the

•Sweetheart of Sigm a C hi” Inst w eekend, w inning th e pulchrltudi contest from a, field of 22 contest-

T lie list of conte.stnnt. tied to six f in a lis ts lost week by menit>ers o t Slgrfia C\il Im te rn h y Tncluded in th e f in a l consideration w ere Ja n e D ouglass. TY-ln FalL^. and K ath leen M cNulty. Buhl.

NEW GROUPM eeting tor the f irs t Ume y e s te r ­

day a t th e home of th e ir gua rd ian ,' Mrs. E. R. Scofield, a new group of the Camp Fire G irls elected officers and discussed Ideals of Ca'hip F irs work. '

Newly elected officers a re Ju stin e Ga.'vscr. presiden t; S usan Pringle, v ice-presidenl: J a n e A nderson, srrlbe; Jtinn lta Connerly, secretary , and Stella Dee CuUer, treasu rer.

N am e for the group will be se lec t­ed a t th e nex t m eeting a t th e hom e of Ml.-is Ga.v>er.


T o remove pain t spots from gloss ea.slly, use a strong w ashing soda sohulori. I f th e p a in t .s ta in s a re stubborn, soak them w ith th e so lu ­tion several Umes, then scrape w ith a razor blade.

Cooking School2:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY

October 23Idaho Power Auditorium

T h in 1m th e firMi nf Iho nnw fn ll fiorien of

lnt«‘reHl|iiH ciuiliiiiif nchooln p la n n e d to

h e l |) flniiirt liDiLscwivcH K ct th e muHt o u t o f el«‘c trit: n idk i'ry .

Come And See What’s New In

* Oven Meal Cooking* Thrift Cooking,


New Ideas In Home Llghtini;'*

Come and Bring a Friend!



MIm F redft H elfensle in and Rav- m ond E rn e s t Bpls^er, boUi of Mliiot, N. D., w ere un ite d In niartlinje at Uio M e th o d is t parsonage .Siindiiy a /ternoon . O ct. 20. n l « o'cloik.

Rev. H . a . M cCalUster po:!>wwri! tiin w edding cerem ony. u.i Iiib ilif .single rin g ritu a l, l l i e cnii|>)r nlll ir.slde on a ran c h eas t of Twin Fiills.

T hey w ere accomiMudixl bv Mis A lbert D enny a n d Jack HoUt< r. - l i ­ter a n d b ro th e r of the brklc^iuuiu.


□elA O ain inn club m e t Inst evcniiu- III th e Y. W, C. A. rooms foi i ItimluesR

MARY WAS A LADY. . . . She Cooked Electrically

• LE IS U R E — that's a m agic w ord to every

houscw H c, and leisure Is -whal the electric

range brings to every hom e!

A u to m a tic a lly controlled cooking on the elec­

tric range eliminates hours of tiresome “ pot

w a tc h in g ," peeking and w aiting.. A ll you have

to do is put your meal in ihe oven, set the

therm ostat and forget it ! Y o u r meal will be

pe rfe ctly cooked, then kept at |ust the right

tem perature tiH you're .ready to serve It',

M illio n s of women in Am e rica are "leisure

housewives'' thanks to their electric ranges.

B e a u t i f y Y o u r

K i f c h c n w i t h »


r Go to yoor eleclric ckaler't

■tore or com e to our salesroom •

and loarn the num eloue o lh er

advantages of cooklr'g iiec*

trically. Y o u 'll l>« surprised how e ee lfy m

e l e c t r k rar>ge can be bought, h o w .c h e e p ly H

c a n be operated, *od how m u c h It wtM b e e y t if y

yo u r kJ*cKen. Do n't w a l t - : - ^ R m w I

i d a h o V p o w e r


SPORTSTu«id»y. OttolKir 2 J , 194B

25 MAJOR TEAMS REMAIN ON UNBEATEN LISTW e e k ’s Sectional Battles W ill Spoil Records

By PAUL 8 CHEFKELS -N E W Y O R K . O ct. 22 (U.P.)— T w n ty .f i v e coUokc fo o tb a ll

te a m s , v e t to tawte d e fe a t a t th e h a lfw ay m ark o f th e lO'lO a e a f lo n ,'to d ay w e re th e m a rk s fo r (rlo ry-huiigry s n ip e rs a t ev e ry tn r n alonj? a h e a v y schedu le .

T h e re a r e 10 e a s te rn , fiv e so u th o rn , fiv e m id -w e s te rn , fo u r ROUth*western a n d one P a c if ic co h s I te a m w ith u n b e a te n a n d

n tied reco rd ? . N o t o n e h a s 'm o re th a n a n even ch an ce of cominpr th ro u g h i ts second-h a lf p ro g ra m u n sc a th e d .

ComeU, Pennsy lvania . Fordham and Boston coneRc lo p ih e oantern conllngent. Cornell Hbr yet- to play Ohio 8 ta t« a n d Columbia and winds up the season w lllv PennAylvanla. Pennsy lvan ia m eels M ichigan this Saturday.

T o u ih Fa tu r* ro rd h a m ha.f two tough nula- lo

crack In N orth C aro lina a n d Purdue. Boston college* h u G eorgetow n lo worry about.

T hera U a lm llar hu rly -bu rly among the fire un b eaten a n d un tied cand i­dates for the m id-w estern honors. N otre D am e. » e lJ-fo rtlfled » t every pasvlop, Upp« th e n u ln te t in th e bW roc a clean sU U . T h e Notre Dam e steam -ro lle r (aces IlHnols, Army. Navy. low *. N orthw estern and S outhern C alifornia.

T he M ichigan revival squad, w hich h a s comefour tam es, meet* fou r t a r t a n on succe«lv* Saturday*—P e n n . M lnne- nota. N orU iw estem a n i O M o BUte. All b u t tbe la tte r a r t un b eaten and untied. D etro it , a n o th e r of th e un ­beaten m idw est clubs, faces th e eas-

, le.-it Job. m eeting only Vlllanova, Tulsa, G o n » i a and M aniuette,

SovU ivest B ailies Tn th e sou thw estern . scram ble,

T exas A. I s M . and T exas to p the

rem ain ing opponen ts th e A g|les4)ave to hu rd le 8 . M . U.. Rica a n d Texas, T exas p la y s RIc* and 8 . M. U. Centenarj* a n d W ake Fo rest may ^ 1 1 a n u n b e a te n season for Texas

O nly tw o team s — S tan fo rd and Sou thern O allfom la—a re unbeaten

r» th e P a r t t lc coast. BouVhetn CaM-

w hen they p la y each o the r. However. S U nfo rd h a s to m eet U. C. L. A„ W ashington , O regon S la te and Cali­fornia. S o u th e rn C a lltom la fInLthes up a g a in s t C aliforn ia. W ashington. U. O. L. A., a n d N otre Dame,

Twin Falls BOWLINGMerchantfC League

r. c. ANn^RKON I. nAmwAY • C. C. Andtmn

IUn.ll.-ip .................... IS U (I IIMr(:«ll ......................... I l l I)H l(l( ti

.lUrnm ____________in » « n t >1>■-. C»ln ................. 14# itn *f IINlfc-um ....................I.'i 111 HI I'1. J. 8n.HK................144 n i 101 41

% nuJb^L H 4/W00J


I t appears n l th is wtUIiir th a l Coach T nJ Bank Is on hU wny out a s Lhe head m an on Ihe Unlvcr.sliy of Idaho fooibnll leum and a lready anxious a lum ni arc looking over the field for pro-Hpccllve m a te i ia l ' lo s tep Into h is shoes.

O f course. Gale Mix. O rville H ull and otliers are very m uch in line for (he post—but If (he V an­dal a u thoritie s do as they have In the p ast they 'w il l go to soma sector of (he rounlry th a t U u n ­known to moU of us a n d come b a rk w ith a “rind"—they hope.So alone th is line we'll s lick In

)ur two cent^s worth and m a k e th is suBsestion:

W hi- n o l con tac t a b lc -tlm e coach who h i s been ousf<>d from h is Job and who Is currently " a t libe rty?" T lie tim e to do this, o f course, would be a t th e close of th e grid y e a r w hen th e an n u al open season on coaches gets under way.

Y ear-ln a n d year-o til th e re are good coaches who gel Uie old "boot” and usually they pop up a t some o the r school—and m any tim es tu rn Into th e "m osl succcsslul" coaches of Uie year.

Scoring Hits All-Time Peak hi Pro Game

NETW YORK. O ct. 32 OI.R)—Scoring In th e natlw nsl P ro fess ional F o o t­ball Irusue h u reached a n all-U m e hlEh ftVfrage of SI po in ts pe r gam e, tram .^tatl.itlcs revealed today.

J'lve games per te am w ere e plfied last Sundoy and IM p o ln u........ reg is te red .to b ring th e h a lf -

m-s to ta l lo 88 « po in ts . L as t the league average w as 30

polnl.<< per gam e for a 6S-gam e '^•lirdule a n d se t a new a ll- tim e hinli-

n i r undefeated W ashington R ed - *kUu ; r t th e pace In te a m o ffe n ­sive pisy. T he R edsk ins lea<* ;r ground calned w ith l,W 7 y a ru s tc G rcrn Bay's 1.630 and h a v e scored H7 points to the P a c k ers ' 113. 8 a m - mV Hautfh and F ra n k Fllchock, W a^hlll^ton psssers. have com pleted 73 out of 116 passes fo r a 62 per (•ent e ffic ien c y 'a v erag e —tlu e e per cent better th a n a week a g o .'T h ey are only two com pletions aw ay from ' Phllntlelphla 's 76 ou t of 176 tosses.

T lir New York O lan td a n d D e ­tro it Lions sliare defensive honors. T tie Glant-i have yielded only 829 ysrd.n to th e ir opponenta a n a a re tied with th e C hicago C ard lnn la In pas.<: defense, eac h h a v in g a llow ed 38 per cen t com pleted a g a in s t them .' Tlie U ons have p e rm itte d on ly 45 po in ts In s ix gamee.

The Trojau Horse Gets Into High, Wallops Webfeet Eleven


«U 111 Tit IR70

hhiiinohc:*klil*r .

mViU '

since hearing of the repo rt th a t B ank was on th e way ou t. we've been m ulling (he fu tu re ever a n d th is b rough t Ihe qucitlon np of w h at had bccome of T iny T h o rn ­hill, form er coarh a l S lanford. T h o rn h ill w as good enough to take

a couple of S tanford teams. Into th e Rose bowl—and It appears on tho stren g th of It th a t he wnuld know all tlie ang les In preparing a. tc for b ig-tlm e compatltlon. .Mich Idaho will Rct In 1D43 wlion li be­comes a full-fledged mem ber of th e Pacific C oast conference.

In th e m eantim e. It Is certa in tlia l Id ah o 1s going to have to do som e­th ing to eiicournge Idaho to a tte n d th e ir own university ra th e r Dian go o u t of sta te .

T ills y e a r 'm a n y —p rartlru lly a ll —o f so u th e rn Idaho a th le le i who w ent ie fu li- f i td ie d unlversltleii— w ent ou t of th e t(a(«. The o ( h rn th a t w ent to (he amaller nrhools like Albion Norma), hava proven th a t Ihey can coinpele w ith schooli of a like citllber—iin m u t­te r rrem w h a t sU U .

Now, there were no ovnhiiT ; mnrtft In this area (at 1pi>m noililnn siibstantlali to gel men like mil Fol.iom and Oeoriih Davison, fooi- ball and basketball stars iit Pulls high school, to go to Idnln) Nor for Tra Oartnsy, reKsuhxi ii- one of the brsl football pro.\|>e>'i.i ii

Mnith Idnhi), FoUom aiut OavKoi . W SC and Caitiiey, iiloiui

witl) flob Hatnpton, nuoliier kikkI nro.ipect, lo University oi Ington. We' sei- a ollpplni Kol.ioin In starting on tlir iVfH: liosh clnl) and wr Imven't liruril li<

her 1m>vs h i t cociiUik ntii I lllll<l »H< Wlllllltf to Ih'L Ih.ll II t/slim 'IV lii l^ilU hl»;U M'l I eXBmple, wr inlain iH.lnt out

th a f of the nine fli ii Mriiif who aided In wlnnliii: the n|oii.ililn lanl year before rm ing, only one malrlciiliiieil i Ifnlvernlty of Idaho. He i.- Aliiterton. Innttier nt cium iHtter bring h mrnil)ri i>l lUr Ur Vaudsl scjiM .

Thfl V andals d idn 't nmke any • lle n ip t io |« l < iror|fi |> « \ |m>ii, who waa regarded by ninnv rx - p rrl* Mho saw him prrfttnn nn the ba ikelhall court a t oiix ..f lh a fliirnt high ifhonl player* In (ha ita U of Idaho. A fter a profen- sinnat basketball player saw h im perfnrm or^e n lgh l. lie » U lrd fieo rio had ••ipli( ’- a l l o t* . Ing him (o look one way am i pasa

- ' th a (

BK R K K U Y - Hc»rt«ned by MHr viotary vrer UOIA'. C*ll(«rn- l» ’a Baara w tn l U treofii thdr

tmpraeaive eeHmmMe Uie m r ." (n w hieh i lm Jtulievlch, til* » in a« bairbteli. brok- away for ■ m r a l U H oM ew n runs.

M A T T L » ~ « m o )i J ln w r f h e .

ffMtm U WMi HarrteanU Iba wt W aAlnfta«l«M i t l l a r lw«.WMhi U -

BY nA B R Y GRAYSON NEA Service Sperta E dito r

A fter k icking a round In th e m inors for 13 years. D ominie Jo seph Ryba finally Is to ba given a m a jo r league tr ia l as a p lU h e r a t 36.

T he ac<)nlsiUan «f M ike R yba rives (he Boston Red Sex (he tw o m ost re rsa t lle pU yers of th e cam e. T h e o th e r Is. a t course . Jam es Em ory Foxx.Ryba — pronounced R eeba — has

ou tstripped even th e g re a t J im m y Foxx as a handy m an, fo r In a d d i­tion to such th ings as p itc h in g one end of a d<)uble-header a n d c a tc h ­ing th e o th e r, and ird base and th e ...............m anaged a p e n n an t-w ln n ln i club , run the fro n t office and doubled as • tlcket-ie lle r all a t the sam e tim e.

H e has led leagues in p itch ing a n d ba tting .

W ith Springfield of (he W estern association in 1934. he m ade six h ita in seven trips lo th e p la te . H e lim ited H otchlnion to th ree Infield h its and made two h im self, d rlT ln t in (he only run.

W lUi Columbus in 1035, he m ade two putouU 1 11 a triple play.

B u t It rem ained (or th e big season R yba had strictly af> a p itcher w ith Rochester tlil.i year lo confound th e old theory th n i a Ja rk -o f.a lU fra d es m ay be m aster of none. Tlie v e te r ­an d id It u ltl i ron ttn l nnd a ncrew- bali so well th a t Die Red W ings grabbed th e gonfalon, and he w as ad judged th e n iu t valuable a tl\le l< In Uie In tcrn stlonal league.

T tils Is the fourth tim e h e h a s been so honored In as m any d lffaf* e n t c ircu its In l l yeara.

