Towards a Secondary Resources Economy The role of waste research, development and innovation (RDI)...

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Transcript of Towards a Secondary Resources Economy The role of waste research, development and innovation (RDI)...

Towards a Secondary Resources Economy

The role of waste research, development and innovation (RDI)

and the Waste RDI Roadmap

Presented by: Henry Roman (PhD)Occasion: Waste Management Summit,

MpumalangaDate: 09 March 2015


Presentation Outline

• National Waste Management Strategy Goals

• Towards a secondary resource economy

• The role of waste RDI and the intent of the Waste RDI Roadmap

• Conclusions

The National Waste Management Strategy Goals

Department of Environmental Affairs (2011)




• While SA has embraced the principles of the waste hierarchy in legislation

• It still landfills ~90% of all waste generated

• Significant opportunity for research, development and innovation (RDI) to • Fast-track this move away from

landfilling towards alternatives• Support decision-making and

policy development


NWMS Goals - 2016Description Targets (2016)

Goal 1:

Promote waste minimisation, re- use, recycling and

recovery of


• 25% of recyclables diverted from landfill sites for re-use, recycling

or recovery.• All metropolitan municipalities, secondary cities and large towns

have initiated separation at source programmes.• Achievement of waste reduction and recycling targets set in

IndWMPs for paper and packaging, pesticides, lighting (CFLs) and tyres industries.

Goal 2:

Ensure the effective and efficient

delivery of waste services.

• 95% of urban households and 75% of rural households have access to adequate levels of waste collection services.

• 80% of waste disposal sites have permits.

Goal 3:

Grow the contribution of the

waste sector to the green economy.

• 69 000 new jobs created in the waste sector

• 2 600 additional SMEs and cooperatives participating in waste

service delivery and recycling

Goal 4:

Ensure that people are aware of the impact of

waste on their

health, well-being and the environment.

• 80% of municipalities running local awareness campaigns.

• 80% of schools implementing waste awareness


Goal 5:

Achieve integrated waste

management planning.

• All municipalities have integrated their IWMPs with their IDPs, and have met the targets set in IWMPs.

• All waste management facilities required to report to SAWIS have waste quantification systems that report information to WIS.

Goal 6:

Ensure sound budgeting and financial

management for waste


• All municipalities that provide waste services have conducted full-cost accounting for waste services and have implemented cost reflective tariffs.

Goal 7:

Provide measures to remediate contaminated


• Assessment complete for 80% of sites reported to the contaminated

land register.

• Remediation plans approved for 50% of confirmed contaminated


Goal 8:

Establish effective compliance

with and enforcement of the

Waste Act.

• 50% increase in the number of successful enforcement actions against non- compliant activities.

• 800 EMIs appointed in the three spheres of government to enforce the Waste Act.





Towards a secondary resources economy



Towards a secondary resources economy

Waste is first of all an economic concept – implicit in the word is the fact that resources are not being used efficiently. There is an economic loss every time resources are utilised in a way that results in them being discarded as waste. If resources can be saved, recovered or used more efficiently, there is a net economic gain.

- UNEP, 2013


Opportunities in waste

• Waste has value – both social and economic value• Moving waste up the hierarchy provides opportunities

for - • Socio-economic development

• New jobs and businesses

• Maximising resource recovery for downstream manufacturing growth

• Reduction in the reliance of natural resources, which are declining

• At least R25bn worth of ‘value’ locked up in South Africa’s waste streams, of which we’re sending R17bn to landfill


Opportunities in waste

• Opportunity waste streams• Organic waste (industrial and agricultural biomass,

municipal organic waste, food waste and sewage)• Recyclables (metals, plastic, paper, glass, e-waste) • Large industrial waste streams (power generation &


• Opportunity areas• Fastest growth in waste markets expected in

emerging economies (China, India and Latin America)• South Africa identified as one of five emerging

markets with “exciting opportunities” (BofAML, 2013)


The role of R&D and Innovation

South Africa


• Driving waste up the hierarchy comes up against complex socio-economic systems

• Therefore need to support decisions with sound evidence

• DST mandate – • To develop, coordinate and

manage a National System of Innovation (NSI) that will bring about maximum human capital, sustainable economic growth and improved quality of life for all

Intent of the Waste RDI Roadmap (2015 – 2025)


The Waste RDI Roadmap

• The Waste RDI Roadmap provides a framework to implement –

1. More effective decision-making

2. Faster insertion of context-appropriate Technology

3. Export of Know-How and Technology

4. Strengthened RDI capability and capacity

• And opportunities to strengthen waste RDI collaboration within and between the public and private sector


