To carve a pumpkin lh5 a 13 14

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of To carve a pumpkin lh5 a 13 14

We have 2 pumpkins on the table.Mandy is showing the pumpkins paper.

Gorka is drawing in the pumpkin’s eyes.

Alexia is drawing the pumpkin’s nose and Mandy is looking at Alexia.

Markel is drawing the pumpkin’s mouth. Meanwhile, Fredy and Jon are looking at the big pumpkin.

All the LH5A class is looking at the big pumpkin and at Mandy.

Jon is ready for drawing the small eyes and Fredy is very interesting.Mandy is touching the pumpkin.


Mandy is cutting the top of the big pumpkin with a big knife.Meanwhile, Gorka, Nahia and Maialen are not moving because

Mandy says :” I like my fingers”.

Mandy is showing us the big pumpkin without it’s top.The lip is on the table.

Mandy has got a spoon .She is carving the inside of the big pumpkin.

She is spooking out the seeds.Xabier, Jon and Fredy love to see that.

Maialen is carving the big pumpkin too and Mandy Is cutting the top of the small pumpkin with a big knife.

Jon is spooking out the seeds but with his hands.We said: “ How disgusting!!!”.

Maren is spooking out the seeds from the small pumpkin with her hands. We said again: “ How disgusting!!!”

Look at the pumpkin it is empty.

There, Iruani is carving the small pumpkin with the spoon. She is spooking all the seed out.

There are nine pumpkin faces.We like them.

Mandy is cutting the big pumpkin’s eyes, nose and mouth with a big knife.

Ander is putting the lid on the top of the big pumpkin.

First, Iasmin push out one eye of the big pumpkin.Look at her hands.

Nahia is pushing out the second eye of the small pumpkin.

Saioa is messing the small pumpkin.

We put one candle inside each pumpkin.

At last!!!

We put all our Jack-o-lanterns in our ENGLISH SQUARE.

All of them together on the table.