Hla previous hlg leatiue trliils iiave been w ith the Cardinals aa a buck- ♦top.

Ryba h as no regrelii. for h is ab ility to quiokly a d ju s t hlm soif te so m any positions and posts enabled (he ene-llin« coal m iner o f PunxsulsH ney, Tenn.. to do ra th e r u e ll financially In lh a Curds' rltalii . . . w ith D ayton of th e c e n tra l leafue. h ro itilale of (he M lddle-Atlantlo, S p rln ifle ld of the W estern jiiu c la tlo ii. H ous­ton . t'o lun ibm 1 1ml H orl)ri.|rr.

ItyUa's a tlm n lo v<)ull(!^l^r^ how ­ever, 1 1 to ronre iilin to on one Job . . . le a in 1 1 thuiouihlv.

Hy tliM tlnu', Hvlni im li^en ilm i ij' th e qiilrkeM witv tci .-uish tlir lilg stiow am i ttie nioiT iiniH iiiunl money.

I t 's a meiit birnk fiii- Hylni. to land >slth tin: a flluen t I tn l Uo^. iiu t he really hluiuld Iirvi Ronn to th e poor NalUiiiiil l''iiuue irU lio iik th a t a re th e i>hlllieo.' T h ink w hat (ierry N ugent ooul<) do w ith a man of Mike K yba'a m ultip le ta lriitv

very h l ih In his f a » o r -pn ln t

(h a( only (he e tp e r t i hail.Yet. w hen we m**i>tli'in-il lilin lo

□ a le Mix, gradilnle iiniimHer of aUiietlrn tjils (um nier. Mix M»1d h i had "nnver heard of him "

We'ro not trying to imlni out tJmk 7>ln Falls Rthletf hoiiM "make'' t*a University of Idaho ath'lella rte- paiUnnit, Hut we aje saying timi it Ihe Vandal authorities lynore olJier dlies and schools as they do Twin Falls-lhen no man on llie faro of t^e earUi oun biilM ni> the IdAho fillib to Uie place where It can com- Mta w an *v*n basis wltli aiio.h uame aa Waslilngton. t/HO, Htan-

It'm igh t be that the (roHbla at U if im iTm ltjr Idaho goM eon- •Merably deeiMr lhan Ihe ooacli- Ing ^ t l e n .


Mac Finds Honest Man: Coach Who Admits Players Ai'e Paid

Passes playei part In the victory of Senthem Caliromla ever Oregon at Angele* gaturday and here’s Ben Sohn (B5). Trejan back, rambling for a 16-yard gain before being slopped by Bob Berry (ZO) and Crlsb (M> at Oregon. T h e Trejaas won (heir InKtal conference victory 13-0.

I(y Hulled Ticm S A L T I.AK 1-; r r i 'v m « ii iie d .

sklna, iina i tUiii under lh a w eek-end d e fe a t by tlie UHAC, prepurert UKlay lo b la st D enver un iversity from the Big Hflveii i-iiiiIrrrnrB lenderslilp It sh a re s w ith ColDiadn. H, rlnnnages. d rills In fiindsinen lsls a n d Im proved passing o lfen te and delonee were on £5oach I k e A iiin trong 's -practice iche<luie for Hie Keek. D enver wlU (ncei the tir<hkliis liore U aturday.

fXXlAN—Week-end vloiors over th e (J(aK Kediklne. (he U tah Aggies taok to lha field today readying for Sa turday 'stional (angle wllh (he U nlvertity of Idaho Vandaii. The Vandals, w ho were defeated last week b j BM tan Cellege M -0, were •sp M (e« t« be aiiderdega when Ihey m eel the Aggies al Melse,

rn O V O -ilr lg f iu m Yming unlver. sUy. wlUi tw o weeks to prepare tor Its next game w llh the U tah A gglei,

U. of W. Spanks 0. S. C. 19-0

Rose bowl hopes for (he Oregon S(a(e Beavers faded at Readle when they were defeated lB-0 by the tl’nlversity of Waslilnglon Huskies. D e­sp ite drissling rain, (he game was featured by spectacular paues, am ong which (his picture Is typical, with Jap MacDowell. Husky end. after (he ball. A((emptlng te kiioek It down are (wo Beavers. Gray (tS) »nd Olson (III whils Marx | 20) Husky end. comes In at left.

Coes Standlee for Slanford Score

over Southern California in 8atur< day'a game.

Idaho Antelope Larger Than U. S. Average

"How big l l an an telopeV T h a t Is a que.Mlon th a t h«9 bo th­

ered Uie Id ah o s ta te gam e depert- m cnl fo r several years—In fac t, tm tll th e rccen t h u m was concluded.

D urln;; th a l h u n t in th e cen ter Idaho, th e gam e dep artm e n t kep t a com plete check on all h u n te rs and th e resu lt w as th a t a n exact com­posite was com pleted a n d now shows the Id ah o an telope to be a little la rger in h e ig h t and le n g th th a n the average for N orth A m erica, b u t Just a little less In w eight.

Assisted by th e U. 8 . forest serv- Ice. th e d e p ar tm e n t collected com­plete w eights and m casurem enU on more th a n 150 m a tu re Bnlmals. From these figures they com puted a com- po.slle buck 'which w ould Up the scales a l H Z pounds dressed , w ith head, hide a n d h o rn s a ttached . H is live weight would be l l l . J pounds..

H ere Is l^ n g th - He would be 5 7 J Jnches long from

tip of nose to end of la st ve rteb ra in tali and w ould s ta n d 37.3 Inches high a t th e shoulder. T h e tip spread of his horns w ould be 7.1 inches: extrem e spread . 11 Inches. O utside curve of Ills horns, w hich Is th e mea.^^rcmenl u k e n to denote th e ir Itng th , would be 13.5 Inches a n d tho prong IrnKth w ould be 3 i Inches.

Circum ference of h is h o rn s would range from 6 .6 Inches a t th e base and 55 Indies a t Uie f irs t qu a rte r "> 3.5 inche.f a t th e sccnnd qu a rte r

id 2.3 Inches a t th e th ird qua rte r, An average doe w ould w flgh t 6 B.8

pounds clre.«ed o r 04.3 live w eight. She would be M.9 inches long and Would htnnd SO.S Inches high a t th e flliMiIder.

Idaho Antelopes Largei Tlle^^ Jigiireg coni])are favorably

w ith niea.'iurements given for a n te ­lope In •'M amm als of A m erica,” p u b t Ushed bv th e UnlvpTsUy SoelaVy In c , which gives the following meiAuremeiits for biirks:

I-eiiRtli. lour feet; ts ll. seven 1 lu'll^^; he igh t a l shm ilder, three ><'<'t; liorii.i, about 1 1 or 12 Inches ''■•'■iHlil, nu [W inds.'

If th f ir (iRiiren repre.ient an aV' of A m encan jiroiighorned anle.

lope as a whole, th e Id ah o repre ‘.eutallvtM arc aom cw hat longer, tali' T imd liiivr nllghtly la rge r h o rn i but avemne less In weight.

The lar^:e^t head m easured by th e iiuine driiiiriineiil d iirlng th e five- (lay h u n t was taken by F red Hill, Jr„ of Uurlrv. Ills trophy h a d a tip spread (if ifl Inches a n d an oulaldo ciirvn nini.M iirmenl of Iflii Inches. Hpi'oiul i»-si h rn il wlUi an o\|ts1de curve of III., luuhes had np Up

ll T h" h o rn" tu rned In- wsici niiil imxAfd fftfh o the r. I t was c-oii.-<tni Jo h n c iu 'U tlansen of LXnvney

3t6 Antelope Taken huiiiirr'd spttclal permits,

eiirli lit w hkh en titled the reolplept lo ai aiiielajte of either sax, wert lMiie.i Inr Ihe him l, A lthough unfa- vnralil.' w d itlin ' In terfered w llh hun ting . 3 ;<u ani«lo|>e were ehecked out. 0 1 tiirse, a t) were bucka and M were does; a la tio roiitfllly three "to one, Due to the f a d lh a t antelofM a(either r - ....................................>le<t

With a pair e f Courari tn 'fr « ll1eae •■ lealt. Norm Riandiee, Atan* ^er4 eweepa wide around (ha leA «nd ef (ba W aililngtnn BUteU|M fof the Indiana f ln t irore a( rullm an. W ash. Saturday. Ntanford delivered a 16-H Urruping (0 (ha hU haflt H)^bealen Couiars.

Vandals Ladle out Potatoes on Return Trip From Boston Tilt

MO8 OOW, .Oct. 32 tapeelu l) . . Id ah o ’s football team , en rou te 1 0 BolK from Boston to play U tah Htate Oct. ;6, is (Ull haiidUig ou t th e fa- mmvg Id ah a R useett po ta toes along Uie roure,

Tlie largest portion of th e fa- m ou i I4*llo tu to r s w are d is tribu ted In M gton . wtltra th ey were rtoalvad

graat ovation. The aUe o( Uie o e i a m ste d th e H oiton popu 1a< Mid U u a d v e r tliln g 'ia ln e d will

....... 1 to theIdaho potato farninrs I.asI anhed- uied slop for dlnlrlliullon waa at Bvaniton. ill.', wliere Uie Vandal grlddire planned lu Introduoe Norfhweetern iintverslty atudenU to Uie Idaho ItusseU.

■nia Idaho team arrives tn Poca. taUo WedOMday far a'w orkout ba. tveen trains, and will arrive In BoUe early Thursday for two more rtsys of U iln lng on public snhooi field be-


nam e Isn 't Diogenes, and I don 't have a lam p, b u t I found myself an honest m a n today.

He Is Moee Sim m s, who coaches the 8 U M ary’s of San Antonio football team , here to play Long Is lan d un iversity n e x t Sa tu rday . .

"We play football to make money." Moee said In a loud, c lear voice, and w ithou t asking me to step in to an o th er room. " W h a t’s more, every one of th e 33 boys who m ade th e t r ip from T exas were re ­c ru ited . I know, because I have to do th e recru iting th a t th e a lum ni

do a t m ost schools. And here 's som ething e lse -e v e ry one of the boys Is getUng tu ition , room, board and books for noth ing . We don’t go for th a t hypocritical stuff of giving them phoney work like w inding elcctric clocks and te a r ­ing th e pa«cs off calendars a t 50 c en ti an hour. T h a t m akee lU rs ou t o f Uie p layers a n d lia rs and fakers ou t of the school.'

Believes In G rid Pay1 cautioned Mose to ta lk softer,

lest Ogden M iller of Y ale over­h e a r him and fall r ig h t again st an Ivy-clad w all from shock. B ut th e T exan w en t r ig h t on.

"As a coach I'm a firm bellver . In giving a football players w hat

h e ’s w orth. Moat of th em a re bad ­ly underpa id . W hen a g rea t back comes along and packs a sUtdlum Sa tu rday a fte r S a turday . I th ink

.he should g e t a lit tle of the change. Wc ha v en 't m uch money a t S t. M ary's, because w e're a lit­tle school, b u t If we had It th e boys would get th e ir share."

Mose c s n 't figure ou t w h at harm is done by a boy paying his way through college w ith h is a th letic ability.

"N inety-n ine per cen t o f the boys on my team never would have gotten near a college If I t h a d n 't been for football, ” h e said. '’But we found uTem and now they are getting an education and enjoying travel a round th e country . T hey’re nice boys, they ’re clean kUis, and they ’re gam e. W hat are they hu rting? W hy isn 't I t a good th ing for football to do th is for a bunch of bOJ'S?"

Mosc Is equally f ra n k about the coaching buslne.u.

."A football team Is In tho am usem ent business. You charge

Conn to Meet Lee Savold

NEW YORK, Oct. 22 Ot.(>'--niny Conn, world's light heavyw cishi cham pion who Is working h is way through the heavyw eight ran k s to a sho t a t Champion Joe Couls, will fight Lee Savold of Den Moines, la ,. In B 15-round non -tltlo bout a t M adison Square G arden , Nov, J9.

Prom oter Mike Ja co b i announced th e m atch and said th a t th e w in­ner would probably get a shot a l Jack Dempsey's protege. Red Bur- m an. as the nex t |t e p tow ard Louis.

for a show and you should p u t one on. I t 's a football coach’s Job to see th a t hU te am does pu t on a show. We do o u r best to sU go an en terta in ing a c t. a n d th e red, w hite and blue un iform s th e boys w ear is the costum ing end of It. We'll Inlroduce a lit tle novelty on S a tu rday by th row tn* la or 20 red, w hite and blue footballs Into the s ta n d s fo r th e custom ers who

c ..tch them to keep as souvenirs."Record fo r T ravel

T he St. team holds allrecords for travel. T h e boys get about th e coun try In th e ir own b u s - a s lrcam llned a l u m i n u m m onster th a t seats S3. Already the ap tly -nam ed R am ble rs have play­ed In Louisiana. N orth D ako ta and New Hamjxshlre.

Mosc m akes It p la in U ia t St. M ary's Is no Je rkw ater school.

• 'I t 's been going since 1853 and Is no rack cty -rax place. I t has tu rned ou t some fine m en and scholfisUcally Is on a p a r w ith o the r southw estern schools.”

Y eslr,. p a rd , a n ho n est roan, Mose eim m s,

LOS ANGELES — Coach Babe Horrtli Indicated (oday that the V.C.L.A. B n iln i would ipend (he' week drilling cr fundam antali in preparation for their game hera Saturday wllh Oregon State.

LOS ANOtLKS — The U nlverslly of a o u tlirm C alifornia T rojana

to tmpv«v* th e ir p%»*'ng o f­fense today in p repa ra tion for the SU nfM d game i t Palo Alto 6 a tu r- dsy.

reporting lh a t they ituj no t ge l th r lr antelope, while reporte were no t r e ­ceived from i i tn whom perm its wero litued , rresuiiiably ' bad. w eulher or stress cf .buslneai prevented many of them from hun ting , nlnr6 five checking ita tinns and 2 0 w ardens In the field prartli'ally in su red rpn lnct- Ing every hvinter who en tered ihn a rea aV least onci during th e i^ s o n .

d c id an im ali v e i l le ft in

Only two hu n le rs retum fd oardafIMd

fore Ihe M iiho-Ulah Btqte e laili Saturday afternoon.

A year ann i*heii U tah Btaie In* v«(i»<d Mnhrow 1 0 meet the Vandals. Idaho wo|i lha nonteet 11 to t . ororea were rrglptered In th« IW® rnnloM hy p„ul J(jr,n. lUy Smith A'lil LaVern Bell. Ihe latter sebredon « pass interoeptlon- IM>< ' ' nyan fare thr Agglea Isou. Uti(h tjtats's t w rtfUl from a biorked iwint and itth Mauahan ploked up tho b»ll Md scored from the 30-yard line.

fiiAllsticK of the game ahew Idaho teamed reven first downi to Utah ii'ate'i live, and gained HI r*rd* from arrlmmagfl to Uuh 8Ut«> 40.

Also making the Ulp to Bolae for till foolUII gaine U Um Idaho

Mom» w Wedneedar aiiti pl*r in )il«H

Topcoats for

Dyed in the •

Wool Party


W e 'v e g o t t h o s e b e a u .

