Tomorrow · A Digital CV is a powerful tool that you can use in everyday life to promote your...

Post on 27-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Tomorrow · A Digital CV is a powerful tool that you can use in everyday life to promote your...

Tomorrow’s Business Network Today!

There can be no arguing the benefits networking has for business owners which


1. Opportunity to network with other businesses.

2. Introduction of your business to network members.

3. Expand your social circle.

4. Access to Business growth training.

5. Marketing of your products/services to the network.

6. Networking opportunities through webinars.

7. Opportunity for joint ventures and collaborations with members.

8. Market your business nationally and spread your brand.

…and much, much more!

Business networking is one of the smartest investments any small business owner

will ever make and at Chitter Chat Box… we have even removed that barrier to

entry because you can join for Free today. This guide outlines the benefits you

can enjoy as a Chitter Chat Box member.

Are you tired of going it alone when it comes to building your business? Have you

finally made the decision that it’s time to join a network of like-minded

entrepreneurs and business owners so you can start and grow a long-term

sustainable business? Then read on!

The dramatic increase in Internet traffic over the last few months due to the

global lockdown brought on by the COVID19 pandemic, means that more and

more people were forced to work at home. Your prospects, leads, and clients are

now online, and this presents you with an opportunity to grow your business.

Now is the time to adapt to and leverage the digital world and Chitter Chat Box

can help you achieve this in ways no other business network can.

The steps you are about to go through will not only dramatically increase your

online presence but will provide you with the opportunity to grow your business

as the network continues to grow nationally.

You will also receive access to training, tips, tools, resources, support and

webinars that will ensure you are equipped to tackle any challenge the business

world may throw your way.

To ensure we provide every business owner with the opportunity to benefit from

being a member of Chitter Chat Box, we have removed the barrier to entry. You

can join for free, setup your profile, create a business page, start or join a group,

post in the marketplace, write an article, and even offer members vouchers for

special promotions.

Chitter Chat Box has been designed with the business owner in mind and while

other networks require a membership fee to join, we wanted to make sure you

could experience the power of this unique business network at no cost to you.

Let us guide you through the 16 steps you will take to create a powerful online

presence, connect and meet with other businesspeople, and spread your brand

locally and nationally.

As a PHP Developer and Search Engine Optimization Specialist it has been one of my challenges over the years to find a good platform where I can register my client’s websites that will add value to their online presence. The result was that I spent many years developing the Chitter Chat Box Platform. Chitter Chat Box offers many valuable built-in tools which can help your Business grow online. I will discuss and explain these tools as we go along. Your first step is to create a free Account with Chitter Chat Box by registering at Be sure to use your best email address to register. We do not advise using Gmail-addresses seeing that it is not as professional as Should you need to register your own email address at your own domain, you can contact me, and I will assist you in setting it up. All these little things add up to building a professional Internet Footprint. Should you require any assistance throughout the implementation of any of the 16 steps, you can look for the Site Consultant Button on the website and click on it to chat in real time with a Consultant.

Step 1 – Join Chitter Chat Box

Nowhere is the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” more true and powerful than on the Internet. You must remember that what a potential client sees about you on the Internet will most probably be his or her impression of what your business is like. When I sometimes see how thoughtless people are when they add these images, I realize why so many people fail at creating strong Online Business Identities.

The Profile Image should be an image of your face. If you do not have a proper image, have one taken by a Professional Photographer.

This is something that you will use time and time again. It is important that it is a picture of your face because people connect to people. People and clients build relationships with a person. One of the strategies behind Chitter Chat Box is to build relationships with other Business Owners and Potential Clients.

The best size for a Profile Picture is 500 x 500px.

Your Cover Image is the Opportunity to tell the world something about you, your company, or your passions. Use this opportunity wisely. Should you wish to create your own Cover Image, you can design one at It is a good platform to create free images. You can also use a graphic designer to create a good-looking Cover Image. You can hire a graphic designer at

Should you wish to hire a professional graphic designer to also build a brand for your company, I will suggest that you talk to June at

The best size for a Cover Image is 1200 x 350px

Whether you design the Images yourself, through Fiverr or by using a designer, make sure it is the correct size. It will display better and will improve the way you represent yourself and your Company.

