#tmpompey Julia Skinner

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of #tmpompey Julia Skinner

Julia Skinner @theheadsoffice

Improving Writing Through Blogging


Eeyore was saying to himself, ‘This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.’


Why bother?

It's boring

Who reads it?

Won't do it in later life

Sentence Prompts

...it wasn’t my fault...

...the weather changed for the worst...

...the chocolate rabbit melted in the sun ...

Picture Prompts

Individual Word Prompts

Silver, Tiny, Paris, Birthday, Jumped

Carefully   Fifty   Spider   White   Pushed

Hard Beautiful Brown Worried Camera







86 Countries



‘The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.’     

Ursula K. Le Guin

Receiving comments from other schools and teachers from around the world helps me to improve on my writing and reading skills. Its amazing what you can learn just by sharing your own personal ideas.Georgia

The commentes on the 100wc help me as when I see them it bousts my confednt and I can take in the comments.Tomasso 6dhttp://www.6d.highlawnprimary.net

Anyway it encourages you, you feel more confident when some one else writes on your work because they’ve write some thing lovely. It makes you belive that your a more creative and better writer, and to feel that you can do it and that your a fantastic writer.From Annalise 6D

Getting comments from other people from around the world, helps my confidence and tells me what to work on next time.George

Its great to get comments on your work so that it’s not just your teacher marking your work. Getting comments its a great way to boost confidence in children. It means a lot to me because when people from around the world comment on my work and leave kind comments, it makes me feel warm inside!Megan

High Lawn talks about

100 Word Challenge

Team 100WC

100wc.net @theheadsoffice

•Follow a set of guidelines•Have a set of numbers to comment on

Benefits to Students•Improve literacy – can be done in Tutor Time•Link with younger students & give something back•A Levels – fits language acquisition & literacy•Opportunity for accreditation that can go on UCAS forms

‘It’s ONLY a hundred words!’


Julia Skinner