’ tif iil to p c o a ts t h a t look la rg e en o u g h to cover

, a n a c re o r a n e le p h a n t

a nd w e 'v e g o t th o se

.sm ooth fo rm trac in s :

* n u m b e rs t h a t hfive th e

k ick o f a d o n k ey .

You .sim ply ( ry th em

. . . look a t all

an g le s n s y o u d id y o u r potilicfi.

Wc'i'C n o t te ll in g you w h ich t ic k e t to back

' . . . w e 're sh o tv in g you

p rice licketB in g ran d ,

■ topcontfi t h a t a r e p a c k ­

ed w ith vaUie.s.

Jin.?.*; to *.15.00

' Rowles-Mqck

The iMIe Hermts say;

it 's A TEN STRIKEfir Quality, Flamr and ValueT




Tuesday, October 22,1940 IDAHO EVENING TIM ES, TW IN' FALLS. IDAHO

Bohby Adams, Ogden, Wins Official Batting Crown

Official Pioneer League Averages(CcaplM bj Ho»m Niwi BurMu).

BKASON 1>4I Club tUttlnc

0 AU n OB II TB0*d«n ................ 4<KB 771 JU 1S33 ISMId*ho F»II. ........... IJ2 teS4 7iS 760 UOl 176!r««t«iio ..........— <i>i H i 1211 i»s2s*it U k t Citr ....ISO 4sn eoi kd i : ii i 7«i jKso 7M 7»o i;o» liss

N«m. trti Club^u«i«bog. Mrlvln. I F ........CUanon, iUtnl W„ 9.Q,<1.| TK«r#tr. ChtrlM. T f ............. ....Ai»m». nob«tt II.. .....Rob«llo, Thom**, fi L Cl.o«e. W tlitr. Dell* ........— ....Jo»#ph. Ed»«rd. Oidtn ___ __R otr. UIk«. I r ............ - ........S*U*. ntn, l‘(x :............. .............L4ybouni», D«l», O id«n............0»»n. K«tl II.. 8 I. C ................

Wllll«m. I K ........ .........8 .« u tt. T V ...............

Duff. Cordon. OrJormU, R«btrl. t‘c>e ...................MeConn.K. Sh.Mon. I K ............Nu(h»«. P t ltr f;. « .O i-« -T F .An>lr»rt«. Si»Rhen. I'oc ........

b Kerr. Ffink W.. I'oe __ L___t Ad»m.. W «'.rd I-.. DoIm ......

I 'lllrr. II,IV, I K . ..........I’oMiVt, K<iint-tK. tijHen .........

Forcl. Lmn»rtl. Uirdrn ....A.rrt.ii».l, I’.ul.Il«,irr. H.ymnn.1, Rol. ...^iinnotl, (ilcnn, Ocicirn . .ivrry. R»y.-.S L C ......Knilsron, John. Ui'lrii I'rricStiin. Uolicrl. :i I. I, Hill»r. I’AUI J.. i'iK- MeConn»ll. Oiden('•n«v4n. T hsn ii M>T>>JS W«kr. Rlrhnni..SifrI*. Alb*rt. !j i. . ..M rir.. K.i>n«(h. T F ....I-irlte. Itoy. S L r . .. Ixircnten. Rld«n. Unlit ...Mi>h«P, E ran l. T V . ...K>kollrl>. Thfo.l<>rr I’ve

^n» tlc , Jo*»ph._ iloi<p . .Itirrlnslon, Antlrcw. (i.,u< Dobion. HirolH, I'or WorM?». Kr^d. S I- C .. .Endr*M. Ernlr. T F ......

T.™._T Ki M.r"r."TH, iT ** ' . She»h»B. Kd»itH T.. Hoii Dr.>1lfy, Vtf4. I K Ruitni<1i. Mik«. T V

)Un>. Ordrn Ranald*. VtrBiin. T F ...

. Rindil’i? 'w irrli«; t ' f ....V, I- O’sh,;,. r»i. ! r

Zip.y. Pocllur)r,on. J<.hn W.. S L C rifp«ntfr. Arlhur. »-0i- Hilfr. Jitnr*. OWfTi lla>mut«<ii. Conr»d. lloi«» Hri,.„n. rh.rlM . S I. C

Jlnt>«rt a!. IIoIk ToUn. M*rlon. t I’W)iiU. bonddnrlilti

2B 3D HR .SH .SB LB Pet.lOS 1007 .214III IIH .21070 i m M

lU IOft» .31778 10:» .2ITi l J»7I - -


O n .n l.n . H«»ld. T F "> ltlnf. Htnr>-. Oidiri Wllll*m>nn. Cor<lon. Ilol n .l|» r . Fr.nV. T F .Srrp», 5fmb«n J....... Og-1

. CI»M . Oe.leRoidhu.rn. ftlutrt. . . Arn»rkli. J«hn. T F N».«rrii AuiU»l. lO-Rol <;uii.Unl, nfr J., S L CColt. I . Oi .M.rchl. Alb«rl. T F .........lU 'rh .ll . 4.,).. S L C .......W«iker. Ilo^.n l D.. Cjden Arrhi.tfi.. fillW r. Pm l l» « t . llkMK. \».|f-i2«TF MulHni. Fr,nV A.. I-P .f.!!-! Sl»lnWtk. t*»renc«, Otdfn . I'r(<r ll.,lH-rt. I1-0gn-S1 n.,1. Ki'rnl. CrlB. I F

J«»-or»kl. Albirt. Holi« JZ l'l 7.^r,'’ j*o'hn, *M.rli.w., MfKir.. S I. C . . I.tmhurdl. Anihanr. T F Jiroba. Rt>. T F l’»vMgf. J„M>, I'oc-

llal.r. 1

>'aiMl>'l. Warr<-n.Wllll». n.ihffl. 1

l«. Vt.nt. r... T T

Htdcartfk. Jkmti. •

,n . J r . , . , (Jitdrn . . .r>. flrilrttp. H"r. Otrtm



ll.i.*, lu .' KMhlih, .......

Hum,, ............. Ilfl-»i.l MralV |i,ri Ti.,,,,,.K.V„, ( Kcnri.ll.

Winner of 19.‘54 Derby Event Dies

liESCINOTON. Kv.. Ocl. 2 2 (11 PI - ^ r n . iMlMl Dortgnfilnuii'ii CnVHlrudi* ^ n n e r of thn K entucky derby ot

I9II4 #11(1 U ireo-yrnr-old rhamiiU.n ^ j o t th o l sPinnn. l u l n l«h t n( i.lie ^ etreotJi of Rhlni>li'R fevrr nftsr b f-

ln« it r l r k e n nii Oot. 0.K n o v n M ih t "Olicwotiiie H oltllor"

Otvalrade etm td • tntnl ol 1127- 1 8 1 ) h r w ln n ln t e l ih t of h li 9 2 life - tlm * ilk r l* and p lan ln i lecoiirl in flvfl m ore. Of MiU »um, will plrkK l up iliirtng hin (lirf«- y«nr>nld ■(n*on.

(Py l ln l lt« P r*u )

C'»nim, ICO, Loi A nielr4 |I 0 ) | LUU* Panc lis . in , ManlU, d re i. •I«n«4 llo raoa AUnn. 121, NunVr»n«U«a ( 1 0 ).

i< IIII.A »K l.riilA -T om n> y Knrtr, n o . P h i la 4 e lp h l., 'ile c l ilp n « l U u H .ilra , I I I . Nti* VmIi. < I0 || AI M anolnl. I t s . rro flitrnve , H, | , d tf r n trd lle b b r O reen, H i, rh ila* 4<|pl»la, ( 1 0 | .

P IT T W O U a H -T W d f Yaron.7H 1. M on ica, Pennn « telilen«d

• « « . U ll lw n la . (11)1 M i»U Mw U m , lU H , Cu «


NKW Y O R K - I r v in , Kldr1d«i>. ifo linlflally kiiorhed ou t n ill

lliillu rh , J33, \Va»>ilii|(«n, O.(2 ): U ty R edm an, N*»Y ork. eu lpnInU d John Celan. U», N rw York iSl.

NKWARK, K r J ^ H r a d Cedhran, M3. K lltab rth , N. J., outpoinU d N orm an lliiblo, Alliany, N. Y. ( lO i r r r d A rch rr, IM, N fn ark . N. J-, o u lp o ln ird R alph Q rld ltw lU , N ew ark, N. J . III .

R obert H. Adam*, Ogden, 5ed Uie P ionee r k t j u e in h l t t ln t »-ith «n ATeraKO o f .548. Adam s a p p ta r td In 105 game*, m aking isa h lu in u * oMlcUl trip* to the plate. With O i^ e n In 1939. Adam s b a tttd ■ i n In e« ja m es . F inal official averases were released today by Howe ne iii b ureau . »

W alle r L«wc. Boise, made m oit h its , 171; drove in mo*t run*. iJ i- h a d m oat to ta l baaw. 3 9 1 . ,n d u,<i w ith T hom a* Robello, S a lt U k e C ity a n d Joseph E jn a ilc , Boise, for hom e ru n honor# w ith 2 2 ench.

Ray P e rry . S a lt U k e O liy. who appeared In a ll his c lub ’* games a long w ith hi* team m ate . Pred Moresco, Knocked out m o tt tw o .baie h it* . 41.

G ordon D uff. O gden, blasted out moat triple*, 25.

Joe B gnatlc scored moet runs tlO and w hU ted moat time*, m .

C harle* Bate*. Idaho PalU. w ent to b a t m oat time*. M8.

S heldon M cConnell. Idaho FalLi a to lt m o st base*, 38.

P a te H ughes. Ogdcn-Tw ln FalU who led the league In b s ti ln s in 1939. received m ost bases on balls 129 In 130 games.

Bowling Schedule

CITY LEAGUE T uesday, Oct. 2 2 _ Alley* l - j .

KiraWe'a y*. N ational U u n d ry , 4 (; alleys 8-4. Pow er Co. vs. L. N. B a w ra re . none; alley* 5-8, Time Den n . Elk*. 23: alley*. 7-1, N e* i . Times Ts. ZIp-W ay. 26.

COMMERCrAL LEAGUE W ednesday, Oct. 2 J-A lley* 1-2,

T . F . Lum ber Co. v*. T. F. Flour MUi, 2 ; alleys 3.4. Coscrlff* ts. Fred . Dodd*, none : alleys 5-8, F irestone n . Detweller’*. 89; s 1 > leys 7-1, H alle’* Conoco vs. Coca Cola, none.

LADIES- LEAGUE T hursday . Ocl. 35—Alley* l- t .

Consum er*' M arket t*. Farm ers' Auto (0 ): alley* 3.4. T o»n T av . e rn TS. M ajestic P h a ra u c y . IIOI;

alleys 5>«. Balsch M otor vs. R o (e r. son Cafe. (391; alleys 7 .1. S terling Jawelerv t« . Blue Arrow Cafe. (78)..


Good Used

CARS1039 Chevrolet DcLu*e Town S edan: Vncvum Kcar sh ift, radio, licfltcr . $6501930 Chrysler Roynl S edan: S teering post fivar shlK . r a ­dio. heater. »|)ot ligh t S725 1930 Ford Coupe: M otor, f in ­ish. upholstery good, hen tcr

$ 5 2 5103H Ford DoLuxe Coupe: Mo­tor reconditioned, fin ish , tlrra good $ 4 7 51937 C hevrolet DcLuxe Tow n Bedan: M otor reconditioned, (inhh . upholstery good ra^rtio ................................$ 4 6 81937 Ford Coupe: M otor re-

ToiiiUtloned. radio, h tr . $37B 1937 Ford T udor S edan: Bood condltldn . ; . $ 3 7 5103C Chevrolet Town B edan: Motor rrcondltlonrd . new I lali. heater . $ 3 7 5103S Fold Coupe; Good c< ditlnii. new fin ish $ 2 7 5 ' 103R Clirvrolet Ma.M^r Town a rd a ii , $ 2 9 51933 Ford T udor Sedan .

S12Sin:i3 Chevrolet B t a n d a Coupe $ 1 2 B193] O litvrolet Coupe $100 1030 C h rv io ir t Conch $ 5 5 lono Ford T iidor Hdn. .. $ 7 5 1 0 2 8 Clievrolet Coach . . $ 2 8 1037 Ford ' i ton pickup, a takalirxly ....................IBlfl T rrrnp lnne s ton p ickup

iu:in C lirvrolet I S to n truck , lonit, W l i , (tiinin ... $ $ $ 0 IH.17 C lirvroirt I S ton truck , long W U.. duals ........$ 4 7 8


CONSUMERS MRR KE T( D . i l ; h c c i ( . S t u ' u .

l i K U C I R I E S - V f f i E I A P i r ' . M E A r o f H l lN I

P?.je Eight IDAHO EVENING TIM ES, TWIN PALLS. IDAHO Tuesday. O ctober 22, 19M


lEAT m mU N E W

N .Y . S T O C K SNEW YORK. Oct. 22 (U.Ri-Tlie

mnrkrt clo. ctl lilgher.Air Rcductlnn ...-........... 41Aln.skn Juticnu ....... ............Alllrd Clicmlcnl ................. HOAlllccA111.S Ch.llllKTK . 30

,, «. in ,-,n, ! A. . Com. Al ,V h'or. P(

I S tn iid -B nn .. . 7' >IIIMK M ill? W-irlMliR RcfllllDR 41'

. Crtlironila PiK-l-.lUR .lullni tillr



DENVKK LIVEKTOCK DENVtK-C*ltk: K # e • I p l»•tMdr; b«.f ilwri lu lo »12: co.' in (7.2S: htir ri tK U> tU.&O; cl U> IH: ff*dcr» tn.l Hock»r» 17 lobulb U.SO to i6.eo.14 to I4.».

Sh««pi S.OOO: •iMilr: tKilcM18 to l».»: •rrlng 12 to H.»0;tprltif Itmb. tH lo IS.SS.

Stronger pricct f»»turc«l lUuihUr Itmbcludlnr 10 lotdi raniit l.cnh.. T » « ioidi Colondo nnre Immbi iroml l ».60 for top. Other (>t Umb » l n ronClnvl (rurk- Ins. Sold *> 18.U (i> Too»l«u»ht«r ew« brought 13.7&. U «k »curcd l t . » to othm down to M.H&.lYvckIn fit «WM bulk«<l *l t2.40 to 11.60.

PORTLAND LIVESTOCK rOllTLANl>-llo»i! KectlpU 600: «c-. tive, >t««ily to 10c higher, (iood U) cholc* 170 lo 21B Ib. drlvclni 16.Sj.Cmltln It«elpU 100; c«lvn S6; opened •boul ileadr: iteen and belfcr* ir»rc» rmrly. Good Hsbt inu* hclferm U.76 to It.tO: (*t iiMn to l>.8h««p! 100: •(■•twr»d Mlr« ilMitlr! few «Md Umbi IMl.____LOS ANGELES LIVEflTOCK LOS ANGELA — Host: Rrttlplt tOO. Top I7.» on few 211 Ib. weighti.Cdllt: lUcflpU C&O.OilMrt 17.BS to 18; ordiun heifer* 18.10.Sheep: Receipt* (00. Good lo cholv.'* »oo1ed Itmb* I».t0; good t»e« K.}t.

