Tome of Munitions

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Some extra gunslinger stuff for Pathfinder

Transcript of Tome of Munitions

T o m e o f m u n i t i o n sT O m e o f m u n i t i o n s

Little Red Goblin Games


t o m e o f m u n i t i o n st o m e o f m u n i t i o n s


Producer: Scott Gladstein

Designers: Maverik Bishop,Scott Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth,

Art:Jonathan Achey

Graphic Designer: Justin Gagen

OGL Compatible: Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the PathfinderRoleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

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© 2011, All Rights ReservedLittle Red Goblin Games


New ClassesAscetic TriggerSwashbucklerDragoon

New Prestige ClassesLiving LegendEldritch Engineer

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Cynthia Eastwind exploded through the doors of the saloon with her foes in hot pursuit. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to make the duster-clad trio pull their revolvers on her and start firing, but she doubted her chances of finding out would be better with a bullet in her head. A pillar of stone erupted from the earth ahead of the elf who nearly fell from her horse in an effort to stop short of the obstruction. Out of options, Cynthia reached for the revolver loaded with alchemical cartridges at her hip and leveled it at the oncoming trio of gnolls… To some, the presence of firearms might clash with the swords and fireballs of a more traditional fantasy role-playing game. With the recent release of Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat, however we at Little Red Goblin Games have taken the opportunity to explore some of the possibilities such weapons present to a role-playing game. A wizard slapping ammunition into a gun covered with arcane sigils, the gunslinger riding off into the sunset with the corpse of a bullet-riddled dragon lying on the dusty ground, and a paladin in the middle of the street staring down the darkly-clad villain with fingers inches from his pistol as he awaits the inevitable shootout. This book seeks to bring such sights to the tabletop and provide gamers with awesome mental images and happy memories. Pleasant gaming!-Maverik BishopGame DesignerLittle Red Goblin Games

ASCETIC TRIGGERAlternate Class for the GunslingerThe art of combat is considered by many to be unpredictable and chaotic. With the advent of guns, many things have changed about the face of war. However, there exist those who seek to make a controlled form of war, using the most effective means available. Using precise motions, study of angles and martial arts, a few chosen individuals have developed a powerful martial art for use with firearms. The practitioners of this mysterious and deadly art are known as the ascetic triggers, or more colloquially, as “gun monks”. Devout with their training as many are with a religion, they use their techniques for a wide variety of purposes, as complex as enforcing the law or as simple as testing their skill. Their machinelike precision and oddly angular fighting style makes them a unique and awesome force on the battlefield. Deeds: Ascetic triggers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the ascetic trigger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the ascetic trigger has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base ascetic trigger deeds. An ascetic trigger can only perform deeds of his level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. The ascetic trigger is an alternate class to the gunslinger and gains deeds just as the gunslinger does. The ascetic trigger gains new deeds in addition to or replacing standard gunslinger deeds as noted in the deed entries below. Close Combat Training (Ex): At 1st level, the ascetic trigger may spend a grit point to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity with his next ranged attack while attacking adjacent targets with guns in which she is proficient. This deed replaces the deadeye deed. Geometrical Prediction (Ex): At 1st level, the ascetic trigger may spend a grit point as an immediate action to add her Wisdom modifier to her AC against a melee attack. This action may be declared after the attack is rolled, but before the final result is announced.


If the attacker misses the ascetic trigger after she uses this deed, the attacker is at a -2 penalty on all attacks against the ascetic trigger until the beginning of her next turn. This ascetic trigger must be wearing light or medium armor and carrying no more than a light load to use this deed. This deed replaces gunslinger’s dodge. Close Form Kata (Ex): At 3rd level, guns the ascetic trigger uses may be used as melee weapons as though she was using the pistol-whip deed (from Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat) provided she has at least 1 grit point. The exception is that they may not be used to knock targets prone and the guns may be used to attack like normal weapons in melee instead of requiring a standard action. This deed replaces the pistol-whip deed. Steady Pace (Ex): At 3rd level, the ascetic trigger may make an additional five foot step during any full attack action on a turn when she spends a grit point. In addition, she gains access to the two following additional deeds. This deed, the setup, and 180 firing line deeds replace the utility shot deeds. Setup (Ex): At 3rd level, the ascetic trigger can place his ammunition in a nearby space to allow him a faster time reloading. She may spend a grit point to make a ranged touch attack on a square (AC 10 plus cover bonuses, if any) at least 10 feet away as a move action. She throws a package of her ammo into the air over that location. If the ascetic trigger moves into that square before the end of her next turn, she may reload all weapons she is currently armed with as a swift action, even if her hands are full. At 9th level, the ascetic trigger may gain this benefit after 1 or two rounds, her choice when using this deed. If the ascetic trigger does not make it to the square in time, the ammunition that was going to be loaded into her weapons falls to the ground in the targeted square at the end of her turn. She may still gain the benefit of her setup, but must drop prone to do so in the square before reloading. The ascetic triggermust have enough bullets to fully load her own weapons to use this deed, and while she uses it the bullets she would use to reload are inaccessible. 180 Degree Firing Line (Ex): At 3rd level, the ascetic trigger may spend a grit point to attack two creatures that are flanking him as a standard action. These attacks may be ranged attacks. If the attacks

are ranged attacks they do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the targets. The ascetic trigger must be capable of making two attacks with his weapons in a single round to use this deed. His allies treat any creatures struck by this deed as though they were flanking them for 1 round. Kick Up (Ex): At 7th level, the ascetic trigger may spend a grit point as a swift action to kick a gun up off of the ground into a free hand. The ascetic triggermay perform this deed as part of a move action, and may make an immediate attack with that weapon. You can’t use this deed on a weapon you dropped this round. This deed replaces the startling shot deed. Living Shield (Ex): At 7th level, the ascetic trigger may take cover behind a target she has just dropped below 0 hp who is adjacent to her as a free action by spending a grit point. This target must have been felled during the combat in which she uses this ability. She gains a +4 cover bonus to AC, but must use 1 arm to keep the body propped up. While using this deed, the ascetic trigger moves at half speed and may only attack with a single 1-handed weapon. Creatures that do not lose consciousness or are destroyed when they reach 0 hit points cannot be the target of this deed. Abilities that ignore soft cover can ignore the cover bonus to AC from this ability. This deed replaces the targeting deed. Devastating Flurry (Ex): At 11th level, the ascetic trigger may activate this ability by spending 1 grit point as a free action after she hits a single target in melee with at least 2 melee attacks during a full attack action. She may make a single ranged attack at his highest attack bonus in addition to his other attacks. This ranged attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The ascetic trigger may activate this deed any number of times during a round. This deed replaces the bleeding wound deed. Snapfire Symphony (Ex): At 15th level, the perfect, practiced motions of the ascetic trigger’s deadly art may have seemed awkward to some, but the fundamentals they have acquired allow them to master the difficult art of using their gun’s own recoil to snap their aim to a new target. By spending 1 grit point, the ascetic trigger may make their full number of attacks as a full-round action. If an attack hits, they may make their next attack on a different target with


a +2 bonus to damage, provided they use the same weapon. This bonus is cumulative, and can increase up to a total of a +6 bonus. This bonus continues for the remainder of the full attack unless the ascetic trigger targets a single creature twice in a row with the same weapon or reloads. This deed replaces the menacing shot deed. Point Blank Barrage (Ex): At 15th level, getting close to anascetic trigger is not the answer to not being shot by him- in fact, it makes his job easier. If the ascetic trigger spends 2 grit points, his attacks for that round do not provoke attacks of opportunity. If he makes a melee attack with one of his guns, he may deal that gun’s damage as though it were fired as a ranged attack in addition to its normal damage for a melee attack. Doing so expends a shot from the gun used in the attack. Damage from enhancement bonuses or precision damage is not added an additional time, and damage from the ascetic trigger’s Dexterity modifier from gun training may be added to this attack in place of his Strength modifier. This deed replaces the slinger’s luck deed. Crossfire Destruction (Ex): At 19th level, the ascetic trigger has perfected his body so that he can make bullets dance. While normally just an impressive parlor trick, he can turn this into a deadly art simply by changing where the bullets are dancing: inside of his opponents. She must be adjacent to an opponent to perform the crossfire destruction deed. This is part of a full attack action. If she hits the target with at least 2 bullets in a single turn, the target must make a DC (10+ ½ ascetic trigger level + Wisdom modifier) or die. The DC of this save is increased by +2 per the number of additional attacks that hit the target beyond the first two. Even on a successful save, the target takes 1 point of bleed damage per each attack that hit them. This deed replaces the death’s shot deed. Comet Smash (Ex): At 19th level, the ascetic trigger uses his ranged attacks to augment the power of his melee attacks. If he spends a grit point as a free action after firing a ranged weapon, all of his melee attacks with that weapon deal double damage until the end of his turn. Alternatively, he may fire his gun an additional time after confirming a critical hit against an adjacent target if he spends a grit point and gain the above benefit.

