Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance (11.16)

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Transcript of Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance (11.16)


Community Provider Association of Oregon

October 28, 2016

Presenter: Robynn M. Pease, Ph.D.


What does work-life balance mean to you?

November 15, 2016 2

A positive feeling that you develop when you feel that you are successfully meeting the demands of work and personal life.

Meaningful achievement of the things that you enjoy most - family, friends, self, spirituality, community, work.

• Reference: Bryan 2015.

Defining Work-Life Balance

November 15, 2016 3

Increased Life Expectancy and Employment Multi-Generational Workplace

Pressure for Continuous Communication 24/7 Communication

Global Economy

Increased Dependent Care Needs Dual-Career Partnerships

Single-Headed Families

Aging Parents and Elders

Today’s Workplace Pressures

November 15, 2016 4

We may think that we manage our work-life, but do we let the work really drive us?

The 24/7 Workplace

November 15, 2016 5

The 24/7 Workplace

….Working harder and faster in the hopes of staying safe can be counterproductive. You neglect your health. You don’t sleep or eat well. You don’t exercise or take a vacation to recharge. You don’t nurture your professional network or your personal support system. But your boss can’t tell you when to focus on the parts of life that keep you healthy and happy……

-Cali Yost

November 15, 2016 6

Take charge of your own work-life balance!

November 15, 2016 7

Tip #1: Identify Your Work-Life Balance Gaps

November 15, 2016 8

A good or satisfactory condition of existence.

A combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities.

Reference: Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary; Rath and Harter 2010.






Assessing Your




• Use the following assessment to help you gain a better understanding of key aspects of wellbeing that contribute to your sense of work-life balance. Write = Agree ×= Disagree after each statement.


• Physical wellbeing is about having good health and enough energy to get things done on a daily basis.

• The short-term choices we make can have long-term effects on our overall physical health. People who have a high sense of physical wellbeing adopt healthy habits and make smart lifestyle choices about diet, exercise and sleep. They tend to feel better, have more energy, look better, and live longer.

• I recognize when I am stressed and take steps to relax.

• I eat a balanced and nutritional diet.

• I regularly exercise (ideally at least 20 minutes a day; minimum at least three times a week).

• I sleep well enough to feel well-rested (generally 7- 8 hours) but not too long (more than 9 hours).

• I have regular physical exams and medical exams as prescribed.

• There is someone in my life that motivates me to be healthy.

Total number of s _____ Total number of ×s____

Assessment (con’t)


• Community is central to our sense of belonging. We need to feel safe where we live and work. We need a home that meets our needs and a place can take pride in. People with a high sense of community wellbeing derive a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment from their communities.

• I participate in a variety of social activities.

• I enjoy being with people who are different than me.

• I have at least two colleagues with whom I have a close, trusting relationship.

• I have a sense of belonging to my organization.

• I am happy in the community or area where I live.

• The relationships in my life give me positive energy.

Total number of s _____ Total number of ×s____

Assessment (con’t)


• Our wellbeing is dramatically influenced by the people around us. Some of these relationships help us achieve personal and professional success while others help us feel emotionally and physically healthy. People with high social wellbeing are more likely to make time for vacations or social gatherings with their friends and family, which ultimately strengthens their relationships.

• I am open and honest, and I get along well with other people.

• I try to be a “better person” and work on behaviors that have caused problems in my interactions with others.

• I have at least one person with whom I can confide in.

• I regularly plan time to relax and be with friends.

• I enjoy doing things with others, whether it is collaborating on projects at work, volunteering in the community or engaging in an activity with family and friends.

• My relationships with my spouse, partner, close friends or family are stronger than ever.

Total number of s _____ Total number of ×s____

Assessment (con’t)


• Career wellbeing is about liking what we do every day. No matter where we spend our time, at a basic level, we need something to do – and ideally, something to look forward to. People who have high career fulfillment wake up every morning with something to look forward to doing. They also have the opportunity to do things that fit their strengths and interests. They have a deep purpose in life and a plan to attain their goals.

• I am flexible and adapt or adjust to change in a positive way.

• My work is stimulating, rewarding and reflects my values and strengths.

• I commit time and energy to professional growth and self-development.

• I am recognized for my strengths and achievement at work.

• I work with others who share my interests and commitment to work.

• I have the resources I need to succeed in my position.

Total number of s _____ Total number of ×s____

Assessment (con’t)


• Financial wellbeing is about effectively managing your economic life. Money may not buy happiness, but it is hard to be happy if you cannot meet your basic needs. Beyond that, the actual amount of money you have has less of an impact on your overall wellbeing than financial security and how you manage and spend your money.

• I live within my means and take responsibility for my financial decisions.

• My spending and saving habits reflect my values and beliefs.

• I actively plan for periods in my life when I may not have income.

• I pay bills on time and positively manage credit.

• I balance present-day spending with saving for the future, including retirement.

• I have similar financial beliefs and practices as those with whom I am close.

Total number of s _____ Total number of ×s____

References: Adegun, Caroline and Erica Hayton. Caring for the Whole Person: A “Wellbeing” Modal to Frame Employee Programming. Presentation at the College-University Work-Life-Family annual conference. Baltimore, MD. May 9, 2014 & Rather, Tom, and Jim Harter. 2010. Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. New York: Gallup

Tip #2: Create Opportunities for Recharging

November 15, 2016 15

Tip #4: Organize

You have 24 hours in the day. How are you going to spend your time?

Create Boundaries for Work, Career, Family, Friends and Self-Care

Remember Your To-Do List Outlook and Google Calendars


Remember The Milk

Find Tools to Help You Mind Tools

November 15, 2016

Childcare Resources Parent Magazines

Day Care Centers

After School and Summer Programs

Eldercare Resources Senior Centers

Aging Services Resource Guides

Health and Wellness Centers

Misc. Associations and Groups

Tip #5: Utilize Community Resources

November 15, 2016 17

How will you take charge of your work-life balance?

10/20/2016 18


Write down your plans for achieving work-life balance.






Incorporate activities for recharging body, mind and spirit into your life.

Use time management tools and additional resources to give yourself more time for balance.

Change your routines as work, family and personal needs and circumstances change.

Achieving Work + Life Balance

November 15, 2016

References Adegun, Caroline and Erica Hayton. Caring for the Whole Person: A “Wellbeing” Modal to Frame Employee Programming. Presentation at the College-University Work-Life-

Family annual conference. Baltimore, MD. May 9, 2014.

A Profile of Older Americans. 2011. Administration on Aging.

Axtell, Paul. “The Art of Saying No”. Contextual Program Designs. February 2, 2008.

Bobrowitz, Art. 2012 The Harmony of Science and Soul: Finding Meaning in the Twenty-First Century Workplace. Keizer, OR: Compass Rose Consulting, Inc.

Bryan, Laura Koppes.2015. Shaping Work-Life Culture in Higher Education. New York: Routledge.

Friedman, Stew. “Real leaders have real lives.” Harvard Business Review. February 21, 2013.

National Alliance for Caregiving.

Rath,Tom and Jim Harter. 2010.Well-Being: The Five Essential Elements. New York: Gallup Press.

Richman, Ann. Working Families Adapting to the New Normal. WFD Consulting. 19th Annual College-University Work-Life-Family Conference. Toronto 2013.

Schulte, Brigid.2014. Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play when No One Has the Time. New York: Sarah Crichton Books.

Third Path.

Schawbel, Dan. “Cali Williams Yost: Why We Have to Rethink Work Life Balance”. Forbes. January 8, 2013.

Quotable Quotes.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

Yost, Cali. “Seven Truths About Work-Life Today.” Tweak It Community.