TLE Global ( How can TLE help CA or CA firms in their Thought Leadership Engagement?)

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of TLE Global ( How can TLE help CA or CA firms in their Thought Leadership Engagement?)

How can TLE help you in your Thought Leadership Engagement?

TLE Global


1. Introduction

2. What is Thought Leadership Engagement?

3. What is Subject Matter Based Awareness?

4. What is Social Media Awareness?


A Chartered accountant needs to be visible to their potential clients, to keep himself or

his firms under the boundaries of rules and regulation stated in Chartered Accountants

Act, 1949. The main question which arise here is, how we can get visible to our

potential clients, who is looking for a Thought Leader? Who is looking for you? You

know that you are a thought leader. Does your potential client knows that you are the

person whom he is looking for?


Social media has power to connect with or to get visible to more than 150

billion users of social media worldwide.

The Question is

How can a Chartered Accountant or a Chartered Accountant firm efficiently

utilize this revolutionary platforms. After the restrictions imposed by Chartered

Accountant act, 1949?


For using social media within the boundaries of Chartered Accountants Act,

1949, a Chartered Accountant or a Chartered Accountant firm must go for their:

• Thought Leadership Engagement

• Subject Matter Based Awareness

• Social Media Awareness

What does these term means?

What is Thought Leadership Engagement?

Thought Leadership Engagement is

• Communication,

• Interaction &

• Exchange of

• New Ideas,

• Information &

• Knowledge of an individual’s area of expertise.

What is Subject Matter Based Awareness?

Subject Matter Based Awareness is

• Publicizing the statutory subjects matters,

• And subject matter related to one’s

• area of expertise.

What is Social Media Awareness?

Social Media Awareness is

• connecting with 1.5 billion social media users worldwide to get them aware

• about the subject matter related to

• any individual’s or entity’s area of expertise.

How can a Chartered Accountant or a Chartered Accountant firm can go for their

Thought Leadership Engagement, Subject Matter Based Awareness, & Social Media



Mohit Jain

Founder & CEO, TLE Global

Mob No: 9555940947