OGDEN LIVESTOCK OGDKN - Ilogil lUrcli.U IK( with MondM. prMlif.l t«i. t«.SO bnl IBO to 2S0 pound hulrhrri.• Itndlng klnd* thret weight* mlCitllei Rwelpu 2]S. r*lrlr •<-11 .ilMtdy; bulk me<llun lu gixxl tiaiighlei

down.t7 I

J. I. Cn-.e CoCrrro dc Pi.sro Ccvp........... . 3DChp.' apcnkD fi Ohio ........... 41Chlciitto Girnt Western . No sair Clil.. Mil.. St. P. A: Pnrlfic No snlr ClilriiRO Nortllwc.slcrn . No .sfllrChrjilcr Corp.................... 01'.Cocft Cola ................... :OTiColorndo P. fi 1................... 2tColumbia Glis.... ..... ........ BConifiiPrclftl Solvents ........... O'iSommonwefilth A: Southern.... P.Coii-'iolldat<yl Copper .... ..... . O'.Coiisolldntctl EdLson ............ 25';coiHoiidnt«i on .................ContlTicntnl Cnn ................. 39Coiitlnrnlal Oil .................. ITiCom ProdiicU ................ 4.V,Cubiin-Amerlwin SuRar ........ 4'iCiirll.« WriBhl ................... 7\Du Pout .>:Ea,slmaii Kodak ................. 133 \Electric Power & LtglU.......... 5’lEric R. R....................Plrcilone Tire Rubber.Freeport Sulphur.........OenemI Electric...........General Poods.............Ocnernl Motors......... .Goodrich........ ...........Goodyear Tire ft Rubber.Gralism-PalRe.............□real Northern piGreyhound Cp. ................... 11 •Houston o n .................... . 3Howe Sound ...................... 32Hudson Bay M. & 8............. IBHudson Motor ........... ........ 4’Indcpendcry Rayon ............25’Insp. Copiier ............... .... 10'Internationa) Harve.'ster ....... 48’International Nickel ............ 2a-Intcrnntlonal Tel. & Tel.... . '.2Johns Manvllle ................ -e?’Knn.-iiui City Southern .... No saltKennecott Copper ..............31'Kresge ................. ............ 25LIsgett & Myera B ........... BOLorlllard ......................... . 20Mack Trucks - ........... .2'?Mathleson Alkali .... ..-rfl’.... 30-HMiami Copper Missouri, Kanjaa A; Texas . Nosales

Salt Lake Mining Stocks



(Fmhi Pif* One)tim'*, ihrce still being in tlic hospital.I.s wccrtalncd a cliangwl slen will Ur pliiccit In position nKftln and “we will set out to beat our former re-cnrtl.”

In HospllalIII ihe hospital at the prc.scnt

Hint' ;is a result of the early Sunday wrc-rl; which Injured seven at a point lour and one-hnll miles from the bruit;cr on Uie 8un Valley road, are Kiiiill K-i well a.s Ruben Prcscott, 24. rcriideiit of the Twln ' 'ulls farm labor riiiini who Is said to be In koo<1 oondl-II,.11. aiul Vnnnoy Gibson, 21, also a !iiii;n;lory worker who l.t said to be III -t>oi)r ' condlllon.

Till-- iillcmoon Smnll pointed out Hint Knull did not re.slile ,ln Jerome ;ililu)iigh Ills parents live near Ihr youth, he sjild, h a resldt Nyr '.i. Ore.. and was working In this r.riiioii In the harverl.

Hmcral services for Mrr,. Lucas lull l)f held Thurwlay at 2:30 p.hi,

: Twin Falls mortuary chapel.. Lucas wa.s born at Filer May 1.’0. Surviving are her hus- Oordon Lucas. Twin Fnlln. and

iiU Mr. and Mrs. 1-Vcd (Jllf“ton. Filer.

Al'.ii .surviving arc' the following bnitlicrs and .slstcus, Ray and Pred CUHun. Jr.. Flier; and Mr.s. Fflyc Kliiil)nll. Filer; Mr.s. Crane, Twill Fnll.s. and Mrs, Vera Wood and .Mr.s. Beyile Lancaster.' Las Veg/s


Uniid*>- Inhe«d ni«llui heftd gvod tCHICAGO I.IVKHTOl'K rillCA(;U ItrreliMi I6,<IOO| •l.m,e.rl/ Mle* il .l/i loj. la.U: m.«t :gu 1.. ISO Ib. bulrher* t«.aO to lA.IA.CMIIi: Rerrllit* 8j)U0: mlvr* 1,000)• trirtir goHl mid rhul<e *Imt> and (r>r* ling* ttradir to •tnini. Ilril II). -'*lg>ll* 111.00; .IrlfUr I.OII lb.

HAN KHANCmid I.IVKSTDCK SCItlTII KAN ntANrl»<-(I n>€-■11.1. ijh; .,i.e ln„l f.llforhl.. 17.1

bulk IW 11., 1»,l,b,r. n.lfl.

...No sal?s... v;...... 33%... 34H...... 38’i

...... ........... 27'

Montgomery Kelvlnator National BiscuitNational Cash Register ......National Dairy Products .....National Distillers .............National Gypsum .............National Power A Light ....New York CentralN; Y.-N. 'H. A: Hnrtford .....North American .North American Aviation ...Northern Pacific ....Ohio Oil..........................Pacific Gas A; Elrrlric ........Packard Motors . ......Paramouiit-Pub..................J. C. Penney Co...............PeiinsylVHiila R. R..............Pcople.i Gas ...................Plieip. Dodge .Phlllliis Petroleum............... iiry Kloiir ...... NPltt.s Herew A; HoltPublic Service of New JerneyI'ullniHii...Pure Oil . .Itiiilln Corporntlon ol Anir Itmllo Kcllh Orphniiii ltn> Motor

iild.t T.jiiiicro 11 . Koeliurk

Khrll UiiUin Oil ... ■mionsCo,- -nny Vacuiiiu illirrn Piu-lllr . ,

Hoiitlirrn Kiillwav !ilH-irv i;..i,K,rnthiii SlaiKlnid Hntndn Hlaiitlnnl dm A: KlrrlrlcHlaiuUiid Oil or Cullloiiil ‘llaiiilani Oil of Iinllniui Ht«ii<1md on ot New .I.-U 'iliidrbnker Hwlft * Co,Trxiifl (.•oiiK.ratlon TrxHK OulCTexas Ai Pnrlflo C. Af O

iiikrn Holier llrnrlritc



C*mrte«r FtmI O. Kartncr, UiUen rMiriA rniftii «(«ni,

Twin r»Ua

>nU of jMrUhkbUIdaho (ll«Uloi-l>oUU>M loi, Twin M U (U tlrlcl-4>oU to«i M,

enlolu T. mixed vanU bies i.OatdwaU d U tr ia ~ U uum m ,

polooa 11. applM II (five /or nllao,oil«ry L atUpaiHiU o o it ta d m v m .

rtport.________ 1 (for r».flBkMU I. <N0Ul

Of nO e i ' l l i i m OaldwtU wwi

tfMMoU M ta MW OM'day

NKW YOIIK- Nn. i fontrart (ut

lo ..ft1. CU..e:

■ m' .x oiooliilnri ' " j " , ' n!o

nnVlnah'1: t>e<. 0.0

• York 7. « : »;«.l

Irrrd l.lntl>r> p-r

Local Markets

B uuinp PricesfiOrr WHEAT

rOne dealer quoteHlPOTATOES

V. H. Uu-.*u'“no.‘ I ...............U S llUMet* No 2

... 40«

tThree dealer* ouot».i'.'inSANS

Gre.t Noflhern. No. 1 . .

(Kight dealers qimipd: one not ;Great Northern* No. S

rintm .

ir«S(Six dealer* uualrU: one not at'•liable']

Plntoa ,. .... I l . «!lni*II Small re<U flen

rr.n .Ir.lrr* <|<lote.l.) 1.90

r.doredrolore.1 tieni. un.Irr 4 Iht. . 7al^gliorn ben*, orrr S'j lb*. _ I.c«h»rn hrn<. under 3'i ll>*. ... U1-eghnrn br'iwi. ee. ‘ 1 >.,.J ■| '.“ :iOoC'rilnrril fryeri '“■‘j lo 4 ll'i I^ghnrn focVi * :HlagtColored forV. ..... .. .....

N^ 2 i"I"e r(lt; : “ »*«Kgg*. .!

M*iium «iVn*lfd»' ~ -,*Pa....18*l ig . . ’’in *rld. .Sm.11 «|g< ................ ...... ---------- I l l



Claire Knudscn, eklut Mtn of Mr. and Mrs. Alonw Knudicn. Black

•St. suffered a broken leg when as thrown from ft horse at the

Knu<lsrn ranch In Metropolis Sunday. He.was taken to Elko for reatmcnt. It will be sometime be­

fore lie will be able to resume }i>s activities.

Mrs. Archie Bmlley, Golconda. si)eiit the week Msltlng at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John PeiiKclly, Wells. ,

Mr*. Mina Bljlke visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knudsen Thursday ond Friday.

MLu Malle Murphy returned home Friday from Ogden, Utah, where she had been visiting with relatives.

Mrs. Helen Oakberg entertained her sewing club Tliuisday evening.

Mrs. J. H. Weir. Mls.s LnVenie Weir, Mrs. Hnzel Montgomery. Mrs. Rebecca Peterson. Mlsa Mabel Dally and Mlis Margery LaValley are ependlng the week In Reno. Tlicy are expccted home Suntlay.

Gene R. Walker of the stale traffic potrol spent several day.i In Wells on business.

Deaconess Isabel Oriufrixl re­turned Friday from a vat-ntlon sjient In Uie

Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. PaKc ll t Sat­urday for San Francisco. Mr. Page will enter a Southern Pacific com­pany ho.spli«l In that city. He siif- .fercfl a hrart utlack while- at work

second trick ojionitor for the Soulhern Piiclflc comiuiny.

;^uh l Widow Asks Estate Clearance

W. Frank Chandler Is nominated as nilnilnlstrator of the eslotc of the laic Harry John Francis Evans In a ppinion filed In probate court by Mf . Bcriho D. Evans. Buhl.

The west end rancher died Oct. 10. Isnvlng an estate valued at SIO.- 000 nnd Including an 80-acre ranch (vjuliimrnt, livestock and cro:M. Rny- horn and Rayborn are nttorney.s for thp ppillloner. Judfte C. A. Bailey .■•pt hearing for Nov. 1.

British Consider Taking Over Greek Islands m Aegean Sea

By J. W . T ; BIABON United PreM War Expert

British occupaUon of Greek Is­lands in the Action s«a. which was suggested irf London today as a pos­sibility, would go for toward foil­ing any axis offensive through the mWdle east toward Suez. Though there is no question of tlie great advanuge Brilain would obtain by this move. It Involves the problem of wlieUier the British should wait for Germany to strike first or should boldly take the Initiative, despite Oreek neutrality.

If Uie Aegean Archipelago .........British hands, the islands doulil be used as temporary air and iiava bases for devastating assaults on an; German effort to cross the Darda nelles and Invade Turkey. At the same lime, effective aid. could be given to the Greeks in resisting an Italian march Into Greek territory.

Clue (o Dardanelles - Several of the Oreclc Islands are

wlUiln 40 miles of the Datdaiiclle;. and within 200 miles of the TurkLih main railway, which the-OMnmus would want to utilite for any ad- vbnce toward Syria. Palc.silnc and Suer, Prom these bases Uie Ocr-Ject to British bombings that mljiht well be of decisive assistance to th Turks In repelling a Nazi Invasion,

The largest of the Greek Island; Crete, is within 400 miles of the great British naval of Alex- ondria. If It were to fall Into Ger­

man hand*, the Nail aviation force might be able to aubject Alexandria to an air asaault of terloua pn^- tiona.

An actual mllltar; Invasion of Egypt by German'troops embarking from Greece would seem to be Im­possible as long aa the British fleet holds command of the Medlterran- can. The sea Journey of 400 to 600 miles would subject the German transports to such grave peril from the British navy that the expedl- Uon hardly would be hazarded as long as the British control Alex­andria. The natural eastern'Inva­sion route ts through Turkpy.

Advantage ef BasesTo bd ccrtain of checking any

form of axis thrust In the east to­ward Egypt and Suez, wheUicr across the Mediterranean or by way of Turkey, however. It is equally ad- vLsable for Uie British to be able to operate from the Oreek Archlpe. lago. The advantage of the Oreclc ba cs Is so Important as an aid to Turkish resistance that British oc­cupation of the islands would be second only to direct aid from Rus­sia In stimulating Turkish reslst- tuice to the full.' However, Greece now Is a neutral

■powcr.-thoughTiavlng a treaty’with Great Britain calling for British aid If the Greeks actively resist an In- va.slon. If the British wait for the actual entrance of axis troops Into Greece before making any move to take temporary possession of the Aegean Islands. It might be too late.

6 M 1 E N D 1 S E REDCI

Ni> n

N onalps. n s

.... 24Sy .... 31 \

rrli'u'n«iUnion (larhlilnUnion Pn<-lflc ......tliiiu-<l Alrcrnft <;i- Unltcit CoriHiiulloii .IJiilled Fnilt Unlled (l»n Inip.DnIIrd HtitlcA ltul>l>rr Unitril Htntrs Hlrrl Wiiinrr niothnn Wrntcrn Union WrstlntiiioUM Air llralin ...WnnllnghiHire Mrrliln .. ....V. W. Woolwiirih ...............WortiiiiiKlon Pump...........HunBliliie Milieu

N. V Ollitn HKM'KHAm; IxKO, Ac lr»ln .... No MirsAmerican .Hu]>rr Power Auoclated iCiRi A Hraaillan 'VrBunker Illll-aulllvnn....Oltln ServletOrocker Wheeler........Clectrlo Bond ^ flhare Ford Motor. Liti Qulf Oil .Peniinylvania.Hocla . , ....Humble d l ................NUgara Ktidion Power..p*nnroad ...................Un1t«! Qaa Oororallon....United I.Icht Se Power A VtUlUM Po»«r * U ilil:......:






Marketd at a GlanceRlixli* Him,Ik.»i1* hl.h.ri K. a. ■o.ernmeni* hlilwl Uuik bl«li*i.l.ond»n fall* hlihat.

Reckless Driving Complaint Filed

Arrused of recklcss driving in a inLsdemcanor cliarge algncd by Mrs. Janet Young, Chris. Bloclc. Twin Fall.s. will probably be arraigned to­morrow In probate court.

Tlir complainant alleges that Mr. niock drove hb car Into the ma­chine .she wa.1 driving Oct. 11,. at Tliird avenue west and Sixth street west.

