Together We (7 MB)

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We become Masons because we are called to be part of something bigger. In California, I am proud to say that we act on that calling. Lodge by lodge, brother by brother, we work together to build a better future. In doing so, we better ourselves.

This annual report for 2010-11 is a testament to that fact. Every charitable dollar, every innovative program, every story of relief is a credit to what happens when good men work together.

Frank LouiGrand Master 2011 - 2012

*July 1, 2010 – October 31, 2011


Masonry is alive and well in California.

Our 332 degree-conferring lodges conferred more than 4,700 degrees this year, extending our record growth from the past few years. We raised the most Master Masons in more than 20 years.

We’re seeing a new breed of Masons come in. These are men clamoring for more: They want more knowledge about Masonry. They want to be more involved. And we’re rising to the challenge with more lodge programs and an ambitious strategic plan.

This year, we finalized our 2010-2015 strategic plan and began making great strides in its five priority areas. If we stay the course, we are right on track to achieve our goals.

This year exceeded my expectations in many ways, but none more so than seeing brethren and lodges come together for By Your Side, our project to put more oncology nurses into California medical centers. You showed the world what this

fraternity is capable of when we work together. Eighty percent of California lodges contributed – far and away, the highest participation we’ve ever had for a Grand Master’s Project. Beyond generous financial contributions, lodges planned community events to promote cancer awareness and honor cancer patients.

Because of the way you pulled together, California will gain 50 more oncology nurses this year – and the program is not over. The nurses we help certify will touch the lives of thousands of cancer patients and their families.

As Masons, we often talk about making the world a better place. This year, we did that – together.

William J. Bray IIIGrand Master 2010-11



For the first time in 30 years, we ended the year with more lodges than we began, adding Prometheus No. 851, Paideia No. 852, General Douglas MacArthur No. 853, and Golden Compasses Research Lodge, UD, to our roster.


Measuring Growth1,402 Number of Master Masons raised

Highest number since 1988

4,749 Number of total degrees performed Highest number since 1988

13.85 Average number of degrees performed by lodge Highest average since 1978

858 Members suspended for non-payment of dues Lowest number since 1952

New Masonic AssistanceFebruary marked a new chapter in California Masonry’s long history of serving children: the opening of the Masonic Center for Youth and Families (MCYAF). The center focuses on helping children age 4 to 17 who struggle with behavioral, academic, emotional, or social difficulties.

TOGETHER WE ACHIEVENew retreat structureIn line with the strategic plan initiatives of educating and engaging members, the leadership retreats have been restructured to address teams of lodge leaders. Secretaries and treasurers attend together, as do masters and wardens. The new structure enables lodges to achieve continuity in leadership and vision. Expanding connections The Masons of California Facebook page has continued to grow as a forum, connecting brethren, family, and friends in California and around the world. At present, the page reaches an audience of more than 9,000 “fans.”

The California Freemason magazine app was one of our publisher’s most popularly downloaded non-profit apps of the year with subscribers throughout the world.

After just one year, the Masons of California YouTube channel has had its video clips viewed more than 7,500 times.

Excellence awardsCalifornia Freemason magazine won one silver and two bronze EXCEL awards for magazine redesign and general excellence. Additionally, California Freemason magazine received silver in the media innovation category for its mobile application.


In almost every household in America, someone is battling cancer, or loves someone who is. Men have a one in two lifetime risk of developing some form of the disease. For women, it’s one in three. In California alone, 1.2 million people today are battling a current cancer diagnosis, or remain on guard from a previous diagnosis.

Miranda Kramer knows these individuals. As a nurse, part of her job is to care for breast cancer patients in their homes.

“I can’t tell you the gratitude I hear from patients,” says Kramer, who is also an assistant clinical professor and doctoral student of physiological nursing at the University of California, San Francisco. “They feel that someone is really caring for them, checking in on them.”

“Cancer can be a scary thing. Nurses are the ones who are right there at the bedside, going through the experience with them,” Kramer adds. “There are very few jobs where you have such an intimate, life or death connection with people. Hopefully we can make the experience less scary.”

In a family’s battle against cancer, one of the greatest comforts is care from an oncology certified nurse. Armed with the latest knowledge and tools about cancer, these cancer nursing specialists make a difference in every aspect of a patient’s treatment: pain management, understanding symptoms, counseling loved ones.

That was the inspiration for By Your Side, the 2010-2011 Grand Master’s Project. Thanks to the overwhelming support of California lodges, By Your Side is putting more oncology certified nurses like Kramer in California’s medical centers. In doing so, the project is helping to bring the best nursing care to cancer patients and their families.

Through By Your Side, the Masons of California will sponsor oncology certifications for hundreds of nurses in California’s hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. Those nurses will provide comfort and hope to families throughout the state.

“Somewhere in the care of every cancer patient, an oncology nurse has made an indelible impression,” Kramer says. “And each individual nurse will interact with hundreds of patients per year – if not thousands.”


By Your Side, the 2010-2011 Grand Master’s Project, was created to bring the best nursing care to cancer patients and their families in California. Building on the fraternity’s partnership with the Association of California Nurse Leaders, the project will increase the total number of oncology certified nurses in California by more than 20 percent.

Thanks to a record 80-percent participation by California lodges, the project has raised more than $430,000, which will certify hundreds of oncology nurses in the state. Going forward, a permanent fund will provide funding for 12 to 15 additional nurses each year.


When Alex* first walked into the Masonic Center for Youth and Families (MCYAF), he was anxious, frustrated, and about to be kicked out of school – but you wouldn’t know it to look at him. A sweet, smiling 11-year-old, he curled up quietly in a waiting room chair.

His teachers had seen a different child: short-tempered and uncooperative. They concluded that he had attention deficit disorder and needed medication. Alex’s parents, recently divorced, thought it was the wrong diagnosis, but they didn’t know what might be the right one – until they called MCYAF.

The MCYAF team led Alex and his parents through an in-depth assessment process. They interviewed Alex’s teachers, Boy Scouts leader, and babysitter. They tested his cognitive abilities. They worked on ink blot tests to help him describe his feelings.

“The philosophy here is to embrace people in their full complexity, rather than trying to narrow things down to one label or diagnosis,” says Dr. Jack Fahy, MCYAF assessment psychologist.


Fahy found that Alex was extraordinarily bright – so much so that, until recently, he had been able to compensate for a serious auditory processing disorder. In places with a lot of noise, he might only understand two out of every five words spoken. It explained the odd behavior in school. To complicate matters, Alex was worried about the tension he’d noticed at home. Even in the midst of divorce, his parents had insisted that nothing was wrong. He knew something was making them unhappy, and he thought it might be his fault.

Before any kind of treatment had begun, Alex was starting to feel better. For the first time in a long time, he felt like someone understood him. He was better able to understand himself.

Thanks to MCYAF’s comprehensive approach, Alex’s family is now addressing his learning disorder, and working with a family therapist to talk honestly about the divorce.

“People, especially children, can be saddled by burdens of difficult behaviors and emotions,” Fahy says. “By trying to understand them fully, we can lighten their burden. We can help them be who they are supposed to be. I think that’s in line with the Masons’ philosophy to improve yourself and your community.”

*Name and identifying information have been changed to protect patient privacy and maintain confidentiality.

MCYAF opened in February 2011 as an expansion of the fraternity’s commitment to serve children in a needed, meaningful, and innovative way.

The center, located in San Francisco, serves youth ages 4 to 17 struggling with behavioral, academic, emotional, or social difficulties. The program model is based on research and

recommendations from some of the world’s finest youth psychological centers, including the Anna Freud Centre in London.

MCYAF brings together great minds in every aspect of youth psychology, and enables them to collaborate to a degree that is almost unheard of elsewhere in the United States.


If Nikia Durgin’s teachers hadn’t believed in her, she might not have succeeded in school despite overwhelming hardships at home. If she hadn’t believed in herself, she might not have had the courage to graduate.

But if the Masons of California hadn’t believed in Durgin, she wouldn’t have a chance at the college degree – and the life – that she’s been fighting for.

