Towpath Telegraph September 2013

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The magazine of the Milton Keynes Branch of the Inland Waterways Association

Transcript of Towpath Telegraph September 2013

September 2013

Journal of the IWA’s Milton Keynes Branch



A smartly painted boat passes through Three Locks during the Branch Lock Ransom on 25-27 May. The event raised £736.44 for Branch funds—almost £125 more than last year! Thanks to all who donated—pub customers as well as boaters. Well done all who took part. Photo: Les Franklin.

The IWA (registered charity no. 212342) campaigns for the restoration, conservation and sensitive development of the waterways, and for their fullest commercial and recreational use consistent with safeguarding their historic and natural environment. If you are not a member and would like to find out more: * contact any of the Branch Committee listed on Page 16; * contact IWA Head Office on 01494 783453, or visit the web site:

Page 2

Welcome to September 2013 Towpath Telegraph We trust you have had a better summer on the cut than last year! Some of our Committee have had ex-tended cruises, and you can follow one of these—see the item at the bottom of this page. It’s not so good for the boaters on the Aylesbury Arm, trapped once more by the repairs to Buckland Lock. Let’s hope for speedy completion. This edition has something of a campaigning flavour as we report on some pressing issues being tackled by the Association’s Trustees—see Pages 4-5 and 7. We hope you enjoy this edition.

Chairman’s Corner Philip and Karen cruise the system MK Clean-ups commended at Renaissance Awards Red Lion facelift boosts Fenny Lock Branch Secretary New members Useful day at Canal Festival IWA disappointment at waterway transfer delay IWA supports UK red diesel challenge B&MK community boat John Bunyan launched Continued HS2 fears prompt IWA rail study Diary Pages Dumped bricks to be put to good use Wendover Arm Trust news Buckland Lock to re-open end of October Balsam bash at Marsworth Tell IWA your hire experiences View the Waterways on your PC IWA National AGM Stoke Bruerne weighing machine returns to Wales Good media coverage for Northampton Branch work party Re-watering at both ends of Buckingham Canal soon IWA Calendar and Christmas cards The role of the Region Getting in touch with MK Branch

2 2 3 3 3 3 3

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8-9 9

10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16

Chairman’s Corner Members will be pleased to know that Branch Chairman Peter Caswell has now had his long-awaited heart transplant.

He is doing well and gaining strength, but still gets very tired. With excess fluid having dispersed, Jane says he has normal legs now! In hospital, he has been walking up and down the corridors, going up and down stairs, and riding the exercise bike. He has had a spell at home, but as we finalise TPT for press (late August) he is back in hospital having adjustments made to his medication. We send our best wishes to Peter, and look forward to seeing him at Branch meetings soon.

From 6 May to 24 July, Philip Strangeway and Karen Holowka took advantage of a sab-batical to undertake an extensive cruise aboard their newly repainted boat Sapperton. Previous voyages had occupied two weeks or less. The cruise included six of the “Seven Wonders of the Waterways” - the Caen Hill flight on the Kennet & Avon was too far away to be included in the route.

The cruise clearly had a most therapeutic effect. On a wet day in May, leaning on the tiller, Philip decided to offer to take up the post of Branch Secretary (see opposite)! Karen produced an informa-tive and entertaining blog of the cruise, illustrated with some stunning photos of landscape, water-way sights and wildlife. Enjoy the blog at

Philip and Karen cruise the system

New Members We welcome the members below who have joined the Branch since the last TPT. We hope to see you at our meetings—please introduce yourselves to a Committee member. Mr P A & Mrs C A Ashby, Bletchley Mr G & Mrs K Boyle, Biggleswade Mrs E & Mr S Eaglesham, Leighton Buzzard Mr K E & Mrs V T Goodship, Bromham Mr P Parker & Ms J Barlow, Leighton Buzzard Mr K Ridler, Leighton Buzzard

Page 3

MK Clean-ups commended at Renaissance Awards

Just after the last edition of TPT went to press, we heard that Judith Annan had after all decided she could not take on the Branch Secretar-y's role. However, we are most grateful that Philip Strangeway, a Committee member since 2011, has agreed to take up the post.

The 2013 Waterway Renaissance Awards were announced at a ceremony in Birmingham on 23 May. Four local projects received recognition. In the Education and Learning cate-gory, the award was won by the Iron Trunk Aqueduct refurbishment and interpretation scheme.

