Top Ten Tips For Hr Professional

Post on 08-May-2015

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for being effective in HR role one needs to have certain basic ingradients . here are very valubale tips, they are by way of suggestions. if you get all of them you will be the ebst in the world.

Transcript of Top Ten Tips For Hr Professional

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching



Top ten tips for HR professional

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


1-Be knowledgeable

To be able to add value you need to be very strong on conceptsBe it a simple motivational model or complicated tool like FIRO you need to know all.

Build and rebuild your conceptual strength.continuously upgrade and retool. spend 2 hours a day in learning /upgrading knowledge

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


2-Learn the business

Where ever you are, it is very essential to understand the businessYour company is in.

When I worked for Glass manufacturer I spent time in the furnace area to learn about the glass melting ;I understood the worker’s problem of working near 2000C For 8 hour shift.So when I faced unions I had complete empathy when I dealt with Union charter of demands.When I worked for software games development company, I tried learning about creative design. That helped me in addressing high attrition

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


3-Have the right mental map

Nothing works for you unless you have the right pro-people attitude

Serving does not come to you naturally if you are not the caring typeSame way you can’t deal with people issues unless you love to hear about grievances.

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


4-be professional than emotional

Not that everyone will love you in the organisation

there will be times when You have not so friendly people.Being in HR one can’t let emotions over ride your actions.I tried the strategy of converting enemies to allies more than once to make the changes. Change comes from change of minds

had I been emotional I would rather have quit my job many times

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


5-be change agent

HR has the responsibility to even transform the top management

I have not seen a single CEO who does not say “people are his best Assets “ but very few walk the talk

The difference is between David Duffield and Craig Convey styles in people orientation. both were able leaders. yet one was loved by people and other was not so much loved. So how do you start developing the art of influence? One of the best ways to start is to establish a reputation of integrity.

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


6-things to change than appraisal systems

Tendency among HR professionals To change the appraisal systems when ever they took anew job seem to be rampant

Believe me when I say this --that in any company every other manager thinks that he is the greatest HR person. You have no chance to prove your capability in attempting this. No appraisal system in the world is perfect.

Attempt things that will have the stamp of HR and pick one area which no one else can architect.E.G : robust reward/recognition plan

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


7-be a mentor

If not for anyone be a mentor to your own teamI have continuously engaged my team to challenge them to come up with newer things they learnt.Result was they respect me as great teacher.They look upon me as mentor.I have almost a big list of people always wanting to be mentored in people management

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


8-be a trainer

It is important for HR professional to Gain the visibility quickly in the organisation and gain respectOnly through training sessions you can learn and make others see how Good you are in your own domain.Sessions you hold for employees always refine your skills and also gets the respect

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


9-be fearless

You have the advantage of knowing what goes behind ,People will tell you everything –about the management Mangers, policies,

Use data and information to express yourself in the right forum where it matters.

This will always do good to the organisation

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


10-be an organisational person

Your loyalty must be first to the professionThe organisation and then to your self

I never had to fight for promotion or incrementsIt just came

04/11/2023dr.sarma hr coaching


One last word

If you chose HR as career track then believe that

You have one in million chance of becoming CEO however capable you are.Moral of the story- be contented you will at the top and not at the peak