Growing up, Durgin’s home was often two suitcases and a backpack stowed in the corner of a shelter. At age 14, she volunteered herself for foster care to get away from her mother’s crack cocaine addiction. When Durgin became pregnant she transferred to a school for teenage mothers in order to complete her education. (Most teenage parents – nearly 60 percent – drop out of high school.)

Thanks to a new scholarship from the California Masonic Foundation, Durgin’s tenacity has paid off. Today, she is a student at City College of San Francisco, with the hopes of transferring to a four-year university.

For Durgin, 18, college isn’t just a place to pursue her interest in political science and creative writing. It’s a chance at a better future than the one modeled by her mother, and to give her two-year-old son the kind of stability she never enjoyed.

“I look at people my age who haven’t had the speed bumps I have and I really feel at a disadvantage,” Durgin says. “I don’t want my son to feel that way.”

The Investment in Success scholarship is giving her that chance. The Foundation awarded the scholarships for the first time in 2011 as part of a larger commitment to improve public education in California.

A high school history teacher recommended Durgin, praising her initiative and extraordinary strength of character – qualities that may be less easily measured than GPA, but can be more important for long-term success. The scholarship was created for exactly this type of student.

“I applied for a lot of scholarships and I got a lot of rejections,” Durgin says. “Except for the Investment in Success scholarship, no one considers helping people who have potential but don’t have the grades through their whole academic lives. If they did, maybe they would inspire more young people like me to go to school.”


Investment in Success is a new scholarship program of the California Masonic Foundation, awarded to students who demonstrate an active pursuit of education in spite of hardships.

Although these students may not fit the traditional profile of a high academic performer, they are recommended by principals, teachers, and guidance counselors for

demonstrating great character and drive. Often, they are juggling school with immense challenges at home.

The first Investment in Success awards were made to California students in spring 2011. For most of these students, it was the first public expression of support for their extraordinary efforts and scholastic potential.


With Masonic Assistance827 Masons, their wives, families, and widows received

fraternal support and services 392 Masonic Outreach Services clients 118 for Family Outreach services 274 for Senior Outreach services 414 Masonic Homes of California residents 21 Masonic Center for Youth and Families clients


Our Masonic family

4,749 degrees conferred 1,947 Entered Apprentice 1,400 Fellow Craft 1,402 Master Mason

1,315 members and ladies participated in leadership training

120 Inspectors Retreats 391 Secretaries Retreats 527 Wardens Retreats 119 Lodge Management Certification Program (LMCP) 158 online LMCP and Lodge Audit courses

251 members attended Masonic education programming 181 Annual Masonic Symposium 70 UCLA summer history courses

Our communities86 students received scholarships 70 from California Masonic Foundation 16 from Masonic Homes of California

6 Number of Masons4Mitts teams who participated in this year’s program

2,587 Number of mitts – emblazoned with the Masons of California logo – distributed to at-risk youth through the San Francisco Giants’ Junior Giants program

161 Number of Masonic Homes residents from Covina and Union City who volunteered their time last year44,444 Number of hours these residents



Through the great generosity of members and other donors over the years and the extremely efficient administration of resources by the Grand Lodge of California, our fraternity is in a sound financial position and growing, in spite of the challenging times of recent years.

The Grand Lodge of California consists of seven separate legal entities, each governed by a separate board of trustees. For the dual benefits of cost savings and efficiency, the Grand Lodge office provides centralized business and support services to our related entities. These include administration, finance, information technology, human resources, philanthropy, and communication under the leadership of the Grand Secretary. In addition, committees staffed by volunteer members, each with specialized experience and skill sets, provide oversight in the areas of investments, insurance, auditing, retirement plans, and finance.

The business operation at the Grand Lodge office is extremely well organized, planned, and administered. Forward-looking plans and budgets are set by each entity well in advance

and closely monitored by their respective boards. The result is a tight ship that focuses on the financial performance of each entity compared to the budget. This degree of close monitoring often results in a better-than-budget performance.

Even during the best of economic times, all the entities have budgeted tightly, managed efficiently, and monitored closely. The benefit of that culture is that the organizations remain in sound financial condition. While other organizations, for-profit and not-for-profit alike, are slashing expenses, curtailing programs and services, laying off employees, and even going under, the Grand Lodge and its related entities have continued to provide the expected level of services and programs with no economic-induced employee layoffs. The Masonic Homes of California continues to retain its AA credit rating by both Standard and Poors and Fitch.

Much of the budgeting is based on the use of rolling averages. This has helped to ease the effect of the economic downturn due to the healthy years preceding the recession. However, in the next several years, as the rolling averages lose those good years, the difficult years will have a larger impact on future budgeting.

One can be confident that this organization will continue to apply those same sound management principles and will stay financially healthy in the future.

Glen D. Woody



Throughout the economic downturn and in its aftermath, Grand Lodge and its related entities have continued to provide the expected level of services and programs with no economically induced employee layoffs.


$ 9,357,651 was generously contributed by more than 6,500 California fraternal family members

$ 590,964 to the Annual Fund to support Masonic Outreach Services and public education

$7,967,578 in Wills and Bequests

$ 285,000 in Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts

$ 430,826 to Grand Master Bill Bray and Linda Bray’s Project: By Your Side

$ 31,543 to disaster relief

$ 51,740 to Masons4Mitts


$43,835,000 for fraternal support and care

$ 36,274,000 to operate Masonic Homes of California (Union City and Covina combined)$ 4,376,000 to provide Masonic Senior Outreach services$ 770,000 to provide Masonic Family Outreach services$ 2,245,000 to operate MCYAF

$ 1,263,500 for education and Masonic leader development

$ 923,000 for scholarships and youth order leadership grants$ 707,000 California Masonic Foundation scholarships$ 170,000 Masonic Homes of California scholarships$ 14,000 Lodge-administrated scholarships$ 32,000 California Masonic Foundation leadership grants to youth orders

$ 81,000 in support of health care and nursing education

$ 249,000 for Masonic education and leadership development

$ 10,500 in support of public education$ 5,500 gifts at Cornerstone events at schools or education centers$ 5,000 California Teacher of the Year awards




Masonry in California is more relevant and respected today than in recent decades, a direct effect of the work we’re doing in our communities.

Through the work of the California Masonic Foundation and new, member-led community advisory councils, we are mobilizing our communities in support of public schools. Through our partnership with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), we are advancing the study and understanding of Freemasonry not only in the field of academia, but also among the general public: Thanks to our patronage, UCLA now offers several undergraduate courses on the history of Masonry, as well as public versions throughout the state. Our third year of Masons4Mitts was our most successful yet, raising more than $51,000 for underprivileged youth in the Junior Giants program.

In these ways, and many more, we are reclaiming a leadership role in our communities.


At the same time, we remain committed to doing more for our members. This year we introduced a new treasurers’ component to our leadership retreats, and laid the groundwork for new Masonic education resources for lodges. We opened the Masonic Center for Youth and Families, setting a new precedent in the field of youth psychology – but just as importantly, providing critical services for our members and their children.

The complete list of this year’s accomplishments, pages 4-5, shows a duality that befits Masonry: We’re doing a good job of looking inward to member needs while reaching outward to our communities.

Beginning in spring 2010, more than 3,500 members participated in our fraternity’s first collaborative strategic planning process. It was an opportunity for reflection; a chance to ask ourselves who we are in the 21st century and what our goals are for the future. As we complete our first full year under the 2010-2015 strategic plan, we are positioned to make a profound difference – in our lodges, in our communities, and within ourselves.

Allan L. Casalou

Philanthropy has been a tradition for California Masons for more than 160 years. In order to live out our enduring tenets of brotherly love and relief, we raise funds from within the fraternity to support those programs to which we have dedicated ourselves.

Thank you to the more than 4,000 California Masons as well as the many lodges and Masonic organizations for your generous contributions. While space does not allow us to list all donors, please know we are grateful for all contributions.


This Annual Report to Members recognizes donations during the period November 1, 2010 through October 31, 2011.

