Tips on How to Survive College Group Project

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Tips on How to Survive College Group Project

Tips on How to Survive College Group Project

Tips on How to Survive College Group ProjectProfessors usually give group

project to students to help them learn workplace traits such as patience, leadership, sensitivity and collaboration. But not all groups are perfect, you can meet some who do not care about their grades, or simply do not know what to do.

Here’s what you have to do to survive any group project.

Choose members wisely

If ever you have to pick your members, make sure that you pick those who are smart and responsible.

Sometimes, you have to choose your friends whom you know are lazy because simply they are your friends. But it is also a good advantage because you are comfortable working with them and you know you can always talk to them.

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Choose the best means of


When you have to meet them on weekends or you want them to revise some parts of the project, you have to communicate. It can be through Emails, Facebook groups, or phone calls. Make sure all your members are active and participating by checking what they have accomplished once in awhile.

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Set deadlines

Assign each member a task. Give them deadlines. With the deadlines, they know their priorities and it is their responsibility to complete what is given to them.

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Don’t do it all aloneMaybe you enjoy doing things along but remember that it is a group project. It teaches you how to communicate well, how to work with fellow students and make each one of you responsible for the whole group.

When you see that the others are not doing their part, talk to them and if they won’t listen then you have to tell it to your professor.

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Lastly, eyes on the prize

There may be some obstacles when doing a project but do not let it slows you down. Keep in mind that the most important thing is to complete the project and have a good, decent grade.

Studying in one of the top schools universities is always challenging so better keep up and do your best as a team.

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