Title 1 - How Any Small Buisness Can Create a Flood of New Sales...With One Often Ignored Direct...

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Marketing Strategy that can deliver over sized gains in both revenues and profits.

Transcript of Title 1 - How Any Small Buisness Can Create a Flood of New Sales...With One Often Ignored Direct...

17 Secrets to Small Business Marketing

How Any Small Business Can Create a Flood of New Sales...

With One, Often Ignored, Direct Marketing Secret!by

Dan S Kennedy &

Everte Farnell

© 2013 Author, all rights reserved

Get the other 16 books in this series FREE!!

There are 17 Books in this Series...16 are available here on Amazon for just 99 cents each.

However, because you are obviously the type of person who is interested in building your business – and I respect that, I am willing to give you the

rest of the series, including the “missing” book, FREE!

Simply go to www.100PercentBusinessGrowth.com/17Secrets and fill out the form. I will immediately email all of the books.

You can have then in the next 3 minutes, if you click now!

I'll look forward to hearing how the 17 Secrets help you double your business in the next year!

Just Like a Farmer Who Has Oil Under His Farm,

You May be Standing on Untold Wealth and Not Even Know it!

Within this book you'll find the direct marketing process which will drill HUGE profits from your small business, just like an oil derrick can find the farmers oil.The solution to all your frustration, financial problems and stress may just be a one direct mail marketing process away!

If you'd like to create a cash flow surge in your small business, but don't have a years to learn all the in's and out's of direct mail marketing....This book was written just for you!

I understand the plight of a business owner! As a small business marketing consultant I work with guys who are in the trenches each and everyday. I promise you I understand what you deal with all the time. I understand that dumb dumb vendor who's putting you behind, I understand the lazy employee who isn't getting his work done, I understand that customer who's slow paying you and it's putting a crimp in your cash flow, I understand the county tax assessor sending you a bill for some tax you didn’t even know existed, I understand some idiot regulator showing up and harassing you about some dumb-ass obscure rule that doesn't even make sense.

I understand because I was a business owner who built my business from $1000 cash to a $1,000,000.00 in sales in just 16 months- no retirement to borrow from, no credit lines, no wife with a pay-check to support me...just a measly $1000, 2 children and a pregnant wife, 2 months before Christmas – then purchased another business and drove that business to 10X sales in just 2 years 3 months...all during and after the “Great Recession.” I understand because I'M ONE OF YOU...and I'm damned proud of it!

And because I'm on a mission to help you, and to save the worldwide economy (which only we can do!) I wrote this book to be brain dead easy, plug and play so you can start making money right now!

Mr. Farnell is available for a few select marketing projects each year. The project must be for a real business, that is Mr. Farnell is not interested in working with online start ups, multi-level marketing distributors, or, in general, businesses that are not already in operation with some level of success. Solopreneurs or professional practices are well received, as are real bricks and mortar businesses. Mr. Farnell will not work with any banks, insurance offices, or in the financial services sector at all.

If you have some interest in retaining Mr. Farnell, please send a fax, with a brief description of your business and the project you'd like him to work on, to 1-941-761-5167. Someone from Mr. Farnell's office will be back with you within 7 calendar days. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you.

Mr. Farnell does try and give anyone sending such a fax request a free, no obligation, 15 minute consultation as his schedule allows.

Attention: This book, like this entire series, is designed to show you one specific marketing technique, give you examples you can model to use the technique and help you get the technique implemented in your business. It is not meant to educate as much as it is to help YOU get started. The techniques and the examples are basic, and are meant to be understandable and usable even to an absolute beginner to direct marketing.

More business owners do not use these techniques to make their business more profitable because of problems they have in their heads. Marketing isn't complicated...learning to get your mind straight so you WILL use the marketing techniques can be quite complicated.

As a result, Dan Kennedy has contributed material to help get the business owners head straight. Dan's ability to market businesses of all sorts in unquestioned. He his materials have lead me to million and multi-million dollar businesses, and lead to the publishing of this series.