Gifts by IndividualsNearly 1,000 California Masons made a charitable gift of $161 or more to Masonic causes. The $161 Anniversary Level of giving represents one dollar for each year of Masonry in California and celebrates our long history of relief and charity. We thank all who generously gave individual gifts.

Italics: Grand Master Circle level donor for three consecutive years

Gold Grand Master Circle $5,000 and upFlora I. BensonRichard F. DavisR. Stephen DoanFrank A. NorellAli Razi

Silver Grand Master Circle $2,500 to $4,999William J. Bray IIIImogene W. FriedrichFrank LouiThomas A. SchifferGary A. YanesStanley D. Zemansky

continued page 21



Grand Master Circle $1,000 to $2,499

Nicholas E. AbreuLarry L. AdamsonRichard G. AndersonJames P. ArnoldJohn J. BauerMark S. BerasleyBrian P. BeznerFrancis M. Bishop Jr.Warren J. BlomsethWilliam L. BryanRussell E. CharvoniaEsley C. CloonanHenry W. Coil Jr.Gerald ColombiJohn L. & Heather Cooper IIIRichard F. DavisWalter S. DillDaniel L. DoornbosClifford F. EvansThomas E. FanslowLeonard B. & Susan FroominDaniel E. GibsonGlen E. GuttormsenJ. Kern HamiltonThomas R. HandellCharles L. HarrisonJohn W. HaysPaul D. HennigM. William Holsinger

Richard W. HopperHugh T. HoskinsDarrel E. HunterLester R. IrvinDouglas D. IsmailCharles S. JacobsRussell M. JaegerDavid D. JohnsonRobert L. JonesRaymond H. KayEdward A.KingFranklin R. LeeRobert M. LeeWilliam T. LemondHarry J. LerwillEdmond M. LimMitchell O. LocksJoseph D. London John F. LoweHarold A. MacyJack B. McEnterferWessel J. MindermannManuel D. MorrisPhillip E. MosseyMerlin T. MurphyKenneth G. NagelMichael D. NebenFelix A. NordykeMichael J. PearceTuoc K. PhamHenry L. PohndorfHarold K. Porter Jr.

Mark E. PresseyJohn F. RiblettCurtis R. RobbinsStephen A. RollerArthur L. Salazar Jr.Ronald E. SaldaHarry E. SchnepfJohn R. ShoreRobert L. Sills Frederick L. & Marlene SorsabalThomas A. SpencerFrederick M. StevensDavid W. StudleyKhalil H. SweidyAlexander J. TeodoroIon H. VasilescuLynn R. WallingfordRobert S. WatanabeArthur H. WeissCharles F. WellingC. Ray WhitakerGlenn D. WoodyGlen A. WorrellWilliam D. Zanker

Advocate of Masonic Philanthropy $500 to $999

James F. AbrahamThomas T. AlbersMarvin R. Andrews

Leo W. AnselmHarry W. AshtonEugene D. AylesworthByron E. BassettRudolph H. BauerChris A. BeckmanDonald E. BennettGeorge M. Brown IIIDavid H. BurtonAllan L. CasalouDavid L. ChesebroJames A. ChinnRobert N. ChittendenHerbert O. ChristopherJack ChudleyAntonio G. Cimarra Jr.Jason M. CochranThomas D. ConklinMichael J. CornellMax F. del HierroKenneth K. DenioSteven L. EberhardtThomas EllisonWilliam C. Eshleman Jr.Nabil I FadelDavid W. FiddlerMichael J. FrankSamuel F. GalatiotoRichard P. GentschelRobert C. GillDavid H. GladdingSam N. Gordon

Philip C. HarrisRichard E. HatchettHugh E. Haven Jr.Michael T. HerronHarvey G. Hopkins IIJay A. JenningsRoy R. Kimbel Jr.Kenneth R. KolchierJames A. KurupasRuno J. LemmingRay W. LenauRalph N. LipscombMark E. LitherlandM. David Mac Callum Jr.Timothy S. MaherRobert M. MahrMichael MalkovichHarry L. MaynardDonald B. Mc CawKenneth W. MillerJoseph A. MontoJohn M. MorrisonWilliam H. MyersDouglas W. NorenFloyd R. OrrJeffery C. PappJohn E. PatronasJoseph J. PerrigoueJohn A. PiferAndrew B. PippinRoy R. PoolMichael P. Quinn

John K. RoeJack M. RoseChristopher G. RussellA. Raymond Schmalz Larry L SchmidtRobert E. ScottWeldon W. Seegers John R. ShafferDavid B. SkipworthMilton M. SmallFranklyn W. SpencerLoyal L. StarkMelvyn B. SteinKraig StockardSebastien L. TaveauFrederick J. VottoDale R. VrsalovichJoe R. WhiteJoseph M. WisemanRichard O. Wright

Sustainer of Masonic Philanthropy $300 to $499

William H. Adam John B. AdamsJohn AllenThomas A. AshbrookRobert W. AtkinsonEdward AvetisianJohn N. Baker

Cornerstone SocietyA planned gift to the Masonic Homes of California or the California Masonic Foundation is a way of ensuring the continuation of fraternal support and relief for future generations. The Cornerstone Society celebrates the legacy of donors to California Masonic philanthropies who have chosen to provide for the future through their charitable estates. We are grateful for their support.

Italics: Deceased

Founding MembersKaren Joe Abbott, in loving memory of Charles Gordon AbbottWilbert “Bill” AdamsLarry and Lynn AdamsonThomas T. AlbersWarren J. Blomseth, PGMJohn F. and Francene C. BurgessJohn L. and Heather CooperDavid and Nancy DeckerGeorge L. GeanoulisMark N. GibsonAllen and Clara GreshamJack E. HarrierRoy J. HenvilleM. William and L. Jean HolsingerDavid D. and Nora E. JohnsonHoward D. KirkpatrickJack R. LevittJohn Frederick LoweKenneth L. MiltimoreKenneth G. and Kathy NagelMichael D. and Myra E. NebenErik E. PetersonMark and Beth PresseyDavid M. ShullFred and Marlene Sorsabal(Sorsabal Family Trust)

Melvyn B. SteinJoe F. and Helen C. StormentMyron A. TisdelFrank J. VaughnFrederich J. and Ethel E. WentzWilliam D. WestJerry and Norma WohlfarthGary and Deann Yanes

MembersAnonymous (3)Jean A. and Janice AbadieCharles H. and Greta P. AlexanderMarvin R. Andrews, PMJon D. ArmantroutJohn Balmer and Judith MarshallJames and Jennifer BantaGilbert and Helen BarrMichael and Debbie BearMaurice and Olga BernardLilly S. BirchenallGeorge M. BlissGordon A. BoggsEdward R. and Carmen M. BoitanoLucien A. BoneGeorge E. and Bernice BowserSarah Bradbury

Michael and Patricia BrownVinton A. BuffenbargerCharles BurkhalterJames Mason BuschJames A. CarterAllan CasalouHilda Chapman, in loving memory of James M. ChapmanGary CharlandRuss and Linda CharvoniaCharles CockeyMaury and Miriam CohnSally Stokes Cole, in loving memory of Roger StokesS. J. ColleyRichard and Jacqueline ComrasEdward F. and Juanita CookAlex Rex CooperMichael and Norma CornellDavid and Henrietta CrawfordWilliam CunninghamW. Vincent DilworthLawrence K. DinsdaleZelma June Friar and Harold B. FriarRobert GainesRoland R. GhazalRobert J. GibsonRobert L. Golden

John and Anne GoliaAlvin GorenbeinRobert and Elva GreenGlen GuttormsenCharles GuysonJay and Betty HansenJack E. HarrierGeorge W. and Catherine M. HelingRobert L. and Wilma HobbsWilliam Hockenberry, Jr.Merle and Helen HoughJoe Edward HuskinsDr. Robert and Dr. Louise HutchinsonRick HutchinsonPhillip JohnsonJames L. JonesRichard A. and Pamela S. KelloggAlbert B. KliseJay and Karen KrumholtzTimothy and Julie KuzelkaLeland H. LakeFred M. LarmieRobert L. and Patricia A. LehowWilliam Thomas and June Marie Lewis lllIan and Jane LintonPerry B. LivingstonRussell LoganAlbert Lond