SWASHBUCKLERAlternate Class for the GunslingerGuns may be powerful, but what good is power if it’s not augmented with style? Swashbucklers are gunslingers who rely on not only their firearms but their blades as well. Where a more traditional gunslinger might be powerless if his weapon jams or runs out of ammunition, a swashbuckler will simply adapt and hold back foes with a saber until he can reload. Where a gunslinger is restricted to the use of predictable bullets, a swashbuckler will slash, kick, shoot, and spit in the eyes of his enemies until he’s found a tactic that works. The swashbuckler is a gunslinger, true, but he knows that his firearm is only one of his weapons. Grit (Ex): A swashbuckler lives by the skin of her teeth. Guts and cunning are often all that stand between a swashbuckler and death. A true swashbuckler will do whatever will stave off death for just a few seconds more. For this reason, swashbucklers have grit as described in the entry for the gunslinger in Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat. At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) in grit points. Grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than the swashbuckler’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A swashbuckler spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below) and regains grit in the following ways. Critical Hit with a Weapon: Each time the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a slashing or piercing weapon while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with a Weapon: When the swashbuckler reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a slashing or piercing weapon attack while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit.


Deeds: Swashbuckler spends grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the swashbuckler some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the swashbuckler has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base swashbuckler deeds. A swashbuckler can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed c a n be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. The deeds available to this alternate class replace the deeds available to a gunslinger. Last Ditch Evasion (Ex): At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of trouble. When a melee attack is made against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 grit point to drop prone as an immediate action; doing so grants the swashbuckler a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack (instead of the normal -4). At the start of her next turn, the bonus reverts to the normal -4 penalty. The swashbuckler can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load. This replaces the gunslinger dodge deed. Flashy Fighter (Ex): At 1st level, the swashbuckler is considered to have the benefit of the Improved Dirty Trick feat as described in Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. The swashbuckler must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternately, if she spends 1 grit point, she may apply half her swashbuckler level (to a minimum of 1) to rolls made to overcome an opponent’s CMD for the purpose of a dirty trick combat maneuver check. Quick Draw (Ex): At 1st level, the swashbuckler is considered to have the benefit of the Quick Draw feat as described in Chapter 5 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. The swashbuckler must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternately, if she spends

1 grit point, she may draw a single weapon as part of an initiative check. Her hands must be free and unrestrained, and the weapon being drawn may not be hidden. This replaces the quick clear deed. Danger Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the swashbuckler has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a bonus initiative checks equal to her Wisdom modifier. Furthermore, if she has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, she suffers no penalty for wielding a firearm in her off-hand if she only makes an attack with one weapon in a given

round. This firearm is treated in a similar fashion to a natural weapon or unarmed strike when

considered for feats like Two-Weapon Defense. This replaces the gunslinger initiative deed. Utility Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, a swashbuckler gains access to some of the utility shot deeds (blast lock and scoot unattended object) as described in Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat. She may use these deeds with melee weapons. Ruthless Coup De Grâce (Ex): At 3rd level, a swashbuckler may administer a coup de grâce as a standard action, as long as they have at least 1 grit point. This replaces the stop bleeding utility shot. Swashbuckling (Ex): At 7th-level, as a full-round action, the swashbuckler can make a single ranged attack with a firearm held in her offhand

as part of a full attack action. The ranged attack does not incur a penalty for being wielded in the off-hand. The ranged attack is made at you highest BAB after your first melee attack. A swashbuckler must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed. She cannot perform this deed with a blunderbuss or other scatter weapon when attacking creatures in a cone. A swashbuckler must state that she is using this ability before making the attack. This replaces the dead shot deed.

Set-Up Strike (Ex): “I meant to do that!” At 7th level, when the swashbuckler misses a creature with a melee attack, she may expend 1 grit point to immediately


make a feint check as part of the attack (after the attack has missed). A swashbuckler can choose to intentionally miss with an attack in order to use this deed. If the swashbuckler has any additional attacks (if she has high enough BAB or uses swashbuckling for example) she may continue her attack after making the feint check. This replaces the startling shot deed. Style & Grace (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the swashbuckler can make a melee attack with flair and style. When she makes this attack, she can choose which damage type the melee weapon she is using deals. This deed costs 1 grit point to perform no matter which damage type she chooses. This replaces the targeting deed.

• Blunt: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and knocked prone. Creatures that are immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.• Slashing: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and takes an amount of bleed damage equal to the swashbuckler’s Dexterity modifier.• Piercing: This attack is made against the target’s touch AC as it pierces the armor of the target.• Non-Lethal: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and is also confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Bleeding Wound (Ex): At 11th level, when the swashbuckler hits a living creature with a piercing or slashing weapon melee attack, she can spend 1 grit point as a free action to have that attack deal 2 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage (swashbuckler’s choice). Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to these types of bleed damage. This replaces the bleeding wound deed. Brothers in Steel (Ex): At 11th level, as long as the swashbuckler has at least 1 grit point, whenever the swashbuckler wields a firearm in her offhand she never suffers a penalty for two-weapon fighting with either weapon she wields. Additionally, when she is presented with the option to make an attack of opportunity wile wielding a firearm in her offhand, she may make an additional attack with the firearm at her highest base attack bonus if she would be able to do so normally. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Doing this consumes an additional attack

of opportunity for this round. This cost 1 grit point to do. This replaces the expert loading deed. Decapitation (Ex): At 19th-level, when a swashbuckler rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll with a slashing weapon, she can spend 1 grit point and decapitate her target as per the vorpal enchantment. This replaces the death’s shot deed. Brothers in Arms (Ex): At 19th level, when a swashbuckler hits a creature with a melee attack, she can spend 1 grit point to also automatically hit with a firearm wielded in your offhand. This replaces the stunning shot deed. Preferred Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th-level, a swashbuckler can select one specific type of weapon. She gains a bonus equal to her Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when fighting with that type of weapon. Every 4 levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), the swashbuckler gains the benefits of this class feature with an additional type of weapon. This ability replaces the gun training class feature.

DRAGOONAlternate Class for the CavalierWhile many cavaliers hung up their shields with the advent of guns, some incorporated the new with the old. The dragoon rides into battle atop their trusty steed, to become a more perfect warrior of the new age. Often eschewing heavier armor, they specialize in combat at a range, but can still draw steel when the fighting grows close. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragoons are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, pistols and muskets (or rifles, if advanced firearms are available), and with light and medium armor, but not with shields. Dragoon Challenge (Ex): Once per day, a dragoon can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the dragoon chooses a one target within sight to challenge. The dragoon’s melee and ranged attacks deal extra damage against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to half the dragoon’s level, rounded up. The dragoon gains an additional use of this challenge at each level that the cavalier would normally gain a use of his challenge. Gunman’s Order (Ex): At 1st level, the dragoon


selects one method by which he takes the fight to his foes with gun and sword. This ability functions as the cavalier’s order class feature, except that the dragoon may only select from one of the orders found below. Run Down (Ex): At 3rd level, the dragoon learns to incorporate his firearms with his more conventional weaponry in a skillful charge. The dragoon may make a charge as a full-round action while mounted. He makes a single ranged attack with his gun at the start of a charge at the target of the charge without the charge bonus to his attack roll. If he hits, movement during the charge does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target. He makes a melee attack at the end of the charge, either with his gun or a melee weapon. He may draw a weapon during the charge as normal. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge. Gun Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the dragoon gains gun training, as the gunslinger class feature (see Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat). Every 4 levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), the benefits of this ability apply to an additional type of firearm. This ability replaces banner, greater tactician, and master tactician.

