Total Quality Management In Higher Education (TQM) Dr. B. Vanitha Associate Professor in Economics...

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Transcript of Total Quality Management In Higher Education (TQM) Dr. B. Vanitha Associate Professor in Economics...

Total Quality Management In Higher Education (TQM)

Dr. B. VanithaAssociate Professor in Economics

Presented by

Every day, a small ant arrives at work very early

and starts work immediately.

She produces a lot and she was happy.

The Chief, a lion,

was surprised to see

that the ant was

working without


He thought if the ant

can produce so much

without supervision,

wouldn’t she produce

even more if she had a


So he recruited a


who had extensive

experience as

supervisor and who

was famous for

writing excellent


The cockroach’s first

decision was to set up

a clocking in

attendance system.

He also needed a

secretary to help him

write and type his

reports and …

... he recruited a spider,

who managed the

archives and monitored

all phone calls.

The lion was delighted

with the cockroach's


and asked him to

produce graphs to

describe production

rates and to analyse

trends, so that he could

use them for

presentations at

Board‘s meetings.

So the cockroach had to buy a new computer

and a laser printer and ...

... recruited a fly

to manage the IT


The ant, who had once been so productive and

relaxed, hated this new plethora of paperwork

and meetings which used up most of her time…!

The position was given to

the cicada, whose first

decision was to buy a carpet

and an ergonomic chair for

his office.

The new person in charge, the

cicada, also needed a computer

and a personal assistant ,who

he brought from his previous

department, to help him

prepare a Work and Budget

Control Strategic Optimisation

Plan …

The Department where the ant

works is now a sad place,

where nobody laughs anymore

and everybody has become


It was at that time

that the cicada

convinced the boss ,

the lion, of the

absolute necessity to

start a climatic study

of the environment .

Having reviewed

the charges for

running the ant’s

department , the

lion found out that

the production

was much less than


So he recruited the

owl, a prestigious

and renowned

consultant to carry

out an audit and

suggest solutions.

The owl spent three

months in the

department and

came up with an

enormous report ,

in several volumes,

that concluded :

“ “ The department is The department is

overstaffed ...”overstaffed ...”

Guess who the lion fires first?

The ant , of course, because she “showed lack of motivation and had a negative


Os personagens desta fábula são fictícios; qualquer semelhança com pessoas ou factos reais é pura coincidência.


The characters in this fable are The characters in this fable are fictitious; any resemblance fictitious; any resemblance toreal people or facts within toreal people or facts within the the CorporationCorporation is pure is pure coincidencecoincidence……

Adapted from Portuguese by PR. Obrigado Mário.

Total Quality Management In Higher Education

Dr. B. VanithaReader In EconomicsBharathiar UniversityCoimbatore – 641 046

“In the rapidly changing world of today one thing is certain:

yesterday’s educational system will not meet today's and

even less the need of tomorrow”

Dr. D. S. Kothari

Higher Education Pendulum Swings

From TO

• Classified -- Commercial

• Liberal Education -- Vocational emphasis

• Academic independence -- Industrial relevance

• Personal development -- Manpower planning

• Research for knowledge -- Directive research

• Teacher centric -- Student centric

• Centers of teaching -- Centers of learning

• University campus -- Universal campus

Quality is Exceptional

Quality is Consistent

Quality is Fitness

Quality is Value for Money

Quality is Transformative

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Elements of TQM

1. Customer Focus

2. Employee Involvement

Elements of TQM

Elements of TQM

3. Continuous Improvement

Elements of TQM

4. Universal Responsibility

TQM – Not Through Inspectionbut through Inspiration

Elements of TQM5. A Sustained Commitment to Quality by Management

Elements of TQM

6. Addressing Deficiencies

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Elements of TQM

7. Measurement of Quality

Elements of TQM

8. Bench marking

Elements of TQM

9. Value Improvement

Elements of TQM

10.Capacity Building

Elements of TQM

11. Team Work

Elements of TQM

12.Quality Circle

Failing to Plan isPlanning to Fail

14 Point Philosophy of Edward Deming

1. Clearly define the vision and mission and have

consistency in the follow up.

2. Adopt the philosophy of not accepting delays

mistakes & defects.

3. Inspect the product or process at every stage

instead of inspecting the end product.

4. Quality of the product is equally important like the price tag.

5. Improve the system constantly.

6. Train the manpower to improve quality.

7. Lead by example and not by quality.Cont…..

8. Drive out the fear in the organization so that

everybody will work with a sense of belonging.

9. Integrate the departments to break the barriers.

10. Do not ask for increased performance without providing

a better / right method to accomplish the task.

11. Do not have work standards that prescribe numerical quotas.

12. Remove appraisal system that encourages conflict among the staff.

13. Institute vigorous programmes of education & training.

14. Make everybody responsible to work for transformation.

Every one is interested inmaking life Successful

to 100 %

Knowledge = 11+14+15+22+12+5+4+7+5 = 95 %

Love = 12+15+22+5 = 54 %

Hardwork = 8+1+18+4+22+15+18+11 = 99 %

Attitude = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 =100 %


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

What Makes life 100 % Successful ?


Nobody can go back to start a new beginningbut any body can start today

to make a new ending

Dr. B. VanithaAssociate Professor in Economics