Step 2 – Create Good Looking Profile And Banner Images

The next step in Chitter Chat Box is to update your Bio. It is extremely important that you do this properly and do not just rush into it. Think about it this way. You have two minutes and you have a potential customer in front of you that asked you the question – “Who are you and what is your business about?” This is what you want your Bio to be. Answer this question to the best of your ability. By taking 30 minutes to work through this statement, it will bring you hours of good publicity. Your Bio is a Salesman / HR Assistant that promotes you and your business 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The Bio will also be part of your “Digital CV” which will be discussed in the next step.

Step 3 – Update Your Bio

“You Will Either Step Forward Into Growth Or You

Will Step Back Into Safety.”

Abraham Maslow

A Digital CV is a powerful tool that you can use in everyday life to promote your business. Before people do business with you, they want to know who you are. In our society today it is very difficult to build trust because there are so many scammers out there. This has led to people being very careful about who they can trust. Trust is built like building a relationship. A Digital CV is what I call a Trust Booster. It gives your potential clients a glance as well as a go-back-to reference of who you are. It gives a map of your digital footprint and what you are all about. Chitter Chat Box offers you the opportunity to build a Digital CV and a way to effectively use it. To create your Digital CV, Login to and go to Members > Digital CV. You can change the Pass Code to something easier. The Pass Code is used for people to view your Digital CV Online. You can view my Digital CV at using the Pass Code cf4444 This will give you an idea of how you can use it for your business. Attach the Digital CV to all your emails. This way people will know what you are about. You will get more referrals from existing customers and from friends. The Digital CV will import the Bio that you have created.

Make sure that you insert the correct Social Media links into your Digital CV. Include the http:// or https:// in front of each link and make sure that they work by clicking on each of the links in your Digital CV.

Step 2 – Create Good Looking Profile And Banner Images

Make it a habit to post something on your newsfeed about two to three times a week. Do not try to sell anything here. This is a place to interact with your connections. When you post too much or if you tend to use it as an advertising platform, your Connections will start to look over your posts or they will block you entirely. Try to find something interesting to say, something that can be of value to others, or that will build your relationship with them. People must look forward to reading their newsfeed because of what you are adding there. Your Newsfeed Post will only show up in the Newsfeed of people that you are connected to. Therefore, the next step of creating connections are so important. It is also important to interact with the posts of other members and connections. Remember, the other guy is just as keen on you commenting on what he has said as you are about him commenting on your post. Make your post worthwhile. Do not be rude, use bad language or make jokes. This is not the place for this. If you want to post that type of post, which I strongly disagree with, do it on a platform like Facebook. Remember that the bad joke, sticks with your profile forever. People form an opinion of your integrity by what you say online.

Step 5 – Post To Your Newsfeed

“The Way To Get Started Is To Quit Talking And

Begin Doing.”

Walt Disney

This is what Business is all about. Meeting new people, build relationships and strengthening those relationships. A good rule is to connect to 2 – 5 people every week. Once you have connected to them make sure you also interact with them. Ask them questions, read their profiles, and send them a message. You can even pick up the phone and call them. Just say “I have seen you on Chitter Chat Box and would like to meet you or chat to you.” If they are the right fit for you, you can invite them to join one of your groups, or a group that you are in. You can also invite them to take part in an online video conference, which will be available later. Remember that once they have accepted your Connection, they will also see the Newsfeed Posts that you have made. This is a powerful step, and if you use this properly you will get a lot of joy from it.