Jarvis H. and Helyn LuechauerMelvin and Marilyn MagnetRobert LeRoy MankinHarry L. Maynard, PGM andCarolyn J. MaynardDonald B. Mc CannJack and Scottie McEnterferDusan MisitaJoseph MurdockMelville Nahin, PGM and Alice H. NahinRobert M. O’NeillGlen and Kathleen PatmoreGerald and Marion PetersGary L. PetersonMichael S. Potopea lllRoger L. Poynts and Nancy L. ChristmanMr. and Mrs. Robert C. PriceIrwin M. and Shirley RandolphBessie Konechney ReedWalter and Nancy RingwaldLeland and Gertrude RobertsLouis and Marie RusconiJohn A. and Mary SchardeinRobert Allen ScottJoseph and Dorothy SeckelmannEvelyn Hamil Shopp, in loving memory of William Hershey ShoppRobert L. Sill

William B. SimpsonGeorge T. and Judy D. SluderStephen and Marjorie SmithEugene SpencerAUS Ret. Major Thomas A. SpencerRoy Ellis SteinfeldElwin O. and Terry J. Studebaker, Jr.Eugene SwackerCharles T. Sweet and Shelia A. SweetBarbara M. and Clifford C. TopliffRobert F. TurneyGordon M. Van SanfordFrank J. VaughnVincent A. and Betty J. VerlodGeorge R. Von ArxBuckley and Thelma WalshReino I. WantinNorman R. and Nancy WebbAlvin J. Weis, PGMLloyd Jay WestBeth WentzJ. Ronald WhiteDavid and Eleanor WilliamsJeff and Marianne WintersArthur Ross Zuest

HONOR ROLL OF DONORSGifts by Individuals continued


Russell L. BaldaufJames E. & Jennifer BantaWilliam T. BatheJeffrey L. BearJack A. BeaverVassil J. BebelekovRoss R. BennLawrence BennettWilliam H. BennettRobert A. BergThomas A. BergevinJohn D. BeringerIrvin D. BlumeJack BrazellKenneth L. BreedingRaymond E. BrunkGilbert O. CabreraDavid A. ChernikWilliam S. CoburnKendall C. ColeDonald V. Colucci Sr.Anil A. ComeloPeter L. CunninghamRalph B. DashDouglas L. Davis Jr.Lawrence E. Di GiacomoJon A. DonoghueRandy R. DowneyHarold D. DunkinWilliam H. EisleyMarvin L. EnsGilbert C. Estrada

Earl G. FiscaliniHayward FongAnthony W. FoxAdolph B. FraysherRichard C. GeorgeCharles H. GivensDavid A. GoodmanSamuel HarmatzPaul H. HaynesJohn H. HerrickTheodore R. HohlJohn D. HollandPeter J. HollowayMarvin D. HudsonCline “Cub” Jack Jr.Ross A. JonesJohn H. KalivodaTheodore T. KitamuraJames S. KonturRobert E. LambertRicky L. LawlerJohn C. LemieuxRobert W. LoganAra MaloyanWilliam E. MangumDon L. MarchmanArmen MardirousiGerald D. MasseyMichaiah M. Mc CollumGeorge K. Mc KiernanDonald G. Mc MorranDan R. Mc Quitty

Mark J. McCormickLester W. MillerKendall R. MillsJames R. MorrisRichard N. MosemanDonald E. MyersRaul R. NadresMark J. NeimanRobert R. NelsonRobert L. NicholsNicholas E. NicolettiKenneth C. OwenJ. Richard PearceGary S. PeeryDonald A. PelegrinoLyman C. PenningMarshal M. PettyWesley G. PreshoDavid P. PriceW. Bruce PruittDouglas J. RaderWilliam RathmannRobert M. Ray Jr.Aaron S. ReddochDavid L. RevelsHans L. RichterWalter R. RingwaldPaul D. RosenbergerWallace F. RowleyRobert RudolphStephen W. SaraccoRonald R. Savage

Herman A. SchindlerLewis R. SchmidMichael R. SchmittDaniel J. SeidnerLawrence H. ShaneEarl L. ShermanAlbert M. Shifberg-MencherFranklin H. ShoffnerJames E. SimsGlenn B. SoelbergDomingo R. SolaClarence L. SoongSalem SpitzJohn J. SpolsdoffHarry A. SteffanJames M. SteinbergSteven A. SternsMichael W. StovallMichael J. TitusJohn P. ValenticCleveland ValreyCharles F. VorbachJimmie C. WaldonReino I. WantinKirk D. Wells Donald O. Weyhrauch Chris E. Weymouth Tobey W. WheelerKenneth E. WhitmanFloyd R. WilsonAndrew J. WolfDavid A. Young

Anniversary Level $161 to $299

James B. AckleyEddie J. AdamsMelvin A. Ah YunCharles H. AlexanderJoseph T. Alexander Jr.Kurt R. AllenDavid S. AllmuthGregory D. AmmonsLeslie W. AmmonsSherman L. AmselCharles E. AndersonFranklyn P. Andrews Jr.Richard W. AndrewsWilliam C. ArmstrongGeorge AtashkarianEmilio H. AugustineFred L. AverySebouh BadoyanMario A. BalbianiScott A. BaldwinMerrill E. BalserPatrick J. BantaDonald L. BarkWilliam A. BarkerJulio C. BarreraKenneth T. BartleyIsaac H. BarukhRichard D. BaskinDarrel J. BastaFred E. Bazlen

Michael J. BearRichard C. BeckAllen S. BeddoeEdward W. BehmJames W. BellJames W. BellMontford A. BerneyDonald R. BetkeyForrest M. BirdJames A. BlackJeffery L. BlakkolbManuel I. BlancoEdgar D. BlundellFrank L. BlystoneRobert H. BolesJames T. Bonner Jr.Leroy T. BoosJames B. Bouick IIIWilliam Bowie Jr.Eugene H. Bowman Sr.Billy F. BrassfieldHugh W. BridgfordJohn B. BrooksCharles A. BrownMichael D. BrownEldon C. BrownellArthur A. Bruns Jr.David T. BuckRafael C. BumbasiKenneth H. BurkhartCharles R. BurnsWarren T. Buschmann

Victor R. CaldermanPhilip A. CalhounBilly D. CampbellWalter J. CampbellAnthony G. CappaJack E. CappsGilberto CarrilloBruce M. CarswellStuart A. CasteelErnest CastilloPeter CastleRaj L. ChampaneriNorman C. ChapmanLyle W. CharterAndrew W. ChellinskyHarry H. CheneyMax Raymon T. ChristensenRobert B. Christensen]Jackie R. CissellMelvin S. ClarkRichard H. ClarkGerald J. CohenBrian L. ColemanJohn W. Collens IIIRobert J. ComerJohn D. ConwellSteven D. CooleyBennie W. CooperCharles A. CooperErich A. CorduanCharles B. CowdenJohn H. Crago III

Richard J. Crane Jr.Paris E. Crenshaw IIIThomas G. CrockattLawrence E. CrowCecil W. CroweGilbert CuevasGeorge M. Cummings Jr.Charles S. CunninghamLyle D. CurryRaymond F. DaileyArthur E. DakessianRobert E. DaltonEdward J. DamirRaymond E. DaviesDarrol D. DavisFrederick E. DavisErbie Daw Jr.Basil C. Dela CruzTheoplis C. DennisClinton C. DennyJohn A. DensemRobert B. DesmondJames M. DickMauro D. DimapindanWalter E. DonovanWilliam E. DorrellMelvin L. DoschJack E. Doughty Jr.Kenneth R. Dowell Jr.Richard J. DowningFred L. DruryLoren A. Duffey

Philip H. DunlapCharles W. DunnTimothy R. DurkinNamik S. DuymayanHarold L. EdwardsJames E. EggerGeorge E. EhretGary R. EllisBert H. EmbertonErdin E. ErginsoyDarryl A. EricksonHarry R. EricksonShahriar J. EsshaghianElie EstephanAlbert M. EvansHiram K. EvansVernal E. EvansBruce L. EwaldJohn M. EwersMichael W. FagenMike FanousLeslie J. FedorRalph M. FellowsJohn A. FergusonEugene D. FinkDonald W. FintonWilliam F. FleisigThomas J. FlemingThomas O. Fleming Jr.John E. FollettAndrew J. FordSteven E. Foster

Kenneth W. FowlerPatrick E. FrameDavid L. FriedmanGary R. FrisvoldMervin J. FrydendalGerald J. FugeJohnathan C. FullerJohn W. Gaddis IIIJames F. GallardoBruce R. GallowayEdmund G. GarnerJeffery H GatchellStanley C. GatesRobert K. GeigerCvetan GeorgievJohn W. GerhartStanley B. GerryHarry GibsonMark N. GibsonScott D. GilletteDonald M. GoldbergEliot L. GolombGuillermo GonzalezDavid A. GorlickRichard GouldenWerner GrafRobert S. GranasKenneth W. GravesBilly F. GrayEdwin W. GreenhalghLeland M. GrievesJustus W. Gromme Jr.