In the Historic Environment category, the restoration of narrowboat Sculptor, Stoke Bruerne, received a Commendation. Runner-up in the Design and Construction category was Castle Wharf, Berkhamsted. In the Volunteering category, the IWA Milton Keynes Branch Canal Clean-ups received a Commendation along with the Stroud Drop-in Volunteering Sessions. Runner-up was the Big Waterways Clean-up 2012, London, whilst the winners in this category were the Thames Valley Volunteers, a group set up by the Envi-ronment Agency to recruit and organise volunteer assistant lock-keepers and boatmen.

Branch Secretary

Useful day at Canal Festival The Branch mounted a low-key presence at this year’s Linslade Canal Festival. On a pitch shared with Buckingham Canal Society, Athina Beckett and Jonathan Brown were joined by Pete Bickers, who had a useful day handing out leaflets and selling books donated to the Branch. Our thanks to them, and hopefully we can attend next year’s event in greater numbers.

Red Lion facelift boosts Fenny Lock

Rodney Evans’ year-long campaign to Punch Taverns for exter-nal refurbishment of the Red Lion pub at Fenny Lock has final-ly borne fruit.

The crumbling cornice has been replaced with a new black hardwood one. The dilapidated rendering of the brick walls is being replaced with new render in gleaming white. Work continues with the building swathed in scaffolding. This is great news for our Lock Adoption Scheme, as the refurbished pub will add significantly to the attraction of the whole location which we have been working hard to bring up to scratch.

News and picture: Rodney Evans.

Page 4


In July, IWA expressed disap-pointment at the announce-ment by Waterways Minister Richard Benyon MP that a transfer of the Environment Agency navigations to the Canal & River Trust is to be delayed. The Association asks members to lend support by writing to their MPs ob-jecting to this delay in imple-menting declared Government policy.

The cost of the transfer, albeit saved from the 2015-16 budget, will need to be funded eventually - but meanwhile Defra has thwarted the potential for additional funds to be raised, and has stifled community engagement. Prior to the Minister's announcement, Defra’s 2015-16 budget was set for a likely reduction by 10%, and this will clearly have a big impact on the Environment Agency, as its expenditure accounts for about 1/3 of Defra’s budget. It seems inevitable that Navigation funding will be cut, not least be-cause of pressures to maintain or increase spending on flood defences. The likely outcome is that either maintenance will suffer, or boat licence fees will rise - most likely a combination of both. The Agency’s navigations therefore face a very uncertain future. Many of the Thames boaters who were reluctant to see any change have now conceded that they are in a bad position, and that a move to Canal & River Trust has become increasingly desirable. Nearly all the Environment Agency’s own management are in favour of the transfer to C&RT. In spite of the Minister’s announcement, eventual transfer remains Government policy, as it fits with its aim to downsize the public sector. It opens the navigations up to possible additional funding from the charitable sector and grants, which is simply not available at the moment, as well as oppor-tunities for greater community engagement and volunteering. Government has endorsed the busi-ness model for the transfer with its announcement of the move of English Heritage to the charitable sector on lines very similar to Canal & River Trust. The delay will not save Government money in the longer term; it was simply to make a saving in transfer costs and to avoid the need to make a commitment on contractual funding over a period of years to enable C&RT to take on the waterways. Government will have to maintain the waterways until a transfer is made; and will now likely have to do so for a longer period, whilst denying others

Canal & River Trust and the En-vironment Agency had set a de-tailed joint programme for the transfer. IWA believes that de-laying it is a short-term decision that will benefit neither the Envi-ronment Agency’s navigations nor the taxpayers who fund them.

The Thames at Henley. Many Thames boaters see the transfer as increasingly desirable. Photo: Les Franklin.

Page 5

Excellent Boats on a Beautiful Canal

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Members of IWA, APCO, BMF, B&MK Waterway Trust, Wendover Arm

Trust, Buckingham Canal Society, Aylesbury Canal Society S

hort brea

ks and





IWA SUPPORTS UK RED DIESEL CHALLENGE On 24 July, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs indicated that the UK Government in-tends to challenge the Reasoned Opinion on diesel fuel issued by the European Commis-sion in May. IWA fully supports this challenge.