Order of the PistolDragoons who utilize pistols specialize in up-close fighting, usually against multiple opponents. While not as threatening at a range, they are devastating opponents in close quarters, using their higher ground to trample their foes into dust and perfectly mix the art of fighting up close with fighting at a distance. Edicts: The dragoon may not flee from a worthy opponent, unless they are clearly outmatched or the battle is hopeless. They must assist allies who need it on the field of battle, using their body as a shield if necessary. He must avoid appearing cowardly through his words or actions. Challenge: Whenever an order of the pistol dragoon issues a challenge, he receives a +1 dodge bonus to his AC against attacks made by the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the dragoon possesses. In addition, his target may not make attacks of opportunity on the dragoon for using ranged attacks in a threatened square. Skills: An order of the pistol dragoon adds Knowledge (history) (Int) and Acrobatics (Dex) to

his list of class skills. If he has ranks in Knowledge (history), he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his dragoon level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves a battle. Order Abilities: A dragoon belonging to the order of the pistol gains the following abilities as he increases in level. Two-Fisted Rider (Ex): At 2nd level, an order of the pistol dragoon gains the ability to fight with a weapon in each hand. He gains the Two-Weapon Fighting feat as a bonus feat, and does not take penalties for two-weapon fighting if he holds a pistol in one hand, but does not attack with it. Vanguard Shot (Ex): At 8th level, an order of the pistol dragoon can time a pistol shot expertly, allowing his allies to cut the stunned enemy to ribbons. He may make a single attack with a pistol against a single creature as a standard action. If the attack hits, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from all adjacent creatures. This ability may be used once per combat. Cavalry Charge (Ex): At 15th level, an order of the pistol dragoon can reinforce his allies with a brilliantly timed charge. He may make a charge attack against a single enemy who is threatened by at least one of his allies. As long as he ends his movement in a square adjacent to the enemy, his allies gain a circumstance bonus equal to the dragoon’s Cha modifier to their AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws and skill checks until the end of the dragoon’s next turn. This ability may be used once per combat.

Order of the MusketDragoon musketeers are the new archers of the battlefield, destroying their foes without being touched. They have remarkable concentration, and remain unswayed by the rule of one king or another. For them, the battlefield is their proving ground, and they make history with each pull of the trigger. Edicts: The dragoon must remain calm and collected, even in the face of certain death. He must not act rashly, but neither must he hesitate to strike down his enemies. He is always a gentleman, and may not use his weaponry on those who pose no threat to him, nor those who cannot rightly defend themselves.


Challenge: Whenever an order of the musket dragoon issues a challenge, he receives a +1 bonus to his damage rolls from ranged attacks against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the dragoon possesses. Skills: An order of the musket dragoon adds Knowledge (nobility) (Int) and Perception (Wis) to his list of class skills. If he has ranks in Perception, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his dragoon level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves vision and is an attempt to spot a hidden foe. Order Abilities: A dragoon belonging to the order of the musket gains the following abilities as he increases in level. Horseback Shooter (Ex): At 2nd level, an order of the musket dragoon becomes practiced at firing form his mount. He gains the Mounted Archery feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites, but only gains the benefit when using a firearm. Marksman’s Aim (Ex): At 8th level, an order of the musket dragoon can make a single ranged touch attack with his gun at any range increment as a full-round action. Allies who make a ranged attack while adjacent to him during the round after he does so may add the dragoon’s Charisma modifier to their first ranged attack roll. Peerless Shot (Ex): At 15th level, an order of the musket dragoon can focus his shots so perfectly that they strike unerringly. Once per day, before rolling an attack, he may declare an attack with his gun a peerless shot. On a successful hit, the attack is an automatic critical hit.

LIVING LEGENDA prestige class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameLiving Legends are the stuff of myths that are still being written. The creation of new and strange weaponry heralds in a new wave of superstition and mythology.At the center of it all are those enigmatic gunmen. Living Legends are often known to wander from town to town, rescuing or condemning those they come across according to whatever code (or lack thereof) drives them. Role: A living legend’s role is much like that of the gunslinger, but while the gunslinger relies purely

on skill and his trusty weapons of choice, a living legend has an almost supernatural air about him that seems to make his reputation seem all the more grand. Alignment:A living legend may be of any alignment, but fame rarely favors the bland. Extreme alignments seem to be more common than neutral ones, but there are no restrictions on the alignment of a living legend. Hit Die: d10

REQUIREMENTSBase Attack Bonus: +5Skills: Intimidate 5 ranksFeats:Dazzling Display, No Name, Weapon Focus (one type of firearm)Special: Access to the grit class feature and must possess a reputation (good or ill) for some impressive act.

CLASS SKILLS The living legend’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (engineering)(Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sleight of hand (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

CLASS FEATURES Legend in the Making (Ex): Heroes and villains thrive when in the midst of their own epic stories, and stories have no difficulty finding such talented individuals. In addition to the normal amount of grit received at the start of each day (as per the grit class feature described in Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat), a living legend gains a number of grit points equal to half his level. The maximum number of grit points a living legend may possess at any given moment is equal to his Wisdom modifier plus half his living legend level. Additionally, a character’s levels of living legend and gunslinger stack for the purposes of qualifying for deeds. Reputation (Ex): A living legend’s reputation is what distinguishes him from the average gunman or adventurer. At 1st level, a living legend gains a +1 bonus to all Intimidate or Diplomacy checks in which


he can impress someone with his reputation. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter to a maximum of +5 at 9th level. Additionally, at 5th level, a living legend gains an aura that reflects one part of his alignment. The player chooses which one of these auras the living legend possesses. Bonus Deeds: At second level and every two levels thereafter, the living legend gains one of the following bonus deeds. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all of the following deeds are usable at the level they are taken. Wind Storm (Su): A mysterious gust of wind suddenly kicks up dust and debris filling a 20ft. area within 100 feet of the living legend with refuse. Ranged attacks into or out of the wind storm have a 20% miss chance, and those moving through the area count as moving through difficult terrain. The cloud lingers for one round/living legend level. Using this ability is a move action that costs one grit point to use. Callin’ You Out (Ex): The living legend expends a grit point and declares one enemy as their chosen foe as a free action. The living legend and the subject of this ability receive a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half the living legend’s level. The effects of this ability stack when multiple living legends are facing each other. The subject of this ability takes a penalty to all attack and damage rolls not directed at the living legend for the duration of the fight. This ability lasts until the start of your next turn. Trick Shot (Ex): Skilled as they may be, ordinary gunslingers have nothing on the theatrical feats of gunmanship exhibited by living legends. For one

round per living legend level after the living legend activates this ability, he may make a disarm, sunder, or trip attempt at a range using a firearm. The living legend uses their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for determining their CMB for the purposes of disarm, sunder, and trip attempts made using a firearm. Activating this ability is a free action that costs one grit point to perform. Bite the Bullet (Ex): With lightning-fast reflexes, you dodge, catch, or otherwise defend against the projectile that nearly planted itself in your head. Select one enemy when you activate this ability. For one round/living legend level, ranged attacks from that enemy have a 50% chance of failing against you. Activating this ability is a swift action that costs one grit point to perform. Impossible Shot (Ex): Leveling your weapon and squinting into the sun’s glare, you take careful aim and make the shot that can only be made in stories. You gain a bonus equal to your living legend level on your next firearm attack roll or the next disarm, sunder, or trip attempt made using your firearm (see the trick shot bonus deed.) Activating this ability is a move action that costs 1 grit point to perform. You Feelin’ Lucky, Pardna’? (Su): The laws of physics and logic make an exception to allow you yet another moment of awesomeness. By spending a grit point, you may fire your weapon even if it’s empty. This deed may only be used once per combat.Story of a Gun (Su): Sometimes the legend of a warrior’s weapons grows right alongside the legend of the warrior himself. As a free action, the living legend


Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special

1st +1 +1 +1 +0 Legend in the Making, Reputation2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Bonus deed3rd +3 +2 +2 +1 Reputation4th +4 +2 +2 +1 Bonus deed5th +5 +3 +3 +2 Reputation6th +6 +3 +3 +2 Bonus deed7th +7 +4 +4 +2 Reputation8th +8 +4 +4 +3 Bonus deed9th +9 +5 +5 +3 Reputation10th +10 +5 +5 +3 Bonus deed, Into the Sunset



may give one firearm in his possession the distance, merciful, or seeking property for one round. This deed costs two grit points to activate.At 6th level, the living legend may also select anarchic, axiomatic, holy, unholy, or speed as the special ability for the weapon. Made of Tougher Stuff (Ex): Your ability to stomach things that would kill another man or live in deserts that would burn a rattle snake are legendary. As long as the living legend has at least one grit point, he gains a bonus to a single Fortitude save equal to half his living legend level. Into the Sunset: At 10th level, a living legend truly becomes a thing of myth. He is treated as a native outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the living legend’s creature type was) for the purposes of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the gunslinger regains one point of grit every hour up to his maximum number of grit points. Unlike other outsiders, the living legend can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type.

ELDRITCH ENGINEERA prestige class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying GameTo study either the arcane arts or the mysteries of modern technology is a sign of keen intellect. To study both and merge the two is a sign of brilliance. Eldritch engineers are obsessed with the mechanics of magic and technology. Through their zealous research and unique understanding of these disparate fields, eldritch engineers are able to combine physical and arcane constructs that are more impressive than the individual forces of magic or mechanics. It is thanks to the likes of the eldritch engineers that marvels like firearms exist, and their research is still advancing. Role: Being an eldritch engineer means you have a weapon for every occasion and the perfect bullet for every battle. An eldritch engineer might be anywhere on the battlefield; they can be in the thick of the fighting with a blunderbuss, to the roof of a nearby building witha rifle trained on the skull of an enemy bugbear. The only place an eldritch engineer doesn’t want to be is toe-to-toe with an enemy as they are not known

for their hardiness and their weapons of choice aren’t ideally suited to deal with close combat. Alignment: Eldritch engineers may be of any alignment. Some are disciplined and trace their roots to the academic study of magic and modern technology. Others are possessed of a natural wit that allows them to avoid explosive harm despite their reckless handling of magic and black powder. Hit Die: d8

REQUIREMENTS Base Attack Bonus: +5 Skills: Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks and Spellcraft 5 ranks Special: Access to the arcane pool and spellstrike class features and proficiency with at least one type of firearm.

Living Legend,Cynthia Eastwind


CLASS SKILLSThe eldritch engineer’s class skills are Craft (fire arms) (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex) Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

CLASS FEATURESThe following are class features of the eldritch engineer prestige class. Transmute Gun (Su): So well-versed are eldritch engineers in the arcane and technological arts that they can instantly reconstruct any firearm in their possession. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, the eldritch engineer may select one of the following forms: pistol, musket, blunderbuss, halflingquickshooter*, gnomish omnishot*. At 6th level, the eldritch engineer may also select a revolver, rifle, shotgun, or orcish rocket launcher* (Weapons with an asterisk next to their names are found in this book).As a free action, the eldritch engineer may spend a grit point to transmute one firearm in their possession in such a way as to change how it functions. A transmuted gun uses the weapon profile of one of your selected forms (chosen each time you use this ability) instead of its normal profile. Transmuted weapons retain their usual enchantments.An eldritch engineer is considered to be proficient with his own transmuted gun no matter the profile. He does not benefit from any feats that require the character be proficient with a certain type of weapon (such as weapon specialization) unless the eldritch engineer is also proficient with the

weapon whose profile his transmuted gun is using. Transmuted guns require ammunition appropriate for the weapon whose profile they are using (so a gun using the profile of an orcish rocket launcher still requires orcish rockets to use). This ability lasts for one round per level of eldritch engineer. This ability ceases to function if the gun leaves your possession. It reverts to its previous profile. Mystic Legend: Levels of magus and eldritch engineer stack for purposes of determining how many points a character has in their arcane pool (as per the magus class feature).Additionally, levels of gunslinger and eldritch engineer stack for purposes of determining what deeds a character has access to. Gun Combat (Ex): At 1st level,if the eldritch engineerhas the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, they suffer no penalty for wielding a firearm in their off-hand if they only make an attack with one of the weapons in a given round. This firearm is treated in a similar fashion to a natural weapon or unarmed strike when considered for feats like Two-Weapon Defense. Additionally, an eldritch engineer may be wielding a one-handed firearm instead of a melee weapon and still benefit from the spell combat class feature. Infuse Shot (Sp): At 3rd level, aneldritch engineer can infuse a projectile with arcane power allowing the eldritch engineer to deliver a spell as part of a firearm attack. This must be a damage dealing spell. Casting the spell is considered a part of the firearm attack (so the eldritch engineer may make additional attacks in the same round if their BAB is high enough.) If the firearm attack hits, the target takes damage from both


Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per day

1st +0 +1 +1 +0 Mystic Legend, Gun Combat

2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Transmute Gun +1 level of arcane spellcasting class3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 Infuse Shot4th +3 +2 +2 +1 Transmute Gun +1 level of arcane spellcasting class5th +3 +3 +3 +2 Way of the Gun6th +4 +3 +3 +2 Transmute Gun +1 level of arcane spellcasting class7th +5 +4 +4 +2 Spontaneous Explosion8th +6 +4 +4 +3 Transmute Gun +1 level of arcane spellcasting class9th +6 +5 +5 +3 Final Reserves10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Transmute Gun, Spell Gun +1 level of arcane spellcasting class



the firearm attack and the spell and must make saves against any additional effects the spell possesses. A spell that would affect an area only affects a single creature for the purposes of this ability. Way of the Gun (Ex): A number of times per day equal to their Wisdom modifier, when an eldritch engineer would regain a grit point, they may elect to gain a point to their arcane pool instead. This ability is gained at 5th level. Spontaneous Explosion (Sp): At 7th level, an eldritch engineer’s ability to understand and magically transmute weaponry extends beyond her firearms and to her ammunition itself. As a full-round action, the eldritch engineer may expend 2 doses of black powder to cast burning hand or 10 doses of black powder to cast fireball with a caster level equal to the eldritch engineer’s character level. Casting spells in this way does not use up any of the eldritch engineer’s spells per day. The eldritch engineer can do this a number of times per day equal to their Intelligence modifier. Final Reserves (Sp): At 9th level, an eldritch engineer may summon up the last of their skill and willpower to perform one final arcane feat. A number of times per day equal to their Wisdom modifier, a eldritch engineer may expend any remaining grit they possess (minimum of 1) to cast a single spell even if the eldritch engineer does not have any remaining spell slots or prepared spells. This spell can be any spell the eldritch engineer can normally cast. The eldritch engineer is considered fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level after casting the spell and may not regain grit for the same duration. Spell Gun: At 10th level, an eldritch engineer has truly mastered the fusion of technology and magic. As a full-round action, the eldritch engineer may expend one of their spell slots to create a pistol, musket, or blunderbuss with an enhancement bonus equal to half the level of the spell slot expended to use this ability. Guns created through the use of this ability do not require ammunition to fire (a blunderbuss created using this ability may fire a cone or a single shot each time it is fired at its wielder’s discretion.) Guns created through the use of this ability disappear after a number of rounds equal to the eldritch engineer’s character level.