I L I A C E W E S10 w n i

WITH WALLACE MOTORCADE. EN ROUTE TO MADISON, WLs.. Oct. 22 (U.R)—Henry A. Wallace com­pleted his campaign In hts home .Mate of Iowa today and returned to Wisconsin for an addrcs.s which Was expected to Indicate whether the Progressive party would give Its support to the ' Roo.scvelt-Wallacc ticket in November. -

He will speak to Wlscon.sln Young Democrats tonight at Madison where Sunday he conferred with Sen. Robert M. La FolleUe, seek­ing Veelection as a Progres.slve, There were numerous IndicaUons that the Democratic national organization would "play ball" wlUi the Wiscon­sin Progressives, supporting the Progressive candidates for slate of­fices in exchange for Progre:>.slvc support of the Roosevelt-Wnllace ticket.

QuolesMet’If everyone voted then there

could be no doubt that the people’s choice was elccled"—H. H. Hedi- strom, district lieutenant-governor, Klwanls clubs of Utah and Idaho.

b u i Tl

G ordon Cnrlsoii, hnn of Mi. nndi-s. Mnrvlii Cail.soii, (llr.l^. ulrcl Ills

cibtiw ln « rriT iii fooilmll Kiime. G ordon , a 145-pound fn 'slun iin Imlf- hack. In rrlu rn liig a im iit, popped lil.i elbow out nf Joint as h r »-IIf- o rnied an niini.shlng lai-klcr. H r will no t lie nl)|p to play w llli Ilin tr a m th e rcina lnd rr of Ilils m'iivui b p t will probalilv l>n n1>|p lo pa rlU lp a te In ba.ikctbHli.

Mrn. A. J . Pliikp. rl|i<lrniah of the local u n it nf Ihf- H n | (rto-,-., hi.s a n - noim rcd a Junlni lied Cio.s-i ouIit h a s \ii-rn foimcd w llli Ml.s.i I.outse Kiiton as oUaliman. ’r i ih c lm pter onro llrd all Ilir W rsi Knd ru ra l sc lioob IIS wrll HM Clovrr, (:,i,,tlrford, nnd Ihft iiuh l liltth anil Junior high nclimils.

Ail i-ln-lrs of llm nrwlv orKioilMd M ctluH lht I,H<1lrV Aid MK-lHy m et Thur/Klay allPrnoon. l.ovai g roup m e t with M ia. (iroiKc l,lk'-iirA.-< and Mrs. Voliii'y I jiin ir lt ul IJir home of th e (orinrr. n m i t m i nn-iiil)rra were j>rrarnt iiikI hi-vi-n uiir.’.is. Mra. llu rn e t t roniliu tc<t mk-NiI Kunir». IV a wua M 'lynl. Min, C lin .lir MolHviin, ulia innnii, iM>uii-d >rt>m tlie talile lovQiy with full I'oluni niui yi-llow a n d b ion tn tluwmi. T li« iiH iinony circle m e t with Mi,r .lix-k l.lciien, I V ln KhUh. wllli M ia. (I. N. DavlJ, Uiihl, tuiAlAtlnti honic.u, Thti Hun- ahino group wINi Ifi m rm brrn j)ies< e n l m e t w itli M u J . » . M >'ltrnry. D uring ih r lr liiiMiirAA nirriiiiK n r- ranBrnienl.s w rrr luaile lo r tlirli itn- niia l basan r In N ovnnlier nixl tho year's woik wn.-. pliiiinr,| in ilrtal

'l l ie 'H irhplnii (liniiiallc hoili-ty Of llie B uhl iilKli nrliooi ir<-ri>tly i cep ted four nrw inrnibern T liry i Ceil I)<nnin, lluwell Joim non, lip tty M cnrooiii nnil Hetty O iahnn i, T ho InlU alton was iirlil n t Uie lioiiin of E nid Almquliit wllli WIIIIhiu lih ivrly , dramaUo liutriicl^ir, nuiwrvinlng.

Jim m y MAXwrll wnn ihn f l r t t aw ard for liin linprrM uintinn " lia rd ” o l tho r rrk p s a t th e iilgU school frrshn ien Initia tion F riday B lUrnoon, O iiirrn i r r r iv in g in rii- tlon were liiitH'inoiiiaions of Mae W est. DnUy Mae. a n d th e Lone lUnegr.

WUU MIm I^ Is Rudy an ndvlsor a n d J im Ilnnillion nnd Cell l>ei In charge of nnles, thn nnniinl sa le Of Uio •ohiMil book, W akajm . lo r 1041. began la»,l week. Kinin each home room a AHieiutian wii.s ai>i>olnl« ed a n d four from e a iii atiiiiy h a ll to a)d In th e m Im drive w lilcli U on .

If looM body bolU a; to go niitlghtennd car vary Ukaly to^ faulty.

e jwrmitled slenrlng U


The first of a scries of fellow.shlp .siipiK-rs .sponsored by the Commun­ity church was held In Uie annex I'lic.'-dav evening with approximate­ly 60 present. Rev. Cowdrlck acted Hs toiisimnstcr. Introducing a pro­gram of mu.sle, sklta and games. Burton Gifford led the group sing­ing. The .sfcond Ls arranged for somp time In November.

Llcut. and Mrs. A. E. Perkins, Bulil. were up Uie latter part of tho week.

.nd Mrs. A. R. Sopher left Tliur-sday for California where Uiey

.jK'nd the winter.

. and Mrs. Wilson and her molher, Mrs. Bcs.sie Smith re­turned Friday from a 10-dny trip to Portland.

ind Mrs. S. H. Hansen and two chlldri'ii, Idi.ho Falls, spent the

(I at llin Nfoley home. L. 'Ill and Mr.s. A. C. MftdLson, 1, who had been visiting Ncploys, accompanied tlicm

on the iTturn trip.Amnng MicTc.ssful hunters from

Fftlrflfld Uir |>:i.'.t wwk were Prank Croner nnd ,-,on, Frani*, Jr., each wlUi a tlppr shot In ‘the Bear river

Wolkrrseln a two- polnl buck Jrom Ulniiie county nnd D. O. RryiinMs nnd Frank Perkins each wlih an elk,

l.rnhy, nuhl, has been

Huntsman Serves $28 Fine, Costs

Serving out a $25 fine and cost.s of »3. Floyd Zulllg, Bufil. wa.s in coun­ty Jail today for a 14-day period.

He was sentenced by Justice R. H Stewart. Buhl, on charge of carry­ing an utKased gun in a field with­out a hunting license. Grover C Davis, conservaUon ofllcer, filed, complaint.

Seven representatlvea tram Twin Palls county chapter attended the Red Croaa In^tut* In Boise yes­terday, one of Biree being conducted in the state of Idaho by Henry M. Baker. Ban PrancUco, asslsUnt manager of the Pacific area. Others are being held at Coeur d’Alene and Pocatello.

Mr*. A. J. Peavey. chapUr chilr- man; Tom Alworth, in charge of th* roll call drive, and Mn. Alworth; Mrs. Arthur Hill, in charge ef the production unit, and Mrs. P. P. Bracken, heading the knitting divi­sion, attended from Twin Palls.

Also representing Uie chapter were Mrs. Howard Hall, Murtaugh and Rev. DeVer Walker. Bogerson. Mrs. Arthur Plnke and sbt repre* sentallves from the Buhl chapter were also among those present.

Highlights of the morning ses­sion was a roll call playlet. "Push­ing Doorbells," presented by the drama department of the Boise high school.

Governor C. A. Botlolfsen greeted the InsUtut ; attendants at a lun­cheon al noon. Principal "ipeakerwai Mr. Baker.— -..• The roll call for membership will i begin Armistiee day and continue through Nov, 30.

Girls’Joui-ney To Hollywood

Ends SwiftlyThey didn't get lo Hollfwood,Two Twin Falls girls, ifi and 11

years old and both members of the class at the high school.

Trial Postponed Until Satur^a;

Misdemeanor trial of Ray CN Twin Falls man accuscd of inloxlcl tlon and disturbing the peace, wi po.stponed In probate court .today unUl 3 p. m. Saturday.

Crist asked the continuance and Uie prosecutor offered no objection.

Complaint was signed by Ciirl Wagoner.

Nazarehes StageFiler Conference

FILER. Oct. 23 (Special) >- Rev. Glenn Griffith. Nampa, Idaho- Orcgon-Utah Nazarene district sup­erintendent. and Rev, Melu Brown, pastor of the First Church of the Nazorene, Nampa, and chairman of the district Sunday school board, are conducting a Sunday school con­vention at Flier Church of the Nar- arene today.

Sessions were held at 10:30 a, m. and 3 p. m. and will continue at 7:30 p. m. Adjacent Nazarene churches will take part in the meet­ing. Rev. A. F. Harr, hqst pastor,

. Invites the public lo attend.

were wnltlng today at Wells, Nev., for their parents to bring them home.

The girls left here Monday after­noon. bent on hitchhiking their way to Hollywood and maybe to a chance in the movies. But this morning John A. Brown, probation officer, placed calls at Wells. Pocatello and other cities asking officers to take the young ladles Into custody.

Shortly thereafter the sheriff's rfice at Wells phoned with the ■ lie mesnge: "We’ve got ’em." ■

ils of the girls were headed

ATTENTIONStock Feeders


Manafacturcd byIDAHO HIDE and


vl.sltlnif frli p«,st week.Cnnm.s nm

day 111 tlif offircr.s tor lli ilbcUK.1 liirtlirr rlll wflH ••Icclr,!llu VlHlcII, Vlc T-garrl OntlPr, Rulii Hti

and relntlvi Uifl


tcarhera melTliurs' ipiiool to fieri

('liming year and L lllrss. O.'D. Mer- CNUirnl; Mra. Nel- iMldrnt; MLs.s Miir- i-rriiiiy and

itr> lo Ui« atiil


n hrid nt lioUe Nov. IS and

plancA (Btrar- iiinpletcd at tin inn every three

FARMERS'BARGAINSi ainooiii nioiiiii tram of mules, sound mill Knitlr. n renl huy fr StOO.OO. wrlglil 13S0 to 13U0

1 lK>tl(im l«- Oliver horM two- way plnw, iiiipd «nr yrur. perJrvt cond1(A>n, wiih alfalfa AliarrsM B . 0 0

1 Blit fiKit McCunnlck-Deering mower, nl|-i)aiii, used very ilUle, guards, ilikle. longue and every- tliiriu A-1 roniliUoi), fffQ.OQ

i HO ftnlit rultivatnr with duck- Mi. exrpllMit rrmd, fAO^OO

U.UA> ivrma If Dealrad

HOY K. N U I^O N , Ford T racto r D M k r

ISO 2fi(t Ave. H. Tw inPA lU

DEATHrode M agic Valley Highways SundayEarly Sunday morning, death exacted its

isrim toll on MaRic Valley highways. For

thirty dayn, the White Flag of Safety has

flown — a syinlwl of happiness and life in

our Magic Valley.

TODAY, the B LA C K FLA G must fly - a

mute reminder of the sorrow which

'* must follow.

Many of your Twin

Falls m e i'c liiin ta

have bantlnd togeth­

er to aid and pi-o-

moto safety in Mag­

ic Vallei^. This is

their earnest sug­

gestion that YOU do

everything in your

power to promote

safety on our thor­oughfares. T h e i r names will apiicar as signatures on a "Safety Page” soon — read their mess­age — and the\^ re­member that many lives can be saved by careful, thought- ’ ful dri.vlngl

H e lp keep th e W hite Flafi of Safety Flying in Magic Valley

Tuudty. Octs^V se, 1940 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO, Page liine

Buy your coal heater through the classified columns of the TimesW A N T A D R A T E S

F or Publication tn Both T IM E S imd NEWS:

RA TES PE R t lN E P E R OAYtfiU d»y*. P *r Un* p«r d « y ---------ItoT h r t« d»y». P*r lln« per day -------l»oOne day. per lin t...........................

' 3 3 1 / 3 D is c o u n t F o r a s h

C ash discounts nllowcd If a dvertl«» tn e n l Is paid lo r w ltliln seven d»>'s o f f irs t Insertion.Uo classified a<! tiikcn for le&a llian &0c Includ lns discount.L ine of classified advertls ln j com- p inpd on basis ol llve mcOlutn- IciiRtii word.^ per line.

C O J I P L E T K C O V E R A G E ' A T O N E C O S T


IN JEROME Leave Ada a t K 4s W Root Beer

IN RUPERT Leftve Ads n t Residence nf

M rs. Ida W heeler. 713 B St.IN BUHL

Leave Ads a t JosUn's Shell Super Service SU tlon

3 0 b Broadway South

T h is paper subscTlbta \o the code ol L‘ihlc.% of the Association of News­paper Classified A dvtrtb lng M an- agcrfi and reserves the r ig h t to edit o r re je c t any clawUled ndvertlslng. ■•Blind Ads" carrying a News-Tlmes B ox iw m b e r are s tric tly con/ldenU al nnd nb InformaUCm can be given In regord to th e advertiser,

gi^rrora should be reported Im m edi­a tely . No allowance will b« m ade lo r m ore th a n o n i Incorrect InserUoo.

SPECIA L NOTICESBED bug fumigation. T . F. Plora^,




I t a lw a y s - pays, to

wear clean clo thes. . .

5xpei't dry cleaning

services are o f f e r e d

in the Business and

Professional Directory

3-ACBE trac t, S-rm . mod. house, n e a r T w in, fo r .^ule o r tr a d e fo r town property, Ph, CM89-J1.

G OOD 40 A., l.inh s ta te cu ll., fair Imp., elect., well Incatrd. 1 2 0 0 per A, K . L. Jcnitln^.

BE ST of care given Invalids and e l­derly people 'In my private home. D aisy Eagan. Filer. Ida. Ph . 49.

C H ILDREN cared for afternoons a n d evenings. P h . 01M-J2.

GOOD THINGS TO EATD ELICIO U S apple*, «0c bu. 0489-J3.

SW E E T elder 15c gal. PuWlc M kt.

Q IR L to help w ith hsw k. 0M4-R4,

M ISSO U R I Sorghum. Public Mkt.

a o O D fresh milk, cream. Bd Meyer, on H eybutn . a t end of Adams,

D E L IC IO U S and Rome B eauty ai>- ples. E. L. W onacott O rchards, 3 m t. E, on Hy. 30. S 8. P h . 0493-J3.

few a t jOe. Kenyon O rccn, 1 ml. a „ M M B. of a . Park.

A PPLES, Jo n a th an , Rom es. W lne- sap , Dcllclous. ml. E ast on K lmb, Ra. D. B. Vostiurg. 03B5*Ja.

Q W E a 'e S c T T o i T plclT” bello iou i apples, 35c to 60c. C. V. Jones. 2 \ m iles S. of South Park.

D ELIC IO U S. Jona than . Rome Beau­tie s a t Brent's.'S ml. S.. a B., % 8. of K im berly. Rates to truckera.

D ^ I C I O U e . Rome Beauty, W inter B annna. Jo n a th an npplen. K E IFE R PEA RS. H. W, RIcdemnn, 4 ml- S..

E. of E, end Mnln. Ph. O380-J4.

FO R L U N C H -try the P e te r Pan, IKO doors east of Idaho Fowec Co. L arge ham burger on toasted bun, relish, F rench fries 10c, Chill 10c,

APPLES, 40,000 b u . all varieties, all grade.i. by bu. or truck toad, 23o and up. Bring containers. H. LonK's W arehouse, 421 Z. T ruck Lane.


or iinlnt—w rite for T alen t T est cno Olv" age and occupation. Box Naws-Tlme*.