Benjamin B. HagansRobert D. Haines Jr.Richard L. HaleHoward G. HallKevin D. Hall Sr.Robin G. HambleyKenneth A. Hamm Sr.Arvid L. HansenVictor R. HansonGary L. HarderPhilip A. HardimanEugene N. HarmonDavid A. HaslimJason W. HawkinsonWilliam D. HayesHarvey N. HeatherGuy G. HeilmanBernard E. HeinGeorge W. Helling Jr.John E. HenionDavis C. HenrichsenJohn F. HentzJoseph R. HerbergerLeonard K. HerendeenDarrell E. HesterMinori J. HigashiTyler K. HinesWilliam Hockenberry Jr.Charles L. HodgesPhillip F. HoferThomas J. HoldenJames R. Hollingshead

Christopher L. HolmeGary R. HolmeJoop HomburgHoward E. HonerlahCharles E. HornWilliam R. HoveyHoward C. Hubbard Jr.John J. HuberJimmy R. HuffHarry H. HumphryJames I. HunterFrank IndelicatoThomas E. IrvingLeslie J. JacobsonPeter H. JantzJames O. JarnaginThomas I. Jarrard Jr.Frank L. JenkinsHarry W. JensenJack E. JensenWayne JensenClyde R. JohnsonDean A. JohnsonDeane A. JohnsonDonald M. JohnsonGlenn A. JohnsonJohn P. JohnsonThomas W. JohnsonDouglas W. JohnstonDavid R. JolliffeJames L. JonesRonald P. Jones

HONOR ROLL OF DONORSGifts by Individuals continued


William A. JonesThomas F. JoyPaul R. Karch Jr.John T. Kasten IIINolan H. KatzRobert E. KatzRichard L. KearsleyHaig KechejianAlan KellettWallace A. KelleyMichael D. KellnerAlfred N. KennedyErson E. KernDonald R. KerrVictor A. Key Jr.John H. Keyser Jr.Elias C. KfouryWalter P. KhazoyanClyde E. KiddJames N. KindigRaymond C. KinneyRobert P. Kitchen Jr.Robert D. KluteDonald W. KnowlesGary W. KnutilaRobert O. KonseskyPaul M. Kornegay Jr.Pete N. KozisGeorge F. KroppRolf D. KuechererTheodore G. Kuhlman

Ralph KussnerFloyd A. LacyJerry G. LaiblinHugh K. Lancaster Jr.Raymond A. LanfearMerle E. LarrabeeArthur F. LarsenDennis R. LashbrookLester E. LehrVernon C. LeifClyde E. Lemon Jr.Michael N. LevineArthur W. LevyS. J. LevyRandall S. LimbachFrank E. LindJohn A. LindellAlfred J. Lindner Jr.Helmuth R. LitfinWilbert A. LittleWen-Pen LiuEarl V. Livingston Jr.Melvin F. LoopThomas E. Lorenté IIIHerbert S. LoudenAlbert A. LucenaDavid H. LyonJimmy C. LyonsAlbert G. Mac BrideEdward A. MackerleyJames A. Macrae

Everett W. MaguireMark E. MaireMiladin MalisicJohn A. Mancini Jr.Scott A. ManoogianRichard W. MansfieldKhachik ManvelianRobert L. MarksBrian A. MarshBradley D. MartinBrett A. MartinGlenn E. MartinAlfred MartinezJoseph M. Martinez Jr.Lorenzo U. MartinezJohn W. MasonRobert D. MatsonYukihiro MatsumotoEdd J. MattesonRoy E. MayhughKenneth A. Mc ArthurGeorge G. Mc ClellanRobert S. Mc ClureFred E. Mc Cutchan Jr.Robert L. Mc DermottJames P. Mc DonaldDavid B. Mc FallTildon H. Mc GillMichael D. Mc GoonJohn R. Mc GrathJack E. Mc Kinney

Lawrence R. Mc LaughlinAlexander S. Mc LeanRobert W. Mc NamaraDonald M. McVickerGeorge T. MeluginRichard A. MeyersJack R. MichaelMark D. MigdalJames C. Miller Sr.William H. MillerRobert J. MittonElvan D. MoenMichael J. MonaghanDonald L. MooreEdgar M. MoranAdam W. MorrillPhillip J. MorrisseyBernhard D. MorseJordan C. MorseRichard L. MossRobert J. MossJohn J. MulhallRichard H. MullardGeorge W. MunroeJohn D. Murphy IIIRoger A. MurrayWilliam P. Murray Jr.Barry M. NapoleonPaul H. NewquistKenneth C. NixHerbert V. Nootbaar

Jack OgdenJohn L. O’ShaughnessyThomas L. OwensEdgar A. OwreDonald C. PalmerMichael PappArthur C. ParisJack D. ParisGerald H. ParkerRichard B. Parkin Jr.Reuben PayneFrank E. PearsonJohn B. PeersEarle A. Pendarvis Jr.John E. Perry Jr.John C. PetersonWilliam E. PhillipsVictor H. PinkertonJames T. PiperOttis E. Pittman Sr.Paul E. PooleArthur PorterJames T. PrimOrville G. PruettRobert W. PurdieMervin L. PurdyChristopher A. PutnamAllan S. QuickRussell W. QuimbyDaniel RadmanGeorge A. Rafeedie

Victor H. RaineriBud RamseyRobert RaudsoRoy A. RayJay E. Remley Sr.Russell R. RennixDavid B. ReuleBuenaventura F. ReyesRobert W. ReynoldsAlexander J. RiceRory RichardsonEdwin R. RiksheimRobert L. RinkerTimothy A. RobardsBrian W. RobinsonKenneth M. RobinsonHerbert H. RogersDaniel P. RohlingerFranklin D. RollerMarco D. RomeyWayne A. RoseFredrick B. RowbothamHarry M. Rowe Jr.Charles A. RoyaltyCharles W. RummelsburgDale M. RumseyMichael R. RushFrancis A. Russell Jr.Lauren I. RussellJames J. RyanRobert E. Sachs

Robert B. SackersonEdgar D. SackettDonald E. SalisburyDean K. SandsBoyd W. SartoriDonald M. Schauer Sr.William K. ScheiberNorris L. ScherrerGary L. SchlusslerIan R. SchulmanRobert F. SeebaDaniel C. SegalasGerald GL. SellersWilliam J. SellingJohn V. SheldonPaul H. ShellenbargerCharles M. ShepardsonTimothy J. ShinerGerard L. ShirikjianMarion C. SickmanNeil F. SimmonsDe Mell L. SkeltonRobert W. SkeltonAndrew T. SmailShirley C. SmartDavid W. SmithGordon E. SmithRobert A. SmithWilbert D. SmithWilliam H. SmithBilly L. Smithson

