Times of Oman - November 16, 2015

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Times of Oman - November 16, 2015

Transcript of Times of Oman - November 16, 2015


MONDAY, November 16, 2015 / 4 Safar 1437 AH timesofoman.com wtimesofoman.com facebook.com/timesofoman twitter.com/timesofoman blog.timesofoman.com ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company

Your country calls upon you to perform your duty with faith and discipline, to sharpen your skills, to increase your resources and experience and tirelessly develop them.

On the occasion of the 22nd National Day in 1992


‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’

MANAH: In a Royal speech de-livered at the Council of Oman, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said expressed pride over the achievements made in Oman and, in particular, the valued efforts of the Council in promoting the country’s comprehensive devel-opment march.

His Majesty the Sultan opened the sixth session of the Council of Oman at Hisn Al Shumoukh in the

Wilayat of Manah in the Governo-rate of Al Dakhiliyah, on Sunday.

The speech reads as follows: “In the name of God, Most Gra-cious, Most Merciful. Prayer and Peace Be Upon the Messenger of

Mercy to all mankind. Honour-able Members of Oman Council, we are delighted to meet you on this blessed day to open the sixth term of Majlis Oman (Council of Oman), hoping that its tasks will consummate in success while serving this dear homeland.

Honourable members of Oman Council, the achievements made across the land of Oman in vari-ous fields are a source of pride. We aspire to continue the blessed march of Renaissance with great-er will and determination, and this can only be achieved through collaboration and integration of efforts for the benefit of all. We have been closely following up the tasks carried out by Oman Coun-cil—through its two bodies of Ma-jlis Al Shura and State Council—over the past period. >A4

In his speech, HM asked Council of Oman

members to aspire for the blessed march

of Renaissance with greater determination

AUGUST ADDRESS: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said opened the sixth session of the Council of Oman, at Hisn Al Shumoukh in the Wilayat of Manah. Photo– Mohammed Mustafa

OMANOman Air frequency

1Oman Air will increase the frequency of its flights to Indian destinations. >A3

OMANOmani’s walkathon

2Khalid Al Habsi started on Sunday his walkathon from Muscat to Mannah

to thank His Majesty. >A4

OMANArtist’s love for HM

3 Omani artist Shaker Jalal has made a painting of His Majesty. >A6




HM hails Omangrowth march, Council efforts

One killed in Mirbat mosque collapseREJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: One person was killed and five others were injured when an under-construction mosque in Mirbat collapsed, ac-cording to a police tweet.

“A mosque under construction collapsed in Mirbat killing one and injuring eight others. Rescue operations are on,” the Public Au-thority of Civil Defence and Am-bulances (PACDA), said in a tweet on its official Twitter handle.

According to the police tweet, the incident occurred at around 8pm. In the initial tweet, the police said that eight people

were stuck inside the collapsed mosque. However, in a fresh tweet, the police said that only five people were injured. The na-tionalities of the victims was not clear until the filing of the report.

U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N S T R U C T U R E

Trace Oman’s sartorial heritage through Times

Oil, gas trade unions call off planned strikeREJIMON Kreji@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oil and gas sec-tor trade unions in Oman have called off their planned strike later this month, citing the ongo-ing talks with a ministerial panel tasked with addressing concerns about the continuing layoffs in the oil and gas sector. >A6




OMANM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

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Trace the Sultanate’s sartorial heritage with Times of Oman

Oman Air to raise service frequency to Indian citiesTimes News Service

MUSCAT: The Sultanate’s na-tional carrier, Oman Air, will in-crease the frequency of its flights to some Indian destinations fol-lowing enhanced bilateral seat entitlements, a senior official of the airlines said on Sunday.

According to the revised agree-ment between India and Oman, carriers from both countries can fly 5,131 additional seats per week between the two countries, taking the total capacity entitle-ment to 21,149 seats per week.

The move will enable Oman Air to launch additional flights to India. On the other hand, Indian carriers such as Air India, Air India Express, Jet Airways, In-digo and Spice Jet can also utilise these rights from different Indian airports to the Muscat Interna-tional Airport, Salalah Airport and Sohar Airport.

Speaking to the Times of Oman, the official of Oman Air also, however, said additional seats does not mean additional destinations.

No new destinations “Obtaining rights for additional new destinations in India is a com-pletely different set of processes, involving negotiations between the two governments (and their civil aviation authorities),” he said.

Earlier, the Chief Executive Of-ficer of Oman Air, Paul Gregorow-itsch, had said they are looking at places like the east Indian metrop-olis like Kolkata to launch flight services. The revised agreements were reached at the International Civil Aviation Negotiations Con-ference at Antalya, Turkey on 19-23 October this year.

The conference was attended by 106 countries out of the 191 countries affiliated to the ICAO.


Times News Service

MUSCAT: As part of the National Day celebrations, the Times of Oman, in association with the Zubair Corporation, is bring-ing out a special supplement on Oman’s National Dress.

A 12-page supplement on the Omani male dress is being re-leased with today’s edition of the Times of Oman and another one on the Omani women’s dress will be released on Tuesday. The sup-plements, which are a tribute to the nation, give a peek into the rich culture and tradition of Oman and are sure to be a valuable collector’s item for our readers, educational institutions, and libraries.

The project saw the Times of Oman design team working on it for more than six months, doing

research to arrive at a detailed un-derstanding of the subject. “This project is a symbol of pride. We are extremely thankful to the Cen-tre for Omani Dress and Madam Julia Al Zadjali, director of the Centre, for their support and guid-ance,” said Adonis Durado, Chief Creative Officer (Innovation and Product Development), Times of Oman/Al Shabiba.

A unique design aspect of this initiative is that both the sup-plements can be assembled into a poster. While focusing on the dishdasha, the Omani male dress supplement talks about the mus-sar, kuma, furakha, khanjar, assa, na’al and other elements. It ex-plains how Omani dishdasha is distinct from that sported by men in other Gulf countries and, also, how design differs within the

country. Information on acces-sories such as belts, sandals, kohl containers and ceremonial weap-ons gives the readers an idea of the rich tradition of the country.

The supplement highlighting the Omani women’s dress com-prises pages of detailed and minute information. It explains how every governorate has its own style and tradition. “The distinctions could be as simple as the length of the dress, colour of the head cover-ing or the type of embroidery,” is reveals. It shows several styles of traditional dresses found in the Sultanate with each region having unique characteristics. “Distinc-tions are determined by the details of embellishments, size or length, ornamentation, type of thread fab-ric and fashion,” it informs.

Research during the supple-ment revealed that the style of head covering differed from region to region. Accessories such as ban-gles, necklaces, and finger rings with designs unique to Oman are mentioned too. The supplements on Oman’s na-tional dress will surely enlighten and enrich those who read these.

A 12-page supplement on the Omani male

dress is being released with today’s edition

of the Times of Oman, and another

on Omani female dress on Tuesday




A4 M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5


A1 His Majesty presides over Council of OmanA U G U S T O C C A S I O N

Omani starts 117-km journey to thank HM

HASAN ALI SHABANhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Khalid Al Habsi start-ed on Sunday his four-day walka-thon from Muscat to Mannah to present a scroll for His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

The scroll is a ‘thank you letter’, written and signed by MB Holding Group employees to mark the cel-ebrations of the 45th National Day.

Khalid’s 117-km trudge is around 14 times the distance be-tween Qurum roundabout and Muttrah’s Riyam Park and he is expected to reach his destination, Hisn Al Shomoukh, on November 18. “I am honoured and proud to undertake this journey on behalf

of the company and my colleagues to congratulate His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said,” said Al Habsi.

Al Habsi said this march was aimed at spreading a message of

love, loyalty and gratitude to His Majesty and Oman.

It is not the first time that Khalid has taken up such a challenge as he has been involved in several walk-ing journeys between different parts of Oman, including a walk from Muscat to Al Mudhaibi to cel-ebrate the National Day last year, and another walk from Al Mud-haibi to Muscat to raise awareness about blood donation in 2009.

Since a very early age, Khalid found enjoyment in walking. He later joined the army and walking long distances became his regular habit. However, as Khalid left the army and got married, he stopped exercising and walking for a while and ended up gaining exces-sive weight.

“Only then, I became deter-mined to rebuild my walking plans with the constant support of my wife. So I joined a group of ambi-tious young men in a long walk from Salalah to Bait Al Falaj,” Khalid added.

After his daughter was diag-nosed with cancer, Khalid took up the cause as a responsibility and joined cancer campaign walks.

Asked about the challenges he may face and what he may have to endure during this journey, Khalid said, “The most challeng-ing part is that the road will be

rough and stony in some areas and I will need to cross many moun-tainous areas and wadis along the route.”

The MB Holding Group has also provided a 4X4 car with a nurse to follow Khalid and ensure that his trip remains safe.

“During the day, the heat also might be a challenge. I will be wearing suitable clothing to tack-le the weather conditions,” said Al Habsi.

Al Habsi has been practising regular long walks using different equipment and supplies in order to prepare himself for this endurance challenge.

“Bearing in mind that I will be crossing wadis and mountains, I have undergone some necessary medical check-ups.”

“Omanis have had an experi-ence of long distance walks since ancient times as they ventured to seek a livelihood. They used to walk miles from one place to another, enduring harsh weather condi-tions. Today, in spite of the advent of advanced means of transporta-tion, people still practise walking to improve their health and fitness. Walking habit has become quite common in the Omani society, es-pecially since Oman has beautiful beaches which offer smooth walk-ing paths,” Khalid concluded.

Khalid Al Habsi’s

journey is expected

to conclude at Hisn

Al Shomoukh, on

the National Day, on

November 18

THE SCROLL: The scroll Khalid

Al Habsi is carrying is a ‘thank

you letter’, written and signed

by MB Holding Group employ-

ees to mark the celebrations of

the 45th National Day. – Jun Estrada

Great response to Times of Oman National Day quiz

Times News Service

MUSCAT: As Oman celebrates the 45th National Day, Times of Oman is presenting a quiz to check how well residents and citizens know Oman.

The National Day quiz, which was launched on Sunday, has re-ceived a great response.

While 15 questions have al-ready been asked, 15 questions will be asked on Monday and Tuesday. Winners stand a chance of winning a lot of attractive priz-es, a spokesperson for the Times

of Oman said. The gifts include branded pens and watches.

The ‘How well do you know Oman?’ can be played on www.timesofoman.com starting Sunday.

Those who participate in the quiz have to take a screenshot of the marks they scored and send it to nationaldayquiz@gmail.com.

Those who score the highest marks will be chosen as the win-ners and in case of a tie, a winner will be chosen in a random draw.

The sponsors of this quiz are Indomie and Mistal.


We value the efforts exerted by the Council, which has had a tangible effect in contributing to pushing forward the march of comprehen-sive development towards further progress and prosperity.

We pray to the Almighty Allah to guide us all to success in serving our homeland and to support us with His divine assistance, for He hears and answers supplication.

Our Lord! In Thee do we trust, and to Thee do we turn in repentance.

May our dear homeland and its loyal people dwell in delight and bounty, every year!”

At the outset of the opening session of Oman Council’s Sixth Term, the verses of the Holy Quran were read out.

The opening ceremony was at-tended by their highnesses, min-isters, advisors, the Chairman of the State Council, the Chairman of Majlis Al Shura, commanders of the Sultan’s Armed Forces and Royal Oman Police, members of the State Council and Majlis Al Shura, heads of the diplomatic missions accredited to the Sul-tanate, sheikhs, dignitaries and editors-in-chief of local press pub-lications and media.


OMANM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

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Sayyid Fahd hails HM’s address to Council of Oman

MANAH: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said’s speech is very expressive as it stressed the im-portance of the coming stage for the Council of Oman, His High-ness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers, said.

In a statement to Oman News Agency (ONA) and local newspa-pers, he congratulated members of the State Council and Majlis Al Shura for their selection and election of the Council and urged for the collaboration of all efforts at this stage, as stated in His Maj-esty’s speech.

He said that the Omani people are knowledgeable about the dif-ferent circumstances and have been cooperating with the gov-ernment and all stakeholders to enhance the growth and stability of their country.

He hailed the role played by the Omani media and media men

in conveying the proper mes-sage and described the way they shouldered their responsibility during the blessed Renaissance as “great”. He affirmed that the Omani media is getting all sup-port that enables it to play its pro-spective role.

As for the priorities for the Council of Oman at the coming stage, His Highness Sayyid Fahd said that the economic aspects come on top of the priorities in a bid to enable our country to ac-climatize with what is going on in the world through diversification of economy and development of the country’s utilities.

His Highness Sayyid Fahd af-firmed that this requires some sort of sacrifices that will not af-fect the citizens because, “the citizens have the priority in eve-rything we do and we will not de-viate from this trend”.

As for diversifying the sources

of income, His Highness Sayyid Fahd said that it takes different pathways starting from SMEs, “therefore we encourage the Om-ani youth to work at these enter-prises and this is one of the chal-lenges we have”.

At the end of his statement, the Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers called upon everyone to cooperate to overcome the economic chal-lenges facing the world as a whole and Oman. -ONA

Sayyid Fahd congratulated the members

of the State Council and Majlis Al Shura,

and praised the Omani citizens for being

knowledgeable and for working to enhance

growth and stability of their country

His Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers. – ONA

CMA fines company for code violationMUSCAT: The Chief Executive of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) issued a decision impos-ing fine on National Life and General Insurance Company (NLGIC), operating in the in-surance sector, for violating the conduct code of the insurance sector, pertaining to conflict of interest, as well as violating the legal provision relating to the organisation of the agent licens-ing requirements.

The decision comes after dis-covering that the company con-tracted an employee working with other insurance counter-part in the market, which causes a conflict of interests.

Compliance with lawsCMA stresses on all the compa-nies and insurance brokers of the importance of compliance with laws and regulations to en-sure justice and protection for all the involved parties. -ONA


‘His Majesty’s speech is the road map for Council of Oman’MANAH: Dr Yahya bin Mahfoudh Al Manthri, Chairman of the State Council, affirmed that the speech of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said in which he inaugurated de-liberations of the 6th term of the Council of Oman at Hisn Al Shu-moukh in the Wilayat of Manah yesterday, is a road map for the Council of Oman for its next stage.

In a statement to Oman News Agency (ONA), he said that the tireless follow-up by His Majesty of the works of the Council of Oman in the past years has been a great honour for all, including members of the State Council and the Majlis Al Shura, and a shining proof of the keenness of His Maj-esty to establish a state of institu-tions and ensure that each phase of its growth proceeds as planned by His Majesty.

He valued the commendation of His Majesty of the works of the Council of Oman through those stages which, in turn, as His Maj-esty said, had a significant contri-

bution in advancing the process of further comprehensive develop-ment and prosperity.

The next stage requires more determination, further coopera-tion and integration of all efforts to serve “our dear homeland,” praying to Allah the Almighty to protect His Majesty as an inspir-ing leader to Oman and its proud people, and grant him a good health and a long life and to con-tinue on Oman the blessings of se-curity and stability under the wise leadership of His Majesty.

Khalid bin Hilal Al Ma’awali, Chairman of the Majlis Al Shura, affirmed that the speech of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said at the opening of the 6th term of the Council of Oman yesterday came as a demonstration and witness on the developmental renaissance that covered all areas of devel-opment in the Sultanate, which would result in the progress of the Omani citizen, maintain the accomplishments and provide a

comfortable life to the citizens in order to ensure and achieve their security and stability.

He said His Majesty pointed out in his speech to the Shura experi-ence and its continuous success as it comes in line with phases of the Omani Renaissance.

He explained that His Majesty affirmed in his speech that the Shura experience in the Sultan-ate progresses with confident and well-thought steps.

“The speech of His Majesty about the Shura puts us all as members of the Majlis before a national responsibility that we should carry towards a bright fu-ture, putting the speech of His Majesty as a work document that we follow,” he said.

He stressed that the new mem-bers of the Majlis are determined to carry out their duties and re-sponsibilities entrusted to them and act in accordance with the legislative and oversight powers granted it. -ONA

I N N A U G U R A T I O N O F C O U N C I L O F O M A N ’ S 6 T H T E R M


OMANM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

I paint for myself and for my own pleasure. My paintings are like

my family. I consider these paintings very special and I want

everybody to see them but I will feel sad if I have to sell them

Shaker Jalal, Omani artist

MUSCAT: His Majesty Sul-tan Qaboos bin Said has sent a cable of condolences to His Majesty King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa of Bahrain, on the death of Sheikh Issa bin Ali Al Khalifa, advisor to the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs.

In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has expressed his sin-cere condolences and sympathy to King Hamad, praying to Al-lah the Almighty to rest the de-ceased’s soul in peace and grant his family patience. -ONA


MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said has received a cable of thanks from President Nicolae Timofti of Moldova, in reply to His Majesty’s congrat-ulatory cable on the occasion of his country’s Independence Anniversary.

In his cable, President Ti-mofti expressed his sincere ap-preciation for His Majesty the Sultan’s congratulations and best wishes. He also expressed confidence that the relations between Oman and Moldova will progress to serve the joint interests of the people. -ONA

Awareness on genetic disorders emphasised

Staff Reporter

MUSCAT: An open day was or-ganised by the National Genetic Centre on November 14 at the main hall of the Muscat Grand Mall to promote public awareness about genetics-related issues.

The open day activities, held under the auspices of Her High-ness Dr Taghreedbint Turki Al Said, focussed on educating mem-bers of the community with the aim to reduce mortality and mor-

bidity rates caused by congenital anomalies.

During the event, educational activities were conducted and useful material was distributed among visitors. Children also had an opportunity to receive gifts.

In addition, some activities were conducted as part of the Na-tional Genetic Centre’s celebra-tion of the Sultanate’s 45th Na-tional Day.

The Centre has been taking various measures to promote the

prevention of genetic disorders by raising public awareness on im-portant issues, such as pre-mari-tal testing.

Genetic counselling courseIt recently started a unique 16-month long genetic coun-selling course for medical pro-fessionals across the country, focused on preventing genetic disorders and improving the lives of those affected.

Dr Musallam Said Al Araimi, molecular and community geneti-cist at the Centre, had earlier told the Times of Oman that the rise in genetic disorders can be attribut-ed to ‘recessive patterns of inher-itance’. This means the children born as a result of the marriage of two ‘carriers’ of defective genes, who may be healthy and symp-tomless themselves, could be af-fected, he explained.

According to him, the common practice of marrying a close rela-tive, which is also known as con-sanguinity or intermarriage, has resulted in high prevalence of ge-netic disorders in the country.

Prospective couples should consult specialists and go through pre-marital tests well in advance, if they have a family history of ge-netic disorders, he said.

Blood disordersThe tests for inherited blood dis-orders are available at all major hospitals across the country, Dr Al Araimi said, adding that there is a proposal to make screening available for all genetic disorders known in Oman. The latest stud-ies show that 24 per cent of Oma-nis marry their first cousins, 11 per cent marry their second cous-ins and 22 per cent marry within the same tribe, he said.

The National Genetic Centre has been taking

measures for prevention of genetic disorders

by raising public awareness

EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: The open day activities focussed on educating members of the community with the aim of reducing mor-

tality and morbidity rates caused by congenital anomalies. – Photo Supplied

Crude oil revenues set to fall

“We are already seeing the results of dialogues initiated by the min-isterial committee formed by the Council of Ministers regarding the oil and gas sector layoffs. We wel-come the initiative and as part of it, we are calling off the strike which was announced on October 27,” Saud Salmi, oil and gas trade union chairman, told the Times of Oman.

According to trade union lead-ers, since the oil price started to fall in the middle of 2014, around 1,000 Omani workers were laid off by companies citing lack of pro-jects and a slump in oil prices.

As the layoffs continued, a min-isterial committee was formed. Last Thursday, the committee came out with a statement after several meetings. The text of the agreement reads that the services of expatriate workers, whose con-tracts have expired, can be termi-nated or the scope of their con-tracts can be reduced.

“Appoint Omanis in place of ex-pats at any other contracts won by the company while taking into consideration the fact that the ex-perience and efficiency matches when it comes to the replacement programme,” the text added.

According to government sta-tistics, in 2013, there were 13,222 workers, including 2,809 expatri-ates, in the oil and gas sector.

However, the ministry’s report itself said these figures did not in-clude the number of workers of the contracting and services in the oil and gas sector.

According to the ministry’s data, Oman posted a budget deficit of OMR2.68 billion ($6.97 billion) during the first eight months of this year, compared with a surplus of OMR205.7 million reported a year ago, because of lower oil ex-port prices.

Oman posted a budget deficit of OMR1.92 billion since the first half of 2015, thus indicating a wid-ening gap.

According to a forecast by inter-national traders, oil revenues are predicted to dip further by the end of this year.




Omani paints love for HM on canvas

HASAN SHABAN AL LAWATIhassan@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: As a tribute to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, Omani artist Shaker Jalal has made a photorealistic painting of the beloved leader.

“Many people found it hard to tell that it was a painting,” said Shaker who worked for more than three months on the paint-ing. Shaker thought he must do something special on the occa-sion of the 45th National Day cel-ebrations in Oman.

“His Majesty the Sultan lives in the hearts of millions in the country,” said Shaker, while add-ing that the dynamic leadership and vision of His Majesty the Sultan have put the Sultanate of Oman on the world map.

His work on the 120cmx100cm canvas was painted using oil col-ours. As part of #Oman Pride campaign, we portray this award- winning artist.

His love affair with art began in early childhood during fre-quent visits to Oman’s fine art and other local art galleries.

Asked if he plans to sell the painting, Shaker said, “I paint for myself and for my own pleasure. My paintings are like my family. I consider these paintings very special and I want everybody to see them but I will feel sad if I have to sell them.”

“Paintings and art in general for me is a way of communica-tion. I feel fortunate to be an artist. I love to communicate through pictures. For me, paint-ing is a way of communication that goes beyond words,” he added. This is not the first time that Shaker has painted the por-trait of His Majesty the Sultan. In April 2015, Shaker shared on his social media channels a 100cmx-80cm oil canvas of His Majesty.

After his attempt to introduce a ‘different’ and ‘younger’ version of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, “Mona Lisa,”, the emerging Oma-ni artist recently showcased one of his most popular works, the ‘Shaker Jalal Mona Lisa’.

“That is why people call me Oman da Vinci,” says Shaker.

Shaker bagged several artistic awards this year and represented Oman at Brazil 2014 and at the United Arab Emirates in 2015. But he said he believes that the compilation of His Majesty’s paintings “is my most important achievement till date.”

4 5 T H N A T I O N A L D A Y

New Ghubra pump station link to ease water crisisMUSCAT: The second and fi-nal stage of connecting the new pumping station in Al Ghubra neighbourhood with the main tanks in the desalination plant, was completed by the Public Au-thority for Electricity and Water, on Sunday.

Hot tapping technologyThe pipes were connected using the hot tapping technology, which has been used for the first time by the Public Authority for Electric-ity and Water (PAEW).

This stage comes to comple-ment the first stage, which was completed on Thursday evening.

New pumping stationCompetent teams from the PAEW connected water lines with the new pumping station in Al Ghubra neighbourhood, and reviewed all the work associated with the second stage and evalu-ated all the data of laying of pipes over the two stages.

Dr. Fahd bin Salim Al Hosni, Director General of Projects said in a statement that hot tapping technology (used for the first time by PAEW) does not inter-

rupt the flow of water during the improvements in water networks. It allows workers to carry on their work until the end without the need to stop the flow of water. -ONA


TASK COMPLETED: PAEW connected water lines with the new

pumping station in the Al Ghubra neighbourhood. – ONA

Majlis to hold first regular session todayMUSCAT: Majlis Al Shura will hold its first regular session of the 1st annual sitting (2015-2016) for the 8th term on Mon-day. During the session, mem-bers of the Majlis Al Shura will be elected for a half term.

Sheikh Ali bin Nassir Al Mah-rouqi, Secretary General of the Majlis Al Shura, said the session is being held in implementation of Article (48) of the Majlis by-law. He said during the session, permanent committees would be formed and their heads will be elected as per Article (51) of the bylaw.

During the session, members of the Majlis will be notified on the draft 9th 5-year plan. -ONA

8 T H T E R M

HM sends condolences

HM receives thanks cable




REGIONM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5



Russia, the United States and powers from

Europe and the Middle East outlined a plan

on Saturday for a political process in Syria

leading to elections within two years.

Obama vows efforts to eliminate IS group

BELEK (TURKEY): US Presi-dent Barack Obama vowed on Sunday to step up efforts to elimi-nate IS in Syria and prevent it from carrying out attacks like those in Paris, while European leaders urged Russia to focus its military efforts on the radicals.

Speaking at a G20 leaders sum-mit in Turkey, Obama described the killings in Paris claimed by IS as an attack on the civilised world and said the United States would work with France to hunt down those responsible.

The two-day summit brings Obama and fellow world leaders just 500 km (310 miles) from Syr-ia, where a 4-1/2-year conflict has transformed IS into a global secu-rity threat and spawned Europe’s largest migration flows since World War II.

“The skies have been darkened by the horrific attacks that took place in Paris just a day and a half ago,” Obama said after meeting Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

“We will redouble our efforts, working with other members of the coalition, to bring about a peaceful transition in Syria and to eliminate IS as a force that can cre-ate so much pain and suffering for people in Paris, in Ankara, and in other parts of the globe,” he added.

ResponseObama and his Western allies now face the question of how the West should respond after IS again demonstrated it posed a threat far beyond its strongholds in Syria and Iraq.

Washington already expects France to retaliate by taking on a larger role in the US-led coali-tion’s bombing campaign against IS. “We’re confident that in the coming days and weeks, working with the French, we will be able intensify our strikes against IS in

both Syria and Iraq to make clear there is no safe haven for these terrorists,” US Deputy National security adviser Ben Rhodes said in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press”. But European Council President Donald Tusk said Rus-sia too should focus its military operations on IS, rather than on the Syrian opposition battling President Bashar Al Assad, urging cooperation between Washington and Moscow.

Common aim“It should be our common aim to coordinate our actions against IS and for sure the cooperation be-tween the United States and Rus-sia is a crucial one,” he said.

Russia joined the conflict a month and a half ago with air strikes in Syria, but has been tar-geting mainly areas where for-eign-backed fighters are battling Assad, its ally, rather than IS, its critics say. Turkey and Western allies, by contrast, want Assad out.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he welcomed the renewed sense of urgency to find a solution to the war in Syria af-ter the Paris attacks, adding the world had a “rare moment” of diplomatic opportunity to end

the violence. Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held an informal discussion, huddling to-gether on the sidelines of a work-ing lunch. It was not known what they talked about but a Russian official said they spoke for more than 30 minutes.

More tangible stepsObama is also seeking to coax other European and Middle East-ern countries into more tangible steps to show their military com-mitment and was expected to hold a bilateral meeting with Custo-dian of Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia. In a call last month, the two leaders affirmed the need to cooperate against IS.

Obama said he had also dis-cussed in his meeting with Er-dogan the progress made by for-eign ministers in Vienna, who on Saturday outlined a plan for a political process in Syria lead-ing to elections within two years, although differences over Assad’s fate still remained.

The coordinated attacks by gunmen and suicide bombers in Paris on Friday puts Obama and other leaders of the world’s major economies under increased pres-

sure to find common cause.It remains to be seen, however,

whether Washington itself has an appetite for much deeper in-volvement after already stepping up air strikes and committing small numbers of special opera-tions troops to northern Syria to advise opposition forces in the fight against IS.

The Paris carnage also poses a major challenge for Europe, with populist leaders rushing to de-mand an end to an influx of refu-gees and migrants from the Mid-dle East and Africa.

In a diplomatic coup for Europe and for Turkey, the G20 leaders will agree that migration is a glob-al problem that must be addressed in a coordinated way, according to a draft communique seen by Reu-ters, although it has yet to be ac-cepted by all and is due to be pub-lished only on Monday.

Europe and Turkey, the most heavily hit by the crisis, had been pushing for the G20 to recognise the issue as a global problem and help to deal with it financially, de-spite opposition from China, In-dia and Russia. A million migrants from the Middle East and Africa are expected to come to Europe this year alone. — Reuters

European Council

President Donald

Tusk urges US-

Russian cooperation

against the IS

Egypt finds bodies of

15 African migrants

CAIRO: Egyptian police found the bodies of 15 African migrants on Sunday who appeared to have been shot dead in the turbu-lent area of northern Sinai near the border with Israel, security sources said.

They said another eight mi-

grants had been wounded in the attack. Ambulances rushed to the scene south of the town of Rafah on the border between Egypt and the Palestinian Gaza Strip. It was not clear who had attacked the migrants or which countries they originated from. — Reuters


G20 SUMMIT MEETING: Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, meets with US President Barack

Obama, left, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Antalya, on November 15, 2015. – AFP/RIA Novosti/Russian

Presidential Press Office


INDIAM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

JD(U): Dalai Lama’s remarks on Bihar aimed at ‘extremist groups’

NEW DELHI: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama’s comments that Bihar poll results had “proved” that a majority of Hindus still be-lieved in communal harmony was seized upon by the JD(U) on Sun-day to say that it was an attack on “extremist elements”.

The BJP, which suffered a hu-miliating defeat at the hands of JD(U)-led Grand Secular Alliance

in the Assembly polls, on its part played down the statement by the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace laure-ate, saying Bihar for long has seen communal harmony.

Tradition“India has a long tradition of peace and amity. The people of Bihar in

the recent Assembly polls have proved that a large section of the Hindu community still believes in peace and amity,” the 14th Da-lai Lama had said in Jalandhar on Saturday without naming any po-litical party or leader.

Terming the remarks of the Da-lai Lama as an attack on “extremist

elements”, JD(U) leader K C Tyagi said the Tibetan spiritual leader has been in India for long and is aware of the Indian culture.

Statement“The statement made by him has given a strong and befitting reply to the extremist groups in India. The results of the Bihar polls show that forces of tolerance are not only ac-tive but are in majority,” he said.

He pointed out that President Pranab Mukherjee too has flagged the issue of intolerance and the Bi-har verdict has proved that “intol-erance has been defeated.”

“We have ensured that commu-nal harmony in the state is main-tained at all costs. We have worked to ensure that any attempt to dis-rupt the harmony is defeated...we fought the Bihar assembly polls on the agenda of development.

“We won four states but lost in two. This is part of democracy...the grand alliance had the arith-metics in its favour. But the chem-istry favoured us,” BJP spokes-person Shahnawaz Hussain told reporters here.

Asked whether the Dalai Lama’s remarks on intolerance should be a matter of concern for BJP, Hus-sain said his statement “should not be misinterpreted.” - PTI

JD(U) leader K.

C. Tyagi pointed

out that President

Pranab Mukherjee

too has flagged the

issue of intolerance

and the Bihar verdict

has proved that

‘intolerance has

been defeated’

We won four states

but lost in two. This is

part of democracy...

the grand alliance

had the arithmetics

in its favour. But the

chemistry favoured us

Shahnawaz HussainBJP spokesperson

NAGPUR: Firing a fresh salvo at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over poll debacle in eastern Indian state Bihar, disgruntled BJP MP Shatrughan Sinha has said the “credit” for the seats won by the party in the state goes to Modi and claimed that his attack on Lalu Prasad backfired.

Sinha also said that Bihar voters had understood that the announcement of eco-nomic package by Modi was a “poll gimmick”.

“All the credit goes to Modiji for the number seats won by BJP in Bihar and there should not be any doubt about it,” Sinha said while taking a jibe at the PM.

The actor-turned-politi-cian, who had been sulking after he was left out of the electioneering, said it was

because of the “aggressive campaigning” by Modi that BJP fetched 53 seats.

“Probably Modi was kept in dark about ground realities in Bihar by the party leadership.

Outsiders were at the helm of affairs for electioneer-ing, whereas ‘Bihari Babu’ (referring to himself ), whom people of Patna sent to Parlia-ment by a margin of lakhs, was deliberately kept out of the campaign,which also people (voters) took seriously and defeated BJP,” Sinha told a select group of mediaper-sons here last night.

The MP from Patna Sahib said the anti-incumbency fac-tor did not work against Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.

The targeting of Lalu Yadav and the ‘jungle raj’ remarks didn’t go well with the people of Bihar, he claimed. - PTI

Shatrughan targets Modi again over Bihar debacle

RSS affiliate raises objections

against easing of FDI norms

NEW DELHI: The easing of-Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms by the Modi government in 15 key sectors faced objections from a second RSS affiliate today with Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) expressing anguish and demanding that it be put on hold.

The SJM also accused the government of acting in haste in the matter. It demanded a white paper detailing the benefits and drawbacks of FDI and said a com-mission comprising stakeholders should first be set up to examine the issue.

The Manch said that govern-ment’s ‘Make in India’ initiative should be more of ‘Made by India’.

“SJM believes that the present decision of the government to ease FDI norms for major sectors of the economy has been taken in a hurried manner and without go-ing into the pros and cons of the decision.

The demands“SJM demands that these deci-sions be put on hold and a com-mission is constituted taking all stakeholders on board while in-stituting a comprehensive study to estimate loss to the economy,” Ashwani Mahajan, All India Co-Convener of the Manch, said.

“It is painful to see that the present government continues to follow the policy of previous UPA government in this regard.

“SJM reiterates its demand for a white paper and urges the

government to share the factual position with the people of India instead of repeating mere claims and intention,” he said.

The opposition from SJM came three days after another RSS af-filiate, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, warned the government of mass agitations if the FDI decision was not immediately rolled back.

The SJM said it was “in deep anguish over the central govern-ment’s decision to ease FDI norms in almost all major sectors of the economy, including defence, plan-tation, broadcasting, single brand e-commerce, banking, construc-tion, limited liabilities partner-ship, duty free shops, etc”.

Arguing that the government has been advocating liberal FDI regime under its plans to revive manufacturing sector in the country in the name and style of Make-in-India slogan, the Manch said, “Government’s endeavour towards Make-in-India should be

more of Made-by-India.”Mahajan said it was an estab-

lished fact supported by empiri-cal data that FDI is not a panacea for all ills.

“It is not a solution for all prob-lems. FDI has done more bad than good to the economy. There have been more outflows of royalty, in-terest, dividend, profits, salaries, etc., than inflows of FDI.

“In 2014-15 alone, while there has been FDI inflow of $31 billion, there has been an outflow of $36.5 billion,” he said.

ManufacturingThe SJM also contested the gov-ernment’s argument that FDI would bring growth and create employment in the country.

“Government has been advo-cating liberal regime under its plans to revive manufacturing sector in the country in the name and style of Make-in-India slo-gan,” Mahajan said. -PTI

1 5 K E Y S E C T O R S

The SJM also accused the government of acting

in haste in the matter. It demanded a white paper

detailing the benefits and drawbacks of FDI and

said a commission comprising stakeholders

should first be set up to examine the issue

80 HOUSES GUTTED IN KULU FIREPeople watch as fire engulfs their houses at village Kotla near Banjara in Kullu district of

Himachal Pradesh, on Sunday. Around 80 houses are feared to have been destroyed in the

incident. The fire was blazing until last reports reached the state headquarters, officials

said, adding that efforts were on to douse the flames. Banjar Sub-Divisional Magistrate

Ashwani Kumar said relief and rescue teams have been rushed to the spot and no loss of

life or livestock has been reported so far. The quantum of damage was yet to be ascer-

tained but locals said it could run into crores of rupees. - PTI

All the credit goes to Modiji for the

number seats won by BJP in Bihar and

there should not be any doubt about it

Shatrughan Sinha, BJP member of parliament


INDIAM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

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‘India can become a pillar of global growth and stability’

ANTALYA: Projecting India as a pillar of global economic stability, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said bold reforms has helped the country to clock 7.5 per cent growth that will improve fur-ther in coming years.

“Through bold economic and governance reforms, we have achieved a growth rate of nearly 7.5 per cent with strong prospects for a higher growth rate in the near future. Given our size and scale, India can become a pillar of global growth and stability,” he told heads of world 20 leading economies.

‘Definite target dates’In his lead intervention at G20 Working Lunch on Development and Climate Change, Modi said India has the world’s largest finan-cial inclusion programme and has “definite target dates” for meeting people’s all basic needs.

He said India is promoting

growth and investing in skills to create employment for the youth.

The country is also increasing the pace and quality of infrastruc-ture expansion, and investing in making far more productive and

resilient. Referring to the Sustain-able Development Goals, Modi said India’s development goals are aligned with the SDGs.

The SDGs are comprehensive set of goals that places complete

elimination of poverty in the world by 2030 as its top goal.

And, it creates the right balance between growth, development, human welfare and environment, he added.

“G20 must align itself with the SDGs. In doing so, we will also stimulate faster and a more broad-based economic growth,” the prime minister said.

In the past one year, the Indian government has announced a host of measures to improve ease of do-ing business, to streamline taxa-tion and to further liberalise the FDI policy, among other steps.

Pledging to quadruple India’s renewable power capacity to 175 gigawatt by 2022 and cut fos-sil fuel subsidies, Modi asked world’s top economies to ensure reaching the target of $100 billion a year green climate fund by 2020.

He also pushed ahead his pro-posal for forming an alliance of so-lar-rich countries at the upcoming Climate Summit in Paris and said G20 countries must build support systems focused on nations with maximum growth potential.

