Top 10 WordPress Plugins

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Top 10 WordPress Plugins

  1. 1. Top 10 WordPressplugins Reem Mohammed Al-Ashry
  2. 2. Agenda : 1-TinyMCE Advanced 2-cForms || 3-WP-UserOnline 4-Akismet 5- Google XML Sitemaps
  3. 3. 6-All in One SEO Pack 7-Sociable 8-WP Super cash 9-Subscribe to comments 10-DataBase Back up Agenda :
  4. 4. 1-TinyMCE Advanced
  5. 5. - Change Font family and size - Search and replace - insert emoticons- support XHTML tags -adding and editing tables -adding inline CSS to any element
  6. 6. 2- cForms ||
  7. 8. - Making a customizable contact form without knowledge of php, CSS - fancy group of styles for your form - make multiple forms at the same page - make a captcha for security .
  8. 9. 3- WP-UserOnline Displays how many usersare online ,where they areand who they are .
  9. 10. 4- Akismet- Very powerful Anti-spam tool-checks comments for spam
  10. 11. - Akismet stats :
  11. 12. 5- Google XML Sitemaps
  12. 13. -Generates an XML file for yourblog's content-Giving Search engines a Backend access to your Blog -Automatically notifies search engines about Updates in your Blog - Helps in better indexing for yourBlog
  13. 14. 6- All in ONE SEO Pack - Generates meta titles-Generates descriptionfor your posts - avoid duplicate content - Better page rank andindexing in searchengines
  14. 15. 7- Sociable - Bookmark posts on socialbookmarking Web-sites
  15. 16. 8- wp super cash -Cashes pages as HTML files from yourblog -The web server will serve the staticHTML files faster than php scripts -Useful in large blogs -Saves time
  16. 18. 9-Subscribe to comments - Send notification mail to commentors when a new comment is posted on your blog .
  17. 20. 10- Wp DataBase Backup
  18. 21. So,What is your favourite plugin ??
  19. 22. Thanks !