Toxic relationships & why relationships fail!

Post on 21-May-2015

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Many people believe that most men cheat because they lack the ability to release energy properly. They have been unconsciously trained to “dump” their bad energy into a woman’s stream, her womb, and thus never really having to deal with their issues and emotions. This process establishes an enabling relationship where women began to carry the men’s pain. Many women wonder how men can cheat and not feel guilty, or how they can walk away from their families and not feel any remorse. They can do it because they are constantly downloading their energy into other women. By doing this, they are operating with a disease that they are unaware of, and they are infecting dozens if not hundreds of people.

Transcript of Toxic relationships & why relationships fail!

Toxic Relationships & Why Relationships Fail!

Today, there are thousands of women in Africa who are

victims of rape through war. Invading soldiers use rape as

a tactic to conquer rival villages and tribes.

Once these women are raped, they are type cast as being “ruined” ousted out of their village, and ostracized by

family and friends. Rape is also spoken about in many


The concept of rape and incest is considered taboo in virtually every culture. It is condemned all around the world, because it inflicts irreparable harm to the

natural balance of relationships.

The African deity Yemaya is considered the mother of all

deites. She is the patron of the womb, which is the

symbolization of creation.

She is also a nurturer, much like our Earth, she gives and loves unconditionally. There is an

unspoken relationship between the male and female powers, an

energy contract that makes men the givers,

and women, the receivers. This relationship is disrupted when

men intentionally began to expel negative energy.

I’ve mentioned in previous articles that there is a significant amount of energy that is exchanged

during sexual intercourse.

Auras, or bio-fields merge, and energy are exchanged from one person to the next. People often

wonder why men in times of combat go off and rape women

They do it because they have a whole bunch of built up hostility in their auric fields. And the only way they know how to release this energy is through sexual


Releasing this kind of energy into a woman’s womb is like polluting the stream that she and her children drink out of.

This kind of energy is toxic to a woman’s womb

because her stream of life is tainted, and her children and loved ones no

longer have clean water to drink from. As a result, women become

hardened and bitter.

And men go out looking for other streams to drink out of. Many

people believe that most men cheat because they lack the ability to

release energy properly.

They have been unconsciously trained to “dump” their bad energy into a woman’s stream, her womb,

and thus never really having to deal with their issues and emotions.

This process establishes an enabling relationship where women began to carry the men’s pain. Many women wonder how men can cheat and not

feel guilty, or how they can walk away from their families and not feel any


They can do it because they are constantly downloading their energy

into other women. By doing this, they are operating with a disease that they are unaware of, and they are infecting

dozens if not hundreds of people.

We can look around us and see how this kind of behavior affects our relationships and families in our communities. So how can we combat this kind of behavior? We can first become aware. Then we work to

establish a sense of alchemy, where negative emotions can be transformed

into positive

This will restore the balance of power that is needed for any relationship to be successful.

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