In his lead intervention at G20 Working Lunch on Development and Climate Change, he offered seven points for consideration which include shift from ‘carbon credit’ to ‘green credit’ and in-crease in share of traffic on pub-lic transport in cities by 30 per cent by 2030.

“I propose that we consider how G20 can build support sys-tems that focus on countries with maximum growth potential, help address specific bottlenecks there and facilitate implementation of country strategies,” he said.

Clean energy and environment friendly infrastructure, he said, will address both development and climate change.

“When we speak of targets, we must not only reduce the use of fossil fuel, but also moderate our life style. Development in har-mony with nature is the goal of my proposal to launch, along with the French President Francois Hol-lande, an alliance of solar-rich countries at the time of COP-21 meeting (in Paris later this month),” Modi said. - PTI

In his lead

intervention at G20

Working Lunch on

Development and

Climate Change,

Modi said India has

the world’s largest

financial inclusion

programme and has

‘definite target dates’

for meeting all basic

needs of people

WORKING SESSION: Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 Summit working session on inclusive

growth, in Antalya, Turkey on Sunday. - PTI

ANTALYA (Turkey): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the need for a united global effort to combat terrorism has never been “more urgent” in the wake of the deadly Paris attacks over which the world “stands united” in condemnation.

“We stand united in strongly condemning the dreadful acts of terrorism in Paris...The entire humanity must stand together as one against terrorism. The need for a united global effort to combat terrorism has never been more urgent,” Modi said at the meeting of the BRICS leaders on the sidelines of the

G20 Summit. India, which takes over the Chairmanship of BRICS from February 1, 2016, will accord priority to combating terrorism, he said.

In the worst ever terror attacks by IS in Paris on No-vember 13, at least 129 people were killed and 352 injured, many in critical condition.

Combating terrorism, Modi said, “must also be a priority for BRICS nations”.

Besides Modi, BRICS meet-ing is being attended by Rus-sian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, South African President Jacob Zuma and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

Modi said: “We express deepest sympathy and sup-port to Russia for the loss of life in Sinai. Ankara and Beirut are also reminders of terror’s growing spread and impact”.

“The theme of India’s BRICS Chairmanship will be ‘Building Responsive, Inclu-sive and Collective Solutions’

which, in short, will be ‘BRICS’.It aptly describes the ethos of our group,” Modi said.

There was a time when the logic of BRICS and its lasting capacity were being questioned, but today BRICS can also give shape to G20, he added. - PTI

Need for united global action to combat terror: Modi

Grand Alliance possible for UP also: AkhileshSANT KABIR NAGAR: Taking a cue from the massive victory of the Grand Alliance against Bharati-ya Janata Party in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday said such a tie-up was possible in the state where Assembly elections are due in early 2017.

“A Grand Alliance is possible in the state,” Yadav told report-ers when asked about possibil-ity of such a coalition materialis-ing in UP to take on BJP in 2017 assembly polls.

The chief minister, however, did not elaborate.

His remarks came a day after an Uttar Pradesh minister suggested a Grand Alliance involving ruling Samajwadi Party and Mayawati-led BSP for the upcoming assem-bly polls in the state similar to the one in Bihar where rivals RJD chief Lalu Prasad and JD(U) lead-er Nitish Kumar came together and decimated BJP.

Like Bihar, BJP had swept Uttar Pradesh also in Lok Sabha election last year and the party is hoping that it will return to power in the politically crucial state after near-ly 15 years. The chief minster, who was here on a private visit, said people in Bihar had given their de-cision in favour of development.

In Uttar Pradesh panchyat polls, they have favoured Samajwadi Party’s development plank, Akh-ilesh Yadav said.

“We will contest the 2017 as-sembly polls on the plank of devel-opment as we have ensured pro-gess in every nook and corner of the state,” he said.

SuggestedIn Barananki, UP minister Fareed Mahfooz Kidwai had suggested that his party SP and BSP form a ‘grand alliance’for 2017 Assembly polls to defeat BJP.

“God willing, a grand alliance will come into being here also (like in Bihar) and we will definitely defeat BJP and form our govern-ment,” he had said. - PTI

2 0 1 7 E L E C T I O N

CPI(M) slams Centre, says Swachh Bharat cess will hit common manNEW DELHI: Coming out against the Centre’s ‘Swachh Bharat’ cess, CPI(M) on Sunday said the levy will pinch the pock-ets of the already “broken” com-mon man and demanded that the government announce how much money was spent on Prime Min-ister Narendra Modi’s promotion of the initiative.

“We want the government to tell the country and Parliament how much money was spent on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ad-vertisements featuring the prime minister. You spend that much money on the campaign and then collect money from people to fi-nance that campaign.

“At that time it was announced

that it will be part of corporate so-cial responsibility (CSR), which has now turned out to be the peo-ple’s burden,” CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury told reporters here.

Yechury also took to Twitter as he questioned the government for introducing the additional levy and said that Centre should impose a cess on corporates in-stead as the escalating prices of pulses, vegetables and fuel have already broken the back of the common man.

“Swachh cess??? High prices of dal, vegetables, petrol/diesel have already broken the back of com-mon man. How much more can s/he (sic) carry? Impose the cess on

corporates whom you are backing to the hilt, while starving the poor.

“They certainly owe you the crores that you spend on self- projection. Why should Public pay for your campaigns, photo- ops and hype? As the PM jet-sets around the world, common man is fleeced for travelling by train too from now on. #NotCleanA-tAll,” he said in a series of posts on the micro- blogging website.

A ‘Swachh Bharat Cess’ of 0.5 per cent came into ef-fect on Sunday for all services which are presently liable to pay Service Tax.

This translates into a tax of 50p on every Rs 100 worth of taxable services. - PTI

0 . 5 P E R C E N T


PAKISTAN M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

Pakistani forex dealer held in USISLAMABAD: US authorities said on Friday that Altaf Khanani, a well-known money-changer, was arrested for involvement in laun-dering funds for designated terror-ist organisations.

Claiming Khanani was arrested in September, the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) said in a statement, “DEA Miami Field Division Special Agent in Charge Adolphus P Wright stated, ‘DEA arrested Altaf Khanani on September 11, 2015 pursuant to a grand jury sealed indictment.’”

The statement added, “The Khanani Money Laundering Or-ganisation (MLO) is a TCO com-posed of individuals and entities operating under the supervision of Pakistani national Altaf Kha-

nani, who the US Drug Enforce-ment Administration (DEA) arrested this September. The Kha-nani MLO facilitates illicit money movement between Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, United

States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and other countries, and is responsible for laundering bil-lions of dollars in organised crime proceeds annually.”

Further, the statement accused

Khanani Money Laundering Or-ganisation (MLO) of laundering illicit funds for organised crime groups, drug trafficking organi-sations and designated terrorist groups throughout the world.

“Altaf Khanani, the head of the Khanani MLO, and Al Zarooni Exchange have been involved in the movement of funds for the Taliban, and Altaf Khanani is known to have had relationships with Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Dawood Ibrahim, Al Qaeda, and Jaish-e-Mohammed,” the statement further said.

Offices sealedAltaf was a partner of Kalia group, one of the biggest money-changers working under the name of Kha-nani and Kalia.

The exchange company was banned about five years ago and their offices were sealed by the Federal Investigation Agency. — Express Tribune

US Office of Foreign

Assets Control said

in a statement,

‘DEA arrested

Altaf Khanani

on September 11,

2015 pursuant to a

grand jury sealed


Altaf was a partner of Kalia group, one of the biggest

money-changers working under the name of Khanani

and Kalia. The exchange company was banned about

five years ago and their offices were sealed by the

Federal Investigation Agency

Our rulers are mental slaves, says ImranISLAMABAD: Reprimanding the country’s ruling elite, Pa-kistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan warned that the benefits of democracy could only trickle down to the people if the leaders are not mentally enslaved.

“Our rulers are mental slaves and mental slavery is even worse than physical slavery,” Imran Khan told the party workers at the eighth foundation day of In-saf Student Federation (ISF), the PTI’s students’ wing on Saturday.

Imran said: “We have become slaves of the Western culture and follow it blindly. Such mental slaves have no vision and are un-fit to become leaders of Pakistan.”

The PTI chief referred to his stance of engaging the Taliban in talks. “At that time no one fa-voured the idea and I was brand-ed as ‘Taliban Khan’ but now the entire world supports the idea of

dialogue with the Taliban. Unfor-tunately, the Taliban are no long-er in the mood for talks, he said.Talking about the China-Paki-stan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Imran said it is an opportunity to put the country on the path of progress and development but the rulers have their own designs. — Express Tribune

C O U N T R Y ’ S R U L I N G E L I T E

Imran Khan


WORLDM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

Stay ahead of the curve with



UK rebel may have planned Paris-style attack in Istanbul

BELEK (TURKEY): Turkish authorities suspect a high-profile British extremist detained in Tur-key last week may have been plan-ning attacks in Istanbul similar to those in Paris, two security sourc-es told Reuters on Sunday.

A man thought to be Aine Les-ley Davis, an associate of the IS militant dubbed “Jihadi John”, was detained in Istanbul last week, senior Turkish officials said on Friday.

Davis was detained with a group of others who could have been planning an attack in Istanbul in parallel with the gun and bomb rampage in the French capital that left at least 129 people dead, a separate source said on Sunday.

“Davis is a figure with key re-sponsibilities within Islamic State and he wasn’t caught alone. He was within a group,” the source said.

“Right now, we’re investigating whether they were planning an at-tack in Istanbul similar to the one in Paris.

We suspect there could have been a parallel attack with Paris, on the same day.”

Davis is one of a group of British

extremists believed to have been assigned to guard foreign prison-ers by IS, alongside Mohammed Emwazi, nicknamed Jihadi John after appearing in videos show-ing the killings of US and British hostages.

Emzawi is thought to have been killed in a drone strike in Syria, US and British officials said on Friday.

Tourist destinationsIstanbul is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, with more than 10 million people vis-iting sights including the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia each year.

Separately, the source said eight people suspected of links to IS had been detained in Ankara on Sun-

day, but declined to give their na-tionalities.

The detentions are the latest in what many of Turkey’s Western allies see as a belated crackdown on extremist activity inside the NATO member, which borders both Iraq and Syria.

IS is becoming more active in Turkey, another senior Turkish official said, prompting a wider re-sponse from security forces.

“IS is also changing methods and is not only carrying out at-tacks inside Syria.

It is showing more presence here and we are therefore taking more notice of it and responding,” the official said.

Turkish police and suspected

IS militants exchanged fire for the first time inside a city centre during a raid in the southeast-ern province of Diyarbakir in late October.

Two Turkish policemen and seven militants were killed.

Previous confrontations have taken place on the Turkish- Syrian border.

“Right now, the threats and at-tacks from IS, which came once every six or seven months, are coming every one or two months.

This is a very serious prob-lem,” a second senior Turkish official said.

Last month, the Turkish capi-tal was rocked by a double sui-cide bombing at a pro-Kurdish

peace rally that killed more than 100 people.

It was the worst attack of its kind in Turkish history and was carried out by Turkish nationals with links to IS, Turkish officials have said.

In July, the Turkish govern-ment had stepped up its fight against the militants, launch-ing air strikes and opening its air bases to the US-led coalition, a move that increased the risk of reprisal attacks.

A senior government source said Turkey had detained more than 1,000 people suspected of having links with IS this year, and that 300 of them now face court proceedings. — Reuters

A man thought to be

Aine Lesley Davis,

an associate of the

IS militant dubbed

‘Jihadi John’, was

detained in Istanbul

last week, senior

Turkish officials

said on Friday

Government vows crackdown after violent protests in SeoulSEOUL: The South Korean gov-ernment vowed on Sunday to crack down on any more violent protests, a day after dozens were arrested during a rally against labour reforms, the largest street protest of President Park Geun-hye’s term.

Organisers say they will take to the streets again on December 5.

More than 60,000 people took part in Saturday’s protest, ac-cording to police, and a group of a few dozen fought with the police at the front line, trying to break through barricades of police bus-es blocking off downtown Seoul’s main thoroughfare.

Police used water canons to disperse the crowd and sprayed

liquid laced with an irritant found in chilli pepper to fight off protesters swinging metal pipes and sharpened bamboo sticks.

Fully prepared “The government was fully pre-pared to guarantee a lawful and peaceful rally, but some peo-ple came prepared with illegal equipment such as steel pipes and conducted a violent protest,” Justice Minister Kim Hyun-woong told a news conference.

“These activities were a grave challenge to law and order and public authority, and they will not be tolerated.”

The police arrested 51 peo-ple and are questioning them

on various charges including il-legal protest, assaulting police officers and destroying public equipment.

The police said about 10 pro-testers were injured, including a member of a militant farm activ-ist group who was knocked down by a water canon blast.

He was in stable condition af-ter emergency surgery on Sun-day, a police official said.

Some of the country’s militant labour and activist groups were involved in the protests, includ-ing Han Sang-gyun, the president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, who is wanted un-der a warrant for organising pre-vious illegal rallies. — Reuters


Clashes inTunisia leave soldier, three rebels deadTUNIS: At least three extremist militants and a Tunisian soldier were killed on Sunday in clashes in the central Kasserine province, near the Algerian border, a secu-rity source said.

IS militants have claimed two major attacks on foreign tourists this year in Tunisia, and the army is fighting a low-level conflict against pockets of other militants in rural areas near the frontier with Algeria.

Sunday’s clashes came two days after extremist militants beheaded a Tunisian teenager in the central province of Sidi Bouzid and sent his head to his family after accus-ing him of spying for the military.

“At least three terrorists and one soldier were killed in violent clashes at Mguila Mountain, in a counter-strike operation after ter-rorists beheaded the 16-year-old,” the source said.

Four years after ousting auto-crat Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and inspiring the “Arab Spring” pro-tests, Tunisia has a new democrat-ic constitution and a freely-elected coalition government with secular and religious parties.

But more than 3,000 Tunisians have left to fight for extremist militant groups in Syria, Iraq and neighbouring Libya.

Some of those extremists have threatened to return home and carry out attacks on Tunisian soil.

Bardo Museum assaultIn March, extremist gunmen killed 21 tourists in an attack at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, and 38 foreign-ers were killed by another gunman in an assault on a Sousse beach hotel in June.Officials said the at-tackers had been trained in extre-ist camps over the border in Libya, where chaos has allowed extrem-ist militants to grow in strength. The US military said it believed it had killed a major IS commander in an air strike on the Libyan city of Derna last week. — Reuters


PROBABLE TARGET: Traffic jams on a highway during the first day of school in Istanbul, on September 15, 2014. — AFP files

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Larry Hatheway/Alexander Friedman

Today’s world is more economically and fi-nancially integrated than at any time since the latter half of the nineteenth century. But

policymaking – particularly central banking – re-mains anachronistically national and parochial. Isn’t it time to re-think the global monetary (non)system? In particular, wouldn’t a single global cen-tral bank and a world currency make more sense than our confusing, inefficient, and outdated assem-blage of national monetary policies and currencies?

Technology is now reaching the point where a common digital currency, enabled by near-univer-sal mobile phone adoption, certainly makes this possible. And however farfetched a global currency may sound, recall that before World War I, ditching the gold standard seemed equally implausible.

The current system is both risky and inefficient. Different monies are not only a nuisance for tour-ists who arrive home with pockets full of unspend-able foreign coins. Global firms waste time and re-sources on largely futile efforts to hedge currency risk (benefiting only the banks that act as middle-men). The benefits of ridding the world of national currencies would be enormous. In one fell swoop, the risk of currency wars, and the harm they can inflict on the world economy, would be eliminated. Pricing would be more transparent, and consum-ers could spot anomalies (from their phones) and shop for the best deals.

And, by eliminating foreign-exchange transac-tions and hedging costs, a single currency would reinvigorate stalled world trade and improve the efficiency of global capital allocation.

In short, the current state of affairs is the by-product of the superseded era of the nation-state. Globalization has shrunk the dimensions of the world economy, and the time for a world central bank has arrived.

Dream on. A single world currency is in fact neither likely nor desirable. Central banks, while ideally independent from political influence, are nonetheless accountable to the body politic. They owe their legitimacy to the political process that created them, rooted in the will of the citizenry they were established to serve (and from which they derive their authority).

The history of central banking, though com-

paratively brief, suggests that democratically de-rived legitimacy is possible only at the level of the nation-state. At the supra-national level, legiti-macy remains highly questionable, as the experi-ence of the eurozone amply demonstrates. Only if the European Union’s sovereignty eclipses, by democratic choice, that of the nation-states that comprise it will the European Central Bank have the legitimacy it requires to remain the eurozone’s sole monetary authority.

But the same political legitimacy cannot be im-agined for any transatlantic or trans-Pacific mon-etary authority, much less a global one. Treaties between countries can harmonize rules govern-ing commerce and other areas. But they cannot transfer sovereignty over an institution as pow-erful as a central bank or a symbol as compelling as paper money. But the fact that a single global central bank and currency would fail spectacularly (regardless of how strong the economic case for it may be) does not absolve policymakers of their responsibility to address the challenges posed by a fragmented global monetary system. And that means bolstering global multilateral institutions.

The International Monetary Fund’s role as in-dependent arbiter of sound macroeconomic policy and guardian against competitive currency deval-uation ought to be strengthened. Finance minis-ters and central bankers in large economies should underscore, in a common protocol, their commit-ment to market-determined exchange rates. And, as Raghuram Rajan, the governor of the Reserve Bank of India, recently suggested, the IMF should backstop emerging economies that might face li-quidity crises as a result of the normalization of US monetary policy.

Likewise, a more globalized world requires a commitment from all actors to improve infra-structure, in order to ensure the efficient flow of resources throughout the world economy.

To this end, the World Bank’s capital base in its International Bank for Reconstruction and De-velopment should be increased along the lines of the requested $253 billion, to help fund emerging economies’ investments in highways, airports, and much else. Multilateral support for infra-structure investment is not the only way global trade can be revived under the current monetary arrangements. - Project Syndicate

Society must take a firm stand against corruptionThis refers to the online article, ‘The anatomy of corruption’ (November 12). I agree with the views of the writer that corruption is prevalent in all societies, irrespective of country or continent. It

is a fact that corruption is comparatively less in countries where the administra-tive institutions are strong. Though the causes of corruption in a society can be attributed to weak administrative and ju-dicial systems, the culture and character of a society can be considered as one of the factors. Each individual in a society has a moral obligation to stand against corruption and follow the rule of honesty and justice. If such an attitude is nurtured among the public, along with honest and committed leaders, the menace of corrup-tion can gradually be reduced. — P . A. Jacob, Muscat

Game on in Aussie-Kiwi TestThis refers to the online article, ‘Taylor double century puts New Zealand in touch’ (November 15). It is always interesting to see the Australians battle it out with their arch rivals. In this series,

the Aussies were looking very good until before this innings. I even thought the Kiwis were going to give up without a fight, but now the series looks evenly balanced and the Australians will have to work hard for a series win. — Ashok Kumar, Ruwi

T I M E S O F O M A NM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5A12

Is it right time for a global currency?




Rowahi urges private sector to play key roleMUSCAT: Dr Ahmed bin Khalfan Al Rowahi, minister of ag-riculture and fisheries, has said that the Omani government endeavoured through its 5-year plans to improve the perfor-mance of the agricultural and fisheries sector to enable it to contribute to the gross domestic product as a source for the di-versification of the national economy. In an interview to Oman Television, which will be broadcast this evening, Al Rowahi added that the future vision of the Omani Economy 2020 had laid down the basis of this vision.

1846: General Zachary Taylor takes Saltillo, Mexico.

1953: The United States joins in the condemnation of Israel for its raid on Jordan.

1955: The Big Four talks, taking place in Geneva on German reunification, end in failure

1982: The space shuttle Columbia completes its first opera-tional flight




The latest Democratic presidential debate did not go as we expected a few days ago. The terrorist attacks in Paris, which unfolded only about 24 hours before candidates took the stage, changed the whole



While newly recruited talent in different ranks is always open to

new ideas and enthusiastic about bringing change, the policing culture in Pakistan is so rigid that the young

recruits’ enthusiasm gradually dilutes. Policing here primarily

involves on-the-job learning.bit.ly/policetrainingpak


On September 20, Nepal ratified a new constitution after a fitful

and frustrating eight-year process. You’d think this would

be good news, heralding an era of good feelings. Instead,

ratification drove the Madhesis into something very

like open revolt.bit.ly/nepalconstitution1




Only ROP supervised fireworks displays are permitted for National Day.

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1 Terminate expats from expired contracts: Oman ministerial committeebit.ly/terminatecontracts

2 Paris attacks: Night of terror for Francebit.ly/terrorfranceattack

3 Expats in Oman worry over layoffs in oil, gas sectorbit.ly/expatsoilsector

4 France beat Germany as attacks overshadow friendly


5 Suicide of couple in Oman leaves relatives shocked


1 #OmanPride: National Day spirit a big boost for Oman economybit.ly/nationaldayspirit

2 Fossils found in Oman shed new light on dinosaursbit.ly/fossildinosaurs

3 Oil, gas trade unions in Oman call off strikebit.ly/oilunionstrike

4 Oman health: Breastfeeding has several benefits for mother and childbit.ly/brestfeedingbenefits

5 Teaching children about moneybit.ly/childrenmoney

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33,831,331 252,683


@Sara_ahmed__Street decoration is pretty lovely #nov18 #oman




(In thousands of hectares)










SourceNational Centre for Statistics & Information

Location: Tanuf/Photo: Soumya N Ghosh


“Insure withNew India andbe secure”

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.



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At least three of those killed in the

Paris attacks were Belgian and the

country launched its own anti-terrorist

investigation into the events as a result.

In Brussels raids, Belgian police make arrests over terror attacks

PARIS/BRUSSELS: Two of the attackers who brought carnage to Paris were French nationals living in Belgium, officials said on Sun-day, as a row over Europe’s refugee crisis reignited, with conserva-tives demanding an end to “the days of uncontrolled immigration”.

Three militant cells staged the co-ordinated hits on Friday night at restaurants, a concert hall and soccer stadium, killing 129 people and injuring 352, including 99 who were in a serious condition, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said.

French authorities said they found the bodies of seven killers but IS, which claimed responsibil-ity as revenge for French military action in Syria and Iraq, said there were eight, raising questions over whether one was on the loose.

Multinational groupProsecutors have said the slaugh-ter involved a multinational group with links to the Middle East, Bel-gium and possibly Germany as well as home-grown French roots. Belgian officials said two of the gunmen were French nationals living in Brussels and arrested sev-en people in the capital after two Belgian-registered cars were dis-covered in Paris, both suspected of being used by attackers.

Prime Minister Charles Michel said Belgium needed to do more to crack down on radicalisation

“I do not want any preachers of hatred on Belgian soil! There is no

place for them in Belgium,” Michel said on Twitter.

Michel said at least one of those held from the inner Brussels neighbourhood of Molenbeek was believed to have spent the previ-ous evening in Paris, where two cars registered in Belgium were impounded close to scenes of some of the violence, including the Bata-clan music hall.

“Police operations will go on,” Michel told RTL television after late-night police raids in Molen-beek, west of the city centre, which is home to many families origi-

nally from Morocco and Turkey. His interior minister spoke im-patiently of going in to “clean up” Molenbeek.

“We’re talking about a network,” the borough’s mayor, Francoise Schepmans, said on Sunday, refer-ring to a total of five arrests in Mo-lenbeek.

A French prosecutor said a car hired in Belgium was linked to the attacks and that a Frenchman liv-ing in Brussels rented it and was later stopped early on Saturday at the Belgian border.

A parking ticket issued in Mo-lenbeek was found in the hire car in Paris. Officials declined com-ment on reports that the attacks may have been largely plotted in Brussels, that one of three attack teams came from there and that at least three of the attackers were

based in the European Union capi-tal. Proportional to its 11 million population, Belgium has been the European country which has con-tributed the most foreign fighters to the civil war in Syria — over 300 by official estimates a year ago — and it has figured in many hard-liners’ attacks and plots across the continent. Many international security experts have long seen Belgium’s fragmented state struc-tures resulting from bitter divi-sions between French- and Dutch-speakers and a history as a market for firearms, both legal and illegal, as an “Achilles heel” of violence across Europe.

In Germany, Interior Minister Thomas De Maiziere said there could be more would-be attackers out there and that Germany was a target country of the IS group just

like France. Nevertheless, Bavar-ian allies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a reversal of her “open-door” refugee policy, saying the attacks underlined the need for tougher measures to con-trol the influx of migrants.

“The days of uncontrolled im-migration and illegal entry can’t continue just like that. Paris changes everything,” Bavarian fi-nance minister Markus Soeder told Welt am Sonntag newspaper. Most asylum seekers entering Germany have done so through the southern state.

One international security ex-pert said: “Belgium is a bit the Achilles heel of Europe.” Another, Rafaello Pantucci of London’s Royal United Services Institute, said: “The networks between France and Belgium have been very tight for some time.”

Michel said: “Belgium has a cen-tral position at the heart of Europe, a small country whose local scale favours the movement of people with hostile intent,” he said.

But he insisted his centre-right coalition, in power for a year, was tackling that. The problem of young men returning radicalised, and with skills in handling auto-matic weapons remained, how-ever, Michel, 39, said: “It’s always possible to slip through the net.” His interior minister, Jan Jambon, told Belgian television he believed Brussels and Molenbeek in par-ticular was a problem and that he would personally take charge of sorting out issues in a neighbour-hood which conservative crit-ics view as an example of failed left-wing experiments in mass immigration.

Schepmans, Molenbeek’s cen-tre-right mayor said many radicals passed through, taking advantage of the anonymity afforded by parts of the borough.

Criticism of authorities in Brus-sels and Molenbeek reflects in part Belgium’s deep political and lin-guistic divide between Dutch- and

French-speaking communities.Interior Minister Jambon is a

Flemish nationalist who highlight-ed the success of efforts to break radical groups in Antwerp and oth-er cities in Flanders. Only in largely in French-speaking Brussels, and particularly Molenbeek, until re-cently a fiefdom of the French-speaking Socialist party, was there still a problem, he said.

The extreme local devolution that has been Belgium’s answer to centrifugal communal forces pull-ing it apart for decades has been a factor in weakening its response to threats, said Edwin Bakker, professor at the Centre for Ter-rorism and Counterterrorism at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

“Belgium is a federal state and that’s always an advantage for ter-rorists ... Having several layers of government hampers the flow of information among investigators,” he said, adding that Belgium, long a big arms manufacturer, had also become a hub for the traffic of guns from the Balkans and elsewhere.

“In parts of Brussels there are areas where the police have little grip, very segregated areas that don’t feel they’re part of the Bel-gian state,” he added. “While the neighbours may have seen some-thing going on, they’re not passing it to the police.”

After a meeting of the national security cabinet, the government raised the level of alert across the country for large events, giv-ing officials the ability to call in troops. Michel urged Belgians not to travel to Paris unless absolutely necessary.

Security checks were stepped up at the French border and at airports and rail stations. Though there has been violence in Belgium, and Brussels is home to the institutions of the European Union, France, and Paris in particular, has appeared a higher-profile target, more clearly associated with the action in the war in Syria. — Reuters

Belgian officials

said two of the

gunmen were French

nationals living

in Brussels

‘Iraq shared information that France, US, Iran were targets’BAGHDAD: Iraqi Foreign Min-ister Ibrahim Al Jaafari has said his country’s intelligence ser-vices shared information they had which indicated that France, the United States and Iran were among countries being targeted for attack.

He did not elaborate, but the comments came after 129 peo-ple were killed in Paris on Friday by gunmen and suicide bombers in attacks claimed by IS. “Infor-mation has been obtained from Iraqi intelligence sources that the countries to be targeted soon, before it occurred, are Europe in general, specifically France, as well as America and Iran,” Jaafari said from the sidelines of talks in

Vienna on ending the war in Syria on Saturday.

He said the countries had been informed. A video of his comments was posted on his website. Though he did not specify the threat was from IS militants, who control large areas of Iraq and Syria, Jaafari said recent attacks in Egypt, Lebanon and France required a global re-sponse to the group.

Meanwhile, Israel said on Sun-day its spy services were helping France investigate the Paris gun and bomb attacks, and Israeli media suggested that intelligence being provided drew on surveil-lance of militant groups in Syria and Iraq. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he had

ordered full cooperation with French and other European au-thorities trying to identify the perpetrators and prevent further attacks. “The cooperation is on-going, but in accordance with the prime minister’s directive, intel-ligence material relevant to what happened has been relayed, and we will also deepen the coopera-tion,” Intelligence Minister Yis-rael Katz told reporters.

“This information can help the French - and not just the French, by the way - to deal with the af-termath, and not just with what happened, but also with terrorist attacks planned for the future,” Katz said. He declined to give fur-ther details. — Reuters


THE DAY AFTER: The town hall of Brussels is illuminated with the colours of the French national flag,

at the Brussels Grand Place, on Saturday, a day after deadly attacks in Paris. – AFP





PHILIPPINES: Candles and flowers are seen during a candle lighting ceremony condemning the Paris attacks, in Manila, Philippines, on Sunday. — AFP

CANADA: Women hold hands during a vigil in memory of the

victims of Paris attacks, outside city hall in Toronto, Canada, on

Saturday. — Reuters

JAPAN: In response to the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Tokyo

Tower, in Tokyo, Japan, is lit up for victims memorial in the same

three colours as the French national flag on Sunday. — AFP

INDONESIA: Indonesian national Deden holds a handwritten

placard offering his condolences to victims of the Paris attacks, in

Jakarta on Sunday. — AFP

UNTIED STATES: A sign sends a message of love from the Untied States to France at a makeshift memorial outside the French Consu-

late in Los Angeles, California on Saturday, a day after the Paris terrorist attacks. — AFP

GREAT BRITAIN: Tributes and flowers surround a fountain in remembrance of the victims of the Paris attacks, at Trafalgar Square in

London, Britain, Sunday. — Reuters

SPAIN: People take part in a gathering in Granada in support of Spanish Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido, one of the victims of the deadly

attacks of Paris, on Sunday. — AFP

World unites against terrorism



France vows to destroy IS group

PARIS: Police questioned on Sun-day the relatives of one of the sui-cide attackers who brought carnage to Paris on Friday, with France denouncing the strikes as an act of war and vowing to destroy the IS militant group in Syria and Iraq.

Paris prosecutor Francois Mo-lins told reporters that three mili-tant cells staged co-ordinated hits at bars, a concert hall and soccer stadium killing 129 people and in-juring 352, including 99 who were in a serious condition.

Museums and theatres re-mained shuttered in Paris for a second day on Sunday, with hundreds of soldiers and police patrolling the streets and metro stations after French President

Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency. Seven gunmen, all of whom were wearing suicide vests packed with explosives, died in the multiple assaults. The first to be identified was named as Ismael Omar Mostefai, a 29-year-old who

lived in the city of Chartres, south-west of Paris.

French media said he was French-born and of Algerian de-scent. Molins said the man had a security file for radicalisation, add-ing that he had a criminal record but had never spent time in jail. A judicial source said Mostefai’s fa-ther and brother had been taken in for questioning, along with other people believed to be close to him.

Another source said police had found a car in a suburb east of

Paris that was believed to have been used in the assault, suggest-ing that at least one of the attack-ers had escaped. Prosecutors said the slaughter — claimed by IS as revenge for French military action in Syria and Iraq — appeared to involve a multinational team with links to the Middle East, Belgium and possibly Germany as well as home-grown French roots.

Greek officials said one and perhaps two of the assailants had passed through Greece in Octo-

ber from Turkey alongside Syrian refugees fleeing violence in their homeland.

“We are at war. We have been hit by an act of war, organised methodically by a terrorist, mili-tant army,” Prime Minister Ma-nuel Valls told TF1 television on Saturday night.

“Because we are at war we will take exceptional measures. We will act and we will hit them. We will hit this enemy to destroy them, obviously in France and Eu-rope... but also in Syria and Iraq,” he said. “We will win.”

France was the first European state to join US air strikes against IS targets in Iraq in September 2014, while a year later it extended its air strikes to Syria.

Aircraft carrierIt had already scheduled to send an aircraft carrier to the region later this month.

The names of the first victims have started to filter out on social media, many of them young people who were out enjoying themselves on a Friday night. The dead in-cluded one US citizen, one Swede, one Briton, two Belgians, two Ro-manians and two Mexicans, their governments said.

In the worst carnage, three gun-men systematically killed at least 89 people at a rock concert by an American band at the Bataclan theatre before detonating explo-sive belts as anti-terrorist com-

mandos launched an assault.It was the deadliest attack in

France since World War II and the worst such assault in Europe since the Madrid train bombings of 2004, in which hardliners killed 191 people.

Quoting an unnamed senior official, Israeli television said Is-rael’s spy services saw a “clear op-erational link” between the Paris mayhem, suicide bombings in Beirut on Thursday, which killed 43, and the October 31 downing of a Russian airliner in the Egyptian Sinai, where 224 people died.

France had been on high alert since hardline gunmen attacked the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in Janu-ary, killing 18 people.

Those attacks briefly united France in defence of freedom of speech, with a mass demonstra-tion of more than a million people. But that unity has since broken down, with far-right populist Ma-rine Le Pen gaining on both main-stream parties by blaming France’s security problems on immigration.

If confirmed, the infiltration of militants into the flow of refugees to carry out attacks in Europe could have far-reaching political consequences.

The attacks fuelled a debate raging in Europe about how to handle the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees and other migrants propelled by civil war in Syria, Iraq and Libya. — Reuters

We will hit this

enemy to destroy

them, obviously in

France and Europe...

but also in Syria and

Iraq, said French

Prime Minister

Manuel Valls

Holder of Syrian passport was asylum seekerBELGRADE/ZAGREB: The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gun-men who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris was registered as a refugee in several European coun-tries last month, authorities said.

The man, identified by Serbian authorities only by his initials A.A., came into Europe through the Greek island of Leros, where he was processed on October 3, Greek officials said on Saturday. He was among 70 refugees who arrived on a small vessel from Turkey.1 Serbian authorities said on Sunday the same man had been registered at a border cross-ing from Macedonia into Serbia a few days later.

The information is signifi-cant because if one or more of the Paris gunmen turned out to have come into Europe among refugees and migrants fleeing war-torn countries, this could change the political debate about accepting refugees. “One of the suspected terrorists, A.A., who is of interest to the French security agencies, was registered on the Presevo border crossing on Octo-ber 7 this year, where he formally sought asylum,” the Serbian inte-rior ministry said in a statement.

“Checks have confirmed that his details match those of the person who on October 3 was identified in Greece. There was no Interpol warrant issued against this person.”

No police recordA spokeswoman for the Croatian interior ministry said the man was registered in the country’s Opato-vac refugee camp on October 8 and from there he crossed into Hungary and then Austria. “There was no (police) record about him at the time of registration and there was no reason for us to stop him in any way,” she said.

Austrian Interior Ministry spokesman Karl-Heinz Grund-boeck said however the asser-tion that the suspect attacker had passed through Austria had “no concrete basis”.

“According to the latest infor-mation available, that is no more than conjecture and speculation,” he said.

Any identity documents and fingerprint records would have to be matched with the remains of

the attackers to establish wheth-er they passed through various countries posing as refugees, or perhaps bought or stole passports along the way.

Greek government sources said a second suspect attacker was also likely to have passed through Greece. Following the Paris bloodshed, populist lead-ers around Europe have rushed to demand a halt to an influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Poland said it could not accept migrants under EU quotas without secu-rity guarantees.

Human Rights Watch’s Emer-gency Director Peter Bouckaert said on Twitter the Syrian pass-port found may have been fake, adding such fake documents are widely available for sale in Tur-key. “The answer to the Paris at-tacks and the possibility that one of the attackers came by rubber dinghy to Greece... is not to shut the door on those desperately fleeing war,” he said, calling for Europe to put in place a coherent asylum policy that would both help those on need and address security concerns raised by un-controlled flows.

“People fleeing war need ref-uge. And trying to build fences and stopping them at sea only drives them deeper into the hands of criminal gangs, and drives them underground where there is no control over who comes and goes.” — Reuters


The first attacker to be identified was named as

Ismael Omar Mostefai, a 29-year-old who lived

in the city of Chartres, southwest of Paris

PAIN AND GRIEF: Mourners gather at a memorial site on Sunday, outside of the Le Belle Equipe, in the

11th district of Paris, for victims of the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. – AFP



STRICT VIGIL: Soldiers patrol

in front of the Eiffel Tower in

Paris on Sunday, during a state

of emergency declared follow-

ing terrorist attacks in the city

on November 13. – AFP


WORLDM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

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Brazil dams collapse to hit ecosystem

RIO DECE (BRAZIL): The col-lapse of two dams at a Brazilian mine has cut off drinking water for quarter of a million people and saturated waterways downstream with dense orange sediment that could wreck the ecosystem for years to come.

Nine people were killed, 19 are still listed as missing and 500 people were displaced from their homes when the dams burst at an iron ore mine in southeastern Bra-zil on November 5.