I have included his work here, licensed from Kennedy Inner Circle, Inc., to help overcome the internal conflict business owners have in implementing new marketing techniques. I have included an introduction from Dan in the first book in this series and a chapter in each book that follows. I hope you find the material helpful.

One step at a time, implementing the techniques will open up a new world of prosperity to you and your business.

Create A Cash Flow Surge With Client Reactivation

I learned just how powerful this strategy can be several years ago in my own business. We were going through a sales slump in one of my contracting companies, as most businesses do from time to time.

Of course, we had a large bank of customers we communicated with on a regular basis to build top of mind awareness (TOMA), but those communications were not overtly “salesy.”

I decided we should contact previous customers and offer a discount for painting servic es, a new product line we had, and contact prospects we did estimates for and offer a discount if we could sign them up before “x” date.

I put someone on the phone making calls and boom! Our sales shot up the next week. We went from slump to above average saes based solely on offering new products to existing customers and a special offer to customers who hadn't purchased yet.

At that point, I wrote a couple letters, that were overtly “salesy” and contacting these customers became a standard part of our sales process.

If you’ve been in business for a while and already have a customer base, before you spend a dime on any external marketing, your first priority should be to focus on internal marketing.

That means marketing to, and maximizing the value of, your existing and past customers.

Your internal marketing should include offers to

reactivate past and inactive clients, offers for repeat business, and campaigns to stimulate referrals from your existing customers base.

It seems as if most people are anxious to get started on their external marketing systems and bringing in new customers.

After reading this episode, you’ll have a better understanding of how better results than 99% of the business owners out there, because you’re sitting on a gold mine!

Why should you start with marketing to your list of past and current customers first?

First of all, it is the least expensive target market that you can market to. Marketing to past customers is five times more cost effective than marketing to the mass market where you’re trying to compete with all the other marketing messages vying for your prospect’s attention.

It only costs the price of a stamp or phone call to contact a prospect on your client list.

Many businesses have grown 10%, 20%, even 50% or more in a few months simply by systematically marketing to their existing and past customers base through a system of carefully planned sequenced mailings. (I talk more about sequenced mailing in another episode of this program.)

The second reason you should start with marketing to your list of past and current customers is that they are already qualified customers.

You know they can afford your services and have an interest what you offer. They’re more likely to respond to an offer from you because they have done business with you in the past and they know you, like, you, and trust you. That is, if their previous experience with you was a satisfactory one.

The third reason you should start with marketing to your list of past and current customers is that they are a prime source of referrals, which we will discuss in another section.

So your first step is to implement a program to re-activate former customers.

If you haven’t already done so, you need to compile a Master List of all your past and present customers. I would suggest doing this on some kind of database program on your computer.

One of the best (and affordable) programs that I have found is called Microsoft Outlook. If you'd like something more powerful, I suggest looking at Office AutoPilot at www.OfficeAutopilot.com

Once you have this Master List in the computer, you need to continually update it. Always add the names of your new customers and also the names of your prospective customers or “leads”.

This is crucial in order to properly use the powerful follow-up strategies I will teach you later. In a very short time you’ll realize that this list is the key to continually making a lot of money. It is definitely one of your most valuable assets.

For our customer re-activation strategy, we’ll be

using the list of your former and inactive customers. This technique can cause a pretty substantial cash flow surge in a short period of time.

Most businesses do a very poor job of keeping in contact with their customers. Getting a new client is one of the most expensive processes in business.

Once you get a new customer, you want to keep them as a client for as long as possible. The “Lifetime Value Of A Customer” can add up to really big money over time.

So one of the most important things you can do to keep a customer’s business is to simply treat them well, show them you care, and keep in regular contact with them.

According to statistics, businesses lose customers for these reasons:

• 1% die. There’s nothing you can do about that one!

