Tmos flyer

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Tmos flyer

Transcript of Tmos flyer

Make sure you always take that order!



• P lace orders v ia SMS

• Secure & Rel iable

• Automated Response

• Works with Ex ist ing Systems

• Turn Key Solut ion

• Reports and Analys is

• F lex ib le

• Easy to Manage

• Cost Effect ive

• Local Support

• No Need for APP

• No HW Requirements

Mobile technology is a driving force behind retail business; this means retailers must act to support the demands of the changing market place. TMOS (text mobile ordering system) works with any mobile (no need for smart phone device) and all mobile networks; it is simple to access and a retailer can be set up with 24hours.

TMOS call centre service can help spread the load during peak times without the normal staffing issues.

TMOS will guarantee your company will never miss an order again, maximizing order conversion, staff productivity and customer satisfaction.

Please call for more information

Alex Hales Director of

TMOS is the latest advancement in SMS ordering. By sending an order using SMS codes a customer can avoid long wait times and possible language issues associated with phone orders. TMOS will receive the order and automatically issue a receipt to the customer’s mobile device, while simultaneously informing the retailer.