The sheer volume of water dis-gorged by the dams and laden with mineral waste across nearly 500 km is staggering: 60 million

cubic meters, the equivalent of 25,000 Olympic swimming pools or the volume carried by about 187 oil tankers.

President Dilma Rousseff com-pared the damage to the 2010 oil spill by BP PLC in the Gulf of Mex-ico and Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira called it an “envi-ronmental catastrophe”.

Oxygen levelsScientists say the sediment, which may contain chemicals used by the mine to reduce iron ore impurities, could alter the course of streams as they harden, reduce oxygen lev-els in the water and diminish the

fertility of riverbanks and farm-land where floodwater passed.

Samarco Mineração SA, a joint venture between mining giants Vale SA and BHP Billiton and own-er of the mine, has repeatedly said the mud is not toxic.

But biologists and environmen-

tal experts disagree. Local authori-ties have ordered families rescued from the flood to wash thoroughly and dispose of clothes that came in contact with the mud.

“It’s already clear wildlife is being killed by this mud,” said Klemens Laschesfki, professor

of geosciences at the Federal Uni-versity of Minas Gerais. “To say the mud is not a health risk is over-ly simplistic.”

As the heavy mud hardens, Laschesfki says, it will make farm-ing difficult. And so much silt will settle along the bottom of the Rio Doce and the tributaries that car-ried the mud there that the very course of watershed could change.

“Many regions will never be the same,” he says.

Contents of mining wasteResearchers are testing the river water and results should be pub-lished over the coming weeks, giv-ing a better idea of the contents of the mining waste. One cause for concern is that compounds known as ether amines could have been used at the mine to separate silica from the iron ore, in order to pro-duce a better quality product.

According to mining industry research and scientific literature published in recent years, the com-pounds are commonly used at Bra-zilian mines, including Samarco’s.

At least some of the compounds,

according to the website of Air Products, a company that pro-duces them, “are not readily biode-gradable and have high toxicity to aquatic organisms.” They can also raise PH levels to a point that is en-vironmentally harmful.

Serious problems“There will be serious problems using the water from the river now,” says Pedro Antonio Molinas, a water resources engineer and mining industry consultant famil-iar with the region.

Samarco did not respond to questions about whether it used the compounds or whether they were in the so-called tailings pond whose contents burst through the broken dams.

The disaster is the latest assault on the Rio Doce, or “Sweet River”, one of the main routes connecting mineral-rich Minas Gerais state with the Atlantic Ocean.

Once lined with thick rainfor-est and populated by indigenous tribes, the waterway has long suf-fered because of ravenous demand for the minerals nearby. — Reuters

Nine people were killed, 19 are still listed as

missing and 500 people were displaced from

their homes when the dams burst at an iron ore

mine in southeastern Brazil on November 5

DAMAGE: A combination photograph shows windows of damaged houses in Bento Rodrigues after a dam, owned by Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd, burst in Mariana, Brazil, on November 9, 2015. - Reuters

WORK OF ART Palestinian artist Belal Khaled paints a mural depict-ing a Palestinian child on a tower wall in Gaza City, on Sunday. — Reuters

Technocrats cabinet unveiled in RomaniaBUCHAREST: Romania’s Prime Minister-designate Da-cian Ciolos unveiled a cabinet of technocrats with a one-year term on Sunday, including Euro-pean Union experts, diplomats and civil society leaders, which is expected to win broad support in parliament.

Last week, President Klaus Iohannis named the former Eu-ropean Commissioner Ciolos, 46, to head a cabinet to replace that of leftist Victor Ponta, who quit on November 4 due to public anger over a deadly nightclub fire which killed 55 people.

Among the line-up, Ciolos said he selected Anca Paliu Dragu, an economic analyst at the Europe-an Commission and former IMF expert, to take over the finance ministry and Cristina Guseth, an anti-corruption expert, as justice minister.

Mihnea Ioan Motoc, ambas-sador to Great Britain, was pro-posed for defence minister.

Former EU ambassador La-zar Comanescu will be foreign minister and Victor Grigorescu, a member of the board of power company Electrica, will be en-ergy minister.

“I wanted to pick competent and expert people in their fields, open to dialogue.

They come from the private sector, Romanian and European administrations, civil society ex-perts,” Ciolos told reporters.

“I do hope to have parliament hearings tomorrow and complete them with a final vote in parlia-ment on Tuesday to have an ac-tive functioning government as soon as possible.”

The new cabinet’s first task will be to prepare a 2016 budget and pass it through parliament.

Parliament had already ear-marked tax cuts including a re-duction in general value added tax to 20 percent from 24 percent in next year’s plans.

Fitch Ratings said on Wednes-day Romania’s existing fiscal

plans are unlikely to undergo significant changes following the nomination of a new prime min-ister to succeed Ponta.

“The main sovereign rating sensitivity remains the possibil-ity that fiscal loosening jeopard-ises the stability of public financ-es,” it said.

The European Commission and the IMF warned about the scope of Ponta’s tax cuts, and Romania’s precautionary aid deal from the two lenders ex-pired in September without a positive review.

Political commentators have said Ciolos’s team will easily win Tuesday’s vote of confidence and secure a functioning parlia-ment majority comprising most groupings, but not the former ruling Social Democrats (PSD) of Ponta. — Reuters

P M - D E S I G N A T E

I do hope to have

parliament hearings

tomorrow (Monday)

and complete them

with a final vote

in parliament on

Tuesday to have an

active functioning

government as

soon as possible

Dacian CiolosRomania’s Prime Minister-designate




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MARKETM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

Oman’s crude oil production dropsTimes News Service

MUSCAT: Oman’s production of crude oil and condensates stood at 29.95 million barrels in Octo-ber this year, which indicates a fall of 2.41 per cent compared to the previous month.

The average daily crude oil production stood at 966,203 bar-rels, said a monthly report re-leased by the Ministry of Oil and Gas on Sunday.

Similarly, the total crude oil exports of the country were 25.39 million barrels, which was equiv-alent to 819,013 barrels a day, indi-cating a fall of 7.46 per cent com-pared to the previous month.

Asian markets imported a ma-

jor chunk of the Sultanate’s crude oil. China continued to maintain its lead among top importers of Omani Crude for October 2015, with a share of 68 per cent.

However, the import of China has declined by 26.34 per cent in October, compared to the previ-ous month. But Singapore’s im-

ports grew by 20.08 per cent, over the previous month. Likewise, im-ports of Japan and Thailand also showed a growth.

Referring to the trend in oil price in the international market, the ministry said that the average price of West Texas crude grade in New York touched $46.62 per

barrel in October, showing an in-crease of $0.80 a barrel over the previous month.

North Sea Brent gradeThe average price of North Sea Brent grade reached $49.56 a bar-rel, an increase of $0.57 per barrel over September.

The ministry also noted that the market witnessed a marginal growth in average price in Oc-tober due to better demand for crude oil. The crude oil recov-ered due to several other factors, including a fall in supply from stored oil in the United States. Depreciation of dollar against Euro and other major currencies also aided the recovery.


Drake & Scull incurs losses,

plans to reduce spending

DUBAI: Drake & Scull Interna-tional, a Dubai-based engineering and construction company, report-ed its first quarterly loss and said it’s planning to sell non-core assets and cut cost to generate cash.

The company posted a Dh877.8 million ($239 million) attribut-able net loss in the three months through September, compared to profit of Dh21.4 million a year ear-lier, it said in statement on Sunday to the Dubai stock market.

The mean estimate was for prof-it of Dh16.2 million, according to three analysts.

Drake & Scull joins larger rival Arabtec Holding in reporting loss-

es because of ‘challenging market conditions. The company said it made one-off provisions and rev-enue adjustments after the decline in oil prices caused developers and clients to defer payments and delay projects across several markets.

Contract revenue slumped to Dh434 million from Dh1.24 billion in the year earlier period. Drake & Scull also reported third-quarter provisions, revenue and gross profit adjustments of Dh984 mil-lion, with a total order backlog of Dh12.35 billion.

Drake & Scull has taken number of one-off provisions related to on-going legal cases. - Bloomberg News


G-20 countries united against ‘currency wars’

ANTALYA: Group of 20 (G20) nations, including China, are united in rejecting policies that risk triggering currency wars while trying to bolster economic growth, according to the Turkish host government.

Currency devaluations should reflect market realities rather than become policy tools for na-tional governments, Turkey’s deputy prime minister Cevdet Yilmaz has said in the Mediterra-nean city of Antalya, where world leaders will gather for a two-day summit, which was scheduled to start on Sunday.

Yilmaz’s comments suggest G-20 concerns may be easing that China could further devalue the yuan as economic growth slows.

The G-20 meeting of finance ministers which Yilmaz hosted in September called on mem-ber states to “refrain from com-petitive devaluations” as finance chiefs from the world’s largest economies sought to contain the tensions from China’s August de-valuation of its currency.

Trade barriers“Everyone is against competitive currency devaluation. But China has assured the group that it wouldn’t go on that path,” Yilmaz told reporters. “There is no expec-tation of a currency war.”

Equally important is that gov-ernments should refrain from raising trade barriers to protect domestic industries, he said. There

is also a growing need for better communication on the future of monetary policies as different sets of challenges facing economies around the world are causing policy divergence, said Yilmaz.

“Although there is a recovery from the global economic reces-sion, that recovery is neither strong enough nor equal in all parts of the world,” said Yilmaz. “The United States is growing while commodities exporters such as Brazil and Russia are fac-ing economic troubles and Chi-na sees expansion slow down,” Yilmaz said. While regional differ-ences are normal, “what everyone needs is that these policies should be coordinated and supplemen-tary to each other,” he said.

Turkey , which holds the G-20’s rotating presidency, is working on an action plan that sums up its find-ings from meetings. - Bloomberg News

Currency devaluations should reflect market

realities rather than become policy tools for

national governments, said Turkey

Global markets setfor short-term hit after Paris attacksSYDNEY/TOKYO: Global stocks are set for a short-term sell-off on Monday after militants launched coordinated attacks across Paris that killed 129 people, but ana-lysts said a prolonged econom-ic impact or market reaction was unlikely.

French President Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency, ordering police and troops into the streets, and set three days of official mourning after the attacks he called an ‘act of war’ by IS.

The carnage prompted con-demnation by world leaders and outpourings of support for Paris-ians from around the globe, but would likely have only a knee-jerk impact on investment deci-sions, said Shane Oliver, chief economist at Australia’s AMP Capital in Sydney.

“History will tell us that if the economic impact is limited — and I think it will be — that mar-kets will quickly recover and go on to focus on other things,” Oli-ver, who is also head of strategy at the A$156 billion ($111 billion) wealth management firm.

Panic in marketsWhile news of the attacks hit after markets closed on Friday, S&P 500 Index futures were still trading and shed about 1 per cent in light volume.

“If this had happened during market trading hours there could have been a panic but markets had a weekend to digest all the information,” said Eiji Kinouchi, chief technical analyst at Daiwa Securities in Tokyo.

With Wall Street closing more than 1 per cent lower after weak

United States retail sales figures, Asian and European share mar-kets would have been expected to fall even without the Paris at-tacks. French stocks, particularly those exposed to the country’s large tourism sector, are likely to suffer the biggest falls.

“These Paris terrorist attacks and the larger scale of this attack could have a meaningful negative impact on the travel and tourism sector,” said Robert T. Lutts, pres-ident and chief investment officer at Cabot Wealth Management in Salem, Massachusetts.

Tourism industryFrance has the largest number of tourists in the world and the sec-tor accounts for almost 7.5 per cent of GDP. “Given that France has a big tourism industry there may be some damage to the econ-omy if this leads to a fall in visitors to France, or in tourism in gen-eral after the crash of a Russian plane,” said Hidenori Suezawa, fi-nancial market and fiscal analyst at SMBC Nikko Securities.

“I do not expect this impact to go so far as to affect the Fed’s mon-etary policy though at this point.” Europe has suffered similar coor-dinated attacks on public trans-port systems previously, in Ma-drid in 2004 and London in 2005. Almost 250 people were killed and more than 2,500 injured in those bombings on trains and buses by Al Qaeda -inspired rebels.

“The knee-jerk reaction in oth-er terrorist attacks over the last decade has been a rush to safety, including aggressive buying in the US Treasury markets,” said Guy LeBas, chief fixed income strategist. - Reuters


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B3M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

MARKETCampaign to boost local products in hypermarkets gathers momentum

ELHAM POURMOHAMMADI elham@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Continued dialogue between the government and hy-permarkets can help increase the representation of local products in the market and efforts are under way towards this end, says a senior Omani official.

“We are continuing our dialogue with them, and we hope we can find a place for them (local prod-ucts) in hypermarkets at a good price,” Khalifa Al Abri, chief exec-utive officer of the Public Author-ity for Small and Medium Enter-prises Development (riyada), told Times of Oman.

There have been some com-plaints that hypermarkets charge local companies a large amount of money only to put their products on

the shelves and there have been de-mands that a certain percentage be allocated to local products in each hypermarket.

“If you go to some of the hyper-markets, you will find local prod-ucts there and some of them are ready to find ways to help them,” Al Abri said on the sidelines of the third Small and Medium En-terprise (SME) Expo, which was recently held at the Oman Interna-tional Exhibition Centre.

The official said that one of the examples of the efforts to promote Omani products is the campaign to showcase local brands that is implemented on some occasions in hypermarkets.

The chief executive officer of ri-yada also said that it would be diffi-cult to allocate a percentage to local products in hypermarkets as they are private entities.

“The best way is to continue our dialogue with them and try to con-vince them to find space for Omani products in their hypermarkets,” he noted.

Shops outside capital Responding to some complaints that local companies have difficulty putting their products in shops outside the capital, Al Abri said that this issue can also be resolved through dialogue between the gov-ernment and these shops.

Continued discussion can help these shops find ways to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and include local brands in their product chain as part of their social responsibilities, he added.

The official also said that the SME Expo provided a good plat-form for the promotion of Omani products and services.

One hundred and forty SMEs from 15 different fields participated in the exhibition, which aimed at developing the capacity and skills of Omani entrepreneurs and pro-

moting support for local brands. The exhibition was organised by ri-yada, the Public Authority for Craft Industry, Oman Chamber of Com-merce and Industry (OCCI), Al

Raffd Fund and the Oman Interna-tional Exhibition Centre. The par-ticipating SMEs represented vari-ous sectors such as green economy, craft industries, medical services,

training services, hospitality ser-vices, e-services, travel and tourism services, food products, fashion ac-cessories, incense, frankincense as well as restaurants and cafes.

One of the examples

of the efforts to

promote Omani

products is the

campaign to

showcase local

brands that is

implemented on

some occasions in


Huge demand for plots at Samayil Industrial EstateTimes News Service

MUSCAT: As much as 80 per cent of industrial plot at the newly opened Samayil Industrial Estate has been occupied, indi-cating strong demand from en-trepreneurs for setting up manu-facturing units.

The Samayil Industrial Estate has been a success, said Hilal bin Hamed Al Hasni, chief executive officer of Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (PEIE). He was talking to the media on the sidelines of an Omani products exhibition at Lulu Hypermarket in Al Ghubra, coinciding with the Sultanate’s celebration of 45th National Day.

Referring to the development of local industries, he said there has been tremendous progress in developing a vibrant industrial base for local products, which are widely accepted within the do-

mestic market and outside. “We know that the local market here is small. But most of the industries are exporting more than 70 per cent of their products to interna-tional markets,” noted Al Hasani.

Non-oil exportsThe PEIE chief also noted that last year’s non-oil exports were impressive with the country ex-porting more than OMR4.6 bil-lion non-oil goods to different markets across the world. The industrial development started in 1983 with the country’s first industrial estate.

“Today, we have more than 1,500 industries, out of within 900 industries are operating. Today, our local products are accepted within the country and in interna-tional markets,” added Al Hasani. This is evident from the fact that several local industries are en-hancing their manufacturing ca-

pacities, which is a positive sign.A series of Omani products’

exhibitions are being held to mo-tivate consumers to buy locally manufactured products. Besides, these exhibitions creating aware-ness on the positive effect of pur-chasing Omani products in sup-porting the national economy. Al Hasani stressed that promoting Oman-made products is one of the vital objectives of PEIE.

“We always aim at generating awareness on the Omani products through various platforms includ-ing exhibitions at the commercial centres. The Omani products to-day are enjoying excellent reputa-tion marked by high quality and standards. These products are widely spreading locally, region-ally and internationally which encourage the local companies to further expand their produc-tion database and diversify their products,” Al Hasani said.


Workshop enhances SMEs’

awareness on PDO tenders

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Petroleum Develop-ment Oman (PDO) has staged a second workshop giving Omani small and medium en-terprises (SMEs) a better under-standing of how to do business with the company.

The workshop highlighted the main reasons for unsuccessful submissions of contracts — such as quality of documentation and technical and financial require-ments — to enhance the aware-ness level of local firms on PDO’s tendering process.

Around 60 representatives from SMEs and Local Community Con-tractors (LCCs) attended the event at the company’s Mina Al Fahal headquarters in Muscat. Many of those invited had unsuccessfully bid for PDO work in the past.

HSE rules The workshop covered PDO’s stringent health, safety and envi-ronment (HSE) rules and regula-tions, and key areas such as busi-ness experience and resourcing, work quality and financial vi-

ability, tender requirements and ethics. In addition, the half-day session highlighted contractual In-Country Value (ICV) and Na-tional Objectives stipulations for training and Omanisation, reflecting PDO’s commitment to generate employment opportuni-ties for Omanis.

PDO tenders“PDO has always been a pioneer in supporting local Omani com-panies,” said PDO In-Country Value director Abla Al Riyami.

“This workshop was aimed at creating awareness on the main reasons why Omani companies had been unsuccessful in par-ticipating for PDO tenders in the past, enhancing their tendering capabilities and understanding our procedures and requirements.


Tender for treasury bills held at CBOMUSCAT: A tender of Gov-ernment treasury bills, issue number 554, was held at the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) on Sunday.

The total value of the allot-ted treasury bills amounted to OMR45 million, for a matu-rity period of 364 days, from November 18 until November 16, 2016.

The average accepted price reached 98.829 for every OMR100, while the minimum accepted price arrived at 98.775 per OMR100.

Whereas the average dis-count rate and the average yield reached 1.17433 per cent and 1.18826 per cent, respectively.

Treasury bills are short-term highly secured financial instru-ments issued by the Central Bank of Oman on behalf of the government of Oman. It is a safe financial instrument. — ONA


Times News Service

MUSCAT: Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (Riyada) and Muscat Duty Free have signed a memorandum of understand-ing (MoU) to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The MoU was signed by Khalifa Said Al Abri, chief executive officer of Riyada and Abdulaziz Suad Al Raisi, chairman of Muscat Duty Free at Riyada Head Office in Gala on Sunday.

The MoU aims to develop, promote and support SME development initiatives in the duty free part of Muscat International Airport through displaying and selling tradi-tional Omani products.

The CEO of Riyada said that the MoU is a very important step to support and promote SMEs in the duty free section as a large number of passengers from all over the world shop in this area. The chairman of Muscat Duty Free also hailed the MoU, saying that it will create many opportunities for

SME owners. The main conditions of the

MoU include designing a spe-cial corner if possible to display and sell the traditional Omani products at the duty free area as well as appointing an employee from Muscat Duty Free as a

focal point between Muscat Duty Free and entrepreneurs registered by Riyada for the selection of the products that meet the technical standards.

In addition, SMEs have to get approval from Riyada to display and sell their products

at the duty free section. Muscat Duty Free and Riyada will meet every six months to discuss the progress and updates which will be summarised in a written report that Muscat Duty Free would submit to Riyada prior to the meeting.

Riyada, Muscat Duty Free join hands to promote Omani products

PARTNERS IN PROGRESS: The memorandum of understanding was signed by Khalifa Said Al

Abri, chief executive officer of Riyada, and Abdulaziz Suad Al Raisi, chairman of Muscat Duty

Free, at Riyada Head Office in Gala on Sunday. – Supplied picture



Dubai stocks fallDUBAI: Disappointing com-pany earnings, falling oil prices and a wave of terrorism culmi-nating in Friday’s attacks in Par-is unsettled investors leading to losses in almost every Middle Eastern market.

Dubai’s DFM General Index dropped 3.7 per cent, the most in almost three months, after Drake & Scull International became the latest United Arab Emirates construction compa-ny to report losses. - Bloomberg News



MARKETM O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5



REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OM0000005005 ...........ALMAHA CERAMICS .................................................. 10,458 ...............4,704........................2 ........... 0.446 ........... 0.450 ...........0.446........... 0.450 .............0.446 ........... 0.004 ............. 0.897 ................0.450 ..............0.440...................0.446 ..................23,625,000 .........0.100OM0000001087 ............OMAN UNITED INSURANCE ................................ 30,000 ...............7,500........................3 ........... 0.250 ...........0.250 ...........0.250........... 0.250 .............0.250 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.250..............0.241...................0.250 ..................25,000,000 ........0.100OM0000001418 ............RAYSUT CEMENT ............................................................. 300 .................. 330........................2 ............1.100 ........... 1.100 ...........1.100 ............1.105 ............. 1.105 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................1.100 .............. 1.100................... 1.145 ................. 221,000,000 .......0.100OM0000001483 ............NATIONAL BANK OF OMAN ...................................58,000 ..............17,516........................4 ........... 0.302 ...........0.302 ...........0.302........... 0.302 .............0.302 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.302............. 0.290...................0.302 ................ 404,894,496 .......0.100OM0000001517 ............HSBC BANK OMAN .........................................................1,126 .................. 126........................ 1 ............0.112 ........... 0.112............ 0.112 ............0.114 ............. 0.114 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.112 .............. 0.110................... 0.119 ..................228,035,658........0.100OM0000001525 ............OMAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCE ................ 52,783 ............... 9,501........................5 ............0.180 ........... 0.180 ...........0.180 ........... 0.180 ............. 0.180 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.180 .............. 0.176...................0.179 ...................36,000,000 ........0.100OM0000001681 ............OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING ............ 40,000 ...............4,120........................5 ............0.103 ........... 0.103 ...........0.103 ........... 0.103 ............. 0.103............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.103 .............. 0.101...................0.103 ................... 12,553,125 .........0.100OM0000001749 ............OMAN CEMENT .......................................................... 100,000 ...........45,000........................3 ........... 0.450 ........... 0.450 ...........0.450........... 0.450 .............0.450 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.450 ..............0.450...................0.460 .................148,892,720 ........0.100OM0000002168 ............AL ANWAR CERAMIC TILES ............................... 569,974 ......... 181,252..................... 25 ............0.318 ........... 0.318 ...........0.318 ............0.318 ............. 0.318............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.318 .............. 0.318...................0.320 .................. 94,195,951 .........0.100OM0000002820 ...........GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES ...........................51,000 ...............5,238........................5 ............0.103 ........... 0.103 ...........0.102 ........... 0.103 ............. 0.103............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.102 ..............0.102...................0.104.................... 6,060,851 ..........0.100OM0000003224 ...........RENAISSANCE SERVICES ..................................... 610,735 .............98,185..................... 56 ............0.160 ........... 0.161 ............0.160 ............0.161 ............. 0.161 ............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.160 ..............0.160...................0.162 ...................46,794,814 .........0.100OM0000003521 ............GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. .................. 325,421.............27,263..................... 27 ........... 0.084 ...........0.084 ...........0.083........... 0.084 .............0.084 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.084..............0.084...................0.086...................24,358,374 .........0.100OM0000003711 ............SOHAR POWER ...................................................................... 33 .....................12........................ 1 ............0.374 ........... 0.374 ...........0.374 ........... 0.380 .............0.380 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.374 ..............0.352...................0.370...................83,983,800 .........0.100OM0000004669 ...........SHARQIYAH DESALINATION .................................. 6,700 .............30,768........................3 ........... 4.590 ........... 4.605 ...........4.590........... 4.590 .............4.590 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................4.590............. 0.000...................0.000 .................. 44,891,191 .........1.000OM0000004735 ...........SEMBCORP SALALAH ................................................33,450 .............90,315........................9 ........... 2.700 ........... 2.700 ...........2.700 ........... 2.700 .............2.700 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................2.700 ............. 2.500...................2.700..................257,734,427 ........1.000OM0000004768 ...........AL MADINA TAKAFUL ...............................................60,860 ............... 5,162........................5 ........... 0.084 ........... 0.085 ...........0.084........... 0.085 .............0.085 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.085 ..............0.084...................0.085...................14,875,000 .........0.100OM0000004925 ...........AL BATINAH POWER .......................................................... 70 ..................... 15........................ 1 ............0.210 ........... 0.210 ...........0.210 ........... 0.210 .............0.210 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.210 ............. 0.204...................0.210 ..................141,726,360 ........0.100OM0000003026 ...........OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION ........................ 400,624 .........648,936......................41 ............1.625 ........... 1.625 ........... 1.615 ........... 1.620 ............. 1.625 ............-0.005 ........... -0.308 ...............1.620 ..............1.620................... 1.635 ................1,215,000,000 ......0.100OM0000002200 ...........AHLI BANK .................................................................... 200,068 ............39,914........................7 ............0.199 ...........0.200 ...........0.199 ........... 0.199 .............0.200 ...........-0.001 ........... -0.500 ...............0.199 ..............0.190...................0.199 ..................283,582,193 ........0.100OM0000002796 ...........BANK MUSCAT ............................................................. 50,900 ............ 26,709........................8 ........... 0.526 ........... 0.526 ...........0.524........... 0.524 .............0.528 ...........-0.004 ........... -0.758................0.524..............0.522...................0.524 ............... 1,200,915,041 ......0.100OM0000003661 ............VOLTAMP ENERGY .....................................................20,655 ...............9,006........................7 ........... 0.436 ........... 0.436 ...........0.436 ........... 0.436 .............0.440 ...........-0.004 ........... -0.909 ...............0.436 ..............0.410...................0.436...................26,378,000 .........0.100OM0000003968 ...........OOREDOO....................................................................... 313,067..........240,435......................16 ............0.768 ........... 0.768 ...........0.768 ............0.768 ............. 0.776............-0.008 ............-1.031 ................0.768 .............. 0.768...................0.776 ..................499,925,169 ........0.100OM0000001962 ............AL MADINA INVESTMENT ..................................... 17,800 ............... 1,104........................2 ........... 0.062 ........... 0.062 ...........0.062........... 0.062 .............0.063 ...........-0.001 ............-1.587................0.062..............0.062...................0.064 ..................12,843,386 .........0.100OM0000001772 ............AL ANWAR HOLDING............................................... 700,268 ......... 126,253..................... 53 ............0.180 ........... 0.181............0.180 ........... 0.180 ............. 0.183............-0.003 ............-1.639................0.180 ..............0.180................... 0.181 ................... 27,013,500 .........0.100OM0000002028 ...........GULF INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS ..............20,232 ............... 5,557..................... 10 ........... 0.278 ........... 0.278 ...........0.274 ........... 0.275 ............. 0.281............-0.006 ........... -2.135................0.274 ..............0.275...................0.277.................... 5,775,000 ..........0.100OM0000001160 ............NATIONAL GAS .............................................................32,374 .............10,335..................... 10 ........... 0.320 ...........0.320 ...........0.318 ........... 0.320 .............0.328 ...........-0.008 ........... -2.439 ...............0.318 .............. 0.318...................0.326 ..................16,000,000 .........0.100OM0000002440 ...........AL SHARQIA INVESTMENT HOLDING ..............16,816 ...............1,860........................6 ............0.114 ........... 0.114............0.110 ............0.111.............. 0.114 ............-0.003 ........... -2.632 ...............0.110 .............. 0.110................... 0.113 ....................9,990,000 ..........0.100OM0000001145 ............PORT SERVICES CORPORATION .........................10,000 ............... 1,450........................ 1 ............0.145 ........... 0.145 ...........0.145 ............0.145 ............. 0.150............-0.005 ........... -3.333 ...............0.145 .............. 0.143...................0.159 ................... 13,780,800 .........0.100OM0000002176 ............AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS ............................ 5,223 .................. 846........................3 ............0.162 ........... 0.162 ...........0.162 ........... 0.162 ............. 0.170............-0.008 ........... -4.706 ...............0.162 .............. 0.162...................0.170 ...................20,233,470 .........0.100OM0000001319 ............NATIONAL ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS .............. 40,000 ...............8,885..................... 10 ........... 0.220 ...........0.230 ...........0.220 .......... 0.222 .............0.233 ........... -0.011 ............-4.721................0.230............. 0.222...................0.230 ................... 7,452,862 ..........0.100.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 3,778,937 ...1,648,296................... 331 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TRADED SEC. ......30........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PARALLEL MARKET ................................................................................................................................................................................. OM0000004420 ...........BANK NIZWA ................................................................ 19,611,623..1,502,599..................... 85 ........... 0.078 ...........0.080 ...........0.076 ........... 0.079 .............0.077 ........... 0.002 ............. 2.597 ................0.080..............0.079...................0.080 .................118,500,000 ........0.100OM0000004511 ............ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK.............................................. 238,037 ............ 17,536..................... 22 ........... 0.072 ........... 0.074 ...........0.072........... 0.074 .............0.073 ............0.001 ............. 1.370 ................0.074 ..............0.073...................0.074...................74,000,000 ........0.100OM0000001368 ............CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. ....................28,790 ...............1,008........................4 ........... 0.035 ........... 0.035 ...........0.035 ........... 0.035 .............0.035 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.035 ..............0.034...................0.035....................2,975,000 ..........0.100OM0000001400 ...........OMAN FLOUR MILLS ...................................................2,200 ...............1,034........................ 1 ........... 0.470 ........... 0.470 ...........0.470 ........... 0.474 .............0.474 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.470 ..............0.472...................0.498...................74,655,000 .........0.100OM0000001566 ............OMAN FISHERIES .............................................................100 ....................... 6........................ 1 ........... 0.056 ........... 0.056 ...........0.056 ........... 0.056 .............0.056 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.056 ..............0.054...................0.056....................7,000,000 ..........0.100OM0000002580 ...........OMAN EDU. & TRIN. INV. HOLDING.......................1,120 ...................198........................2 ............0.177 ........... 0.177 ...........0.177 ........... 0.186 ............. 0.186............ 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.177 .............. 0.177...................0.178 ...................13,020,000 .........0.100OM0000005963 ...........PHOENIX POWER ........................................................23,469 ...............3,525......................11 ............0.150 ........... 0.151 ............0.150 ........... 0.150 ............. 0.151 ............-0.001 ........... -0.662 ...............0.150 .............. 0.150................... 0.151 ..................219,390,219 ........0.100OM0000001053 ............OMAN TEXTILE HOLDING .....................................26,500 ............... 9,313........................8 ........... 0.354 ........... 0.354 ...........0.350........... 0.352 .............0.364 ...........-0.012 ........... -3.297 ...............0.350 ..............0.344...................0.350.................... 2,112,000 ..........1.000OM0000001301 ............DHOFAR CATTLE FEED .......................................... 210,000 ...........45,200........................2 ........... 0.220 ...........0.220 ...........0.215 ............0.215 .............0.224 ...........-0.009 ........... -4.018 ...............0.215 ............. 0.202...................0.220 ..................16,555,000 .........0.100.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 20,141,839 . 1,580,419................... 136 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TRADED SEC. ........ 9........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BONDS AND SUKUK MARKET ............................................................................................................................................................... OM0000005971 ............B.MUSCAT COMPL. CONVR. B.B.3.5 ...........................588 .....................54........................ 1 ........... 0.092 ........... 0.092 ...........0.092........... 0.092 .............0.092 ........... 0.000 .............0.000 ................0.092..............0.092...................0.097...................29,822,868 .........0.100OM0000004602 ...........BANK MUSCAT CONV. BONDS 4.5 .........................15,251 ............... 1,708........................ 1 ............0.112 ........... 0.112............ 0.112 ............0.112 ............. 0.113 ............-0.001 ........... -0.885 ...............0.112 ...............0.111................... 0.112 ...................33,907,900 .........0.100.............................................SUM: .................................................................................... 15,839 ............... 1,762........................2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TRADED SEC. ........ 2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ISIN ......................................SECURITY NAME .................................................................. VOLUME ..... TURNOVER ............TRADES ......OPEN PRICE ......HIGH ............. LOW ........ CLOSE PR. ...PREV. CLOSE...DIFF (RO).........DIFF % ............. LAST PR .....LAST BID .............LAST OFFER ........MARKET CAP .PAR VALUE


INDICESIndex .................................................High .................Low ..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %MSM30 Index ....................................... 5,848.38 ...............5,837.87 ....................5,837.87 ................... 5,848.41 ................ -10.54 .................. -0.18Financial Index .....................................7,165.00 ............... 7,150.81 ....................7,155.90 ....................7,156.39 .................. -0.49 .................. -0.01Industrial Index .................................... 7,199.32 ............... 7,166.98 ....................7,170.32 ....................7,197.32 ................-27.00 .................. -0.38Services Index ...................................... 3,247.94 ...............3,239.81 ....................3,239.81 ...................3,247.94 ...................-8.13 .................. -0.25MSM SHARIAH INDEX.......................905.84 ................. 904.62 ...................... 904.62 ...................... 905.46 .................. -0.84 .................. -0.09

Trading SummaryVolume ................ Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up ............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded23,936,615 ................. 3,230,477 .................... 469 ...............14,859,852,420 .................. 3 ......................17 .................... 21 .........................41

MSM index ends lower

MUSCAT: Following regional cues, the MSM30 Index re-mained bearish with a loss of 0.18 per cent to end at 5,837.87 points. The Sharia Index closed at 904.62 points, down 0.09 per cent. Bank Nizwa was the most active in terms of volume as well as turnover. The top gainer was Bank Nizwa, up by 2.60 per cent while National Aluminium Prod-ucts was down 4.72 per cent to be the top loser.

As many as 469 trades were ex-ecuted today, generating turnover of OMR3.2 million with 23.9 mil-lion shares changing hands. GCC and Arab investors remained net buyers for OMR499,000 fol-lowed by Foreign investors for OMR104,000 while Omani in-vestors switched to net sellers for OMR603,000 worth of shares.

Financial Index remained sta-ble at 7,155.90 points, a change of 0.01 per cent. Bank Nizwa and Al Izz Bank increased 2.60 per cent and 1.37 per cent respectively. Al Sharqia Investments, Al Anwar Holding, Al Madina Investments, Bank Muscat and Ahli Bank de-clined by 2.63 per cent, 1.64 per cent, 1.59 per cent, 0.76 per cent and 0.50 per cent respectively.

Industrial Index ended lower at 7,170.32 points, down by 0.38 per cent. Al Maha Ceramics, up by 0.90 per cent was the only sector gainer.

National Aluminium, Al Ja-zeera Steel, DhofarCattlefeed, Oman Textiles and Gulf Interna-tional Chemicals declined by 4.72 per cent, 4.71 per cent, 4.02 per cent, 3.30 per cent and 2.14 per cent respectively. — United Securities

The top gainer was Bank Nizwa, up by

2.60 per cent, while the top loser, National

Aluminium Products, was down 4.72 per cent

Officials cowed by graft crackdown stall China infrastructure spendingHONG KONG: Local officials in China are dithering over project approvals and business deals, some to avoid the spotlight of an anti-corruption campaign, im-peding Beijing’s plans to use in-frastructure spending to arrest slowing economic growth.

Though the National Develop-ment and Reform Commission (NDRC) approved 1.9 trillion yuan ($300 billion) of investment projects in the first 10 months of 2015, the country’s top auditor es-timates $45 billion of projects are behind schedule, including a rail-way line in Yunnan delayed five years by official sloth. Provincial and city officials were once in the vanguard of China’s breakneck expansion, and they didn’t always play by the rules for procurement or when awarding contracts or rights for land use.

Now, when central government is trying to lift growth from 25-year lows, they fear drawing at-tention to themselves in case their past comes back to bite them.

China has stepped up inspec-tion and auditing of big projects to curb graft since late 2012, when President Xi Jinping declared war on corruption, vowing to go after powerful “tigers” and lowly “flies”.

“Many people fear that the more they do, the more likely they will get into trouble,” said an offi-

cial in southern Jiangxi province, who requested anonymity.

“Local officials are not fully implementing the central gov-ernment’s policy measures,” said the official. Prosecutors investi-gated 4,040 civil servants at the county level or above in 2014, an average of 11 a day, parliament was told in March.

But keeping their heads down is also getting them into trouble.

State media reported in Sep-tember that nearly 250 officials had been punished for failing to spend government funds, delay-ing projects or sitting on land ear-marked for development.

Premier Li Keqiang has repeat-

edly scolded procrastinating of-ficials for laziness. Local media said he pounded the table as he blasted officials for inertia at a meeting last year.

Carrot and stickLi has since been trying a little carrot to go with the stick, prom-ising to promote “upright” offi-cials while sacking crooked ones, and give them a bit more rope to do the right thing.

“We should give local authori-ties more autonomy in making decisions and give more support for local officials who are willing and capable of doing things,” Li told provincial officials during a

meeting in October. In the first 10 months of the year, local reticence has contributed to a slowing of an-nual growth in fixed-asset invest-ment to 10.2 per cent, the weak-est pace since 2000, despite the NDRC’s quickening of project ap-provals. Low returns and the lack of legal protection have hampered Beijing’s efforts to lure private investment into infrastructure projects, adding pressure on the government to spend more.

