TopValue Stamps with every gift

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'i -----------------------------r,. (i,| ()'IV11 WCfT SiitUrilaV VISltOTS

in.GreenvilleMrs Pearl Williams was a Fri­

day visitor in Newberry.Mr. and Mrs Floyd Abrams and I

children Jot* and Jan. spent the week-end recently in the mountains of North Carolina

Mrs. J H Wallenzine of the Little River Dominick Community spent

wo..-' v;;. VcAVr. TmU' r and the week end with her daughter Duncan family ! Mrs Fred Bragg and Mr. Bragg.

Mrs Annie Gunter of Aiken has

Thuniday. September la, 1960

Personal and SocialNews of JoannaMRS. HOMKR JACKS. Correspondent and Representative

Telephone 4G01 Joanna

M: and Mr's Paul Freeman of- .. k? w ere Sunday' \ isjtors of

iiMi-> V K Franklin:Mr> Hormei WikhI of Newlierry

is visiting .\eek with her daugh­ter Mrs Perr> Lee Sw\gert and Mr Swygert.

Terrv Rushton oi Ccluint>i.i s(M'nt two wet»ks recently with his parents Mr and Mrs. Reginald Rushton

Mr arid Mrs Gerald Morse ot New her y. were Sunday visitors of the former's mother Mrs S .1 Morse

Mr and Mrs K .1 Bishop and

Dickie, attended the reunrin on miYuI.iy at the -mnnun' cottage of Mr and Mrs Kiiward Luncan in Batesburg

Rev Herbert Thomas s|H>nt last I wivk at Columbia College attending j aster's Setvml for Methodist min­

istersMr and Mrs Ben Weinberg and

duighter of Ga were recent week-end guests .of the lat­ter's parents. Mr and Mrs Sloan Row land

Mis ( eeil O'Dell and Miss Bren-

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returned to her home after two weeks visit here with Mr and Mrs. Floyd Abrams.

Mr and Mrs. C. J. Craig and Chrystelle spent the week-end in Greenville with Mr and Mrs. J L Craig.

Mr. and Mrs P. F Swygert, Mr.! and Mrs Perry Lee Swygert and sons, were visitors of Mr and Mrs.! J. C. Dolan in Atlanta Ga. over the week-end while there they enjoyed a sight seeing trip of the city.

AFC Kenneth R Chalk has re-! turned to the states after one year | of service in Korea. He will be visit­ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chalk for one month before being re- ! asighed

Mr and Mrs. Rubin Rowe, of1 , Calhoun Falls. Terry C. Rowe and

William Valsinger of Charleston were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs. F. C. Rowe.

Mr and Mrs. William Kitchen and Joey, of Newberry are spend­ing the week with the latter's par­ents Mr and Mrs. John Burnett Sr., Mrs. Mattie Lee. of the Hurricane Community is also visiting the Bur­nett's. Sunday visitors with them included Miss Launia and Mrs. Mae Knight of Woodruff.

Mr and Mrs. E. J Willingham, i ! Mrs Belle Willingham. Mr. and

Mrs Otis Murphy. Mr and Mrs. Louis Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Car-j son Nabors and children attended the Willingham family reunion on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Obie Willingham in Brevard. North Carolina

Friends will be interested to know Mrs. L R Thompson has accept­ed a poMtion with Crews Beauty Shoppe in Clinton.

Toy Caldwell. Ida Fugera. Steve Fugera, Helen Dover, Leon Mor

their dues for the first Quarter and will be given membership card* Friday night

The club plans to support the Clinton High School Red Devils and wil (attend all games by Foundation bus

The dues are $1 00 per quarterTO UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH

CAROLINAMiss Pat Carr. Johnnie Lewis,

Danny Lewis and Ernie Strand left on Sunday to go to Columbia where they will be attending the University of South Carolina this year

GEORGIA TECHLarry Gamer left on Monday for

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, where he will be a sophomore this year

COKER COLLEGEMiss Marian Surratt has returned

to Hartsville where she will be a stu­dent at Coker College.

TO CLEMSONRonald Passmore. Larry Murphy

and Billy Adair are leaving this week to go to Clemson to continue their studies.

LEAVE FOR WINTHROPThose leaving to go to Winthrop

this week are Misses Dixie Couch. Elinor Niver. Willa Ray McGowen. Sue Boyce and Barbara Boyce

TO ERSKINEJimmie Farmer, Jerry Lewis,

Douglas Lollis and Maxie Brown are leaving this week to go to Erskine College where they will be students this year.