INORKAHB your Income. L e stenography , accoiinllng and ma> ch ines, F.nvoU now. Tw in F a lls Business University.


2 1 A„ 3 ml, W . of S. Pa rk , a ll In hay and blue gra-ss. ap rico t orchar<I,.6- rm . house, elcc., deep well. 0 0 paved road. Price »3,goo.

T O P quality 80. clo.^e to Tw in Palls ; 3 sets Improvcment.’i, O ffered be- l o r recen t prevailing prices. 8W1M INV ESTM EN T CO.

‘ LIVESTOCK FOR SALEWEANER pigs. Phone 0281-J13.

FR ESK cows a n d boa r. Ph.

W youM croMbred ewes, January U m b m .' 1 0 0 0 5<iuare m outhed fwes- M arch Inm bers. 750 one-year brffders- M nrch lam bcrs. Sold In loi.'i to suit. Pa rley D ansle, Perrlne Hoi«l.

NEW Ilam p. Red fryers. 0aB6J3.


330 A, 9 hil. from Buhl in We.-st Po in t Dlst. of O oo^lnc Co. 200 A. Irr t- icatcd. 121 A. In hnv nnd pasture. Full w ater righ t, b e e p well. Blec. power. O n Rravcl hlRl\w£^y, near school. Smnl^ im provem ents. Good atock un it. Prlco tio.OOO, Easy term * and low in tercut. In q u ire L. L. w eeks NFLA Soc-TrMU.. Oood-

Of C oicornn. la n d sa les­m an. Box 646. Jerom e; phone 938.


GO OD i60 A. M ust have g(X)d U»C»tor a n d fulJ line 0 / m nch lae rr. W rite Box 3, T lriw -N cw s.


H E L P W A N T E D — W O M E N

ROOSa * board. 120 Blii Ave. N.

RM. 4: bd. Excel, m eok. Ph. HOl-W

ELDERLV hrmseltcepeT; room board, »3 wk. C all a fte r 2 p. i 334 Blue L akes S . . '

W ANTED—O lrl e n terta iner. 18*33 yrs, ol age. W ork on com m lsaloa W rite Box 137, H ailey. Idaho.

H ELP WANTED— MEN3 RESPO N SIBLE autom obile sa les­

m en for local firm . Give ref. and exp. In le tte r. Good paying Jobs for the qualified m en. W rite Bo« S3 News-Tlmes.


M IDDLE aged w oman for gen. hswk. 3 to 8 p. m. Ph. lie s .

O IR L ~for gen. hovLsework and care to r clilldreri. P h . 107S-R.

WANTED—ExjHTlenced w oman for general housework. M rs. W, " K ennedy, R t. 2. Jerom e. Idaho-

I P Y O U. like to DRAW. SKETCH or PAINT, see TALENT T E ST ad In Schools and T raln ln« colum n.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESF R U IT m nrkrt. Inq. H aro ld 's MkU

FO R BALE—Siniill m odern hotel, Oood location. Doing good biwl- m iH . w m e Box 1. He-Ks-Tlmes.

SRIlVIOE sta tio n w ith lunch c te r, c ream sta tio n and whnlPKali-, rcliill gaxollne bus. Sell for cash n r tia rte to r fa rm ttju lpm ent, Av­erage 10,000 gal, business. Bos Si NBW8•T1me .




LA RG E room, menls. 116 7th Ave, E.

RM.. bd. if desired. S27 Main E.

BOARD i t room. 313 7 th Ave. No.

W ANTED: 2 nien to room and board In p rivate liume. Cloee In.M ain W.

U NFURNISHED HOUSES3 RM. and baUi, Close In, P h . 333.

4-RM . mod.. ROod loc. W. O. Sm ith.

2 R M a Btovc. A duiu. 310 Jackson.

a RM S., ba th , close In. 201 Locust.

4-RM S., garage. Inq. 228 Alexander.

FARM IM PLEM ENTSFO R SALE o r trade for c a ttle or

sheep. Fordson trac to r w ith 3 -’ . plow. Attachmonl.s,' Good cond. L. T . W alter. R . l . Jerom e. P h . 03P3.


M ichel’s QraRs sn d C rested WVitaV G rass Prices reduced I 'Globe Laying Mash.... $2.30 cwt. Globe Dairy Feed .... <2.10 cwt.

Seam le.« Bags. 25c ClearUng and Storage



CUSTOM GRINDINGFLOYD MILLER Rt. 1. F iler. Idaho Phone 72J3—we pay phono calla.

liAYINO m ash , l&'-c. JISO cwt. 307.. »2J0. Haye.s H atchcry.

CUSTOM GRINDINGG rind It where it grows!

MORELAND M ILLIN G 6 E R V 1 0 I Ph. 318, Piter. Ph. calls o ff Erlndlng.

100 Duff O rping ton pullets, sta rting to lay. B arred rocks, w hite giants, ft- I. reds. I laycs H atchery.


H IG H EST prices pa id for your f a t chickens and turkeys. Independ­e n t M eat Com pany.

MALE springer span iel. 0290-J4.

LLEWELLYN se tte rs . 410 Diamond,

W IR E-H A IR ED te rrie r. 158 JefJer-

PO IN TER dog. 6 years old. well broken. Box 3, Tlmes-News,


SMALL h o u se 'a n d lot. Good loca> Uon. 1200 cash down pmtr. P h . 33S.


SAFE—Bob G oddard Real Estate.

THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Fersruson

SNOW,IN T H E /V IO V 5 i( R 5 ;M A V B E O FT H E f= O l-L O W IN S :

/VN ARBLE D U S T . T A B L E S /A L .T ,

A S B E S T O S P L A K E S , C O R N F L A K E S ,

POTATO F L A K E S , C 3R O U N C > /V \ I C A ,S W A \ / E D I C E O R . P T _ A S X E R .


A N SW ER: M cccurj' u \d u ran ium , from th e ti^aneta, "Mercury and U ranus: cerium , from the m inor p lanet, Ceres; helium , from the whose G reek, nam e was Helloa.


M OTORS—one 1 H . P , single phase', one 5 H , P , th ree phase; one 7 S H . P . th ree phase. A-1 cond. Ph. 251.

FO R SALE—G alvanized and black . p ipe . weU casing and reamed-wel)


BURCH Standnrd model poncom m achine. Good cond. 120 'i So. Broadway. Bull],

FOR SALE—Sewer tile, cast Iron ?oll pipe, pipe fltilngs. volvfs and plum bing supplies. New Inw prices.


8 1 0 C K tanks, .^team rad ia tors, bricks each. Sh irts , quills, b l a n k e t s , raincoats, overshoes, field and onion bags. See Idaho Ju n k House.

Business' and Professional

DIRECTORYLarge mod BI. Lks. Blvd. f ^ . 1786-W

4 RMS., mod.. hardwo<xl floors. 427 4ih St. N. Inq. 150 Jefferson.

FURNISHED HOUSES3 RMH. E lrr. ranKe, refrlii. Ph. 128.

SMALL, Adult* only, 414 3rd W.

3 RMS., llRhVs paltl. 244 Quincy,

W A IU n iO U S K S A N D T R A C K A (JE

r o i t HKNT’. 32nl06on Truck i.ane w lih trackniic. Hurder Ueun Co. Phone B97>W.

LOST AND FOUNDL O ST: T a n puppy with w hite m ark ­

ings Httd blue eyes. Mrs. L. K. M iller. Ph. flfl7.

L O ST model M Renilngton au to- ina tio shotgun. NorUisldn Canal Sunday . Reward, I’li, 1217.

iPARTY’Ts” known wild toJik” baby b u (cy from Kliulile’i M arket. l( r e tu rned to store a t once no qucs- tlona will be asked.

PERSpNAliiW AN T a pass, to Frisco Him. Hhare

exp. Trii);el Burentl. Ph. 2343.

V O UNO m an w an ti rlda In I,oi An- ■elM by Nov. J; Can help drive. f ihara n j \ . Don Larson, llnnsen .

BEAUTY SHOPSrEllMH-M, 19, M, ' ' 1747. MI'S. Beam er, f

KLNORA D lckan) M a u tj S ho |f UO Blue U k e a !>&. 1471. B ra by appt.

VBAM. apoclal:C raw ford Beauty Balon. Pk. 1874.

L •P B O IA L -4 4 , lA, M, perm, H price. I Mra, NMiey, l u Id AVt. E, Ph,f 3un.

BPKOIAL M wave for UJM); 14 and lb wavea \ i prioa. Maho Barber A Beauty Bboi>. Ph. 4H .

A R T ie n o BBADT? 8A L0N OU p w n u n a n u 1140 U(k Ph. IM

R T 8 A O A O niT OH w r m a n w t t t l M up, Ju o lo r atu*

d m i w ork frM . m U alii w m .


A M V G arage, A dults. 238 8 th Ave. E.

HEATED fro n t room. 03ft M ain W,

A PT, AdulU. P u rn . h i. 358 4 th Av. E.

a RMH. Stoker Ut. 423 3 rd Ave. E,

APTB, T he o x fo rd . 428 U a la N orth.

VACANCYt Reed Apts. Phone 1317.

9-RM . tu rn . Bungalow aptd, 3nd I

MOD, 9 large m om s and b a th ; m o st­ly f iirn , alr-conrtU loned, phone, garage. Phone OaN-RA. .

GLEAN, com fortable, q«U t. aW tac- tlve ap t, Call a t Apt. 10, OalK, ApU. 300 ild Ave. N, P h . 1004

' FURNISHED ROOMSRMB„ cloAe In, R eas. 223 Id Ave. E.

PR O N T rm. a ioker, l o i u T S c T

MOD. rm .. g a ra c t, 144 Ave. S .

OHOIOB rm r itk rT h t r ia i ' 2nd Ave, N*

WARM rm , board op U o u a. io o -W

RM . sU r. hV t U K A ra. W .P h . 1638

a n S M r. a lp f. rm s, A utom atla tieaC ahow er, P r lr . • n ir . 630 8d Avp, N,

1)« NEW m od, m b , hom a fo r p a rly w ith car, O arago . W ill bd, 04I8R4,

fneW . auniiy a^M rtm ent room, I bed*, O ftiU n n en prafarrad . P h . i m .

REAL k s t a 'h -: l o a n s

PIRH T mnrtHiiKB real r.-.lnt«> loans i

HWIM IN V E a m tlN T o o .

LOANS uti FARMS and HOMES, Fred P lluies—N orthen Life Ins. Co Peavcy-Taber UIdg, Ph. 1370


nest ratca and te rm it

REFlt^ANCK your loan wUh u i, rtucltiK your Ititercsl r a te and p rin ­cipal payinrnlfl,


Baths and M aew ges Money to LoanSU -W ell. 535 M ain W. Plione 155.

Bicycle Sales & ServiceHLASlUS CVCLERY.

Ilicyclea fo r R ent'o W y S T E IN -S ^ P H O N F 5C0-ll7

Carpenter W orkCAN n o any k ind . Ac.curatc rouRh-

lnt;-lii. P lenty flnl.'.lilnK tools. MU and cabinet work. Ph. 1B50-W.

ChiropractorsDr, H W, Hill. 13i M ain W, Ph I'J t

Ur. D, R. Johnson , 535 3d K P i i . :

Coal and Wood

See J . E .~ V hhe f lis t for loans on hom es or business properly. I.ow rate!.—nulcX ^ovvlce. 133 M ain E,

"$ 2 5 lo ^ $ 1 0 d 0 ~O N Y t n i K C A ll

UP T 9 16 MONTII.S TO IlKl’AY C ontracts reflnnnci'tl . private ^alea

f itia n c rd —ciistr advanced

C onsum ers Ci'etlil Com pany

PH O N E 3 AlieiUeen cuul. muvliig niit

an«fcr. McCoy Coal k T rn in fr r

Curtain Sfto/m

3V\% la a ll UiTUl Bank burrav ien are vu rrtn liy paying. Why pay m ure? See N ational Farm Loan O flire a t ttS 3rd Ave. H. In T. P

HOMES FOR SALEB-Rms moil, ex, h t. 3d W. Ph. 1786-W

EQUITY In small 6 -rm , house In So, Park, {linnll paym ent will handle. W rit" linx fl, News-Tlmea.

PO It fi'Ufk sa le -g o o d 6-rm , mod. honi", stoker lieat, e x tra -house on ini, 13'ifiO. K. U JenU na .

- liM . m odern linuso. G ood «ondl* tion. New (Mtlnl, Very good loca­tion on pav td stree t, 0 blka, c en tr r i>( (owji, Income >300 yr. Price I 2BM; some lem ii, P h , 1071 a fte r ft p. in.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALEORATllNa land . 418 i r d a t . N.

10 ACRES good land, i m i, N . h W. of 6 PoUiU. J . H . O arriagn .

FARMS^ AND____ a c r b a Ob sFOR SALE

•■ It df T w in PalU _______HWIM JN V M rm B N T 0 0 ..

Dry CleaninvI'liii Dry Olenners. Piiotii' :i7l,

Floor SandinffMiiullng. 11. A. 'leld^r.

Job P rin ting(J I lA i>i r” r^ irf 'R i NTi Nt;

l.HV^rhtaiU . . . Mall Plr^'ri lliiKltirn Cards . , . KnlilrM

, , , Ottttlonery •riMKM anil NKWH


InsurancePeavey-TalxT Oo., Inc. P lionr aoi

K ey Shop

LaundricBP a r liu n la u n d ry . Phon* BOO,

Money to Loan i l l V i I • • i • r » »

Personal LoansWee or call •'Skip" Tow an

lo(l«y for quick, easy, connden tia l ioatta,

CAHH O R tU lT Oti.Itnis l - i . iiiirkholder Bidg. P h 77A l l l l l l l l l l l l l

W INDOW and AUTO GLASS No labor charge for window glass If brought to store. Low prices on auto gla.u.



FO R SALE: HoTisehold fum . and baby buggy. 265 Addison.

NAMESin the


W ESTIN G H OU SE « a tc r h eate r and range. 538 4 th Ave. W. Ph. lO ll-W .

GOOD, large sized Colem an oil heat- C heap! Box 417, W endell.

COLEMAN " la i ta n t - l l te " range, like new. Priced to sell, 201 Jeffcrf,oii. Phone 1B2».

••LUXURY" b e tte r ligh t — better slKlit brd lam p, ns advertised Us Life. 1105. MOON-S.

MUST hell Im m ediately—Elec. re- frli:erutor. tables, chairs , beds, (Ireji.scrs an d ch iffon ie r. Call be­tween 3 a n d 7 p. m . 5 li and Av. N,


M onum entsJelllBon Co. 43%'M[tln K. Iltii-W.

0 « /c o p f i / / i fc Phi/sicionUr. K J , Miller, 412 Main N. Pli. 1977

Dr. O. W. lto;-e, 114 M ain N. Pii. 037.