Economic growth“It will be very difficult to stabilise economic growth without local support,” said a researcher with the NDRC.

“The ordinary people welcome the fight on corruption, but this brings about side effects as some officials are not doing anything.”

Many growth-obsessed officials have been caught in the campaign.

Liu Zhijun, the former railway minister nicknamed “Great Leap Liu” for pushing construction of the world’s largest high-speed network, received a suspended death sentence in 2013 for cor-ruption and abuse of power.

Local media said a well-known businesswoman, sentenced to twenty years, had helped Liu secure 49 million yuan in kick-backs for railway construction contracts. — Reuters


Low crude oil price a major challenge for UAE's Dana GasDUBAI: Dana Gas, the UAE- based energy company operating mostly in Egypt and Iraq, expects low oil prices to remain a challenge into next year after the company reported a quarterly loss.

“The business environment has been difficult for the whole of the petroleum sector over the course of this year and it appears that it will continue to remain difficult during 2016,” Chief Executive Of-ficer Patrick Allman-Ward said on a conference call.

“We do expect our next quarter to be similarly financially chal-lenged,” he further added.

Dana Gas, based in Sharjah in the UAE, posted a third- quarter loss of Dh28 million ($7.6 million) compared with a profit of Dh139 million in the same period of 2014, it said in a statement to the Abu Dhabi stock exchange.

Revenue fell to Dh341 million from Dh638 million.

Oil companies have been cutting spending globally as crude prices dropped by more than 40 per cent in the past year, denting profitabil-ity and making some of the more expensive exploration and produc-tion uneconomical.

The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries maintained its output target of 30 million

barrels a day at meetings in June and last December even as prices fell amid a glut of supply. The group is set to meet next month in Vienna to discuss markets and production.

Shares slumpDana Gas shares fell seven per cent to 40 fils, at 11:33am in Abu Dhabi. That’s the biggest decline in percentage terms since August 23, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The company will cut operating expenses by about 10 to 20 per cent a year, as it has since 2013, to con-serve cash amid expected low oil prices, Allman-Ward said.

General and administrative costs will be cut by about 55 per cent, he said. The company is still in discussion with Egypt about planned investments and capital expenses on field developments there, he said.

Dana Gas is seeking to recover $1 billion in payments for past production in Egypt and the Kurd-ish region of Iraq. The amount it’s owed in Egypt rose by $19 million to $252 million at the end of Sep-tember and payments outstanding from the Kurdish Regional Gov-ernment rose by $58 million to $804 million. — Bloomberg News


THE BIGGER PICTURE Beijing trying to revive growth with infrastructure


Local officials keep low profile during anti-graft


Planning agency approved $300b of projects

Country’s top auditor says about $45b of projects


Premier Li Keqiang castigates officials for inaction

– Times file picture



BDEMAND FOR COMPACT CAMERAS TO FALL With highly advanced camera specifications on most high-end smartphones, the UAE’s leading mobile reseller, axiom, predicts that demand for compact cameras will continue to decline. According to latest figures released by the Camera and Imaging Products Association, the number of digital still cameras shipped worldwide has dropped by almost 60 per cent, from 9.52 million units in April 2012, to just 3.8 million in April 2014. - Times News Service

M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5



Al Haditha Petroleum adopts Microsoft Dynamics NAV Microsoft announced that Al Haditha Petro-leum Services, a Omani Super LCC Company pro-viding a wide variety of engineering and project management services to companies in the oil and gas Industry, has chosen Microsoft Dynamics NAV to more effectively manage the com-pany’s enterprise resource planning activities. OCS Infotech (Oman Computer Services), a leading Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner in Oman, will localise and implement the solution given their successful track record in empowering key players in the oil and gas industry. Commenting on this announcement, Sherif Tawfik, country general manager for Microsoft Oman and Bah-rain said, “Dynamics NAV is an innovative solution that deliv-ers a rapid time-to-value by increasing business productivity through its simplicity, adaptability, and ease-of-use.” He added “With the help of OCS Infotech, one of our most active Dynam-ics NAV partners in Oman, we are confident that Al Haditha Petroleum will benefit from a localised solution to meet their business needs and help them achieve their goals.” “We are re-ally excited to partner with Microsoft and OCS Infotech to im-plement a localized innovative solution that will address our op-erational challenges and meet our business goals,” said Mundhir Al Barwani, General Manager at Al Haditha Petroleum. “We are committed to delivering and maintaining high standards in the petroleum industry service sector and we trust that Dynamics NAV solution is the ideal choice for our operations. We had run a thorough assessment leading to this choice.” — Times News Service

Samsung posts spherical video to Facebook in the GCC

Middle East cyber security market value to reach $10b

Samsung Electronics became the first brand in the Gulf region to upload a spherical video to Facebook. The video, which promotes the company’s #BeFearless campaign, shares the per-spective of someone fearless, excited, and thrilled to be where no one can touch him—thousands of meters above ground. “We created the #BeFearless campaign to help people overcome their fears and pursue their dreams without hesitationthrough technology. Like our Gear VR(virtual realityheadset), Face-book’s new spherical video feature lets would-be participants jump right into the thick of the moment and learn that fear is just an emotion to be conquered, even when you’re suspended high above the ground,” said Marco Vocale, Chief Marketing Officer at Samsung Gulf Electronics. With spherical video, Facebook us-ers are immersed in content through a 360-degree view and can choose which angle they want to view a scene by dragging the shot or turning the device. — Times News Service

Growing concerns over cyber-crimes in the Middle East and the need to keep sensitive information secure from sophisticated hackers and com-mercial espionage is guiding the regional cyber security sector into a $10 billion market, say analysts. Worth $5.17 billion in 2014, the Mid-dle East cyber security market will nearly double in value over the next four years according to Frost & Sullivan. The surge in demand for information secu-rity-related products in the Middle East has drawn the atten-tion of international providers, many of which will be out in full force at Intersec 2016, the world’s leading trade show for security, safety, and fire protection. Information Security is the fastest-growing section at Intersec, which takes place for the 18th time from 17-19 January 2016 at the Dubai Interna-tional Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The new section was introduced in 2015 by organiser Messe Frankfurt Middle East in response to nearly half of the 27,000 trade buyers throughout the wider region re-questing to see more information security companies at the three-day event. In response, major names such as Ameri-can-based Dell Software, Infosec from France, and German players Antago, Rittal, and G Data Software are among dozens of companies in 2016 that will ensure the section will double in size over the previous year. — Times News Service

Developers in the desert

When Arab explor-ers traversed the deserts and seas centuries ago, they relied on an

astrolabe, an astronomical naviga-tion tool, to find their way.

Technology entrepreneurs find-ing their way through the complexi-ties of the Middle East are turning to a modern-day version of the ancient instrument: AstroLabs, a start-up accelerator in Dubai.

The Google backed technology hub opened for business in Octo-ber, with 42 start-ups plucked from among 250 applicants calling the sprawling ground-level space their home. Inside, there’s a cafe, desks, video-conference rooms, access to blazing-fast Internet and a “cod-ing cave”—a scene straight out of Silicon Valley or San Francisco. A device lab designed by Google is lit-tered with iPhones, Android smart-phones, tablets and computers, used by start-ups to test their mobile ap-plications and content.

One of the aspiring entrepre-neurs is Lamia Tabbaa-Bibi, crea-tor of iReadArabic.com, a digital library with more than 100 books for children. She got a business licence, work space and access to mentors at AstroLabs. About 30 schools in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have sub-scribed to the website, which has its roots in videos that Tabbaa-Bibi began producing to teach her toddler son Arabic.

Better demandTabaa-Bibi is trying to address what she sees as an unmet need in the Middle East: insufficient education-al Web content in Arabic at a time when many private schools in the region are putting more emphasis on English.

“I’m trying to hire now, and can’t find someone who can write an e-mail in Arabic,” Tabbaa-Bibi said. “It’s quite tragic.”

While the Middle East and North Africa have about 200 million Internet users spending an aver-age of six hours a day online, they mostly turn to providers outside the Middle East to access apps, content and business tools, ac-cording to Mohamad Mourad, managing director of Google Middle East and North Africa. AstroLabs’ goal is to remove some of the barri-ers that start-ups face so they can create new homegrown businesses and target customers globally.

“It’s very simple: supply and de-mand,” Mourad said in a speech last month. “The Mena region requires a lot of products and services, just to satisfy the demand in the region.”

A bronze astrolabe hangs in the entrance of the new accelerator, located near Dubai’s media and technology hub, just off its main highway, Sheikh Zayed Road.

“We’ve used that symbol really to symbolise the journey of the en-trepreneur and the type of help we try to provide,” said Muhammed Mekki, who co-founded AstroLabs with Louis Lebbos. The duo are be-hind Namshi, a Dubai-based online shopping portal with about $100 million in annual sales. They ran start-up workshops across the re-gion for several years before team-ing up with Google to open the tech hub last month.

HurdlesLaunching a start-up in the Mid-dle East isn’t easy. Entrepreneurs can face a mountain of legal and regulatory red tape. Workspace is expensive and it’s hard to find skilled staff. Funding is also scarce because of the lack of a developed venture capital industry.

Entrepreneurs from 27 countries, from Morocco and Australia to In-dia and the Philippines, have signed up. AstroLabs and Google were es-pecially interested in start-ups with ambitions beyond Dubai, Mekki said. Among them: Deliveroo, a UK-based online food delivery portal, which recently received $70 mil-lion in a funding round and is look-ing to expand in the Middle East. The Irish founders of Lovin Dub-lin are replicating their popular online publication featuring res-taurant reviews and lifestyle con-tent for their new site, Lovin Dubai.

Start-ups pay for packages that range from a “moonlighter” deal that includes access to work space for Dh1,000 dirhams ($270) a month, to a one-year contract with perks such as a company license, a mailing address and reserved desks and storage, for Dh3,500 dirhams a month. All have access to men-tors. The space is inside a free zone, which allows foreign ownership and doesn’t impose taxes.

AstroLabs helps alleviate some of the hurdles of opening a business in Dubai, which has transformed itself into a regional hub for trade, finance and commerce. Tarig El Sheikh, a former investment banker and founder of Beneple, a cloud-based

human resources management plat-form, said the cost of failure is still too high in the region.

“If you’re in the Middle East, you’re really putting yourself out there.” said El Sheikh, who recently sold his startup.

Google is betting that its invest-ment in Dubai’s start-up scene will help entrepreneurs connect with venture investors, and each other. Members of AstroLabs also get ac-cess to more than 20 other Google-backed tech hubs around the world with similar facilities. Next month, Google is bringing a dozen startups focusing on travel and hospitality from across the world to Dubai for an immersive program on how to access new markets. Bigger tech-nology companies are starting to take notice, said Yasar Jarrar, an adviser at Bain & Co. in Dubai.

“They identify places where there has been a small trend over the last five years of new startups making some money,” Jarrar said. Success stories include Dubai-based Souq.com, co-founded in 2005 by Ron-aldo Mouchawar and two Jorda-nian colleagues, which says it’s the largest e-commerce site in the Arab world with more than 30 million visitors a month.

Iran, on the other side of the Gulf, could prove to be another potential market for start-ups, after an accord with world powers in July paved the way for the end of sanctions on its

economy. Faranak Askari, founder of ToIran.com, a tourism portal for hotels and transportation in Iran, said demand on her site from hedge funds, retailers and other business-es traveling to scope out the country has seen “the hugest jump ever.”

“Tourism is becoming so huge because it’s a mysterious country—and that’s our slogan,” said Askari, who has a team in Iran, consultants in the UK, web operations in Singa-pore and an office at AstroLabs.

The $25 billion initial public of-fering of Chinese e-commerce gi-ant Alibaba Group Holding last year was a wake-up call for global investors, who saw a non-Western tech company make history with the largest-ever US IPO. Alibaba proved how companies with local knowledge and regional expertise have the potential to make it big, ac-cording to Christopher Schroeder, a US venture investor and author of Start-up Rising: the Entrepreneuri-al Revolution Remaking the Middle East. The number of Silicon Valley investors seeking advice on break-ing into emerging markets, includ-ing Iran and the Middle East, has climbed in the past year, he said.

“People are trying to figure out how they might have to play in these markets,” Schroeder said. “That’s where the future economy and where new technology and innova-tion will come from.”

— NAFEESA SYEED/Bloomberg News


technology hub

opened for business

in October, with 42

start-ups plucked

from among 250

applicants calling

the sprawling


space their home

– Bloomberg file picture

B6 M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5


MHD unveils stylishnew 2016 Volvo XC90

MUSCAT: Mohsin Haider Dar-wish and Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, unveiled the most an-ticipated car of recent years – the all-new XC90 – in the Sultanate of Oman. The new SUV presents a visually striking, premium quality seven seat SUV with world leading safety features, new powertrain technologies, an unrivalled combi-nation of power and fuel efficiency and a superlative interior finish.

With the second generation of XC90, Volvo marks the beginning of a new chapter in its history, capturing its future design direc-tion, incorporating its own range of new technologies and utilising its new Scalable Product Architec-ture (SPA) technology and Drive-E powertrain family. The new pre-mium SUV is a result of thorough research and substantial invest-ment which made this innovation possible, says a press release.

The new product is proving to be a hit with customers even be-fore it has appeared in showrooms, with over 33,000 orders for the brand new SUV already received. “These strong order numbers are

very encouraging and it shows that customers obviously appreciate the new kind of luxury car experi-ence,” said Emre Karaer, general manager of Volvo Car Group Mid-dle East and North Africa. “The XC90 is a firm evidence of the Vol-vo-by-Volvo strategy. Its outstand-ing combination of luxury, space, versatility, efficiency and safety will bring the SUV segment into a new dimension, just as the original XC90 achieved in 2002”.

Vasudeva Rao Varkoor, director, Automotive Products Division, MHD, said: “We will be breaking new ground with the arrival of the all-new Volvo XC90 in the Sultan-ate of Oman. We have registered strong interest from our custom-ers in this exciting new product.”

The new face of Volvo combin-ing a distinctive and confident face, completed with the updated Volvo Iron Mark and the signa-

ture ‘Thor’s Hammer’ headlights, the XC90’s connection to Volvo’s past and homage to the Swedish lifestyle are entirely evident in the new design language.

This premium SUV is created with thought-through safety and convenience features, true luxuri-ous comfort, solid and adaptable drive settings and stunning Scan-dinavian design. The end result is a visually striking SUV with unri-valled combination of power and fuel efficiency and a superlative interior finish. From the unclut-tered console and large tablet-like touchscreen interface to the handmade crystal Orrefors gear knob provided in the T8 Twin Engine version, the XC90 clearly created a new expression of lux-ury, simplicity and digital crafts-manship delivering a unique and calming experience.

The top of the range XC90

T8 Twin Engine, teamed with a smooth 8-speed automatic trans-mission gearbox, which combines a supercharged and turbocharged petrol engine with an electric motor offering an unrivalled combination of power and clean operation around 400 hp with car-bon dioxide (CO2) emissions of around 59 g/km.

Commenting on the growth of the premium segment in the Mid-dle East which witnessed a re-markable growth by 15.7 per cent in 2014 and by 17.2 per cent for the medium SUV premium segment, Emre Karaer said: “Giving these promising figures, Volvo Cars Mid-dle East and North Africa is geared for stronger growth on the back of new launches in 2015 especially with the XC90. Our milestone this year is to reach a market share of 10% in the medium SUV premium segment this year”.

The premium Volvo

SUV is a result of

thorough research

and substantial

investment which

made this innovation


Soorya fusion dance festival all set to beheld on November 24MUSCAT: Soorya Stage and Film Society is presenting their second programme of the year, Soorya Fusion Dance Festival at the Le Grand Hall of Hotel Al Falaj on Tuesday, November 24. The programme is being con-ducted by Majan Events Man-agement in association with Oman UAE Exchange, says a press release.

This time the public will have an opportunity to experience the unique and innovative combina-tion of three of world’s richest dance art forms – Bharatanaty-am, Kathak and Odissi. This will be very rare, perhaps once in a life time opportunity, to explore the natya, bhava and abhinaya of the Bharatanatyam, absorb the most complicated and difficult ‘Bols’ of Kathak and the thrills of the oldest dance form in India, the Odissi. These mesmerizing moments will be brought to the community by India’s topmost dancers/choreographers, Rajen-dra Gagani, Sreelatha Vinod, Ra-hul Acharya, Sonali Mohapatra and Gayathri Ranbir.

Rajendra Gangani, winner of ‘Sangeet Raj’, ‘Shastriya Natya Shiromani’, and the prestigious ‘Sangeet Natya Academy Award’ which was bestowed upon him in 2003 by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the late President of India.

Rajendra stands out for his

style. Making use of his excellent blend of manly grace and deli-cacy, he depicts the devotional aspects that characterise the Jaipur gharana.

Sreelatha holds double mas-ter’s degrees in History and Dance and is also a visiting member of the teaching faculty at the Dept of Dance –Univer-sity of Madras. She is the fin-est Bharathanatyam dancers of her generation today.

Rahul Acharya, widely known as the divine dancer, is one of the most loved and popular Odissi soloists in the international are-na today. He was the first male Odissi dancer to be honoured with the Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar award from the Sangeet Natak Academy.

Invitations for the above pro-gramme can be collected from the city branches of Oman UAE Exchange.


PSM set to celebrate

Oman National Day

with grand festival

Times News Service

MUSCAT: Pakistan School Muscat will join the festivities of Oman’s 45th National Day with a fun-filled festival of food and sport on November 18 on its premises. Prominent Omani fig-ure Abdullah Zaher Saif Al Huss-ni will be the chief guest.

With Oman making giant strides in the game of cricket this year, PSM cricket team will host Oman National Youth De-velopment Team (NYDT) for a highly entertaining 12-over-a side match, starting at 6 pm on its grassy ground under flood lights.

Expecting a sizeable crowd cheering the two teams, Pakistan School management has added

other attractions to make the evening memorable for them. A spirited walk will be a part of the National Day festivities. A num-ber of scrumptious stalls show-casing traditional Pakistani food will add to the evening’s appeal as a complete package for the families.

Continuing its participation in the Oman National Day celebra-tions, Pakistan School Muscat will also take an active part in the Cultural Exchange Programme from November 19 to 21.

The school has invited every-one to join them in this cheerful celebration of Oman’s 45th Na-tional Day, being hosted by the management and administration of Pakistan School Muscat.


Bank Sohar announces Al Mumayaz Auto Loan National Day special offer MUSCAT: Bank Sohar, in com-memoration of the 45th National Day, is offering a limited time of-fer for its Al Mumayaz Auto Loan which will run from November 15 to November 26, 2015. As part of the offer, customers who purchase a new or used vehicle during the offer period and finance it through the bank’s Al Mumayaz Auto Loan facility will be eligible for interest rates starting from just 4 per cent based on the tenure of the loan and with zero processing fees.

Commenting on the special of-fer, R. Narasimhan, GM of Retail Banking at Bank Sohar, said: “Our Al Mumayaz Auto Loan product has significantly grown in popular-

ity since its introduction just over a year ago, thanks to its incredible flexibility and quick approval pro-cess of just one hour. In celebration of the 45th National Day of Oman we have decided to take this offer to a new level with the introduc-tion of our new National Day Auto Loan offer. With this offer we will be providing our customers with special interest rates, zero pro-cessing fees, and other value added benefits, which will no doubt help our customers greatly when pur-chasing the car of their dreams this November.”

The bank’s Al Mumayaz Auto Loan offers both Omanis and ex-patriates, auto financing solutions

and one hour loan approvals for new and used cars for up to 80 per cent of their value. Finance is available with no medical require-ment for insurance of loans up to a certain limit. There is also no requirement for a salary transfer as loans can be granted against post-dated cheques. Al Mumayaz Auto Finance also provides an in-surance option for customers who prefer to avail it through the Bank.

“Our Al Mumayaz Auto Loan service provides customers with an extremely quick and hassle-free finance solution with a quick turnaround of just one hour for sanction. Furthermore, we have always been committed towards

customising products and services based on an in-depth understand-ing of customers’ needs and meet-ing their expectations; this is why, considering the substantial finan-cial commitment that goes into purchasing a new car, we are even offering our customers the option of deferring the start of the loan repayment by up to two months. Doing so will greatly reduce the financial impact of the purchase, thereby offering our customers a relaxing banking experience,” add-ed R. Narasimhan.

This auto loan special offer is currently available at all of Bank Sohar’s 27 branches located across the Sultanate.


al Mazyona to mark 45th Oman National Day with OMR450,000 prize draw

MUSCAT: Bank Muscat is all set to reward al Mazyona custom-ers with the 45th National Day special draw offering big prizes totaling OMR450,000. The win-ners will be picked at the 45th National Day celebrations to be held at the bank’s head of-fice on November 18. Customers maintaining a minimum bal-ance of OMR1000 are eligible for the special prize draw offering OMR45,000 each for 10 winners, says a press release.

Marking Oman’s 45th Renais-sance anniversary, Bank Muscat raised the 2015 al Mazyona prize money to OMR9 million. Struc-tured on the thematic ‘45’ reflect-ing the Sultanate’s 45 years of Re-naissance under the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the 2015 al Mazyona sav-ings scheme campaign has been immensely successful in reach-ing out to the people with the ‘Save more, Dream big’ call to ac-tion, guaranteeing more for eve-ryone to share in the biggest prize money in Oman and the region.

With attractive weekly, month-ly, special and year-end grand prizes totaling OMR9 million, the Sultanate’s flagship savings scheme offers high-value prizes throughout the year to maximum number of customers. The climax of 2015 al Mazyona scheme is the grand year-end prize offering a whopping OMR1.5 million to be

shared by 15 winners. Customers maintaining a minimum balance of OMR1000 are eligible for the grand prize draw offering OMR 100,000 each for 15 winners. The higher the balance, higher the chances to win.

Bank Muscat attaches great importance to inculcating pru-dent savings and spending habits and has tailored al Mazyona with this objective in mind. Bank Mus-cat understands customer expec-tations and big prize money is not the only way by which al Mazyo-na seeks to transform the lives of prudent savers. The scheme is targeted to accommodate all seg-ments, including asalah Prior-ity Banking, al Jawhar Privilege Banking, ladies, youth, children and customers in all regions, thereby inculcating prudent sav-ings habit among citizens who are responsible for the future development of Oman. The un-derlying principle of the scheme is that the greater the deposit balance, the higher the chances of rewards. al Mazyona scheme reflects innovative customer segmentation based on two prin-ciples - region and demograph-ics - ensuring a higher winning chance to all customers across the Sultanate. Winning with al Mazyona has never been simpler as customers are not required to block their money or wait for a long time to win big prizes.


Golden Tulip Nizwa holds 21st annual party for its employeesNIZWA: Golden Tulip Nizwa Ho-tel held the 21st annual staff party recently, says a press release.

The day started with Sandeep Jaitly, general manager, welcom-ing the team members. Staff mem-bers who completed 10 years were recognised with Long Service awards while other star perform-ers were also rewarded during the staff party. It was an evening of games and group performances. Gifts were distributed to every employee of the hotel appreciating their efforts behind the sucess of

the company. Main highlight of the evening was the Omani traditional dance performed by housekeep-ing department, Bollywood group dance performed by F&B team,

solo and duet song performance by housekeeping and administration team and fashion show by mem-bers of different departments.

The housekeeping team won the

volleyball championship while the back office team were the runners-up. Beside these, various other sports competitions like bowling, carom, chess and darts were also organized and the winners were awarded with trophies and cer-tificates. Salim Al Shreqi of F&B production department and Kara-mat from F&B service department were awarded with the Employee of the Year awards.

The housekeeping and accounts departments lifted the Best De-partment trophies.


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Ooredoo combats telecom scams

MUSCAT: In response to an increasing number of telecom scams, Ooredoo has launched a series of technical and security measures to fight fraudulent SMS’ and calls that target its custom-ers. During such scams, customers have reported receiving calls from people posing as Ooredoo employ-ees, asking for personal banking information or money in order to claim a prize.

Combating this problem, Oore-doo has changed the way in which they deliver their SMS’; imple-menting a new set-up which will

reduce the number of fraud in-cidents. Their new advanced filtering system will now have increased control and security for messaging, resulting in a sig-nificant reduction in the number of unsolicited SMS messages re-ceived, as well as spam. Moving forward, more tailored SMS se-curity measures will be taken to further reduce unwanted SMS. This revolutionary change is the culmination of considerable engi-neering work and represents only one of the activities the company is using to address the problem.

Jim Maxwell, Chief Legal, Regulatory & Wholesale Officer at Ooredoo, said: “We have been

working very closely with the TRA and other local authorities, to raise public awareness about these scams through social me-dia and other platforms. Anyone requesting money or your bank-ing information is likely to take it and disappear. Ooredoo never asks customers for personal banking information over the phone and we do not offer money or other prizes via SMS. Furthermore, we never request people to top up or recharge and will never request anything in return for receiving a prize. I would like to reiterate that all of our promotions and competitions are announced clearly in the press and different media channels with winners of different prizes contacted offi-cially and never required to trans-fer money or furnish personal confidential information.”

He added, “The internet has opened a new avenue for scammers and we have taken ex-haustive technical, engineering, and safety measures to stay on top of the problem and provide our customers with the assurance they deserve. With vigilance and the appropriate scope of preven-tive action taken on both sides, the number of such incidents will be significantly reduced.”

To obtain official information from Ooredoo, customers can visit any of its 38 stores or call the Con-tact Centre by dialling 1500 from any Ooredoo number.

During such scams,

customers have

reported receiving

calls from people

posing as Ooredoo

employees, asking

for personal banking

information or

money in order

to claim a prize

Indian Community in Oman to celebrate National Day of OmanMUSCAT: Indian Social Club, Muscat, has decided to celebrate 75th birthday of His Majesty Sul-tan Qaboos bin Said Al Said, and 45thNational Day of Oman on No-vember 17 at the Embassy of India Auditorium, under the aegis of In-dra Mani Pandey, Ambassador of India, says a press release.

Under benevolent vision of His Majesty the Sultan, the large, di-verse and highly regarded Indian

community has flourished in the Sultanate of Oman. Comprising businessmen, professionals and workers, the Indian community has been contributing to the to the progress and prosperityof Oman to the best of their knowledge and abilities. Under the wise and pro-gressive leadership of His Majesty the Sultan, Oman has developed into a modern nation, with excel-lent infrastructure and health,

education and other facilities. It has also made the widely appreci-ated contribution to regional and international peace and security, based on its policies of peaceful co-existence and non-interference in other country’s affairs.

The growing presence of Indian Community in Oman is a testi-mony to the warm welcome ac-corded by friendly people of Oman to Indians. People-to-people rela-

tions have further strengthened India’s centuries old civilizational links and historical relations with Oman, and which have evolved into a strategic partnership. The ever-expanding India-Oman stra-tegic partnership has been nur-tured and nourished by vision and guidance of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, it added. The purpose of celebration by Indian Community is to express its appreciation and

gratitude to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, the Government of Oman and the friendly people of Oman for their patronage, warmth and hospitality and to join the friendly people of Oman in celebrating the 45th National Day of Oman. In-dian Social Club Chairman, Dr. Nambiar, will address the gath-ering. Pankaj Khimji, Chairman, Oman-India Joint Business Coun-cil, will speak on development and

progress in Oman under His Maj-esty’s rule. A young Indian student will speak about their impressions of His Majesty’s rule in Oman. Am-bassador Indra Mani Pandey will speak about various dimensions of India’s friendly relations and strategic partnership with Oman.There will be cultural performanc-es by Omani and Indian youth. A glue and glitter live painting of His Majesty will be made.


VLCC stands against obesity with Anti-Obesity Day on November 26MUSCAT: VLCC, the premier wellness brand across South Asia, South East Asia and the Mid-dle East, will be observing World Obesity Day on November 26. Marking the day with activities to highlight how obesity is a pub-lic health hazard; it was in 2001, that VLCC, founded by Vandana Luthra, took the first step towards creating awareness about obesity and its ill-effects through the cre-ation of an anti-obesity initiative to address the global pandemic.

With the active involvement of the medical fraternity and other key stakeholders in all the coun-tries where it has a presence, VLCC started observing Novem-ber 26 as Anti-Obesity Day as part of an annual campaign con-ducted in the months of Novem-ber and December to promote the development of good lifestyle habits to stay healthy and fit.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2 billion people in the world are overweight, and 500 million peo-ple suffer from obesity.

Problems with maintaining normal body weight may be re-lated to the changes taking place in our bodies with age.

Paradoxically, the statistical data continue growing despite millions of people fighting obe-sity globally.

Let us have a look at the heart of the matter first. Obesity is a medical condition in which ex-cess body fat accumulates to the extent that it may have an adverse

effect on health and lead to re-duced life expectancy.

High calorie diets, processed high-fat foods (containing fat which we cannot see), sweets which we eat to conquer stress and boredom, a sedentary life-style; all these factors contrib-ute to the ever growing number of overweight and obese peo-ple. The following factors can be mentioned as the causes of obesity: hereditary (genetic) factors, physiological factors, psychological factors, factors related to our lifestyle.

In line with VLCC’s objectives to fight obesity, come VLCC en-deavours to turn the desire of healthy living into an achievable state, by offering a harmonious blend of the latest scientific tech-nologies along with nutritional and lifestyle counseling in lead-ing a happy, stress free life, with stressful living and a sedentary lifestyle being the leading causes of undesirable weight gain, VLCC advocates the introduction of both active as well as passive activities to facilitate desirable changes in the body weight.

Effective weight loss can be achieved, only once the underly-ing reasons of obesity are identi-fied and acknowledged.

VLCC offers a program that takes care of weight loss while addressing all individual’s health concerns, by conducting a complete body composition analysis for each individual as a pre-requisite.

This analysis gives an insight into the gross distribution of the various elements of the body, helping decode the body’s com-position in terms of water, fat and lean body mass.

VLCC’s team of qualified pro-fessionals also takes an overview of all the associated risks and coexisting medical problems, so-cial and personal situations and precipitating factors that may be related to the weight gain.

This information helps set the guidelines for formulat-ing an appropriate and feasible program that achieves weight loss while promoting wellness for each client.

Being overweight puts people at risk for a lot of health disorders like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. VLCC will continue with its mission to fight obesity!

Guided by the vision of “Trans-forming Lives”, the VLCC Group seeks to urge self-transforma-tion, spread happiness and im-bibe every individual with well-ness for life.

By redefining wellness, VLCC has revolutionized the wellness industry to acquire the status of being the Number 1 Wellness Brand across South Asia, South East Asia and the Middle East, with a presence in over 300 lo-cations across 121 cities and 16 countries with direct company managed operations in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Ma-laysia, Singapore, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait.





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Bank Muscat receives GCC Best Employer Brand award

MUSCAT: Bank Muscat, the flag-ship financial services provider in the Sultanate, has won the GCC Best Employer Brand award by the Employer Branding Institute, CMO Asia, in recognition of a distinct identity visible through innovative HR strategies, says a press release.

Salim Al Kaabi, DGM – Human Resources, said: “Bank Muscat is proud to win this prestigious award which elevates the bank as the best employer brand in the GCC region. The bank enjoys the legacy of moulding the finest Omani talent and has adopted in-novative strategies to equip them to take up leadership positions in tandem with future challenges. Bank Muscat has achieved quali-tative advance in the human re-sources sector and is reckoned the employer of choice as it attracts the best Omani cadres for employ-ment at all levels.”

Over the years, the bank has completed the transition into a competency-based organisa-

tion. In execution of the Royal directives by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, which empha-sise the need to pay attention to training and development of hu-man resources, Bank Muscat has recorded notable achievements which reflect positively on the performance of the bank not only in the Sultanate but also in the re-gion. Bank Muscat has developed a comprehensive learning and development strategy for skill and knowledge enhancement vis-à-vis the requirement of various de-partments. The multi-skill devel-opment programmes have bene-fited a large number of employees.

Bank Muscat is proud of its co-operation with international aca-demic and training institutes as a result of which it has succeeded

in providing first-grade training for employees, which has in turn contributed to their performance and development of skills and ca-pabilities, which essentially form the basic objective of the HR train-ing and development programmes.

“The bank’s Development Centre has been instrumental in grooming Omani employees on the different business functions. The bank provides niche learning opportunities for employees to en-hance knowledge and skills. As a result, Bank Muscat has the most talented banking employees in the country with a vast knowledge in functional and leadership compe-tencies,” Al Kaabi added.

The number of employees at Bank Muscat is constantly grow-ing as per the requirements and

approved plans in this respect. Presently, 3554 employees are working with the bank, with a high level of 93.75 per cent Omanisa-tion, giving Omanis priority to oc-cupy important positions.

Scripting benchmark human resources development processes, the HR role primarily serves as a planner and change agent. The Learning and Development pro-gramme follows modern systems and techniques and takes into ac-count the future plans and pro-grammes of each department of the bank. It seeks to provide all types of training programmes that meet the overall requirements as per the latest standards in the Sultanate and abroad. The bank’s women empowerment strategy is notable as 47.5 per cent of employ-

ees are women holding various positions, including senior man-agement positions. Bank Muscat is committed to developing its leadership pool from among young Omanis, thereby contributing to Oman’s future by investing in tal-ent which is the real wealth of the nation. Over the past 33 years, Bank Muscat has supported the ambitious career growth of Omani employees, enabling them to adopt an entrepreneurial approach in running the business, thereby cre-ating a culture which encourages creativity/innovation, faster deci-sion-making and better utilisation of resources.

Bank Muscat’s human resources strategy focuses on one major ob-jective – reinforce the bank’s posi-tion as the employer of choice.

Over the years, the

bank has completed

the transition into a



Nama Group to sponsor OCCI forumMUSCAT: In line with its com-mitment towards participa-tion in creating a diverse and sustainable economy and con-tributing to the Oman’s growth, Nama Group will be one of the main sponsors of the two-day Business Opportunities Forum starting today at the Oman In-ternational Exhibition Centre. Nama Group will be the gold sponsor of the forum organised by OCCI, the event aims to en-hance partnerships between corporate entities and small and medium enterprises, says a press release.

The sponsorship is a part of Nama Group’s objective to en-rich the in-country value for products and services, espe-cially in the electricity sector. The group believes in inspiring the Omani youth to embrace the spirit of entrepreneurship and be able to play a strategic role in helping these local SMEs estab-lish themselves in the market.

Eng. Hamad Al Maghderi, CEO of RAECO and the chair-man of In- Country Value com-mittee said: “Supporting the SMEs is key to boosting the economy. Also, this is where most of the innovation comes from. As part of our group’s basic values, we endeavour to build a sustainable future for the country and that can hap-pen only when events such as the Business Opportunities Fo-rum receive support from cor-porate entities. We wish to con-tinue encouraging more such initiatives in the future.”


Omani Products’ Exhibition opens at Lulu Hypermarket in GhubrahMUSCAT: In order to boost “Ori-gin Oman”, the nationwide cam-paign to promote local products, and in line with the Sultanate’s celebration of the 45th National Day, an Omani Products’ Exhibi-tion was inaugurated yesterday (Sunday) at Lulu Hypermarket in Al Ghubra, under the auspices of Hilal bin Hamad Al Hasani, Chief Executive Officer of the Public Establishment for Indus-trial Estates (PEIE).

The series of Omani Products’ Exhibitions are being held to mo-tivate consumers – individuals and institutions – to buy locally manufactured products. Besides, these exhibitions disseminate awareness about the positive ef-fect of purchasing Omani prod-ucts in supporting the national economy, says a press release.

Al Hasani stressed that pro-moting Oman-made products is one of the vital objectives of PEIE. “We always aim at gener-ating awareness on the Omani products through various plat-forms including exhibitions at the commercial centres. The Omani products today are enjoy-ing excellent reputation marked by high quality and standards. These products are widely spreading locally, regionally and internationally which encourage the local companies to further expand their production database and diversify their products,” Al Hasani said.

“PEIE constantly evaluates its series of exhibitions and re-evaluates Origin Oman campaign policies through preparation of plans and intensive programmes. We are reaching the end of the eighth five-year plan and the start of the ninth five-year plan. The latter will provide a number of distinctive programmes for

Omani products,” he added.Visitors to the exhibition ex-

pressed their confidence in the Omani products and praised the great quality maintained by these products. Mohamed Al Khusaibi, a visitor, emphasised that the Omani products have always at-tracted his attention.

“I personally feel proud to wit-ness the success of these prod-ucts, not only in the local mar-kets, but also in the international markets. Such exhibitions offer a great opportunity for the con-sumers to come and experience the great quality characterised by these products by themselves. As locals, we have to support the locally manufactured products, which play a role in offering job opportunities for the nationals and subsequently advancing the Omani economy,” Al Khusaibi pointed out.

Majid Al Maqbali, on the other hand, said that it is a collective re-sponsibility to constantly support the Omani products. “By organis-ing Omani Products’ Exhibitions continually, consumers shall be able to get acquainted on the great characteristics of these products and eventually get encouraged to purchase the Omani products rather than the imported ones,” Al Maqbali noted.