• By supporting –

• Through the investment in science and technology


(technologicaland non-


The Waste RDI Roadmap


That will support the maximisation of diversion of waste from landfill towards value-adding opportunities

Waste Research& Development


Human Capital Development



Supporting National Priorities

• National Development Plan (2011)

• National Waste Management Strategy (2011)

• Green Economy Accord (2011)

• Bio-economy Strategy (2013)

• Global Change Grand Challenge Research Plan (2010)

• Industrial Policy Action Plan (2014/14 – 2016/17)

• National Climate Change Response Strategy (2011)

Approach to the Roadmap


Understanding the landscape and the reasons

for SA to do something other than landfill

Global and local trends

Economic benefits of moving up the hierarchy (value in waste)

Understanding the needs of business / industry and

the opportunities they provide for RDI

Opportunities for RDI

Understanding South Africa’s ability to respond

to these opportunitiesCapability mapping

Implementation Framework

Priority RDI waste streams


Organic waste

Municipal waste

Waste tyres

Plastic waste

Electronic waste


Priority RDI focus areas (clusters)

DEA DEAdti dti dtiDoT

DoECoGTA CoGTA CoGTANational Treasury



Anticipated benefits of the Roadmap

Cluster Strategic RDI Plans


Short Term 2015-2016 Medium Term 2017-2020 Long-Term 2021-2025

Technology Solutions



Performance Improvement

Explore Via structured dialogue with stakeholders and

customers in prioritised waste streams, identify focus areas of valued needs for performance improvement

Informed by techno-economic modelling (drives requirements to Modelling and Analytics services)

TRPEstablished well-coordinated network of nodes of capability – driven and guided by a lead unit - supporting activity in Process Performance Improvement

Establish Commercialisation Vehicle


Technology Developme


Explore global technology landscape and identify areas of differentiated technology opportunity for South Africa

Drive dialogue with key contributors, such as TIA to establish involvement and commitment

Define and set up to manage a pipeline of projects along the value chain with focus on Explore and Test

Build motivation, business case, model and plan for RC and COE

Establish Research Chair and Centre of Excellence with focus on technologies appropriate for developing countries – i.e. integration and performance improvement in informal sector; in urban and rural contexts

Build motivation, business case, model and plan for waste-stream specific COEs

Continue TS2 CoE Establish 3 further CoE with

focus on particular streams Metals and mining Organic and biomass Polymer Tyres


Technology Evaluation and Demonstration

Review global best practice (e.g. Malaysia) in respect of evaluation and demonstration, baseline South Africa

Explore: identify relevant capability Define an intent and strategy for SA, build

motivation, business case, model and plan for CoC (ref. Water Tech Demo Centre)

Define and set up to manage a pipeline of projects along the value chain - Explore, Test, Demonstrate, Deploy – always towards Commercialisation

Establish CoC – begin to move forward on the pipeline of projects

Draws upon domain- specific capability from the well-coordinated network of nodes (TS1, TS2)

The focus is on route to Market – practical demonstration and uptake

Establish Product Development Centre – as a service node

Potential for export of know-how or services, technologies


Technology Localisatio


Define opportunity, intent, strategy and plan (from TS2) for technology adaptation and localisation.

Identify capability – strength and potential (support DST Industrialisation)

Establish first-line point of contact for inbound technology insertion potential

Satellite node to TS2. Embedded in CoC TS3


Human Capacity Development

• North-West University (2015) – BSc (Hons) Environmental

Sciences: Waste Management

• Introduction to Env Management (existing module)

• Fundamentals of Waste Management (new module)

• Waste Management Law and Governance (new module)

• Environmental Analysis I (existing module)

• New Waste Management Solutions (new module)

• Research Project

• UKZN (2016) – MSc Eng (Waste Management)

10 Students registered

Concluding remarks



• Supporting the implementation of national policy• And achieving the goals of the NWMS• Will require –

– Effective decision-making (based on sound evidence)– Faster insertion of context-appropriate technologies– Strengthened RDI capability and capacity

• The DST aims to support this through the implementation of the Waste RDI Roadmap

• Working together with government departments and the private waste and secondary resources sector


• Dr Henry RomanDirector: Environmental Services and TechnologiesE-mail:

• Ms Magamase MangeDeputy Director: Environmental TechnologiesE-mail:

• Prof Linda GodfreyPrincipal scientistE-mail:


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