Easy Grip Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with a type of firearm to which this feat applies, +6 BAB Benefit: You may wield a two-handed firearm in one hand without taking a penalty for doing so. Normal penalties for wielding two weapons still apply.

Inhuman Advance (Combat)With uncommon strength and careful handling of your weapon, you stalk forward as you fill the air with death. Prerequisite: Proficiency with the selected weapon, Str 15, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon. Benefit: You may move 5 ft. in a round in which you fire a single type of weapon (chosen when you take this feat) with the heavy special rule. If you have 10 or more hit dice, you may move at half your base speed in a round in which you fire your heavy weapon. Normal: Characters may not move during turns on which they fire a heavy weapon.

Racial Innovation Familiarity (Combat)While the maintenance of your weapon would be confounding to creatures less familiar with it, it’s only highly confusing to those whose kin helped build it. Prerequisite:The name of your race must be included in the name of the racial firearm to which this feat applies. Benefit: Select one racial firearm whose name includes the name of your race. An orc or half-orc, for instance, could apply this feat to an orcish portable cannon or orcish rocket launcher. You may treat the misfire chance of the selected weapon as one less than normal.

Rapid Setup (Combat)Your familiarity with large, cumbersome weapons allows you to set them up more quickly.


Prerequisite: Proficiency with gatling guns. Benefit: You may setup a gatling gun as a standard action. Normal: Setting up a gatling gun is normally a full-round action.

Reliable GunYou’ve invested time and attention into the maintenance of your weapon. It knows better than to fail the one who cares for it. Benefit: When your weapon would misfire, there is a 50% chance that it will instead fire normally.

Suppressive Fire(Combat)Your bullets fly through the air to discourage foes from attacking. Benefit: On a turn in which you are wielding a weapon loaded with more than one shot, you may declare that you are using this ability. You may not attack on a turn in which you use this ability. Until the start of your next turn, you threaten spaces up to 20 feet away with any firearm you are wielding for the purposes of provoking attacks of opportunity. Every attack of opportunity you make with your firearm when using this ability uses up two shots instead of one to represent the haphazard way in which you are firing.

Thundering Dragon Prerequisite: Weapon Focus with at least one type of firearm, Critical Focus, +9 BAB Benefit: If you critically hit an opponent with a firearm it lets out a cacophonous roar that can shake a man to his grave. The weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of sonic damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×4, add an extra 2d8 points of sonic damage instead. Subjects dealt critical hits by a character with this feat must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1d4 days.


Racial Firearms:The birth and spread of firearms has encouraged many of the more intelligent races to begin constructing their own versions of these weapons to suit their own unique styles of combat. Though these new forms of firearms are more advanced than older firearms, they are often more prone to breaking or jamming. Racial firearms count as advanced firearms as per the rules found in Pathfinder’s Ultimate Combat. Due to their rarity, these weapons tend to be more expensive as well. Despite having the names of races in their names, racial weapons never count as martial weapons for characters of that race. This rule may be lifted in campaign settings where firearms are widespread at the GM’s discretion. Dwarven Pistol: The enclosed caverns and tunnels in which the dwarven people dwell are ideal places to make use of the scattering fire of shotguns and their ilk. Putting their famed craftsman’s skill to work modifying a more traditional dragon pistol, the dwarves managed to create a weapon with the strength of a full-sized blunderbuss that can still be wielded in a single hand. Many dwarves take advantage of the ease with which a dwarven pistol can be wielded by carrying a trusty shield in their off-hand. A dwarven pistol fires in a 15 ft. cone when firing pellets and has a 10 ft. range increment when firing bullets. Elven Combat Rifle: By taking advantage of a loading system similar to the one found in the staccato pistol, wielders of elven combat rifles can make devastating firearm attacks and then disappear into cover or reload all within the span of a few seconds. Loading an elven combat rifle is a standard action for a character proficient with it and a move action if it being loaded with a paper cartridge or by a character with the Rapid Reload feat (if the feat was taken for an elven combat rifle.) Elven Hunting Rifle: Few know patience as well as the long-lived elves, and such patience can reward a careful gunman with a more lethal wound even at greater distances.


Weapon Name Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Misfire Capacity Weight Type Special

Firearms One-Handed

Dwarven Pistol 2,500 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 Special (10ft)

1 - 3 (10ft)

1 7lbs B & P Scatter


3,500 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/ x4

15ft 1 - 4 (5ft)

4 5lbs B & P

Elven StaccatoPistol

1,450 gp 1d6 1d8 x4 20ft 1 - 3 (5ft)

4 6lbs B & P


2,500 gp 1d6 1d8 x4 10ft radius

1 - 4 (5ft)

1 6lbs B & P

Gun Hammer 1,600 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 10ft 1 -2(5ft)

4 6lbs B & P

Two-HandedDragon’s Breath Cannon

700 gp see text see text x2 30ft line


6 14lbs Fire Dragon’s Breath

Elven Combat Rifle 2,300 gp 1d8 1d10 x4 80ft 1 - 3 (5ft)

1 12lbs B & P

Elven Hunting Rifle 2,200 gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/ x4

100ft 1 - 3 (5ft)

1 12lbs B & P Heavy

Gatling Gun 4,500 gp 1d8 2d6 x4 40ft 1 - 3 (5ft)

12 40lbs B & P Heavy

Gnomish Grenade Launcher

2,000 gp Special Special x2 60ft 1 - 4 (special)

1 10lbs Special Lobber

Gnomish Grenade 20 gp 1d8 1d8 x2 10ft 2lbs Fire

Orcish Portable Cannon

3,000 gp N/A 2d6 x4 80ft 1 - 4 (5ft)

1 50lbs B

Crude Cannonball 20 gp

Improvised Shot 5 cp N/A 1d10

Orcish Rocket Launcher

2,500 gp 1d10 1d12 x2 60ft 1 - 5 (10ft)

1 15lbs B & P Heavy

Orcish Rocket 50 gp

Non-FirearmsOne-HandedDragon’s Claw 150 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/

x24 3lbs S

Gun Gauntlet 525 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 1 10lbs B

Integrated Bayonet 15 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 1lb S & P

CHART 4-1: NEW WEAPONSAll weapons below are considered exotic weapons.


Elven Staccato Pistol: The elven people often find the arduous reloading process of firearms too slow and cumbersome to fit with their fast-paced fighting styles. To remedy this, the elves developed the staccato pistol, a one-handed firearm that can be loaded quickly from a special loading system on the side of the weapon. Loading an elven staccato pistol is a move action for a character proficient with it and a free action if it is being loaded with a paper cartridge or by a character with the Rapid Reload feat (if the feat was taken for an elven staccato pistol.) Gnomish Grenade Lobber: Akin to a portable catapult, a gnomish grenade lobber does not so much fire a projectile as launch a variety of weapons at enemies over greater distances. A gnomish grenade lobber may be loaded with thrown splash weapons such as alchemist’s fire or any other weapon that uses the thrown splash weapon rules as described in chapter 8 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Loading a gnomish grenade lobber is a move action. Alternatively, a gnomish grenade lobber may launch a volatile combination of black powder and alchemist’s fire known as a gnomish grenade (see the table above).

Gnomish Omnishot: The gnomes are a bizarre people, and their innovations with firearms have proven just as strange. A gnomish omnishot is composed of a series of chambers filled with black powder and pellets through a single opening at its “top”, and a cluster of short barrels extending from each chamber. Rather than aiming with a gnomish omnishot, a wielder simply lifts the weapon above their head and pulls the trigger causing pellets to fire in every direction except directly down (where the wielder stands.) When a character fires a gnomish omnishot, they make an attack roll against every creature within 10 ft. and deal damage normally against each target successfully hit. Gnomish omnishots can only be loaded with pellets.