• 3% move away. If they move out of the market area, there’s not a whole lot you can do about that.

• 5% take a friend or relative’s advice and switch to someone they recommend. This one’s not really within your control either, accept you can be the company people suggest to their friends and family, but that goes to operations and beyond the scope of this book.

• 9% switch due to price or a better product or service. Sometimes this can be prevented, sometimes not. I often help business craft a “USP” or a “Unique Selling Proposition” so they can carve out a place in the market unique to themselves? You need to be unique so that you don’t have to compete on price.

• 14% switch due to product or service dissatisfaction. I know that you can’t please everybody all the time, so some of this is unavoidable but many businesses don’t even try to prevent this.

• A whopping 68% leave because of what they perceive and describe as “indifference” from the business or someone in the business. They were never made to feel valued and appreciated because they were not communicated with and were taken for granted.

So One Of The Most Important Things We Can Do To Keep Our New Customers And “Re-Activate” Past Ones Is To Make Them Feel Important, Appreciated, And Respected.

And how we will do that is with a letter sent to our list of past customers called the “We Miss You!” letter. It’s designed to make an emotional impact on the past customers who have “fallen by the wayside”, and get them to schedule an immediate appointment.

Direct Response Marketing is designed to produce immediate and measurable results. The “We Miss You!” letter is a direct response medium called “direct mail”.

The most effective direct mail letters are not written in an impersonal, business-like, stuffy, “King’s English” style. The most effective direct mail letters are written in a conversational, one-on-one tone.

Even though this letter may be going out to hundreds or thousands of your past members, it’s written as if you’re talking to just one person.

Don’t worry about being grammatically perfect. Write the way that you talk. This personal style of writing has been proven to produce the best results in direct


Go to the next page to read the letter.

Customer Re-Activation Letter:

“We Miss You!”

Dear <client name>,

I’m very concerned.

You were a valued customer of our (name of product or service) and I haven’t seen you for many months.

I would genuinely like to know the reason why. I hope that you weren’t unhappy in any way with our services or made to feel uncomfortable. Or maybe you were concerned about the cost of the monthly membership and didn’t think you could afford to continue with the program.

I can only guess at why you haven’t continued with the program but I’m concerned that the goals you had when joining us are going to go unfulfilled.

I want you to know that if there is anything we’ve done that has kept you from continuing, I want to make it right.

If that means I need to give you a month’s membership for free, or whatever it takes to regain your confidence, I’m willing.

And if you’re concerned about the cost or don’t have the money right now, that’s O.K. too. If necessary, I’ll make a special financing plan available to you.

Why would I do that?

Because I’m concerned about you. I value you as a customer and would like you to come back.

Your picture

Client Re-Activation Letter - Page 2:

So, I’d like to offer you a one-time “Former Customer Special”, just for you.

First of all, I want you to call my office and talk to Heather when you get this letter. My number is (000) 000-0000.

When you call, schedule a time to come in as soon as possible so we can discuss your goals.

I’ll make sure Heather works you into my schedule as soon as possible. I’m really concerned about you and don’t want you to wait!

If there’s something we’ve done that has kept you away, or even if it’s just because of your busy schedule, I’ve told Heather to give you half price off your first two months back. Let me “buy” the other half to get you back as a member.

But you need to call me right away to get this half-off special price. This offer is only good for the next 10 days. Once again, my number is (000) 000-0000.

I hope to hear from you in the next few days, and I look forward to seeing you very soon.


Everte FarnellYour Town Fitness Center

You might wonder why you should use an approach that implies that you were the reason that they didn’t continue with your program.

But how do you think people will react to it? Even though you haven’t done anything wrong, the letter is sincere and shows that your members are important to you.

Obviously this letter can be changed and adapted to whatever works better for you or your past clients. The headline could be, “Where Have You Been?”, “What Happened?”, I’m Puzzled”, etc. You know your customers better than I do so make any changes that you think would make it better.