Pinning MillWe niukc sasli, doors, srri'cns, ruin-

iiou , coun teis—imyihlnK i>( wd<kI TW IN FAI.IJ3 LUMHKU t.O

. Phone D42

Plumbing and HeatingUTOKER. oil hiirnInK r<iulpmpnt

I’lumblng, w uter M)ften«-t. Hiiin and servJro, Abbott I’lbg I'H. PS-W

, Radio RepairinglH )V m .ir ira d ro ri6 2 ‘and A\ nm

Shoe DyeingIDAHO e iioe f lh ln e -n ll jolois.

TrailersT ra lle n for ren t, 3BJ Fotirlh Wmi

'lYaller Houses, G em Tcallpr Co.

$15 AND UPon your oar or .urnlture

PaymaiiU to atiil your income,' LOCAL COMPANY WESTERN FINANCI5 CO.

Next to PidelUy Dank

TypewritersBales, ren ta ls a n d service. Phone 00.





NOTICK TO CRKUlTOItK h \ tlie P roba t« C o u rt o t Uia County

of Tw in Palis , a ta U of Idaho. i;s late of Lloyd E. O aks, Dccennrd.

Notice la hereby given by tin iiiulerslgnad A d m in is tra trix of iim rstn te of L loyd B. O aks, neceimni (o Ihe cred ito rs of a n d all prr^rlll.^ linvlng claim s a g a in s t th e mihl ilr- reused, to q /h lb l t th em with ilie necessary vouciw ra, w t t l U n sU nioutlis a t ta r th e f ir s t piibilrullon of this notice, to tiie said Admiiih- tra trU a t th e law offlcea ol IJdiirl T. C am pbell. B urkholder Bullillnii, t;ivy of 'I 'w ln Palla , County ol ‘I'vni I'ltlis, tiUlta of Id ah o . Uila belnn ihe place fixed fo r th e transu^tinp nf the b u s ln u a o t aald esU tc.

D ated O ctob«r lU li, 1040.BTELLA H. OAKH

A dm in le tralrlx nt Ilm E st« t« or Lloyd h: Oaka, DeceusAc .

l.lcm«i T , O am pball A ltnrney a t Law Residence a n d O ffice;I'w in Pails, Idaho,

pub, T im w : Got. IS, aa. 3«. Nov. t, 1040,

Oy United Presa U. S. Ambassador Joseph P. K en­

nedy left London fo r hom e today and the glowing tribu tes paid him by British officials and newspapers h ad an a ir of finality , Indlcatlog belief he would not re tu rn . , ,

T h e UnlTtrsUy e f , Chicago** 2.300 ira te ro lty n e n bava claim ed movie sU r Pau le tte God­dard •'the lady th a n w hich Ihera li no whicher” and eonferred on h e r the degree of D octor o t G lam ­our, m agnui cum lande . . .A driver nam ed Fortuna t< It

B lanc of N ashua. N. H .- drove his car th rough two telephone poles thcQUgh a fcticc atvd dow n on etn- banKm ent b u t escaped In jury . . ,

Faclfie coast shipping circles a re prplestlng th e appointm ent f t Rep. Jo h n J . Dem psey, D., N. M.. to th e V . 8 . m aritim e eommlsslon on the grounds h e in from ■ “dry” ita te , th a t th i a dm in istra tion U paying a ••political debt" and (h a t ihe west alope should be reprc- urntetl on the commlfisloii . . . Jo h n Roosevelt, son of the P resi­

dent, nnd Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., ^un of the ambas.sntlor. JoUu'd last n lsh t In tlc tcndlng th e domebllc sind (orcign .p rogram s of the New Deal , . . T hey spoke In BOston . . . Frank lin D. Roosevelt. Jr.. spoke In Pltt.H ijiiiMh and branded aa "^itnpld' 'harKCs h is fa th e r wns n.splrlng to )c n d ic ta to r . , .

Secretary of iJibor Franee-i Per- lilns believes » a r ordert> will five Jobs to betw een 5,000,000 and 6,-000.000 persons by m Id-Septem brr ol 1041 . . .C harles O, Richard;.. 90, m ayor'of

C rn trn l City, Colo., anil prom inent m ining m an , d ltd In a D en-

hospllnl from Injuries suffered Klirn n box of dynaniln’c eiips ex- llllKll'U . . .

Joseph C reli.''r itnd Arnold Kyle, iinlll tliclr iniiHuii' the uiitlim h lop- in'iiKIUK bnnk>robl)lng teum . plencied KUllty to Ihe m urder of U. a . Miir- rlinl A. J. C lilty Kiid wcin uriitriiced Hi lltc li\ prlMin, lUuUalily A ku triit . . . 'liii'V wi're alrriidy .'rrvlng 'ii- )i’iir tr im s u i McNeil hliuid p riso n ..

( ol, r t ia r ir s A. I .ln ill irr |h made • K iirp r lN O sprrc 'h iu it nlglit a l a >Vs<ihWi|lon m eeting ot the r iiir r jri iry peace r im frrn ir r itiid iii frd lh(ine oppoicd to tl. S, In- viilsrnieiil in the Knrupean war lo iimkn -a rooperallve rffo tl for jira rr , , .Dr. Aiiroii J. Ho.-iiinoK, dlrect4)r of

tlir C alirornla de|>iirinirni of ni- tJitutloiis, was ncheiluli-'il to tcHtify

Iw tu rt %«•'iriiijy , H u n k Itnilly, MollywinKl iiiitlioi accu.iod u( nilM ippruprlatlng piilillc fuiiils . . ,

rtiinaii Koi, yim iif ItKO ron- trae t p layer, Joined the veteran Hrior T rary na the iradhig1.xiy In th e forthronilng itagn pUy '•Kvery M an fur HlniMU,” tililrh T rary plan* lo lake to llri'adway . . .Klalna lla rrle , lu tiith and cur-

ir iit - - though estranged — wife Of John llnrrym ore, lilted Altoniey jrrTV tle ls l tr to rpprrrituv her in tlirlr third dlvon'o hiiK, filed six wreka ago by Barryntore.

RICHFIELD. Oct, 22 (S p e c la D - A Kimberly resident who Is also a T w in Fa lls businessman, to d a y ' headed Southern Idaho, I n c . Uie regional Chamber of Commerce, as president.

T h e new president, elected here la s t n ig h t du ring regular ses.Mon of th e organization, Is D ean Shipley.U t succecdi \ . H . ila rrla , Burley,

O ther officers elected a t th e se s­sion Included C, A. Simonson, first v ice-president; Albion: A. W. T ln g - wall. second vice-president, Jerom e: w , A. einuKhter, Jr.. secretary. K im - • bcrly; EarJ 8. LnHue, F iler, trea s-

Assures Conllnoliy A t the suggestlojx of th e re tiring

p resident, a resolution w as adopted to am end the by-laws of th e o r- g a n lta tlo n In order to perm it th e o fficers a n d out-going presiden t to a c t a s a n extcuUve comrnlttea ti\ order th a t general continuity m ig h t be provided between sessions.

Leglslatlw i wlU be proposed at tJie nex t general meeting w hich will be ^leld a t Burley on Nov. 18. Legisla­tors representing th e various so u th ­ern Id ah o counties will be Urged to a t te n d 'th e ses.Mon,

A m endm ent num ber I . which will be vot«d on a t th e geiieral e lK tloo , w as approved by the o rg an lta tk m . T h e am endm ent provide* for gas U x m oney to be used only for road m ain tenance and new ro ad s, w ith no diversion for o ther uses. .

D uring th e session, P ra n k P. Sw an. Gooding, was asked to p re - . p a re facU re la tin g to sU t* leglaja- live am endm ents. T hU d a U will b* presented a t a fu tu re . aeaalon. J ie - w as also asked lo prepare a sim ilar s tudy on proposed legisla tion th a t term s of c ity councllm en b« reg u ­la ted U f'cities of varloua classes to provide hold-over of a p a r t of th a m em bership each electton year.

A t some fu tur* d4W> 'probatiiy tn ’ Jan u ary . Sou th ern Idaho , Inc.. m em - bera will m eet w ith th e Id ah o Asso­c iation of Clvlo clubs t« work fo r an Idaho en trance to Yellowstone pa rk and also th e openlrig o t * ‘t im r- ' 1st Inform ation booth a t W est Y el­lowstone.

p y i 6 IN COBIllJERO M E. Oct- 22 (8 p ed « l)—SI*

pe isons appeared Monday, to c o u rt on charges of drunkenness.

C harles Kolde. KfcnsM tran s ien t, was floated o u t o f th e city in d e­fau lt of paym ent of $20 fine a fte r h e ap p eared to plead guilty to beltjg d ru n k in Judge Clark T . S tan to n ’s c ourt Monday morning.

Eda-ard Leapoldo a n d Ely Car* d av a. b o th M exican laborers, a p ­peared to plead guilty to d ru n k en - new and were released to go to work. T h e ir fines of 120 each were g u a ran teed by Howard Bird, the two mcTJ's em ployer, •

R ay Culp, trans ient, was also floated o u t of th e c ity a fte r he failed to pay th r $20 fine for being drunk.

Alfred Colwell, trans ien t, appeared before P roba te Judge H eber N. Polk- m an, a fte r his a rres t In the eas t end of U»e county by Sheriff Lee 8. Johnson . Colwell was released and o rdered to leuve t l « c ity , a fte r p a y ­ing co u ft cosla o f,U je case, w hich am ounled to $8.40. colw cll was as- se.sRiMl a 110 fliw, plu.i court costs a n d wa.n also sentenced to 16 days In Jiill. P ino and sentence aere sus- priultsl.

Both given Ift-day Jail term s on charge.H of being drunk. Tom Col- llnes, M ontana t r a n s i e n t , and T ltom as M ahoney, Seattlo transient, appeared before Police Judge CHark T . S tonton last week. CpUlngs was also cliarged w ith •'panhandling."


UphoUtarlng , Thomew Top ai

W oodworklne JUachlenru

m i l Junk llo u n . l » t u ln • .

Richfield Student Gets Role In Piny

U N lV BH alTY O f IDAHO, Oct. n (Speolall—D onald Sw inney. Itton- field, w u rMsnUy Mlctad to Um cast of."K ind U d y 7 f l n t A8UI play. Kwinnay will play ih i part of Uio doctor.


Pio-to-H unft drnionsUatInn club niet la»v wr«u a t the home oJ Mra, K V. Necwner wlU» Mra. Jamea llc llon aa the aasistiuit hoatosa. Mlaa Margaret Hill wa« in charge of the iitlrrnoun’a iew o n nii fooda apd ii»b- Itn Cor lioaltli. Site ilemomlraled Mune healtlitul exeroiaM. T in preel' dent. Mrs. Elmer Latham, oonductat the meeting and Mrs, Halton was upi>oiut«<l tite uor«t«ry toe th« r«' inaliider of the yoar.

Word has been received by friends In Kimberly Uiat MIsa U U Clin, daughter of Mr, and Mra. Ouy Clin, was am oni ttM ifutata at Um mibumI fall reoepUoo and open bous* blM oa.Uift ownpuajot tha Oolondo W m

- -isgi. Smnx.m eb-a*

body a t th a t o o ll in ,I, O . B tw w li . Btlh>, a4(tr««K l Om

m e m b tn of tho p n A I*

Hy r i t l l e d l 'r e s i•'We arc preparing Jn.->t for de-

frnnr of th h hem bpliere , but doe^ anyone doubt th a t 1C Knglaiul should Ko nnder before we have an ade-

Ueten.'C, w e - t lm t iM t rea l ot),iincle lo Natl 'dom lnulion of th h . . . I d —would soon be assaulted In

tliln’’- Ambiissador W il­liam C. Ih illltt . . .

"T o replace tli li m an lltoune- veiti w llli a man wlioiie noie qunil- flealion h a i been aurcetn hi big hunliirns , . . serm s to m* Iha h e l(h t of tolly"—Joseph P. K en­nedy. Jr.•’II we (thn wenlern lieml«phci-e

nu tlo iu ) htund together, tl)ere is no Ion In th e worlil. no eMiiblnutlon

«( ilittt iKftt «»s. « no h ilrtnocrncy which we love n». y be lost" - O r n . H erbert Drees, com ­m an d er of the th ird arm y.

"W hen lh» theory o t one m an’s IndlaprnMibnUy roitie* In, th e theory of representative dsmoe- ra ry |o « i nut"—Men, A rthur II. Vanilenberg.

la s t week on "ChemurBlo Researeh.’' Mr, and Mrs. Stacey D ie* , Mrs, Hasel lx>ucki, Mrs. P.ffle Oaitjulit, Lylo Jonea, anA MU» n i * Beer p « - sente*i a roinedy aklt. •■ROuUnf M ^ Out." Miss PranoM Ohatburni M - comi>anio(l by Mra. Don Wiseman on tJis planp, enterUlued with • hUl . billy danco ooRipleta with .apnr»*prta t* coatiima. D u rtn i «>• b----------meeUnf f - -----

■on rtV«r.

Page Ten IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO TuMiUy, Octi|b«r S2, 1940

M n S L I S I E D P0« IDfflO STA

MOSCOW. Oct, 22 (SpeclnH— P u rly -U o mlncrols prijdiiccd com- mprcldlly or know n'lo be pre.ienl In Idaho nrc Halted In nn nbrldnfd bl- bllograpliy of Uie m ineral Indm try or ll 'c stnt« 1 ,'Mitd UiLi week by !lip Idnho burpdu of mines and rcoI-

"All *2 n n \ 10 II iiioir or Irs.s rv - irn t. of rnniiiicrclnl 'iiliip, (IcpfiullHK upon dpniiind. markot price, cle .” rx;-l.iln5 tlie iiiillior W, W, Stalry of tlic burrnii and hcliool of mlnr.< !.liirr. "Till' iiiiiwrlani'r- of roIcI, loml, ;:lnK. aiifl slUfi' in Idnho hnrdly

nicmionlni:, bin tlir « lilr <lb- tiibulloii of .Mwullrd .iiniieBlc niln- <Tni^ ,'uch nn Hntimony. nrsrnlp, bl- •smuih. ropiMT,, m olybdr- riiiiii. . Iiinabiir. and IwicMpn 1. not ^i-i;nallv knoun -

P\ii'jK)-i’ t)I Ok- IjuUoUn. No. 19. to iikl rnKlnfrTs iitid pro'.|x'C-

ii; Uvailni: wrlticu Informittlon oil t(if [UTiii varlrty ol in ln rn ils n<'- iiiiriii;; In Hit- stntr, T h r bnllf'tin n irrflv llsi^ nlpliatKilcally und on n inui> till' m iiicials und tlic rou ii-

•. in xvhliii lliry a rr lonnil. T lw -t iiitrri'.sicd in iiiaklns a •■;rarch of Hip niiblt-iu'd mntrrlnl on any p a rtln i- Inr founiv aro nnni'Mrd lo «Tltc t(. tlir IdalKi Hiirc'iiti Ol Mine;, nnd Cit('lo:;y. Ma'cow, for micIi Infornia- Udiv, FolU'.viisi; nu' U\f mlm i Als crrd ll- rd lo Idaho:

Aniltnoiiv. iir.-fiilr. uslK'-.ta'.. bary- trs. bnnlonlto, brryllliim, bism uth. binklliiK Moiir, clay, ro;tl. cobnll, Ioppi'r . diatoinacioii', cnrili, feidsixir, giiMirf, Ro/ti. Knipliito, Kvp.Mim. Icnri, linn’ tonp. iuauKiuve-‘NO. mnvbli', m ica, in lnfn il w.itn.''. molybdciniin, nion- oilie . nlc'kpl. n lira tw , oil nnd cas. pliospliatp w k . plnilnuni, precious .•donM, pyrllp. finlck.sllvor (clnna- h n r '. n itllr. snil, !.llvcr. .siilphnr, talc, tin. tiniKslen. vimndlum nnd 7,ln.