Said Al Barwani, another visi-tor, said: “Taking into considera-tion the fact that by supporting Omani products job opportuni-ties shall be generated for the na-tionals, therefore it is our duty to always support these products, knowing that the nationals will get benefited. Besides, by organis-ing this exhibition in line with the ongoing Sultanate’s celebrations of the 45th National Day, it would be a great opportunity to generate awareness on Omani products among the various segments of the society.”

The series of Omani Products’ Exhibitions aims to apprise citi-zens and residents of the quality of Omani products and their com-petitive capabilities, encourage consumers both individuals and organisations to purchase local products and services, and gen-erate more awareness on the im-portance of buying Omani prod-ucts and its direct contribution in advancing the national economy. Origin Oman Campaign is a na-tional initiative designed to en-courage consumers and organi-sations to buy Oman made goods and services wherever possible, and promote national pride in the manufacturing industry and the economic importance of buying local made products.


Bank Sohar claims key ‘Excellence and Quality Award’ in corporate governance

MUSCAT: Marking its 10th award in 2015, Bank Sohar received the ‘Excellence & Quality Award’ in Corporate Governance from the UAE-based Tatweej Academy. Receiving this recognition is a resounding endorsement of the bank’s dedication towards op-erational excellence and suc-cessful integration of sound busi-ness practices that adhere to the highest standards of integrity and compliance for banking operations worldwide, says a press release. The prestigious award was hand-ed over to the bank recently at a glittering event held at the Jumei-rah Beach Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The award was presented to Rashad Ali Al Musa-fir, acting CEO of Bank Sohar, by Pierre Moukarzel, President of Excellence Awards Academy. The prestigious event was also attended by representatives from various prominent institutions and dignitaries from the Arab world.

Sharing his thoughts on the sig-nificance of the award, Rashad Ali Al Musafir, said: “The four univer-sal values of accountability, fair-ness, responsibility and transpar-ency have always been an integral part and a cornerstone of Bank So-

har’s operating model. We have al-ways strived to adhere to the high-est standards of integrity when carrying out business whilst de-livering business excellence right from our products and services to the experiences customers share when visiting our branches and in-teracting with our staff.”

The bank has always exerted great efforts towards the applica-tion of all policies, processes and conformance to the current regu-latory guidelines and the appli-cable laws of Oman. Timely com-pliance with rules, regulations, circulars and directives issued by regulatory authorities is also given the highest priority within the bank’s operational guidelines. Most significant amongst these were the regulatory developments emanating from circulars issued by Central Bank of Oman (CBO) and Capital Market Authority. Furthermore, these values also ex-tend to the bank’s online banking channels that incorporates online real time banking and anywhere banking facilities.

“We are truly honoured to have received this award which will most definitely also serve as a source of encouragement for our

staff, especially as we move to-wards the start of our ninth year of operations in the Sultanate,” added Rashad Ali Al Musafir.

This latest award represents the tenth recognition for the bank in 2015. The Tatweej Academy for Excellence Awards and its subsidi-ary organisations have, over the years, awarded hundreds of promi-nent Arab leaders and leading pri-vate and governmental institutions in recognition of their initiatives, achievements and leadership in various sectors covering Banking and finance, social media, ICT, and e-government lending initiatives.

Working as per international standards, all nominees are care-fully scrutinised by professional and skilled committees working in close cooperation with relevant expert Jury boards.

Furthermore, all events are sup-ported by governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as ministries, and organised in close collaboration with world re-nowned Organizations such as the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Arab Or-ganization for Administrative De-velopment (League of Arab States) and more.




SECTIONC M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5,





Taylor inspires Kiwis fightback with swashbuckling double ton

PERTH: Ross Taylor scored the first double century by a New Zea-lander against Australia to drive the tourists to within 49 runs of the hosts’ tally on 510 for six at the close of play on the third day of the second Test on Sunday.

The 31-year-old righthander shared a record partnership of 265 runs with Kane Williamson, who scored 166, as the tourists finally got on the front foot after losing the first Test by 208 runs and con-ceding a torrent of runs at the start of the second.

Taylor’s innings was already the highest of his career and, after finishing the day on 235 not out, he could yet eclipse the 253 David Warner contributed to Australia’s first innings 559-9 declared.

Questions will be asked about the quality of the WACA wicket after more a than a thousand runs were scored in three days but Australia’s Mitchell Starc showed there was life in the track with one frighten-ing spell of new-ball bowling.

The left-arm paceman hit the 160 kilometres per hour mark with one delivery, took a chunk out of New Zealand captain Brendon McCullum’s bat with another and created a string of chances which all failed to go to hand.

It was the more pedestrian pace of Josh Hazlewood that broke the third-wicket partnership when Williamson toe-ended an at-tempted pull to Mitchell Johnson at mid-on, while Mitchell Marsh’s 130-kph effort clean bowled Mc-Cullum for 27.

Starc (2-83) did get some reward for his fiery efforts with a full toss that BJ Watling (1) slapped to Na-than Lyon at point and Johnson (1-131) removed Doug Bracewell for 12 to claim his 311th Test wicket.

That moved the 34-year-old ahead of Brett Lee and into fourth

place in the list of Australian Test wicket-takers with only Shane Warne, Glenn McGrath and Den-nis Lillee ahead of him.

Throughout all that excitement, though, Taylor batted on assidu-ously and courageously through 308 balls, peppering the bounda-ries with 34 fours. The partner-ship with Williamson, who scored his fourth century in nine innings

this year, was the highest by any New Zealand pair against Aus-tralia and the ninth highest by any visiting batsmen in the country.

Resuming on 26 with New Zea-land 140 for two, Taylor looked as unsettled as Williamson was as-sured at the other end for the first hour. He looked more and more comfortable as the day wore on, however, and after Williamson

secured his 12th Test century, the former captain pipped him with his 13th soon after lunch by cut-ting spinner Lyon to the third man boundary.

Passing 5,000 career Test runs on the way, he brought up the dou-ble century off Starc from his 31st four with yet another of the fine cover drives that had studded his innings. - Reuters

Taylor’s innings was

already the highest

of his career and,

after finishing the

day on 235 not out,

he could yet eclipse

the 253 David

Warner contributed

to Australia’s first

innings 559-9


235* runs from 308 balls

34 fours


PERTH: Kane Williamson believes all three results are back on the table in the sec-ond Test after Ross Taylor’s unbeaten 235 and his own 166 brought New Zealand within 49 runs of Australia’s huge first innings total on Sunday.

Anything but an Austral-ian victory and unassail-able 2-0 series lead looked highly unlikely after the hosts racked up 416-2 on the open-ing day on their way to 559-9 declared. The tourists got themselves right back in the contest on the back of a record stand of 265 between Taylor and Williamson on day three, however, and even if a draw looks the most likely result, the 25-year-old New Zealand-er was ruling nothing out.

“We still are a little bit behind in this match, on the scoreboard obviously, but having to bat last could bring its challenges as well,” he told ABC radio at the WACA.

“It’s important we look to play well in the first session to-morrow and take it from there. It’s looking like the three results are still open which makes it an exciting game.”

Taylor’s double cen-tury was the first for a New Zealander against their trans-Tasman Sea rivals and a brilliant return to form for a batsman who had looked a shadow of his once imposing self in the opening Test in Brisbane.

The 31-year-old was forced to pull out of New Zealand’s southern African tour earlier this year to undergo surgery for a nasty groin injury he suffered in the nets. His previous eight innings this year had netted just one half

century but he blew away any concerns about his future in a torrent of runs on Sunday.

“He’s batting fantastically, hopefully he can come out and continue tomorrow,” Wil-liamson added.

“What an outstanding knock from Rosco, it was cer-tainly one of his better ones.”

Williamson boosted his own growing stature as one of the best batsmen in the world with a second century in the series, his fourth in nine innings this year. His satisfaction at being part of the highest partnership by a pair of New Zealand batsmen against Australia and helping New Zealand to 510 for six at stumps was tempered only by having been dismissed to leave Taylor to bat on without his support.

“I suppose you always want more,” he said.

“It would have been nice to stick around with Ross, who was knackered at the end of the day, and it would have been nice to keep each other ticking over. It was a brilliant knock from him.” - Reuters

‘Rosco’ brilliance blows WACA Test wide open

What an outstanding knock from Rosco, it was certainly one of his better ones

Kane WilliamsonNew Zealand

Australia 1st innings 559 for 9 decl. (D. Warner 253, U. Khawaja 121) New Zealand 1st innings:M. Guptill lbw b Starc 1T. Latham c Smith b Lyon 36K. Williamson c Johnson b Hazlewood 166 R. Taylor not out 235 B. McCullum b M. Marsh 27 B. Watling c Lyon b Starc 1 D. Bracewell c Nevill b Johnson 12 M. Craig not out 7

Extras (b-7, lb-10 nb-3 w-5) 25Total (for 6 wickets, 129 overs) 510 Fall of wickets: 1-6, 2-87, 3-352, 4-432, 5-447, 6-485To bat: M. Henry, T. Southee, T. Boult Bowling: M. Starc 30-6-83-2, J. Hazlewood 27-2-98-1 (nb-1), M. Johnson 24-2-131-1 (w-1), N. Lyon 30-4-93-1, M. Marsh 15-1-73-1 (nb-2), S. Smith 3-0-15-0Umpires: Nigel Llong and Sundaram Ravi TV umpire: Richard Illingworth


Bangladesh edge Oman in nine-goal thriller, India and Pakistan winMUSCAT: Oman went down to Bangladesh in a nine-goal thriller to suffer their second defeat at the ongoing 8th Junior Men’s Asia Cup hockey tournament in Kuan-tan, Malaysia on Sunday.

According to information re-ceived here, it was Oman who dominated the proceedings at the beginning of the Pool B match played at the Wisma Belia Hockey Stadium.

The Sultanate squad took the lead as early as third minute through Mohamad Al Lawati and doubled the lead in the 20th minute. But Bangladesh went on to take the honours thanks to goals from Ashraful Islam (11th, 38th), Roman Sarkar (4th), Arshad Hos-sain (16th) and Dean Mohamed Emon (25th).

Oman lost their first match on Saturday when they were handed a 5-2 defeat by South Korea.

Bangladesh play South Korea on Tuesday and only an upset win will assure them of a quarterfinals place while Oman face formidable Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pakistan survived a bullish first half scare from South Korea on Sunday before pulling

away a 3-0 win in another Pool B match. Forward Muhammad Dil-ber, one of the most prolific forwards in the Pakistan team, scored a brace (8th, 42nd) while Abu Mahmood added the third (49th) to give the Pakistanis a confirmed passage into Wednesday’s quarterfinals.

“It was tough in the first half but experience was our forte and we are extremely excited with this win over Korea,” said team man-ager, Brig Khalid Farani.

Japan stepped up the pace to de-feat China 2-1 in Pool A match.

The Japanese, who lost to India in the tournament’s opening match on Saturday, clawed back from a Lixing Su 12th minute field goal to strike twice after the breather. Shunya Miyazaki (49th) and Shota Yamada (52nd) penalty corner goals sealed victory for Japan.

It is China’s second defeat in the tournament and are likely to finish at the bottom of the table should they lose to the strong Indian side on Tuesday in the last preliminary round match.

Meanhwile, IANS said that in another Pool A match, India with-stood a strong Malaysia challenge before winning 5-4 to register their

second consecutive victory.India caught a horrible start as

Malaysia’s Shahril Saabah scored a field goal in the very first minute.

India, however, came back strongly to level 1-1 within 10 min-utes of the first half through for-ward Mandeep Singh.

The first half saw both the teams

pressing hard until Saabah scored again to help Malaysia take the lead in the 25th minute.

The second half started with In-dia again conceding a penalty cor-ner to Malaysia but it was bravely saved by Indian goalkeeper Suraj Karkera. The save started the turnaround for India in the match

with Gurjant Singh scoring the equalising goal in the 40th minute.

The Indian forwards pressed hard and their efforts were duly rewarded with two back-to-back penalty corners, one of which was beautifully converted by Harman-preet Singh in the 46th minute to give India the much needed lead

for the first time in the game.Another streak of consecutive

penalty corners resulted in India converting another one through Harmanpreet and take India’s lead to 4-2 in the 56th minute.

Mandeep’s second goal five min-utes ensured India’s comfortable three-goal lead at 5-2.

However the Malaysians there-after fought back as Ismat Sufi Rohulamin scored in the 62nd minute to reduce the deficit to two.

Four minutes later, Saabah completed his hat-trick to make it 4-5 as the hosts searched for their equaliser in the next four minutes but were unsuccessful.

India chief coach Harendra Singh termed the result “a narrow escape” for his side.

“It was a very good effort by the team. The boys showed impec-cable attacking ability by putting five goals past the opponents. The defence was tested to such an ex-tent for the first time in the tourna-ment and it was a narrow escape,” Harendra said in a release.

“We will take the positives out of the game and work hard on de-riving a balance between attack and defence.”


THRILLING MATCH: Action from the match between Oman and Bangladesh in Malaysia.


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IT would appear that we are in a season of retirements with news that Shoaib

Malik has quit Test matches and Younis Khan will not play ODIs any more.

Shoaib Malik’s decision to leave the Test arena was a little abrupt to say the least and the timing was also not ideal. However, as far as he is con-cerned, I think Shoaib Malik saw the writing on the wall and retired from Test cricket. He soon realized that he was just a temporary stop-gap measure. With Azhar Ali coming back after fitness issues and Asad Shafiq also doing well, Shoaib knew that the only other slot available for him in the Test team would be as an opener in the upcoming tour against England. Being a smart person that he is, he realized that he wouldn’t stand a chance as English bowlers had worked him out in the UAE and if he was having issues on placid wickets, what chance did he stand in English conditions. The outcome was obvious and Malik has taken a sensible route where he can concen-trate on ODI and T20Is which also benefits Pakistan.

Yes, Malik did score a double-hundred against Eng-land but he also knew that the England bowlers had worked out his weakness as we saw in the rest of the Test series. He did provide an extra bowling option in place of Mohammed Hafeez but playing him at the number three position was a stretch too far and he was bound to be worked out, which is what happened. The team management should have thought ahead of time about how they would accommo-date Azhar Ali when he came back but they didn’t. The plan seemed to be to play Malik at any costs somewhere in the team without putting any thought to all the possibilities.

We may have different opinions on Shoaib’s decision but what to say of the peo-ple who elevated him to the position of a Test player out of the blue? The problem with Pakistan cricket is that if they see a player available, they just want to somehow fit him in the Pakistan squad, regardless of his suitability. No one is really interested in long term solutions, it’s all about here and now. They are happy to apply temporary fixes and keep things moving.

Take the example of Younis Khan. Undoubtedly, he’s had an illustrious career; he has and remains a great servant for Pakistan cricket and it was time to move on. He was shoe-horned into the ODI squad

during the 2015 World Cup and asked to open the innings against India. Does anyone in their right mind believe that he had the technique to open the innings?

Then you compound your blunder by having him in the ODI squad, presumably with the vision of having him in the squad for the 2017 Champions Trophy and the 2019 World Cup. Would he be able to sur-vive on those pitches?

What that shows me is an inability to plan ahead and therein lies the real problem with our cricket setup.

Staying on the subject of Younis Khan and the timing or occasion of his announce-ment, I believe he realised that he was not welcome in the Pakistan ODI team. Yes the selectors did name him but there were enough stories floating around in the media which seem to indicate a conflict between the team management and the selectors on this issue. This must have been obvious to Younis and he took this decision to protect his dignity.

Pakistan-India seriesPakistan-India cricket rela-tions are another hot topic which seem to be hogging a lot of headlines at the moment. The number of news items and permutations around where and how both countries can play each other is bordering on the ridiculous.

In fact, let me say it, it is ridiculous and daft! The tim-ing of this whole cricket series is simply not right. When both countries armies are exchang-ing fire across borders and

hawkish statements being made by politicians from both sides of the divide, how on earth can any cricket series take place in such an atmos-phere? That is obvious to eve-ryone except those from the Pakistan side who are pushing for this to happen.

The reason for that is simple. At the time of the Big 3 takeover, our PCB repre-sentative made tall claims of securing the series with an MOU being signed to back it up. The series was supposed to bring untold benefits, includ-ing sizable financials ones to Pakistan cricket. This position was flaunted around but the fact is that we had no guaran-tees or assurance whatsoever of this series ever happening. Quite naturally, people are ask-ing the people who seemed to have this in the bag to explain when we can expect this to happen and this is the reason we are seeing so much fuss be-ing made by Pakistan authori-ties to try and make it happen, without any obvious signs of success.

Misbah’s retirement!Misbah-ul Haq has had an excellent career as captain of the Pakistan Test team. He took over the captaincy of the team at a point where things were looking very dicey for the team, especially due to the spot-fixing scandal.

Now that he has lead admi-rably and put Pakistan as the number two ranked Test team, I would like him to go and play in the next tour which may well be the England one in 2016 and genuinely point out the issues with the team. Up to now he has not admitted to any failings but our Test record outside UAE is not the best and it is high time that Misbah with a view to improving our performances in the future, point out all that is right and what mistakes have been made during his captaincy.

He needs to be honest and say where the selection com-mittee was wrong and where the PCB did not do their job right in ensuring that Pakistan were able to win abroad in Australia and South Africa or even in England. I really do believe that if he is fit and delivering, there should be no reason or calls for him to leave the team. But that isn’t the only reason why he should not think of retiring now. The fact is that Pakistan cricket does not have a replacement for the current captain at the moment nor has he groomed a successor who can go on an important tour of England and deliver. - PakPassion.net

Shoaib Malik saw writing on the wall and retired from Tests


In his latest blog for

PakPassion.net, former

Pakistan captain Aamir Sohail wrote about what he believes

are the reasons behind the

retirements of Shoaib Malik

and Younis Khan, the continued

controversy regarding the

Pakistan-India series and the

possibility of Misbah-ul Haq’s

retirement from cricket

We may have different

opinions on Shoaib’s

decision but what to

say of the people who

elevated him to the

position of a Test player

out of the blue? The

problem with Pakistan

cricket is that if they see

a player available, they

just want to somehow

fit him in the Pakistan

squad, regardless

of his suitability

Starc bowls fastest delivery clocked in Tests

PERTH: Australia’s Mitchell Starc bowled the fastest delivery ever measured at a Test match when the fourth ball of his 21st over at the WACA on Sunday was clocked at 160.4 kilometres per hour. The left-arm paceman fell just short of joining the “100 miles per hour” club as the speed of the yorker, which was dug out for no run by New Zealand’s Ross Taylor, translates into the imperial scale at 99.67 mph.

The recording of the speed of deliveries is a relatively recent development in the long history of cricket and an inexact science given the lack of uniformity in the speed gun technology utilised.

A delivery from Pakistan pace-man Shoaib Akhtar in a One-day International against England in South Africa in 2003, which was measured at 161.3kph, is the fast-est on record.

New Zealand batting coach Craig McMillan later called into the question whether Starc’s delivery was as fast as Austral-ian broadcasters Channel Nine showed on the screen.

“Maybe someone in the (TV)

truck was having a bit of fun,” Mc-Millan told reporters at the WACA.

“It looked pretty similar to a lot of the other deliveries throughout the day that were closer to 150 than 160. I’m not sure whether maybe

the wrong button was pushed or what. “I was a bit surprised when I saw it come up on the TV ... I just wonder whether there was a tech-nical problem down at the truck that maybe led to that.” - Reuters

The left-arm

paceman fell just

short of joining

the “100 miles per

hour” club as the

speed of the yorker,

which was dug out

for no run by New

Zealand’s Ross

Taylor, translates

into the imperial

scale at 99.67mph FASTEST IN TESTS: Australia’s paceman Mitchell Starc retrieves

his cap from the umpire after taking a wicket. – AFP

PERTH: Top order bats-man Usman Khawaja has been ruled out of Australia’s next two Test matches by the hamstring strain he sustained against New Zealand at the WACA on Saturday.

The 28-year-old lefthand-er, who returned from more than two years in the Test wilderness to score centu-ries in the first two matches against the Black Caps, pulled up while chasing a ball to the boundary.

Cricket Australia on Sun-day confirmed the Pakistan-

born batsman would miss the final match of the New Zealand series and the open-ing test against West Indies.

“Usman suffered a left hamstring injury in the field yesterday afternoon and underwent scans in Perth this morning,” team physiothera-pist David Beakley said in a news release.

“The scans have indicated a moderate hamstring muscle strain which means it is likely he will be unavailable for the next two Test matches in Ad-elaide and Hobart.” - Reuters

Khawaja to miss Adelaide, Hobart Tests

Shaken Germany to play Netherlands

BERLIN: Germany’s friend-ly against the Netherlands on Tuesday will go ahead as planned, despite the German team still being shaken by the deadly attacks in Paris, the world champions said on Sunday. Ger-many were playing France in Paris on Friday as a wave of at-tacks was unleashed across the city, killing 129 people.

“The message is clear. We will not be intimidated by terror,” said interim German FA (DFB) chief Reinhard Rauball in a statement, following a meeting to decide whether the game in Hanover would go ahead. “For the team to play against the Dutch only a few days after the terrible experiences in Paris is a necessary signal.”

The Germany players and staff had spent Friday night holed up inside the stadium before leav-ing straight for the airport on Saturday morning. — Reuters



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Jadeja is bankable bowler, says Arun

BENGALURU: Few months that he was dropped from the Indian squad worked well for left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja as he got time to reflect on his game and look at areas of improvement, feels national team’s bowling coach Bharath Arun.

Jadeja has complemented team’s spin spearhead Ravichandran Ash-win with both leading the wickets tally with 12 scalps each to their credit from three completed innings in the ongoing four-Test series.

“I guess he had some time to reflect as to which areas he needs to work on to improve. His per-formances in Ranji Trophy (more than 30 plus wickets for Saurash-tra) should have given him loads of confidence,” Arun told mediaper-sons on a day when play was called off without a ball being bowled.

“Also Jadeja is one of our ‘bank-er’ (bankable) bowlers. No matter what format you play, whether you play Tests or ODIs. He knows us-ing his strengths to his advantage,” he added.

While Jadeja introspected about his game, the coach said that Bhu-vneshwar Kumar “needs to swing the ball more” even though he is happy that he has added a couple of yards of pace.

“Pertaining to Bhuvneshwar Kumar, there are 140 plus bowlers, who can also swing the ball.

Bhuvi’s USP was his swing.He has definitely put in a few

more yards in terms of pace but it’s not that he is not swinging the ball but he needs to swing it a lot more

consistently and that will come back with work,” Arun said about the UP pacer, who has now been sent back to domestic cricket to remain match fit.

Arun, who has been associated with National Cricket Academy for years, also observed that there is a good reserve pool of pacers in the country and they need to be guided properly.

“Right now it will be unfair to name any but we have a pretty healthy pool of bowlers. We need

to monitor and guide them to at-tain their potential.”

A specific query was there on how Ashwin worked on his load-up (getting into delivery stride) and Arun attributes it to all about empowering the bowlers.

“It is all about creating aware-ness. Make him more aware about what he is doing. It’s about empow-ering the bowlers. For any player, the challenge is to empower them, so that they are able to repeat their skill consistently.” - PTI

Ravindra Jadeja

has complemented

team’s spin

spearhead Ashwin

with both leading the

wickets tally with 12

scalps each to their

credit from three

completed innings

FRUITS OF HARD WORK: Ravindra Jadeja’s performance in Ranji

Trophy gave him loads of confidence. – PTI

BENGALURU: Steady rain washed out the entire second day’s play in the second Test between India and South Africa on Sunday with the weather forecast for the next two days casting a cloud of doubt over the possibility of a result. After the early morning showers relented, start was pushed back by an hour to 10:30 local time (0500 GMT) and the players walked out to warm up for action. The rain, however, returned soon result-ing first in an early lunch before play was called off for the day.

“If weather permits, tomor-row (on Monday) the play will start at 9:15 (3:15 GMT),” the Indian cricket board posted

on Twitter. More rain and thunderstorms have been pre-dicted for the next two days, jeopardising the possibility of a result in the contest. While this is surely not how AB de Villiers expected his 100th Test to pan out, the Proteas are unlikely to mind the rain intervention.

Top ranked Test team Proteas have not lost an away series since 2006 but Hashim Amla’s team find themselves on back foot in the four-Test series. Apart from the bats-men’s vulnerability against spin, the absence of injured Steyn and Philander has also taken much of the sting off their pace attack. - Reuters

Second day’s play washed out

OMAN TRAIN IN COLD TURKMENISTAN CONDITIONSOman national football team started training in extreme cold conditions in Turkmen

capital city of Ashgabat ahead of their Group D match of the World Cup/Asian Cup joint

qualifiers against hosts Turkmenistan. During their training session, Paul Le Guen-

coached Omanis were given a pep talk by Oman Football Association chief Sayyid Khalid

Al Busaidi. Oman take on Turkmenistan at Kopetdag Stadium in Ashgabat on Tuesday

and the match will kick off at 5.00 pm Oman time. Oman have 11 points from five outings,

same as Iran but the latter occupy the top spot thanks to their better goal average. — OFA

Djokovic thrashes Nishikori at ATP World Tour Finals

LONDON: No one has come close to cracking the riddle of beating Novak Djokovic on an indoor court for more than three years and Kei Nishikori became the latest player on Sunday to discover just how difficult it is to solve that puzzle.

Djokovic began his bid for a record fourth successive title at the ATP World Tour Finals with a brutal yet awe-inspiring 6-1, 6-1 hammering that left Nishikori in a daze.

“No question, it felt like the best tennis I played this year,” the 28-year-old Serb told reporters.

“I was at my best and it was an incredible performance.”

Before the start of the match,

both players stood heads bowed during a minute’s silence in mem-ory of the victims of Friday’s Paris attacks -- with the French flag’s red-white-blue tricolour plas-tered on the electronic banner surrounding the O2 Arena.

It was not long before Djokovic was at his unrelenting best.

The Serbian world No. 1 showed the kind of form that has made him an unbeatable force on indoor courts for more than three years with a 65-minute demolition job.

Djokovic subjected Nishikori to an array of heavy-duty ground-strokes, cruel lobs and sublime volleys as he chalked up his 38th successive win on an indoor court dating back to October 2012.

As Djokovic romped to a 3-0 lead in the opening set, there were few opportunities for Nishikori’s fan club to pick up the vast num-bers of Japanese flags draped over the arena’s metal railings.

The red and white flags made a fluttering appearance when Ni-shikori finally held in the fourth game but the joy was fleeting as Djokovic easily sealed the first set before finishing off his opponent with a backhand volley.

Since none of Djokovic’s rivals have worked out how to beat him indoors, one reporter asked the Serb for a solution.

“If I had (a solution), I wouldn’t share it with you, that’s for sure,” he quipped. - Reuters


NO. 1: Serbia’s Novak Djokovic celebrates with the ATP World No 1 Award trophy after his group

stage match against Japan’s Kei Nishikori at the ATP World Tour Finals in London on Sunday. – AFP


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Sanad pleased with Rotax Max Grand Finals show

MUSCAT: Omani racer Sanad Al Rawahi and his Team UAE tea-mamate Piers Pakenham-Walsh were the best performers on the final day of the 2015 Rotax MAX Grand Finals in Portugal, while their teammates suffered a myri-ad of misadventures on an action packed last day at Kartodromo In-ternacional Algarve on Saturday.

According to information re-ceived here, Al Rawahi started from 13th on the grid in the DD2 finals but was involved in first lap chaos, which saw him drop to near the back of the field of 34. But he recovered well and during the sec-ond half of the race was one of the fastest drivers on track - only the winner set a quicker lap - as he powered to sixth place and his best showing in a Grand Finals.

Al Rawahi said: “I am very pleased with this result as it is payback for the hard work we put

into our racing programme. I want to thank my father for making this happen, my brother (Abdullah) for his support, my crew who provided me with a good kart and everyone in Team UAE.”

Pakenham-Walsh recovered from 29th on the grid, made a good start and kept out of trouble, to claim a well-deserved ninth place as he slugged it out with the world’s best Rotax drivers. The result a just reward for the Dubai based driver who endured a chal-lenging time in the Heat races and the Pre-final, but he rose to the oc-casion in the best way possible.

“I can’t believe it!” said Paken-ham-Walsh when he was told he finished ninth. “The engine I had was not the fastest, but I gave it all I have and am very happy to be in the top ten. Big thanks to my fam-ily, my mechanic Tom Holland and Team UAE for a great effort. I am very, very happy.”

It was bitter disappointment for Luke Varley who never put a foot wrong all week in the DD2 class, winning two of his Heats and fin-ishing second in the Pre-final.

In the Final, starting from second on the grid he was swamped at the start and overtaken by several driv-ers. Nevertheless he recovered well and started picking his way to the front, but while battling for third he tangled with a slower driver and was forced to retire from the race.

Hungarian driver Ferenc Kanc-sar won the race to claim the DD2 world title.

Abdullah in 26thBoth Team UAE drivers in the MAX Pre-final had a morning to forget as they were embroiled in battles that saw them drop down to the tail of the field with Tom Bale and Abdullah Al Rawahi finishing 20th and 26th.

In the Final they both fared bet-

ter with Bale crossing the line in 16th and Al Rawahi 21st, with Ital-ian driver Alex Alex claiming the MAX world title.

Taymour Kermanshahchi was the only Team UAE Junior driver in action on the final day. He made a good start and was running strongly early on in the Pre-final but was in-volved in an incident which earned him a penalty from the Race Stew-ards which relegated him to 30th on the grid for the Final.

From that point on UAE Junior MAX Champion’s Final race was compromised and although he was making his way up the order in the Final, he was bumped by a rival which again dropped him down the field to last. He crossed the line in 28th out of 34.

Frenchman Florian venturi emerged on top after a tense six kart battle for the lead to be crowned the Junior MAX world champion.

Al Rawahi started

from 13th on the grid

in the DD2 finals but

was involved in first

lap chaos, which saw

him drop to near the

back of the field of

34. But he recovered

well and during the

second half of the

race was one of the

fastest drivers on

track as he powered

to sixth placeACTION PACKED: Piers Pakenham-Walsh, front, leads Team UAE teamate Sanad Al Rawahi during DD2

final at the 2015 Rotax MAX Grand Finals in Portugal. – Supplied photo

SS Friends clinch FRiENDi Mobile Challenger CupMUSCAT: SS Friends defeated National Gas team to lift the title at the FRiENDi Mobile Challeng-er Cup cricket tournament organ-ised by Jazz Boys Cricket Club at Al Ghubrah Power Plant Ground.

In a keenly contested final, SS Friends first bowled out National Gas for 58 before achieving their target scoring 59 for four.

The tournament was mainly sponsored by FRiENDi Mobile, Danube, Abdul Fatah Moham-med Noor Co, National Metal Cans, Al Hajiry Trading, Cluttons and Al Faisal.

The guests of honour for the gala prize distribution ceremo-ny were Alex Bennett, CEO of FRiENDi Mobile, Joseph Rajan, Brand manager of FRiENDi Mo-bile and Jason Varghese, Execu-tive Director of Al Hajiry Trading.

Speaking on the occasion, Alex Bennett said: “We are very pleased to be associated with one of the most happening cricket tournaments in Oman and to see a new winner this time. We feel it has provided all cricket enthu-siasts a very good opportunity to exhibit their talents and skills.”

Vinu Mathew of Jazz Boys Club congratulated the winners and thanked all the sponsors for their continued support. He also

thanked the scorers, the umpires, the commentators and volun-teers for a wonderful job done and a tournament organised re-ally well.

Results: Quarterfinals: Masters XI 75 for 6 lost to Future CC 76 for 4. Man of the match: Shami, 36 (Future CC); Akct Muscat 99 for 6 beat Man-galoreans 77 for 7. Man of the match: Ataullah 57 (Akct Muscat); FAP UTSC 55 for 8 lost to National Gas 61 for no loss. Man of the match: Kadir, 31 (National Gas); Attic Outdoors 71 for 7 lost to SS Friends 74 for 1. Man of the match: Shiva, 34 (SS Friends).

Semifinals: National Gas 60 for 8 beat Future CC 29 for 5. Man of the match: Shafique (National Gas); Akct Muscat 71 for 10 lost to SS Friends 75 for 2. Man of the match: Shiva (SS Friends).

Final: National Gas 58 all out lost to SS Friends 59 for 4. Man of the match: Chethan (SS Friends).

Individual honours: Best bats-man: Shiva (SS Friends); Best bowl-er: Shafique (National Gas); Best fielder: Faizan (Future CC); Maxi-mum sixes: Wasim (Akct Muscat); Best wicketkeeper: Michael (Masters XI); Best catch: Abdulla (Al Dasser Friends); Best spectator: Sandeep (Attic Outdoors); Man of the series: Kiran (SS Friends) and Best dressed team: FAP UTSC.


CHAMPIONS: SS Friends celebrate with winners trophy.

RUNNERS-UP: National Gas Company team with their trophy.

Sanjana downs Nikita to retain U-17 crown

MUSCAT: Sanjana Girish re-tained the girls’under-17 singles crown at the on-going Falcon Insurance Company-sponsored Annual Tennis Tournament or-ganised by the Indian Social Club (ISC) Muscat.

Sanjana dominated the final from start to finish and breezed to a comfortable 7-0 victory over Nikita Mansinghani.

Sanjana has also qualified for the semi finals of the girls under-14 singles after topping Group-A with three victories. Sanjana defeated J. Kaavya 5-1 and followed it up with a 6-2 win over Nikita Mansinghani before completing a clean slate with a

5-0 win over Ann Joseph. Pratusha Susaria topped

Group-B with a 5-2 win over M. Abirami and 5-2 over Haritha Shree. J. Kaavya and Haritha Shree also qualified for the semi finals. The top seeded team of Hassan Haider and Vedant Ram defeated Praneeth Raj and R. Va-roon 6-0 in the quarterfinals and advanced to the final after de-feating the duo of Prithvi Raj and Vivek Kolluru 8-2.

In the final, the top seeds will take on the second seeded team of Sanskar Dubey and Shlok Ail, who scored a thrilling 8-4 victory over Avigyan Bhattacharya and Sanjana Girish.


FINALISTS: Sanjana Girish, right, and Nikita Mansinghani.


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Oman team will be ‘at their best this time’ at GCC Women’s T20 tourney

T.K. MOHANDOSSsportseditor@timesofoman.com

MUSCAT: Oman women’s cricket team will be at their best this time around, said a confident Sajit Ku-mar, manager of the team, and ech-oing a similar phrase was newly appointed coach and former Oman national player Nilesh Parmar.

The women cricketers of Oman are undergoing rigorous train-ing at the Ministry of Sports Af-fairs cricket ground in Al Amerat, which looks grand with the flood-lights up and standing.

Having finished third in the inaugural edition of the GCC Women’s T20 Tournament at home, Oman Cricket’s women’s co-ordinator Vaishali Jesrani had the other day mentioned to Times Sport that they are going for the second edition with the sole aim of

winning the pennant. According to Qatar Cricket Association (QCA) the second edition of the tourna-ment will be held from November 30 to December 4.

The QCA also revealed that only Oman and defending champions United Arab Emirates (UAE) have confirmed participation.

On the other hand it is learnt that last year’s runner-up Kuwait is doubtful for the tournament as they will be participating in yet an-other tournament in Thailand.

Oman team manager Sajit Ku-mar was full of confidence while talking about the team, which he coached last year.

“The team as of now is good and it is much better as compared to the last year’s GCC tournament,” said Sajit.

“We are confident in all the de-partments of game and very op-timistic of the side as of now,” he said. “Every individual in the team is putting their best foot forward in preparing for the tournament and

I am confident we can do well this time,” he added.

“We are strongly focusing on all departments, especially concen-trating on fitness of the players. I am sure we will be perfectly pre-pared for the tournament.”

Sajit also said most of the play-ers who played last year are in the list of probables while there are also a few new faces. Meanwhile, coach Nilesh Parmar too was im-pressed by the team’s progress .

“I am with the team for the last

two weeks and I see improvement day by day,” Nilesh, who under-stands what is store for the team on international stage, said.

“I am impressed with the play-ers and the training sessions have been good,” said Nilesh. “They will surely perform well in Doha.”

After Sunday’s training session, Vaishali Jesrani said that the final 14 is yet to be finalised. “We will do it soon and the best from the cur-rent 18 probables will be on the trip to Doha,” she said.

The women

cricketers of Oman

are undergoing

rigorous training at

the Ministry of Sports

Affairs cricket ground

in Al Amerat, which

looks grand with

the floodlights

up and standing

BEST OF PREPARATIONS: Oman women’s cricket team probables train at the Ministry of Sports Affairs cricket ground in Al Amerat on Sunday. – O.K. MOHAMMED ALI/Times of Oman

IN GOOD SPIRITS: Oman women’s cricket team manager Sajit Kumar, third from left, speaks to the players during a training session at the

Ministry of Sports Affairs cricket ground in Al Amerat on Sunday. – O.K. MOHAMMED ALI/Times of Oman

The team is very

good and we are

very optimistic

Sajit KumarOman team manager

I am impressed with the

players and the training

Nilesh ParmarOman team coach


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Future Oilfield rout Al Maddah

MUSCAT: Future Oilfield routed Al Maddah by 108 runs in an Oman Cricket-organised D Division match played at the Municipality Ground III.