You may want to change the special offer to whatever is economically feasible for you.

But whatever changes you make to the letter, don’t make it sound sterile or “business-like”. Test mailing it to a small list of former members and evaluate the results.

The whole point to this entire episode is that the only reason many of your former members haven’t stayed with your business is because you haven’t communicated with them.

The purpose of this Customer Re-Activation promotion is to spend as little money as possible, and get the greatest return possible.

It should only cost approximately .03 to .05 per page to make copies of this letter and you don’t have to mail them all at once. You may want to mail 100 or so as a small test and then evaluate the response before mailing the rest.

If you have some computer skills, you should try to personalize the mailing. In other words, use the person’s name in the salutation. If that’s not possible, just use “Dear Friend”.

One of the biggest challenges we have in using direct mail is simply getting the envelope opened. People sort their mail over the wastebasket.

Gary Halbert, the late Prince of Print, talks about “A” pile mail and “B” pile mail.

“A” pile mail is important stuff that you open and look at right away. Things like a personal letter from your Aunt Flossie in Florida. “B” pile mail is mail that is obviously unsolicited “junk mail”, addressed to “Occupant” and with a bulk mail indicia instead of a live stamp.

We want our direct mail to look as much like “A” pile mail as possible. It’s best to hand write the person’s name on the envelope. You want it to look like a personal letter.

In truth, despite Halbert's insistence to the contrary, commercial “B” pile mail, done correctly will out pull “A” pile mail. However, and it's a bog however, it MUST be done correctly. And therein lies the bug. It can take years of practice and dedicated attention to learn to do commercial “junk” mail in a way that can out-pull a simple “A” pile mail piece.

And hiring someone to do a good “junk mail” looking piece can cost $50,000 or more. That's why I suggest the “A” pile letter for you.

We want to use a live first class stamp, just like Aunt Flossie would do if she were sending you a letter.

If hand writing the name and address on the envelope is not possible, the next best option would be to use your computer and printer to direct print the address on the envelope using a “Courier font”.

The least favorable option, a label stuck on the envelope, screams “junk mail”.

Also, don’t put the letter on your business letterhead and make sure you type it in a Courier New font, which will give it a distinct look and give it a “typed on a typewriter” feel. You want the letter to look as personal as possible.

This style of direct mail has proven time and time again as being the most effective low cost formula, but can produce a high potential return in a very short period of time.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Adapt the letter to your needs but don’t deviate from the personal, one-on-one style of the letter.

From Dan Kennedy...Excerpt from The Ultimate Success Secret


What You Will Discover In This Book

Why have I written a book with such an audacious title?

It sometimes seems like only yesterday that I was a punk kid with big ideas, adding gray to my hair to try and look a little older. I certainly do not have that problem now. I could stand to take some of the gray out. After a speaking engagement not long ago, my friend Lee Milteer observed that my groupies seem to be getting a lot older. Anyway, I feel like I’ve stacked up enough expensive experience to justify committing some opinions about “the ultimate success secret” to paper. I have gone from broke to well off; from severe struggle to peaks of success in not one but three professional fields; and, along the way, I have had the good fortune of working with, hanging out with quite a number of exceptionally successful people from business, sports, entertainment. Famous people, like Joan Rivers, who started over after her husband’s suicide and her loss of her career, working for $500.00 a week on “Hollywood Squares”, pronounced a washed up has-been by her own agent; who re-invented her career and her life with courage and determination. And non-famous people, like Gladdie Gill, a 50+ year old school teacher living uncomplainingly with Hodgkin’s disease; on her summer vacations, climbing mountains, traversing Alaska in a jeep; at home, taking care of every imaginable orphaned animal; at school, defying dullard administrators to give her students the richest imaginable learning experiences, thus earning the support of an entire community of parents and kids, and having a truly lasting impact on many lives. I have had the privilege of working closely with a great many “from scratch” entrepreneurs who’ve built empires, extraordinarily successful salespeople, top executives, top speakers. I have quite literally been surrounded by and immersed in success for years. And I’m a good observer. I have not let this go to waste.