Semyon T. SolomonRoger B. SosheaNeil J. SotoGene D. SowderAlan L. SpaldingJack T. SpauldingDaniel J. SpeeceFrank M. SporeStephen G SpragensRalph L. SpragueMatthew A. StammerjohanArvid A. StenstromWalter A. StevensMelvin C. StevensonThomas E. StewartChester D. StilesDonald R. StrunkAndrew P. SugapongJames P. SutterWilber L. SwansonJacob A. SwartwoodKeith M. SweepeCharles T. Sweet IIICharles H. Swift Jr.Stanwood E. TalbotJames R. TandyRichard F. TareshJames K. Taylor IIIThomas P. TaylorRaymond G. ThagardErnest A. Thiem

Herbert L. Thomas Jr.Charles O. ThompsonRobert R. ThompsonHarold D. Thurber Jr.Gottfried N. TidemannManfred J. TiedemannMyron A. TisdelDonald C. TofftWayne D. TorgersonRueben V. TorresJames ToyNorman F. TrenaryLouis N. TriggAlfred R. Truslow IIIThomas R. TuckerKrassimir T. TzvetanovRoyce L. Van BebberBenjamin P. Van Iderstine Jr.Emmett R. Van NessRobert L. VanceVictor L. VandenBergheGary R. VeerkampBenny M. WadeDavid G. WaldaDon WarrenJames N. WarrinerDonald WasherJohn L. WassonCarl F. WatsonHarrison W. WeaverAugust M. Weigle Jr.

Alvin J. WeisKirk D. WestLeland D. WestRobert E. WestCharles H. WheatFred E. WheelerOtto L. WheelerAlbert R. WhiteMahlon R. WhiteJames M. WhiteleyJames G. WiddoesWayne D. WiedleRobert J. WilcoxRichard D. WillardDavid D. WilliamsGeorge W. WilliamsKnox WilliamsWaldo J. Williams Gerard M. WilsonWarren C. WilsonElwin A. WolcottRichard S. WollinKenneth E. WoodBobbie L. WorfordGeoffrey T. WrightHarwood L. WrightStephen G. WrightStuart A. WrightLawrence E. YoderFrank R. YoungFranklin A. Young

Raymond A. YoungBernard H. ZellerChester E. Zinn Sr.Walter ZolezziJames M. ZopfiJohn P. Zopfi


Leadership Level GiftsBush Masonic ReliefCalifornia No. 1Metropolitan No. 352Napa Valley No. 93North Hollywood No. 542Pacific-Starr King No. 136San Marino No. 408

Supporting GiftsBeverly Hills No. 528Columbia-Brotherhood No. 370Evergreen No. 259GGOKCS Social Club of

Southern CaliforniaHiram’s Hackers Golf ClubIonic Composite No. 520King David’s No. 209Mission No. 169Mountain View De Anza No. 194Oakland Durant Rockridge No. 188Riviera No. 780San Francisco No. 120San Jose Scottish Rite FoundationSilver Gate-Three Stars No. 296Vesper No. 84

Gifts by Individuals continued

A record 80% of California lodges gave to By Your Side.


Gifts by Lodges, Concordant Bodies, and Other Organizaions

Gold Grand Master Circle $5,000 and up

Beverly Hills No. 528Bush Masonic ReliefCalifornia No. 1Columbia-Brotherhood No. 370Hattie Givens TrustIonic Composite No. 520Joseph W. Baber TrustKing David’s No. 209Metropolitan No. 352Mission No. 169Mountain View De Anza No. 194Napa Valley No. 93North Hollywood No. 542Oakland Durant Rockridge No. 188Pacific-Starr King No. 136Riviera No. 780 San Francisco No. 120San Jose Scottish Rite FoundationSan Marino No. 408Silver Gate-Three Stars No. 296Vesper No. 84

Silver Grand Master Circle $2,500 to $4,999

Carpinteria No. 444Evergreen No. 259GGOKCS Social Club of Southern CaliforniaGolden Gate Speranza No. 30Golden Trowel Norwalk No. 273Hanford No. 279Heartland No. 576Hemet No. 615Hiram’s Hackers Golf ClubKnights Templar of the U.S. Los Angeles Commandery No. 9Liberty No. 299Montebello-Whittier No. 323Natoma No. 64Santa Monica-Palisades No. 307Signet Chapter No. 57 RAM Temecula Catalina Island No. 524Torrance University No. 394

Grand Master Circle $1,000 to $2,499

826th Masonic DistrictAcacia No. 243Al Malaikah ShrineAlhambra No. 322Ararat No. 848

Arcadia No. 278Bay Cities No. 337Brownie’s Shrine Crew BBQ TrustBurlingame Scottish RiteCeleste Combs TrustConsuelo No. 325Coronado No. 441Downey United No. 220Eel River Empire No. 147El Segundo No. 421Francis Drake No. 376Fresno No. 247Friendship No. 210Gardena Moneta No. 372Hesperian No. 264Hollywood No. 355Home No. 721Humboldt No. 79Huntington Beach No. 380Irvine Valley No. 671Las Palmas-Ponderosa No. 366Los Altos No. 712Los Angeles Harbor No. 332Los Cerritos No. 674Menifee Valley No. 289Naval No. 87Nevada No. 13O.E.S. Athena No. 46Oncology Nursing Certification Corp.Pacific Grove No. 331

Pasadena Scottish RitePhoenix No. 144Placerville No. 26Redlands No. 300Redondo No. 328Rosemead No. 457Salinas No. 204 San Benito No. 211San Diego Imperial Past Masters Assoc.San Francisco Scottish RiteSan Jose No. 10Scottish Rite Cathedral Assoc. of Long BeachSix Rivers No. 106South Pasadena No. 290Southern California No. 529Sublime Benicia No. 5Sunset No. 369Three Great Lights No. 651Unity No. 632Victorville No. 634Washington No. 20West Covina No. 446Wisdom No. 202

Advocate of Masonic Philanthropy $500 to $999

Angels Gate No. 198Beach Cities No. 753Black Mountain No. 845Burbank No. 406Central California Past Masters Assoc.Central Coast No. 237Chico-Leland Stanford No. 111Clear Lake Callayomi No. 183Coachella No. 476Conejo Valley No. 807Confidence No. 110Cornerstone No. 659Covina No. 334Crocker No. 212Crow Canyon No. 551Garden Grove No. 351Glendale No. 368Golden Rule No. 479Hands of FriendshipHarding San Juan No. 579Illinoistown-Clay No. 51Imperial No. 390International City No. 389Kern River Valley No. 827Lemon Grove No. 736Live Oak No. 61Lodi No. 256Long Beach No. 327Los Angeles Scottish RiteMadison No. 23

Magnolia Park No. 618Masonic Service Bureau of Los AngelesMolino No. 150Moreno Valley No. 804Mosaic No. 218Mt. Moriah No. 292Orange Grove No. 293Orinda No. 122Orland Laurel No. 245Pacific Rim No. 567Palo Alto-Roller No. 346Pasadena No. 272Patterson No. 488Peninsula No. 168Petaluma-Hamilton No. 180Prometheus No. 851Ridgewood No. 146Riverbank No. 459Riverside No. 635Sacramento No. 40San Diego No. 35San Leandro No. 113Sanger No. 316Santa Cruz-San Lorenzo Valley No. 38Santa Rosa Luther Burbank No. 57Santa Rosa Scottish RiteSimi Valley No. 806Sotoyome-Curtis No. 123Sunnyside No. 577

Tehama No. 3Temescal Palms No. 314Tujunga No. 592Van Nuys No. 450Vista No. 687Western Star No. 2Woodland No. 81Yolo No. 195Yucaipa Valley High Twelve #405Yucca Valley No. 802

Sustainer of Masonic Philanthropy $300 to $499

1034th Masonic DistrictArtesia Sunrise No. 377Bellflower No. 320Ben Ali Shrine Past Master UnitBlythe-Needles No. 473Burlingame No. 400California Assoc. of High-Twelve ClubsEl Camino Research No. 1002Employees Community Fund of Boeing CaliforniaFontana No. 653Hiram No. 25Inland Empire No. 306Keith No. 187La Fayette No. 126

