Top 10 Reasons to Save the Court this November

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Top 10 Reasons to Save the Court this November

The Bush administration has used its faith-based initiative to support its favored


Bad enough, but how would you feel if the administration spent that money to hold a

series of “Christian nation” rallies?

Not much you could do, now that the Supreme Court with Bush’s new right-wing

Justices has limited taxpayers' ability to challenge violations of the Establishment


With the help of Bush’s new justices, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of school

officials who punished a student for holding a banner at a school-sponsored

event that expressed a message administrators didn’t agree with

("Bong hits 4 Jesus").

Lilly Ledbetter worked just as hard as any man in her factory, but got paid less.

She proved it in a court of law, but the company appealed.

Then the Supreme Court slammed the courthouse door in her face, declaring that Lilly had lost the right to sue because she

hadn't complained about the discrimination soon enough. Never mind

that the Court's ruling would have required her to sue before she knew about the

unfair pay disparity.

In 2006, the Supreme Court cut the reach of Clean Water Act protections.

But it could be worse: one more right-wing justice, and the Court would have

eliminated protections for more than half of the nation’s rivers and streams!

For the first time in 35 years, the Supreme Court said that politicians could outlaw a

specific abortion procedure — with no exception for the health of the woman.

And with the vote of one more justice, the Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Court struck down voluntary school desegregation plans used in Seattle and

Louisville. Now students are more likely to attend schools where everyone looks like

they do.

Charles Riegel needed to be put on life support after a catheter burst in his body

during angioplasty.

Don't worry, though — the company that made the catheter didn't have to pay a

dime after the Supreme Court ruled that, since the device had received FDA

approval, the company could not be sued for damages under state law.

In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that states couldn’t

make criminals out of people for being gay or lesbian.

One more right-wing justice on the Supreme Court could reverse that

progress, making same-sex couples outlaws in a dozen states.

Imagine: You’re a breast cancer survivor. One day during an examination the doctor brings a drug company sales rep into the room, doesn’t tell you who he is, and lets

him observe your exam (while you’re undressed!).

You sue. The judge tells you it’s your fault, and throws out the case.

What happens? In the Bush administration, that judge gets nominated for a promotion.

And the #1 reason for progressives to unite and save

the Court in 2008:

In 2000, the Supreme Court stopped the vote re-count in Florida and handed the

presidency to George W. Bush.

Since then, President Bush has moved the courts further to the right with two

Supreme Court justices and hundreds of lower federal court judges.

This fall’s election will determine whether our courts will start to be

repaired — or if they’ll continue their dangerous decline.

You can learn more about the Supreme Court and how the

2008 election can affect your rights and liberties at