It is impossible to count the number of authors, researchers, psychologists, “motivational gurus”, etc. who have been fascinated by the question of what causes some people to be successful and others to fail. We know it is not “environment”, as some liberals insist; it cannot be, because out of the very worst environments come fabulously successful individuals, repetitively enough not to be passed off as aberration. Blaming external factors, and excusing a person’s results because of external factors, is not going to lead anybody to the answer to this question.

In the United States, probably the most famous of authors to have attacked this question thoroughly was Napoleon Hill. His findings are summarized in his best-known book, THINK AND GROW RICH, a bestseller in its time, and, solely thanks to word-of-mouth, a steady seller, surviving and remaining on the fickle bookstore shelves for decades. (If, by some chance you have not read this book, you must.)

In 1917, America’s first billionaire, Andrew Carnegie, set Napoleon Hill on a mission to discover the commonalities, the “principles” shared by hundreds of the most exceptional achievers of their

time. Eventually, Hill arrived at thirteen such principles. Recently, management guru Stephen Covey had a blockbuster best-selling book with his “Seven Habits” of highly successful people. My speaking colleague Zig Ziglar talks about the “Ten Qualities” of successful achievers. Thirteen. Ten. Seven. Pick a number. Well, I have the audacity to step forward and tell you that I’ve boiled it down to ONE.

I changed the question to:

Is there one, single secret to success

of such overriding importance that,

if concentrated upon exclusively,

will literally change a person’s entire

life experience and results?

If so, what is it?

That’s right – one. I believe that I have identified the one, single, sole “secret of success” universally shared and relied on, above all other success secrets, by all extraordinarily successful individuals. And it is my contention that any person who discovers, accepts, comes to understand, and gives priority, paramount importance to this one secret can and will quickly crate unbelievable breakthroughs in his or her life.

Incidentally, my focus has been quite different than Napoleon Hill’s. I have paid a lot less attention to the thinking of the successful, and paid a lot more attention to their behavior.

In this book, I have NOT come out and simply stated the ultimate secret. Frankly, I could write it down on a 3x5” card. There are several reasons why I haven’t done that. First of all, it’s darned hard to get $19.95 for a 3x5” card. My accountant, Snarly Stubbyfingers insists that we create things we can sell for profit. (If I refuse, he swears he’ll up and leave and he’s the only one here with the combination to the safe where we keep the Oreos and the good Scotch.) Second, if I just tell it to you outright, in its shortest form, it lacks useful impact. I’ve found it is of little use to those I simply tell it to. On the other hand, those who ferret it out for themselves seem to place great value on it and get great value from it. So, I hope you can discover this secret for yourself. It is waiting for you in a number of places in this book.

I don’t have any special reason to be overly mysterious, though – so, a clue. The “spark” that drove me to write this book may, in itself, be revealing. A very mundane event got me going. I had been thinking about writing a book on this particular subject for quite some time. I’d been assembling notes on it for a couple years. But there was one little incident that got me to work. On a restless night, late at night, I was thumbing through TV GUIDE trying to find something to watch for an hour or so when I noticed this listing:


That name instantly appealed to me. Who was ‘Action Jackson’? How did he earn such a dramatic nickname? Well, the movie turned out to be a bad B-picture; a run-of-the-mill cops-and-bad-guys, black exploitation film starring Carl Weathers. I would not recommend the movie. But the hero’s name stuck in my mind long after the details of the movie faded. Action Jackson. That, I thought at the time, perfectly describes the kind of person who gets the most out of life.