Halfling Quickshooter: Invented for Halfling leaders possessing a fondness for swiftness or mounted combat but lacking the luxury of time to aim their shots, a Halfling quickshooter is essentially a cluster of four guns built together with a special grip and trigger system that allows the wielder to fire either a volley of shots or a single shot. This weapon’s hodgepodged design makes it notoriously unreliable, but the sheer volume of fire it can put out in a single attack increases the chances of the wielder striking something vital. When firing a Halfling quickshooter loaded with at least three shots, a player may choose to expend three shots instead of one. If they do so, they may roll two d20s for their attack roll and take the highest result. Orcish Portable Cannon: Though not known for their technological innovations, the booming destructive power of firearms has attracted the attention of even the orcs. Their firearms are often direct, brutal, and terrifyingly unsafe for both those being fired on and those doing the firing. Orcish portable cannons can fire crude cannonballs. If they use crude cannonballs, this weapon does not scatter.Portable cannons are capable of firing a wide variety of ammunition- even improvised ammunition in a pinch. Silverware, gravel, stones, bones, whatever is at hand can be fired from a portable cannon in a tight situation. Doing so uses the improvised shot profile and the misfire chance is increased by 2. This reduces the dice size for damage by one but makes it scatter.

Orcish Rocket Launcher: The fearsome projectiles launched by this unwieldy metal device consist of a cluster of arrows coated in tar and black powder, all loosely lashed to a series of crude explosives. The


explosives propel the arrows forward and in turn the arrows ignite and explode horrifically, often only after imbedding themselves in the chest of some unfortunate target. Any target hit by this weapon and all adjacent creatures take 1d6 fire damage (this is in addition to the damage dealt to the initial target by the rocket itself.)

Other New Weapons: Dragon’s Breath Cannon: This long, tube-like weapon is connected by a hose to a small container of liquid and an empty container. Using air pressure from the empty container, the dragon breath cannon can fire liquid up to a 30-foot line as a ranged touch attack. Creatures hit by a dragon’s breath cannon take 1d6 fire damage and are considered to be doused in dragon fire (as per the dragon fire rules below). The target may extinguish himself by making a DC 15 Reflex save as a full-round action, and will avoid taking damage for that turn. Completely immersing him in water or smothering

him still puts out the flames. Alternatively, dragon’s breath can be used to light one square within 30 feet on fire as a standard action by expending two shots. Reloading a dragon’s breath cannon is a standard action. Dragon’s Claw: This unusual weapon can best be described as a hook over a gauntlet with a hose attached to the back, connected to a container full of flammable liquid. When the user hits with an attack using this weapon, he may choose to expend one dose of the dragon fire contained within as a swift action to douse the target in dragon fire (as per the dragon fire rules below). Pulling the trigger as a swift action before making an attack during the round will expend one dose of dragon fire and cause the weapon to be covered

in flammable liquid, dealing an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with each successful attack during that round. If this weapon gains the broken condition, it can no longer light targets on fire or sheathe the blade in flame. Reloading a dragon’s claw is a standard action. Gatling Gun: A gatling gun takes time to setup and prepare to fire. Setting up a gatling gun is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once a gatling gun is set up, it may be picked up from the square it is in and moved, but doing so will require another full-round action to set up the weapon again. When a gatling gun is fired, it always fires three times regardless of the number of attacks the wielder has. The first, second, and third shots always suffer a -4, -6, and -8 penalty to hit respectively. Despite being a heavy weapon, a character may fire gatling gun in the same turn that they move provided the move action was used to get in position to fire the gatling gun. Gun Gauntlet: This heavy, metallic glove may at first appear to be a simple

o v e r s i z e d gauntlet or even a shield. Built into this device, however, a miniaturized version of a firearm attached precariously to the forward portion of the gun gauntlet. Though this weapon is awkward for most and puts harsh restrictions on a firearm’s capacity, many revel in this weapon’s brutal destructive power. A gun gauntlet is always created with a specific type of firearm built in. A firearm built into a gun gauntlet always has a capacity of 1 regardless of its type. A character wielding a gun gauntlet may use either its melee firearm or melee weapon profile (but not both) in a single turn. All ranged attacks using a gun gauntlet are at a -2 penalty. Additionally, on a successful critical hit with a gun gauntlet’s melee weapon profile,


a character may, as a free action, make an attack with its firearm profile which automatically hits. Gun Hammer: This odd weapon is a combination of a war hammer and a pistol. Several small firing chambers are contained in the head of the weapon, designed to be fired as it impacts a target. The wielder of the weapon can deal damage as with a normal war hammer, and may pull one or more triggers on the weapon at once as he makes an attack. The difficulty of pulling each trigger beyond the first gives a -2 penalty on the attack. Each gun fired along with the attack deals an extra 1d6 points of piercing and bludgeoning damage. This damage is added to the weapon’s base weapon damage (on a critical hit, the damage from the guns is multiplied by 2 as well). Alternatively, the gun hammer may be fired like a pistol at a -2 penalty, with a range increment of 10 feet. Integrated Bayonet: While the firepower offered by the mighty firearm is impressive, their experimental and often unreliable natures have left many gunmen looking for a more tried-and-true backup weapon. An integrated bayonet is a bladed weapon built into a firearm itself. Integrated bayonets are enchanted separately from the firearms they are attached to. A weapon with an integrated bayonet may use both the firearm’s profile and the integrated bayonet’s profile in the same round (but not as part of the same attack).

Gun Qualities and Special Materials: Alchemical Powder: Alchemical powder is a special blend of powder for use in powder kegs. Powder kegs prepared with alchemical powder do not cause creatures to be deafened, but the haze effect produced by the explosion lasts for 3 additional rounds. Alchemical powder is a variant of black powder and may therefore be used to fire a gun normally. A dose of alchemical powder requires 5 gp worth of raw materials and a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check to create. Cost: 15 gp per dose. Dragon’s Fire: This liquid explosive discharges with a loud crack and black smoke. It is usually carried in a sealed container, anything from a large wooden tube (Sometimes with a shape like a dragon’s head) to a ceramic container. Alchemists guard the secret to this weapon quite closely, enough so that should they die, their predecessors will only know how to make it

by memorization. In the days of early naval combat, this was a powerful weapon that could set entire fleets ablaze, burning the shipmen alive and striking fear into the unaccustomed foe.Dragon fire deals 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature covered in it or any creature occupying a square filled with dragon fire. Dragon fire covering a square spreads in a five foot radius. Creatures in areas covered in dragon fire must make a DC15 Reflex save or catch fire. Dragon fire is unique in that it cannot be put out by water. In fact, applying water to the flames causes them to intensify, increasing the fire damage dealt to any creatures affected by 1d6 (to a maximum of 2d6). This means dragon fire can burn on top of water. Dragon fire on water will move with the tide at a rate of 5 feet per round. Fast water can smother the dragon fire after one round of movement, but during that round it can move up to 15 feet, depending on the speed of the current. A minimum of 1 gallon of water must be dumped on the target increase the damage dealt, though dumping more than 1 gallon on deals no more damage.This liquid is quite versatile, and can be used in a variety of special inventions. Loading such weapons can be done with a grenade or tube of dragon fire. A grenade stores up to two doses of dragon fire, and a tube can store up to four. You may reload other weapons that use dragon fire by transferring the liquid from a grenade or tube to that weapon as a full-round action. Cost: 15 gp per dose. Smokeless Powder: Smokeless powder is a special substance blended for powder kegs. Smokeless powder kegs deal 1d6 more bludgeoning damage than normal explosive powder kegs but do not generate a haze effect. The save DC to avoid being deafened by a powder keg using smokeless powder is reduced by 4. Smokeless powder is a variant of black powder and may therefore be used to fire a gun normally. If a gun fired using smokeless powder misfires and becomes broken, the chance for the broken weapon to misfire only increases by 2 rather than 4. A dose of smokeless powder requires 12 gp worth of raw materials and a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check to create. Cost: 15 gp per dose. Wheellock: A gun with the wheellock


quality may be loaded with twice as many doses of blackpowder as is necessary for a shot. Shots loaded in this manner deal an extra 1d3 damage but deal a like amount of non-lethal damage to the wielder regardless of whether the attack hits or not. Only early firearms may possess the wheellock quality. Cost: 100 gp

HeavyCharacters may not move on a turn in which they fire a weapon with the heavy rule. They may take move-equivalent actions as normal but may not otherwise move.)