The Reasoned Opinion was issued by the Commission in support of its formal request that the UK amend its legislation “to ensure that private pleasure boats such as luxury yachts can no longer buy lower taxed fuel intended for fishing boats”. Making the use of white diesel compulsory for leisure boaters would have a number of consequences for both boaters and fuel suppliers. IWA is concerned at the costs to boaters having to change their equipment to enable them to use white diesel, as well as the cost to suppliers in having to install new or second tanks and pumps in order to supply white diesel. IWA considers that it is simply not practical for most inland waterway boats to have two tanks – one for red diesel and one for white; that inappropriate modifications would raise safety concerns; and that many diesel suppliers would not supply both fuels. More information regarding IWA’s views can be found in the IWA briefing note at:

IWA HO Bulletin, August 2013.

the opportunity to contribute. The other reason for the postponement was a lapse in political pres-sure and momentum. Defra and the Government have other priorities. IWA therefore wants to get the subject back on the agenda, and knows that Canal & River Trust will support it on this. IWA will continue to campaign for what is best for the inland waterways. It plans to make matters clear to the Minister, and also intends to lobby HM Treasury and other relevant parts of Govern-ment. The National Chairman has sought a meeting with the Minister, and his opposition shadow. We need MPs to ask questions, to apply for debates and to demand answers. Promises need to be put in party manifestos. We know that a number of supportive MPs will be keen to help. As a first step, IWA encourages Branch members to write to their MPs. Letters need to be individu-ally written, to ask different questions on the same theme, and to seek help in different ways. Ideal-ly, letters should be timed to reach MPs around 2 September, when the House returns from the sum-mer recess, and before the Party Conferences (the first, Labour’s, starts on 22 September). It is really important that members from every Branch support this, as we need to demonstrate complete national support for this campaign.

Adapted from IWA Internal Bulletin, July 2013.


Page 6

On 3 July, after two years' planning and fund-raising by the Bedford & Milton Keynes Water-way Trust, its new community boat was craned into the water at Bedford's Priory Marina.

strong signal of its determination to help revive the Great Ouse through Bedford. It would also raise the profile of the Trust and its ultimate objective of creating the missing 26km of waterway linking the Grand Union Canal at Milton Keynes and the Great Ouse at Kempston. Over the past month some 20 volunteers aged from 17 to 75 have been helping to paint and fit out the boat; the youngest were from Hastingsbury School. Helping to make sure that John Bunyan was safely delivered were two generations of the family that runs ColeCraft Engineering – Gary Cole and his son Luke. Roger Crews, of the B&MK boat group, added: “ColeCraft have been brilliant at sorting out problems. There have been a few and they pulled out all the stops to resolve them.”

Story and photos: B&MKWT news release, July 2013.

Latest: John Bunyan has already carried its 1,000th passenger. Source: MannersPR.

B&MK community boat John Bunyan launched

On the following Tuesday, the boat was officially named John Bunyan before a gathering of local councillors and officials, Trust members, supporters and sponsors. Guests of honour were the High Sher-iff of Bedfordshire, Deborah Inskip, and B&MK Trust Patron, Sir Samuel Whitbread. The naming ceremony, with a splash of champagne, was conducted by Mr Basil Hubbard, a Bedfordian now living in Norfolk. Mr Hubbard suggested the name John Bunyan in a competition run by the Bed-ford Times & Citizen. “I chose the name because John Bunyan represents the spirit of the town. It just seemed obvious,” he said. His suggestion was cho-sen because of links to the area and widespread in-ternational recognition of the name as the author of Pilgrim’s Progress and historical free thinker. The name also has the potential to attract visitors and tourists to the area – a key purpose of the boat. The purpose-built boat measures 72 ft. long by 10 ft. beam, and was built by ColeCraft Engineering, of Southam, Warwickshire. It will accommodate up to 70 passengers and is available for hire to schools and colleges, community groups, businesses and individ-uals for parties and even weddings. It will ply the River Great Ouse from Bedford to Kempston and eastwards to Great Barford. To book, please email or call 0800 3282 803 (free from land lines) or from a mobile dial 0330 1239 511 (charged as a part of your call allowance). Graham Mabbutt, chairman of the B&MK Waterway Trust, commented that the launch of the boat was a

The new boat is gently lowered into the water at Priory Marina, Bedford.

