Top 10 Tips For The New Year

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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description Baz Smith Founder Member of The Six Figure Mentors

Transcript of Top 10 Tips For The New Year

These Are Just My Ideas, Thoughts And Tips For 2011

Check out this article, you may just find something that inspires you to do something NEW! Don't just talk about it, don't just think about it, don't just dream about it ... DO IT TODAY! The picture here is me and my son who was 1 just before Christmas and our goals for the New Year revolve around Mummy being at home more this year!

1 | When You Are Asked To Jump | Make Sure You JUMP THE HIGHEST

Now this works the best in the year of the Olympics ...

But it isn't just relevant to sports people! You must always strive to do your best at all times. Well, that's a bit profound and it's meant to be. You see if you set yourself some challenges for the new year then wouldn't it be great to achieve them for a change? Start your own online marketing business and make that change ... jump and jump the highest!

2 | Don't Get Stuck In A Rut

Or Even In A Hole You Can't Get Out Of!

It doesn't have to be this way. You see life is made up of options and decisions. Make sure you have enough options at your disposal. The worst thing in the world is when you want to do something, but finances, time and other pressures get in the way. THE SECRET is to ensure that you have time on your hands to do the things you want to do ... enough money put aside ... and keep all other pressures to a minimum so you can make the right choices in life for you and your family.

3 | Don't Let It Rain On You

More Importantly Don't Let Others Rain on You

So what exactly do I mean here? Well there are too many people out there that are only too happy to put "water on your fire". These sort of people need to be ignored at all costs! Unless of course they have some valid pointers. However, more often than not, they are people that are either jealous of your lifestyle or just want to put you down! Rise above them and don't let them dampen your spirits. Just go ahead and do something different for a change!

4 | Fitness 4 Happiness

Is There Any Truth In The Relationship Between Our Health And Being Happy

Well all I know is that when I have done some exercise or am living a better lifestyle in general I am at my happiest. You see, as I am writing this lens I have just spent the last 10 days eating and drinking over Christmas with Luke's Grandparents. Now I am not saying I was unhappy, not at all, but all that eating, drinking and sitting around not doing a lot does have to end! I had a great walk at the weekend playing golf and felt thoroughly refreshed and happy. Now I am actually looking forward to getting back to a healthier lifestyle and will be following some great healthy tips!

5 | People Should Smile More

Don't You Know People That Are Gloomy All The Time?

Well there are people who think the whole world is against them. They walk around in a world of "doom and gloom"! However, I think it was Newton Faulkner who said "People should smile more, I'm not saying there's nothing to cry for" And I guess he is absolutely right. We all have times when things don't quite go to plan - redundancy, break ups, sudden deaths. But it is how you deal with these trials and tribulations that really matters. Try to remember, there is always someone worse off than you and you yourself can make your life better. Do it today

6 | Go It Alone

Or Get Some Help

I'm not saying that you can't go it alone when it comes to Internet Marketing, because I'm sure if you have experience in perhaps marketing, copywriting or even web design you could get yourself set up with a website and start promoting a service or product, given time. If you're like the goat, you may just feel like you want a helping hand. That's where a helper or a group of helpers with a life line come in handy. The Six Figure Mentors are a group of like minded busines people who share ideas and proven strategies with each other to the benefit of all.

7 | Get Some Help From Your Friends

Find Out Who Your Genuine Friends Are

Make use of them in your personal and your business life. Find out who the trustworthy people are in your life and share your knowledge and expertise between you. My wife and I have a number of close friends who confide in us and we in them. At present it revolves mainly around the topic of babies, young children, and their habits. What toys are good, what food they should and shouldn't eat. How many teeth they have, what size clothes they are in and all importantly ... what to expect next! When it comes to my online business I have what's known as a Mentor, someone who I bounce ideas off, someone I trust and someone who stops me making the same mistakes others have made before. He and I are both Founder Members of The Six Figure Mentors ... an online community full of Internet Marketers, working from home.

8 | Join A Community

And Benefit From A Wealth Of Knowledge

Join The Six Figure Mentors and be part of the Internet Marketing Revolution for 2011! We're into helping people learn to help themselves without the hype and nonsense, and we have the training platform to prove it. Many of us have been doing this full time now for a while so we can show you how to not make the same mistakes we've made ...

The Six Figure Mentors is designed to teach people how to make money on the internet. We don't hide the fact that we are here to teach marketing and to show you PROVEN and simple systems you can tap into to make a lot of money without the hassles. I have been tracking the comments on Facebook during the day and it is clear that this system has been a long time coming in the market place. You see, we have also held our first National Event at Heathrow "The Traffic Generation Blueprint" was an absolute amazing day full of ideas to drive more traffic to your business. The Launch of The Six Figure Mentors 2.0 will see more of these events, more training and more interactivity in the Community ... visit my site NOW so you don't get left behind! The move is now towards socialisation and a full community spirit and those who have missed the importance of added value, helping others and a community will really struggle going forward. You cannot just do the things you did before. They just don't have the same results as they used to! So if you are looking to make money the new way then please talk to me so I can explain in detail how the system can benefit YOU. Because it is YOU that is important here. If I can help you then YOU can help others too!

9 | Keep Focused On Your Goal

Don't Get Distracted!

We all get distractions in life, mine is my beautiful one year old son! Other people spend all their time on Facebook or other social sites, just chatting. Even though they know they have something more important to do! Well I have changing nappies and feeding Luke, however I still find time to focus on the things that make me money. You should be no different if you are an Internet Marketer or in any profession really that relies on you achiving what you set out to do. Have a schedule of time, if time management is your problem ... limit yourself to an hour on facebook and and other chat rooms. Find a strategy that works for you and stick to it religiously, that way you will succeed!

10 | Find Time For Yourself

Because that is why we do this.

I gave up a full time job to look after Luke! So now I spread my time between looking after him, running my online internet marketing business and doing the other things I enjoy. Like swimming, playing golf, spending time with friends and family. Having meals out, taking two or three holidays a year and spending money on the things we enjoy as a family. A perfect lifestyle ... well almost!