Step 6 – Create New Connections

The Chitter Chat Box Marketplace is a powerful place to advertise your business products or services. Not only is it seen by many users, it is also indexed on Google. If you use the right wording in your descriptions and headings, it can bring you a lot of traffic through the search engines. Adding a good image with your Marketplace Post is essential. The best size to use for the image is 500 x 500px. Also keep your Image size below 1MB. This helps the image to load faster and your visitors will have a greater experience. Give a good description of the Service or Product and make sure it is Categorized correctly. Should you experience any issues with the categories or posts, you can ask the Online Consultant to assist you or you can email You can also ask the Online Consultant to add additional Categories if they are not available. To create a Marketplace Post you must log in and then go to “Post a free Ad” in the top menu bar. You can edit the image or the post at any time. Ensure to read through the post to catch any mistakes that you may have made. Post a couple of Marketplace Posts. It is important not to spam the system with too many posts. Unlike Facebook and other Marketplaces where your Posts disappear over time, your posts will keep reappearing at the top with the Boost function which I will explain in the next step. Make sure your contact details are on the post and that people know how to get in contact with you.

Step 7 – Post To The Marketplace

As with any other Online Marketplace, posts that you have placed can easily disappear into the web to never be seen again by anybody. For this reason, we have designed the Boost function in the Marketplace. The Boost function will make your post re-appear at the top of the home page, the category, and the town page every hour. Every hour when it moves up to the top, it will deduct 10c from your account. When your funds are exhausted, the boost will stop running. Once you reload the Account, the boosts will start running again. You can Stop and Start Boosts as you please. This enables you to promote your more important posts and bring them in front of the users where they will get the most attention.

Special Offer

To get you started you can use this voucher code to get a Free R 75-00 added to

your account to fund your first boost.

Log in to your Chitter Chat Box Account > Go to Members > My Account > Insert a Valid Voucher Code > Insert the Code: BBDFSXCA Your Account will now be credited with R 75.00. you can then use that amount to boost your posts. You can Top Up your Account anytime via “Members > My Account” then using a Bank Card or EFT through PayFast.

Step 8 – Boosting Your Posts

You can derive a lot of benefit for your business with a Chitter Chat Box free membership, but if you want to fast track your business growth even more, then we have upgrade options that you can access from your dashboard once you are logged in by going to > About Us > Membership Plans. The additional benefits that can be enjoyed by upgraded members are:

• Increased number of connections allowed.

• Reduction in boost post costs.

• Increase in referral commissions (more info below on this benefit).

• Introduction of Do Follow Links (more info below on this benefit).

• Ability to create more business pages.

• Increase number of vouchers allowed.

• Increased number of marketplace posts allowed.

• Access to more business growth training modules.

• Access to additional monthly webinars.

• And much more… Members can become part of the Referral Program for Chitter Chat Box. Once you have used Chitter Chat Box to its full extent and you realize the value that it offers it will be natural for you to refer people to the platform. With your own referral link you will automatically receive between 10% and 25% commission of everything they spend on Chitter Chat Box. The commission levels are based on your membership level which includes the free membership. One of the other benefits is that all hyperlinks which you create in the system, will be Do Follow links. These are very important to the Search Engines. Some SEO Consultants will charge you the value of your Pro Membership for one of these valuable links.

Step 9 – Upgrade Your Membership

Once you are Logged in and registered as a Pro Member you can create a Business Page by going to Members > My Business Pages > Create a New Business Page. On the Business Page the same rules apply for the creation of Professional Profile and Cover Images. Make sure they convey your message, are professional and make a good impression. Your Business Description should be well thought through and must describe what you are all about. What services do you offer, what clients have you got? Give reference or testimonials from previous clients. By adding your address, a Google Map will be created which will give potential Customers a good idea of where you operate from. If you offer services or products in other parts of the country, mention it in your Business Profile.

Groups within Chitter Chat Box offers you the option to build relationships within a specific community with similar interests. We all know groups on Facebook where you find thousands of people within a group with absolutely no relationship to each other. These mass groups do not offer much value. The best groups to join are small groups which you either join or create. You can Join multiple groups but must be a Pro Member if you want to create more than one group. How you participate within these groups is also very important. Just being part of the group does not mean much if you do not participate. Start a discussion, prompt others to take part in the discussion and ask members to join your group. Relationship building is the key to any business. Inside these discussions is where it happens. We anticipate creating video conferencing within these groups. This function is however not available yet. Getting your groups ready for when this happens will put you ahead of your competition.