Mr. Basil Hubbard announces the name whilst Trust Chairman Graham Mabbutt wets the baby's head with champagne.

Page 7

MILTON KEYNES MARINA tel: 01908 672672

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IWA has submitted its concerns over the impact of the HS2 proposals upon the Trent & Mersey Canal near Fradley, and at other locations. The Association has since had infor-mal feedback that HS2 Ltd believes the responses received on its Design Refinement pro-posals would not require any major changes to its proposed London to Birmingham route (including spurs to Leeds and Manchester). If this information is subsequently confirmed, IWA remains concerned over the continued threat to the Fradley area.

HS2 Ltd proposes four viaduct crossings over the Trent & Mersey Canal as well as approach em-bankments. One of these is 350 metres beyond Shade House Lock for the Manchester spur, and will be about 8 metres high carrying two tracks. The second and third crossings will be single track, 560 and 590 metres beyond Shade House Lock, and 15 and 8 metres high carrying the HS2 West Coast Main Line links across the canal. These two link lines would then join, and re-cross the canal in the fourth crossing, 150 metres beyond Wood End Lock at a height of 12 metres. These crossings would have significant impact by changing the surrounding environment and wild-life. IWA believes a much better option of diverting three of the crossings away from the canal line could be achieved with other benefits. In view of this position, IWA Trustees have now agreed to retain rail consulting engineers to under-take a feasibility study of our proposals, and compare them with HS2 Ltd’s own proposals. If the report confirms IWA’s position, this evidence will be used to discuss with other stakeholders and to deploy in the remaining processes of obtaining authorisation to construct phase 1, to get HS2 Ltd to reconsider its proposals. Although the cost of obtaining the facts to support our position is signifi-cant, IWA believes it is a worthwhile investment in getting the right answer at Fradley.

IWA HO Bulletin, Mid-August 2013.


Page 8

Diary Page

Sunday 8 September 12.30 - 4.00

Wendover Arm Restoration Open Day, Drayton Beauchamp Church. Teas, cakes etc, and parking at the Church, plus tours of the restoration site (sensible footwear advised). More details: or tel: 07547 181857

Saturday 14 September 10.30am

Walk the Route to the Bedford junction of the Bedford-MK Waterway. In association with Bedfordshire Ramblers’ Walking Festival. Meet at Aspects Leisure Centre, Newnham Avenue, Bedford, MK41 9LW. Walk follows Great Ouse via Bedford town centre to Kempston Mill, with option to return by the new trip boat John Bunyan (subject to weather and availability).

14-15 September Stoke Bruerne Village at War Weekend. All the usual nostalgia, including Spitfire display (Sat only), living history groups re-enactors, character actors. Info:

Sunday 15 September 11am on

BMKWT Heritage Day, Church of St Lawrence, Broughton, MK. Waterways and local heritage talks, followed by barbecue (small charge to cover costs) in the grounds of the Old Rectory next door Info:

Monday 23 September 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch meeting: Croatian cruising video by Rodney Evans, and Members’ Boating Forum. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK.

Welcome to our 2013-14 season of Branch meetings at the Pavilion (see map and direc-tions below). Remember that guests are always welcome, so why not bring a friend? You can also muck in on the autumn Clean-up on 18—20 October, or help with maintenance work at Fenny Lock (contact Rodney Evans for information). Here are details of our own events (bold type), and a selection of events organised by others.

From H6 Childs Way (M1 or Central MK), turn south at Fox Milne roundabout into V11 Tongwell Street. Pass under a bridge, then turn right into Griffith Gate (signed Middleton and Milton Keynes Village). At next roundabout, turn right into Worelle Avenue. The Pavilion is clearly marked on the left after about 1/4 mile. Going north along Tongwell Street, cross H7 Chaffron Way at Monkston roundabout, then take first left into Griffith Gate, then as above. Arriva bus No 8 leaves Central MK Station (stop Y2) at 1922, calls at the Point (stop L3) at 1930, and arrives Tongwell Street (stop ) at 1946. Return bus services leave at 2155 and 2225. Footpath leads from stop (northbound) to Tanfield Lane, for access to Worelle Avenue.