Other Items: Crackers: These simple explosives are made with sawdust and a small quantity of black powder. After being thrown or stamped upon, they make a loud crack which can be audible up to a quarter-mile away. Crackers are a simple toy for children, but in situations where the force of the detonation is restricted (such as inside a closed fist, a creature’s mouth or under a foot) the cracker may deal 1 point of damage. Cost: 1 gp each. Dragon Fire Grenade: A dragon fire grenade uses the rules for thrown splash weapons found in Chapter 8 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and causes the target or target square to be covered in dragon fire (as per the dragon fire rules found above). A dragon fire grenade weighs 5 lbs. and holds 2 doses of dragon fire. Cost: 30gp each. Dragon Fire Tube: This large wooden tube can spray a square within 20 feet as a ranged touch (AC

10) as a standard action. If hit, the target square is considered to be covered in dragon fire (as per the dragon fire rule found above.) A dragon fire tube weighs 5 lbs. and contains 4 doses of dragon fire. Cost: 60gp each. Fuse: A fuse is a small wick, like that of a candle, except soaked in a mixture of a flammable liquid and gunpowder. Fuses typically come in a roll of about 10 feet, although individual fuses are often available for about the same price as a tindertwig. Fuses are used to ignite a material at a distance, or to ignite the powder in primitive firearms. A fuse of about 6 inches burns in one round, and costs 1 gp. Therefore 5 feet of fuse burns in one minute. More advanced fuses that burn at a faster rate would cost double the normal price, but burn in half the time.Cost: 1 gp for 6 inch fuse, 20 gp for 10 feet of fuse, double for advanced fuses. Powder keg, explosive: Powder kegs are containers that contain black powder or possibly some kind of explosive alchemical substance. A small powder keg is typically a barrel or pot about 6 inches tall that weighs about 2 pounds. It can contain up to 10 doses of black powder. If it comes into contact with fire that deals at least one point of damage over its hardness (typically 5), it can explode. An explosion from a powder keg deals damage and affects an area based on its size and its spread. Naturally, these can be rigged to explode, typically with a very long fuse. Explosions from powder kegs deal damage that is half fire and half bludgeoning damage. The explosion has an inner radius where it deals normal damage, and an

Units of Blackpowder Damage Radius Save DC DeafenedRange Misfire Capacity

1 2d6 Outer 5 feet (no inner) 14 1 round

5 5d6 10 ft 16 1 round

10 8d6 15 ft 18 1d2 rounds Special (10ft)

1 - 3 (10ft) 1

15 12d6 20 ft 20 1d2 rounds 15ft 1 - 4 (5ft) 420 16d6 25 ft 22 1d4 rounds

30 20d6 30 ft 25 1d4+1 rounds

+10 +4d6 +5 ft +3, max 36 +1 rounds



outer radius where it deals half damage. These radii are usually of equivalent size. A successful Reflex save made by a creature with evasion causes them to take half damage if they were in the inner radius and no damage if they were in the outer radius of the explosion. A creature with improved evasion in the inner radius of an explosion instead completely avoids damage from the attack on a successful Reflex save, and takes half damage on a failure. Creatures without evasion cannot make Reflex saves against the inner radius of explosions, but can make a Reflex save against the outer radius for half damage. Any creature caught on the inner of the explosion must also make a Fortitude save of the same DC or be deafened for a number of rounds as shownon the Explosive Powder Table. Explosions with a radius larger than 10 ft. causes a haze to linger in the air where the inner radius was for 1 round providing creatures inside the cloud with concealment.For the purposes of the chart below, a unit is equal to 10 doses of black powder. You can fit up to 250 of these powder kegs into one 5 foot square, or their equivalent. A keg containing up to 8 units of powder is the largest unit that can normally be thrown. The keg has a range increment of 10 feet, and weighs 2 pounds per unit of powder inside it. Kegs not entirely filled with powder deal half their normal damage, as the space in the container absorbs much of the power of the explosion. Characters caught in multiple simultaneous explosions only make a single Reflex and Fortitude save against the highest DC of all of the explosions but still take damage from each individual explosion.See the explosive powder table below to calculate the amount of damage a given amount of explosive powder in a single square deals.Sapping:While explosives are quite expensive, they are invaluable for taking down structures. Explosives may be placed over a period of 1 minute with a DC 20 Knowledge (engineering) or Profession (engineer) check to deal double damage against a single object after its hardness is applied. Thus, a single keg of powder is unlikely to affect a door’s hinges at all, while five will almost certainly destroy them every time. When collapsing walls, use only the hp of the thickness of the wall, and half the wall’shp if the wall can be collapsed at a weak point or at its base below ground

(Weak points are sections of wall that have been reduced to half or fewer hitpoints). Engineers who destroy walls are known as sappers, and despite the dangers of the job (digging during a fight, using explosives underground) their actions can be invaluable on the battlefield.Shaped Explosions: Especially tight corridors can “shape” an explosion. If an explosive’s inner radius cannot expand to its full size on two opposite sides, increase its radius by 5 feet in the remaining area per 5 feet of radius lost to the enclosed space. If an explosive is cut off on an additional side, increase its radius by 5 feet in the remaining area per 10 feet lost to the additional side. Shrapnel: Small iron filings, nails or sharp stones may also be used as ingredients in the mixture, dealing 1d4 points of slashing damage in the area of the explosion per size of the explosive. Debris in the area, such as gravel or wood, may also have this effect. Armor may protect against this effect, reducing damage taken from the shrapnel by half for medium armor, and 75% reduced by heavy armor. A heavy shield blocks an additional 25% of the shrapnel.

While chapter 3 of Ultimate Combat provides some brief rules on powder kegs and their explosive potential, the rules found here allow for more detail and diversity. Therefore, while the default rules found in Ultimate Combat might fit better in a game where players don’t want to concern themselves with more complicated rules, the rules found here will provide more options that aren’t covered in Ultimate Combat.

Units of black powder Additional damage from shrapnel

1 1d45 2d4

10 3d415 4d420 5d430 6d4

+10 +1d4



Speedloaders: Speedloaders are relatively simple devices that allow gunmen to reload their weapons more quickly. A speedloader can only be used on one type of firearm and must be loaded with a number of shots equal to that weapon’s capacity in order to function. When a character reloads a one-handed firearm, they may use a loaded speedloader to load the firearm as though they possessed the rapid reload feat for that weapon. Speedloaders may only be purchased for advanced firearms. Warcrackers: This gunpowder is stored in a small tube with some adhesive, ready to blow once an end is struck. These can be thrown, causing 1d4 points of slashing and bludgeoning damage to a target on a ranged touch attack. Thrown warcrackers have a 10 foot range increment. Alternatively, weapons can have a single strike enhanced by warcrackers by tying them to the weapon or securing them there with some manner of adhesive. A weapon can have a maximum number of warcrackers tied to it depending on its type and size, as shown below:Light: 1 Thrown: 1One-handed: 1Two-handed: 2In addition, the weapon may be capable of holding more, depending on the type of damage it deals. Take only the highest bonus if a weapon has multiple damage types:Slashing: +0Piercing: +1Bludgeoning: +2A warcracker can only have one additional warcracker tied to it if it is used as a thrown weapon.When a foe is successfully struck, the attack deals an additional 1d4 points of slashing and bludgeoning damage equal to the number of warcrackers attached to the weapon. If done with a melee weapon, the wielder must immediately make a Strength check (DC 1+ 4 per warcracker attached) or lose hold of their weapon. If they lose hold of it, the weapon flies 5 feet in a random direction as though it was disarmed. The weapon flies an additional 5 feet per 5 by which the wielder failed to beat the Strength check. The wielder may choose to let go of his weapon, and in this case treat the result of his Strength check as a 0. If the wielder is wearing

a locked gauntlet or otherwise has his grip secured on his weapon and fails his Strength check, he instead takes nonlethal damage equal to the damage dealt by the warcrackers and takes a -4 penalty to his next attack during the round. Flexible weapons, such as flails or whips reduce the Strength DC to hold onto the weapon by 5. Cost: 5gp each.