Step 10 – Create A Business Page

Step 11 – Join A Group

You can create a Group within Chitter Chat Box on virtually any subject if it is within the Terms and Conditions of the Website which excludes certain subjects. Why would you want to create a Group? As a group Administrator you are responsible for who joins the group and who does not. This will enable you to select a team of players within the group. For a group to be effective you must select the right participants. You can also select the subject matter and manage the flow of conversations to go in the direction that you intended when you started the group. You can lay down rules for participation and decide what exactly you want to discuss. A group is a very good place to attract people that you want to connect with. When you find people in the group that you can easily talk to, have some common interests or that you think will be able to help you advance your business, it creates valuable business connections. From there you can arrange one on one video meetings or some other type of conversation.

We all know something about our business or a subject that others do not know. As a Pro Member you can publish articles and make them part of your Digital CV. These articles can also rank on Google and other Search Engines to attract people to your Profile. Creating an article in the Chitter Chat Box Article Archive will allow your name to come up in the searches. When people find your articles and it was done properly, they will perceive you as an expert in your field and are more likely to do business with you. The article function is still in Beta Testing phase and will be released shortly. It will be available for everybody to read but only Pro Members can create articles. A link of the Article to your Digital CV and to your Member Profile makes it easy for people to connect with you.

Step 12 – Create Your Own Groups

Step 13 – Publish An Article

The system automatically creates a Profile which you can access by clicking on your name in any post. To edit your profile, go to your Image on the top header and click on the arrow > then select Edit my Profile. To view your Profile, click on > My Profile. The Profile puts together a Profile with your Information, Images, Bio, Connections, Groups, Marketplace Posts, Business Pages and Articles. Your profile is available for everybody to see and this is also the way for other people to connect with you by sending a Connection Invite. Once they send a Connection Invite, you will receive an email and a Connection Message will appear in your Newsfeed. You can disconnect the email function by going to > Settings underneath your Profile Picture. Having a Professional Profile is important because it shows the world out there what you are about, how connected you are and how involved you are. The more people that like your profile, the more they are going to want to connect with you. Once you have a steady flow of people wanting to connect with you, your Chitter Chat Box profile becomes very valuable.

Step 14 – Create A Professional Profile



Inviting people to Chitter Chat Box can help you grow your network faster, but it can also help them growing their networks. We have developed a special feature in Chitter Chat Box just for that. To Invite a friend or a colleague it is always better to tell them about the program in person and then tell them that you will send them a link. Once you are ready to Invite them go to > About Us > Invite a Friend. Complete the information and send. The system will then send them an email, saying that you invited them. They will also be provided with your referral link. When they sign up, they will be assigned to you. Should they upgrade to 1 of the 3 levels available, you will receive a commission based on your level, of their Subscription as a Thank you Gift. Our Auto Responder will send them 10 emails with information about Chitter Chat Box. They can easily unsubscribe from these emails. Once a person has been invited, a second person cannot invite them again. There is therefore no concern about duplication or spam.

Step 15 – Invite Friends

If your business has a website, you should register your business website on which is a Search Engine for South African Business. The difference with this Search Engine is that it has very narrow and specific searches. Should people look for your Business Keywords and Products, they will most likely only find a few results, but they will find you. To find out exactly how PrimeSpot works, I would suggest that you read more about it at The Search Engine can mean a lot for your business in terms of Specific Search Traffic as well as Rank Value of your website. Buy a couple of Blocks, enter as many keywords that is relevant to your business, or that you think people can type in when they are looking for your products and services. Blocks starts at $ 1-00 per 10 keywords, and they increase in value. Once you no longer need the blocks, you can sell them at a profit. You are therefore being paid to advertise.

Step 16 – Add Your Business To PrimeSpot

“Prosperity Belongs To Those Who Learn New Things

The Fastest”

Paul Zane Pilzer