Batting first, Future Oilfield piled up 223 runs for the loss of nine wickets in 20 overs thanks to fine innings by Mohammed Amjad (60) and Imran Ali (53). Shanavas claimed four scalps for Al Maddah.

In reply, Al Maddah scored 115 for eight in 20 overs, thus enabling Future Oilfield to claim the bonus point win. Abdul Rahman scored an unbeaten 73.

Wasim Abbas bowled a great

spell, claiming six for 15 in four overs for Future Oilfield.

Brief scores: Future Oilfield 223 for 9 in 20 overs (Muhammed Amjad 60, Imran Ali 53; Shanavas 4/31) bt Al Maddah 115 for 8 in 20 overs (Abdul Rahman 73 n.o.; Wasim Abbas 6/15). Points: Future Oilfield - 3, Al Maddah - 0.

MARH down Atkins In an E Division match, Moosa Abdul Rahman Hassan (MARH) defeated Atkins by 28 runs at the Municipality Ground II.

Batting first, MARH scored of 173 for nine in 20 overs with Khalid Moosa top scoring with 50 runs. Ajayan and Kaja chipped in with two wickets each for Atkins.

In reply, Atkins scored 145 for eight in 20 overs. Sajeev and Prith-wi scored with 31 and 33 runs re-

spectively. Sukhpreet, Khalid and Irfan bagged two wickets apiece.

Brief scores: MARH 173 for 9 in 20 overs (Khalid Moosa 50; Ajayan 2/21, Kaja 2/22) bt Atkins 145 for 8 in 20 overs (Sajeev 31, Prithwi 33; Mo-hammed Irfan 2/23). Points: MARC - 2, Atkins - 0.

Sayarti beat Majees AIn an E Division match, Sayarti de-feated Majees A by four wickets at the Municipality Ground IV.

Batting first, Majees A scored of 129 for six in 20 overs with Moshin Zaidi top scoring with an unbeaten 32. Lokesh Nair took two wickets for Sayarti.

In reply, Sayarti scored 130 for six in 15.1 overs with Ruwan top scoring with 61 runs and in the process claimed the bonus point.

Mudassar Iqbal claimed three wickets for Majees A.

Brief scores: Majees A 129 for 6 in 20 overs (Moshin Zaidi 32 n.o.; Lokesh Nair 2/15) lost to Sayarti 130 for 6 in 15.1 overs (Ruwan 61; Mudassar Iqbal 3/39). Points: Sayarti – 3, Majees A - 0.

Easy for OUA Travel In an F Division match, OUA Trav-el defeated Al Daam by 21 runs. Batting first, OUA scored 188 for three of 20 overs with Arun Dev top scoring with a brilliant 122.

In reply, Al Daam managed to score 167 for eight in 20 overs. Abhilash top scored with 37 runs. Shamras and Rafeeq claimed two and three wickets respectively.

Brief scores: OUA Travel 188 for three in 20 overs (Arun Dev 122) bt Al Daam 167 for 8 in 20 overs (Abhilash

37; Rafeeq Al Balushi 3/28). Points: OUA Travel - 2, Al Daam - 0.

Al Rehwan beat RK GroupIn a G Division match, Al Rehwan overcame RK Group for a two-run victory. Batting first, Al Rehwan scored 121 all out in 19.2 overs. Hassan and Nagendra claimed three wickets each for RK Group.

In reply, RK Group was bowled out for 119 in 19.3 overs. Moshin top scored with 63 but it wasn’t enough. Nithin and Shihabudden claimed four wickets each for Al Rehwan.

Brief scores: Al Rehwan 121 in 19.2 overs. (Hassan 3/28, Nagendra 3/18) bt RK Group 119 in 19.3 overs (Moshin 63; Nithin 4/20, Shihabudden 4/21). Points: Al Rehwan – 2; RK Group - 0.

Ahli Bank, RAHRC in tieIn an H Division match, Ahli Bank and RAHRC played out a dramatic tie. Batting first, Ahli Bank scored 175 for nine in 19 overs with Issa Al Balushi top scoring with 61.

Pranav and Saravanan claimed three wickets each for RAHRC. In reply, RAHRC ended up on the same score for the loss of eight wickets. Sujith R. top scored with 54.

Brief scores: Ahli Bank 175 for 9 in 19 overs (Issa Al Balushi 61; Pra-nav 3/22, Saravanan 3/20) tied with RAHRC 175/8 in 19 overs (Sujith R. 54). Points: Ahli Bank - 1, RAHRC - 1.

Douglas OHI win In an I Division match, Douglas

OHI defeated Trust Doosan by 19 runs. Batting first, Douglas OHI scored 192 for seven in 20 overs. Bilal top scored with 64. Riyas and Imran claimed three and two wickets respectively for Doosan.

In reply, Doosan managed to score 173 in 20 overs. Sajeev and Sanjay top scored with 46 and 49 runs respectively. Vinod, Khurum and Ramshela claimed two scalps each for Douglas OHI.

Brief scores: Douglas OHI 192 for 7 in 20 overs (Riyaz 3/28) bt Trust Doosan 173 in 20 overs (Sajeev 46, Sanjay 49; Vinod 2/28). Points: Doug-las OHI – 2, Trust Doosan - 0.

Huge win for Hydrotech In a J Division match, Hydro-tech defeated Mani’s Azad by 10 wickets. Batting first, Mani’s Azad scored 152 for nine in 20 overs. Abrar Hussain and Anil Samoon scored 44 and 45 runs each. Khur-ram and Jebin claimed two wick-ets each for Hydrotech.

In reply, Hydrotech openers gunned down the total in just 15.1 overs to claim the bonus point. Taimur Khan and Khurram Rashid scored 52 not out and 93 not out respectively.

Brief scores: Mani’s Azad 152 for 9 in 20 overs (Abrar Hussain 44, Ali Sa-moon 45; Jebin 2/26, Khurram 2/10) lost to Hydrotech 153 for no loss in 15.1 overs (Taimur Khan 52 n.o., Khur-ram Rashid 93 n.o.). Points: Hydro-tech – 3, Mani’s Azad - 0.

Batting first, Future

Oilfield piled up 223

runs for nine wickets

in 20 overs. In reply,

Al Maddah scored 115

for eight in 20 overs,

thus enabling Future

Oilfield to claim the

bonus point win

D DIVISION: Future Oildfield. – Supplied photos E DIVISION: Moosa Abdul Rahman Hassan team. I DIVISION: Douglas OHI.

J DIVISION: Hydrotec cricket team. OUA TRALVEL STAR: Arun Dev.

Kerala Blasters rout NorthEast United for first away victoryGUWAHATI: A superlative per-formance, in which they scored twice in two halves, buoyed Kera-la Blasters to their first away vic-tory in a 4-1 rout over home side NorthEast United FC in an In-dian Super League (ISL) contest here on Sunday.

English striker Chris Dagnall put the visitors ahead in the very first minute. Cavin Lobo made it 2-0 on 20 minutes. Antonio German netted the third in the 75th and Dagnall rounded off the scoreline a minute later at the In-dira Gandhi Stadium.

Argentine forward Nicolas Velez struck a consolation goal late in the added time.

The win lifted bottom-placed Blasters a spot to the seventh with 11 points from 10 matches. NorthEast maintained their fifth place with 13 points from similar number of games.

Blasters got a dream start when they scored from the opening at-tack of the match on 29 seconds through Dagnall.

German created the opportu-nity with a commanding run from the left flank and squared the ball for the onrushing Dagnall to tap in. The goal stunned the home team into action. They showed some intent building up a series of passes to get back into the game.

But the Blasters were not in-tent to taking things lying around and doubled their lead in the 21st minute. Cavin Lobo slipped past

the Blasters backline, who tried to catch him offside, only to get their positioning wrong allowing the In-dian international to calmly finish.

The second goal knocked the stuffing out of NorthEast, who failed to muster any meaningful at-tack after it. Blasters went into the break content with the two-goal ascendancy and continued to pack the punches when play resumed forcing NorthEast goalkeeper T.P. Rehenesh into making a couple of saves. They needed some spark in their attack and a penalty could have served the purpose. But a strong shout was turned down by the referee in the 55th.

Portuguese marquee player Simao Sabrosa tumbled in the

box under a challenge from Rahul Bheke after chesting a ball.

The home crowd expected a de-cision in their favour but the ref-eree waved for the play to contin-ue much to their disappointment.

Their frustration turned to de-spair when their team conceded twice within a minute. German got the ball on the right side of the box and curled his left footer around Rehenesh to make it 3-0.

Dagnall then heightened NorthEast’s by making a solo di-agonal run across the face of the goal before directing his left foot-er into Rehenesh’s left corner.

Velez’s consolation goal via a stinging left footed shot was too little too late. - IANS


FINE GOAL: Antonio German of Kerala Blasters celebrates their third against NorthEast United FC during the ISL match at Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium in Guwahati on Sunday. – PTI

Ronaldo to open football schools in ChinaCHENGDU: Brazilian great Ron-aldo will open football schools in three Chinese cities including Bei-jing and Shanghai, by the end of this year, the head of the project has said.

“Our first schools will be located in Beijing, Shanghai and Mianyang (in southwest China’s Sichuan province), and they are expected to start operation in December,”

said Paulo Swerts, who will man-age Ronaldo’s football schools in China. Ronaldo announced in Sep-tember his plan to open 30 football schools in China. - IANS


GearSECTIONC L I F E S T Y L E M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5



Faisal Mohammed Naim




A new model loaded with newer

technology hits the shelves every

other day as the TV market swells.

Before you set out on your TV-hunt,

arm yourself with the knowlege

you need to decipher all that


LIFESTYLEC8 M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

The overdose

of technology,

combined with little

knowledge of it

among buyers, has

brewed up enough

confusion in the TV

sector. More TVs

are bought today

based on their new

techs; the very

techs which the

buyers are in the

least aware of


as the competition gets tough

and tougher, the competitors

come up with every ace up

their sleeve; every trick and

every gimmick, to gain a leading edge

on their rivals. The television market

in the recent past has been witnessing

brutal brand wars, and the brands are

leaving no stone unturned to outdo the

other. Adding fuel to the fire are con-

stant technology breakthroughs, and

increased consumer spending power.

The overdose of technology, with

a new kind of TV popping up in the

market every other day, has brewed up

enough confusion among customers.

Add to it their very little knowledge

about the TV technology and it makes

up for a most perfect recipe for ut-

ter chaos. More TVs are bought today

based on their new tech, the very tech

which the buyers are in the least aware

of. Quite curious, isn’t it?

But worry not; here we are to the

rescue. We break the ice on some of the

major technologies all those panels on

the shelves are boasting of these days.

We bet you will be a more informed

customer next time you go shopping

for one of those idiot boxes.

THE 4K MAGICFrom LG to Samsung, budget or

premium, 40in or 65in – 4K is going

mainstream: there are more 4K Ultra

HD TVs on the market than ever be-

fore, and they are being manufactured

in all the sizes and at more affordable

prices too.But, first things first; 4K is merely

resolution (like the 1980 x 1020 and

so on) for any display panel, and not a

new kind of panel itself. The so many

4K UHD (Ultra High Definition) TVs

you see at stores these days, are tech-

nically still backlit LCD TVs with a

higher resolution and are taking the

name 4K UHD or 4K Ultra HD (4K

LCD TV is a more appropriate name).

Officially, 4K resolution is 4096

x 2160 pixels. However, in order to

shoehorn this higher resolution vid-

eo on to a normal 16:9 picture format,

it is altered to 3840 x 2160 – still four

times the total number of pixels on a

Full HD 1080p screen (1920 x 1080).

So basically any 4K panel is a screen

having a resolution of 2160p (as no-

table video guru Joe Kane insists to

do off with the confusion).

4K TVs have been in the market

since 2012, however a quite amusing

fact in this regard is that there is not

much 4K content available even to this

day, leading to a pressing question –

why to buy the 4K displays then; what

for? In order to take full advantage of

4K Ultra HD you need a source and

content that packs those all-important

extra pixels.Also, 1080p resolution is more than

enough for the human eye. Experts

believe, upgrading on the display tech-

nology rather than on the resolution

might give you more practical gains.

Still, for those who love the latest, no

OLED – ONE STEP AHEADUnlike 4K, OLED is display panel

type. Another revolutionising tech-

nology in the world of display panels,

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Di-

ode) panels are much slimmer and

lighter than LCD or plasma screens,

due to the absence of backlight, and at

the same time are more efficient and

eco-friendly. To give you a better per-

spective of things, the LG wallpaper

OLED TV is just 0.97mm in thickness.

But the biggest feature is its picture

quality. OLED displays have a signifi-

cantly wider viewing angle. The colour

and contrast stay the same from as far

as 90 degrees off centre. Delivering an

absolute black and infinite contrast ra-

tio, OLED display is also brighter, and

practically motion-blur free.

At the moment only LG and Sam-

sung are into OLED business. At pre-

sent a 4K UHD OLED TV is the most

perfect combination for picture pur-

ists. A super-wow option maybe the

LG 55EG960V. CURVED MYSTERYThe OLED TVs launched by Sam-

sung and LG so far feature curved

screens. And even though the brands

touted much enough about the spinal

curve, any significant advantage (apart

from the suave looks) in practical-

ity has been a subject of much debate

among expert circles.

Manufacturers claim the curve

enhances the viewing experience.

Samsung says it provides depth to the

content displayed, delivering a more

life-like viewing experience and im-

mersive panorama effect. LG main-

tains the curve eliminates screen-edge

visual distortion and detail loss.

Genuine viewing enhancement or

a marketing gimmick — whatever it

may be, but the curved frenzy seems

to be catching up, as now we can even

see curved 4K LCD/LEDs, and not

just the OLEDs.

And though it could make for a

more immersive experience, the

curse of the curved panels is that

they’re not ideal for multiple people

watching at the same time as there is

a smaller sweet-spot for the best pic-

ture view. The curve also means they

cannot be wall mounted.

matter what, the good news is that fi-

nally there is Ultra HD content com-

ing online, from the likes of Amazon

and Netflix. However, the size of 4K videos is

too large (almost 100GB for a single

movie), making them more difficult to

transmit, store and manage. To tackle

this issue, High Efficiency Video Co-

dec (HEVC) has been programmed to

make file sizes smaller and more man-

ageable, delivering similar image qual-

ity with a compression that’s almost

twice as efficient.

As more and more Ultra HD videos

are packaged by HEVC, not just own-

ing a 4K TV, but one which is capable

of decoding HEVC internally be-

comes equally important. Also, as of

now, nothing comes for free in the 4K

world. You have to pay for subscription

to the 4K content sites.

No matter what, 4K TVs have be-

come a viable consideration in 2015,

thanks to more variety on the market,

a wider choice of screen sizes and a

drop in the average price. And we fi-

nally have some 4K content too.

LIFESTYLEC9M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5


Google has recently added two new smartphones to its Nexus family - Huawei Nexus 6P and LG Nexus 5X. We got our hands on the flagship Huawei Nexus 6P and here is what we think of it:

What is Good?To start off, the phone’s design is impressive. It has a fresh look and feel to it. The rear panel of the phone gives it an elegant look with the aluminium finish, fingerprint sensor and the nex-us logo, embossed on the panel. The phone is relatively thinner than most flagships in the mar-ket. The thicker top part of the phone with a black differentiat-ed part that houses the camera and the flash also elevates the phone’s look.

The 5.7-inch quad-HD dis-play has a 518 pixels per inch (ppi) density and provides a good viewing experience. With a pixel density higher than most other devices the images also appear sharper.

Google is actually right to claim that this Nexus has the best camera yet. The rear cam-era is very fast and accurate, taking it closer to rivals like iPhone 6S and Galaxy S6 when it comes to shutter speed. Due to the larger 1.55 micron pixels that let in more light, the camera does well enough in low-light conditions. The camera comes with three modes including auto - photosphere, panorama and lens blur.

The Nexus 6P’s 2GHz octa-core Snapdragon 810 proces-sor, combined with 3GB DDR4 RAM, is an industry-grade per-former. Multi-tasking, toggling between games and other func-tions are lightning fast.

Operating the latest Android Marshmallow (6.0), the OS has been modified to make the ex-perience much faster and bet-ter. Quick actions and menus make the phone more intuitive. ‘Google Now on Tap’, an arti-ficial intelligence programme uses raw power of the search engine to show more info about the user’s search input. The fea-ture works with movies, places, people and music bands.

The operating system also offers a ‘doze’ mode which is instrumental in saving battery drain, when left unused for longer durations. Another no-ticeable feature is the app draw-er on the top of the apps menu, reflecting the most used apps.

The phone comes with a 3,450 mAH battery which man-ages nearly 24 hours. The phone also supports quick charging, which is also a plus.

The fingerprint scanner on the 6P is very fast and respon-sive, and allows storage of up to five fingerprints. Other features on the device include GPS-A with GLONASS, NFC, Wi-Fi, 4G-LTE support and Bluetooth along with a host of sensors.

What Doesn’t Work for the Phone? The phone has curved and thicker edges, and due to its big screen size, might not easily fit into all pockets. The screen and buttons have a distinct Huawei-made look and feel, which kills the buzz a bit. The display is a little too reflective, and might be irritating at times. Although the camera comes with larger pixels, it still suffers perfor-mance in dark conditions. The red eye effect is immediately evident in pictures. There is no professional mode for the camera which is present in ri-vals’ flagship models. Specially missed is the edit function, bar-ring one from editing and shar-ing images on the go. Gaming on the device for longer durations could be a problem as it heats up a lot. Coming with a Type-C USB at both ends renders the phone not chargeable via USB. A user has to invest further to get a converter to charge it via PC or a power bank.

VerdictThis is the best Nexus that Google has ever produced, in-cluding all departments like the design, camera, performance and software (operating sys-tem). In comparison to other flagships in the market, the phone packs a decent punch to dislodge a few given its price and performance.

Full Specifications

2GHz octa-core processor

(518 ppi pixel density) with Corning Gorilla Glass 4 and oleophobic coating

with laser autofocus and dual-LED flash, 8-megapixel front camera


BIGGER THE BETTER?There’s a TV in nearly every size you

can want, and at nearly every budget.

But how big a TV should you buy – 37,

42, 50, 65, 90, 102? A short answer to

this maybe – “as big as you can afford.”

But is big always better? Not so true.

As there is a limit to everything in

this world, so is to our field of view.

We can enjoy only the visuals our

eyes can comfortably see. Deciding

on the most perfect screen size de-

pends on a number of factors includ-

ing the size of your room, your seat-

ing distance, and your eyes.

There is a direct correlation be-

tween recommended screen size and

seating distance. The farther away you

sit, obviously, the smaller your TV ap-

pears. Ideal is to have a screen that fills

a certain amount of your field of view.

Audio-visual giant THX recom-

mends a viewing angle of 40 degrees,

to create, what it terms as ‘an immer-

sive cinematic experience’. For those

of us who don’t love geometry much,

skip the protractor, and multiply the

seating distance (in inches or centi-

metres) by 0.84. This gets you the rec-

ommended screen diagonal.

Most people sit about 9 feet (108

inches) from their TV, so THX recom-

mends a screen size of around 90-inch

diagonal for that distance. That means

the 55-inch you’re looking at is not too

big, at least as far as THX is concerned.

For those who feel just the opposite,

THX also recommends 60-inch panel

for the same seating distance.

3D – ACTIVE OR PASSIVE? Curious about the difference be-

tween active 3D and passive 3D?

Well, a lot of us are. In order for you

to see “depth” from a 3D TV, each eye

has to see slightly different informa-

tion. The right eye doesn’t see any of

the information meant for the left

eye, and vice versa.

At present there are two modes

available for 3D viewing – Active

and Passive. Active 3D uses battery-

operated shutter glasses, which rap-

idly open and shut, to show only the

information intended for each eye.

This, in theory, means the informa-

tion meant for one eye is blocked

from the other by the flickering

opaque shutter. All this happens very

fast, and each eye gets a minimum of

60 frames per second.

Passive 3D uses inexpensive polar-

ized glasses (like the one in 3D thea-

tres). The TV has a special filter that

polarizes each line of pixels, which

makes the odd lines on the screen only

visible to the left eye, and the even

lines only visible to the right. Without

the glasses, the TV looks normal.

Each mode has its strengths and

weaknesses. With active, each eye gets

the full 1080p resolution of the source.

On the other hand, the glasses make

the image look dimmer, as they block

some light. Also, even though you can-

not see the lenses shuttering, your

brain definitely senses something go-

ing on, which could be quite bothering

for some. Most active 3D glasses are

also heavy and very expensive.

With the passive, each eye is only

seeing 1920 x 540 pixels due to the po-

larized lenses blocking half the lines.

If your screen is big, or you’re sitting

close, you’re going to see what looks

like interlace lines (black lines in be-

tween the active image). On the posi-

tive side, more light reaches the eye,

resulting in a typically brighter image.

The glasses are also very affordable

and lightweight.

The 3D image with passive is more

pleasing to look at, likely due to the

better brightness and are way more

comfortable than active. If you think

you’ll be watching a lot of 3D action,

passive might be the better option.

It’s worth noting that passive 3D

works superbly with 4K UHD TV as

it does not present any interlace lines

or diagonals. -faisal@timesofoman.com

Huawei Nexus 6P The Best of All Nexus Phones

FIND-IT-ALLC10 M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

CITY CINEMAContact (10 am to 6PM) 24567664 | 68. www.citycinemaoman.netfacebook.com/citycinemaoman

SHATTISpectre (Comedy | Drama) (PG12) Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz2:45, 5:30, 8:45, 11:30 PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo (Hindi) (PG) Cast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor3:15, 8:30, 11:45 PMThe 33 (Biography | Drama) (PG12) Cast: Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro7:45 PMSteve Jobs (Biography) (PG) Cast: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet6:30 PMHatched: Chicks Gone Wild (2D) (Animation | Fantasy) (PG) 3:00, 4:30 PMBlunt Force Trauma (Action) (15+) Cast: Mickey Rourke, Frieda Pinto6:00 PMAmnesiac: Unconscious (Drama) (12+) Cast: Kate Bosworth, Wes Bentley10:00, 11:45 PM

MUSCAT GRAND MALLSteve Jobs 2D (Biography/Drama) PGCast : Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet6:15PMGold Class : 5:45PMHatched: Chicks Gone Wild 2D (PG)12:30PM & 2:15PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo 2D (Family) PGCast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor2:45, 8:30 & 11:45PMGold Class: 11:45AM & 8:00PMThe 33 2D (Drama) (PG12)Cast: Naomi Scott, Antonio Banderas3:45PMEveryday I Love You 2D (Romance) (PG)Cast: Gerald Anderson, Enrique Gil6:00PM

Spectre 2D (Action/Thriller) PG12Cast : Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz12:00, 8:45 & 11:30PMGold Class : 3:00 & 11:15PM

PANORAMA MALLSpectre (Action, Adventure) (PG12)Cast : Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes 3:15, 6:00, 8:45, 11:45 pmSpectre (Action, Adventure)(PG12) VIP LOUNGECast : Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes 3:00, 11:15 pmThe Martian (Adventure, Drama)(4D)(PG)Cast : Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain5:45, 8:30, 11:15 pmPrem Ratan Dhan Payo (Hindi, Family)(PG)Cast : Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor2:00, 5:15, 8:30, 11:30 pmDoctor Proctor’s (Family)(2D)(PG12)Cast : Emily Glaister, Eilif Hellum Noraker2:00 pmEveryday I Love You (Tagalog)(2D) (PG)Cast : Gerald Anderson, Enrique Gil3:30 pm

The 33 (Drama)(PG12)Cast : Naomi Scott, Antonio Banderas3:45 pmBlunt Force Trauma (Action)(15+)Cast : Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto8:15 pmAmnesiac : Unconscious (Drama) (12+)Cast : Kate Bosworth, Wes Bentley10:00pm, 11:45 pmSteve Jobs (Biography, Drama)(PG)Cast : Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen6:00 pmSteve Jobs (Biography, Drama)(PG) VIP LOUNGECast : Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet5:45 pmPrem Rathan Dhan Payo (Hindi, Family)(PG) VIP LOUNGECast : Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor8:00 pm

AZAIBA Prem Ratan Dhan Payo – 2D (PG) FamilyCast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor12:15, 2:00, 2:15, 5:20, 8:25, 10:30, 11:30 PMSpectra – 2D (PG12) Action, Adventure

Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 11:15 PMBlunt Force Trauma – 2D (15+) Action Cast: Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto7:25, 11:45 PMVedalam – 2D (PG) Action, MasalaCast: Ajith Kumar, Shruti Hasan11:30 AM, 5:15, 8:15 PMThoongaa Vanam - 2D (PG12) Crime | ThrillerCast: Kamal Hasan, Trisha Krishnan11:45 AM, 5:00, 9:15 PMHatched: Chicks Gone Wild – 2D (PG) 12:30, 3:40 PM

RUWIScreen 1Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (Family) – PGCast : Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor3.30, 6.45, 10.00 PMScreen 2Spectre (Action) – PG12Cast : Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz3.45, 6.45 PMThoongaa Vanam (Crime | Thriller) – PG12

Cast : Kamal Hasan, Trisha Krishnan9:45 PMScreen 3Thoongaa Vanam (Crime | Thriller) – PG12

3.45, 6.45 PM

Spectre (Action) – PG12

Cast : Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz

9.45 PM

SURSpectre 007 (Action ) (PG12) Cast: Daniel Craig, Ralp Fiennes3:00, 5:35, 9:00 PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo (Family) (PG) Cast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor8:15, 11:30 PMBlunt Force Trauma (Action) (15+) Cast: Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto3:00, 4:45, 11:45 PMThoongaa Vanam (Tamil) (Crime) (PG12)Cast: Kamal Haasan, Trisha Krishnan6:30 PM

SOHARSpectre - 2D (PG12) Action |ThrillerCast : Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes3:15, 5:45, 8:30, 11:30 PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo - 2D (PG) FamilyCast : Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor3:00, 6:00, 8:15, 11:15 PMDoctor Proctor’s Fart Powder - 2D (PG) Family |ComedyCast : Emily Glaister, Eilif Hellum Noraker, Kristoffer6:15 PMHatched: Chicks Gone Wild - 2D (PG) Animation |Fantasy2:30 PMBlunt Force Trauma - 2D (15+) ActionCast : Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto4:00, 11:45 PMThoongaa Vanam - 2D (T) (PG12) Crime Cast : Kamal Hasan, Trisha Krishnan9:15 PMThe 33 - 2D (PG12) DramaCast : Naomi Scott, Antonio Banderas2:45, 6:40 PMAmnesiac : Unconscious - 2D (PG12) Drama | Horror | MysteryCast : Kate Bosworth, Wes Bentley, Olivia

Rose Keegan5:05 , 11:55 PMVedalam - 2D (T) (PG) Action | MasalaCast : Ajith Kumar, Shruti Hasan, Laxmi Menon

9:00 PM

BURAIMISpectre– 2D (Adventure, Thriller) (PG12)Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz 4:00, 9:00, 11:30PMBlunt Force Trauma– 2D (Action) (15+)Cast: Vin Diesel, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood6:45, 9:45 11:45PMThe 33– 2D (Drama) (PG12)Cast: Naomi Scott, Cote de Pablo, Antonio Banderas4:00, 6:45PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo– 2D (Family) (PG)Cast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Neil NitinMukesh3:45, 6:30, 11:15PMVedalam– 2D (Action, Masala) (PG)Cast: Ajith Kumar, Shruti Hasan, Laxmi Menon8:30PM

SALALAHBlunt Force Trauma (2D) (15+) (Action) Cast: Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto10:30AM, 12:15, 11:45PMDoctor Proctor’s Fart Powder (2D) (PG12) Cast: Emily Glaister, Eilif Hellum Noraker12:15, 5:05PMSteve Jobs (2D) (PG) (Biography/Drama) Cast: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winsle4:45, 6:45PMAmnesiac : Unconscious (2D) (12+) Cast: Kate Bosworth, Wes Bentley4:00, 10:10PMHatched: Chicks Gone Wild (2D) (PG) 10:45AM, 1:15, 2:35PMPrem Ratan Dhan Payo (2D) (PG) (Family) Cast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor2:00, 8:00, 11:15PMVedalam (2D) (PG) (Tamil) (Action | Masala) Cast: Ajith Kumar, Shruti Hasan, Laxmi Menon7:15PMThoongaa Vanam (2D) (PG12) (Tamil)Cast: Kamal Hasan, Trisha Krishnan5:35PMSpectre (2D) (PG12) (Action/Thriller)10:30AM, 2:00, 9:00, 11:55PM



Emergencies and inquiries: 9999

General Directorate of

Passport and Residence 24569603

Directorate General

of Customs 24521109

Traffic violations inquiries 24510228

Public Relations Admin 24560099


Afghanistan 24698 791/4

Algeria 24605 593

Bahrain 24 605 074/133

Bangladesh 24 698 660

Brazil 24640100

Brunei 24 603533

China 24 696782

Cyprus 24 699815

Egypt 24 600 982/411

France 24681 800

Germany 24835000

India 24684500

Indonesia 2469 1050

Iran 24 696 944/7

Iraq 24603642

Italy 24693727

Japan 24 601 028

Jordan 24692760/1/3

Kazakhstan 24 692418

Kenya 24 697664

South Korea 24 691490

Kuwait 24 699628

Lebanon 24 693208

Libya 24603466

Malaysia 24698329/643

Morocco 24696152/3

Nepal 24696177

Netherlands 24603706

Pakistan 24603439

Palestine 24601312

Philippines 24605335

Qatar 24 691 153/2/4

Russia 24602894

Saudi Arabia 24601705

Senegal 24694139

Somalia 24697977

South Africa 24647300

Spain 24691101

Sri Lanka 24697841/2

Sudan 24697875

Switzerland 24603267

Syria 24697904

Tanzania 24601 174

Thailand 24 602684/5

Tunisia 24603486

Turkey 24697050/1/2

UAE 24400000

United Kingdom 24609000

United States 24643400

Yemen 24600815


Round the clock

Al Hashar Pharmacy, Ruwi 24783334

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24782666

Muscat Pharmacy, Ruwi 24702542

Salalah 23291635;

Atlas Pharmacy, Ghubra 24503585

Muscat Region

Apollo, Al Hamriya 24787766

Muscat, A Seeb Market 24421691

Muscat, Al Khuwair 24485740

Muscat, Al Hail South 24537080

Dhofar Region

Muscat, Al Nahdha Road,

Salalah 23291635


Al Amal Medical & Health Care

Centre 24485052

Atlas Hospital

Ruwi 24811743/

Ghubra 24504000

Al Musafir Specialised

Medical Clinic 24706453

Hatat Polyclinic LLC,

Ruwi 24563641

Azaiba 24499269

Sohar 2683006

Al Raffah Hospital 24618900/1/2

Al Massaraat Clinic &

Laboratory 24566435

Al Makook Medical

Coordinance Centre 24499434

Apollo Medical Centre,

Hamriya 24787766, 24787780

Capital Polyclinic 24707549

Badr Al Samaa Polyclinic,

Ruwi 24799760/1/2

Capital Clinic, Seeb 24420740

Ceregem National Raak 24485633

Dr Harub’s Clinic 24563217

Elixir Health Centre 24565802

Emirates Medical Centre 24604540

1st Chiropractic Centre 24472274

Lifeline Hospital Salalah 23212340

International Medical

Centre LLC 24794501/2/3/4/5

Kims Oman Hospital 24760100

24 Hrs Emergency 24760123

Lama Polyclinic, Sohar 26751128

MBD 24799077

Al Khuwair 24478818

Magrabi Eye and

Ear Hospital 24568870

Muscat Private Hospital 24583600

Welcare Diagnostic and Treatment

Centre, Al Khuwair 24477666

Al-Hayat Polyclinc LLC 22004000


Muscat Airport Flight information

(24 hours) 24519456/24519223

Aeroflot 24704455

Air Arabia 24700828

Air France 24562153

Air India 24799801

Air New Zealand 24700732

Biman Bangladesh Airlines 24701128

British Airways 24568777

Cathay Pacific 24789818

Egypt Air 24794113

Emirates Air 24404400

Ethiopian Airlines 24660313

Gulf Air 80072424

Indian 24791914

Iran Air 24787423

Japan Airlines 24704455

Jazeera Airways 23294848

Jet Airways 24787248

Kenya Airways 24660300

KML Royal Dutch Airlines 24566737

Kuwait Airways 24701262

LOT Polish Airlines 24796387

Lufthansa 24796692

Malaysian Airlines 24560796

Middle East Airlines 24796680

Oman Air 24531111

Pakistan International

Airlines 24792471

Qatar Airways 24771900

Qantas 24559941

Royal Jordanian 24796693

Saudi Arabian Airlines 24789485

Singapore Airlines 24791233

Shaheen Air 24816565

SriLankan Airlines 24784545

Swiss International

Airlines 24796692

Thai Airways 24705934




Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


15:00 Quriyat 16:30 Daily

15:00 Sur 18:00 Daily

15:00 Jaalan 19:30 Daily


06:30 Sohar 08:50 Daily

06:30 Buraimi 11:00 Daily

08:00 Buraimi 14:30 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 15:45 Daily

13:00 Buraimi 17:40 Daily

16.00 Sohar 18.35 Daily

16.00 Buraimi 20:20 Daily


17:30 Sinaw 20:50 Daily


14:30 Nizwa 16:50 Daily

14:30 Yanqul 19:30 Daily


08:00 Nizwa 10:20 Daily

08:00 Al Araqi 12:30 Daily


07:30 Sur 12:00 Daily

14:30 Sur 18:45 Daily


06:30 Fahud 10:30 Daily

06:30 Yibal 11:15 Daily


07:00 Salalah 20:00 Daily

10:00 Marmul 20:30 Daily

10:00 Salalah 23:30 Daily

19:00 Salalah 07:40 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:50 Daily


15:00 Dubai 07:00 Daily


06:00 Sohar 08:30 Daily

06:00 Dubai 11:30 Daily

13:00 Sohar 15:30 Wed,Thur

13:00 Dubai 18:30 Wed,Thur

15:00 Sohar 17:35 Daily

15:00 Dubai 20:55 Daily


07:00 Fujairah 11.45 Daily

07:00 Sharjah 13.30 Daily

07:00 Dubai 14.00 Daily


Dept Destination Arrival Operatingtime time days


05:30 Sur 06:45 Daily

05:30 Quriyat 08:30 Daily

05:30 Ruwi 10:00 Daily


07:00 Sohar 08:55 Daily

07:00 Ruwi 11:40 Daily

13:30 Ruwi 20:20 Daily via Ibri

13:00 Sohar 14:55 Daily

13:00 Ruwi 17:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 19:20 Daily

17:00 Ruwi 22:15 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 10:25 Daily


06:00 Nizwa 08:40 Daily

06:00 Ruwi 11:00 Daily


15:40 Nizwa 17:55 Daily

15:40 Ruwi 20:20 Daily


06:00 Ruwi 10:45 Daily

14:30 Ruwi 19:00 Daily


12:30 Fahud 13:15 Daily

12:30 Ruwi 17:30 Daily


07:00 Ruwi 19:50 Daily

10:00 Marmul 13:15 Daily

10:00 Ruwi 22:30 Daily

19:00 Ruwi 07:30 Daily


06:00 Marmul 16:30 Daily


15:00 Salalah 07:00 Daily


07:30 Sohar 10:50 Daily

07:30 Ruwi 13:40 Daily

13:00 Sohar 16:15 Thur-Fri

13:00 Ruwi 19:10 Thur-Fri

15:30 Sohar 18:45 Daily

15:30 Ruwi 21:35 Daily


16:00 Sharjah 16:30 Daily

16.00 Fujairah 18.15 Daily

16.00 Ruwi 23.00 Daily


The 33 : 2D (Drama) (PG12)Cast : Naomi Scott, Antonio BanderasTiming : 03:45PM


Steve Jobs (Biography, Drama)(PG)Cast : Kate Winslet, Seth RogenTimings : 06:00 pmVIP LOUNGE5:45 pm

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo – 2D (PG) FamilyCast : Salman Khan, Sonam KapoorTiming : 12:15, 2:00, 2:15, 5:20, 8:25, 10:30, 11:30 PM

Dhuhr 11.57pmAsr 3.05pmMaghrib 5.27pmIsha 6.40pm Fajr (Tomorrow) 5.03am


BAHJA CINEMAFilm information 24540856 / Advance Booking 24540855Website: www.albahjacinemaoman.com

Spectre 007 (Action / Adventure / Thriller) Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes4.15, 9.15 & 11.55 pmCP No : 2965 (PG12) Blunt Force Trauma (Action) Cast: Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, Ryan Kwanten1.15 & 11.55 pm CP No: 2994 (15+)Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (Hindi / Drama) Cast: Salman Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Anupam Kher3.00, 6.00 & 9.00 pm CP No: 2996 (PG)Steve Jobs (Biography / Drama) Cast: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen2.00 & 7.00 pm CP No: 2995 (PG)

STAR CINEMAFilm information 24791641 / 24786776Website: www.isurf.co.om

Vedhalam (Tamil) (Act) Cast: Ajith, Shruthi Hassan & Lakshami Menon 3:30 & 9:30 pm Cinema Main; 6:30 pm Cinema-2 Thoongavanam (Tamil) Thriller Cast : Kamal Hassan & Trisha 3:30 & 9:30 pm Cinema – 2; 6:30 pm Cinema MainPrem Ratan Dhan Payo (Hindi ) Cast: Salman Khan,Sonam Kapoor 3:45, 6:45 & 9:45 pm Cinema- 3 Akhil (Telugu) Rom/ActCast : Akhil Akkineni & Sayesha Saigal3:45, 6:45 & 9:45 pm at Cinema - 4 NEXT CHANGE: Aatagara (Kanada) on 20/11/2015 at 6-00 PM Friday;Amar Akbar Anthony (Mal)

Programmes are subject to change








Send us a colour photograph of the child (below 16 years) whose birthday you are celebrating, along with his/her full name, date of birth, address, telephone number and

parents’/your name to Times of Oman, With Love, PO Box 770, PC 112, Ruwi or through e-mail to



ALEEZA JOSEPHNovember 16, 2006

FEBIN SOJI November 16, 2007

PARVATHI HARIDAS November 12, 2005


A ll die-hard manual transmission fans and motorbike lov-ers out there know that at some point

or the other, they are going to have problem with the clutch. It ages too like all the other things. But one thing differentiates its ageing process from others is that it does not have fixed or even ap-proximate time span. You could live well with it for two hundred thousand kilometres, or burn it out in a day (literally).