Think about some of the biggest blockbuster movies. Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Die Hard. Lethal Weapon. Batman. The Fugitive. Think about the enduring success of the James Bond series. Why have these films been such enormous box office moneymakers? I think one of the answers is the dramatic juxtaposition between the movies’ always-in-action adventurers and most peoples’ comparative slow motion lives. The constant, the universal characteristic of such big screen heroes is their bias for action. And for an hour or two, everybody becomes an Action Jackson, living vicariously through these heroes.

What the Mediocre Majority never learns is that they do not have to settle for living vicariously through others. Anybody can be an Action Jackson --- dive headlong into the greatest adventure of all; setting and rapidly accomplishing meaningful, worthwhile goals, meeting fascinating people, visiting exciting places, living an exciting life. Even people who are above-average achievers are often guilty of seeing themselves and their own lives “smaller” than need be.

Well, I am here to tell you that those who live life “large” do share a single, ultimate secret. Through the stories, experiences and examples I’ve assembled for you, in this book, you can now discover that very secret and get it working for you.

Dan Kennedy

PS: You may have purchased this book on your own, and if so, my thanks and congratulations. But it’s also quite likely you received this book as a gift from one of the different business and marketing consultants, advisors, experts or coaches that I’ve worked with. If that’s the case, you should know that the person who gave you this book as a gift is someone who embodies the Ultimate Success Secret through his or her own behavior and business. That person prizes the secret, works at living the secret, and now has invested in passing along the secret to you. If you uncover it and find it valuable, by all means, let them know.

Additional Publisher’s Note: this book was first written and published in the early 1990’s. Not all references to the author’s life or to others in the book have been up-dated. This, in no way,

invalidates the timeless message of the book, as you will see.

About Dan Kennedy's Chapter

This book is a product of Pete-The-Printer.com, and it, along with several other special-purpose Dan Kennedy books, are available in bulk quantities or licensed, for re-publishing and or co-authorship or anthology publishing. Inquiries should be directed to Pete Lillo at Pete-The-Printer.com or 330-922-9833. Pete-The-Printer.com/Pete Lillo & Associates is also the publisher of Dan Kennedy’s LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER Newsletter for direct-response copywriters and direct marketers.

About The Author

Dan S. Kennedy is a multi-millionaire serial entrepreneur, sought after and highly paid advisor to entrepreneurs, business owners, CEO’s and marketing professionals, and a thought-leader and prolific writer on advertising, marketing, sales, business and success topics. His books have appeared on INC. MAGAZINE’S

‘100 Best Books’ List, Business Week and Amazon bestseller lists, and there has never been a year since 1981 that booksellers’ shelves haven’t included Dan Kennedy books.

Information about his books is available at www.NoBSBooks.com. The sun literally never sets on the reach of the association of entrepreneurs and marketers that has developed around Dan’s famous NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER: Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s

Circle™. Information about it is available at www.DanKennedy.com. As a speaker, Dan has frequently addressed

audiences of 1,000 to 35,000, and shared the stage with celebrity-entrepreneurs like Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), George

Foreman, and Joan Rivers as well as success and motivational speaking icons Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Tom

Hopkins. To communicate with Dan directly regarding speaking or consulting engagements, please fax 602-269-3113.

Why Do Some Of The Country's Smartest Entrepreneurs

Get Sales and Marketing AdviceFrom A Kilt Wearing,

Tattooed, Smash Mouth Libertarian...

Who's a Pain in the Ass to Work With?!

Because He Can Add Millions in Sales to Any Business...

Including Yours!

Despite his unconventional apparel, course manner of speech and tendency to be dismissive of those who “don't get it,” Everte is a business building phenom.

After he and a business partner split in October of 2008, a split that left Everte with no income or savings (his entire net worth had been locked up in the business and his partner refused to buy him out without a non-compete which Everte wouldn't sign) and only $1000 to his name, a pregnant stay at home wife and 2 children to support and Christmas coming fast, he started a company and in 16 months wrote $1,000,000.00 in business.

