
Post on 31-May-2015

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Transcript of Tobacco


DRUG As we all know in Spain the tobacco is allowed, so it is known as

a legal and passive drug a pack of FORTUNA tobacco costs € 3.15, imagine a person who smokes a pack of cigarrettes per day, in a week he will spend € 22.05, in a month he will spend € 94.5, and in a year he will spend € 1150... Try to give up smoking is a psycological thing that is so hard to quit, there are medical aids such as nicotine patches, gums.

May most of teenagers who smokes are because all their friends smoke, or maybe, because his friends encourage him to smoke, in this last case, is someone offers you tobacco you have to say

NO!!, if you say yes you are satisfying the person who offers it you, and also this show that you are easily manipulated and easily influenced by your friends. Think, the first step is that someone offers you a cigarrete, but, who tells you that this person wouldn’t offers you other harder drug in the future? In

conclusion if someone offers it to you say NO!! and if they

try to convince you become a deaf ear. What are short term effects? When a person smokes a

cigarrete, the body responds immediately to the nicotine contained in smoke. Nicotine causes a increase in blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow from the heart. It also causes arteries to anrrow. Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxigen that blood can carry.

What are long term effects? It is now common knowledge that smoking can cause chronic lung diseases, heart disease and stroke, and lung, larynx, esophagus, mouth and bladder cancer. In addition, the consumption of tobacco contribute to develop cancer of the cervix, pancreas and kidneys, Researchers have indentified more than 40 chemicals in the smoke of tobacco to cause cancer in humans and animals.

Adrián Rodríguez Medina 4ºA