Replacing your clutch isn’t like changing your oil; there aren’t any periodic or mileage guide-lines for switching it out. The wear and tear on your clutch de-pends on your personal driving style and driving environment. A clutch driven in the hills is not going to last nearly as long as one driven on the plains. On average, your clutch could last anywhere from 20,000 to 150,000 miles.

So how do you know when your clutch is worn out or fail-ing? Don’t rely on your mechanic for everything. You might end up milked for money, having the clutch components replaced, when in fact they were still good to go, while the mechanic makes double money first by selling you the new components, and then reselling the ones taken off from your vehicle. It is really easy to de-tect if your clutch is really nearing its end. Here are a few helpful tips.

Your Clutch Feels SpongyBe aware of your clutch’s action. As the clutch/pressure plate sys-tem wears gradually over time, the clutch’s performance may become noticeably diminished. A soft or spongy clutch is an early sign that your clutch is failing.

Change in Clutch Pedal Height Drive your car around the block and pay close attention to the feel of your clutch and how far you

let the clutch out before the gear catches. If you have to let your clutch out most of the way before it engages, it is also a sign of a worn clutch. Same for bikes – try the same with the clutch lever.

Burning SmellWhen your clutch is failing, it is commonly accompanied by a burning smell. The smell comes from the friction of your slipping clutch. Some say it smells like fried chicken.

Troubled ShiftingIf you notice that when you shift, your vehicle does not engage smoothly and shakes, this is a good sign that you’ve got a bad clutch. Shifting problems are most apparent in first gear and reverse (reverse in cars). Change in perceived engine power when pulling a load, also indicates a slipping clutch, as it reduces the amount of power delivered to the drive wheels.

Visible DamageIf you’re mechanically savvy, you can remove the inspection cover at the bottom of the bell housing to see your clutch. If your clutch is going bad, you’ll notice obvious visible damage. If you notice a fine black dust around your clutch, this is normal wear – look for damage to the actual clutch itself – any cuts or frictional scars mean the clutch needs replacement.

Do a Road TestIf you’re still not sure if your clutch is going out, the next time you’re on the highway, rev your engine while in first, then pop directly into fourth. If your en-gine continues to whine and rev high, the gear has not caught and the clutch is going out. If your car shakes from being in too high a gear and is slow to pick up speed, the clutch is fine.

Ride safe. More next time.faisal@timesofoman.com

LIFESTYLEC11M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

Story Faisal Mohammed Naim

Smartphone Can Be Your Fitness Tracker

Uncomfortable with your wristband fitness tracker? Now you can bury it somewhere in your closet as your smartphone would be your new fit-ness tracker, say researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-ogy (MIT). A new system called Bio-Phone, developed by researchers at MIT, can take your heart rate, breath-ing and other physiological meas-urements while it sits in your bag or pocket — without even touching your body, MIT Technology Review reported.

What Your Tweets Actually Reveal About YouWhat can you tell about peo-ple and their situations from only 140 characters? Quite a lot, says a new study that scanned more than 20 million tweets to study the psychological char-acteristics of real-world situa-tions. The new research from the Florida Atlantic University provides insights about the psychological experience of a typi-cal workday or week. The researchers were able to develop a method for automatically extracting meaningful informa-tion about the situations people experience in their daily lives from tweets. People frequently tweet about their lo-cations, what they are doing, how they are feeling, or things they find interesting in the present moment. In other words, people tend to tweet about the situations they experience.

New System Can ‘Cheaply’ Process Mobile ImagesResearchers have developed a new technique that consumes much less battery and band-width while processing images taken through smartphone cam-eras. The system sends a highly compressed image to a central server, and the server sends back an even smaller file, which contains simple instructions for modifying the original image. As smartphones become people’s primary cameras, there is growing demand for built-in image-processing apps in smart-phones. But image processing quickly drains a cellphone’s bat-tery. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University and Adobe Systems have developed the system that can reduce the bandwidth consumed by server-based image processing by as much as 98.5 per cent, and the power consumption by as much as 85 per cent. -IANS


Keep It SmoothHow do you know when your clutch is worn out or failing?

Don’t rely on your mechanic for everything. You might end up spending lots

LIFESTYLEC12 M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 6, 2 0 1 5

2015 Automotive Industry Trends

of industry leaders believe that

new technologies are the most effective

growth strategy

On average automakers spend

in R&D per vehicle$1200

increase in automotive

product variety over the past 15 years200%

Automation and PLM (Product

Lifecycle Management) software

reduces time to market by 50%

Automotive product lifecycles have

decreased from 5 years to 3


Source: kmeautomation.com






M O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5


*Classified Advertisement space booking with text, should be done till 12.00 noon for next day’s publication.

* Subject to space availability




3 bathrooms and 1 BHK with 2 bathrooms -built in wardrobe,

security, split a/c

Contact : 24 70 30 60


*Tourist visa arranged

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461


1+ 2+ 3BHK Darsait.

Contact: 99024730

Shops for rent behind the building

good for offices +stores space 11 x 4

Meters behind Sultan Center

Al Amerat R.O 250/- PER Month.

Contact: 92877449

Studio flat for rent at Wadi Kabir

behind Muscat bakery, building No.

337, Way No. 150.

Contact: 99373290/24815012

One room with kitchen & bathroom

at W/ Kabir R.O 100/.

Contact: 99384640

1 BHK Nr Oman house and Khimji

H.O Muttrah. Contact: 99233116

Fully furnished luxury 2 bed room

flat for rent at Ghala for short or

long term basis. Contact: 99886386


D2 M O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5


Villa for rent in Wadi Kabir.

Contact: 95562646

2 & 3 BHK Al Khuwair.

Contact: 99024730

3 Bedroom flat at Al Khuwair.

Contact: 99447257/97014234

Flats available for rent 1 & 2 BHK

flats with spilt A/C kitchen & big hall

available for rent AL Khuwair near

Muscat holiday. Contact: 94227178

One / two, B/R RES / Comm. direct-

ly from own ER near medical college

Bausher. Contact: 92158031

2 BHK flat in North Ghobrah. 18 No-

vember Street. RO 295/- For office or

residential use. Contact 94477222

We have, 3BHK villa fully furnished

villa in Ghobrah 18th November

Street. Contact: 93782735

We have 200SQM Basement for

rent in AL Khuwair near Rawasco.

Contact: 93329476

We have 2BHK Flats in Ghobrah

good location & price.

Contact: 93782735

We have 3 BHK villa for rent near

grand mosque. Contact: 93782735

1000 sqm Industrial land with

compound wall & 2 rooms at Misfah.

Contact: 99342733 / 99795241

Flats and Houses for rent in Wadi

Kabir and Sidab best price.

Contact: 95555162/95755953

We have coffee shop for sale or rent

in AL Khuwair near Rawasco super-

market. Contact: 93329476

We have 3 BHK flat in Muna com-

plex Madinat AL Sultan Qaboos semi

furnished. Contact: 93782735

Coffee shop for rent Jifnain.

Contact: 93340597

Store for rent Misfah Industrial area

100sqm RO.350/- . Contact - 99617464

2BHK Wadi Kabir near Kuwaiti mosque.

Contact: 97007934/92629232

Sohar: 3BHK AND 4BHK FLATS, R.O 200 and R.O 215 respectively.

(New Building with CCTV camera

with Split A/C). Contact 99881426

/ 92123699

02 BHK Commercial / residential

(with split AC) flat at Honda road.

Contact: 99342733 / 99795241

Flat for Rent 1/2 BHK Flat at Mut-

trah, near Oman flour mills, 10 min.

from Corniche.Equipped with split

unit ACs, internet points, free-to-air

dish connection, CCTV monitored,

basement parking. Rent RO.250/350

per month. Contact: 99229263;

93221054; 95215289

2 BHK Honda road Ruwi.

Contact: 99224748 /99332297

New villa at Mawalah south 5 bed

room, family hall, Majlis, bath.

Contact: 99332367

1& 2 BHK C.B.D. Contact: 99024730

House rent 7 rooms, 7 toilets in

each room, with A/C, 2 rooms for

reserved kitchen offices medical

clinic or any other purpose. Contact:


For rent in Al Khuwair 33/1, 2 Bed

Rooms 1 Family Hall, 1 Bathroom,

1 Kitchen & Full split unit.

Contact no 99315515

2 Bedroom villa for rent in Madinat

Qaboos, with swimming room

children’s play area, parking ECT.

Contact: 92447365

1000 SQM industrial land in Ghala

suitable for workhouse work shop.

Contact: 92584715 /24700120

2 bedrooms flat with hall, 2

bathrooms in Darsait near Muscat

Municipality. Contact: 92584715 /


6 shops in South Mawalah

Contact: 96420432

Furnished room for rent Indian

family or executive bachelor, near

Honda road. Contact - 99016546

Flats for rent at Al Mabela block

eight. Contact: 99445177

2 BHK Flats for rent Muttrah near

Oman house.

Contact: 97007934/92629232

Room for rent in AL Khuwair near

Ibis hotel with A/C. #95724975

Studio in souk Al Khoud behind

of Al Ahali bank with 2 BR toilet+

kitchen in 2 floor 160RO.

Contact 99738881

Room in Al Mwalih very close to

Wave. Contact: 95192927

Villa in AL Ansab with six attached

bedroom, Majlis, hall, kitchen and split

unit A/C s located at phase

4 in heights, near to the main road, op-

posite Haya water. Contact: 99311348

We have fully furnished offices avail-

able in Ghala brand new building.

Contact: 93782735

Fully furnished office space in As - As-

salah Tower Ghobra. Contact 98202001

02 BHK Residential flat opposite to

Al Nahda Hospital.

Contact 99342733 / 99795241

We have 2 BHK flat in AL Khuwair

near Rawasco. Contact: 93782735

DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 D3





Running furniture showroom for urgent sale.

Ladies beauty parlor

Contact - 91135930

FOR HIRE WITH OPERATORS1. Back Hoe Loaders (Shovels): 5 Nos

2. 10 Tons Vibratory Roller Compactor: 1 No.

3. 42 Mtrs. Concrete Pump Putzmeister: 1 No.

4. 45 Cbm Tippers: 2 Nos

5. 50 M height, 50 Boom tower cranes: 5 Nos.

Please contact – Mr. Ravi on 96529679Email – ravi@alliedoman.com / narayan@alliedoman.com

Flat for rent in CBD area - Ruwi

Two rooms and a large hall•Office spaces for rent in Al Hail on

the main road On the same building

of Al Khamis Shoes at Al Hail

•2 bed room flats in Qurum 29 for

rent next to ABA New building

-split AC - Good location

Contact No: 96177505

Seeks partners & investor’s A well edtablished media, conference & advertising

company in Muscat with an impressive portfolio of high

profi le clients across segments,and supported by

an expert team is looking for partners &investors.

VISA AVAILABLEContact - 93946622

For Rent Flats in Darsait -


For Rent Flats in Ghala Heights -


For Rent Flats in Wadi Kabir -


For Rent Fully Furnished

apartments in Boucher (35) -


For Rent flats in Muttrah-

Contact – 94051789-97201688

Offices for Rent Gala-

Contact –94051789-97201688

For Rent Duplex villa in Qurum

29- 94051789-97201688

For Rent Offices & Showrooms in

Al Khoud- 94051789-97201688

For Rent offices in Qurum op-

posite city center- 94051789-


For Rent Mini Furnished Apart-

ment in Qurum- 94051789-


MBD area, fully equipped A/C

Executive Office @RO 200

pm with conference room.

Unlimited Local Calls and

Internet Services. Contact:



FOR RENT1000 sq mtr free industrial land for all purpose is

available for rent in Sohar near the new Sohar airport - plot # 97.

For more information, the interested parties to Contact : Mr. Abdullah Al Shaqsi

GSM - 99106309

Type - Commercial

& Ground Floor.

Contact Person - Samson Thomas Contact Number - 91016409 /24429300

Our spacious banquet hall can accommodate up to 1200 of your most important guests. For More information please

Contact - 94123540,

99134674 , 99101806




Banquet hall is available for Rent or Lease

For Rent Flats in Mawalah


For Rent brand new villas in

Al Ansab- 94051789-97201688

For Rent Offices & Showrooms in

Muttrah -94051789-97201688

2BHK with A/C s Muttrah near

Oman house. Contact: 99896838

3BHK Qurum P.D.O light 350/-.

Contact: 99342661

New pent house 219 meters,

3 bedrooms Each own toilet , serv-

ant room with toilet laundry area ,

kitchen with store elevator avail-

able AL Khuwair 39

rent R.O 575/- family only.

Contact: 99207840

1BHK flat Darsait near MCT Munici-

pality 220/-. Contact: 99342661


Flats and shops for rent in Ruwi

Honda road Mumtaz area. Contact:

97293708 /92433127

For rent Seeb 1 room, 2 rooms,

3 rooms , with all supplements,

including water electricity and

sewage also. We provide the fol-

lowing services free plumber and

electrician 2 cleaner for garbage our

price on your hand, just call on

Farahat: 98020768 Hilal: 96541283


Ghala Ind. Area. 800 & 2500 approx

sqms Near Hotel Al-Madinah Holi-

day.Ghala. Container can enter. Im-

mediate access to roads & highways.

CONTACT : 94583320

New flats for rent Darsait Al Sahel.

Contact: 99311525 / 92533356

Villa with 5 rooms, two sitting

rooms, 5 toilets and kitchen at

Al Hail North. Contact: 91130875

Flats in Wadi Kabir. Contact: 99376454

2BHK flats / offices & shops for rent

in a brand new building at Honda

Road. Contact: 91165807

2 BHK flats for rent near PDO Gate

No.2 with spilt AC. Contact: 94057023

Flat for rent at Wadi Al Kabir next

Al Hassan.co, 2 bedroom, 3 WS,

1 sitting room. Contact: 99210008

1BHK Near Al Nahdha hospital Ruwi

R.O 200/-. Contact: 99617786

3BHK flat for rent at Muttrah.

Contact: 99423596

2 BHK flat available for rent in

Darsait. Contact: 99357586

Brand new residential flats in Wadi

Kabir near Muscat football club,

have 2 bedroom family hall, 2 toilets,

Kitchen with spilt AC for 250/- R.O.

Contact: 95999904 / 98585889 /



3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sitting

room, Kitchen & store including

utilities bills at Al hail.

Contact 92817777

Sharing accommodation rooms

AL Khuwair. Contact: 99743569


3 Bedroom apartment with living

room and 3 toilets located in Wadi

Kabir near Al-Hassan Electrical Co.

RO 500/- Contact 94488444

1 Bedroom with bathroom available

for rent. Only Indian female.

Contact - 92394614

Sharing accommodation available

near dolphin village in Bausher.

Contact: 99169512

Independent rooms in Qurum /AL

Hail. Contact 95529970

Single room W/ bath near Al Falaj

hotel. Contact: 99643845

High performance fork lift with au-

tomatic functions, plus Isuzu engine

and one year warranty. Model 2015.

Contact: 98883445

Sale house & office furniture &

electronic items. Contact : 99834373/


Six unused rack mount (4U) PC i5

with original windows 7 for sale.

Please Contact: 99206367 or


Used steel racks (slotted angle

shelves) for sale in lot.

Contact: 24703981

GP and dental clinic in Adam.

Contact: 99330385

A running restaurant for sale near

Oman oil petrol Pump Al Uqdah

(Barka). Contact: 990590103

Coffee shop for sale Barka near

police station. Contact: 95598029

For sale villas in Al Khoud -


For Sale Luxury Apartments in

Bousher (35) - 95056808-97201688

For sale Fully Furnished apart-

ments in Bousher (35) - 95056808-


Beauty parlor for sale Muttrah.

Contact: 93142676

60,000 Sq Mtrs Agriculture Land in

Misfah can be changed to Industrial

Land. OMR 29 per Square Meter.

Tel: 99333479 or 95215360

Beauty parlour at Mabela for sale.

Contact: 96131261

5 plots of fertile agriculture lands in

Misfah East totaling 4,532 sq mtrs

having date trees and using Falaj

water for irrigation. OMR 158 Thou-

sand for all 5 plots. Tel: 99333479 or



Excellent running building mate-

rials shop cum showroom and store

for sales in Wadi Kabir. Contact:



Ware house required in capital area.

Contact: 24486979/99338797


Party & Wedding equipment rentals.

Full line, from Tables, Linen & Skirt-

ing, Chairs & Chair covers, Cutlery,

Crockery, Glassware, Chafing Dishes,

Ice Sculptures, to Large Sound Sys-

tems and spectacular lighting. Call

Andrea 9606 2222 for Catering and

Croyden 9623 5555 for Sound & Light.


E-mail: info@tunesoman.com


Tenders are invited for used light vehicles / Construction equipments & Scrap for sale. Those interested in participating may

For further information please contact 99475367 / 99473260

The last date of submission of tenders shall not be later than 1200 hrs on Sunday, 18th October 2015.

600 SQT commercial flat for rent

opposite Oman flourmill Darsait

more details. Contact: 91214849/


Villa for rent in Wadi Kabir.

Contact: 95562646

Villa in Arjan complex near Seeb

stadium 4BHK, 1 living room,

1 majles, 1 extra room in ground

floor. Contact 93219597

Al Mawalh villa for rent

17 bedrooms, all attached toilet, 2

big hall, 1 big kitchen, outside 1 kitch-

en 1 PVT room near (Mac Donald).

Contact: 99654252 /95566475

1BHK flat spilt with A/C Al Khu-

wair, 230/-. Contact: 99358589 /


400 sq mtrs Commercial/Residen-

tial land in Mabela Phase 5 Block 2.

OMR 155 Thousand. Tel: 99333479

or 95215360

2,688 sq mtrs commercial land in

MBD North. OMR 1.39 Million.

Tel: 99333479 or 95215360

For sale 8 Apartments (Total area

850 SQM approximate) in “Bait Al

Noor” occupying two full floors

(7th and 8th floors). The building

is opposite to GMC car showroom

facing the main road (Sultan Qaboos

Road). Excellent location for best

visibility of signboard

for any corporate.

Contact 94194071 for details.

DAILY GUIDED4 M O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5


Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624













Omani driver with heavy license

send CV to jobtech42@gmail.com.

Contact: 98813893

We require Omani driver with valid

visa, Cont: 92680323/91425640.

Wanted driver. Contact 91025698

Looking Office and House Driver. Contact: +968 96339339



Urgently require male and female Nurses preferably with MOH license

or prometric pass with 60% and

above for a reputed polyclinic in

Muscat. Send your CV to hrhospital-


Medical CARE Centre, Al Seeb,

requires General Practitioners and

Pharmacist, Please Mail CV- sarita_

h23@yahoo.com or call 97884856.

Wanted Staff Nurses (female) with

or without license for a poly clinic

near Sohar. Excellent salary and ac-

commodation. Contact – 99006915/

Email – alhinaee.clinic@yahoo.com

Required a Female Staff Nurse with

MOH license for a high class

dermatology center in Barka (Mus-

cat). Interested candidates places

send your CV to


Indian Pediatrician required for

reputed medical centre in Dubai.

Proffered DHA passed candidate,

send CV: nafuaehr@gmail.com

Private dental clinic in Buraimi city need a Dentist have practice

license in Oman. Contact -98379121

Musicians/Sales staff for Musical

Instruments & Pro-Audio showroom.

Experienced Sound & Light

Professionals for Live Events.

Please send your detailed C.V. to:




Urgently required GRP foreman

with minimum 5 years experience.

Contact: 99382174

Civil diploma holder with driving

license for a construction company.

Contact: 99169512

Civil Engineer min 10yr experience.

Send your CV to


Required by grade excellent

construction co. well experienced

Civil Site Engineer. Please send the resume.

Email: excelgrd123@gmail.com

Sales Engineer: Mechanical Engi-

neering holder with 2-4 years’ Exp.

in Sales, preferably in Metal fabrica-

tion Company. Omani D/L is a must.

Contact: recruitment747@gmail.com

Instrumentation & controls Techni-cian with 2-3 years experience

preferably in water sector and hav-

ing valid driving license Send CV to

shiju@spec-link.com or call

Ph:+968 99450811

Wanted female Gynecologist, female

Staff Nurse – 2 no., Dental Asst, female

Lab Tech from India or Filipino with

MOH license & data flow for Al Saadi

Specialized Medical Centre in Mussana.

Contact 92025033, dr.srinivas76@gmail.com

WANTEDCivil Engineer (Building Construction)

2 Nos

Qualification: BE in Civil Engineering

Electro Mechanical Engineer (Building

Services)1 No.

Qualification: BE in Electrical or

Mechanical Engineering

Send detailed resume to




Architect with bachelor degree 4

years experience in architectural de-

sign (interior & exterior) professional

in (3D Max- Archicad - AutoCAD -

Photoshop). Contact 96041201

Email: amer.yousfan@gmail.com

Indian Trailer Driver holding

Omani driving license with release

letter. Contact: 99462980

Part Time Accounting, Business

Management Consultancy, Accounts

Finalization, Audit Preparation, Inter-

nal Audit, Accounting System for New

Companies, Contact: 96975454,

email :ibfc.gcc@gmail.com

Sr. accountant M.com (finance) 2

yrs in Oman seeking suitable place-

ment NOC Available with immediate

joining. Contact: 92404608

Email: jin_75@rediffmuil.com

Accountant Pakistani male age 29

yrs MBA banking & finance having

4 years Oman experience seeking

suitable placement driving license.

Contact: 95089565

Indian Chartered Accountant

having 7 year experience in MIS,

Budgeting, Taxation, ERP, Cost

Accounting, Liasing with Big 4 Audi-

tors, Cash Flow etc. working as Asst.

Manager - Finance. NOC Available;

contact: igneshmlazar@gmail.com /


Part time accountant services from

senior accountant M.com 15 years

Oman exp. Contact: 97441960

Indian male B.Tech, MBA MNC ex-

perience looking for finance profile.

Contact : 96891640545

Sir Lankan accountant having AAT

qualification and 5 years experience

seeking replacement NOC available.

Contact: 94546160

Email: pereradilipa@gmail.com

Master degree commune (M.COM)

it older looking for an accountant /

sales job in Oman new in visit visa.

Contact: 95160805/91236665

Accountant Indian Male having 12+

years experience (6years in Oman)

up to finalization & Expert in Tally

ERP 9, Focus, MS Office. Seeks suit-

able position in accounts, finance or

admin can join immediately contact

& whatsup 98550041

Email qadeer7g@yahoo.com

Finance controller 15years experi-

ence in Oman contracting , con-

sultancy, oil & gas , IT , tourism ,

management accounts, ERP, feasibil-

ity, study , business strategy, project

financing , international trade ,

ETC. Contact: 98571309 Certified Public Accountant, Filipino Male 26 years old, Bachelor

of Science in Accountancy with 5

yrs. of experience now on visit visa.

Looking for suitable opening.

Contact: +968 91409308

Email: kennethalcedo07@gmail.com

Male 24 yrs MBA in marketing

fiancé seeking immediate place-

ment. Contact: 96112920


experience, 6 yrs Oman in manu-

facturing, trading & contracting Cos,

capable of handling all accounting,

finance, banking, L/C, import, export

& finalization seeks placement.

NOC Available. Call+968-98932752,


Indian male B.Com Graduate with

2+ years experience in Accounts &

Administration looking for a suitable

placement. Contact: 96923391

Accountant Indian male having

12+ years of experience in accounts

& finance having knowledge of tally

seeking suitable opportunity.

Contact: 92984019


having not less than 5 years similar experience in Oman,

and good exposure in the market to get projects.

Please Send your CV to rcligsay@asasoman.net,amiprojects@gmail.com

Fax: 24498480 Ph no: 24493866 / 24490277

Required Teachers for kinder-

garten & elementary B.A. + B.Ed +

experience. Contact: 24705605

from 8 am to 1pm


Required Sales Executive 2 - 3

years’ OMAN experience in corporate

sales preferably in office and busi-

ness supplies such as stationery, IT

Consumables. Experience of meeting

business owners, IT and purchasing

decision makers. Ability to make

appointments with the decision

makers. OMAN driving license. To

apply – Please mail Resume:


Indian Salesman required for print-

ing press with minimum 3 years

experience and should have knowl-

edge of English – Hindi language

with GCC driving license.

Contact: 96917952

Email: swapneelbhatt@gmail.com

Primed International is looking for experienced sales executives having strong background of digital

and print media. Send your CVs at


contract on 91391801

Required Sales man, Tailor and Barber. Contact: 96964767


For the sale of Building Material,

with 5-7 years experience in GCC, holding a

valid Omani driving license.

Email: migc.vacancies@gmail.com

Indian female, Masters in HR,

having 4 + years Oman experience

in media management and HR, look-

ing for openings in HR, Education,

Admin, Corporate communications.

Contact 98252030

Indian male with 20 years in Oman

in the field of language institute

(admin registrar, Acct clerk) seeking

a suitable position NOC available.

Contact: 96553961

Email: u.m.sulfi@gmail.com

Planner administrator 10 years

experience in oil and gas.

Contact: 90375369

Email: merapak123@yahoo.com

Qualification B.com accounting

BE mechanical engineer course

completed experience 17 years HR

administration, parches store,

quality assurance.

Contact: 93820512 Email:


Indian female M.Tech electron-

ics IELTS 6.5 experience in VLSI

project training seeks placement in

education / training / Admin field in

family visa now. Contact: 90195131

Email: chinj.89@gmail.com

MBA graduate seeking a suitable

position in/as Administration/Secre-

tary/Front office. Contact 94627227

Indian Female, MBA-HR having 8+

experience in Administration/HR,

Customer Support, Office Coordina-

tor with good Computer skill, Now

on Visit Visa, looking for suitable

position. Contact: 90196235

10 years Gulf & 4 years Oman

experience in HR / Admin & logistics

fluent in Arabic / English with D/L

looking for suitable position.

Contact 95824598

Young Indian Male with post

graduate UK degree in business ad-

min, 4 years Oman experience in

administration & purchase in

electromechanical/civil contracting

company. NOC available. Possess

valid Oman Driving License.

Contact: 94400671

Indian Female MBA, 3yrs Exp.in

Admin, Operations, Business

Development, MS Office skills#



Indian male MBA- UK 18 yrs Gulf

exp in Administration/ HR & Public

relationship. Fluent in Arabic/ Eng-

lish with D/L. Looking for suitable

position. Contact - 99897280

HR/ Recruitment specialist with

8 years Oman experience in entire

gamut of HR functions like resource

planning , recruitment , HR policies

& procedures, performing appraisal,

expatriate affairs , exit interviews &

ticketing. Contact 93825307

Email: javthath@rediffmail.com

Looking for s

and Sales Engineers with experience in

earthmoving equipments, cruchers, quarry & mining

industry. Email:


JUNIOR ACCOUNTANTA reputed legal fi rm in Oman is

looking for fi lling the position urgently.

graduate with working knowledge in Ms. Excel

maintaining accounts till fi nalization

and work cordially as a team Interested candidates should send their resumes with a covering letter

to - hr@alalawico.com

A leading institution in Muscat requires a Teacher for Indian

Classical Dance. The candidate

should be well qualified and

experienced. Send your resume to


Shipping company in Oman requires Sales Executives for Muscat Exp in shipping industry

& D/L preferred.

Contact: 97990844/ Email:


A leading trading group is looking

for outdoor Sales Coordinator with

driving license & release / NOC &

female office assistant. Email: CV to


or fax: 24701683

Required experienced car spare parts counter Sales Executive for a trading company at

Wadi Kabir. Contact 24811999 Send resume to


Wanted Urgently for Contractor Civil Engineer (Road Construction).

Quantity Surveyor. Land Surveyor

Accountant. Please send your CV to


Accountant, Indian Male, 15 Years

experience (8 years in Oman with

Driving License & NOC) seeks suit-

able placement,

Contact 94117616, 91238272

Email: praveen78oman@gmail.com

Chief Accountant 25 years experi-

enced, for the last 7 years working

as Chief Accountant seeks immedi-

ate placement.

Contact: 95598477/98803439

Male accountant 5 years experience

2 years in Indian & 3 years in Oman,

NOC available B.com PG accounting

tally E.R.P, looking suitable

placement. Contact: 92780167

Accountant Indian female having

5 years exp in finalization, audit and

administration in GCC presently in

Muscat seeking suitable position.

Contact 97323574

Email: sreeja@236@gmail.com

Indian lady, bachelor degree in

Preparatory Programme (BPP) and

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom),

completed training course in MS

Word, Excel, Power Point and Out-

look from KTI looking for full time /

part time job opportunity in Oman.

Contact 92437568, 96795853,

Email: linda_navs@yahoo.com

Indian female 5+ yrs Oman exp in

Accounts tally looking for suitable

placement in W.K to Qurum area.

Contact: 95580416



92325542 | 93657915 | 91321880engominst@gmail.com

We require Male/Female Omani Administrator (Front Office)

with valid visa,

Cont: 92680323/91425640.


Chinese/ Arab/ shwamar cook & helper wanted. Contact 95529970

Omani receptionist required receptionist, well presented with

excellent communications skills

and telephone manner, fluent in

Arabic and English required for

Ruwi office candidates should

be familiar with Ms English and

Arabic office suite.

Send CV and covering email to


Mason, 3-4 yrs in fitting tiles,

bathroom fittings i.e. bathtub,

shower tray & WC with plaster-

ing. Trade certificate is required.

Contact: 24813822

Accountant, Indian Male, 24 yrs,

B. Com Graduate 1 year experience

as Accountant in India. Now on

visit visa seeks suitable placement.

Contact 94129716;


Part time Accountant services

available to handle all accounts

related work up to finalization on

monthly basis.

Contact: 96247295

Sr. accountant Indian 10 years expe-

rience in Oman , capable to handling

all accounting functions and knowl-

edge of tally ERP9 can be joined

immediately release (visa transfer)

available. Contact: 94134085

Email: muscatoman95@yahoo.com

Sudanese, Masters degree in

Economics, 8 years experience in

procurement and finance.

Contact: 94524060

B.SC Hons (finance & accounts) hav-

ing 2 years experience in accounts,

male looking for suitable job on visit

visa. Contact: 91420128

Indian Male, Chartered Account-

ant and Cost Accountant, CISA

from USA, 25 Years of experi-

ence, 10 Years in Dubai, Seeking

Job in Accounts, Finance, Audit,

Banking, Project IT etc. Contact

Pawan Gupta on 00971504273221,


E mail address is

pawan.praind@gmail.com and

website is www.pawanpraind.com

Chief Accountant, 12 years Oman

experienced looking for suitable

placement. Contact: 99513082

Experience part time Accountant

in management, accounts, finance

audit tax. Contact: 95857199

CMA & CIA professional Finance Manager with 10 years middle east-

ern experience, inclusive of Mana-

gerial experience with leading F&B

companies. For further information,

kindly Contact: + 971566561199

Email: babar_shabir@hotmail.com

Indian male MBA , 2 years experi-

ence visit visa , seeking placement.

Contact: 90196322

the following Vacancies:

with at least 3 years’ experienceDebt Collector with Omani Driving License.Web Designer preference for Omani Candidates

Send CV to mctjobs@gmail.com

Lab technician for a clinic in

Muttrah. Contact: 99330385

Required licensed lady G.P .or Gynecologist male Asst. Pharma-cist, lab technician for a clinic in

Salalah. Contact: 93129219 Email:


A reputed Wellness Center is look-

ing for MOH licensed or Prometric Passed Physiotherapist, Nurse and Occupational therapy. Please send your CV to :


Omani / Expats, male / female required for gift articles shop with

minimum 2 years experience and

should have knowledge of MS Office

English & Arabic language.

Contact 96917952

Email: swapneelbhatt@gmail.com

Required Marketing Executive, 2 yrs experience. Contact 91120552

DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 D5





24 years Indian female MSC -

Biotechnology 1 year exp.in clinical

microbiology, worked in ICRISAT

for project work as Trainee, looking

for suitable job. Contact: 92619048

Email: anusreeg1991@gmail.com

Indian male 38 years , 17 years ex-

perience in Oman with valid Oman

2 wheeler license and own bike

Seeks position as (office – assistant)

messenger / courier.

Contact: 92287226

Sir Lankan male , 27 years ,

pursuing MBA, having 4 yrs retail

industry experience in operations

customer services, training and

development as an executive in

looking for suitable placement

currently in Oman on visit.

Contact: 98445287 Email:









Bachelors’ hotel Mgmt 10 years

experience seeking vacancy

FMCG or hospitality NOC and GCC

D/L. Contact: 94525463

Indian male/31yrs with hotel

management degree, 03 yrs

experience in F&B services at

5 star hotel Dubai & 05 yrs in

American 6 star cruise liner as

Butler. Has Oman driving license.

Contact no 91135371

Dutch male qualified commer-

cial pilot (Faa-ME-IR certified) is

looking for job openings in middle

east. rutjestom@outlook.com

MBA (marketing) with 17 years

experience in freight forwarding/

logistics industry in GCC & Oman.

Presently working as branch manag-

er in Muscat. Looking for a suitable

position. Release and NOC available.

Contact: 99856331

Manager MBA (Finance) 13+ yrs

experience in Oman with knowledge

of finance admin purchase logistics

costing looking for suitable position

with D/L. Contact : 93826090

Email: jskanchan01@gmail.com

Indian male, 24 Mechanical en-

gineer having good knowledge in

HVAC looking for suitable place-

ment. Contact: 95434381 Email:


B.sc Civil Engineer 8 years experi-

ence including 6 years in Oman hav-

ing D/L seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 98475572

Email: kkholifa@yahoo.com

Indian lady master bachelor degree

computer science & engineering 2

yrs experience project trainee seek-

ing suitable job. Contact: 94528019

Email: indhu10101291@gmail.com

Indian male 22 yrs B.Tech me-

chanical engineer seeks suitable

placement as sales / procurement/

project engineer. Contact: 96618390

Sudanese Electrical Engineer. Contact: 97452159 Email:


Indian Male, Mechanical Engineer

having 1year experience, on visit

visa looking for suitable job.


Email: jovinmathias@gmail.com

Indian male 24, B.E. Civil Eng’g with

2 years experience as Structural

Engineer looking for suitable job in

Muscat. 97355352

B.E (EEE) 4 years experience as an

MEP site Engineer. Contact: 96649586

Email: sattarali863@yahoo.in

BRT 4 years job experience

physiotherapist looking for. Contact:

96649586 / +919704178267

Email : sarwarbpt85@gmail.com

Young Indian Male electrical

engineer having 1.4 yrs of experi-

ence in India, currently on visit-

ing visa. Looking for placement.

Mob.93924395, Email:


Electrical Engineer Indian Male

2.5Years Experience Looking for

suitable Job. Contact: 91845173



Mechanical, MBA-Mktg) - 6yrs expe-

rience in Industrial Products and

Services with NOC and GCC Driving

License looking for the challenging

opportunities. Join immediately.

GSM: 94596639


Electronics and communication

Engineer B.Tech Indian male (23)

having 1 year experience CCNA,

MCSA trained seeking suitable job

currently on visit visa.

Contact: 00968 91282138

Email: aashirfathah@gmail.com

Sudanese male Mechanical

Engineer 7 years experience (HVAC,

fighting, energy) PMP certificate.

Contact: 97986890

Indian lady 25 electrical engi-

neer with a dynamic and vibrant

personality seeks employment

opportunities in Muscat has worked

for 3 years in tendering & fascina-

tion department. Contact: 97710156

Email: deepthikaron@gmail.com

Electrical (MEP) Engineer (diploma) having 16 years (6 years

in Oman ) in MEP site experience

civil & MEP procurement and MEP

QS NOC available cable to join im-

mediate. Contact: 96533493

Civil Engineer 7 years experience,

Driving license, NOC available.