Rev J Herbert TBomas, pa-tor of Epworth Methodist Church, will be away this week, Monday through Thursday, attending the Southeast­ern Regional Briefing Conference on Christian Social Concerns being held at Lake Junaluska, N C Rev. Tbomas is the Greenwood District director of Christian Social Con­cerns

CLUB HAS MEETINGThe St. Boniface Catholic Wom­

an’s club held their meeting on the afternoon of September 8 at the home of Mrs Carl- Franzen Fr.

Gerald Em>t opened the meeting with prayer

Mrs. Rita Floyd the retiring pres­ident introduced the new officers for the coming year

Several items of business were 1 discussed Among them the project of raising fund- to help with the building of the new church in New­berry The Bishop's fund will be held in early spring Also money was donaltd to a needy family for school supplies

The club presented Mrs Floyd with a gut Refreshments were served by the hostess

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEDMr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eddie

Strowd. announce the marriage of their daughter Barbara Antoinette to Mack Leroy Williams at 6 P. M. on August 31 The Rev Hugh Pol­lard officiated using the double ring

1 ceremony. After a short wedding trip to Jack-(Snville. North Caro­lina. they an* at home to their friends at the Ellis St apartments. Joanna

METHODIST LADIES’ MEET* The September meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Serv­ice of Epworth Church was held in the educational building Tuesday evening Ser\mg as co hostess were Mrs J. J Abrams. Mrs. Tot Stewart and Miss Kittv Mae Mose-ly-

During the business hour, the an­nouncement was made of the forth­coming Fall Seminar to be hold at O'Neal St I'burch in Newberry Sep­tember IT

The president urged each one to participate m the Chrsitmas Card campaign

The program was centered on the theme "The Light of the World” and was presented by Mrs. H G.Murrah Jr

Mrs J L Abrams gave the De­votional thoughts The Social hour was enjoyed at whieh time a des­sert plate, salted nuts and iced drinks were served


Mr. and Mrs. J R Franks an­nounce the birth of a daughter Lelia Elizabeth on September 12. Mrs. Franks is the former Miss Jan Harvey

WILLINGHAMMr and Mrs. Richard Willingham

of Rock Hill announce the birth of a son on September 8. Mrs. Will­ingham will be remembered -as Miss Barbara McCarthy. They are natives of Joanna.

WITH THE SICK Miss Dollie Adair is a surgical

patient at Joanna Hospital Mrs. Blach Boyd is a patient at

the local Itospital where she under weift surgery'.

Mrs. Lula Gruber is undergoing treatment at Joanna Hospital

Jimmie Farmer has been dis­charged from Joanna Hospital where he was a surgical patient

Mrs Louise Cole is recuperating at home following treatment at the local hospital.

Mrs Avanrlle South has been discharged from the local hospital after undergoing treatment for sev­eral days

Mrs Minnie Frazer is recuperat­ing at home following treatment at Joanna Hospital. '

Mrs Frances Douglas has re- 1 turned home from the local hos­pital where she received treatment.

J. F. McCarthy under went treat­ment at the local hospital last

: week.

Mrs Billie Wehunt is a patient at Joanna Hospital for teat meet

Earl Prince is receiving treat­ment at Joanna Hospital.

Cynthif Hazel is a patient at Joanna Hospital undergoing tre f- ment.

Mrs. Beth Tucker is recuperating at home following a lonsUectomy at the local hospital,

Carl Franzen is a patient at Jo­anna Hospital where he underwent surgery.



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“On the Square’ Phone 101

gan and Don Clark of Atlanta. Ga..andwere week-end visitors of Mr

Mrs C H CaldwellLeroy Murphy has returned home

from Ladd. Illinois, where he was employed this summer, he spent last week with his parents Mr and Mrs Oatis Murphy.

Rev and Mrs Hugh Bickley of Clinton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mr> Floyd Abrams

Mr and Mrs Clifton Holsonback and son Billy. Mrs Cecil O'DeU and Mrs Rudolph Prater attended the ordinance service at Hunt Me­morial Baptist Church in Newberry on Sunday afternoon. Ray Timmer­man was ordained into the Baptist ministers.

Miss Kitty Mae Mosely is spend mg several days in Charleston with her sister Mrs Ruth Smith

Mrs J. M Hatton Sr accom­panied by several friends spent the week-end in the mountains ot North Carolina.


Recently members of the Joanna Teen-Age Club met end elected of­ficers for the 1960-61 year as fol­lows:

Presodent -Allen Barron, Jr.Vice-President—Bill Carter, Jr.Secretary—Virginia Mode,Treasurer—Sue O Dell.Thirty-om- members have paid

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