Getting to the Pavilion

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Diary Page—continued Tues 24 September

11am - 5.30pm Railway & Canal Historical Society Towpath Walk from Wolverton to Cosgrove and back, returning via River Great Ouse. Total 10 miles approx, led by Graham Bird. Prior booking not required. Walking boots advisable. Lunch in local pub or bring sandwiches. Meet Wolverton station exit at 11.00. Info: Graham Bird on 020 8747 3694 or (on the day only, please) 07717 220026.

18-20 October MK Branch Autumn Clean-up, Fenny to Wolverton. Contacts, timings and other details will be announced at Branch meetings and on the Branch pages of the IWA web site

Saturday 26 October 1pm

Buckingham Canal Society Celebration Open Day, Meet at layby next to Bourton Meadow Academy, Burleigh Piece (off A413), Buckingham, MK18 7HX, from where you will be directed.

Monday 28 October 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch meeting: Marinas and all that Jazz, with Richard Goosey, Milton Keynes Marina. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK.

Monday 25 November 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch meeting: Waterway Photography Secrets, with Robin Smithett, much-published photographer and former Chair, Hotel Boating Association. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK

Monday 9 December 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch Christmas Social - pre-booked ticket event. Details will be announced at Branch meetings and on the Branch pages of the IWA web site. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK

Monday 27 January 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch meeting: An Evening of Waterway Films. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK

Monday 24 February 7.45 for 8pm

MK Branch Annual General Meeting (agenda in next TPT), and Quiz. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK

Dumped bricks to be put to good use

Canal & River Trust is planning to recycle over 100 heritage bricks after they were recently found to be thoughtlessly fly-tipped along the canal in Marsworth. The 100-year-old bricks, which are characteristic of the local area and are thought to have once been part of someone’s home, will be cleaned, sorted and used by maintenance teams to repair the many hump back bridges and lock chamber walls which are all typical features of the Grand Union Canal. John Best, chair of the South East waterways partnership for the Canal & River Trust, said, “It’s not every day that something positive comes from finding rubbish dumped along the canal, but in this case it has for once saved us some money. Fly tipping is illegal, and not only do we spend thou-sands of pounds every year removing this rubbish from the waterway, it makes the waterways looked unloved and can actually harm the local wildlife and be a hazard to boaters and visitors.”

C&RT news release, August 2013.

Page 10

The Wendover Arm Trust held a Restoration Open Day on 2 June. Despite being ar-ranged at quite short notice, it was a big success. Hundreds enjoyed a fine afternoon, meeting at St Mary's Church, Drayton Beauchamp, from where four guided tours took visitors to see restoration work in progress. Tea, cakes and ice lollies were available in the church. A further Restoration Open Day is planned for Sunday 8 September, from 12.30 - 4pm. Parking is available at St Mary's, Drayton Beauchamp.

The mortar was initially thought to have failed due to frost damage, but a report from the contractors for the Canal & River Trust work at Whitehouses suggested that the mortar itself was at fault. Roy Sutton, former honorary consulting civil engineer to the IWA, now working with KESCRG, identified the problem. The wrong type of lime had been used in the mortar supplied to both KESCRG and the contractors, and new brickwork laid with it is having to be rebuilt. KESCRG has also made good progress on building the footpath/nature trail through the woodland from Bridge 4 to Whitehouses.

Information from WAT web site, Summer 2013 Newsletter and Restoration Newsletter.

Wendover Arm Trust news

Thefts from the Trust's Transit tipper have led to its replacement. The tipper had been stored overnight during work par-ties in the yard at Tringford Pumping Station. After it had been broken into twice, someone had the idea of locking it in the more secure oil store there. Unfortunate-ly the Transit was too long to fit in—red faces all round! So it was agreed to part-exchange it for a short-er Nissan Cabstar. In another despicable act of theft, the memorial plaques on all of the seats along the Wendover Arm were re-moved during the night of 9-10 July. Anyone who saw anything suspicious or has any other information is asked to email webmaster@, or Twitter @wendoverarm

Good progress on profiling and lining the Phase II stretch has been made during the recent dry months. If all goes to plan, it is hoped that re-watering as far as Bridge 4A can take place in February or March 2014, with 758 metres (39% of the Phase II stretch) in water. At the Whitehouses site, Kent & East Sussex Canal Restoration Group(KESCRG) has held work parties in May, July and August, which have pushed restoration work forward, despite a problem with failure of lime mortar laid before the May work party.