Contact - 98078095

Kerala Electrical Technician fore-

man (4y) cum storekeeper (6 yrs). Contact: 93563744

Experienced Diesel Generator

Mechanic seeks well placement.

Contact: 97278343

Civil Engineer having 2 years & 8

month experience in Oman, looking

for a suitable placement.

D/L available. Contact: 94450270

HSE Engineer, 27 Indian B Engg

mechanical , Nebosh IGC 5 years

experience on tourist visa.

Contact: 94135234

Medical Lab Technologist 5 years

experience willing to work in Oman.

Contact: 97007930

Road and construction Engineer

with 5 years exp in Oman.

Contact: 97646908

Mechanical Engineer (B.Tech),

Engineering Management Gradu-

ate (Masters), 3 years experience in

Diesel power plants with valid Oman

Driving license. On visit visa seeking

for a suitable role. Contact: 91140522

Email: nitinjkoshy2@gmail.com



Indian female General Nurse with

3 yrs exp with Oman prometric 63%

looking for a suitable placement.

Currently on visit visa staying in

Sohar. Contact: 94493227

Email: subirinson@gmail.com

Indian female dentist pro-

metric cleared seeking suit-

able openings in Muscat. Contact:


Staff Nurse (B.Sc nursing) male

Indian, 25 yr old, having 3 years

experience with prometric 64%&

cleared data flow, seeking suitable

placement. Contact: 94035637

Indian Female Dentist with 7 year

experience in MOH seeks suitable

placement preferably in Muscat

region. Contact : 94003843

Driver job wanted please.

Contact: 96393082

Driver with car looking for job.

Contact: 96692774

5 years exp Light vehicle driver.

Contact: 93015630

Experienced Light Duty Driver,

Fluent in English, Arabic Well

knowledge of Oman Areas Seeking

Suitable placement 97950869

Driver 10 years experience Oman

3 years company will give release

knows English, Hindi, Arabic &

Nepalese. Contact: 95897233 /


Driver (light & heavy duty) valid

gulf /Indian) looking job.

Contact: 95175192

Experience light vehicle driver

available. Contact: 94141925

Bangladesh driver looking for job.

Contact: 98503237

Light driver, looking for job.

Contact: 98372745/99090362

Bangladeshi male light vehicle

driver with 2 yrs exp looking for job.

Contact: 93761597

Bangladeshi driver need job.

Contact : 97106424

Searching heavy / light driver job

with Qatar and Saudi GCC license.

Has 8 years of experience in Qatar

readymix and Almarai Company,

Saudi Arabia. Contact: 96080988

Light driver. Contact: 95084826



AutoCAD d/ man 7 years exp in

GRC gypsum marble.

Contact: 96967862

Indian female 25 diplomas in

fashion designing seeking place-

ment. Contact: 97412132

25 years male BA. English , Quali-

fied as mast in digital animation

having 5 yrs ex in character anima-

tion specialized Auto Desk mago and

motion building software knowl-

edge, seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 97917357

Creative Designer with 8+ years

experience in web, graphic, video

editing, outsourcing looking for a

suitable placement in a reputed

company. Contact 97276004

9 years exp body fitter and electric

welder for job. Contact: 93015630

Looking for job, steel, fabricator &

helper. Contact : 93015630

Mason, SH / carpenter, steel fitter

gulf & Indian exp looking job.

Contact: 95175192

Electrician, plumber (exp gulf /

Indian) looking job.

Contact: 95175192

Looking for job, Mason, carpenter,

election and helper.

Contact: 93015630


25 years male M.B.A qualified exec-

utive looking for sales & marketing

job well experienced on visit visa for

one month which will expire on 8 /

DEC/ 2015. Contact: 93189290

Sales & marketing professional

with 10 years woks experience in

UAE / Oman, working in a 4 star

hotel & 5 star airlines, valid driving

license, NOC available on visit visa.

Contact: 95544612

Indian male Twelve years sales

experience FMCG Industry, AS sales

man having valid driving license

looking for the suitable placement

immediately NOC available.

Contact: 99735501

Looking for a job, I have two years

experience now, visiting visa for 3

months looking in accounts sales,

admin, Arabic fluency in typing

speaking writing, with show my

talent please do needful. Contact:

+968-97240204 /968- 95770412

Email: dmethaju@gmail.com

Looking for Senior Sales Engineer

job having 11 years of experience in

automobile and civil material

testing equipment sales having

GCC license. Contact 94137387/


Indian male 22 years B.com gradu-

ate, looking for a job, particularly in

sales, currently in Oman an family

visa and also possess a valid Oman

driving license. Contact: 9854698

Indian male MBA Marketing

and HR B.com Graduate 8 months

experience in Indian seeking suit-

able placement, currently visit visa.

Contact: 91987119

Indian male looking part / full time

marketing job with driving license,

fluent English job visa.

Contact: 94742666s

Indian male 31 yrs MBA

(Marketing) having more 7 years

experience in marketing &

distribution in frozen food / FMCG.

Contact: 94143370

Female Indian 27 yrs, MBA ( gold

medalist) having more than 5 years

exp as a coordinator of sales &

marketing , operations , billing &

payment follow up of IT / Electronic

products, knowledge of ERP.

Contact: 97242901

Indian Male-MBA Marketing

13 years experience seeking

suitable placement in any sectors

call: 92009780

Email: zamannoor1978@gmail.com

Sales / Marketing in charge /

manager 15 years exp in consumer

goods with visa D/L.

Contact: 90205082

Experienced marketing executive

with Oman D/L seeks well place-

ment. Contact: 97278343

Male, MBA Graduate with 3 years

experience in Sales & Marketing on

visiting visa looking for job.

Contact: 93242927

Marketing Executive MBA 3 years

experience in Sales looking for suit-

able placement. Contact: 91345727

B.Tech Mechanical Engineer, Indian M, having 1.5 years experi-

ence in steel fabrication, AutoCAD &

MEP looking for suitable placement.

Contact|: 90154793

Email: sangu.vazhoor@gmail.com

Indian female M.Tech (electrical

power system) having gulf experi-

ence in family visa seeking suitable

placements in Oman.

Contact: 91001194 /94306164

Indian male 23 bachelors degree in

electrical engineering having 1 year

experience on visiting visa looking

for suitable job ( certificate attested).

Contact: 93547687

Email: ajay.v.s.prabhu@gmai.com

Civil Engineer 8 years experience

in Oman as a project engineer for

governmental & private projects.

Contact – 90164912

Indian male 27 yrs M.Tech

mechanical engineering (energy

engineering) and HVAC diploma

holder , 4 years exp , seeking suit-

able placements currently on visit.

Contact: 98791735

Email: anilengandiyur@gmail.com Engineer from India with exp in Ger-

man company seeking opportunities

in procurement/manufacturing/

QC/Fleet Management/automotive

services/Total 6 years exp-

Contact: 91306841

email: shanyphilip23@gmail.com

Electrical Engineer B.Tech Indian

male 26 having 4 experiences

currently on express visa.

Contact: 91229832

Email: kpabhijith@gmail.com

Mechanical Engineer (UK),

28 years old male, looking for suit-

able placement with 4 years experi-

enced and with valid Oman driving

license, NOC available immediate

availability. Contact: +96897612297

Email: engrmirza1786@gmail.com

Indian male 25 years, B-Tech Gradu-

ate with two years experience in

Oman as Civil Engineer in a reputed

construction company. Looking for

suitable jobs. Resident card will ex-

pired on 06-01-2016.NOC available.

Seeking immediate placements.

Contact: 96179737/97076972,


Electrical Engineer 13 years experi-

ence HV/ LV in Oman 5 years, Oman

valid D/L to NOC.

Contact: + 0091- 9946570903

Email: shibualukka@gmail.com Ref:

no-Oman 97095094

Indian male B.Tech electrical 2

years experience seeks placement.

Contact: 93570984

Email: arunprasad7883@gmail.com

Civil Engineer (diploma) 4years

experience one years in Oman seek-

ing job with NOC. Contact 97472737

/ 9678971

Omani Mechanical Engineer/ GPA-3.49 graduated in 2013.

GSM#95276154 / 99201710

B tech Mechanical Engineer, Indian

male, 33 yrs, having 10 yrs Exp

includes 6 yrs in GCC, Having Oman

D/L. Seeking Suitable placement. #

96978380, prajithks@gmail.com.

Mechanical Engineer M.tech 2

years experience HVAC design

Engineer Revet MEP, AutoCAD.

Contact: 90150913 Email:


Civil Engineer 6 years experience

in materials & structural valid D/L

3 yrs supervision work in Oman.

Contact: 96086214

M.S.C HSE Engineer 8 yrs experi-

ence in oil & gas fields, hold N.D.T

level 2 Master in Radiation

protection. Contact: 95058541

Net work Engineer with experience

degree in computer science, CCNA,

MCSA. Contact: 92346191

Software Programmer, 6 yrs exp

in software projects & development

(Java,PL/SQL Unix) on visit visa.

Contact: 99487493

Oracle ADF Developer: Msc (IT), 2

yrs of Experience in Software De-

velopment (Oracle ADF, sql, pl/sql),

Oracle OCA & SQL Expert, Currently

on visit visa. Contact :

+968 93755858 / 92141644. Email :


Network Professional, CCNP with

6 years experience and Bachelors

degree on visit visa looking for

suitable job. Contact: 96760618,


IT Indian male B.Tech computers,

networking 1 years experience in

Database support on visit.

Contact: 96376061

Email: diaz1992@outlook.com

Male 26 years , BSc IT with years

4 years experience , currently on

visit visa looking for any IT support

job. Knowledge of hardware & net

working, environment, program-

ming languages, Linux environ-

ment. Contact: + 968 95369856

/968 24781651 Email:


Indian male , IT professional,

8 yrs experience including GCC in

windows server, computer hard-

ware, networking & office adminis-

tration seeking suitable placement.

Contact 95994227

Male, 31 years, M.I.T, CCNA, 9

years exp in Qatar as assistant IT

manager, network administrator,

server management and knowledge

of developing website, Qatar D/L.

Contact: 0097477237607,

00968 97683849


Hardware & net working, 2 years

exp. Contact: 96244031

Indian male B.Tech Eng IT, CCNA,

MCITP, RHCE 3years experience.

Contact: 93311963

Email: sajal035@gmail.com

Cooks (Arabic Indian) gulf exp

looking job. Contact: 99531802


Indian female BED, BCA & IELTS Cer-

tified with 5 yr U.A.E exp & 6 months

Oman exp in teaching primary &

secondary looking for a teachers job

Email: rani_sweet786@live.com

Indian female B.Sc Maths, B.Ed, PGDCA , having 5 years

experience in teaching 2 years

experience in office work looking for

suitable job on visit visa.

Contact: 92594844/95705724

Pakistani, light driver looking job

exp, 4 years. Contact: 96346582

Sales Manager modular kitchen &

furniture, 46 years Indian.

Contact 94522616

Purchase experienced 8 years in

Construction Company Indian male

45 yrs, release & D/L available.

Contact: 90268183 / 96987234

17 years Gulf experience in Pur-

chasing / logistic and Import, export

with valid driving license in Oman.

NOC available. Contact: 97829152

Marketing Executive/Merchan-

diser, Omani License, BA 8 years

Experience in Multinational Groups.

Contact 97601343


Indian male, BE (ECE), 18 months

experience in telecom field as BTS

Installation & commissioning engi-

neer, trouble shooting the BTS, 3G &

4G equipments, currently on visit.

Contact 95183497,

email : v.karthi984@gmail.com

Construction machinery repairs

Engineer, 4 years experience with

driving license. Contact 94001961

Electrical Engineer: Indian male 29

years, having 5 years of experience

in industrial automation and utility

maintenance in India (MRF Tyres),

seeking suitable placement.

Contact: 92789995

Email: akhilabrahamlktr@gmail.com

Sudanese Geologist 3 years experi-

ence in mining and geotechnical.

Contact : 97612807

Male Accountant Indian, B.com,

2 Year experience currently

working in Oman. NOC available,

doing accounts in Tally and Excel

searching for suitable Job. Email:

contactanand31@gmail.com /

91894487, 98789958

Indian male B.Eng. in IT, MCSA,

MCSE, 3yrs exp. in IT support,

valid Omani D/L seeking suitable

placement in IT/Network/Server

support. Contact 92607532

Indian Mechanical Engineer (16

Yrs Exp), Knowledgeable in Moni-

toring of workshop setup, Work-

shop run, Business Development,

ISO certification, Quotation, Tender,

Account verification, Sohar Area,

Mb. 94215208’

Indian male, 27 BSC nurse 4.5

years experience in India. Pro metric

passed with 61% Data flow process-

ing, ACLS, BLS passed. Now on visit

visa. Mob: 98926621, 94361049

e-mail: shemeermk@gmail.com

Electrical Engineer, B-Tech, with

4 Yrs experience in India, 3 YEARS

IN MRF and one year in KSEB.

Available on Visit Visa.

Contact: 94741401 :Email:


Sudanese male...telecom engineer

11 yrs. exp in IT support, Network-

ing, Security systems, Server

support, IT sales and marketing,

management .Seeking suitable

placement. Contact 91182027

31 years, Indian male PG in HR

, with 5 yrs Professional experi-

ence in HR in Construction Oil &

Gas Oman seeking for a suitable

placement(NOC Available).

Contact me on 93488914, email-



graduate have good experience in

architect programs, auto-cad 3d

max ,sketch up , Photoshop ,sketch

up, searching for a job full time or

part time, for Contact : 97482871

Indian male, 36 years old. More

than 12 years of Oman experience

in office boy and store keeper

filed can speak Arabic (excellent),

understand English, Hindi, Malay-

alam etc. Contact: 95060792

26 yrs male, MBA, 3+ years experi-

ence in Administration in MNC,

seeks suitable placement.

Contact 95041201

Email: noyel55@gmail.com

Logistics, shipping & receiving

and supply chain expert: Sudanese

Canadian with 8 yrs experience in

DHL/ loomiss xp Canada. Contact:


Keralite with NOC/DL seek BDM

Position. Contact- 96795603

The Business Development Man-ager, Iraqi, Experience 15 Years

Inside and outside Oman following

activities: tenders& real estate&

construction & marketing projects&

investments& transportation & Ma-

rine services& companies manage-

ment& develop business.

Contact :- 92385033

Civil Engineer B.tech with iosh

nebosh certification having valid

Omani driving license, looking for

suitable job in Oman.

Contact: 93631625

Indian male, 4 years of experi-

ence in Structured cabling, ter-

mination and Fiber optic splicing.

Looking for a suitable Placement.

NOC available. GSM- 92484039,

Email –rajaveer8989@gmail.com

Indian Female, 35years, Bach-

elor of Pharmacy (BPharm)

fresh graduate with BSc and MA

looking for positions in Front

Office,administration office, or

any suitable positions in hospital,

polyclinic, companies or Institu-

tions. Contact 90236481

Advertising/media executive

with 15 years gulf experience with

oman driving license. Seeks good

opening. 93031168.

Admin, having 10+ years experi-

ence in Admin/HR/Logistics/

Time Keeper, in reputed com-

panies. Presently working in

Muscat. #968 94369965,mail -


Chemical Engineer, Indian, 2

years of exp in industrial produc-

tion, seeking suitable placement.

contact 91247222

Indian male 25 years, MBA finance

and marketing with tally have 1.3

year experience in India. Now in

Oman on visit visa. #97445488

DAILY GUIDED6 M O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5




B.Tech (Electrical & Electronic)

with MBA in marketing having

9 years of experience seeking

a suitable position as Sales &

Marketing/Business Development

executive. Contact-(97043494)

Indian female dentist prometric

cleared seeking suitable openings

in Muscat.# 95585807, 92880267

Indian Male more than 10 years

gulf experience in Office / Sales

Coordinator, Admin, Secretarial

and purchase with good computer

skills. Having Driving license and

NOC available. Looking for suita-

ble placement. Contact: 95149624


male, Graduate & CA Article ship

completed. 18 Years of experience.

Currently on visiting visa. seeks

suitable placement.

Contact: 97498809, 98569025,

Email: hilariankj@gmail.com

Indian male, B.E. mechanical, 16

yrs experience, for Quotation, Ten-

der, Accounts, Business develop-

ment, Sohar Area, Part Time. Mb.


9 years experience in construc-

tion Purchase seeking suitable

placement immediately, NOC

available. Contact: 97332401

Digital marketing / ad words/

analytics / SEO expert, exp 5 yrs

(male) certified) , (visit visa).

Contact: 93594114 (visit visa).

Email: abeyre@gmail.com

Hotel exp 4 years F+ B (service)

visit visa expires 13/11/2015,

B.A Hotel Management. Contact:

91987013 / 96971643 Email:


Kerala Electrical Technician, foreman cum Storekeeper (Electri-

cal). Contact: 93563744

Civil Engineer B.Tech with Iosh,

Nebosh certification having valid

Omani driving license looking for

suitable job. Contact: 93631625

Mechanical Engineer (UK), 28

years, male having 3.5 years

experience, looking for suitable

placement with valid Oman driv-

ing license NOC available.

Immediate availability

Contact: +968 97612297

Email: ymirza11@caledonian.ac.uk

BE Mechanical Engineer, 23

years, Indian male on visit avail-

able for immediate placement

please contact: 96145820 or


Sales/marketing, Indian male 35,

years, having13 years experience,

in that 6 years experience of KSA

seeks for suitable placement, on

visit visa contact: 95954786,



Sudanese / civil engineering Di-

ploma / 5 years experience / deal

with most popular computer pro-

grams / good in English / fluent in

Arabic. Contact: 96995670

Accountant , Indian (Kerala) male,

more than 09 years experience in

Qatar (02 years) and New Delhi

experience upto finalization of

Accounts & expertise in using Tally

ERP-9, MS Office (Word & Excel).

Currently on visit visa, seeking suit-

able placement. Contact: 97864890

/ 97268429

Email: vinodthomas80@gmail.com

Young 24 yrs, ACCA affiliate ,

advanced diploma in Accounting

business, seeking suitable place-

ment in accounts finance or audit

with valid driving license.

Contact: 92430152

Email: rau_day@yahoo.com


years, ACCA UK finalist with 4

years experience in accounting &

audit in Pakistan, now in Muscat

on visit visa seeking suitable

placement. Contact 90197029,


Indian male 26 years, 4 years

experience as system and network

engineer. B. Tech graduate.

Looking for suitable opening.



Indian male 23yr BA TTM(Travel

and Tourism Management) with

Advanced Diploma in Supply

Chain Logisitics and Shipping

Management, exp in Logisit-

ics (CHA) seeking in suitable

placement, currently on visit

visa(Oman) contact;90291092


Senior Accountant ,NOC

avaliable,5yr.exp.in oman,

Accounting upto finalisation,

computer skills tally9, Sage

ERP accpac 500(6.0A), Vcams ,

Audit ,valid oman driving licence,

languages known english , ara-

bic, hindi. can join immediately.

Tel: (+968) 96339599, E-mail-


Part time accountant, senior

accountant, doing all type of ac-

counting works, up to finalization.


Indian Diploma Engineer, NEBOSH Qualified with valid oman

D/L, Seeks placement in HSE.

Contact: 97066980 Indian male, 1 Year Experience in

Logisitics (CHA) field. Qualifica-

tion BA Travel and Tourism Man-

agement with Advanced Diploma

in Supply Chain Logisitics and

Shipping Management. Currently

On Visit Visa Oman, seeks suitable

placement. Contact :90291092

B.E. Electronics Engineer, Indian

male 22 years, seeking suitable job,

currently on visit visa.

Contact 99226928,

E mail : sanath301@gmail.com

BSC (Hons) Civil Engineer with

Oman work experience and valid

driving license looking for im-

mediate placement in consultancy

or construction firm currently on

visit visa. Contact: 91181680

Indian male having 11 yrs experi-

ence 4 yrs in Oman in purchase,

stores & logistics, having valid

Omani D/L and N.O.C in Hand, look-

ing for suitable position any where

in Oman. Contact : 92369700

Indian male, 22 yrs, BBA, Travel

& tourism brought up in Muscat,

seeks suitable placement in

Sales & Marketing.

Contact 93519369

Engineer- Mechanical 4 years

experience looking for vocational


mechanical engineer jobs.

Contact : 95598477/93211870,

Email: rajeesh4me@gmail.com

Indian male 33 yrs, BCA ,10 years

experience (India & Oman) IT

Support, System administrator/

Supervisor looking for suitable

Job. Contact 95448561.

Male 25 years, B.E. Mechanical

with CSWIP 3.1 and ASNT level 2,

3 yrs. of experience in QC in oil and

gas industry. Currently working in

Oman, NOC available. M: 91262792.


udanese male , 31 year old ,

have 3 year Diploma in electrical

engineer, 7 years experience in

building construction and electri-

cal production plant.

Contact 94549609

Site supervisor (Aluminium Divi-

sion ) With Driving License, Fluent

in English , Arabic, Well knowl-

edge of Oman Areas Looking for

suitable placement.

Cell# 97950869

31 year Indian male PG in HR

,with 5 yrs Professional experi-

ence in HR in Construction Oil &

Gas Oman seeking for a suitable

placement(NOC Available).

Contact me on 93488914, email-


Indian male, B.E. Mechanical,

16 yrs experience, for Quotation,

Tender, Accounts, Business de-

velopment, Sohar Area, Part Time.

Contact 94215208

Admin, having 10+ years experi-

ence in Admin/HR/Logistics/Time

Keeper, in reputed companies.

Presently working in Muscat. (NOC

Available) Contact- 94369965,

mail - satya1528@gmail.com

Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624


mentation Design Engineer with

2+ years of experience, having a

Bachelors Degree in Instrumenta-

tion Technology. Seeking for a job,

currently on visit visa.

Contact- 90142166 /

Mail: aksafwan@gmail.com

Sales & Marketing/ Business

Development Executive: - B.Tech.

(Electrical & Electronics) MBA in

marketing having 9 years of expe-

rience seeking a suitable position.

Contact (97043494)

Purchase & Stores In charge –

Having continues 13 years experi-

ence in a single firm, looking for a

placement. Contact: - 99627427,


Marketing or Business develop-

ment-BSC in marketing 5 years

of experience looking for suitable

position. Contact (99522233)

Indian male be electrical and pg

in power systems (transmission &

distribution) with one year experi-

ence on visit. Seeking placement

contact – 94669679/

email prsabarish@gmail.com

Indian male 23 years old graduate

with one year experience in Sales

& Marketing with valid Oman

driving license seeking suitable

opportunities.(NOC available)

Contact: +968 98240510 Gmail:


Indian male, 29 years, B. Tech

Electronics & Communication Eng.

with 7 year’s experience seeking

for a suitable placement, currently

in UAE visit visa.

Contact 00971 552513735

Email: rahul.rn198@gmail.com

Sri Lankan male – 3.5 years

experience as a site supervisor

& Administration executive in

Oman / 2 years experience as an

HR executive with Oman driving

license. (English/Arabic/Urdu)/

NOC available 97281617

Sri Lankan male BSc (Physics) –

5 years experience as a site super-

visor & Administration executive

with Oman driving license. (Eng-

lish/Arabic/Urdu)/ NOC available


Marketing Coordinator, Indian,

Advertising Agency experienced

person with D/L seeks good open-

ing. Contact 93031168

Male 25 years, B.E. Mechanical

with CSWIP 3.1 and ASNT level

2, 3 yrs. of experience in QC in oil

and gas industry. Currently work-

ing in Oman, NOC available.

Contact 91262792.


The Business Development

Manager, Iraqi, Experience 15

Years Inside and outside Oman

following activities: tenders& real

estate& construction & marketing

projects& investments& trans-

portation & Marine services&

companies management& develop

business. Contact 92385033

Indian male 23yr BA TTM(Travel

and Tourism Management) with

Advanced Diploma in Supply

Chain Logisitics and Shipping

Management, exp in Logisitics

(CHA) seeking in suitable place-


currently on visit visa(Oman)



Indian Electrical Engineer B.

Tech, female 24 seeking job. pres-

ently in oman having 2 year expe-

rience in design and estimation of

Ht &Lt projects. Contact number


Mail id : sibinanoop1@gmail.com

Sudanese /Diploma in civil

engineering/5 years experience/

good computer’ skills / English &

Arabic/Mobil 96995670

IT Lecturer , Indian male

30yrs,MSc Computer Science(on

visit) 7 years experience in

Teaching is looking for college

or school.Contact:99842554


Msc (IT), 2 yrs of Experience in

Software Development (Oracle

ADF, sql, pl/sql), Oracle OCA &

SQL Expert, Currently on visit

visa. Contact : +968 93755858 /

92141644, Email :


Sudanese / 30 years old / M.Sc.

Logistics Management /English &

Arabic/ logistics - procurement -

inventory planning / 91270881

Indian (Bangalore), internal audi-

tor / senior accountant having

(Gulf) 8 years, (India) 15 years

experience, presently on employ-

ment visa seeking suitable place-

ment in Salalah / Muscat.

Contact 968 94765948,


Indian male, 19 years experience

in purchase, material coordinator

in building/pipe line construction

& factory production field. have

good computer skills & driving

license and NOC, looking for a



Contact: 99008101


ANT, with 8 years experience in

Accounts ( 5 Years in Oman) in a

Trading Company, capable of han-

dling all accounting , Banking, L/C,

import &Finalization with Driving

Licence. Noc Available seek Suit-

able Placement.GSM-98184170.

B.A Economics, Indian male, 12

years experience in teaching, both

academic & Quran, looking for an

opportunity. Contact 9845 6432,

9967 8470

Sudanese female, B.sc on ac-

count.16 years experience. Good

in working out financial report

break down of monthly and annual

budget’s. follow up tax files and so-

cial Insurance costingard feasibil-

ity study. Email: amani.eltayeb@

hotmail.com, mobile:92037605

Indian Female Accountant 5 Years

of Experience in Accounting Tally,

Sales coordination,and Admin,

Currently on Visit Visa seeking

suitable placement.

Contact :95684179

Indian Female 10 years as cook

in Muscat, Oman . South Indian,

Gujarati special food, Looking for

part time. Contact 96710189

INDIAN MALE accountant,

12 years experience in accounting

with tally also, looking for a

suitable placement. #98983122


years, ACCA UK finalist with 4

years experience in accounting &

audit in Pakistan, now in Muscat

on visit visa seeking suitable

placement. Contact 90197029,


Indian female,33 yrs MSc,BEd with

computer knowledge having 3yrs

experience in teaching,looking for

suitable job on visit visa. #97042806


Indian male 23 years old graduate

with one year experience in Sales

& Marketing with valid Oman

driving license seeking suitable

opportunities. (NOC available).

Contact: +968 98240510 , Gmail:


B.Tech, MBA (Marketing), PGDM

(IB) having 9 years of experience

in sales & marketing/ business

development seeking for suitable

position. Valid Driving License


Indian Male 33 yrs, BCA ,10 years

experience(India & Oman) IT

Support, System administrator/su-

pervisor looking for suitable Job.

Contact 95448561

Indian male, 10 years Driving

experience in Dubai. Looking as a

company driver job. #: 96180458 ,

+91 99 61 019366 (India )

Maintenance Engineer, Indian,

male, DME, 36 years of age with

16 years of experience in ma-

chine maintenance and handling

machine breakdowns, currently on

visit visa seeking suitable posi-

tion. Contact: 92180933; email:


32 years, Indian Male MSC,MBA-

HR having 7.5yrs Exp (HR/SAP op-

erations) with Oman valid driving

license, seeking suitable opening

in Human Resource & Admin/

backend jobs. Contact: 99322978

Indian Male,27 years, MCA, 3

years Experience in Web devel-

oper, Technical Supporter, looking

for suitable position. Presently

Working in India. Contact- +91

7403288953, +91 9020679788.


Indian male having 14 years of

experience in HR, Purchase Dept,

having Oman driving license

looking for a suitable position ,

at Salalah. Noc available. Email.

Madhuvtk@ gmail.com

Contact: 91182907

Indian male, 19 years experience

in purchase, material coordinator

in building construction & factory

production field. have good com-

puter skills & driving license and

NOC, looking for a suitable place-

ment. Contact: 99008101

Pakistani male, MBA(Marketing)

+PGD(HR) with 9 yrs experience

in banking & hospital industry

(Consumer Credit Review, Admin

& HR). 3 yrs experience as Asst

Manager, Admin & HR in famous

private hospital in Oman with NOC.

Contact: 95761982 or


DAILY GUIDEM O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 D7


A/C maintenance, installation

spilt A.C and maintenance window

A/C and ducted and package the


Contact: Asad Abbas 98667326

GUARANTEED CLEANING: Carpet & sofa shampooing, Con-

tact 99314807/24792998

Split & window A/c servicing &

maintenance. Contact: 93769089 /


We are providing services like

Auditing, Accounting, Taxation,

Company Formation & Project

Feasibility Study. ASAS AUDIT

& CONSULTANCY. Contact at


Window & split unit A.C ser-

vicing & maintenance. Contact

93769089 / 95323517

Water proofing ABUQABAS-

Contact 99320217/24788722

Marble Restoration, Mosaic tiles

polishing, carpet shampooing,

maintenance. contact ABU QABAS-

99320217 /24788722

Al farzdaq Al Fedi Trad and Cont

Maintenance services electric,

plumbing and A/C. Contact:

96524904 / 94285064

Split window unit A/ C servicing.

Contact 94694472

Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile

polishing, pest control & anti-

termite treatment, general clean-

ing painting,Plumbing, Electrical,

shifting. Contact Mundhir Al-Rizaiqi

trading. L.L.C. Contact: 24810137,


Window & split unit A.C servicing &

repairing. Contact: 99557080

Split & window unit A.C

servicing & maintenance.

Contact: 96236476

House shifting & transporting.

Contact 92490422

MARBLE CRYSTALLIZATION restore the original shine of

your marble. Contact 24793614/


A/C Maintenance & servicing,

fridge, washing machine & dish

washer repairing, painting &

cleaning services, electrical &

plumbing. Contact: 99447257

/97014234 / 24504281



WEB, ERP and Business Intel-

ligence (BI) creation and manage-

ment at rock bottom price.

Contact: http//webviewoman



Academic / General

Target Band 8

TQT Institute.

Ph # 24480800 / 99347202

Karate and self defense classes

at Azaiba 18 Nov Street. RO 10 per

month twice a week Monday and

Tuesday 6. 30 TO 7. 30. PM

CONTACT 98294551

Spoken Arabic class for Non

Arabic Speakers & English

class for Malayalam Speakers

in Azaiba and Ruwi earn in two months

tion guaranteed

Tel: 95244310


Indian male having 7 Years of Expe-

rience in Oman Having Valid Driving

License working as a Office Driver

,Looking for a suitable Position, NOC

Available. Contact: 99680429,


Female, Indian, 35 years, Bachelor

of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) fresh gradu-

ate with BSc looking for positions in

Front Office, administration office,

or any suitable positions in hospital,

polyclinic, companies or Institu-

tions. Contact 90236481.

Indian Male 47 years MBA-Opera-

tions Management with total 25 Yrs

exp inclusive of 9 yrs in Oil & Gas

sector in Oman, having valid Omani

D/L & NOC, seek challenging posi-

tion in SCM/Logistics/Procurement.

GSM-94236414. Mail id –


Well experienced management

finance specialist having 18 years

experience available for placement.


Indian Male,27,ACCA Part

Qualified,B.COM with 7+ yrs exp in

receivables and credit control in

Oman looking for suitable place-

ments. NOC available.

Contact 9657 4343.

Indian Female, Science Graduate,

3 years Experience in Teaching back

home. Looking for a suitable job op-

portunity as a teacher, in Schools in

Muscat Region. Contact : 96431456

/ 95704814

Looking for a suitable job as Jr.

Accountant/ Jr. Administration in

a reputed company. NOC Available.

GSM # 93004738.

SERVICESWe Provide Cleaners,

General cleaning etc.

Contact : 94277020


Classes for Spoken EnglishTOEFL / GRE / GMAT / SAT

Excellent Guidance and Coaching Satisfaction Guaranteed


EAGLES INSTITUTE92325542 | 93657915 | 93657917 | Email: engominst@gmail.com


Plot for Sale; 30 cents of hous-

ing plot with boundary wall and

Well with Electricity connection

and motor. Roads at three side

in Puthanchirra – Mala bye pass.

Interested parties – contact - + 968

99416088 or 919740956198

Villa for Sale in Chennai OMR - Nav-

alur . 5 BHK, Gated Community with

24 hrs security, swimming pool, Car

park for sale in Chennai. Ready to

occupy. Interested buyers (NRI) may

Contact - 99103433

12 CENTS residential commercial

land opposite to Ernakulum north

railway station for sale.

Contact: 9496336972

Flat for sale 3 BHK flat near Pattom,

Trivandrum, 2 KM to parliament

house, medical college. Contact:

00968- 98108979

Spacious 2BHK flat for sale in

Hebbal Bangalore.

Contact: 96263157

Alliance invited from professional

boys for nair girl B.Tech Bharani

30 years, 161cm Ernakulum.

Contact: 99269673 /99269673

Seeking alliance for our son

from Muslim families. Interested

families Contact: 99889590

Sunny Muslim separated 32 years

aged girl (bachelor degree) Bombay

based seeking alliance.

Contact: 99715621

Email: morningarooj@gmail.com



Accommodation available for 50

to 100 labours, Misfah Industrial

area. Contact – 99617464

1 Bedroom with attached Bath, fully

furnished, separate entrance

at Mabela for ladies only.

Contact : 99634841

Single room bathroom in Darsait

R.O 140/-. Contact: 93289652

Furnished office space & room

available in Walja. Contact:


Bachelor accommodation Ruwi

Tower R.O 75/-.Contact: 95084850

Furnished rooms attached bath for

Indian bachelor Al Falaj area & for

lady in Wadi Kabir near Mars Hy-

permarket - 96202458/96761960

Single room for expat Indian bach-

elors near Al Aktham restaurant

Al khuwair for RO 120. Water and

electricity included.

Contact: 98803261

Room for rent available in a flat for

Executive bachelor at Azaiba be-

hind Al Meera Hypermarket Azaiba

with attached bath with Cot & A/C,

rent RO 175/- per month includ-

ing Water & Electricity. Contact

96404166 / 97433992

Big room available near Hamriya

R/A for Muslim couple / small family

/ Executive bachelor rent 150/- per

month including W+ E.

Contact 99495131


Transportation. Contact


Transportation. Contact:


Transportation.. Contact:


Transportation available Ruwi to

Al Khuwair, Ghubra & Azaiba.

Contact: 91103909

Single room for rent at Mumtaz

area. Contact: 96916398 / 95212017

Room for lady in Ghobrah

95480601 / 97361213

Syrian architect have years and half

experience in oman looking for work,

full time perfect in architectural pro-

grams 3d max , auto cad , Photoshop

, and sketch up. for

Contact : 0096897482871

D8 M O N D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 5

DAILY GUIDE Email: dailyguide@timesofoman.com classifieds@timesofoman.comTel.: 24726666 Ext: 413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461Fax: 24812624



Housemaid, cooks waiter , helper

driver ( light & heavy ) mason

carpenter steel fitter, skilled &

unskilled categories , immigra-

tion service from India & Philip-

pine. Contact: Al Aidi Manpower

24484232/99531802 Email:


Ayurvedic treatment for joint

pain, backache, paralysis, massage

steambath, obesity, Spondylitis,

Ideal Care Ayurvedic Clinic, 18 No-

vember Street Azaiba.

Contact: 99639695 / 98342990

Ayurvedic treatment for backache,

paralysis, arthritis etc & massage,

All Season (Vaidyaratnam).

Contact 24475280 / 95371664 /

92504980 www.siddhayur.com

FREE INFORMATION ABOUT ISLAM. If you would like to know

more about Islam, please call:

99425598, 99250777, 99353988,

99253818, 99341395, and

99379133. For ladies: 99415818,

99321360, 99730723


Balloons for all occasions birthday,

celebration, grand opening, wedding,

party, national day all type of bal-

loons, designs work please Contact:

95194801 /96594592




Dolphin Watch, Dhow Cruise with

Buffet, & Land Tours Al- Ainain Marine

Tours contact 98029602, 92808636





Best Rates for Saloon. Tel: 99826300 / 97869042,




Ware house space for rent at Ghala

and Barka up to 20000/- Sqm.

Contact: 99509460 / 93731363

Learn driving with professional.

Contact: 94022250



Expert in Shipping cargo by sea & air to Zanzibar, Pemba, Dar es Salam in

Reasonable price.Contact: 97440625/95416662

Email: abdulhakimalbimani@hotmail.com

Toyota Yaris 1.3 automatic, 2007

model, blue colour, 71000 kms,

manual window with automatic

door. Registration up to Feb. 2016.

Price RO 2000.

Contact- 92140757.

Toyota Yaris, 1.3 automatic, hatch-

back, 2009 model, white colour,

27000kms, manual window with

automatic door, Registration up to

Sept. 2016, Price RO 3000.

Contact - 92140757.

MD Sahidul Islam has lost Bang-

ladeshi Passport No. AE 2122117.

Finder please handover to ROP