After a couple of years in that business, a vendor suggested Everte and his wife buy into a portion of his business. They did and Everte drove sales from approximately $200,000 just over $1,900,000.00 in just 2 years and 3 months.

His peers in the marketing business consider Everte a top flight direct response marketer and copywriter, Dan Kennedy (DanKennedy.com) even saying so in one of his most recent books, No BS Trust-Based Marketing:

“...long time GKIC member and outstanding marketer, Everte Farnell” and “Everte is a highly skilled direct-response copywriter”

And here's what business owners have to say:

"Everte, I wanted to let you know the critique you did of my marketing copy was amazing!!

When I originally put up my squeeze page, I had a measly 1.5% opt in rate. I thought that was good. Still I wanted to see if I could get the numbers up.

I ran the original copy past another marketing consultant I know, he said "it looks good."

You on the other hand gave me a 26 minute and 17 second recording that just ripped the copy apart. It was REALLY hard to listen too. It was brutal. It was down right Barbaric!!

It also produced a 10% conversion rate!!”Thanks!

Steve Ticknerwww.BestDomainChoice.com

“Everte,When you first started doing this copywriting thing, I really thought it was

fool’s gold. I mean really, I thought you just wrote an ad and put it in the paper and the phone rang.

I thought those long letters and ads with a lot of words were dumb. Proves what I know. We sent out a letter to get referrals and did an extra

$100,000 in a month a few years ago. Then we used that letter to prospects and closed 25% of them.

Then that ad you ran with the irresistible offer – or whatever you called it- that thing kept us open through the summer. Every other means of getting business dried up!

I'm just glad you’re on my side!!”Alex PembertonOwnerA+ Restorations

“...a 30 second spot on my radio show is 30% higher than the rest of the radio station.”

“Everte,I wanted to send a note and tell you how much I appreciate the tips the other

day. When I made some of the language and positioning changes you suggested my results were phenomenal!

The cost for a 30 second spot on my radio show is 30% higher than the rest

of the radio station, and that's because of your tips and suggestions. Same radio station, just higher prices. Just different positioning and language. Thanks for the help!

-Take it all away - great idea!”Fred Marks

Producer "Potomac Sports & Entertainment Network"

“Your Formula Is A Great Way To Get Noticed”"Everte - I just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks for your marketing

tips. As you know, I am a CLIO award winner, and a very successful marketer. My ad campaigns produced significant growth opportunities for the companies I have worked for.

When I decided to change careers, and become a personal chef, I found that the same style of advertising did not work as well for the small business owner/entrepreneur. In a short, 15 minute conversation I had with you one day you pointed to a few different "angles" I could approach with my business. When I tried them I was amazed at the results. Truth is I was a bit skeptical. I have a strong marketing background and I am well known and successful in that world. What you were saying was counter intuitive for me - but it worked. These days, getting noticed is the best formula to achieving success, your formula is a great way to get noticed.”

Thanx again, Chef George, Chez Vous.

Everte has collaborated with some of the best copywriters in the world, including Trevor Crook, the Crocodile Dundee of copywriting. He has received accolades and testimonials from Bill Glazer, shared the stage with Ted Nicholas and Matt Furey and helped many business owners make huge leaps in sales and profits.

He routinely interviewed by various media outlets all over the US and has even appeared on Forbes.com. His businesses have appeared on national news TV programs and radio internationally.

Quite frankly, he can get away with his unconventional manner because his results warrant it.

Other Kindle Books Everte Recommends

Everte FarnellThe Pool Hustler's MBA

Dan Kennedy

No BS Guide to Direct Marketing

No BS Trust Based Marketing

NO BS Marketing to the Affluent

No BS Guide to Selling to Leading Edge Boomers & Seniors

The Ultimate Sales Letter

The Ultimate Marketing Plan

Craig GarberHow to Make Maximum Money with Minimum Customers

7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, and How to Avoid Making Them

Jimmy NicholasSmall Business Marketing: Your Ultimate Guide