Masonry completed at Whitehouses during recent KESCRG work par-ties. Photo courtesy KESCRG/ Stephen Davis.



WAT’s on-line shop is now live, for purchase of naviga-tion plaques, pennants, T-shirts, leaflets, Christmas cards and other merchan-dise. All prices include post and packing. Visit: http:www.wendoverarmtrust

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01908 643242

Willowbridge Marina

Willowbridge Marina is a working boatyard specialising in lifting boats in and out of the water, as well as on and off transport. We are a family-run business, working hard to provide services to canal boat owners and users in the Milton Keynes area. We offer the following services: - Well-stocked chandlery, including stainless steel fastenings and Calor Gas fittings; - Red diesel; - All boat services, including coal, LPG and pump-out; - All mooring services, including limited linear moorings, wireless internet and power, toilets, showers, laundry and extensive storage ashore. We offer a 10% discount on chandlery purchases and services in the yard to IWA members.

C&RT engineers have been working out how best to repair Buckland Lock (12) on the Aylesbury Arm, after it collapsed on 28 March. Detailed investigations have been going on since then. Re-opening, originally anticipated for the August Bank Holiday weekend, is now expected around the end of October.

Over the last few months C&RT has set up a works site, laid a new access track alongside the lock, and removed the collapsed wall. The repair work itself will start in the next few weeks, and will involve building a new concrete lock wall, to be brick-faced in keeping with the remainder of the lock. The opposite lock wall will be pinned to prevent it from moving, the top lock gate will be refurbished, and mi-nor brickwork repairs will be made to the lock approach walls. It has taken longer than expected to reach the stage when rebuilding can start. Peter Walker, C&RT engineering manager said "It is frus-trating and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we do need a bit longer to do the repair job, do it well, and to make sure the wall lasts for another 200 years.” As a result of the collapse, a number of boats stranded at Aylesbury Basin were craned out of the canal. With the new Circus Field Marina expected to open in the next few weeks, it is planned that boaters who have already booked moorings at the marina will be craned back into the canal so they can enjoy their new facilities.

From C&RT news release, July 2013.

Last year IWA Chiltern Branch cleared all the Hima-layan Balsam from the side ponds by Marsworth locks. Other Branches also cleared the plants from their areas and usually found on going back this year that the quan-tity was well reduced. When Chiltern Branch re-turned in July, they found the plant to be completely absent, highlighting how successful removal can be in capping its spread. But the volunteers weren't short of work to do. They removed other invasive plants from the side ponds so that native species could thrive and create a diverse habitat.

IWA HO Bulletin, August 2013.


Page 12

Through the Association's involvement with the Boat Safety Scheme, IWA has been asked to participate in a forthcoming review of Hire Boat and Hirer Safety. IWA would like to hear the views of members with hiring experiences.

IWA is looking to talk to a selection of members who collectively have hiring experience in one or more of the following categories: • Someone who has been hiring regularly over many years (ideally with a number of different hire companies, and perhaps in different parts of the country); • Someone new to hiring, who has recently experienced their first hire-boat holiday; • Someone who has experienced day-boat hire (either long-term or recent). IWA is looking for a representative range of experiences—good or bad. These need not necessarily be confined to canal boat hire; river and/or Broads hiring experiences will also be welcome. If you can help by relating your hire experiences, please e-mail Ian Fletcher at - using the subject heading Hire Boat Safety.

IWA HO Bulletin, Mid-August 2013.


VIEW THE WATERWAYS ON YOUR PC Canal & River Trust is to be loaned a Google “Trekker”, enabling it to document UK canals and waterways and add the images to Google's Street View, the online facil-ity that allows users to view public locations without visiting the area. Most Street View images are captured by the Street View car and trike, neither of which can easily reach the waterway path or bridges. Now the “Trekker”, a back-pack device, will enable more remote and inaccessi-ble places to be captured and added to Street View. Loca-tions already added to Street View using this new technol-ogy include the Grand Can-yon and some of the world's highest peaks. C&RT plans to start taking images on the Regent’s Ca-nal before walking the “Trekker” over 100 miles during the next month. The aim is to capture images of key locations and features of the waterways, including Standege Tunnel (Hudders-field Narrow), Bingley Five Rise locks (Leeds & Liver-pool) and the blacksmith’s workshop at Stoke Bruerne (Grand Union), so that peo-ple from around the world can view UK waterways.