Four Men Face ■ Kimberly Judge

KIM BERLY. Oct. 22 (Spccliil- - Fotir men were found BUllty In Ju s­tice W nrds courl th « .p n s t week. H arry Ilarn ion ing Vns charged with dninkrrinM 'i and dlsU irbln? the peacr ‘aiitl wn.s fined J25 ivnd cost'.. Joll scntciii c tta.s sii.'.pended lor UO days.

Harr.\ Nornnni wns clmrgeil with l>city liirccncy, the fts being ni.aile from car^ In Klinborly. He wns found BUllty and i:lvrn 15 clays ja ll .wnl- rncp. iln rlry Oobb.^ pleaded Rullly to a (li:iii;e of drunkennrsR In n public plarc nnd dlslurblnit ilip jjpnce. Jail :.rnience wa.i suspended upon pa.Mnt nl of n J5 fine nnd rourl

OLD STUDENISSpeaking on Ihe prevention of

tfur, Duvld N orcrosa, na 'llonal bcc- reinry of i h e A m crlcon council for the preven tion of w ar. addressed spverat clQRses a t T » 'ln PulU high .school yesterday . A pproxim ately 30b studcpi.s lis tened to tlio' addrew .

Mr. N orcross exp la ined vhe nlli- ludp nece.«ftry to s la y o u t of war nnd preven t w ar. H e declared that unr U not Inev itab le o i some people

Adi'i- speak ing for about 20 minutes. M r. N orcroM answ ered the uumcrovw questions o ( th e studciits.

Prom PlannersIINIVFIWI TY O P IDAHO, Gel. ;’2

'S p iM al' 'I lu r e sou thern Idaho wonini « r iP recently npf)0 lnlc<i I 'lialJinin .lo r the a im ual co-ed pioiii. .'.jjoii-'Oi cd /o r women only by the Honic Ki'imomlcj club.

Mhcpv M ott, r tuperl. wa.s srlrc trd lo lipa<l ilie proKriim coi'ninlttrp; Miriam M iit'r. Pau l, prizes; and .M arjorlr T lio:n|ison, O oodlng. piib- llcliy fominlttcp.

TOTEM POLEIn p rep a ra tio n Tor a n assembly

Ir > i .junior h ig h scliool s tuden ts Nov, c, lo be p resen ted by tlie seventh ^;lnde social living classes, .several a riu lc s re la tiv e to th e work of the cla-.'-es a re being m ade by the *tu- deni.n

At presen t th e cla.sses a re making a pap ler-m nche to te m pole. P rinci­pal aiilm nls of th e U nited S tates will hr Ipatured on th e pole, wltli pne'c on top.

In.striictor fo r th e c lass maklni; the totpin pole la M iss Rebecca Ciiitln.

Sons of Congress Candidates Stapre


12 iSix>c1r1i—'mp election for Unltwl States comtrcx.'smen from ihe Idaho first dl.Mrlei has be­come strictly a campus "polltlcnl feud."

Both caiidldaic.s. Incumbent Complon I. While, Urmocrat. and Republican ohnllonKer Ert Onff- ney. can be proud of their sons.

. Compton I. White, Jr.. 1.15 o«ie of the leaders of the Young Demo­crat organization on the campus and Bud Oaffney. soi{ of candi­date Ed Cnffney, Is one of llie instigators of the ‘ WHlkle button on every coat lapeV* movement.

Epigcopal Vicar Gets New Parish

GOODINO, Oct. 22 iSpeclalJ— Rev. L. A. Cook, vicar of tlie T rinity Episcopal church of Ooodlng for th e past four and one-hiUf years, has been transferred lo l i e S t. John 's church In Idaho Palls. a n d Mrs. Cook will leave for Idaho' F a lls the la st of October. ’

W endell a s well as the local church, and u n til a year ago resided In Sho* shone. Rev. Cook ha.s been a m em­ber of th e Ooodlng Rotary club and has been active In community a f- lolrs.

G uild members of the Episcopal church honored Mrs. Co^k Frldnv «1th a fitrewell parly a t tlie home of Mrs. Carl Sm ith with a coycrcd dish hmcheon followed by brldKe, A Rift wns presented to ihe Jioimrec. P rltes a t ctirrts w ttr n o n bv M rs J. W. WllUnmi nnd Mrs C. b . Oakley.


Salm on T rac i llom nnaiiPis' club m et a t th r liome of Mrs. J . M. Plercp Wrdnesdftv for .an nll-diiv meeting, eevrn trpn m nnbers nnil four Kuehts, Mr.v Ralph Heed. Coeur d'A lene; Mrs. H erm an Srhon* Ing, N orth Ixmp, Neb.; Mrs. A. C ih l V lrH lnla.and Mrs W. A were l>re.sent, Ml.^s M. 111)1 dn iion - .stralcil H one-dl.ih meal A donntlon for the lied Crov< wn-. mnde Wlitip clrphHiit wns won liv Mis W WI’OUTll.

Ti'acliers ot thr llonrr,M)ii. Ain- .sti'rdani iind HollMrr Mhoojr. \wii' Klvell n ircP|i(lon nl llir l»i rihvlrr- liin church Trlday cvi iiIhk. i i ic fol- lowlnK proKium Wll iHPMiiird: liv iiuillrncp; oiiciilnii iiliivrr, A V; Kunkcl; MiiiK, miilr <iuiiH<-l; liitiri- (liiclloii of ichcIh'is- I II Irviii; pi- nno solo. I"ranrh Kmiknl; readliif;. Mif., ,( M Plinir, vocal koIo. John lliri; vradlim, Pmil Kuiikel: |ilan<i (liirt, l.antliiij l. t r1: iiMdliiK, Cliilii' KuiiK''l; viHiil <>1|| Cl,mil' uinlliiw; ^hllll t.ilk. llev, DrVeir W alkPi; V0. 11I M)l(j. Klmo I'avtin Mrs. A. K Kiinkrl had rluuK'' of the j>rua"nn ftnd 1rllr.^hul('n^^ « r i i ' served at the clovr.


Cliurchill Predicts EnglandWill Win Air Control in ’41

iw r iu :i> j;u ic K k u h ,LONDON. Oct. 32 (U.P.t-Prlme

M in u ter W inston Oltiirchlll p ic- tU rtfd lusi n 'nUl Ih n t G ren t RTUrtlii will seize conunantl of th e a ir from O einninv neM. yciu".

T lir pi line«r's prediction wa.« nd<he.'-sed to th e people of Prancc . II came ns F irs t Lord of the A dm iralty A. V. A lexander Indlcat- vd plutnlv thiU B rita in Is plftunii\R and bulldinc tow ard tak ing the of- fen.'-lve analiist G erm any In spheres of ba ttle where he prom ised vlctoiy would be won.

Churchill, .-.cofflng a t G erm an In- va.slon th rea ts, was vehem ent In his denuncia tion o t Adolf U lUer who —he w arned F rance—wa.s plotting th e iKiTiinnent disln lea rn tlon of Iho F rcneh nation a n d F rench culture.

"We a re on h is (H ltler’s l track," lid Churchill, "an d so a re our

friends across th e A tlan tic ocean. If he ennnot dcsfroy’ us, w . iu f c ly will destroy him and a ll his gang.

Atrall Invasion "W e are w aiting for th e long

proml.'cd Invasion. So are th e fishes. B ut of course Uils, fo r us. Is only th e jjc g u in in g . Now in 1B40 wo have as ever th e com m and of th e .sc In 1041 we shi\ll h ave com m andth e a i r . " ...........................................

He appealed for the friendsh ip of the P rcnch people In th e battle ngaln.'st G erm any.

■Remember," h e salil, "wc shall never stop, never weui7 , never give In and th a t ou r whole people nnd em pire have bound thcmselvns lo th e task of cleatislng Europe Irom (he N azi pestU ence and sav ing the world fixnn new daric a gcs,"„ ._

E nglisli confidence Is as h igh aa ever, C hurch ill declared, and tlio


U r c r s I awi flne>l hotrt In Idaha I'wo' huiiilinl hrniili- fullr ■tipoinlH riMimn. Onl/ llrrproof hnlet In llelir, f» l« l In hrarJ tl*le. got- rm m rnlal and hunlnrM <ll>* trlfl,

e x c e u l e n t f o o dM O O S R A Tt RATE#

"D on't ImKRlne,” h e sa id , "thn t .. EnKlWi seek u> in lte you r ships and colonies. W r seek to b eat the life and .soul o f H itle r nnd Hitlerism- 'n iHt a lone, th a t fo r a ll tim e and :ha t to th e end.

"We do n o t covet a n y th in g of any naUon excep t th e ir re.spect."

BrllAln h a s n o t forKOtten the ties tha t link h e r w ith P ra n ce . Chui-chlll .safd.

"R earn i Y our Splrlla"l-’rcn eh m en .” h e sa id , "rearm vour

.••pirltji before It la too late. Hitler -ith Ills ta n k s a n d o th e r mechanical

weapons a n d oJso th ro u g h flftli col­umn In trigue wlUi tr a i to rs mananpd lo sub juga te for th e tim e being m oit of Uie f in es t races of Europe nnd h is lit tle lu t l la n accomplice b tro ttin g nlong hopefu lly a n d hunurl ly buk ra tJ ie r wcKrlly and very llm ‘ Wly a t h is .tide.

■Tliey • bo th wLsh to carve ui F rance a n d h e r em pire.

"Never will 1 believe th a t the soul of F ra n ce la dead o r h e r placc am ong th e g rea tes t n a tio n s of the

orld ha.% been lo st forever."All these scheme.s and crimes ..

H itler nrc b rtng lug upon him and upon a ll w ho belong to h is system re tribu tion w hich m a n y of us will live to see. I t will n o t be .so long and th e s to ry Is n o t finished."

C hurch spoke f irs t in and th e n In P rc n c h . Hla remarks' were ■ broadcast on beam s directed tow ard P rance and to Prencli col­onies and possessions throusUout Ute world.

m S P lk fT O F

I want I . tall y«u lotri.thlna •bout D»l«ni« that ma^ba 4*n-1 knaw. Far yaari lha f*. tralaum Induiiry hai <arrUrf an Indapandantraiaorchan iii awn Inmailva, uhiubtldliad by iha

h»i riana It. .hnra — h « ra< ia«f«h analna.rt wha tpand|K«<tUally SM al lhair lima Inthli wark.

T lv ia ln .iu icli

li«'p. Anit li.tlirtAiiin (otter in<l

linn K«\<>liii>. t n r .n r rpUliM llmiitvxtliniiU t« tli.ii iHiinlirr I mi ll<f-illi.T m il,.............................Klilc.i>r. It r.iii i.iitv .'(1 (o :lO‘tl morn ]>.>iiil» ,.i>il n|,ova antl.Kliiutl liir

.................. . Wa‘«.a«n halt . r all (ha rubbar Infb ^ a r ld and*0% «M|tOOO tnllai .fra il (ha warld )a mt, and lha diclalari wani Itl Wall. Pairalawm Indvitry ra. •aar«h hai mada irn'hallt mb- bar > lammar.lal raalllr. lalara atir *wp|il|> af naiwral rwbbar U ■ ihMiiad wa <a„ |ir.d«,a all »• natd . . . » , . « fa»r*U.a,| » I had raam I <auld llit at lt» lt fUlr mara ai*antlal ^a d - ii(l« th«y h««a davalapad. »«| tliat'll «lva yau an Idaa.

vrlcM.rd 7n ■■111 Tiiloii am • II ImjKiitiiii

p»it o( tliA i'rir.>lr.uii Iiulii.try -«n liuluiltv tlinl liM iloiiA 10 miicli lo main Aiitrilin lining.

UN IO N o i l c O M P A N t JOHN aAKCH, JR.

■ DItlitllUIOl


Y o u r F i r m ’s C o n trib u tio n to th e 0 > n \m u n ity C h e s t l> Not

Y o u r Ind iv id u a! G ift.

. O N K D A Y ’S P A Y is T » K A M E R I C A N WAV!

^ a d k i o n


For Color and Style

See the Fall



and up

V a r s i ty - Tow n h a s vi.«»ited th o se sch o o ls w h e re fa sh io n s o r ig in a te , a n d th e y 'v e m ad e so m e f in e d is ­c o v e r ie s fo r t h i s {fill o f 1940. H e re l-eady fo r you now . a r e th e n ew p a t t e r n idea.s, G lens . . . co lo r on co lo r stripe.-! . . . n a r ro w .striped f la n n e ls an d w ide, bold h e r r in g ­bo n es.

All Alterations Free

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A New Favorite with

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T h e rea l .style f la s h o f th e yea r. L ig h t w e ig h t, l ig h t co lored corduroy . See it.


$2.98 and upCampus styles In aJl the, rich fall col­orings.



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iiiiiinil and vh lte . A h inh fcliool girls.

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Novelty Mciccusin


$ 1 . 9 8 ... $ 1 . 4 9I'or linme mid 1nllt Mrnr Nnt- oriil liin Hiicl id im ii lliiiin sewert, roiuiHmintm mle

A Hit? Selcclion of


$ 1 9 8






Colorful JACKETS$ 7 9 0

Skirts to Match$ 5 9 0

H ich » ty lcd ja c k e ts a n d s k ir ts you ’ll ^

p riie . G ran d tw o ed s, p la id s , 'n e w lon ircr .j

C ard igan . F la re d , box o r k ick p le a t s k ir ts . ^

g iZ K S 12 T O 2 0 I



39c 79c

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$398niurk. n ili Ullrolora «|lll olhriKlU Irlin?, A«-norle<l rnlni |.liil(ln.lliey nil hrre

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— J

LaslfX ru ffs Ihftt hold ll>e tO|>s .MiiiKKly knee. Novelty weiivcsIn RisuVtcd Dolld rolois.

.S izC H «» /j lo 1 0 '/ ,

PInlii colored niikli-t wlUi ro iilijs(>r vfl for



Corduroy Hals

98cW d ir th e m |n oillii*r o ff » ' ,

l l i r fnco o r h o n n o l n ty lr . !(*

a d jiiitla lth ' liead «i/.<‘h. In

IiIkIi hIiiuIar. o - lA iS iv


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DRT o o o n s D R rr.


5 9 c

I ^ c o t r im Hiid tH ilorcd in fin e nntlnii n n d taffeliiH .

C olor* o f w h ite , ivaroAe and h lack .


39c m id up

l/UHtAX WAi.ilbutid and s n u g ' f J t g n r U n tf tx Irff ttandn. T ea roHo n n d w h ite .