La Mesa No. 407Madera No. 280Masonic Homes of California at CovinaModesto No. 206Morning Star No. 19Olive Branch No. 269Ontario No. 301Palm Springs No. 693Provident Three Pillars No. 609Reading No. 254S.C. Valley Daylight No. 844San Bernardino Scottish RiteSan Jacinto No. 338Santa Ana Scottish RiteTable Mountain No. 124Texas No. 46Truckee No. 200William Rhodes Hervey No. 767Windsor No. 181Yount No. 12

Anniversary Level $161 to $299

1992 Grand Family of the Order of the Eastern Star501st Masonic District830th Masonic District Officers Assoc. Academia No. 847

Anacapa No. 710Anaheim No. 207Atascadero No. 493Atwater Larchmont Tila Pass No. 614Barstow Boron No. 682Capital City No. 499Carmel No. 680Central Coast Past Masters Assoc.Channel Islands No. 214Chula Vista High Twelve Club No. 502Culver City-Foshay No. 467East Belt-Tuolumne No. 8Escalon No. 591Eureka No. 16Fairfax No. 556Ferndale No. 193Gen. Douglas MacArthur No. 853Golden Slipper MHC KAD ChapterHornitos No. 98Island City No. 215Lakewood No. 728Los Angeles No. 42Marin No. 191Mill Valley No. 356Monterey No. 217Mount Jackson No. 295Mountain Range No. 18Nor-Cal Shrine ClubNorth Butte No. 230O.E.S. Van Nuys No. 338

Oak Plains No. 789Oasis Of Mara No. 735Reseda No. 666Rim of the World No. 711Rio Linda No. 786S.W. Hackett No. 574Sacramento Scottish RiteSaddleback Laguna No. 672San Bernardino No. 178San Dimas No. 428San Fernando No. 343Santa Barbara No. 192Santa Barbara Scottish RiteSanta Lucia No. 302Siskiyou No. 297Thaddeus Sherman No. 196Turlock No. 395Tustin No. 241Upland-Mt. Baldy No. 419Vallee De France No. 329Valley No. 135VC Scottish Rite Bodies Kitchen CrewVisalia-Mineral King No. 128


1. North Hollywood No. 5422. Irvine Valley No. 6713. San Benito No. 2114. California No. 15. Liberty No. 2996. Acalanes Fellowship No. 4807. San Francisco No. 1208. Friendship No. 2109. Placerville No. 2610. Hollywood No. 35511. Conejo Valley No. 80712. Prometheus No. 85113. El Segundo No. 42114. Ionic Composite No. 52015. North County Daylight No. 84316. Mosaic No. 21817. King David’s No. 20918. Napa Valley No. 93nsuelo No. 32520. Orinda No. 12220. Riviera No. 78022. Ophir Bear Mountain No. 3323. Mountain View De Anza No. 19424. San Dimas No. 42825. Beach Cities No. 753


The 25 most charitable lodges are determined by the percent of lodge members that make individual gifts, the average size of each gift, and total dollars given by each lodge. These lodges and their officers deserve a great deal of credit for their success. We thank them for their demonstrated leadership in charitable giving.


Planned Gifts Benefiting California Masonic Charities

Trusts and Bequests

Esther AllenRoss BakerLyle BarterNelson BartooDonald BatesStanley BerryArthur BilderbackKhanuma BlakeDorthy BowmanHelen BrameAllwyn BreuerLeland BrownSimona BrumlMary BurrierGeneva CapaldoRalph CongreveEstelle CorrenClaire CunninghamJeanette DaleyFiona DavenportBillie DeanJack DebruinHelen DornsifeDick DulgarianHaig DulgarianKeliel EremSteven Franklin

Stephen GassettMary GatesRobert and Hilda GoldenHenry and Karen HansenGrace HartMyron HatfieldRhomance HeagneyAugust HeuerJohn HilgersChalmer HillLouise HillBilbo HilmanFred HirschMarion HobartManuel HoffmanKenneth HopperJoe HuskinsJohn IrvingHelen JonesEugene JonesWilliam KindredGarland KinserOtto LawrenceCharles LouksJack LuizziAnna MasonMildred MayesCallie McgrathRoy MelvorJames and Beatrice MillerMarian MillerErvin Miller

Kenneth MiltimorePeter NardulliAllan NieOlive PalanyKarl and Freda PalmerJean PattonMarion PetersElaine PughMcClew RandolphKenneth RheingansSamuel RodetskyEdward RodkeyJohn SchardeinDorothy SchraftHelen SchwartzRobert ScottBetty ScottBertha SherwoodDeena SneddonRoy StatlerFrank StiritzAlfred StreiFlorence ThorntonThomas TrebellHarvey TwymanJames TynerThelma WalshEmily WatsonWilliam WestFrederick Wright

Charitable Trusts and Charitable Gift Annuities

Wilbert B. AdamsCharles H. and Greta AlexanderJohn E. BalmerMaurice and Olga BernardGeorge M. BlissGeorge E. and Bernice BowserJohn F. and Francene BurgessJames M. BuschMaurice H. and Miriam CohnSally Stokes ColeRichard S. ComrasDavid H. and Henrietta CrawfordLincoln and Theresa CryneLawrence K. DinsdaleHarold B. FriarRobert L. GoldenAlvin GorenbeinCharles F. GuysonJack E. HarrierGeorge W. and Catherine M. HellingWilliam Hockenberry, Jr.Robert H. and Louise HutchinsonCharles L. JacquelinRobert L. and Patricia A. LehowJarvis H. and Helyn LuechauerRussell L. LoganHarry L. and Carolyn J. MaynardKenneth MiltimoreJoseph Murdock

Glenn T. and Kathleen PatmoreGerald C. PetersWalter and Nancy RingwaldLeland B. and Gertrude RobertsLouis and Marie RusconiJohn A. and Mary L. SchardeinRobert A. ScottJoseph D.SeckelmannWilliam H. and Evelyn H. ShoppDavid M. ShullStephen E. and Marjorie A. SmithEugene R. SpencerGordon Van SanfordVincent A. and Betty J. VerlodArthur I. VogtThelma WalshFrederick J. and Ethel E. WentzJ. Ronald WhiteDavid and Eleanor Williams

Pooled Income Fund

James F. and Mary Lou AbrahamDonald L. BatesLilly S. BirchenallRebecca B. CramerRalph W. and Rose DanklefsenMarvel Dee EacretSpencer P. and Elaine HopeMerle E. and Helen HoughPerry B. LivingstonIrene H. Marengo

James S. MartinAnna Mardelle MasonNancy L. McVeanPaula C. MilkerJohn W. RamseyIrwin M. and Shirley RandolphBetty Lou SchneyerDena L. SpielbergerRalph VanderlipVincent A. and Betty VerlodNorma Zimmerman

Gifts to Honor & Celebrate

Joe AbbeyClifton G. AdamsR.L. “Doc” AdamsonWilly AlcornDave Allmuth Sr.Shirley AndersonCrystal AnthonyAnthony AntoneWilliam L. ArendDavid B. ArnoldPatsy Baker-LuyMartha M. BanksEdward L. BantaCharles D. Bartell Jr.Betty R. BassettFrederick W. BauerWalter E. BaumgartnerEdgar Beard

Stanley W. BeattyArthur BeckmanJohn H. BecknellPatricia BeddoeRonald L. BehnkeFrank Edward BellEdward L. BennettEdna BermudezRene BertellJack and Susan BeznerAustin BiceWm. B. Blevins Jr.William J. BlumHubert Boles William BottorffBeau M. BoyerLinda BrayWilliam J. Bray III, PGMRonald E. BristowDelos A. Brown Jr.Lawrence W. BrownMichael D. BryanJohn K. BuckhamDoris R. BurgesonHarry L. BurnsSeneca L. BurrThomas M. Burrus Jr.Francis Sean ByrneThomas S. CallahanCarolyn CallisonBen E. CannonGeneva Capaldo