IWA HO Bulletin, Mid=August 2013.

IWA NATIONAL AGM The 54th Annual General Meeting of The Inland Waterways Association will be held at Ettington Community Centre, Rog-ers Lane, Ettington, Warwickshire, CV37 7SX at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday 28 September 2013.

Details including directions, agenda and lunch arrangements are avail-able at: A Members' Workshop will be held during the morning, prior to the AGM. Members are invited to attend two of the following subjects: 1: How do we make IWA more distinct from Canal & River Trust? 2: What should IWA be campaigning for? 3: How do we improve IWA's image? 4: How do we recruit a wider variety of members, e.g. young people? This offers an opportunity for members to have a say in these subjects. You do not need to be a committee member of your Branch, and if you know of other members who might be interested, please let them know. The intended format will be tables of up to 8, a short introduc-tion to the topic, table discussions and a feed-back of conclusions. If you would like to attend, please book in by email to Please also advise which two of the four topics you consider to be the most pressing.

Page 13

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10% discount on food for IWA members - please show your membership card.


The historic canal weighing machine at The Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne is being moved to the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea this summer.

The machine, which is the only remaining example in existence, was built for the Glamorganshire Canal. It was used to weigh a boat and its cargo to assess how much toll should be charged for its passage. It is returning to Wales to allow it to be better interpreted in its national context. The National Waterfront Museum in Swansea plans to install the machine as part of an upcoming redevelopment of its Courtyard Garden. Dale Copley, museums collections manager at the Canal & River Trust, said: “Historic objects such as this tell their story better when they are in their right context, so we’re pleased that the long running plans to move this machine have come to fruition.” The machine came to Stoke Bruerne in 1963, and has sat in the disused chamber beside the top lock ever since. The station boat May, currently displayed inside it, will be relocated elsewhere at Stoke Bruerne and will remain an important part of the collection of The Canal Museum. There will also be an opportunity for the better interpre-tation of the lock area at Stoke Bruerne, and the local waterway partnership is developing interpretation plans.

C&RT news release, July 2013.

On 2 July, IWA Northampton Branch held its first work party on the Northampton Arm following its adoption of the 4 1/2-mile Arm - probably the biggest adoption scheme so far. The event attracted the attention of BBC Radio Northampton and ITV Anglia News, who both sent teams to interview or film volunteers.

Lock 17, the "gateway" to the canal system at the Northampton end of the Arm, was chosen for this first work party. The area was arguably in most need of attention, because of delays over a housing development that is to include landscaping around the lock and restored crane. Volunteers carried out litter-picking, vegetation clearance and weeding, and painted lock gates and handrails, bollards and the lock ladder landing. This work has transformed the area. Live interviews with Canal & River Trust Volunteer Co-ordinator Miriam Tedder, and Northampton Branch Adoption Officer David Higgins, were broadcast on BBC Radio Northampton, and several listeners turned up to help as a result. The Branch will be working with C&RT to encourage local companies, residents and community groups to become involved in the scheme.

Information from Endeavour, IWA Northampton Branch newsletter, August 2013.

Good media coverage for Northampton Branch work party

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Re-watering at both

ends of Buckingham

Canal soon

On 24 June, our contractors Waterline Solutions moved on to site at Bourton Meadow, to prepare the canal bed for re-lining with Bentomat. This work went even better than expected, and was fin-ished in early July. We now hope to get this section of canal in water, possi-bly by the end of August.

Contractors preparing the canal bed at Bourton Meadow. Photo: Athina Beckett.

Before this can happen, our volunteers will install planking and coir rolls to give a soft edge to the canal bank, and then non-evasive aquatic plants will be added. Later, the hedge along one side of the canal will be re-planted with native saplings. The society is planning a Celebration Open Day on Saturday 26 October (see Diary Page), and everyone will be invited to share in the success of getting this part of the Buckingham Canal in water. We have also started work to re-water the canal at the Cosgrove end. Bunds will be built at 250-metre intervals, and each section will then be re-watered in turn. Volunteers have been building a bund by hand, but negotiations are taking place with landowners to allow access for excavators and dumper trucks. Hopefully this will speed up the process considerably, and by the beginning of next year the BCS should have two sections of canal in water. Under our adoption scheme with C&RT, we keep the lock gates at Cosgrove and surrounding area in good condi-tion. Our volunteers working with an Environment Agency group painted the lock gates and litter-picked the whole area over two days in June, just in time for our annual festival on 13-14 July. This year's festival proved to be a great success with glorious weather, and over 50 people attended our fish-and-chip supper Saturday night. 'Team Building' days with outside companies have been going well this year. Groups from Pricewaterhouse-Coopers and Santander worked alongside our own volunteers improving the towpath and the canal bed. As you can see, a lot is happening and a lot more is planned for the future with the BCS. We are always looking for more volunteers so if you think you could help with this exciting project of restoring the Buckingham Arm, either by assisting at work parties or administration duties, please contact me.

