Today's Growth Consultant shares at World's Greatest Marketer Conference

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Worlds Greatest Marketing Seminar Slides by Ken Courtright

Transcript of Today's Growth Consultant shares at World's Greatest Marketer Conference

“Today’s Marketing Needs”……Pose Many Questions

Which are the most Important?

Starter Notes:

Easily Distractible

240 – Gusts up to 400

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Love Peaks…M.J.

Worlds “Greatest Marketing” Conference

Sept. 11-15, 2013

Table of Contents:

2. Foundational Background - 5 minutes

3. Quick Hitting Helpful Nuggets - 15 minutes – Use Monday

4. Highest Level Marketing - Rest of the time

1. Not: Marketing 101 - Good Idea Workshop its…

What is the Foundation of Marketing?

Hint: It’s 4 Words

Many Questions, Which are the “Most Important”?

Where should we advertise?

How should we market ourselves?

Is “Branding” important?

Should we do “Pay Per Click?

Should we hire a marketer?

What’s the R.O.I.?

How do we Know it will work?

Is our Website Good Enough?

Should we try Direct Mail?

Do we need a Landing Page?

Should someone to do our P.R.?

Should we join the Chamber?

What do our competitors do?

Why does nothing seem to work?

100,000,000 + views 2013

218 Revenue Generating Websites

24HR. / 100K /ANNUALLY

Our Website Traffic comes from over 8000 DIFFERENT sources

Spoke on Different Topic in May

Bit more meaningful…

2 Painful Events…


Tossed Salad

Late 90’s

Spring 2013


Because of the topic…

Help You Avoid Serious Pain

But first, Quick Nuggets

Spending Time Today on…

Before I really get rolling…. Quick Nuggets:

Quick Nugget #1 - Something Everyone Must Know about Google:

Google is in Pain

For you marketers in the room….

Link-Building is Fading, Social Signals Rule and Author Rank is now King

Google is done GUESSING

Google’s in Pain & Changing

So What can be Done?

Triangulate Author Rank

Establish “Entity”

Switch from

Rankings to Roadways



Who’s “Google”?

Quick Nugget #2: Triangulate Your Author Rank:

How bout a Recap:

Lots of Marketing Philosophies, for us, one works better than others

Google is in Tremendous Pain and in a “State of Change”

“Entity” and Triangulation of Author Rank Tags is Virtual Guarantee

It’s Time to Build Roadways for Revenue…

What Kind of Marketing Can EVERYONE In this Room DO…..

100,000,000 + views 2013

218 Revenue Generating Websites

24HR. / 100K /ANNUALLY

Our Website Traffic comes from over 8000 DIFFERENT sources

Build Roadways

ABC FOOD Traditional Approach to Marketing


1. Increase Signage

2. Add more Roads

** Two Options

Traffic Count

40,000 Cars

60,000 People

Direct Mail

Newspaper Radio / T.V.

* Cost = Eyeballs

More Eyeballs = More $

Our Largest Successes Online AND Offline came from One Common Question:

Who Else Needs This?

Note: Not the product, the TRAFFIC

Most Important Marketing Question: Who Else Needs this Traffic?

2009 – 20131992 - 2009

Our UnTraditional Approach to Marketing

Who Else Needs This Traffic?

C 3 Movies

Question: Who Else is Going After the same Traffic?

Answer: Louie’s Pizza

Goal: More Traffic / Revenue into our Video Store

Pause: Write 2 Businesses or Websites You Can Cross-Promote With…


Who is Currently Marketing to Your Exact Same Audience? - 60 Seconds

Who Else Needs this Traffic?

Rules / Guidelines

Who Can We Partner With?

If you are going to partner up with someone on traffic, know this…

Traffic can be shared, rented, bought, leveraged, rev shared or created





Rev Shared

Must be a “Win – Win”

Show Clear W.I.I.F.M. for both sides

You do the work, they supply the fuel:

Recommend Slanting the offer in Their Favor

Traffic can be shared, rented, bought, leveraged, rented or created

Rules / Guidelines Continued…

Email List Money Visitors Followers

They have to bring something to the table

Types Of Fuel

Computer Manufacturer


Mortgage Broker

Network Marketing Rep

Veterinary Hospital

Affiliate Marketer


Chip Maker (ibm – intel)

Insurance Agent

State Fair

Pet Store

Affiliate Marketer


Consulting Co. P.E. Firm

Anyone Heard of “Co-Op” Advertising?

