To - Issues.pdf · the assistance of the GM (A&HRD) and Director...

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Transcript of To - Issues.pdf · the assistance of the GM (A&HRD) and Director...



1) ~irector (Tr.ansmission), ~KPTCL. Banga1Qre ...~ _. __~n_GYf'he General Manager (A&IiEPL KPT~1.~apgal()r:e. _3) The Managing Directors, BESCOM/HESCOM/ _.-.- --. ,

MESeOM/GESCOM/CESC.4) The evo, KPTCL,Bangalore,5) The Superintendents of Police, BESCOM/HESCOM/GESCOM/


6) The Oy. Superintendent of Police, CESC, Mysore. / ~ 7'

From:Inspector General of Police(Vigilance and Enforcement),KfYTCL& ESCOMs, Bangalore.

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No.KPTCL/IGP /V&E/02/08-09 Oated:28-07 -2008

Please refer my earlier messages in No.KPTCL/IGP/V&E/Ol/08-09,dated:25-07-2008, No.12/08-09,13/0B-09 and 14/08-09 dated: 26-07-2008regarcling enhancing of security in all the Station/Installation/Building of theKPTCL and all ESCOMs in Bangalo!.',-; and in all other places in KarnatakaState(.) In continuation of the same, the following instructions are furtherissued for immediate necessary action (.)

1) There should be as far as possible, only one entry and exit point in theStations/Installations/Buildings (.) However, if more number of entry orexit is required to the Stations/ L1stallations/ Buildings. the same may bekept to the minimum possible (.) All the access points in theStations/Installations/Buildings of the KPTCL and all ESCOMs shouldbe monitored properly(.)

2) All the employees of the KPTCL/ESCOMs must wear proper. Identity Cardwhile working in any of the Stations/Installations/Buildings.

3) A register towards entry and exit of visitors and others must bemaintained with details of their time of entry, time of exit and purpose ofvisit (.)




4) All tlw personnel working in the various Station/Installation/Building ofKfYrCL & ESCOMs must be sensitized towards increased securityawareness (.) Seni()r Officers must attend to it properly (.J

5) Senior Officers must give their personal attention on the security issue,as a breach of security in any Station/Installation/Building will affectone and all and not only to any specific individual (.)

6) Proper perimeter security and patrolling must be enforced in all the vitalStation/Installation/Building of the KPTCL & ESCOMs, (.j

7) In every Station/Installation/Building of the KP'TCL &. ESC()Ms, if thereare no specific security officer functioning, one S(:nior Officer should bedesignated as the Security Coordinawr (.)

8) The Security Coordinator will be responsible fur observing andmonitoring of all the security issues in the Station/Installation/Building(.)

9) Telephone Nos. of the local Police Stations, Police Control Room, FireForce Stations must be available in all the offices and proper liaison withthe local Police Station and Fire Force Station must be maintained (.)

10)A list of such Security Offie'.:fs/ Security Coordinator-. of eachStation/Installation/Building shall be maintained in the office of theMDs and D(T)s of the ESCOMs and by the SPs of ESCOMs (.j Similarly,in respect of KPTCL, the li:jt should be available with the Director(Transmission) of KPTCL and GM (A&HRD), KPTCL and CVO, KPTCL (.)

11)Chief Vigilance Officer, KPTCL will personally VISit all the importantstations of the KPTCL in Karnataka and will enhance the security \\'iththe assistance of the GM (A&HRD) and Director (Transmission).Similarly, SPs of ESCOl\1s and Oy.SP, CSSC will visit all the importantStation/Installation/Building of I\PTCL and ESCOMs in their respectivejurisdiction and enhance the security uncleI' guidance of their respectiveMDs/D(T)s of ESCOM (.)

12)F'ollowing of security norms should be seen as a part ot permanent officeroutine in the Station;Inst:dl~llion/Builcling of !(!YfCL &. ESCOMs andnot a special measure for d sp(~cific time

....J i ..



J .3)La test by 04-08-2008, a report on action taken please be sent to thisoffice by Director (Transmission), KPTCL, by MDs of various ESCOMs,by QYQ, ..KetcL, by SPs of .various ESCOMs and by Dy. SP,· CESC;Mysore (.)


Inspector General of Police,(Vigilance and Enforcement)

KPTCLand ESCOMs, Bangalore.

Cop~c to:l)The Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department, Bangalore.2)The Managing Director, KPTCL, Bangalore.3)The Director (Finance), KPTCL, Bangalore.4)The Director (Law), KPTCL, Bangalore.

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o1JE:iJae ~oa:[). ffc:JglOlO/e1J5OJ/1136/200:5-06 tJrvao&: 04.08.2008

•. 6 AUG ZOOS.

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