ReinforcedAfter guns were invented, many saw the way they punched through armor, and forsook the stuff, deeming it useless, and spent their money instead on weaponry. Armorsmiths, not wanting their occupation to die out, came up with a solution. A secondary layer of armor beneath the first would stop bullets from striking their targets at close range, the first layer robbing the bullet of most of its force.Reinforced armor has a secondary layer of protective material beneath the first, serving to absorb more force from projectiles. The armor provides half its armor bonus, plus its full Enhancement bonus, if any, against firearms even if the firearm would normally target the wearer’s touch AC. This only applies to firearms that would target a creature’s touch AC do to being within a certain range increment and does not negate other effects that allow the firearm to target a creature’s touch AC. Reinforcing armor costs 300 gp. The armor’s weight is increased by 50%. Only masterwork armor may be reinforced.


Nemesis PistolsAura faint divination; CL 3rdSlot none; Price 6000gp; Weight 4lbs.Description

Nemesis pistols always come in a pair and are often used for duels between aristocrats. Functionally, nemesis pistols behave exactly like a pair of +1 pistols except that a creature wielding both pistols at once


takes a -2 to all attack rolls, and any attack rolls made with a nemesis pistol against a creature wielding the pistol’s opposite receives a +2 bonus and deals an additional 2d6 damage.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, true strikeCost 3000 gp

Black Powder BagAura faint conjuration; CL 3rdSlot none; Price 1500 gp; Weight 1lb.Description

This unremarkable bag is full to capacity with black powder. The bag contains 10 doses of black powder. Whenever the bag does not contain a full 10 doses of black powder, it will produce 1 dose of black powder each hour. Black powder removed from the black powder bag that created it will disappear after twelve hours.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation; Cost 750 gp

Oil of ImpactAura faint evocation; CL 5thSlot none; Price 500 gp; Weight-Description

This clear liquid is marked with a clear warning label, indicating it should not be heated or jostled. If rubbed on a weapon, that weapon radiates the barest warmth. When the weapon next strikes a target, the target takes an additional 3d6 points of fire and bludgeoning damage. If used with a melee weapon the impact deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage to the wielder when the weapon is used to strike a target. Hollowed out arrows or crossbow bolts are usually used to minimize risk to the wielder. A bullet from a firearm or sling deals only 2d6 additional points of damage, as most of the oil slides off during the projectile’s flight. If a person carrying oil of impact falls at least 30 feet or is lit on fire, the oil must make a DC 15 Reflex save or explode, dealing 3d6 points of fire and bludgeoning damage to him. All of the oil of impact on a person makes one collective save in such an instance.Construction

Requirements Brew Potion, fireball or searing light Cost 250 gp

Magic GunpowderSaid to be the invention of a mad enchanter, magical gunpowder uses the explosive force generated by the powder to fuel simple, often offensive effects. These magical effects happen during the same time that the gun is fired, unless otherwise noted. Such powder can have its effect added to that of a powder keg (see above), but the explosive must contain only one kind of magical gunpowder, else the dissonant energies of the conflicting magics shatter the simple magical effect much as a word or movement intended for casting another spell would stop a spell’s workings. A powder keg explosive must have at least one dose of the powder used in each keg involved in the explosion for the explosion to have the desired effect. The effects apply to all those targeted by blunderbusses and shotguns in a single shot. Each powder is priced for one dose.

Creating Magic Gunpowder: Magic gunpowder can be made by a character with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Incendiary PowderAura faint evocation; CL 1stSlot none; Price 50 gp; Weight –Description

This powder is usually bright red or white, and smells of sulfur. Attacks made with this powder deal 1 extra point of fire damage, and may ignite combustible materials targeted by the wielder. Powder kegs made using this powder light the inner radius of an explosion on fire for 1 minute, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature starting its turn in or entering those squares.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, burning hands; Cost 25 gp

Whirlwind PowderAura faint evocation; CL 3rdSlot none; Price 160 gp; Weight –



This powder is a gray-blue hue, and smells of salt and moisture, despite being quite dry. When fired, a blast of air rushes through the area. This wind can dispel gases, but is not strong enough to move any but the smallest of flying creatures. The square the attacker is standing in, as well as one square in front of him, becomes cleared of any gas or mist, except for extremely heavy gases such as solid fog. If loaded into a blunderbuss or shotgun, the effect occurs in the area of the attack instead. Swarms of creatures that are diminutive or smaller caught in the effect deal half damage in the affected squares. Ranged attacks passing through the affected squares take a -2 penalty to hit. Powder kegs made using this powder deal half normal damage, but create an area of intense wind equivalent to a wind wall spell in the inner radius and an effect like the one described above in the outer radius for 1d4 rounds.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind; Cost 80 gp

Bright PowderAura faint evocation; CL 3rdSlot none; Price 100 gp; Weight –Description

This powder produces a glowing flash from any bullet fired using it. Any target hit by a bullet using bright powder is illuminated by the glowing projectile for 1d4 rounds, or for 1 round when using a blunderbuss or shotgun, taking a -10 penalty on Stealth checks. The bullet sheds bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim light in a 10 foot radius. This illumination usually prevents targets from hiding using normal concealment from darkness or fog. The bullet can also be used to simply illuminate a distant area for a short time. On a critical hit with a bright powder projectile, targets must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round. Powder kegs made using bright powder illuminate the inner radius with bright light and the outer radius with dim light for 1 minute.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights or faerie fire; Cost 50gp

Smoke PowderAura faint conjuration; CL 3rdSlot none; Price 100 gp; Weight –Description

This powder generates a cloud of dust-colored, potent smelling smoke. Creatures struck by a bullet using smoke powder lose their scent ability for 1 round, and the square the creature stands in provides concealment for a like amount of time. In addition, he makes visual or scent based Perception checks at a -5 penalty during that round. Alternatively, this powder may be fired without any shot from a blunderbuss or shotgun, creating the same effect in the area of the scatter cone for 1 rounds. Powder kegs made with smoke powder deal the same amount of damage, but the smoke that remains in the inner radius provides total concealment for 1 round, and then provides concealment for 1 round afterwards. If the explosion would normally be too small to provide smoke, the inner radius provides concealment for 1 round.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, obscuring mist; Cost 50 gp

Snaprock PowderAura faint abjuration; CL 5thSlot none; Price 160 gp; Weight –Description

Made from mostly petrified charcoal, snaprock powder can only be loaded into a blunderbuss or shotgun using shot. Within the area of the attack, the snaprocks scatter to the ground, and are armed with the explosive energy of the guns. Creatures moving through the area during the round after the snaprocks have been shot take 1d4 points of damage per square they travel through as the snaprocks explode. Powder kegs containing snaprocks use the rules for shrapnel, except that armor or shields do not protect the creatures inside either radius, and the inner radius has the effect of agun shotusingsnaprocks for 1 round.Construction

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, exploding runes; Cost 80 gp



Explosive PistolAura faint evocation CL 3rdSlot none; Weight 4lbs.Description

This pistol seems unremarkable in every way except that it tends to make clicking noises at random intervals as though some bit of machinery in the gun were realigning itself. An explosive pistol behaves like an ordinary pistol except that its base misfire range is doubled, and it always explodes when it misfires as though it were broken. An explosive pistol is never destroyed by a misfire.Creation

Magic Items any magical pistol

False Powder BagAura faint conjuration CL 3rdSlot none; Weight 1lb.Description

This item resembles a black powder bag in every way except that a thin layer of chalky dust lines its interior. The powder this bag creates is of low-quality and often unusable. Shots loaded with black powder from a false powder bag have a 50% chance of not firing.Construction

Magic Items black powder bag


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