Top Tips for House Training Your Puppy

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Top Tips for House Training Your Puppy

Top Tips for House Training

Your Puppy

Let your puppy out before going to bed

for the night.

Let your puppy out as soon as he

wakes up.

Let your puppy out after a nap during the day to relieve herself.

Let your puppy out to go pee after he

has eaten.

A puppy should be left outside for 30 minutes

after exuberant play to go to the bathroom.

A puppy should be left outside for 30 minutes after you return home

from an outing.

Walk the puppy to his toilet area and stand still with

him, allowing the puppy to lose interest in you.

Start leaving him outside on his own so he learns to go when you are not

around as well.

Be patient. It takes time and consistency for a pup to learn where you want

him to toilet.

Confine your dog or puppy to a small area of the house

to avoid him becoming confused about where it is

appropriate to go.

Keeping him outside or in his crate will help speed up the learning process of where

you want him to toilet.

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