Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final

  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    Salvatore Vitabile, Alessandra De Paola, Filippo SorbelloDepartment of Biopathology and Medical Biotechnology andForensics, University of Palermo, Italy

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    Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized ComputingPublished on March 30, 2011

    Chien-Chih(Paul) ChaoChih-Chiang(Michael) Chang

    Instructor: Dr. Ann Gordon-Ross

  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    An embedded monitoring system to detectsymptoms of drivers drowsiness.

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  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    MotivationRelated worksDrowsiness Monitoring System

    Eye Regions SegmentationCandidate Eye Regions SelectionDrivers Eyes Detection

    Drowsiness Level ComputationExperimental trialsConclusionLimitations & Future Work

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  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    10-20% of all European traffic accidents are dueto the diminished level of attention caused by

    fatigue.In the trucking industry about 60% of vehicularaccidents are related to driver hypo-vigilance. [1]Automotive has gained several benefit from theAmbient Intelligent researches involving thedevelopment of sensors and hardware devices

    4 / 20[1] Awake Consortium (IST 2000-28062), System for effective assessment of

    driver vigilance and warning according to traffic risk estimation (AWAKE),Sep 2001 2004 [Online], available:

  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    The technique categories for preventing driversdrowsiness [2]

    Readiness-to-perform and fitness-for-duty

    technologiesMathematical models of dynamics alertnessVehicle-based performance technologies

    The lateral position Steering wheel movements time-to-line crossingReal-time technologies for monitoring drivers status

    Intrusive monitoring systems Non-intrusive monitoring systems

    5 / 20[2] Hartley L, Horberry T, Mabbott N, Krueger G (2000) Review of fatigue detection and

    prediction technologies. National Road Transport Commission report 642(54469)

  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    The most accurate techniques are based onphysiological measures

    Brain wavesHeart ratePulse rate

    Causing annoyance due to require electrodesto be attached to the drivers

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  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    A non-intrusive, real-time drowsinessdetection system.Using FPGA instead of ASIC of DSP


    IR cameraLow light conditionsBright pupilphenomenon to detect the eyes

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    PERCLOS (Percentage of Eye Closure)The driver eyes are closed more than 80%

    within a specified time interval is defined asdrowsiness. [3]

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    [3] W. W. Wierwille: Historical perspective on slow eyelid closure: Whence PERCLOS?,In Technical Proceedings Ocular Measures of Driver Alertness Conference, FederalHighway Admin., Office Motor Carrier Highway Safety, R. J. Carroll Ed. Washington,D.C., FHWA Tech. Rep. No. MC-99-136, 1999

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    Bright Pupil

    Threshold Operation

    Clipping & MorphologicalOperation

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    A list of blobsPossible Eye Pairs

    Square Bounding BoxR = a

    Quasi-circular shape:



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    Frame 1

    [ (X1, Y1) ,(X2, Y2) ]t = 4

    Class 1


    At t


    Frame 2

    [ (X1, Y1) ,(X2, Y2) ]t = 3

    Class 1

    Frame 3

    [ (X1, Y1) ,(X2, Y2) ]t = 2

    Class 1

    Frame 4

    [ (X1, Y1) ,(X2, Y2) ]t = 1

    Class 1

    Class 1

    Weight 4

    Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

    0 0 0 0

    [ (X1, Y1) ,(X2, Y2) ]t = 5

    Class 2

    3 1

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  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    JSP DF-402 infrared-sensitive cameraColor camera in daytime

    Infrared camera under low light cond.

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    Celoxica RC203EXilinX XC2V3000-4 Virtex II FPGA

    Handel-C PixelStreams Library 15 / 20

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    In light controlled environmentDrive-Camera relative distance

    Not affected by driver-camera relative distance16 / 20

    ID =1

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    Vertical and Horizontal of head movement

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    ID =2

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    Real operation condition(External illumination not controlled)

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    ID =3

  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    An algorithm to detect and track the driverseyes has been developed by exploiting brightpupils phenomenonGood performance on rapid movements ofdrivers head. Performance not affected by driver-camera

    relative distance.The drowsiness monitoring system can beused with low light conditions by usinginfrared camera

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  • 8/13/2019 Topic4-Realtime Drowsiness Detection System Final


    Faulty operationsthe driver is wearing glasses

    the drivers IR-reflecting objects such as earringDrowsiness usually happen during theevening/night hours

    Light poles might be recognized as eyecandidates due to the shape and size on screen

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