Horage CargainJames E. CarlisleCarl J. CarlsenRaymond C. CarmanKenneth R. CarmicalClyde M. CarnesMary CaryClifford C. CasterStanley M. Cazneaux, PGMJoseph ChamberlainRalph E. Chamberlain IIRaj and Dawn ChampaneriDonald K. ChilsonBob ChristensenEugene L. ChristensenRichard H. Christie Jr.Richard R. ClarkCharlie H. ClausFrederick C. ClausHarlan M. CleaverHaworth A. CloverTracy CoburnMelvin L. CoffeltEvelyn CogginsFrank A. CollomsConrad E. ContineKern H. CopelandRobert L. CorderoErich CorduanErnest CornoloJosie CortessePaul Craig

Howard G. Crawford Jr.William A. CrosslandWilliam J. CrossleyBen C. CrouchHarry L. CulpPeter L. CunninghamWilliam C. CusterRobert J. DaughertyJerry DavisKenneth L. DavisThomas R. DavisMoyne DeShazerWanda DietleRobert L. DixonEdwin L. DoingDavid DowningDeborah DuncanMary DunwellBryan A. DurksenCliff EbyRobert A. EdwardsNorman R. EhmannCrystal EichenRowena ElseJohn G. EnglishRaynold V. Escola Jr.J. Riley EvansErnest D. FaberJames L. FainCharlotte O. FarrWilliam C. FaubionHoward Fellows

Alfred F. FiskeFrancis R. FitzgeraldH. Elliott FivesRussell O. FrasierWilliam D. FremontPhilip FriedmanJody FueyoKermit L. FugateDavid FullertonSydney C. FurmanHomer W. GaltWilliam GambillRichard W. GardnerGilbert G. GarzaHarry R. GatesJames E. GatonsRobert F. GeigerRober S. GielJohn E. GilesMelvin GilmanJack H. GilmoreCharles F. GordonEllen C. GraceyJames E. GrayLawrence A. GrayStewart A. GreenEugene E. GreeneMarvin GrossmanJulius L. GruenebaumPhilip GrunertOtto J. Gusella Jr.Royce R. Haley


Anaheim No. 207Kevin Stibich

Conejo Valley No. 807Marc Newman

El Segundo No. 421Doug Tayrien

Friendship No. 210Kirk Wells

Hollywood No. 355Steve Mahr

Home No. 721Steve Eberhardt

Ionic Composite No. 520Timothy Shiner

Irvine Valley No. 671Philip Toomey

Napa Valley No. 93Raymond Mc Mullen

North Hollywood No. 542Armen Mardirousi

Saddleback Laguna No. 672Gary Silverman

San Dimas No. 428William Miller

Windsor No. 181Jason Canellos

All officers of the lodges listed below contributed to the Annual Fund, demonstrating true leadership and commitment to Masonic philanthropy.



Krista WalkerKenneth W. Wallberg Jr.Robert Asa Walters Jr.Thomas B. Webb Jr.Walter C. Weis Jr.Paul M. WeisgerberMorty WeissDale E. WheelerGlendon L. WhiteThomas G. WhiteClyde R. WidnesRichard D. WilliamsRaphael A. WilsonWilliam D. WilsonBetty WinnifordMerrill W. Wolford Sr.Ruhl C. WolfordFrank L. WoodJohn C. WoodStephen R. WorfordSocrates G. WoupiosErnest WymanGeorge W. Young Sr.Isadore Young Sidney Zalk

Sidney HallisAllen E. HalversonKenneth HamblinL. Dale HankinsGary L. HanstadLeonard A. HaslimEarl C. HeathViolet S. HeathAlphonse HegerDorothy HerrickJustin C. HindleyErnest S. HollingsheadWilliam HolsteinLee HopkinsF. Vernon HudnutRobert HugginsOwen R. HughesRichard F. HumMary Louise HunterJack E. HurshPhyllis HydeJoan JackEarl A. JacksonWilliam O. JacksonLarry E. JenkinsRichard H. JirsaElwood L. JohnsonJ.C. JohnsonDonald D. JonesNathan D. JonesRalph S. JonesRoger S. Jones

Ronald P. JonesJ.B. JopsonKonstantine KabilafkasRana KahlRobert A. KappmeyerJohn T. Kasten IIWilliam W. KayMurle D. KempChristina Kidd HendersonLinda KimblerClaude D. KlappRobert D. KlousnerRobert KluteGeorge S. KnightKeith W. KraftKim KussmanLeland H. LakeJohn R. LambJohn T. LameyFloyd E. LangermanSumbat Y. LapajainRudolfo C. LasernaLester Rex Le NeveFreda LedbetterFranklin R. LeeThomas C. LetcherKenneth T. LinchAugust LinckNina LinckRobert A. LindstromHarry W. ListerDonald E. Litherland

W. Andrew LittleDonald G. Logan Jr.Ralph Dee LohrRobert A. LongFrank LouiJames A. Lowe Jr.William J. LowenbergBrian LudwigJohn Mac MillanThomas G. Mapel Jr.Garabed A. MardirossianGeorge R. MargesonShirley MarkFernande MartinezGilbert T. MartinezRose F. MaugeriSanford A. MaurstadScottie Anne Mc EnterferJames E. Mc IndoeLloyd E. Mc Mullen Jr.Charles W. McDonaldLee Andrew E. Mc Gee Jr.Herman McGrawG.C. “Buck” MeadEdgar MeixnerGrayson MerrillDouglas M. MichaelsonJack MidgleyRichard H. Miers Jr.David MillMerritt V. MillerWilliam H. Miller

Richard K. MillsLeonard MitchellSusan MooreLawrence R. MorrisonJohn MortlandRobert B. MosesMelvin S. MossJoyce NagelKathy NagelKenneth G. Nagel, PGMMelville H. Nahin, PGMBill E. NelsonClaude V. NewtsonJames M. NicewarmerWilliam A. NicholsonEmile NormanRobert O. OdgenTheodore A. OlcovichJohn G. OlneyBruce O’NealJerome B. OsnowerJames A. OxeRobert H. ParkerRobert C. ParsonsH.E. PaulElaine B. PeareEvert B. PersonRobert E. PetersenJohn N. PetersonRobert R. PettitJerry Allen PiglinLester C. Potts Jr.

Anthony PsaltisJames W. PuckettVidal B. RamirezLeonard RassmussenSheryl K. RaySidney C. RenfroPat ReuskensJames E. ReynoldsMarguerite RiceMarvin V. RichardsonRaymond P. RisherCathy RizoDouglas W. RobertsJuanita RobertsAvery RogersRolland R. RohdeHugh D. RomstedtRaymond B. RosenbaumMelvin D. RosenbergerKenneth W. RuffDonald F. SannerLillian SchauerNino Lo SchiavoAlbert M. SchmidtDennis W. SchmidtEdward W. SchmidtHal J. SchneiderW. Elliot SchwartzGordon T. ScottWilliam H. ScottOtto E. SeemanClement J. Segalas

Adah SerioAnnie Seto-KwokHarry C. SeyneiRudolph F. ShannonWayne ShostromClarence E. ShowalterRebekah Sidman-TaveauHerbert B. SillDavid SkipworthBarbara SmilkoHarold L. SmithLeonard SmithTemple SmithPeter E. SpaldingHelen SpringerLeon A. StahlWalter J. SteffkeTammy StiltTroy StoneMichael StovallJames P. SturgeonLisa SuycottHarmon R. TaberRaymond D. ThurmGary G. TollerElias G. TriphonHarold T. TroyElton TurnerHarry M. UhlenbergGeorge A. VaseyGonzalo VillarinPeter T. Wak Jr.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORSGifts to Honor or Celebrate continued


Grand Master | William J. Bray III, North Hollywood No. 542Deputy Grand Master | Frank Loui, California No. 1Senior Grand Warden | John F. Lowe, Irvine Valley No. 671Junior Grand Warden | John L. Cooper, Culver City-Foshay No. 467Grand Treasurer | Glenn D. Woody, Huntington Beach No. 380Grand Secretary | Allan L. Casalou, Acalanes Fellowship No. 480Grand Lecturer | Paul D. Hennig, Three Great Lights No. 651