Toukley Public School · 2020. 11. 27. · STUDENT CODE OF BEHAVIOUR All schools in NSW implement a...

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Transcript of Toukley Public School · 2020. 11. 27. · STUDENT CODE OF BEHAVIOUR All schools in NSW implement a...

Communicating with our valued community

Toukley Public School

Term 3 Issue 5 22nd September 2016

P O Box 715 TOUKLEY 2263

Phone: 4396 4275 Fax: 4397 1586

Upcoming Dates Friday 23rd September NRMA Science & Road Safety Day Last Day Term 3 Monday 10th October Term 4 Commences Friday 14th October 5cent Disco Digital Day Out Thursday 20th October Young, Black and Ready Transition to School Yarn Up Tuesday 25th October Kindy Start Wednesday 26th October Stage 2 Camp Thursday 27th October Kindy Start Girls Aboriginal Dance Performance Stage 2 Camp Friday 27th October Stage 2 Camp

Rule of the week Week 10: Keep your area clean



Principal’s Report

Dear Parents/Caregivers,


Third term finishes this Friday 23rd September. School resumes on Monday 10th October for all students and staff. I hope everyone has a great break and returns refreshed and ready for the final term of 2016. There are a lot of planned events happening in term four so we will again be off to a busy start when we return. This term has been a really rewarding term with a feature for me being the completion of the COLA and the ability to have whole school events now. Since the completion of the COLA we have held the PBL Launch, Book Week Parade and the Performing Art Showcase, all events extremely well supported by our school community. The COLA will also feature during our 125 Year Anniversary with the assembly and school fete early in November.


As part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program that runs across the school, children who have done the right thing consistently throughout this term have the opportunity to visit Canton Beach and enjoy a sausage sizzle. PBL promotes a consistent approach to student behaviour by explicitly teaching rules and expectations. Since the renewal of PBL across the school we have seen a marked increase in the number of children who are now able to enjoy the end of term rewards days.


Each Monday morning we now line up before lessons start to give some really quick announcements about our PBL Rule of The Week and any significant events that are taking place or significant accomplishments of our students. As with any school day, it is important for children to be at school on time each Monday.


To this point in time we have had 30 responses to our parent survey which is quite good. The survey will be open until 21st October. There is a link to access the survey through our school Facebook page. I really would like to thank those parents who have taken the opportunity to assist us in future planning by giving us your opinions through this survey.


Principal: Tom Kelly Deputy Principal: Laurie Binnie Deputy Principal: Narelle Baldwin

Communicating with our valued community

Principal’s Report Continued


All schools in NSW implement a student Code of Behaviour which students are expected to follow. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students. At Toukley Public School (and in all NSW public schools) students are expected to:

• Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members • Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers • Strive for the highest standards in learning • Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members • Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly • Comply with the school's uniform policy or dress code • Attend school every day (unless legally excused) • Respect all property • Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools • Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools

If children breach the Code of Behaviour, depending on its seriousness, parents may be contacted via telephone with an accompanying letter. This is to make parents aware that the issue is serious and that if the behaviour continues there may be further actions taken by the school.


The annual Bilby Bash took place at Budgewoi Public School on Tuesday with our Aboriginal students having a day of cultural experiences with Aboriginal students from neighbouring schools. Ms Binnie and Mrs Walker reported that our students really enjoyed themselves and were a pleasure to take away. Well done boys and girls.


Parents who collect their children from school may have noticed a number of benches that have been assembled and placed under the new COLA. We would really like parents to wait for their children in this area rather than outside classrooms so that teachers and children are not distracted during the last part of the teaching day.


All schools in NSW need to practice evacuation and lockdown procedures at least twice a year. On Wednesday we completed an evacuation practice on site. The children all responded well and the evacuation went smoothly.

Tom Kelly Principal


PBL Spring Rewards Day

Congratulations to all the students who have upheld the schools expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence and received their Spring Award this Term. To celebrate their achievement the students attended the Spring Reward Day at Canton Beach. Students walked from the school to Canton Beach for a sausage sizzle and play. Students had a wonderful time and represented the school with pride on this outing.

Home Reading Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Home Reading Award this term: K-2C – Ronny Hannan, Indyana Lyzwa, Thorne Gavin 2K – Zoe Remund

Communicating with our valued community

Dogs in Schools

Dogs are not allowed on school grounds whether they are on a lead or not. Please do not bring dogs onto the school grounds and keep clear of gates and entrances as there are many students who are frightened of dogs. As well as this the “Animal Companion Act” 1998 No 97(NSW legislation) states:-

Part 3Division 1Section 14 14 Dogs prohibited in some public places (1) Dogs are prohibited in the following places (whether or not they are leashed or otherwise controlled): (e) School grounds (meaning any property occupied or used for a purpose connected with the conduct of a government school or non- government school under the Education Act 1990, other than any property used

for a residence or the curtilage of a residence).

Kindy Start 2016

On Tuesday 25th October and Thursday 27

th October, Kindy Start will begin for students starting school in 2017.

A letter has been sent home informing parents of what the students need to bring. If you have any concerns, please contact the school office. If you know of anyone who has not yet enrolled to start in 2017, please encourage them to come to the school office before Kindy Start begins so they can be involved in this 5 week transition program.

Dog Safety Talk

Kindergarten students were lucky to have a safety talk about dogs by John Gatt from K-9 Services during Week 9. John kindly volunteered his time to speak to our students and teach them how to behave around dogs. The children thoroughly enjoyed John’s presentation which included some very clever use of puppets to engage the students. The Kindergarten teachers would like to thank John for giving up his time and providing our students with this great learning opportunity.

Kindergarten Create Your Own Cake Stall

The Kindergarten Create Your Own Cake stall was an outstanding success. The children thoroughly enjoyed the fun of decorating their own cakes and all money raised will be used to assist with our PBL reward day at the end of the year. The Kindergarten teachers would like to send out a HUGE thank you to all of the parents who provided the cupcakes and decorations. Your generosity was amazing and without parent involvement we could not have had such a successful fundraiser.

5cent Fundraiser

Thank you to every class who participated and supported this fundraiser. We raised $885.60!! Winning classes are:

KM 1W 4J 5/6D 2/6S

Congratulations to you all and we would like to welcome you to a disco held on Friday 14

th October.

Communicating with our valued community