Athina Beckett, Chairman, Buckingham Canal Society.

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IWA CALENDAR AND CHRISTMAS CARDS IWA's 2014 calendar is now available at £3.60 from It features waterway scenes in a detachable postcard format. They were chosen from entries to the annual cal-endar photography competition—the response was to a very high standard with nearly 550 entries.

Pictures include the Bridgewater, Caldon, Llangollen, Oxford, and Shropshire Union Canals, and Rivers Nene, Stort and Thames. IWA would like to thank the competition photographers and all those who have supplied other photos throughout the year to support our publicity. The 2015 calendar competition will be launched in a few weeks' time and will be announced in the IWA Bulletin. We will also be looking for potential photographs for a Christmas card in 2014. IWA Christmas cards for 2013 are also available from for £3.60 per pack. The cards feature original paintings of waterway scenes and one photograph from a submission to the calendar competi-tion. IWA also has a brand new range of bargain packs this year, con-taining a selection of popular designs from recent years. There are three different sized packs to choose from. To order the calendar and cards online, please visit IWA’s online shop at

IWA HO Bulletin, Mid-August 2013.

THE ROLE OF THE REGION One of the jobs Region Chairmen have is to approve Branch publications before issue. Our own Eastern Region does not currently have a Chairman in place, so Paul Strudwick, Chairman of IWA London Region, has kindly agreed to look over TPT until an Eastern Region Chairman is elected. For this edition, he has sent the following article about the role of the Region and its Chairman.

As you may know, IWA has three layers. First the Branches, then the Regions - collection of branches such as the Eastern Region. At the top is the Board of Trustees and a group of Committees and Limited Companies that support them in running the Association for you. Some of the Trustees are directly elected, and the Region Chair-men are also ex-officio Trustees. The Trustees have overall legal responsibility for the Association. They must by law ensure that the IWA does what it was set up to do, that the money held at all levels is used correctly and wisely, and that we operate within the law. The Limited Companies allow us to do things like running the IWA Shop and the Chelmer and Black-water Navigation without putting the association at risk. So what is the role of the Region Chairman? Perhaps the most important one is to keep you, through your Branch Committee, informed on what is going on, and to represent your views to the Trustees and the national Commit-tees. He also represents the Region to outside organisations, like the Canal & River Trust, where we are talking about things that affect more than one Branch’s area. Alastair Chambers, your previous Region Chairman, had to resign for personal reasons. No one stood up for election for the post, so there will be another call for nominations in the November edition of Waterways maga-zine. If you think you could spend a few hours a week working for IWA, why not consider putting your name forward for this important role. There are more details at:

Getting in touch with MK Branch





Judith Annan regretfully withdrew as Branch Secre-tary just after the last edi-tion went to press (see Page 3). Philip Strange-way has gallantly agreed to take over. Here is the updated Committee list.

ADVERTISEMENTS are wel-comed to assist Branch funds. Suggested donations as below (payable to IWA Milton Keynes Branch) are requested before copy date above.

Whole page Half page Qutr page Inserts

Per edition £32.50 £20.00 £12.50 £15.00

3 editions £65.00 £40.00 £25.00 -

DISCLAIMER: The views ex-pressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association or of the Milton Keynes Branch. They are however published as being of interest to members and readers.


Get the latest waterway news at these web sites. Addresses change

frequently, but these were correct on 2 August 2013.

IWA homepage: MK Branch pages: at above address, under “IWA Local”, select “Milton Keynes”. Canal and River Trust: Bedford-Milton Keynes Waterway Trust: Buckingham Canal Society: Wendover Arm Trust: Friends of the Canal Museum: Leighton Buzzard Canal Society:

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