How and Why?

C 3 Movies

Building RoadWays is Just Calling Like E.T.D.



Win - Win

Everyone Can Do This !

Recent Scenario - Websites Wine Distributor

Question #2: Who has Huge Traffic? Itunes / App Platforms

Goal: More Traffic / Revenue into our Wine Website

Question #1: Who Else is Going After the same Traffic?

90,000,000 / mo.

How did this Traffic Model come about?

What are they paying for it? - Tool shows $5 Plus for a “CLICK”

Would you be interested in $5 for an actual warm lead?

Conservative projections: 8k Mo. Jan 1st, 25k Mo. next Christmas

We have a tool that shows who’s paying for traffic

What do they need? - Traffic and Emails (who else needs this traffic?)

90,000,000 / mo.

* Are you a small service company?

* Network Marketer? * $500 Million Dollar Company?

Traffic Models like this can be built by each person in this Room

* Just have a Blog?

Everyone can add Traffic and Revenue to their Household or Business !!

* Product Manufacturer?* White Collar Executive / Doctor?

Your New Marketing Mission

1. List out Who Has Traffic You can

2. List Who Else Needs above Traffic

Neighbor, Vendor / Supplier, Rep Channels

Competitor (start an organization),

Cousin Industries (Opt & Opth), etc.

Buy, Rent, Share, etc.

Malls, Websites, Ad Networks

Social Media Platforms, Competitors,

Endless Opportunities if mapped out

Partner With Those Who Need

Create Roadway With Those Who Have

Today’s Marketing Asks Different Questions

Partner With Those That Need, Ride Over Those That Have

“Internet Minefield Bootcamp WorkShop”

1. Finds / Creates / Tweaks / Enhances - Your Product / Service Offering so you have

something solid to drive traffic to

Me & Our Mgt. Team:

3. Show you who’s buying traffic in your industry, AND, how much they are paying for it

so you know what kind of leverage you have

2. Build an offering, an email explaining the offering and an F.A.Q. response tree so you

can speak from authority when they reply

4. Help you build 3 Revenue Streams so you can have “hands on” experience building

roadways so you can add 5 – 50 more when you get home !!!

What are some results of Building Roadways instead of Rankings?

Currently 3 Ways to get Our Staff to work on Your Websites

1. $43,000 - $80,000 - 50/50

2. $40,000 - $4,000,000 - 50/50

3. Workshop @ $3,000*

A. 1 Payment $2,997

B. 2 Payments of $1,650

3. 3 Payments of $1,250

• + Spouse + (2) Kids over 18 may attend

• + 1 Business Partner (same roadways)

• + $500

• Attended Last 6 months - $1,650

2. Sept 21- Questionnaire

3. Oct 21 – “Partner / Roadway” We Found Can Start at No Cost

4. Nov 8-9-10 – Multiple RoadWay Options Waiting at Work Station

1. If Register Today

5. Our Team - Our Help in Discover - Our Help in Implementation

1. Finds / Creates / Tweaks / Enhances - Your Product / Service Offering so you have

something solid to drive traffic to

Me and Our Mgt. Team:

3. Shows you who’s buying traffic in your industry, AND, how much they are paying for it

so you know what kind of leverage you have

2. Builds an offering, an email explaining the offering and an F.A.Q. response tree so you

can speak from authority when they reply

4. Helps you build 3 Revenue Streams so you can have “hands on” experience building

roadways so you can add 5 – 50 more when you get home !!!

1. Structured – Scheduled Round Table - 1 hr. became 4 hrs. “MCIWorldcom Project”

2. Href RoadWay Certifide You will leave with all the tools, shortcodes, and instructions

to go home and move all your existing content up and be equipped to add dozens

of traffic roadways by Christmas

Bonus #1 / #2 First 24 ONLY

$43,000 Start

70% is HRef

What We Are REALY Doing at the Workshop

If you want THIS !!!



Any Questions, I’ll be in the back

Start Driving a Winning Vehicle

Currently 3 Ways to get Our Staff to work on Your Websites

1. $43,000 - $80,000 - 50/50

2. $40,000 - $4,000,000 - 50/50

3. Workshop @ $3,000*

A. 1 Payment $2,997

B. 2 Payments of $1,650

3. 3 Payments of $1,250

• + Spouse + (2) Kids over 18 may attend

• + 1 Business Partner (same roadways)

• + $500

• Attended Last 6 months - $1,650